I’m David Cole (aka Stein), the “Jewish Holocaust Revisionist Former GOP Organizer.” ASK ME ANYTHING!

25  2014-12-12 by THATDavidCole

I’ve been called “powerful and dangerous” (by the Jerusalem Post), “the Antichrist” (by Phil Donahue), “Asscole” (by a member of Friends of Abe), “Asshat” (by Pamela Geller), “fucking Nazi” (by the head of the West L.A. GOP), “Nazi scum” (by the Jewish Defense League), “a nerd” (By Professor Debbie Lipstadt), and “clownish” (by Sir Robert Faurisson the Great). Only the latter two insults are accurate, although I do wear hats. Just not “ass-hats.” Here is my Twitter page for proof that I’m not the ghost of Irv Rubin or an Illuminati imposter: https://twitter.com/DavidSteinRPA . And here’s my book: http://www.amazon.com/Republican-Party-Animal-Hollywoods-Underground/dp/1936239914


Do you believe that 9/11 was an inside job?

I don't like the term "Inside job".. It is loaded and can be interpreted differently (could be used to direct all or most blame to insiders in the US, making it easier to not talk about other people and groups countries like mossad ISI or even international cohorts.

Edit: I still think it is a good question amd would like to know his opinion.

"Do you believe the official story was bullshit?"

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9/11 was a bunch of murderous Muslims. In the view of way too many conspiracy theorists, Muslims never kill anyone, and it's all Jews framing 'em. You believe that? Cool. Go to Iran or Yemen or Saudi Arabia and draw Mohammed in a public square. My condolences to your kin.

Welp, I've read all that I need to read. This discussion is over.

I really thought we had a live one here, not another disinfo Zioshill.

Holy shit...I feel the same way.

What the fuck? I really thought David Cole for a moment might have actually been someone that could be listened to....Then this shit? Wow. Like...right out of the blocks the dude shows himself to be just as much a part of the problem.


Came here hoping to find some cool/interesting David Cole information...left here very disappointed.

Well, I guess finding out that the dude is actually this much of a shill is very informative in itself, so...

EDIT: Having read through pretty much all his responses, I will amend my previous vitriol a touch and say that Cole mentions that he is a Zionist, but feels that EVERYONE should have their own land. That tempers me only a little bit, however, because this doesn't do away with the fact that Zionist Jews in Israel are being amongst the worst types of racists around, and it needs to stop in no uncertain terms.

Jews stole the Palestinian land in a murderous rampage. They don't deserve that land.

I know this is /r/conspiracy and all, but I have a couple of close friends who I really respect who call themselves "Zionists."

They're not remotely racist either.

I think it's such a loaded term that some folks shut down after hearing it.

In his book, he only briefly mentions the Zionism thing, and in one sentence says he doesn't have time for 9/11 conspiracies.

The guy chooses his battles. He was a conspiracy theorist, almost was killed, and decided to never look back.

He was partying in the 2000's with the Hollywood elite, not researching 9/11 conspiracies.

He's made his mark and now he's just living his life.

I wasn't disappointed by this AMA. For those that were, they need to really think about Cole's answers here and understand where he's coming from.

I know this is /r/conspiracy and all, but I have a couple of close friends who I really respect who call themselves "Zionists."

Okay. "Zionist" in itself means that it's a person who supports the existence of the state of Israel.

That in and of itself is not necessarily a bad thing. However, it needs to be found out if any supporter of the existence of the state of Israel ALSO happens to support the genocidal acts that they have been responsible for perpetrating upon the Palestinian population. One thing is not necessarily equal to and the same as the other.

If it's a Zionist that happens to absolutely hate and abhor what Nettanyahu (or however tf you spell that motherfucker's name) is doing there and feels that it SHOULDN'T be happening, then I wouldn't say that that's a horrible thing.

However, you also have to wonder about what these types of Zionists think about exactly HOW Israel got formed in the first place. What do they feel about the fact that Israel is illegal? and got formed through The Balfour Declaration, which was essentially a treaty that got England to basically steal the land from the Palestinians in the first place?

What do Zionists feel about that? If it's a Zionist that says "Look. I feel that Jews SHOULD have their own land, but I think that it shouldn't be Israel because we got that land ILLEGALLY and on top of that, a lot of Jews there are fucking killing and torturing and being racists to the Palestinians, and I VERY much don't agree with that!" then hell...that's a Zionist that I could actually agree with and get behind.

However - and this is a big ass "however" - how many Zionists have EVER actually felt this way or expressed any sentiments even similar to this?

None, you say? Yeah. I say that too.

All names and labels and categories aside, I think that anyone who agrees with and supports racism and violence and death and apartheid is...my enemy. Flat out. Simple as that.

They're not remotely racist either.

I knew this Jewish family many years ago, and they really were SUUUUPER nice. I liked them very much. One of the girls - who was the first person I met in the family and who I have INCREDIBLY good and positive memories of - took various trips to Israel and, presumably, supports her people and Israel itself quite a bit. I haven't talked to them in MAAAANY years, and all of this was before I actually knew anything whatsoever about Zionist racism and apartheid, but all I remember of them is that they were really suuuuper nice.

I wouldn't be surprised if either the entire family (who was pretty well off, btw) - or at least the children in particular - didn't know much about Zionist apartheid either...but I also wonder if their point of view/perspective - especially on the issue of Israel and its existence - turned a blind eye to what is happening to the Palestinians.

That WOULDN'T be good...and my point here is that, even a family as beautiful and wonderful and kind as that family seemed, if they were that kind, but they ALSO happened to support and agree with what Israel is doing to the Palestinians or conveniently turn a blind eye to it?

Then fuck them. That shit is unforgivable as far as I'm concerned, and even these people who I still think about as beautiful and nice...are my enemy as well. That shit is just not. Right.

I think it's such a loaded term that some folks shut down after hearing it.

It definitely is a loaded term, but I think it's loaded because - very similar to what I just explained above - although I'm sure there are some nice/good people who are Jews who also support the existence of Israel, I KNOW there are many Jews and Zionists who support all the horror that's being inflicted upon the Palestinians...and so long as anyone does THAT and supports that, then I think they are part of the problem - whether they are a "nice" Zionist or not. If they support Israel and what Israel is doing then they are in the wrong in my book.

In his book, he only briefly mentions the Zionism thing, and in one sentence says he doesn't have time for 9/11 conspiracies.

But...you don't find that...pretty fucked up, ax? I mean come on. You're smart. I know you have to know that Cole himself has to know just how implicated Israel is in 911...and to conveniently ignore just how completely damning it is for Zionism and Israel to have been as involved in 911 as he most definitely seems to be doing is...is cowardly on Coles part.

I know you see that.

The guy chooses his battles. He was a conspiracy theorist, almost was killed, and decided to never look back.

Fair enough, but it's just...odd to dedicate so much of your life to ONE aspect of heinous Zionist chicanery (holocaust lies), yet completely, actively ignore another area of it that is possibly even MORE damning still (direct Zionist involvement responsible for the 3K American murders on 9/11/01 and the millions of American and mid-east citizen deaths that have happened in the wars of aggression that have happened as a result since then).

He was partying in the 2000's with the Hollywood elite, not researching 9/11 conspiracies.

Okay. However, that was then. That was a long time ago. He's had quite a bit of time to come face to face with some of the shit that's going on and that Zionism seems very much responsible for. I know he's aware of it.

And...for that matter, if he wasn't researching 9/11 conspiracies in that time, I'd say it was because he was conveniently ignoring their factual existence - which you have to think that he definitely knew about, since he definitely is as aware as he is about the lies that Zionism tells regarding the holocaust. He HAS to know and put two and two together. He HAS to be very aware of just how likely it is that the level of deceit responsible for the holocaust lies means that the Israeli involvement in 911 is very likely, as a result, absolutely true as well.

You can't just ignore that.

And the fact that he does is...not very good, and pretty damning, it seems to me.

He's made his mark and now he's just living his life.

Fair enough. I'm not trying to fault him for not undertaking some sort of one man mission to bring down Zionism, etc. Of course not. I'm just faulting him for being AS MUCH of an abject denier of what seems to be the truth of 911 chicanery as he seemed to be in the statement he gave above.

He spent years of his life bravely fighting being labeled a holocaust "denier/revisionist", and for that I definitely commend him, but then he turns around and, in effect, becomes the very same type of denier where it regards what happened on 911 and who was really responsible for it. WTF?

That's some pretty fucked up mental gymnastics on his part, if you ask me.

I wasn't disappointed by this AMA.

It wasn't a horrible one.

For those that were, they need to really think about Cole's answers here and understand where he's coming from.

Again, it wasn't a horrible AMA. I'm not expecting the dude to come out with "all the truth!" or whatever. I'm just being very critical of HOW BADLY he just told a straight up, bold face lie about an issue that I know he HAAAAS to know about. That's all.

Peace to you,

I wrote a comment which is so rubbish in comparison to your points - Totally agree with you!

I didn't read what you responded with, but if you meant it and it came from your heart, I wouldn't say it was rubbish in the least.


Not remotely racist.

Except they probably are ok with the bombing and murder of thousands of Palestinian women and children.

They were human shields for terrorists, after all.

Bam. This. Kind of difficult not to come to this conclusion based on Cole's above response.

i read all his comments and there wasn't anything interesting he wrote i mean he concluded that jews were killed and thats fine - its obvious though and said it wasn't 6 million jews killed it was 3 million. like that is really different its still a lot of of people being killed wether they were gassed or not its not a big deal tbh they were still killed. over the years of researc he slowly increased the figure from 150k to 1.1million to 2 million to 3 million and soon according to him it will be 6 million just as the mainstream historians wrote but they weren't gassed- so what - it just seems like a little disinformation, I don't know, further reading is needed I guess. Not much of a conspiracy here.

Don't get me started on his views on 9/11, muslims and god knows what else

Yeah I have some good friends who believe in the religious aspects of Zionism. But them I show them this, and we both find out that Zionism isn't moral or religious. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Myt9pFCzr7U

So because he doesn't believe the Jews were behind every single tragedy in the world he's an idiot in this sub's eyes?

Congratulations on becoming the thing you all hate.



Not everyone can be on top of every single topic. David specializes in Holocaust revisionism so just because his opinion differs from yours doesn't mean he's a shill, especially not a "Zioshill" since his revisionist work really doesn't make the official story for the creation of Israel look good.

"Im a Zionist." -David Cole

Read up, it's in this very thread.

Yeah I just saw that and asked him about it. My mind is blown.

Read the book. He's very open about his political allegiance.

No way in hell am I giving a self admitted Zionist any of my money, let alone reading his book. I used to defend David against people saying he was a shill and now I find out that he is a Zionist AND he believes the official story of 9/11. Dude is just out to make money for himself, so pissed off at myself for defending this guy............ Here's a question for David: Why don't you go out and get a normal job like the rest of us? Do you think you can skate off your celebrity status for the rest of your life without having to work for a living? Maybe you'll just get back into politics and buddy up with whomever agrees to pay you.

Dude is just out to make money for himself

You just described 99.999999999999999999999999910245600019999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999993% of the human race.

No, not everyone is a sellout. David's Holocaust revisionism was and is a huge eye opener for me but it is incredible that he is openly Zionist, and openly pro-Republican despite exposing the lies Zionists use as an excuse for the creation state of Israel (mainly the lie that 6 million Jews were killed, and that they were "gassed to death" in Auschwitz).

No, not everyone is a sellout

That's why I didn't say 100%

Now I want you to take a long, hard look at yourself. Carefully examine everything you believe in and tell me there are no GLARING contradictions. (We've all got em.)

OK, I understand your point and I am certainly far from perfect...but I also enjoy truth and would never sell out in order to monetarily gain by supporting Israel, Zionism, the Republican party (or Democratic party), or the official story of 9/11 (or any of the other numerous false flags). I'm no saint, but I won't beg you for donation money or try to sell you a book full of my bullshit. I will ask you "would you like your grass mowed" or "do you have any handyman projects around your house you'd like to pay me to do?" because that's the type of monetary gain stuff that I personally do.

Well you've never had a bounty put on your head.

You've never had to change your identity and live in hiding.

You've never written a book that needed to be sold.

If manual labor is your thing, fine. Just don't pretend that somehow makes you more "honest" or "virtuous" or whatever.

Uhh, being open and honest about how I make my living is more honest than believing contradictory things in order to maintain a pseudo-celebrity status. Also, if I had to, I would flip burgers at McDonalds or bag groceries at Walmart, I'm sure David Cole thinks he's too good for those things so he sells out by kissing ass to the Republican party, Zionism, and the official government stories of basically everything except some things about the Holocaust during WW2...and expects us to buy his book and keep supporting him. Nope nope nope, I have way more integrity than to support someone like him and yes, I am a better person than him. You are of course entitled to think whatever you want about me or him.

I would flip burgers at McDonalds or bag groceries at Walmart

You would work for those evil Jew run agencies of the new world order?! Those places are set up to make white people fat and lazy and stupid so they can be easily conquered. HEY EVERYBODY THIS GUY IS A ZIONIST SHILL! DOWNVOTE THIS MAN!

See, even though I no longer like David Cole doesn't mean I want everyone to down vote him or have his viewpoints be silenced. He can do whatever he wants to do, I can do whatever I want to do, and you can do whatever you want to do...and we can all get in endless pissing matches about who is right and wrong. Peace.

Yeah, that's exactly what I'm saying. Everyone can do what they want to do and you have no right to think you're better because you're not smart enough or interesting enough to write books for a living, or you think writing books is somehow dishonest, or is it just selling the books is dishonest? Whatever.

Oh sorry can I just ask one last question. I always like to ask this to the anti-Zionists (I don't have a dog in the fight, personally.) Assuming you're an American, do you have any plans to give up your home to a Native American tribe? If not, why do you feel you can judge Israelis for their colonialism/ ethnic cleansing?

Edit: As an aside, don't you love that term "ethnic cleansing" it's such a nicer way of saying genocide. Like oh, I feel so fresh and so clean.

Israelis wouldn't have to give up their home nor would Indians have to take way my home, we could simply live amongst each other in peace. The only reason "we" are fighting amongst each other in those two examples is because of things the governments do/did. No government=freedom. Jews were living in Palestine just fine before the creation of Israel....some Jews saw they could get "free" land if they supported a government that would steal it from Palestine.

That's a cop out. You're talking hypothetical ideal Utopian K-PAX with Kevin Spacey. I'm talking real life. Here in the real world, where you reap benefits from a corrupt government what give you the right to criticize others for doing the same? How do you expect anyone to live in peace when you point your finger and judge them for doing the same things you do, only when they do it it's bad because they're slightly different from you and when you do it it's good but when the other does it it's bad. See this is the real problem. It's not Governments. Governments are just people. People are the problem. Human nature.

Yet you still invited him to do an AMA. Why was an unrepentant zionist brought here? it seems that it was mainly to put a welcoming face on disinfo and advertise his merchandise. "Buy my book, dvd coming soon!".

With the myriad of brilliant, moral people out there, this is what we get? What's going on?

What's going on?

Free speech, open debate, you throwing a hissy fit because things aren't exactly the way you want them to be, etc, etc.

No agenda in place then? I wish I could be as naive as you, it would cut down my anxiety enormously.

Everyone has an agenda. I wish you we're less naive so you'd realize that that anxiety is part of one of the biggest agendas going.

Mr Cole is clearly not an architect or engineer. No need to disparage because of his specialty

Who do you think tried to frame the anthrax letter attacks on radical extremist Muslims?

Thanks for always sharing interesting links/insights to further info!

and it's all Jews framing 'em.

That's a cop out, he never stated that. Thank you for coming on here and answering these questions, but the 9/11 "official story" is simply physically impossible, so I'll respectfully disagree with you.

I love your username.

Thanks my man, yours ain't half bad either. I just have a deep fascination of MK-Ultra, mainly because of the minimal information we have access to.

Yeah, right? It always blows my mind how people (fake skeptic retard people) try to downplay it as if the few documents we have, which only survived due to a filing error, are all there was to it. I mean, what we know is damning enough. Imagine the stuff they made sure to destroy.

9/11 was a bunch of murderous Muslims.

I'm speechless. Let me respond by using your own words from a previous answer...

Hunt Cole is not a historian. He retreads old claims and work from decades ago, but he has no ability to interpret or understand documents. He's a troubled kid, a self-admitted mentally ill delusional.

Yeah I don't know what the hell is going on in this AMA. I think David thought he could get more buyers for his book but so far he turned me, a hardcore fan of his, into a huge skeptic of him in just two of his posts. (The one about his stance on 9/11, and the one where he openly admits to being a Zionist).

I first found out about you through a youtube video of you on Phil Donahue. I had turned it on to get a cheap laugh at some dumb neo-nazi holocaust denier. I came away with a whole new take on history. It really bums me out to see you being so dismissive of others who seek the truth. 9/11 was an obvious false flag attack. Much more obvious than your holocaust revisionism. I mean, fucking PNAC for Gods sake! They came right out and announced to the whole world exactly what they were gonna do!


Please do some more research on the subject.


If you have the time and the inclination this 5 hour documentary is a good jumping off point. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8DOnAn_PX6M

If not, this 5 minute video is also a very good jumping off point. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yuC_4mGTs98

Also this debate between David Ray Griffin and Matt Taibbi http://www.alternet.org/story/100688/the_ultimate_9_11_%27truth%27_showdown%3A_david_ray_griffin_vs._matt_taibbi

If you want a fellow Republican's opinion, Paul Craig Roberts has plenty of great articles on the subject avalable on his website. http://www.paulcraigroberts.org/2014/09/10/911-13-years-paul-craig-roberts/

Of course we can't leave out the PNAC document itself, Rebuilding America's Defenses, with it's plans for American military dominance of Earth and Space, biological weapons to target specific genotypes, and it's statement of the necessity of a "NEW PEARL HARBOR" to galvanize Americans for a rapid, radical transformation of their nation into "tomorrow's dominant force."


9/11 was a bunch of murderous Muslims. In the view of way too many conspiracy theorists, Muslims never kill anyone, and it's all Jews framing 'em. You believe that?

No, I don't believe that. However, it is pretty insulting for you to be painting with such a broad brush. For someone who has faced down religious extremism, I would hope that you had realized that individuals make their own decisions; not groups.

Cool. Go to Iran or Yemen or Saudi Arabia and draw Mohammed in a public square. My condolences to your kin.

So what you are proposing is that you go and do something that is offensive to people and expect them not to react? I have, in fact, actually been to Pakistan and, I have to tell you, they were the nicest people I have met.

"Muslims" are not the enemy in the same way that "Jews" are not the enemy.

what elements confirm in your opinion that Muslims were involved at all?

His argument seems to hinge on "you people don't think Muslims could ever kill anyone".

What a genius, right? Let's buy his book.

Wow man. Really disappointing answer.

Condescending? check

Reinforces the official narrative? check

Assumes that the question asker is a jew-blaming nazi? check

Scary evil Muslims? check

I don't even want to read the rest of this AMA

How would we draw Mohammed if nobody knows what he looked like? Also, I'm shocked you're a Zionist. The Jews made up the entire Holocaust story as an excuse to create Israel.

You should probably read this: https://archive.org/details/MastersOfDeception

I didn't expect better from someone associated with the GOP.

Wow. What a surprising response...With statements like those I do not think I will be buying your book...

Yes because a bunch of ragheads can sneak in behind some of the most secured airports in the world and kidnap 4 airplanes with noone knowing anything until they hit two towers in one of the busiest cities in the world .


Fuck you kike. I wish the holocaust was real.

Look at this internet tough guy calling another person a circle.

Who do you think owns the private Federal Reserve Banking system and controls our nations' currency?

International banking cartels are faceless.

You want me to say "the Jews?" Nope, it's the fucking Bulgarians. It's NEVER who you actually think.

Jews own the Federal Reserve. Always have. Though most Jews are just stupid pawns like the "Gentiles".


Very relevant

thx for this

Pretty intense, crazy, mind-opening information in there.


The owners are not Jewish in a religious sense

No, Miss Cohen, but they are still looking out for their people in an ethnic sense, which is natural. It's only bad when their interests conflict with ours, which unfortunately happens often.

Personally I believe that the Global Bankers see and treat us all as cattle, I don't believe they make any exceptions. The Jewish people are useful to the Bankers as they sometimes have different loyalties.

You mean like goyim?

The Elite see us all as serfs, regardless of race or religion

Just curious. Is someone like Bill Gates part of The Elite or just a peon to them?

A willing and "useful" participant but not the top of the food chain, in my opinion.

I'm not really talking religion.

LOL you cant be serious, David.

What do you know about the Rothschilds and their dynasty.

this was potentially a serious question, it's quite unclear to most (including me) who really owns it. My understanding is that banks have shares in it, but who has what percentage? You probably don't know either though.


Do you imply that it changes?

Hello and thanks for being with us,

You were targeted by the far right Jewish terrorist organization, the JDL, for assassination from what I understand. Could you expand a bit on what happened there and the steps you have taken to protect yourself from such extremists?

When the JDL leadership died in prison (2002 - through - 2005), the threat pretty much dissipated. I could have reemerged then, but I was too happy with my life as "Stein." Honestly, these days, the hate emails and calls I get are all from former GOP colleagues. To my knowledge, the JDL is a dead entity.

Maybe so, but the JIDF is alive and well.

What's your current take on the ADL? How broad, and deep, is their reach with regards to US politics?

Also, if you've been targeted by them who is spearheading the effort?


Edit: JDL->ADL.

He doesn't like the ADL. Check his blog.

To my knowledge, the JDL is a dead entity.

^ I think that should answer your question about David's present concerns about the JDL.

You got me! Changed to ADL. I'm just too damned excited.

What are your credentials? Why should we believe you?

Look, I try to provide evidence for everything I claim. I never ask anyone to take my word for anything. The fact that my foe from the '90s, Dr. Michael Shermer, was recorded saying I'm probably right, and admitting that he lied about my work, ought to mean something to you, right? I mean, HE has credentials galore, right? Me? I just try to present evidence and let folks make up their own mind.

Sorry! I meant, do you have a PhD in History, etc?

For example, James Corbett did an AMA last month I think it was. His credentials are in research and education.

Thank you

Regarding credentials, I am not a Ph.D. Rather, I had the good fortune to be on the scene during the second Zundel Trial, the death of IHR co-founder David McCalden (whose books and files I inherited), the pre-Schindler's List phase of the Auschwitz State Museum (when the staff was more honest and less interested in tourism), and the Pressac Report (I was able to meet with Pressac in France and review his papers). I was the right guy at the right time. I found my "peer review" by doing talk shows. I write at length in my book about how I manipulated my Donahue Show appearance in order to get my work reviewed by the top names in the field. Short answer, my experience has been practical, not academic.

That's valid in my book. Thank you for taking the time to describe it in more detail.

All a PhD means is that you have the propensity to stay up late and still get to work on time. No one magically comes out of college unable to stub their toes, they do however find themselves in a mysteriously large amount of debt.

No, a PhD demonstrates that someone is willing to make a significant commitment. 18 years of grammar school, 4 years of undergraduate school, 4 years of masters and another 4 years of PhD...30 years of education. If someone gets through all of that with a degree, it demonstrates their commitment and dedication to learning a subject matter, their seriousness. Sure anybody can get OJT, but it's not the same thing

You're kind of a bad ass dude.

I'm sorry - Please take your tongue out of his ass - from where in his comment could you think he is a bad ass dude?

I respect his work to some degree but IMO you are going too far

Look, I try to provide evidence for everything I claim. I never ask anyone to take my word for anything. The fact that my foe from the '90s, Dr. Michael Shermer, was recorded saying I'm probably right, and admitting that he lied about my work, ought to mean something to you, right?

IMHO, this is pretty bad ass.

Sorry that this disturbs you but please don't involve me in homoerotic fantasies.

lol I'll give you that one, that made me chuckle!

Cole uses arguments from evidence, not arguments from authority.

Mr. Cole/Stein: What are your thoughts on claims that Auschwitz was not as bad as portrayed by modern historians (swimming pools, lack of gas chambers, clean facilities)?

It was a civilian internment camp, a forced labor camp. An affront to humanity, yes, but not an extermination camp. Many deaths did happen there, especially during the typhus outbreak of 1942. No child should be sent to a labor camp, ever. Having said that, the story that the kremas built in '43 were gas chambers is a myth and fairly easily debunked.

Moreover, it's not practical to exterminate people with louse disinfestant (hydrogen cyanide) as alleged (dumped through holes in the ceiling and swept out the door), a more practical method would have been to use the same apparatus used in delousing chambers to dissipate the gas.

Are you claiming that there wasn't gas used? Because we literally found large amounts of cyanide in these areas.

we literally found large amounts of cyanide in these areas.

Nonsense. Rudolf confirmed Leuchter, and so did the Krakow Institute in its first test:


Edit: Some background for those actually interested:


The second Krakow test intentionally decided not to test for iron-cyanide compounds, despite iron being in brickwork, and the alleged "gas chamber" structures being made essentially of brick. If you don't look for the long-lasting, stable iron-cyanide compounds, then the measurements are obviously lower, and the delousing chamber will have the same trace levels of cyanide residue as the "gas chamber". Exterminationists use this to say there therefore must've been "gassings" in both structures... but, as I say, to get the results necessary to make this argument, you have to decide not to test for iron-cyanide compounds.

Another argument is that because humans are more sensitive to cyanide gas than lice, and because in these conditions its very difficult (in reality, not) to form Prussian Blue (iron-cyanide), that the gas chambers somehow didn't get enough exposure to hydro-cyanide gas for any to form there, and that this explains the results of Rudolf, Leuchter, and the first Krakow test: "see? Gassings took place here, but so little gas was used that it didn't stain the walls with Prussian Blue, like it did in the delousing rooms."

Rudolf responds to Green's attacks in the link above, and here:


Germar Rudolf, was a chemist at the prestigious Max Planck Insitute when his research was released. His Ph.D thesis, which was approved by 170 academics, was about ferro-cyanide compounds in brickwork and masonry. He was imprisoned in Germany for doing the tests on the gas chamber walls and writing about it.

Nonsense. Rudolf confirmed Leuchter, and so did the Krakow Institute in its first test:

I've already pointed out the issues with the claimed "first Krakow report" (the issue being it's not actually real). Also, Rudolf makes the same error as Leuchter, only he should have known better, while Leuchter has the excuse of having no clue what he's doing.

Nobody disputes the first Krakow report, which has been out there for over 20 years. The rest of your comment is worthless, essentially: "Rudolf is stupid, but Leuchter is stupider."

but Leuchter is stupider.

Typical reply to someone like Leuchter who has IRREFUTABLE EVIDENCE that the "gas chambers" were MORE PHONY THAN A $3 BILL! Sorry!

It's that neither report is actually good, since both rely on the exact same flaw. To be fair, Rudolf at least tried to fix up the other issues aside from the glaring issue of only looking for Prussian Blue, which Leuchter has absolutely no clue what he was doing.

Well, yes, I too could parrot the official criticisms of the Rudolf report, without substantiating them in any way.

I've pointed out the issue, you just ignored it each time. That's no-ones fault but your own. Also, I find it ironic that you're accusing me of parroting, despite the fact that you parrot the IHR at literally every step.

If you think the IHR is in any way at the center of revisionist scholarship then you're more clueless than I'd initially thought. The best research is done by the Europeans.

If you think the IHR is in any way at the center of revisionist scholarship then you're more clueless than I'd initially thought.

You'd have to be even more clueless to claim they are not a major player in holocaust denial circles.

The best research is done by the Europeans.

Such as?

<Yawn> Anybody paying attention can/has observe that the IHR has been asleep for a long time. That's why people are down on Weber.

Aw missed you PersonMcName. I see you've taken a break from your "activities" but came back just for this AMA. Pleasure to see you :D

So PersonMcName is a, er, "specialist" Holohoax defender who shows up for threads like this? I was kind-of getting that feeling here:


He argues that it would've been too difficult for Prussian Blue to form in the "gas chambers" because they "weren't exposed to enough gas". But there are documented cases where Prussian Blue has formed after a single fumigation.

See: https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/2p13qt/im_david_cole_aka_stein_the_jewish_holocaust/cmu0tke

All he's doing is attempting to regurgitate the arguments of Green and Mathis. There's a great thread at CODOH where Mathis ('aemathisphd') turns up, makes a couple of okay points, but then quickly humiliates himself [and accidentally points out that Green confuses water and sulphuric acid!], before fleeing:


The post-Pressac pseudoscientific buffoonery is just a desperate rear-guard action by the defenders of the Hoax. The problem is this: due to the arguments for why there's no Prussian Blue in the gas chambers being of a more technical nature, they're slightly more difficult to expose than the more obvious historiographical, logistical and structural problems (etc), and so people like PersonMcName can attempt to trick others into thinking they have a credible scientific refutation, as in that first link, and that all of the tests (except the second Krakow test) must've been wrong. It's a strategy which likely prevents many non-technically-minded believers from losing their faith: "oh, see, SCIENCE WORDS confirm that revisionists are wrong!"

Edit: If you look at my conversations with him, you'll see how he simply ignores my requests that he substantiate his position by quantitatively defining the variables, and thus the minimum exposure level, for Prussian Blue to form in brickwork. It's all just "well, there wasn't enough cyanide gas used, um, because."

Elsewhere I've explained how Pressac (an Exterminationist) estimates 5-7kg of Z-B per gassing because (1) Z-B out-gasses slowly, over 2hrs, much longer in cold weather, and (2) the witnesses all say the victims died within a few minutes, i.e. very early in the Z-B out-gassing cycle. So, it turns out that the first technical study of the gassings by an Exterminationist -- almost 50 years after the events -- shows that a lot of Z-B would've been necessary, not merely the amount to achieve the LD100 for humans after the complete gassing cycle.

This, of course, raises the problem that when the SK enter the gas chamber, the Z-B is still releasing its gas, and would continue to do so for at least another 1.5hrs. To get around this, Pressac simply invents a mechanism by which the Z-B is removed from the chamber after everyone is dead, despite no evidence of such a mechanism, and no witness or historian mentioning one before him.

I've been pretty caught studying for exams. Fluid mechanics is a pain.

you can't be serious! Who actually believes your bullshit! The Nazis mechanized murder and you think it all happened from typhus!

You, sir, are a gullible idiot.

Advice: if a guy asks you to put your penis in a hole in a bathroom wall--DON'T DO IT!!

And onto other things...the Holocau$t was the biggest hoax perpetrated on the WORLD to date.


I don't have an informed opinion on this particular subject, but just curious before asking for why youd say this... What do you think about the official stories of Pearl Harbor, Vietnam, 9/11? Or any other major world event since that shaped the policy of 'modern times'?

I don't know; my family was gassed there so I'll have to disagree.

Edit: How do you debunk the Sonderkommando eye-wtinesses like Langfus and Muller?

Many countries forbid research into the Holocaust under the guise of "hate speech".

Why do such laws exist?

The anti-revisionist laws in many countries are foul and stupid. They exist as part of a larger picture of political correctness that also outlaws "Islamophobia," "homophobia," "racism," etc. Thankfully, here in the U.S. the First Amendment has held firm in the face of attempts to limit political speech. Other nations are not so fortunate.

Do you believe Political Correctness to have grown organically as the need for amicable interactions between people of differing nations increased, both locally and internationally, or are there specific political groups who are pushing some agenda?

PC nonsense is born from the desire of people of all races, ethnicity, gender, religion, etc., to play the role of victim. "Oh, poor us! We need protection!" It's a cancerous way of thinking. Fighting it is one of the most important things a conscientious person can do.

Interesting way of looking at it....I often looked at it from another way, e.g if the Elite want to bring in loads of cheap workers from one country to another to save themselves money on wages, they need to ensure that these cheap workers will actually be accepted and employed by the people whose country they have arrived in, if the British people are discriminating against cheap Polish workers then it makes it difficult for the Elite to save money.

I've always looked at it as (Social) Marxism carried over to the US, and throughout Europe, Frankfort School for purposes other than cheap labor.

That guy is usually spot on with most of his viewpoints. The only drawback is his stance on isreal; he's very much pro-zion, anti-muslim.

Can't have it all, I guess.

Yep - just some Hegelian BS.

Thats not true. PC helps fight against polarization of a society, the polarization which allows differing sides to get away with accepting mindless ideologies about others. PC allows for sensible discussion between differing groups without cutting out progression as opposed to a virulent even violent stalemate.

There's no law outlawing islamophobia.

I hate to inform you that its slipping in the US too. Its still here for the time being but unless we can start to convince young minds of the importance of free speech, we are going to lose it.

Do you realize that your 2.5 million dead Jews number becomes quite questionable when you say you're a Zionist and you actually think Muslims did 9/11 despite the evidence?

All this tells me is not to believe anything you say, and to lean toward the accepted number of (maybe) a couple hundred thousand dead from Typhus.

1.In your video where you got the fake movie footage of the gas van pulled from a museum you said that the nazis never used gas vans. Where did you get this from?


This article provides some very good documentation for the use of gas vans by the nazis.

2.How did the actual holocaust happen in your view? How much of the "official" story are just lies from eye witnesses and how much of it is true?

3.Outside of you books where is your main source of income? It would seem exceptionally difficult to get a job given your reputation, or are there decent people out there that gives jobs to people despite others defaming them?

Thanks for doing the AMA.

We have direct reports of the mass-shootings of Jews, and other situations (Treblinka, as an example) in which gassing is the most likely cause of death. Sometimes, there are elements in history where "most likely" is what we have to settle for. Folks still debate how Stonehenge was built. But the continued debate doesn't negate the reality of Stonehenge. As the Coen Brothers wrote in "A Serious Man," "accept the mystery."

there is no "Most likely" in Triblinka, and unless you can refute the evidence in these fact driven documentaries I suggest you speak more honestly in stead of misleading and confusing those who are truly interested in Holocaust truth. That truth being that there was no planned extermination of the Jews. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GKC2NYZ1glc

For anybody wanting to read a good revisionist study of Treblinka by actual, sober, publishing researchers, there is:

Treblinka. Extermination Camp or Transit Camp? - by Carlo Mattogno & Jürgen Graf


Then refute this, Captain Certainty. Refute the documents I site: http://www.countercontempt.com/archives/5348

Then refute this, Captain Certainty. Refute the documents I site

It totally makes sense that you can't spell "cite".

Edit: Cole's interpretation of the documents is critiqued here by Eric Hunt. Elsewhere in the thread I pointed this out to him, asked for his response, and he just ignored me.

It totally makes sense that you can't spell "cite".

I was thinking the same thing. I don't understand why this guy has a stickied AMA in /r/conspiracy - I would guess that it's probably because the agenda here is to bring this whole subreddit community down to the level that the /r/conspiratard community likes to describe us as, and just generally how the establishment would like all public forums for real news/alternative worldviews to be clogged with bullshit and diversions like this guy and his information.

Ya know, things that both discredit us all and also add nothing constructive to the world we live in today/have no relevance to anything that could change the world or the way that we are living.

I too find this very strange. First the 9/11 truther fake AMA, now this guy making it seem as if holocaust revisionism is so norm for this sub it deserves a fucking stickied AMA. Fuck. It's such an obvious ploy.

holocaust revisionism is so norm for this sub it deserves a fucking stickied AMA.

Well, it is since you've been gamed by Nazis for well over a year now. And to some extent for around four years if you want to include "the Jews did everything bad" posters like BumblingMumbling.

It's a shame that reddit is the way it is, and that Cole has been put forward as an example of a legitimate "revisionist". I mean, Cole has never published anything and makes it quite clear that he doesn't use the word "citation" very often.

But I would disagree that re-examining history adds nothing constructive to the world we live in today. Deep down, the mythology of WWII really does form the foundation of the contemporary Western propaganda matrix.

You sound concerned.

you sound pathetic.

Your problem may be that you grew up in the Jewish mentality, which is genocidal. Germans, however, did not, and were never genocidal. Germans would not do such a thing; only Jews would, based on history (Armenian genocide for one). Since you ascribe to the genocidal Jewish mentality, you project this onto others. It's called psychological projection. But you cannot project Jewish mentality onto Gentiles; this is a mistake.

But you cannot project Jewish mentality onto Gentiles; this is a mistake.

No kidding! That's the root of most of the world's problems. People think that the enemy also thinks like them. They can't fathom how warped and twisted the "mind" of the enemy has always been. Look at what they've done, for heaven's sake!

I have suspicions youre a troll but your statement is accurate.

Wow you're an asshole and you can't spell, nice

yes the Paris cemetery comparison is neat, but honestly, the 4 hour video above and an a more recent work debunking a really ridiculous made for TV archeological dig are worth the time. The work done on these sites is no less substantial than your earlier work. And clearly no one has the time to refute a claim in this forum, I am merely suggesting that "Most likely' does not hold water, for the same sort of off handed generality could be made when one explains the later added chimney or whole in the roof at Auschwitz.


David Cole and David Irving are playing ball somewhat these days to keep their heads, stay out of jail and make some dough.

So if other people want to dispute the things he doesn't go deeply into with facts, they can(and they are ok with that)

I'm legitimately surprised at how certain users who should be supporting him seem to be throwing David under the bus.

The dude was almost killed for his research so he vowed to give it up forever. This was before 9/11 even happened.

I would be fucking fed up with all this bullshit too if someone literally put a bounty on my head. I wouldn't even look back.

He openly admits he hasn't even looked into the 9/11 conspiracy. It's not on his radar. He's no longer a "truth" warrior like so many armchair warriors on the internet.

He's picked his battles.

I disagree with his views on 9/11 and Zionism, but I still respect the man and his opinions.

He's not shoving his Zionism in peoples faces. He was simply being honest and answering questions.

I warned him that his beliefs on conspiracy theories would not be popular her. He knew what he was getting into...and he was true to his convictions, and I commend him for that.

Again, I'm surprised at the amount of people who claim to have followed Cole for years who are "shocked" at his "revelations" that he's been open about for a long, long time.

Im surprised it happened. Wish it didnt feel censored and he was braver. I suspect there are cointel elements here.

chill we all have our beliefs and we all spread them happily for better or worst, thanks for the link

When gassing was thought to have been used, like Treblinka, was it still Zyklon B?

Early reports state that victims at Treblinka were electrocuted and steamed to death like lobsters. The latest theory is that the Evil Nazys decided to use the most inefficient method of killing available: carbon monoxide from a diesel engine.

The 700-900k bodies were then buried in enormous mass graves (which would've had to have been many times larger than witnesses describe), dug up some time later, and the damp bodies stacked 20-30 high, in rows on top of rail tracks, and burned in the open air, year round, with no wind shield, and 70cm of room for wood fuel beneath. The piled up bodies allegedly burnt down to ash and skeleton. The bones and teeth were totally crushed and with the ashes were scattered, and disappeared without a trace.

Despite being the "end of the line", numerous survivors report being transited through Treblinka.

Edit: My only hope is that I can one day get as drunk as David Cole so that I too may believe this.

Edit: Pretty much all other revisionist researchers agree that Treblinka-2 was a transit camp:

Treblinka. Extermination Camp or Transit Camp? - by Carlo Mattogno & Jürgen Graf'


A very good documentary on Treblinka is 'One Third of the Holocaust', and 'The Treblinka Archaeology Hoax' is also worth watching.

All these resources used to feed, clothe (striped pajamas), catalogue, and delouse people explicitly marked for death, not to mention the ineffective and very wasteful Dr.Evil-type method of extermination. All this while germans were abandoning tanks (which they couldnt even blow up due to lack of explosives) and dropping like flies from starvation and lack of medicines/medical attention while retreating from the Eastern front. In the cities and towns, German civilians were dying by the thousands from typhus and famine, yet we're supposed to believe this Zionist's tale?

This is an insult to our collective intelligence.


"Oh hey, it's 1944, and we're short on rail capacity. What shall we do next? I know! Let's transport 400,000 Hungarians to Poland and kill them there."

All of this is a moot point because the holocaust story has very little credibility to begin with. From the very early 1900s to 1939, the holocaust story has been told from all over Europe and Russia in Western media. They initially wanted to use the Russians as a way of making war by pushing holocaust tales from the Russian backlash. It didn't catch on. It's been repeated as fact for decades and only caught on when Hitler started deporting them.


I like how you show how the Jews change the holoco$t story to match their story's needs (and of course how much MONEY they are after).

If you piled TEN LA Lakers games on top of one another--that STILL wouldn't be enough space to hide all of those dead bodies...let alone to leave the GPR untouched!

I certainly hope we can get drunk together and LAUGH over this fucking tools' claims.

What a piece of shit you are Cole/Stein!

I suppose it was just the Jews being gassed and shot naked.

The communists, trade unionists, gypsies and homosexuals were put down in a more respectful manner, I'm certain.

Hey David! Thanks for doing this.

How do you approach the oft used rebuttal that if 6 million Jews didn't perish at the hands of the Nazi's, then where did they go?

The Korherr Report (Himmler's statistician) puts the number of murdered Jews at a little under 2.5 million by early 1943. Deniers can't account for those Jews. It's because they were indeed dead. Add to Korherr's figure the Jews who died after the extermination camps were closed in '43, and you'll get a ROUGH figure of 3 million. It's a Holocaust, no doubt. But not 6 million.

I don't know if I buy that explanation.

Why lie about an additional 3 million deaths when 3 million deaths is in itself quite horrific?

I have heard from many other revisionists that the number of Jewish deaths was likely a whole order of magnitude less than has been historically reported.

Hiding this tremedous lie makes much more sense to me than simply exaggerating an already incredible number of deaths.

Why lie about an additional 3 million deaths when 3 million deaths is in itself quite horrific?

6 million is a figure that some people were using in a lot of different ways. It is some sort of Talmudic magic number.

tl;dr They just like that number.

There's a Talmudic phrase interpreted to mean that 6 million must be lost before jews can reestablish the holy land. There are two news reports prior to ww2 (you can find images of the newspaper reports online, im not finding them again) where the number 6 million was also used and some people think this is evidence of Zionists trying to force the number into consciousness in order to be closer to fulfilling prophecy, which was successfully done in ww2. I want to make clear I'm not convinced either way, its a little fishy though. Also fishy that revisionist talk is outlawed in some countries.

Newspapers were printed saying 6 million Jews died in Russia and others that 6 million surviving Jews would need X money to rebuild. Also once a Jewish friend told me that some people that he knows believe that only 6 million Jews will be left in some sort of end time.


It's a Holocaust, no doubt. But not 6 million.

c.1250, "sacrifice by fire, burnt offering," from Gk. holokauston, neut. of holokaustos "burned whole," from holos "whole" + kaustos, verbal adj. of kaiein "to burn." Originally a Bible word for "burnt offerings," given wider sense of "massacre, destruction of a large number of persons" from 1833. The Holocaust "Nazi genocide of European Jews in World War II," first recorded 1957, earlier known in Heb. as Shoah "catastrophe." The word itself was used in Eng. in ref. to Hitler's Jewish policies from 1942, but not as a proper name for them.

It is not a Holocaust, strictly speaking.

Its fucking amazing how close to my own personal stance on this issue you are, and somehow I never came across your work.

gatekeepers be damned!

I didn't know you were a Zionist too. I guess the both of you are more similar to me than I thought.

I'm not a Zionist or a white supremacist. I'm an American who actually respects the rights granted to us in the constitution, such as free speech.

There is a difference between waving a flag around when you get your way and waving a flag around because your country actually means something.

Being a Zionist is like being an American, morally. I don't understand what you're trying to say by associating it with white supremacists.

There is a difference between waving a flag around when you get your way and waving a flag around because your country actually means something.

I think it's wrong for you to tell 14 million people that their country doesn't mean anything. Israel is a pretty okay place.

They need a real separation of church and state.


But at least there's some freedom of religion. For example, the Hare Krishna can dance and try to convert others on the beach in Tel Aviv. Oh and there's no religion/modesty police. You don't go to prison or worse for things like adultery.

Flytape - thank you. I really appreciate that!

Not nearly as much as I appreciate you!

This AMA has been so beautifully the opposite of what all your detractors were fearmongering about. I've learned a few things, I've watched other people learn a few things.

This whole thing reminds me of a story a wise old man told me long ago.

There was an old man and his wife, they had lived together for many years

The old man was growing frustrated with his wife because she had become very hard of hearing, and no matter what the old man did or said he couldn't convince his wife that she needed to have her ears checked.

One day the old man devised a plan to prove once and for all to his wife that she needed to go have her hearing examined, so the old man sneaked up behind his wife while she was washing dishes, He stood about 10 feet behind her and said "Can you hear me?" in a bold voice.

His wife said nothing in return so he crept up a few feet closer and repeated himself "CAN YOU HEAR ME?", again she didn't reply so he got even closer to her "CAN YOU HEAR ME!"..

When his wife failed to reply this last time the old man walked right up to her ear, leaned in close and said "CAN YOU HEAR ME NOW?"

His wife spun around with an angry look on her face and said "For the fourth time! I CAN FUCKING HEAR YOU JUST FINE!"

Why wad the woman ignoring the husband?

She wasn't. The old man couldn't hear.

Oops. I see now.

Can you spell out how this thread reminds you of that joke.

A lot of people thought they knew what was wrong with Mr. Cole.

It turns out the problem was they THEY were the ones who couldn't hear.

The problem I have is that there is no difference between 3million and 6 million its still a massive figure and if true its still genocide. it seems there is not much of a conspiracy if all the difference was the jews weren't gassed or used for soap they were still killed.

in David'd earlier work he highlighted that the concentration camps were used as much for detaining christians, and general opposition to the third reich and not predominantly for jews.

after years of further research perhaps? David came to the conclusion that it was a holocaust and there were actually slightly less than 6 million killed. wether its 1 million 3million of 6 million its still a huge number.

overall there is not much of a conspiracy here as i thought it would be if the facts are what David said.

All his other opinions I have no interest in knowing since he is blind as a bat when it comes to geopolitics. A disappointing AMA in my opinion.

The problem I have is that there is no difference between 3million and 6 million

6,000,000 minus 3,000,000 equals 3,000,000, but don't take my word for it because I'm not a mathematician. The difference is 3 million.

yes but they are serious numbers, killing 1 person is bad enough killing a village is horrific but 1 million or 6 million is the same as far as I'm concerned

So if 1 million and 6 million are no different, what the Americans did to Iraq was no different than the Holocaust?

Yes IMO it is no different although in the US's case the soldiers and the citizens thought they were liberating iraq but the CFR/builderberg/illuminati/bush/rockerfellar/rothschild/mossad whoever decision it was to invade instead wanted to divide, destabilise, kill and profit (Haliburton, Carlisle group). it was planned many years ago. I urge you to watch this he was killed later https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YGAaPjqdbgQ

So you decide for yourself what is the difference

The difference is that the victorious get to write the history books.

You are right, I agree history is written by winners as they say unfortunately

Understanding that point, and applying it to your world view are two different things.

I understand how english is used in the game of pool, but I don't apply it to my game because in too lazy to practice it.

I don't understand, whats your point?

in the US's case the soldiers and the citizens thought they were liberating iraq but the CFR/builderberg/illuminati/bush/rockerfellar/rothschild/mossad whoever decision it was to invade instead wanted to divide, destabilise, kill and profit (Haliburton, Carlisle group).

The Germans weren't trying to be the most evil regime in history when they fought WWII.

The Israelis aren't trying to be an apartheid state right now.

The US isn't trying to be an empire in decline.

I'm not trying to be a dick head.

But most likely, all these things are true.

I know you are speaking what you believe from your current analysis of historical events are true and that the germans were trying to be evil etc but actually you must be objective and use common sense. What would be so overtly evil achieve? i would recommend you see another side of the story such as this:


while I wouldn't trust this completely but reading so many different articles and journals i found that the background of events which lead to WW1 WW2 and the zionism and the state of israel is pretty clear and i would disagree completely with your statement regarding germany just from the evidence alone.

I would go on to say that I would put more trust in every country's historical accounts than the british and american versions.

I think you misread what I wrote.

The Germans weren't trying to be the most evil regime in history

I think i understood you: the germans weren't trying to be the most evil regime they just ended up being that in your opinion most likely right?

They ended up being that because they lost the war. If they had won the history books surely would read differently.

Of course no doubt. History is written by winners. Hitler "man of the century" by Bild magazine, Churchill, the most evil man on earth. Come to Auschwitz wonderlandTM, VW - the worlds most popular car brand.

And yet, all the leaders of every country would have been executed if Nuremberg weren't a kangaroo court.

Dear David:

You write that "you can't prove that Jews weren't killed at Auschwitz in 1944." Are you at all persuaded by the claims--made prior to his recent indictment for war crimes--of Oskar Groening, an SS officer stationed at Auschwitz, who affirmed the essentials of the traditional Auschwitz death camp account, including exterminations in excess of one million.

Post-war testimony is an unreliable basis for historical research, especially 70 years later. Both the former inmates and the former guards were tainted in their testimony. Science, on the other hand, doesn't lie. No blue stains in the krema walls? Floor-level air extraction vents that would have been blocked by the bodies? These are more important than the recollections of a scared old man.

No blue stains in the krema walls?

Prussian blue is by no means a categorical sign of cyanide exposure. As Dr. Richard J. Green said in the link above, "showing that the delousing chambers have Prussian blue and that the homicidal gas chambers do not, proves nothing, if it cannot be shown that conditions in the gas chambers were such as to produce Prussian blue."

Winterd - "if it cannot be shown that conditions in the gas chambers were such as to produce Prussian blue." That's exactly the problem. The "experts" have not explained the different "conditions" to account for why there's blue in the delousing rooms, but not in the kremas. Whenever they try to explain, the explanation falls apart.

The explanation that lice needs a significantly higher and longer exposure to cyanide than humans makes sense. Whats wrong with that explanation?

In 1990 a forensic analysis was performed at Birkenau using microdiffusion techniques to test for cyanide in samples from (suspected) extermination chambers, delousing chambers, and a control group. The control group tested negative while cyanide residue was found in high concentrations in the delousing chambers, and lower concentrations in the homicidal gas chambers. This is consistent with the amounts required to kill lice and humans.

In 1990 a forensic analysis was performed at Birkenau

That would be the second test by the Krakow Institute of Forensic Research, in which they specifically did not look for iron-cyanide compounds.

Prior to this, they had tested and actually confirmed Rudolf & Leuchter's results. The report wasn't published, but it got leaked.

Considering I've found all of two sites that admit it exists, not to mention the skeptical quality of the report itself (the only actual page shown is the first page, and there it's entirely typed). So I'm going to go out on a limb and suggest that this may not have been an actual report.

Where did you expect to see it published? It seems entirely understandable that it was only published in revisionist journals (first in German, then in English.)

More importantly, the Jan Sehn [Krakow] Institute hasn't said the document is a fake, and it's been out there a long time.

Where did you expect to see it published?

Firstly, I expect to see the full actual document, instead of just a single page, and everything else typed up on the webpage.

More importantly, the Jan Sehn Institute hasn't said the document is a fake, and it's been out there a long time.

It's most likely because they either never saw it (again, two sites, and not even major ones at that), or just do not care, as it's so obviously sketchy it's not even funny, and they have given literally no proof that it's real aside from telling us that "we totally got this from an insider source who we can't talk about and who is super real, we swear".

It's most likely because they either never saw it

Uh, you don't think revisionists would've contacted the institute for comment? Or other people in the Holocaust "scene"?

they have given literally no proof that it's real.

Well, it's been presented to the public -- what more do you want? Pages of figures in columns don't generally get reproduced in historical journals.

This is one of the most heated, and active debates within this area of history. It's been going on for over 20 years. Neither the Krakow instiute, nor any pro-Holocaust participants in the debate (e.g. Green) have denied or questioned the leaked report.

Uh, you don't think revisionists would've contacted the institute for comment? Or other people in the Holocaust "scene"?

Clearly not, since literally no-one but those two sites even acknowledge it existing, and both of them give the exact same amount of proof (none).

Well, it's been presented to the public -- what more do you want?

Literally any form of proof at all. They don't even pretend to give proof, they just claim it's true and that's about it.

Pages of figures in columns don't generally get reproduced in historical journals.

It's a science journal. I'm not sure if you're aware of this, but those pages of figures are kinda one of the most important parts of the entire report.

This is one of the most heated, and active debates within this area of history. The simply fact that the Krakow Instiute, nor any of the pro-Holocaust participants in the debate (e.g. Green) have not denied or questioned it, is fairly conclusive.

Not really, since again, it's so hidden away that even many holocaust deniers are unaware of the claim. Also, the Krakow institute has no way of searching every single site ever created, looking for what people say they did, and then writing a response to all of them. That's just a waste of everyone's time.

no-one but those two sites

Again... this has been published in the few revisionist journals in Europe and North America.

In the midst of articles published back and forth on the debate.

For over 20 years.

Without being publicly disputed. Ever.

science journal

No, it's not a science journal. Have you ever read a historical journal? There are no pages of raw numerical data.

Again... this has been published in the few revisionist journals in Europe and North America.

Such as? I still have yet to find anything but those two sites (and I will add that one is just the other site copy-pasted, including the rest of the article)

In the midst of articles published back and forth on the debate. For over 20 years.

How many documents have been created regarding this? The answer is probably a fairly large number, and since again, the only source for this is from an IHR journal, which I'm going to guess is not where they would have published it if they even did write it in the first place (hint: they didn't)

No, it's not a science journal. Have you ever read a historical journal? There are no pages of raw numerical data.

It's a science paper, it doesn't matter what journal it's in (and as a side note: you'd be hard pressed to even be able to consider anything by the IHR a "journal"). If you read it, you'd see that there is apparently data, but it's just never written up (which just makes the legitimacy even more suspicious than it already was)

Sorry, buddy, but nobody disputes the first Krakow test. It is mentioned in the debate between Rudolf and Green. Just follow the links I provided. There you can also find the name of the German-language journal it was first published in.

Sorry, buddy, but nobody disputes the first Krakow test.

That's pretty much no-one even knows about it, let alone believes the IHR about anything outside of Holocaust denial circles.

There you can also find the name of the German-language journal it was first published in.

The only place is seems to have been published, even according to your sources is the IHR journal, which really would imply that it's fake. Seriously, you even claimed in your original comment that it was never published, but was leaked, and yet now you're claiming it was published.

That's pretty much no-one even knows about it

Certainly Exterminationist Richard Green knows about it, and has said nothing in his debate with Rudolf over forensic testing of the "gas chambers".

you even claimed in your original comment that it was never published

...by the Krakow Institute.

even according to your sources

Then you also can't do basic research. A footnote in one of the first links I published:

J. Markiewicz, W. Gubala, J. Labedz, B. Trzcinska, Prof. Dr. Jan Sehn Institute for Forensic Research, Department for Forensic Toxicology, Krakow, September 24, 1990; partly published in DGG 39, no. 2 (1991), pp. 18f. (vho.org/D/DGG/IDN39_2.html); English: “An Official Polish Report on the Auschwitz ‘Gas Chambers,’” JHR 11, no. 2 (summer 1991), pp. 207–216 (vho.org/GB/Journals/JHR/11/2/ IHR207-216.html).

DGG = Deutschland in Geschichte und Gegenwart

the IHR journal, which really would imply that it's fake

Lol. Would it?

Look, clearly you're convinced it's a fake. You're welcome to that opinion. Maybe you need to get in touch with Richard Green or Andrew Mathis (or J. Markiewicz, W. Gubala, J. Labedz, et al!) and point it out to them - perhaps for 23 years they have simply not noticed! :)

...by the Krakow (Jan Sehn) Institute.

Aka the same people who are claimed to have written it.

Then you also can't do basic research. The footnote to one of the first links I published:

Firstly, the footnote also links the the IHR, which is telling. Secondly, even after following the link, I'm still finding the identical lack of evidence, or even the study in the first place. It's still a secondhand claim, and this time there isn't even a source given.

Lol. Would it?

Yes, it absolutely does. The IHR are considered about as legitimate as the Flat Earth Society. Hell, their journal isn't even peer reviewed.

Look, clearly you're convinced it's a fake. You're welcome to that opinion.

It's not an opinion, there is literally no evidence it's real. In fact, we have evidence it's fake, since there is still no original source, and there isn't even a data or in depth results page that is pretty much a requirement for all scientific papers.

Look, champ, you claimed there were no sources beyond JHR. I provided the original German journal.

Your basic argument seems to be: "it's fake because I don't like the sources."

But for 23 years it has not been denied, despite being referenced frequently in an academic debate.

You didn't provide the original journal, since still wasn't the actual report in it just the same table and even less info than the IHR, not to mention it even says it's not the original article.

despite being referenced frequently in an academic debate.

You gave me a single example. That's not really frequent.

Like I say, you need to contact those involved for comment, all you're doing now is barking at the moon, and 20+ year too late too.

It's pretty clear that there is no journal, since even after exhaustively looking through each source, I've yet to find the original paper, just second and thirdhand reports about it.

No journal? What are you talking about, dude? Seriously, email Richard Green, I'm sure he'd be happy to correspond with a fellow cult-member. He can probably set you straight on a few things.

I'll ask again. Can you link the original paper written by the Krakow institute, complete with their data sheets and everything?

Like I say, it's irrelevant. Exterminationists like Green, Mathis, and Pressac acknowledge that you won't find iron-cyanide compounds in the "gas chambers" -- as the Leuchter, Rudolf and the test in question show.

In effect, they admit that the results in this test are correct, and this, coupled with the lack of denial in a 23-year period seems fairly conclusive.

I'm not sure you understand. No one's denying that Prussian Blue formed in one but not the other. The issue is that Prussian Blue formation is not a good indicator of whether or not the room was used as a gas chamber.

Lol. That's really the best you've got, isn't it?

Iron cyanide compounds are stable and water-insoluble, thus are the best indicator of brickwork exposed to cyanide fumigation, if you are testing years later.

I have shown that Prussian Blue can form easily, whereas you have continuously argued, a priori, that it is very very difficult for it to form.

The test you cite is a worthless anti-scientific sham, which specifically excluded water-insoluble compounds, thus guaranteeing that the levels for the delousing chamber and the "gas chamber" would be the same. This is indefensible.

Iron cyanide compounds are stable and water-insoluble, thus are the best indicator of brickwork exposed to cyanide fumigation, if you are testing years later.

Or they would be, if they didn't take hours to form.

I have shown that Prussian Blue can form easily, whereas you have continuously argued, a priori, that it is very very difficult for it to form.

You showed nothing of the sort. You just claimed that it could and assumed you were right.

The test you cite is a worthless anti-scientific sham, which specifically excluded water-insoluble compounds, thus guaranteeing that the levels for the delousing chamber and the "gas chamber" would be the same.

First of all, I find it hilarious that you're claiming the Krakow test was an anti-scientific sham, when that's pretty much the accepted definition of both the Rudolf and Leutchter reports. Secondly, please explain to me why the levels being the same with regards to the cyanide residue would somehow prove that there was no gas used in the chambers, and how excluding iron-cyanide compounds guarantees similar levels, because it just sounds like you pulled that out of your ass.

Better luck bullying the next goy.

Lol. It's like you aren't even trying not to sound ridiculous.

Or they would be, if they didn't take hours to form.

Actually, PB can take weeks or longer to appear. The point is it's still there 50+ years later, unlike water soluble cyanide compounds.

You showed nothing of the sort.

Liar. I cited two case studies of PB forming after one fumigation.

Secondly, please explain to me why the levels being the same with regards to the cyanide residue would somehow prove that there was no gas used in the chambers

We're talking about the second Krakow test, which you claim proves gassing. This is done by looking at the trace levels of soluble (i.e. short term) compounds in the delousing chamber and the "gas chamber", noticing they are roughly the same, and deducing "aha, so the gas chambers were also exposed to cyanide."

However, measuring soluble compounds clearly won't tell you anything about what the walls were exposed to 50 years ago.

Only an idiot or a liar would claim the second Krakow test was in any way scientifically valid.

Actually they take weeks or longer to form. The point is they're still there 50+ years later, unlike water soluble cyanide compounds.

The water-soluble compounds are there too, and all you have to do is test both the delousing and gas chambers to see similarly elevated levels compared to everywhere else, and then use the data from the delousing and gas chambers to find out how much there originally was.

Liar. I cited two case studies of PB forming after one fumigation.

And IIRC someone else pointed out that fumigation uses pretty high concentrations of cyanide, so it's not unsurprising.

However, measuring soluble compounds clearly won't tell you anything about what the walls were exposed to 50 years ago.

What we're looking for, is how much residue we find in the gas chambers, and then how high it is compared to everywhere else, and the delousing chambers. Please explain why this is not a possible means of proving cyanide was used in the gas chambers?

Only an idiot or a liar would claim the second Krakow test was in any way scientifically valid.

No, anyone who actually knew what they where talking about would claim it's absolutely right, while the Leutcher and Rudolf reports were a load of shit.

anyone who actually knew what they where talking about would claim it's absolutely right


All you have are empty assertions, innuendo, and appeals to authority.

how much residue we find in the gas chambers

If you are looking only for soluble compounds, it will not tell you anything about cyanide exposure 50 years ago.

Get it?

Do you have any explanation for why the second Krakow test only looked for soluble compounds?

And IIRC someone else pointed out that fumigation uses pretty high concentrations of cyanide, so it's not unsurprising.

Did you even read my long comment on the case studies? Pressac estimates 9600ppm for gassings at Birkenau. Lice fumigation, such as that carried out in the two case studies, is 4000ppm.

Lol. All you have are empty assertions, innuendo, and appeals to authority.

It looks more and more obvious that you honestly do not understand this subject, since I've repeatedly told you the answer the pretty much all of your questions, just to have you ask them all over again as if I never responded.

If you are looking only for soluble compounds, it will not tell you anything about cyanide exposure 50 years ago.

I'll explain this real simply.

  • We can all agree that cyanide was used in the delousing chambers

  • We test both the delousing chambers and the gas chambers for residual cyanide.

  • We then compare the numbers to other areas in the camp that were not used as gas chambers.

That's exactly what the Karkow institue did, and they found that in both the delousing and gas chambers there was a much higher level than anywhere else, and so it's safe to conclude that cyanide was used. We don't need to know the exact ppm that existed 50 years ago, we just need to definitively know whether or not large amounts of cyanide were used in the chamber.

Did you even read my long comment on the case studies? Pressac estimates 9600ppm for gassings at Birkenau. Lice fumigation, such as that carried out in the two case studies, is 4000ppm.

And in both case studies, they left if for a long time. The rate of formation of Prussian Blue is around 30 hours at minimum. Fumigations of that size can easily last that long, and they used somewhat high levels on top of this. And before you point out the levels in the gas chambers, remembers that a) it took far less time, and b) the delousing chambers would have had an proportionally larger level too, which is why it would have formed there but not the gas chambers.

Solid takedown, respect for keeping your cool.

More bluster and dodging.

That's exactly what the Karkow institue did

I asked why they only tested for water soluble compounds?

How long do water soluble cyanide compounds last for? 50 years?

And in both case studies, they left if for a long time.

Did they? Where precisely do you get that from? Z-B technical specs for lice say 4000ppm x 2hrs. See Pressac.

The gas chambers were exposed to levels up to 9600ppm for cumulative hours FAR in excess of that, but no PB!

I look forward to your answer to my two other questions.

it was really fun watching you squirm your way toward getting owned. Look up the nearest burn ward for treatment.

The point is that Exterminationists such as Green are now at a point where they accept that the results of Rudolf - and first Polish test - as correct in not finding iron-cyanide residue in the "gas chambers".

As you know, their angle is that "not enough gas was used, because, um, lice and stuff" and therefore that explains the results. Again, the results are not in dispute -- just the interpretation of the results.

And they admit in the second test that they specifically excluded testing for iron-cyanide compounds, and attempt to justify that decision. This is the test which you claim "confirms gassings"!

Get it?

You're quibbling over an irrelevant point.

The point is that Exterminationists such as Green are now at a point where they accept that the results of Rudolf - and first Polish test - as correct in not finding iron-cyanide residue in the "gas chambers".

No one's denying that there was different levels of iron-cyanide compounds in the delousing chambers compared the the gas chambers. The issue is that it's inherently a flawed measuring system since it's formation is unfavourable, and takes a lot of time and cyanide to create it.

And they admit in the second test that they specifically excluded testing for iron-cyanide compounds, and attempt to justify that decision. This is the test which you claim "confirms gassings"!

Yes, for the exact reasons I've tried to tell you, and that you've ignored. It's clear you have absolutely no idea how chemistry works, and because of that it's even more clear you have no idea what you're talking about and instead parrot whatever someone tells you (in this case, Rudolf and the IHR). Come back to me once you've actually taken some chemistry courses.

The issue is that it's inherently a flawed measuring system since it's formation is unfavourable, and takes a lot of time and cyanide to create it.

How much? I keep asking you this, but you have no answer. What are the variables, and what is the minimum amount of cyanide gas exposure necessary for iron-cyanide to form in the brickwork?

You posture as someone with knowledge of chemistry, but when it comes down to the specifics, you have no idea.

Your logic is, essentially, "Nazi gassings happened, therefore any results which indicate they did not are false."

for the exact reasons I've tried to tell you

Except there is no sane justification for excluding iron-cyanide compounds when they are stable and thus long-lasting, and when the structures are built out of brick. The Polish Institute's excuse is essentially that it didn't occur to them to include them in the test!


the [second] Polish study (Markiewicz et. al.) aspired to measure only the water-soluble cyanide components, i.e. those components that might be presumed to no longer exist, because soluble cyanide compounds are notoriously unstable and decompose under the influence of air humidity with a half-life of mere days and thus cannot be expected to have survived five decades of exposure to the elements. Hence, whatever can be measured with such a method, it certainly cannot conceivably appertain to soluble cyanide compounds deposited 50 years earlier, no matter how reproducible the results.

... Excluding insoluble iron cyanides from the analysis, as the Polish study did, means excluding the majority of detectable cyanide components, which is hardly a valid approach.

How much? I keep asking you this, but you have no answer. What are the variables, and what is the minimum amount of cyanide gas exposure necessary for iron-cyanide to form in the brickwork?

I've already told you the variables. As for the exact amounts, we've already been over the amounts, and how long everything takes.

Your logic is, essentially, "Nazi gassings happened, therefore any results which indicate they did not are false."

My logic is that we found high levels of cyanide residue in the gas chambers, and that level was significantly higher than the control areas. Because of this, it seems safe to assume that gassings were carried out in the rooms.

Except there is no sane justification for excluding iron-cyanide compounds when they are stable and thus long-lasting, and when the structures are built out of brick.

Firstly, Prussian Blue can still weather away. Secondly, we can still test for traces of cyanide and use that in comparison with other areas to definitively test the amount of hydrogen. Since Prussian Blue, again, is very slow to form.

Lol. See my other comments.

I have. They just serve to cement my points. In all of them all you do is refuse to admit that Prussian Blue is an unfavourable reaction, you cling to the assumption that Rudolf would never lie, and you do not actually understand any of the chemistry behind the issue, since even when I tell you word for word the answer to your questions, you just ignore it.

all you do is refuse to admit that Prussian Blue is an unfavourable reaction

You've never remotely attempted to prove this, or been able to estimate the level of HCN exposure necessary for PB to form.

I have cited two examples of PB formation after one 4000ppm fumigation.

The end.

You've never remotely attempted to prove this, or been able to estimate the level of HCN exposure necessary for PB to form.

I gave you the reaction, told you that many of the steps were unfavourable, with the rate determining step being

4Fe+3 + 3[Fe(CN)6]-4 ----> Fe4[Fe(CN)6]3

I'm honestly not sure what else you want. You yourself have already apparently looked at the concentrations, so it seems pointless to then ask me.

I have cited two examples of PB formation after one 4000ppm fumigation.

And in both those examples, there was somewhat high concentration, and it took a while. Fumigations take a long time to do, so to have a single fumigation create the residue would not be surprising.

The end.

I suppose so. It's clear that no matter what I say, I'll just be met with "nu-uh, Prussian Blue is the only way to test for anything and you're wrong", so why even bother anymore?

I gave you the reaction, told you that many of the steps were unfavourable

So what? This proves nothing about the amount of exposure to HCN necessary for PB to form. Clearly it formed in the delousing chamber - so how precisely were the conditions different? You simply claim it would've been impossible for PB to form in the "gas chambers" based on the level/time of HCN it was exposed to. (Without even estimating what its levels of exposure were!)

I'm honestly not sure what else you want.

For you to answer the questions I've been putting to you, over and over...

  • What is the minimum level of HCN exposure (in concentration and time) necessary for PB to form in brickwork similar to that in the gas chamber. (I'll let you off the other variables, such as humidity, which increase absorption - relevant because the chambers were allegedly hosed down between gassings.)

  • Would it be possible for PB to form in brickwork after it was exposed to 4000ppm for, say, 2 hours? If not, how much longer or higher would be required?

You yourself have already apparently looked at the concentrations, so it seems pointless to then ask me.

Yes, exactly. It's curious that you haven't looked at them, and won't discuss them.

What is the minimum level of HCN exposure (in concentration and time) necessary for PB to form in brickwork similar to that in the gas chamber. (I'll let you off the other variables, such as humidity, which increase absorption - relevant because the chambers were allegedly hosed down between gassings.)

IIRC is already gave you all the data needed to solve it, from the rate of reaction, the exact steps with balanced reactions, and everything. All that's left is just a lot of stochiometry, which I would assume you are more than capable of. The fact that you refuse to do the calculations despite me giving you all the info strikes me as lazy.

Incredible. More dodging.

IIRC is already gave you all the data needed to solve it


You do not recall correctly.

Not likely

Well, PB did form in those documented case studies after one fumigation at these levels.


Because it takes more gas and more time to kill lice than humans, since lice are more resistant to cyanide. Because of this, it's more likely for the formation of Prussian blue to form, since it's not a particularly favourable reaction.

since it's not a particularly favourable reaction.


Look of the reaction for the formation of Prussian Blue from Cyanide. For example

     Fe+2  + CN-1 --->  FeCN+1

     FeCN+1  + CN-1 ---->  Fe(CN)2

     Fe(CN)2  + CN-1  --->    [Fe(CN)3]-1

     [Fe(CN)3]-1  +  CN-1  ----->   [Fe(CN)4]-2

     [Fe(CN)4]-2 +  CN-1  ----->   [Fe(CN)5]-3 

     [Fe(CN)5]-3  +   CN-1  ----->  [Fe(CN)6]-4

This is just the reaction the form the water soluble compound that has the potential to combine with more iron to form Prussian Blue (Fe4[Fe(CN)6]3). It's a very unfavourable reaction, and to have it form requires either more heat, concentration, time or the use of a catalyst. It turns out that in the delousing chambers, two of those were used (concentration and time).

Lol. All you did there is break it up into minute steps, to intentionally try and make it look like a more "unfavorable" process than it is.

If you're so expert, tell me then, what is the approximate threshold for the formation of Prussian Blue? (Or, if you prefer to answer it another way -- how much Hydrogen Cyanide were the delousing chambers exposed to, and how much the "gas chambers"?)

Edit: You're (weakly) tying to reproduce the argument that Richard Green makes, as the designated representative from the exterminationist faction, sent to attack Rudolf:




It is not difficult for Prussian Blue to form. There are case studies where Prussian Blue has formed after a single fumigation with cyanide gas:


According to the Merck index,Twelfth Edition, 1996, p. 822, 300 ppm is deadly to humans in just a few minutes.

According to "Directives for the Use of Prussic Acid (Zyklon) for the Destruction of Vermin (Disinfestation)," NI-9912 as cited in Jean-Claude Pressac, Auschwitz: Technique and operation of the gas chambers, the walls in the delousing chambers may have been exposed to HCN for over 20 hours at a time at levels up to 16,000 ppm.

Please don't reference sites dedicated to a "Holocaust Hoax" or "Historical Revisionism."

300 ppm is deadly to humans in just a few minutes.

Well, this doesn't have anything to do with defining the minimum amount of cyanide gas exposure necessary for Prussian Blue to form in brickwork.

Anyway. I'm glad you mentioned Pressac.

According to Pressac, because of the time it takes for the Zyklon-B to out-gas (over 2hrs, longer in colder weather), and because people were said to have died very quickly, roughly 5-7kg of Z-B would have been used per gassing -- many times more than is necessary to achieve 300ppm over its release cycle.

Again, witnesses said everyone died quickly (wildly varying reports, but some as short as "a few minutes") and that SK entered to clear the "chamber" either immediately or after a short time. Therefore the Z-B is still out-gassing when they enter.

To get around this problem, and the problem of the high amount of Z-B used -- thus maintaining the defensive argument that "welp, I guess the gas chambers just weren't exposed to enough cyanide gas!" (lol), according to Pressac, the Z-B was then removed, a short time into its out-gassing cycle (!) -- which none of the "witnesses" or historians ever mention, even once. No evidence of a removal device exists.

So Pressac is inventing history, without evidence, to counter the arguments of the skeptics. This desperate rear-guard action is typical of Holohoax fraudsters.


Please don't reference sites dedicated to a "Holocaust Hoax" or "Historical Revisionism."

Lol. Sorry Dad, but I'm going to reference information from wherever I please, even sources you don't like. Telling me I somehow can't reference any criticisms, arguments and evidence put forward by revisionists is akin to just saying "shut up", i.e. weak shit.

I'm going to reference information from wherever I please.

If you're not willing to use real sources then I guess we're done here.

Like I said earlier, you're desperate to make the Holocaust go away, so you grab BS from anywhere just to validate your toxic views.

My sources are real, and your sources are not real, therefore I'm not going to debate you

The classic response of someone completely out of their depth.


If you weren't intellectually self-castrated, you would actually read and attempt to understand the criticisms of the mainstream history, rather than lazily dismiss them as "toxic" or "wrong", because they challenge your faith in the unassailable truth of 1940's atrocity propaganda, or your faith that your teachers or religious leaders knew what they were talking about.

Pressac would never even have written his book without the pressure to respond to revisionist arguments. His rear-guard action is critiqued here:


Lol. All you did there is break it up into minute steps, to intentionally try and make it look like a more "unfavorable" process than it is.

No, that's how you write out chemical reactions. You clearly have never taken a chemistry course.

If you're so expert, tell me then, what is the approximate threshold for the formation of Prussian Blue? (Or, if you prefer to answer it another way -- how much Hydrogen Cyanide were the delousing chambers exposed to, and how much the "gas chambers"?)

/u/winterd beat me too it.

  • According to the Merck index,Twelfth Edition, 1996, p. 822, 300 ppm is deadly to humans in just a few minutes.

  • According to "Directives for the Use of Prussic Acid (Zyklon) for the Destruction of Vermin (Disinfestation)," NI-9912 as cited in Jean-Claude Pressac, Auschwitz: Technique and operation of the gas chambers, the walls in the delousing chambers may have been exposed to HCN for over 20 hours at a time at levels up to 16,000 ppm.

Edit: You're (weakly) tying to reproduce the argument that Richard Green makes, as the designated representative from the exterminationist faction, sent to attack Rudolf:

Green is right though. The conditions in the delousing and gas chambers were different, and it shows in the diffent amount of Prussian blue buildup. In the reaction I listed, it's clear that the limiting reagent is Cyanide, which explains why adding more cyanide would give you an actually completed reaction.

You clearly have never taken a chemistry course.

Lol. I remember enough to realize that writing out the steps of a chemical reaction does not in any way prove that the reaction would've been impossible in the alleged "gas chambers" -- which is what you were arguing. The conditions weren't that different than the delousing chambers, where there is plenty of PB.

/u/winterd beat me too it.

No, he didn't. He quoted the lethal dose for humans. Pressac points out that due to the long release cycle of Z-B, and because witnesses claim that everyone was dead within minutes, many times more than the amount necessary to reach 300ppm would have to have been used. He suggests 5-7kg of Z-B "crystals" per gassing. (There's also the problem that the Z-B would still be out-gassing while the SK were removing the bodies!)

What I want to know is, if you know what you're talking about - as you claim to - what is the threshold for iron-cyanide formation in brickwork:

  • Estimate the minimum amount of cyanide gas exposure necessary for iron cyanide compounds to form, i.e. in numerical terms, list all relevant factors/variables and precisely define their effect on the reaction

  • Estimate, in numerical terms, what the variables are for the "gas chambers" -- i.e. why did the conditions of the "gas chamber" not reach the minimum level for iron-cyanide formation? [edit words]

The conditions in the delousing and gas chambers were different

Yes, but that doesn't prove Green's assertion about there being "not enough" cyanide gas exposure for ANY iron-oxide compounds to form. Obviously the conditions were slightly different - precisely how different is a matter of debate.

precisely how different is a matter of debate.

Are you even a real person? The differences were the length of exposure and concentration of gas, as has been stated many, many times.

Estimate the minimum amount of cyanide gas exposure necessary for iron cyanide compounds to form

Any at all?

why did the conditions of the "gas chamber" not reach the minimum level for iron-cyanide formation?

Who said that no residue was present?

And I have a question for you: What are the credentials of the people who are cited in your references? Are they historians with doctorates and articles published in reliable journals?

The differences were the length of exposure and concentration of gas, as has been stated many, many times.

Define those differences, in numerical terms.

Any at all?

Yes. Exposure variables necessary for any iron-cyanide formation in brickwork (especially brickwork of the type used in those structures, as not all bricks are the same...)

Who said that no residue was present?

I'm talking about the long-term stable Prussian Blue residue. You realize the Rudolf tests are not challenged by Green -- merely Rudolf's conclusions?

Man, I never should have jumped back into this. There's a reason I disabled inbox replies on my comments in this thread.

"We need not waste time or effort answering the deniers' contentions, it would be never-ending.... Their commitment is to an ideology and their 'findings' are shaped to support it." - Deborah Lipstadt

""Remembering is a necessary rebuke to those who say the Holocaust never happened or has been exaggerated." - Kofi Annan, 7th Secretary-General of the United Nations

"The American Historical Association Council strongly deplores the publicly reported attempts to deny the fact of the Holocaust. No serious historian questions that the Holocaust took place."

"26 January 2007 – The United Nations General Assembly today condemned without reservation any denial of the Holocaust, with only Iran publicly disassociating itself from the consensus resolution." - UN News Centre

You might think you've "won" because I'm giving up on you, but rest assured, you and your team lost a long, long time ago.

Lol. You're engaged in a desperate defense of one aspect of revisionist analysis. It's clear who is winning here. The Holohoax mythology is ridiculous, and people can see that when they're given access to all of the details, rather than the superficial, emotional nonsense of Hilberg, Arad, the vicious Jewish supremacist Lipstadt, Spielberg, etc...

Here's a much better quote, from Pressac - on your "side", in case you don't know who he is -- when he came to realize that the forensic side of things couldn't be reconciled with the testimony which forms the basis of the official historiography:

Michel de Boüard, former "Nacht und Nebel" at Mauthausen, considered that "the dossier [on the concentration camp system] is rotten". On the one hand, resentment and vendetta prevailed over conciliation. Then memory over history.

On the other hand, the communists' grip on the main organs of command in the camps, the setting up after the liberation of associations under their control and the establishment for fifty years of a "peoples' democratic" history of the camps have introduced the virus of antifascist cant.

Approximation, exaggeration, omission and lying characterise the majority of the accounts of that period. The unanimous and irrevocable discredit in which the communist writings are held can only rub off on a concentration camp experience tainted by their ideas and annihilate it.

Boyard's comment, referenced by Pressac, was:

I found myself torn between my conscience as a historian and the duties it implies, and on the other hand, my membership in a group of comrades whom I deeply love, but who refuse to recognize the necessity of dealing with the deportation as a historical fact in accordance with sound historical methods.

... The record is rotten to the core. On one hand a considerable amount of fantasies, inaccuracies, obstinately repeated (in particular concerning numbers), heterogeneous mixtures, generalizations and, on the other hand, very close critical studies that demonstrate the inanity of those exaggerations. [i.e. very close critical studies = revisionist analyses.]

Boyard was a former inmate at Mauthausen, honorary dean of the Faculty of Letters at the University of Caen, member of the Committee for the History of the Second World War, member of the Institut de France. He made those comments after stepping down as president of the Calvados (Normandy) Association of Deportees in 1985.

Lol. I remember enough to realize that writing out the steps of a chemical reaction does not in any way prove that the reaction would've been impossible in the alleged "gas chambers" -- which is what you were arguing.

I never claimed that just because there were a lot of steps that the reaction is impossible. That's just stupid. What I said, was that considering Cyanide is the limiting reagent, the fact that among those reactions are quite a few unfavourable and slow reactions, and that because of these it takes either a much larger amount of time to form, if it even has the time to complete all the different steps. (don't forget that the actual gas chambers were cleaned so it didn't look suspicious).

No, he didn't. He quoted the lethal dose for humans. Pressac points out that due to the long release cycle of Z-B, and because witnesses claim that everyone was dead within minutes, many times more than the amount necessary to reach 300ppm would have to have been used. He suggests 5-7kg of Z-B "crystals" per gassing.

And when you then look at how long it would take to kill lice in the same time, you get a much larger amount too, even compared to the 5-7kg that Pressac points out.

(There's also the problem that the Z-B would still be out-gassing while the SK were removing the bodies!)

It's a little thing called gas masks.

Estimate the minimum amount of cyanide gas exposure necessary for iron cyanide compounds to form, i.e. in numerical terms, list all relevant factors/variables and precisely define their effect on the reaction

Since you've taken chemistry apparently, it should be no problem. Just account for the volume of the chamber, the concentration of cyanide added, the reaction rate for all the steps listed (and accounting for both the rate limiting step and the limiting reagent). And then calculate based on how long each gassing was, how much of the reaction would have formed. The number you'll get will be extremely small, if it even manages to form at all given the time constraints.

Estimate, in numerical terms, what the variables are for the "gas chambers" -- i.e. why did the conditions of the "gas chamber" not reach the minimum level for iron-cyanide formation? [edit words]

How would I estimate that in numerical terms? There are only so many way to speed up a reaction that were also used in the gas chambers for another reason. The list is pretty much

  1. Add more solute

  2. Wait longer, which doesn't actually speed it up, but would make it more likely to actually form Prussian Blue.

Yes, but that doesn't prove Green's assertion about there being "not enough" cyanide gas exposure for ANY iron-oxide compounds to form. Obviously the conditions were slightly different - precisely how different is a matter of debate.

It does actually. In all of these cases, cyanide is the limiting reagent, which means that when it runs out, no matter how much of the other compounds there are, you can't form more. This is important, because it means that there was nowhere near enough to complete the reaction, especially considering the timeframe, and glacial reaction rate.

No, this is how chemistry reactions are written if its a multistep mechanism where you have rate determining steps which in this case you get.

Here's how I know you're full of shit.

You bluff that the gas chambers weren't exposed to enough cyanide gas for Prussian Blue to form, because its so difficult for iron-cyande compounds to form, but there are case studies where Prussian Blue has formed after a single exposure.

This next quote relates to a church in Untergriesbach, Germany. The page is in German but I've translated the relevant passage for you:

The interior restoration was well advanced, and in the summer of 1972 the fumigation of the entire interior with Zyklon B to combat wood worm in the altars resulted in significant damage: Including the vault frescoes, lunettes and capitals of the pilasters had severe discoloration and stains, the altar leaves showed significant blue cast, all gilded as if deposits had formed."

[From section beginning "Die Innenrestaurierung war weit gediehen, als im Sommer 1972..."]


There's another case, similar to the one above, in which blue stains formed after a single fumigation in 1976:

...a church of average size was extensively restored. Aside from drying out the brickwork and removing salt deposits, a fumigation with hydrogen cyanide (of the Zyklon B type) was also performed.

...Several months after the building was opened to the public, small ink-blue spots appeared at various places on the newly plastered surfaces. Little attention was paid to them at first; it was assumed that they were ink stains or the like. But the spots grew larger, and in some parts of the building discolored patches up to about a square meter (10 sq.ft.) in size developed.

Rudolf was able to test the stains and confirm that it was Prussian Blue:

It took chemical analyses of the plaster to determine the causes of this blue discoloration. These analyses confirmed the initial suspicion that the substance known as Berlin Blue had formed.

Chemically speaking, hydrogen cyanide (HCN) is a very weak acid. It is bound by damp, highly alkaline brickwork through neutralization. This produces calcium cyanide (Ca(CN)2), for example:

2 HCN + Ca(OH)2 Þ Ca(CN)2 + 2 H2O

The cyanide ion is a highly reactive ion, which joins with metals to form very stable complex salts. The best-known complex salts are the yellow and red iron cyanides. These compounds form when iron ions combine with cyanide: with the iron(II) ion, the yellow ferrocyanide forms, and with the iron(III) ion, the red ferricyanide is produced:

6 CN- + Fe2+ Þ [Fe(CN)6]4-

6 CN- + Fe3+ Þ [Fe(CN)6]3-

In the presence of excess iron(II) or iron(III) ions, the yellow or red iron cyanide then reacts to form blue compounds which are described in the literature as Berlin Blue and Turnbull's Blue, respectively:

[Fe(CN)6]4- + Fe3+ Þ [FeIIFeIII(CN)6]-

[Fe(CN)6]3- + Fe2+ Þ [FeIIIFeII(CN)6]-

The formation of these compounds was what had caused the discoloration at the plaster's surface in the church. Conclusive proof of this was easily furnished. Spraying plaster surfaces which had not yet turned blue with a solution of iron(II) or iron(III) salts, respectively, produced a spontaneous blue discoloration, which otherwise would have formed only slowly, as the reaction progressed by itself.

  • Q: Can Prussian Blue form only after very long periods of exposure to high levels of cyanide gas?

  • A: No, it can occur after a single exposure (of a concentration lower than that reached with a full Z-B outgassing.)


Concentration to fumigate lice = 5g per cubic meter = 4000ppm

On p.18 of 'Auschwitz: Technique and Operation of the Gas Chambers', (anti-revisionist) Pressac estimates 12g/m3 per gassing at Birkenau = 9600ppm

What ppm exposure were those rooms exposed to?

If they went by the book they would've aimed for 5 grams per cubic meter for all of two hours. (What does that work out to in ppm?)

And they presumably didn't hose down the church afterwards, which would've increased absorption, as happened in the "gas chambers".

By the way, due to the [slow] out-gassing cycle of Z-B, and the witness statements that victims died in just a few minutes, the exposure of the "gas chamber" walls would've been much higher than 300ppm -- they would've had to have achieved that level after about 10% of the Z-B's outgassing cycle, depending on air temperature, (i.e. in winter they would've used much more Z-B.)

They would've aimed for a level higher than 300ppm, also, as human sensitivity to cyanide gas varies quite a bit - 2000ppm is used in US gas chambers. Pressac estimates 5-7kg of Z-B per gassing. Thus the "gas chambers" were exposed to levels as high as the delousing chambers, if not higher, just for less time.

You don't really need death though. Just lose of consciousness long enough to throw them in the crematory.

Much higher than 300ppm? By the time the concentration reaches 500ppm they would all be dead from cumulative exposure and guys would start ventilating the room. I would look for prussian blue in the ventilation system more than anywhere else.

Then it would probably take at least an hour if you could move 1 body every 2 secs. Which doesn't seem normal.

5grams, a cubic meter of air is 1.25-1.29kg. So at highest is 0.004. Or 4000ppm for 2 hours. This is for the rooms that had prussian blue formation after 1 exposure?

The question then is how does frequency of exposure affect for formation? They don't delouse cloths 3 times a day do they?

You don't really need death though. Just lose of consciousness long enough to throw them in the crematory.

True, but this is inconsistent with witness testimony.

guys would start ventilating the room

Note that, depending on whose account of "ventilation" time you accept, the Z-B would continue to outgas for approximately another 1.5-2hrs, as the room is being cleared. Thus the rest of the crematorium complex would also be exposed to cyanide gas -- something no "witnesses" mention.

This is for the rooms that had prussian blue formation after 1 exposure?


The question then is how does frequency of exposure affect for formation?

Presumably it increases the amount of formation, as in the delousing rooms. However in citing these two case studies, I intended to show that iron-cyanide compounds can form in brickwork/plaster/etc after just a single exposure.

To really understand this, we need to define the minimum level of cyanide gas exposure necessary for the reaction to occur in the "gas chamber" brickwork. (Concentration, time - and the environmental variables: brick components, porousness, humidity, temperature - etc)

Do you have any estimates for the above?

No, I guess you would have to do experiments yourself or ask for some chemist to do it. You probably couldn't get a very accurate answer theoretically.

Right, which is why it annoys me that people can assert, a priori, that the conditions of alleged repeated exposure in the "gas chambers" was always too low for PB to form, without attempting to quantitatively define what the necessary conditions for formation are.

Yeah but it follows logic. Higher the concentration, faster the reaction. The longer the reaction, the more it accumulates.

Except we're talking about ZERO iron-cyanide compounds forming in the "gas chambers". It's not a matter of "how much" PB accumulates -- the argument being made is that conditions were such that its formation was impossible.

Rudolf responded to Green's ridiculous claim that the walls weren't exposed to enough Hydrogen Cyanide:



And elsewhere.

Why would a "scared old man" implicate himself in horrific war crimes that never happened? It's not as though you can claim he made his confession under threat of torture.

Not only could it be a part of a plea bargain, but he could also have created the memories after decades of being told what happened. Memories can be shaped and molded and are horribly unreliable, many courts do not accept them as evidence.

Not only could it be a part of a plea bargain, but he could also have created the memories after decades of being told what happened. Memories can be shaped and molded and are horribly unreliable, many courts do not accept them as evidence.

Plea bargain? He's being indicted because he willingly came forward out of obscurity to admit what he saw. He did this because Holocaust denial was repellent to him.

As far as manufactured memories, that's a stretch don't you think? It's far more likely that he honestly admitted what he saw.

As far as manufactured memories, that's a stretch don't you think? It's far more likely that he honestly admitted what he saw.

Look up the Satanic Ritual Abuse scare, hundreds of thousands of people have claimed they were personally a part of Satanic sexual abuse rituals. None of them are true, and yet they adamantly believe they experienced it. Another good example would be UFO abduction victims.

Or he's one of the billions of people that don't manufacture significant memories.

Have any of the soldiers stationed at Auschwitz ever supported the claim that the camp was only a forced labour camp?

Yes, Thies Christophersen.

He wasn't stationed at Auschwitz.

He was stationed close to Auschwitz and according to his account he regularly had to visit the Auschwitz main camp as part of his job. He claims he only visited Auschwitz-Birkenau once or twice and described it as dirtier and nastier than the Auschwitz main camp or Stammlager where inmates were relatively better off, having luxuries and distractions available to them such as a swimming pool, theatre and even a brothel. He never saw any evidence of gassings at the Auschwitz main camp and yet today tourists are shown a phoney gas chamber that was "reconstructed" after the war by the Soviets. The work of Cole and others has shown beyond any doubt that this facility could never have served as a homicidal gas chamber. The authorities even admit that this gas chamber was "reconstructed" after the war by the Soviets. David Cole got the head of the Auschwitz State Museum to admit this on film, and yet tourists are still told that people were gassed at this facility.

Lots of people worked at Auschwitz. They certainly wouldn't tell everybody that worked there if there were exterminations going on in one corner of the camp. I don't doubt for a moment that Christophersen was being honest. He saw nothing. But that's beside the point.

The point is the gas chamber shown to tourists at the Auschwitz Stammlager is a fraud. Cole's documentary on Auschwitz clearly shows how and why this so called gas chamber never could have served the purpose that is claimed. The thing has a chimney built onto it that connects to nothing within the so called gas chamber. It's purely there for show. Also the Zyklon B induction holes on the top of the gas chamber are mysteriously missing in aerial photographs taken by allied reconnaissance planes taken during the time when the mass gassings at Auschwitz were supposedly taking place. How many more clues do you need to work out someone is pulling your leg?

Look up the Satanic Ritual Abuse scare, hundreds of thousands of people have claimed they were personally a part of Satanic sexual abuse rituals. None of them are true

Ever read this?

If you think theres nothing to the SRA scare you haven't looked into it enough.

+1 on this my friend.

he could be making it under the threat of reward though

Or he could be telling the truth about what he saw. He's being indicted for war crimes at age 93, what reward could they possibly offer him?

They probably have been rewarding him with things throughout his life with the deal that they'd prosecute him just before his natural death. Just a theory.

Or, you know, he could be telling the truth.

A rather important point! If you're an Auschwitz SS guy who knows it was all bull, you might remain silent for fear of prosecution--but you'd sure as hell leave your refutation in the form of a memoir. We have a rather curious incident (a la the dog that "did nothing in the nighttime") with a gigantic absence of Nazis who would have been there and in the know not leaving counter-claims at their deaths. Mengele insisted to his son that the Jews he experimented on volunteered and got "goodies" for doing so. But there's no indication--to my knowledge, at least--that he denied the Zyklon B mass gassings. (If it were I, I'd make damned sure my wife or some other loved-one got my personal account out to Ernst Zundel or somebody!)

You (and other revisionists) have amply proved that the room on display at Auschwitz wasn't the gas chamber it's been passed off as. But that was a big camp and any real gas chambers would have gone the way of Treblinka and the other Bug River death camps--dismantled! Some eye-witness testimony is indeed "tainted," and other claims might be subject to challenge or refutation. But let's remember, when Groening made his remarks, he wasn't quite so old, nor was he under indictment. He was a guy who got pissed off that some were claiming that things he was involved with and aware of didn't happen. (I doubt you'll have time to get back here, but I respond "for the record.")

bhasse -- please don't act like the Birkenau gas chambers could have been anywhere at Auschwitz. The claims have been firmly fixed to kremas 2, 3, 4, and 5. 4 and 5 are gone, but 2 and 3 are still around to be tested. I do think Jews were killed at Auschwitz by Hoess (most likely, without orders) in '42. But the '44 extermination period is centered on the four kremas.

I am making no claims or assertions, but am rather attempting to remain open to evidence. Historians have gotten a good lot wrong on this issue. They should be held accountable. But if gas chamber murders really happened, we would expect the evidence to have been erased. If they never existed, you're right and it will be hard to "prove a negative." I ask my questions because I want to know, and right now, it's damned hard to dismiss the claims of a Nazi who was there.

Hey, I don't believe for a second that 10,000 bodies were being cremated a day in the crematoria of the Auschwitz/Birkenau camp complex. It's a technological impossibility. Nor do I believe Kurt Gerstein's ridiculous numbers. But he saw a gassing at Belzec. I'm willing to be persuaded one way or the other on this (the Auschwitz gas chamber) issue.

Good question, I'm interested in that as well. Here is a quote from an article by Mr. Groening, ' he decided to make it public after learning about Holocaust denial, and has since openly criticised those who deny the events that he witnessed, and the ideology to which he once subscribed.'

Do you believe that the exaggeration of the holocaust is part of a larger Jewish conspiracy?

Also, do you know of ANY reliable evidence of gas chambers throughout any of Europe? Is it your opinion that the gas chamber story was made up in Auschwitz's case but not for the other so-called "death camps"?

Have any of the soldiers stationed at Auschwitz ever supported the claim that it was not an extermination camp?

Well, that was pathetic. He basically admitted being a Zionist and called anyone who doubts that 9/11 was a bunch of angry Muslims a conspiracy theorist. Yup, I'll be running out about now to buy his book, sure enough!

Very unexpected ama. He seems fairly reasonable.

As a dissenter to this AMA I gotta say I kind of enjoyed reading it solely because he seemed so reasonable.

  1. Do you believe there is any evidence that Adolf Hitler had an actual documented plan to exterminate all the Jews?

  2. Do you believe the number of Jews who died in Nazi Germany was less than six million? If so, what do you think the real number is for the amount of people who died?

  3. Do you believe that gas chambers were used to kill Jews? If not, I'd like to know why.

  4. How reliable do you think the Nuremberg Trials were? Were they legitimate or just show trials?

1: Even Holocaust historians say there is no documented proof that it was a verbal order.

2: They've already lowered the death counts of several camps with Auschwitz dropping to 1 million, so 6 million is impossible already.

3: Because none has been found to have any toxin residue and several of them were connected to sewer systems so if they did gas Jews in them it would have wiped out the entire camp.

4: About as reliable as any trial where you kidnap the defense council so they can't cross examine witnesses and rape witnesses can be.

2: They've already lowered the death counts of several camps with Auschwitz dropping to 1 million, so 6 million is impossible already.

Say the number of Jews killed in the Holocaust was Ntotal. The number of Jews who died in Auschwitz was Nauschwitz.

You are assuming that the function that determines the value of Ntotal must contain the variable Nauschwitz. If it didn't, then it would be unaffected by erroneous values of Nauschwitz.

Ntotal can be calculated by Nauschwitz + Ntreblinka etc... The number of Jews that died during WWII need not be calculated using a formula that contained Nauschwitz. Ntotal can be calculated myriad different ways... For example: Ntotal = NJews-alive-after-holocaust - Njews-alive-before-holocaust.

You have to prove that the number 6 million was derived from that formula for your argument to have any implications. Proper historians wouldn't rely on potentially bad data and would always confirm through multiple sources. Therefore, this would be the least preferable method to determine the Jewish death toll of WWII. This wasn't how they figured out those numbers.

90% of the 3 million Polish Jews were dead by the end of WWII. That's 2.5 - 2.8 million Jews alone... Just from Poland. The facts show that there were 9 million Jews in Europe before WWII, that they were gathered from across Nazi-occupied Germany into ghettos and camps and that there were only several million European Jews left in the world after WWII. Even today, the number of European Jews is very close to the number in 1944 -- something that you would not expect unless there was a drastic decrease in population. There are many, many ways to estimate the number of Jews who were killed in WWII. Historians constantly come to a number very close to 6 million. This is always more than 2/3 of European Jews. This is a higher proportion than any other community. If you've read Hitler's Mein Kampf and studied the politics of Nazi Germany, it is an inescapable conclusion that Jews were targeted for extermination.

Ha! Right. That's why they had swimming pools, and the Zionist media had to fake photographs and push lies, right? One does not kill their imprisoned workers. especially with fictional gas chambers.

How many people died from murderous Zionist banking policies? Let's focus on that, zio shills.

Why haven't the number of European Jews in 2014 increased far beyond that of 1944? Especially considering the relative success of Jewish people as a minority. If millions of Jews were not killed then there should be tens of millions more Ashkenazi than there are.

The question I have for you is... Why did the Nazis take away my grandmother's child sister? Where did all of the kids go? Where were the daycares at Auschwitz for the kids? My answer is, they were taken to be killed.

And you should know that all of the ameneties at Auschwitz, such as a single reservoir converted into a tiny pool, where not for the prisoners but the prison guards (ie. Nazi soldiers). That's obvious.

Sorry I'm late, but to answer your question:


So your grandmother's child sister probably went to daycare.

Still bad, but hey: now you know.

And then she and everyone else her age died at daycare. By the same government that lined up Jews and shot them in the head. OK.

There was no genocide, right?

I'm just saying you were hilariously glib.

Also, you're an ass.

You should ask the jews about those daycare places. Maybe they blew them up right before the russians arrived and didnt rebuild them like they did with the "gas chambers".

You can't fill gaps in with "maybes."

The question I have is: where did all of the babies and toddlers go? Where is your evidence that they were taken care of? I am related to survivors. The young never made it. They were never given the chance to make it.

You have "maybes" of your own, I see. To answer your question, many died of Typhus and malnutrition in the camps, just like germans did in their cities and towns. WW2 was horrific, especially for millions of civilians.

Btw, no need to buy my book.

Dude, the swimming pools were made to be used in Nazi propoganda to show that the camps "weren't that bad" (hint: they were). You're quoting actual Nazi propoganda right now.

Sure they were. Prison camps so need PR so people will actually show up. I guess the rec areas were also just PR. You're a liar. A poor one at that.

You're literally citing Nazi propoganda). Seriously, I'm not sure how you could deny this, unless you also believe that it was Poland's aggression towards Germany that was the cause of the invasion (hint: it was actually a Nazi false flag).

Says the victor: http://britain.greyfalcon.us/gleiwitz.htm

Come on. I learned this as an early teen. Just like "death camps" (aka work camps), the polish false flag was fake. /u/PersonMcName...exposed.

Says the victor: http://britain.greyfalcon.us/gleiwitz.htm[1]

That site also claims Pearl Harbour was a false flag perpetrated by Roosevelt. Not just this, but there seem to be quite a few issues with their claims.

Just like "death camps" (aka work camps), the polish false flag was fake.

So you're just straight-up claiming no on died in the holocaust?

Pearl Harbor was a planned false flag to thrust the isolationist US into yet another Zionist banker war. No o.e of intelligence believes the most protective Navy in the world would not have early warning that aircraft carriers and planes were making an approach on the largest grouping of warships in the Pacific.

People died. This happens when infrastructure is destroyed during war. No people were systematically gassed in the most inefficient means.

Argument destroyed.

Argument destroyed.

Not really. You didn't actually prove anything, you just said "anyone who knows about this believes it's a false flag".

As I state in my book, there was never a central plan. Policy toward Jews varied by year, and by country. From 1942 through 1943 there was a policy, quite clearly described by Goebbels in his diary, to reduce the population of Polish Jews by about 60%. That figure was backed up by the Korherr Report. Separately, Jews from Germany were sent east, with the idea that once the Germans defeated the Russians, they'd be expelled. When the Front stalled and turned to shit for the Germans, it was decided that it was dangerous having so many Jews in the Ostland, and most were liquidated. These are all individual pieces of a tragedy. But there was never a single "plan."

quite clearly described by Goebbels in his diary, to reduce the population of Polish Jews by about 60%

Can we make it clear as to whether or not there were any written orders, anywhere, that called for the murder of the Jews opposed to just expelling them?

What's more, there's evidence in 1942 that Hitler had ordered the solution to the 'Jewish Problem' postponed until after the war.

In 1945/46 a prosecutor at the Nuremberg "trials" disappeared a 1942 document showing that Hitler had ordered this postponement. The original was found in the German Archives in the 70's.

We also have a 1942 quote from Hitler (in 'Table Talks') which explain what his plans were. The policy isn't even one of a total, forced expulsion. Rather, Hitler stated that after the war he would

close the towns to the Jews, one after the other "if the Jewish dregs did not decamp and if they do not emigrate to Madagascar or to some other national Jewish homeland."

The lack of a written order does not mean the Nazis didn't commit genocide.

It is a very important distinction and it must be made.

There, it's made. The Holocaust still happened.

Meanwhile, in Germany, people are still imprisoned for pointing out that you can't cremate 3 bodies in 20 minutes...


Thanks. I'll see if I can fit them in my 10 x 4 x 1.6m room containing three million lampshades and three million bars of soap.

No counter argument or refutation? Figures.

There's no point - you don't want it to be true. The Holocaust is what happens when your belief system - racism and intolerance - is put into actual practice. 11 million people are slaughtered. You'll do anything to make that uncomfortable feeling go away, so you deny the event ever happened, or you change it so in your mind it's not such a big deal.

11 million people are slaughtered


You must work at a movie theater with all that projecting.

No, it's not. And, no, there was no burnt sacrifice.


I should have guessed. It's a very good link to have handy. Thank you.

True, yet it does raise the bar for evidence in the affirmative. Without demonstrated intent, evidence for the acts themselves must be conclusive.

Soon the last Holocaust survivors will be dead. There will be no one left with a first-hand experience of what happened at these camps.

You are sowing doubt in places where there isn't any. Every year that passes there are fewer eye witnesses to defend the very existence of millions of these murder victims.

Did you not notice how you are treated here because of your beliefs about 9/11 and Israel? Many people who join "truth movements" do it for other reasons than the truth. To these people, conspiracy is a worldview and a religion. Since you disagree, you're the enemy who literally serves Satan (aka. the NWO, Jews, etc...).

The Holocaust revisionist movement will always be dominated by these types of people. You are adding confusion to the legacy of survivors at the first point in history when we don't have their personal experiences as an asset.

We live in a world where people believe that the Boston Bombing or Sandy Hook were not just conspired, but completely fictitious events.

To call these well-documented events is an understatement. They are fully documented beyond any shred of doubt. The truthers claim the people didn't even exist, despite there being a hundred thousand+ personal contacts of victims and witnesses.

There are people to whom there is no evidence that can convince them they're wrong. Do you think that your activities will really result in good? Why do you have to add more fuel to the crazy fire? This is a time in history when Holocaust museums are targeted by shooters almost annually. There has never been a faster spread of hoaxes and lies than now. All you're doing is becoming the darling child of the degenerate faction of society who hate you because you're Jewish anyways.

You my friend need to look to facts to create a picture of reality, as of now it seems you are subject to propaganda

My grandparents survived the camps. Most of their family died in the Holocaust. I have first-hand accounts from the people who care the most about me and given me everything.

It is sadly true that Nazi Germany attempted to exterminate all European Jews. That's why I am posting here.

My father's parents were Polish Jews. 90% of all Polish Jews were murdered during WWII. My grandfather and grandmother lost their friends, villages and most of their family.

My question to you is do you believe that they're lying about the details of their past or that they have a bad memory? If it is possible that they mis-remember details, then where were their missing family members and friends? Where did the 90% of Polish Jews go?

90% of all Polish Jews were murdered during WWII.

"Murdered" is a funny way of saying, "Died of disease towards the end of WWII".

Buddy, if I stole every man, woman and child in your town from their homes and shipped them to an internment camp where 90% of you died of disease shortly thereafter, it would be murder.

Somehow I doubt 90% died.

90% ceased to exist. How many children of Holocaust survivors grew up with grandparents?

My father never met his. Most of his aunts, uncles and his parents' cousins did not make it through a war. The Jewish population was decimated 9 times.

Doubt it.

So basically you refuse to believe in anything that doesn't suit your narrow-minded agenda?

Congrats, you've become the thing you hate.

I have a nose for bullshit.

Do you think there are aspects of the Franklin Cover-Up that are still present in the Republican Party?

None that I saw. Oh, and I'm not much of a believer in "Satanic ritual abuse" BS.

CONSPIRACY OF SILENCE (Banned Discovery Channel Documentary)

Conspiracy of Silence, a documentary listed for viewing in TV Guide Magazine was to be aired on the Discovery Channel, on May 3, 1994. This documentary exposed a network of religious leaders and Washington politicians who flew children to Washington D.C. for sex orgies.

At the last minute before airing, unknown congressmen threatened the TV Cable industry with restrictive legislation if this documentary was aired. Almost immediately, the rights to the documentary were purchased by unknown persons who had ordered all copies destroyed.

However, a rough-cut of the documentary was leaked..this is the leaked version.

It may not be Satanic but there is more than a mountain of evidence to suggest that the elite love to at least diddle and at worst murder children through an international human trafficking circuit.

For those interested in the Satanic Ritual Abuse nonsense, look up The Kern County Witch Hunt and 'Michelle Remembers'.

Hey David, thanks for being here.

Can you summarize your beef with "skeptic" Michael Shermer? Why did he try to get your book banned?

In my book, I transcribed recorded phone calls between us from 1994, in which Shermer admitted that he lied on the Donahue Show, and that he lied to his readers about my work in "Skeptic Magazine." I also transcribed a recorded interview he gave in early '95, in which he admitted falsely calling me an anti-Semite, and in which he admitted that I'm probably right regarding the gas chambers. When Sherm learned about these transcribed calls, he had his lawyers threaten my publisher. Within 24 hours, I got them to run away like mice, with their tails between their legs. He hasn't troubled me since.

Please post links to those recordings here. Everyone knows about the Schermer debunking, nobody knows about your recordings.

Excellent. He's considered an authority figure by so many atheists and skeptics. This needs to get out

Why not start by submitting it to this sub as a new post?

just go ahead and do it already xD

He deserves the credit for asking such an insightful question. :)

I haven't watched this interview since it first was aired on Youtube but I'm pretty sure there are some recordings in David's interview with Ryan Dawson: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zu1Q6VMgI8w


Why did you become involved in the GOP?

I'm a conservative. Simple answer!

Yes but the GOP is not conservative, it is neoconservative, ie. it supports big government and Israel.

What's really sketchy is that many former Jewish communists founded the Neoconservative movement that now dominates the Republican party.

He already openly admitted in this AMA that he's a Zionist.

It's hard to really have any compassion for Jews when 99.9% of those we hear from hate the rest of humanity.

^ example a of a Holocaust denier right here.


Want to give examples?

I wish Aaron Swartz was alive. Perhaps he was a good Jew? Among prominent Jews, they are a rarity. He's the only one I can even think of. Sad. So, so many bad Jews among the evil "elite".

Welcome to Germany in the 1940's. Like the days of Sodom and Gomorrah.

He said he was a Zionist somewhere else in this thread. He is only "Conservative" because the GOP supports Israel more than the other guys.

to be fair the GOP has lots of infighting, civil wars, libertarians, neo-cons, and all sorts of things, where as the democrats are always content with what they have. it is also the only seemingly right-wing way to get any power in america, due to the two party monpoly.

The democrats have the DLC Thirdway, funded by the Kochs, and neoliberal (read corporatist) to the core. The dems are not leftwing by any stretch of the imagination (except for non-issue social bs like gay marriage), that died off during the red scare. When it comes to real policy, the gop and the dems are one and the same.

so where are the people like ron paul in the democratic party? where are the civil wars to throw out the old people in the democratic party like there have been many times in the gop? where are the civil wars, the discenters, etc. within the democratic party like there are in the gop?

nowhere. that was my point. your hyperbole doesnt change that.

  1. Dennis Kucinich.
  2. Your alleged "civil wars" are smoke and mirrors to keep you entertained and distracted. The same old prunes pull the strings.
  3. The dems and gop are one and the same corporate party. Unleash yourself from the "good cop/bad cop" mentality, friend.

dennis kucinich the guy who voted for obama care? yea ok. the guy who has no following, no movement behind his name or persona or beliefs? where was the huge push to get him in office instead of obama like grass roots voters did for paul? where are his hordes of followers who would like to see a change in the democratic party? nowhere. there is no dissent in the democratic party. everyone is happy with the establishment in that party. theyre all in on it, not one person in that party has integrity or a vision or a fight within them.

Obamacare is Romneycare, a conservative plan enacted by DLC dems. Kucinich and Paul, both controlled opposition to promote the illusion of "honest" elements within an utterly corrupt system. There's no right and left, there's no divide between the parties. As for divide within the dems, you have populist, supposed rogue elements like Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders (who is an independant in name only), whom are just a veil. Corporations rule both parties. I hope you awaken to this.

Only a few are neoconservative.

Does it suck how the GOP now shuns people like you and David Duke?

No, Duke is poison, and a con man. Remember that I go back a long way. Back to the '80s, and the Willis Carto days. We all knew who the con men were. Duke can get a fancy little plastic surgery nose, but he can't surgically alter his personality. Jared Taylor, on the other hand, while dismissed by many as a racist, is an intelligent and literate man whose presence is needed to balance out the race baiting that comes from the left. The GOP will never embrace Taylor, and I understand why, strategically. But he's a good guy who serves a good purpose.

Why is Duke a con man? I find him intelligent and literate. I understand why you would not personally like him, as he exposes Zionism, but what is the con exactly?

Can you elaborate on what makes Duke "poison" and a "con man". Some may find this to be hypocritical as you have gone into hiding, changed your name, and were literally living as someone else for a large portion of your life as well as making money off your deceptions.

No, Duke is poison, and a con man.

And you're a Neoconservative Zionist Jew. Duke and Taylor are far more respectable than you'll ever be. It's Jewish Neocons like you who have destroyed the Republican party for white men.

Any thoughts on Richard Spencer? Do you think willis Carto might be a fraud?

Are you lumping Mr Cole in with the former leader of the KKK?

David quit the Klan over 35 years ago. David Duke was also a former Republican State Representative of Louisiana as well. He's a highly respectable man, and I even own an autographed copy of one of his books. Although I think I'm gonna read David Cole's books now as well.

Someone asked about what you thought of National Socialism but then deleted it. I think it's a good question. My personal opinion is that NS was controlled opposition, as it was socialistic in nature and thus Jewish nonsense meant to control and deceive.

That was me and I didn't delete it; thanks for bring it to my attention that it has been banned. That to me is a clear sign that they don't want us talking about it. If it were controlled opposition, then why are they hiding discussion of it?

Socialism itself is simply a group working together for the benefit of all. It does not mean it's necessarily Jewish. That was the difference between Communism and NS.

I've seen you around on this thread and you seem pretty versed...perhaps you haven't read all the benefits that NS brings to a people. ANP14.com would be a good place to start.

I am NS. I want workers to be treated fairly, industry to stay in the the country, no fake money or ridiculous debts, real talented people creating art from all walks of life instead of Kardashians...I could go on, but I assure you it's not controlled op. Listen to the ANP talkshoe.

As a new user, your comments need to be approved by moderators on /r/conspiracy. You've littered this thread with comments, so it's hard to keep up with them all.

My apologies. Most of my questions were legit and only one has been joking. Plenty of others have posted more than I have, but I will refrain from doing so much after this post. Thank you.

... yeah that's why the bolsheviks attacked them, the jews decided to fight against themselves. if thats even true, then, respectfully, why even continue to live? if everything is a hoax/controlled opp, why continue being a slave?

the bolsheviks attacked them


Did you learn that from Chicago Fire's Yuri Sardarov?

Jews had it so hard in Bolshevik Russia... where "antisemitism" was made punishable by death. Right.

How scared do you think the elite are that the holocaust is no longer taken legitimately by the masses or is not cared about?

I think it is still taken legitimately, and I think that itself is legitimate, because 3 million deaths can certainly be considered a Holocaust. The problem is that the deniers understate the severity of the event (and thus lose credibility), and the mainstream historians overstate it (and thus lose credibility to anyone who's exposed to genuine revisionism).

Can you leave your race out of it and consider that some deniers are not so much understating the events but rather refuse to let the Jews own the narrative? Imagine an other perspective, one that sees the Jews as contributors to the conflict, as where some many different forces, not the primary victims. And are you capable of seeing the Germans as victims?

User for 4 hours


How do you rectify that statement with the rise of a Germany that no longer feels it needs to remain quiet because of the Holocaust? Along with the center of geopolitics shifting to nations that never originally believed in the evil nazi propaganda that originated power world war 2?

Also please define deniers and what qualifies people to be classified under your label for sake of debate. Denying the Holocaust as a narrative is not the same as denying anyone died, so I'm hoping you have some distinction between the two.

You honestly think the holocaust isn't taken legitimately by the masses?

Maybe in your echo chamber it isn't, but in the real world most people take it pretty fucking seriously.

Really when was the last time you saw a none Israel supporter bring up the Holocaust?

Just because people aren't constantly bringing it up doesn't mean they don't believe it happened.

It's pretty much accepted as fact by the majority, despite whatever you may believe.

Believed it happened is not the same as consider it important or relevant to their day to day lives. Appeal to majority is also a logical fallacy and not a reasonable argument. The majority believe many things both trivial and important to be true that simply are not.

As a matter of inquire which Holocaust are you referring to that people believe happened? There were quite a few claimed, but only the World War 2 event stuck even though Holocaust scholars now admit 6 million was an outright exaggeration.

Who do you think was behind the death of Mike Connell and what is your take on the Republicans ability to control election outcomes?

GOPs can barely control their bowels, let alone elections. There's no GOP election-rigging conspiracy. You noticed that we lost big in '06, '08, and '12? If we're rigging elections, we're doing it wrong.

The Clint Curtis / Tom Feeney Vote-Rigging Scandal, 10 Years Later

Incredibly enough, it's been ten years this month since we broke the story about vote-rigging software whistleblower Clint Curtis.

That's not surprising as it involves election fraud, touch-screen voting systems, Florida, a powerful Congressman, the Bush family, Chinese spies and several disturbing deaths.

In short, Curtis was a software programmer from Oviedo, FL who claimed in a sworn 2004 affidavit and then sworn testimony before members of the U.S. House Judiciary Committee, that he was asked to create a vote-rigging software prototype for touch-screen voting systems back in 2000 by then Rep. Tom Feeney (R-FL), a very powerful Republican in the Sunshine State and a close friend of the Bush family.

More: http://www.bradblog.com/?p=10980

Including primaries? There are some shady graphs for the '12 ones...

They successfully silenced Ron Paul but I think that's about the extent of their vote rigging. Honestly, if Romney would have won, he would have used Sandy Hook to implement gun control because the sheep who worship Republicans would have supported him, in my opinion. But because Obama won all the Republicans wanted to do the opposite of whatever Obama wanted to do.

David, you have referred to yourself as being a “smug atheist” in your past. What are your views on religion today? Do you practice any particular religion? If so how did your conversion come about? What convinced you to abandon atheism?

I know this goes against the spirit of an AMA, but all I can say is that my "conversion" away from atheism was personal. I don't mean personal as in, "don't ask me about it," I mean personal as in, "not something I can explain beyond my own experiences."

So you're now a practising Jew or did you convert to Christianity? Or do you just believe in a God that's not attached to any particular religious tradition?

I know this goes against the spirit of an AMA

It certainly doesn't, good answer!

You're doing a fantastic job so far, btw.

I respect that from him. its his personal choice either way. Everyone changes either way with enough time and experience

Have you seen the film 'Spielberg's Hoax: The Last Days of the Big Lie' and if so, do you agree with the film's assertions?

Nope, haven't seen it. There's very little new denier research these days, and very few real revisionists (as opposed to deniers). The "new" stuff is usually retreads from the '90s.

Thanks for the reply.

Spielberg's 'The Last Days' was only released in 1999. The documentary I linked to is an expose of the many, varied and blatant lies of the witnesses throughout that film.

Are you familiar with Spielberg's Shoah Foundation and the influence he has in the holocaust industry?

What about the Red Cross documents, those are very new? And why divide the research field into denier and revisionist? It seems manipulative, as in divide and conquer.

Some people say that Israel was really a state created for the House of Rothschild; they wanted their own land nearby the Suez Canal with it being such an important waterway both strategically and economically. Giving the Jewish people a home was a convenient excuse for the land grab, just as the British once moved Lowland Scots people to the North of Ireland in an attempt to keep control of the whole of Ireland.

I'd be interested to know if you have a take on this?

Can you point to a reference for that British comment? I'm interested in that subject

"His coronation as James I of England settled Scotland's fate, for it was during his reign that the Plantation in Ulster relocated Lowland Scots in an attempt to reconstruct Ireland as a Protestant country."


They are now known as Ulster Scots, in parts of Northern Ireland people can still speak a dialect of Lowland Scots

Thank you. That is excellent. My ancestors are from that part of the world and I am currently doing an archive of documents from my 16th century relatives...another piece of the puzzle!

You're welcome, there's so much to learn about that fascinating era!

I'm a Zionist. I don't buy the conspiracy theories. A group of people wanted a homeland. There was a massive refugee crisis at the end of WWII. The Arabs were less than welcoming, war ensued, land was won in battle. No different than what happened for centuries in Europe with land passing hands from one nation/nationality to another. It's all just part of human behavior.

Holy crap you openly admit to being a Zionist. How could you possibly support the creation of Israel when it was built upon the guilt of the lies that you expose from WW2?

Maybe he has to say that to keep certain people off his back?



::dejected sigh::

I thought the same thing about his "alcoholism", I thought he was faking it to purposely make himself look bad but with his proclamation of being a Zionist I don't know what the hell to think. My mind is spinning right now.

He admitted that he was not in recovery for it and was simply being facetious. I wonder what parts are real and which are not. He could just be trolling on any of this.

All I can say is this: I used to be a fan of him and now I'm glad I never gave him a single penny before this AMA. I have come across people like him in the "conspiracy" movement before and now I can honestly say that whenever someone refuses to answer some questions, and has a book/product to sell, they are full of crap. I always wondered why Ryan Dawson never asked David about 9/11 and now I can say confidently that Ryan Dawson and David had behind the scenes deals to promote each others work (try to make money for each other) as long as they agreed to certain rules. Absolutely disgusting. I stopped following Ryan after I saw him constantly beg for donation money and now I'm done with David Cole.

Keep in mind that trying to make money does not necessarily invalidate everything one has to say. You just have to a bit more discerning and with a fair amount of salt.

When the person trying to make money is doing so in a desperate attempt to not have to work a "normal" job like the rest of us peasants have to do (not all of us have the privilege of selling out to work with the Republican party) it most certainly brings into question everything they are doing in order to make a living.

That's a fair point, too.

Would it make a difference to you if he sold out to the Democratic party instead?

Honestly that would make more sense to me but I thought his alliance with the GOP was just to keep himself safe, I didn't think he actually thought it was a good entity until this AMA. And either way, aligning yourself with either of the two parties (two wings of the same bird) is absurd for anyone calling themselves a historian to do. My personal opinions on politics in America are that they are completely rigged, along with the mainstream media/music/movie industry. David is just someone trying to make money rather than search out the truth and speak truth because the truth these days does not get one a lot of money, it gets them targeted... so I wouldn't doubt that he is just saying he's a Zionist and pro-GOP to save himself but that's not going to stop me from not supporting him.

I don't make money from my book, nutjob. I got paid to write my book. I got my money up-front. If it sells ten or ten-thousand copies, it's my publisher who gets the dough. I don't lose jack-shit, even if it never sells. Not that you care one bit about facts or reality.

I was really a huge fan of yours but now I'm a nutjob because I see through your scheme? There are a ton of people like you in the "conspiracy" movement, all of you are just toeing the line to make money for yourselves rather than talk about the big picture, because that's too dangerous. I can understand wanting to stay safe but selling out is disgusting (let me guess, other Zionists paid you to write that book, didn't they?).

I appreciate your work in "Cole Goes to Auschwitz" but I now see you for what you really are. Have fun supporting the Israeli government and the official government stories of all the recent false flags, most notably 9/11.

This! I am (was) also a big fan of David but this is just rude. Totally agree w/ you.

No need to call him a "nutjob", David. That attitude wont get you any new customers. Zionists tend to sell themselves well yet always resort to ad hominems and strident attacks. Your rabid methods are even used on your own fellow jews, that is, when they fail to toe the line.

Thanks for the support. I forgot to mention in my reply to him that he ignored my question about how he can support the creation of Israel despite exposing the lies that Israel used ("6 million Jews killed!") to get created but it all makes sense to me now. David, along with every other person who wants to promote their book or beg for donation money, is only out for themselves. They couldn't care less about the big picture, and I'm sure any other questions I have will now be ignored. It's actually hilarious if you look through my post history for today and see how quickly I went from defending him in multiple posts, to now seeing what he truly is. I actually defended this guy a lot over the past 6 months on the internet...lesson learned.

I too enjoyed his thought provoking videos during the early 90s. This AMA has been an eye opener for sure.


He is literally making money off of selling the stories of a life mired in deception and duplicity.

Monay monay monay!

So why are Jews not allowed to be nationalistic?

Because they are committing genocide.

I don't understand how people are confused about this subject. Israel is not being created. It was created 70 years ago. Being a Zionist doesn't mean you think the past was 100% moral. In this day and age, Zionist means that you don't think that Israel should lose its sovereign status. Furthermore, it means that you're against anti-Zionism, which is usually fueled by Arab Nationalism (reverse Zionism), anti-West or even anti-Jew sentiments.

Anti-Zionist does not mean anti-jew. Present day Israel is disgusting, a blockage on the Palestinian people that only "allows" them 2400 calories worth of food per person per day on top of numerous other restrictions. Blowing them up by the hundreds for every one Israeli they are blamed for killing. I cannot believe David openly admits to being a Zionist, let alone anyone else who considers themselves a historian.

It's impossible to say what anti-Zionist really means because there are so many definitions of Zionism. I don't know what facts or world view you subscribe to, so there's not much I can say. If you literally have different assumptions, any dialogue between us is pointless.

The minimum to be considered a Zionist means that you support a sovereign state for ethnic Jews. If you are anti-Zionist in this sense, but you support a sovereign state for ethnic Iranians or French, then you are anti-Jew. If you claim to be anti-Nationalism in its entirety, but you only talk about Israel, you are probably anti-Jew, whether or not you've admitted it to yourself. There are other more dangerous Nationalist movements in this world, for example in Greece, that do no receive 1% of the international attention of Israel.

Present day Israel is disgusting, a blockage on the Palestinian people that only "allows" them 2400 calories worth of food per person per day on top of numerous other restrictions. Blowing them up by the hundreds for every one Israeli they are blamed for killing. I cannot believe David openly admits to being a Zionist, let alone anyone else who considers themselves a historian.

So what? If I told you that I think that ethnic Turks should keep their sovereign state of Turkey, does that mean I support all of their countries crimes against humanity? It's a country with a record just as bad as Israel. No! In fact, because I am not anti-Turkish, I do not equivocate rights of the people in the state with the actions of the state.

And I'm telling you, as an anti-Zionist, that I do not support the state of Israel. That's not to say I am against the Israeli citizens, but their government should not exist.

If I am against your position, it doesn't mean that I think the Israeli government should have been created, but that I don't think that it should be dismantled today for that reason.

And why does Israel always attract so many foreign interlopers who know better? The Palestinians are being held hostage by people like you, poor counsel who won't let them get on with their lives. The world is not black-and-white nor a zero sum game.

You think the government that commits atrocities should keep existing because its own sheep citizenry wouldn't be able to stay safe without it? Disgusting.

I'm not that guy, but you're a moron and not listening to his argument, which is why I presume he stopped replying - You clearly can't differentiate between state and government.

You're definition of Zionism is not universal so stop pretending that it is. Somebody can be a Zionist and oppose the current Israeli government/regime/treatment of human rights etc.

"Zionism (Hebrew: צִיּוֹנוּת, translit. Tziyonut) is a nationalist and political movement of Jews and Jewish culture that supports the reestablishment of a Jewish homeland in the territory defined as the historic Land of Israel."

EDIT: State and government are the exact same entity.

Yes, your definition doesn't impede on anything I or the other guy was saying, you can fully support that ideology and oppose THE CURRENT GOVERNMENT OF ISRAEL, while supporting the notion of a jewish and/or Israeli state.

No, they're not the same thing, since you like definitions so much GO LOOK THEM UP JESUS

In addition, I don't have to have a position on the ideology, the legitimacy of the government or the notion of a Jewish or Israeli nation-state. I don't have a position on equivalent concepts for other countries. I can be completely neutral and be against anyone who would say that a country should lose it sovereignity. According to anti-Zionists, I am a Zionist. In reality, I am not an anti-Zionist and I am not a Zionist.

The way I see it, when you have strong opinions on a subject, where failed outcomes have no bearing on your life, you are a meddler. When you have no skin in the game, you simply can never understand the issue as someone who suffers the consequences day after day.

Ideally, we would all be informed world citizens with well-reasoned opinions about current issues that affect human welfare throughout the world. But at the same time I know my opinions are based on limited and biased information. I care enough that I want the outcome to have the greatest possible good. I know enough to have some understanding of the situation. But I do not demand that they give up anything because I must satisfy my devotion to my personal ideals. With no skin in the game, I do not have the right to meddle... nor am I that self-righteous and self-satisfied. I've been wrong enough too many times to be that delusional.

The route to peace is through compromise. That may be an ideal but it is also a fact. No country was born without guilt and I'm not going to start with Israel if I get the grandiose desire to fix the past.

So the Balfour Declaration is now regulated to Conspiracy Theory?

Of course a pro Zionist conspiratard post...

Aaaaaand there goes all the potential book sales you could have got from /r/conspiracy

Seriously how stupid is this guy?

Real stupid. Yet another controlled liar...

It then stands to reason that when Jews declared war on Germany in 1933 that they had a right to defend themselves. Do you think Jews share some of the blame in the war or are they always the victim?

Jews had a right to oppose the Nazi government. The Nazis were opposed by many non-Jewish Germans, too. That was politics. Putting kids in concentration camps isn't politics; it's filthy, disgusting, and inhumane. It was beneath the Germans as a people.

In a country of 60 million, the approximate population of the concentration camps in 1939, was 10,000. Most of them were 'anti-social' criminals.

During wartime, all other nations locked up hostile foreigners. The various statements/activites by international Jewish groups to the effect of a "holy war on Germany" justifies this policy by the NSDAP.

That said, there were many nationalist, assimilationist German-Jews (especially veterans from WWI) who seemed to support the goals of the NSDAP, but the "Nazis" turned their back on them.

Thanks for your reply David, very interesting, not the reply I had anticipated. While there was a lot of Rothschild involvement in initially setting up and funding Israel, the 'Rothschild controls Israel' idea will have to remain as conspiracy as there is no hard evidence like you say.

There's quite a lot about their involvement with Zionism and Israel on their family Wikipedia page, it also mentions their financing of the Suez Canal project.


The Rothschilds are just one of many families that pertain to aristocracy, i.e. a noble family. They don't possess extraordinary power besides Federal Reserve and Zionism (political movement/ideology), there are other families who have dominion. Goverment and Global politics are not what they seem, one cannot say 'x' runs 'y' state, because all families have stakes in all states.

I'm a Zionist.


The Arabs were less than welcoming, war ensued, land was won in battle. No different than what happened for centuries in Europe with land passing hands from one nation/nationality to another.

The Balfour declaration was signed before the second world war even started and it was negotiated by lord Rothchild to establish a jewish (but predominantly zionist) state. To say it was as a consequence of sympathy to the jews after what you told us about the holocaust and the arabs not welcoming is ridiculous. Arabs and jews were living peacefully in palestine for 200 years prior to 1947.

Do you support the mass murder of Palestinians perpetrated by your brethren, for which the Holohoax is an excuse?

David I don't disagree, hitler wanted the jews in their own homeland out of his hair after all, and also, more jews were expelled from muslim coluntries than muslims were expelled from israel, not that I give much of a damn about muslims rights when they cant respect their own peoples rights

Indeed. Well put.

David, what about the evidence presented by Jim Condit Jr. that Hitler was directly supported and financed by high Zionist financiers? Smells like a conspiracy to me. Hitler was completely controlled, especially by way of his homosexual blackmailability.

Aaaand motherfucking crickets were heard. What a fucking shock.

Very relevant.

My question was censored by the mods:

The top comments on the announcement of your AMA show a lot of displeasure. Many users were banned by bringing up their concerns and essentially censored. What's the issue with your field?

Do you approve of the way the mods who set up this AMA silenced the dissenters? Isn't it the same type of thing you've gone through your whole life?

It looks like you've been shadowbanned.

I've approved this comment for you.



Since the Admins are shadowbanning the accounts that keep asking this question over and over, we are no longer going to approve these shadowbanned users.

Sorry but they just got caught breaking reddit.

Why are the admins so interested in this ama?

Many users were banned

No they weren't and you know that.

Dear David, from Moonlit History of Facebook:--

I am in concordance with you, Irving and Weber on the Reinhardt camps and the mass-killings on the Eastern Front. It happened and it was horrible. However, it is strange how that small portion of Jewish death is the most sought-after element of the bloodbath we call World War II.

I get a lot of flak from "deniers" too because of my views. But I believe a wanna-be historian, such as myself, should always adhere to the principles of honest criticism towards history and not allow bias opinions to formulate answers.

With that said, it's obvious that the Jewish holocaust story has shifted and changed throughout the decades. The holocaust story of 1945 was a lie to the world. No extermination camps or gas chambers were on German soil--yet the Western forces claimed to have liberated many death camps. No Jews were made into soap or lampshades; no Polish prisoners had their head shrunk (and none of these pieces of "evidence", which were displayed at the Nuremberg Trials, were ever recovered by the allies to be authenticated).

Just some good ol' fashion propaganda. Few people seem to remember the propaganda used during World War I. Some of it was anti-German, like the stories of Belgium babies and crucified Canadians. All of which were lies crafted by the "allied powers." There were many reports of 6,000,000 Jews being persecuted and killed. But it wasn't by the Germans, it was the Russians. The Library of Congress has a lot of those articles archived. Here are a few examples:

February 20, 1915 - http://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/2010218519/1915-02-20/ed-1/seq-13/#date1=1836&amp;index=4&amp;rows=20&amp;words=000+6+6%2C000%2C000+Jews&amp;searchType=basic&amp;sequence=0&amp;state=&amp;date2=1922&amp;proxtext=6%2C000%2C000+Jews&amp;y=0&amp;x=0&amp;dateFilterType=yearRange&amp;page=1

February 28, 1916 - http://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn88085187/1916-02-28/ed-1/seq-3/#date1=1836&amp;index=16&amp;rows=20&amp;words=000+6+6%2C000%2C000+Jews&amp;searchType=basic&amp;sequence=0&amp;state=&amp;date2=1922&amp;proxtext=6%2C000%2C000+Jews&amp;y=0&amp;x=0&amp;dateFilterType=yearRange&amp;page=1

April 13, 1917 - http://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045487/1917-04-13/ed-1/seq-29/#date1=1836&amp;index=3&amp;rows=20&amp;words=000+6+6%2C000%2C000+Jews&amp;searchType=basic&amp;sequence=0&amp;state=&amp;date2=1922&amp;proxtext=6%2C000%2C000+Jews&amp;y=0&amp;x=0&amp;dateFilterType=yearRange&amp;page=1

My question to you is: why?

Why lie to the world? Why create a holocaust story that is entirely different from the reality it resides in? To exploit the Jewish suffering for reparations (Finkelstein, 2000)? To provide a reason for Israel's existence and wars of survival (Segev, 1993)?

The Nuremberg Trials were to for ever demean the Germans as evil monsters. At the expense of an awful level of double-standards committed by the "four most mightiest of nations." The German invasion of Norway, under Article 6 (a) of the Nuremberg Charter, was labeled a "crime against peace" and a "war of aggression"--but the British and French were already planning to invade Norway before the Germans did (which was code-named Operation Stratford).

The American and British forces, during the Sino-Japanese war, treated the Japanese far more equally than the Chinese. Shanghai was split up into concessions, with each foreign country governing a permitted part. And all of this at the expense of the Chinese population, who starved and suffered the most from such an Imperialist occupation.

In 1938 the American population showed more distraught over Hitler's seizing of Czechoslovakia than Japan's fragmentary conquest of China (which was possible through purchased British and American war materials).

It was only after the endangerment of economic interests--in the Philippines and China from Japanese expansionism--when the West decided to severe ties altogether. Which pissed the Japs off and eventually led to the bombing of Pearl Harbor. Well, what do you expect? 80% of their oil came from the United States.

Was the holocaust truly the worst and most vile thing humans ever did, as Justice Robert Jackson tried to portray during the International Military Tribunal? Was the "10 years of Jew-baiting" only a dye of the National Socialists and no-one else?--The truth is, there have been worse events in history. The Native American Holocaust, that took place over an entire landmass, lasted for hundreds of years and was perpetrated mainly by Christian European settlers who raped, enslaved, burnt, starved, raped again, and made the populations convert to a foreign mythology. We never got our homeland back. We never got reparations. And we almost completely died off (along with the native people of Australia, New Zealand, etc). And to further offer Hitchensian rhetoric: it was not the Nazis' influence that led to the mass-killings, it was actually from "the result of 2,000 years of Christianity. Based on one verse, of one chapter of St. John's Gospel, which led to a pogrom after every Easter Sermon every year for hundreds of years." Pope John Paul II was kind enough to apologize for the church's totalitarian rule of 20 centuries. He apologized for: the Inquisition; the burning and killing of women, Jews, homosexuals, and other religious sects; the African slave trade (that led to the death and enslavement of at least 60 - 100 million souls, by some estimates); the Crusades, etc. (For furthering reading: The Guardian, "Pope Says Sorry for Sins of Church," March 13, 2000.)

There is something wrong with this world. I would not say it is entirely a "Zionist conspiracy" of sorts (although Zundel, the Neo-Nazi, was acquitted on that charge in the 80's), but it's more like a human conspiracy to "distill our uneasy conscious" over the brutal warfare and hypocrisy of our past. We have given the burden of guilt onto a scapegoat, which happens to be the Nazi Bastards, by "training and sensitivity on holocaust awareness" within school systems and textbooks and pop-culture. Hell, Stalin was more damn evil than Hitler--and he was a damn ally! Stalin doesn't get the recognition Hitler does when it comes to "evilness." He should. Stalin killed more people than Hitler and he was planning to exterminate all the Jews in Soviet territory before his death! Pogroms, mass deportations, and purges had already happened. (For further reading: UnitedwithIsrael.org, "Soviet Jews Saved From Stalin’s Genocidal Plans on Purim," March 10, 2014.)

Hypocrisy, thy name is us.

I am glad I live in a country where there is Freedom of Speech and Expression (so I can be typing this up and posting it on here). That is the true outcry to all this. We deserve to hold opinions and to express them, no matter how strange they might be. Sure, I don't exactly agree with the folks from the Westboro Baptist Church, but they have a right to voice their opinions.

There was no 'holocaust' in New Zealand, what the hell are you talking about?

For reading of Maori, 'wh' makes an fff sound, I makes an ee sound and A is an ah with O making an oh sound and U making an ew sound.

Relations with Maori were relatively good, and European sailors regularly traded with Maori. Yes there was early instanced of violence and death from these meetings, but they went both ways.

Early settlers and missionaries trade for the land they settled by the respective tribes who you could considered 'owed' the land. Though early Maori didn't really believe in ownership as we do today, more of a custodianship that was scared, and the protection of land for future generations, tribal boarders were constantly changing as Maori culture was one of inter-tribal warfare and had been their custom for a long time before settlers arrived.

In 1820, Hongi Hika was given gifts by King George IV, for the help of spreading Christianity through New Zealand. Medicine that the missionaries bought with them were embraced by the Maori, Christianity was similar to their already exiting spiritualism - it wasn't spread at the barrel of a musket. The missionaries also gave the Maori a written form of their language that previously was only oral.

Hongi Hika traded the gifts he received from King Gorge IV for muskets on his return to New Zealand in Australia. Hongi Hika then went to war with a neighbouring iwi (people/tribe) Te Morenga. Maori were a tribal culture that were constantly at war with one another for dominance and land, as was their custom.

Homgi Hika's men killed around 5,000 and enslaved many more for their neighbouring tribe. After 1835 around 900 Maori boated to the Chatham Islands once again with the guns and modern weapons such as metal axes and essentially wiped out the Moriori, who they declared their slaves, even after that Morior, who were pacifists, attempted to share their resources and work with their related cousins, the Maori. The Maori refused, the men women and children who weren't taken as slaves were eaten, even children.

One of the Maori commented: 'We took possession …in accordance with our customs and we caught all the people. Not one escaped. Some ran away from us. These we killed, and others we killed – but what of that? It was in accordance with our custom.'

The British preferred a peaceful arrangement with the Tangata Whenua (indigenous people, Maori) and the treaty of Waitangi was signed on the 6th of February 1840, by the crown and 46 Maori Chiefs. The Crown continued to collect signatures, including in the South Island, which had a very small population of Maori, some Chiefs refused but by May 21st more than 100 Chiefs has signed.

New Zealand’s immigration and economy grew for the next nineteen years. However Maori unrest grew in the Taranaki region as Maori became unhappy with the amount of land was being sold to settlers and less settlers were trading with Maori as they were becoming self sufficient. This came to a boiling point when the New Zealand’s government attempted to force a land sale in Waitara region, and the second New Zealand war erupted.

The Maori Chiefs again split in opinion, but many remained allied with the British. The Chiefs that did not side with the British were advocates of preserving Maori identity and self rule. The ‘rebel’ Maori fought against a force of roughly 5000 British regulars, settlers and Maori loyalists. The continued war started to depress industry and New Zealand’s economy, so In 1866 the British withdrew their forces (also, they were getting pretty badly beaten by what is considered today as ‘Gorilla tactics’ that the British army didn’t really have a strategy to match).

The war continued till 1872 when the war ended, the ‘rebel’ Maori dead since 1895 was more than 2000 with around 560 British killed and 250 kupapa (loyal) Maori. Since around 2012 The Office of Treaty and Settlements New Zealand has settled more than $950 Million list of treat settlements, with more to come. A lot of this money has been invested into sustainable business, such a fisheries, tourism, forestry, hotels, shopping malls, and dairy to name a few as well as various plots of land that the Crown will rent in perpetuity.

In New Zealand, our national anthem is bi-lingual, and both the English and Maori version are sung back to back, public schools teach all children Te Reo Maori, with most New Zealanders knowing basic words in Maori and how to read Te Reo Maori. There are always special cultural classes, Kaupapa Maori (platform/base of Maori language) and Kapa Haka (Maori performing arts) classes in every public school and any child can attend to attain a greater understanding and appreciation for Maori culture.

Most schools have their own Haka (essentially a preformed challenge, if you’ve ever seen the All Blacks play, each school region will tend to have its own version of that) and their own Powhiri (welcome ceremony) students generally take great pride when performing it as it is part of our cultural identity. There are special grants for Maori students to attending tertiary education often with most school having reserved spots for Maori students. There are special tuition classes that go side by side at primary, secondary and tertiary schools that give Maori and culturally rich environment in which they can learn in.

Maori have their own political party and guaranteed seats for representation in parliament. They have their own sports teams, TV and radio stations. We also have many, many Maori and Pacific Islands festivals in which New Zealand celebrates Maori and our greater Pacific Island neighbors who can immigrate to New Zealand whenever they want with permanent residence and apply for citizenship without question.

Did the original colonial people do everything right by the Maori? No, not by a long shot, but to compare it even slightly to what happened in Australia to the Aboriginals is belittling to what the Aboriginals suffered, and what they suffered was great. Also, but no means could you even come close to describing it as a holocaust. New Zealand has been working hard, with critical self reflection and improvement since 1840 when the treaty was first signed. The date of the treaty is a national holiday in New Zealand and Maori culture and largely identified with Kiwi culture, even if you’re Pākehā (of European decent, fair-skinned).

Sorry this is so large, but it’s not accurate, or fair to throw New Zealand in the same category by any means as Australia and American natives.

Edit: Spacing and early settlers.

You're shadowbanned, so I've approved your comment.

the percentage of revisionnist shadowbans is interesting or what? haha

Nope, mostly folks complaining about the AMA.

If you believe in the conspiracy, not really:

Reddit owned by Condé Nast which is a subsidiary of Advance Publications that is a private company. It's owned by the descendants of Samuel Irving Newhouse, Sr. who are Samuel Irving Newhouse, Sr. and Samuel Irving Newhouse, Jr..

And they're jewish.


This thread has been linked to from elsewhere on reddit.

If you follow any of the above links, respect the rules of reddit and don't vote or comment. Questions? Abuse? Message me here.

Why did you go into hiding and change your name?

Death threats from the JDL, and a $25,000 bounty put on my head in late 1997. Plus, I was in my '20s and really not wanting to die at that moment. These days? Meh, sure, whatever.


The large majority of this subreddit voiced displeasure with your AMA here, and their comments and votes overwhelmed the announcement.

Why do you think there's so much conflict with your topic of choice?

Do you think banning the users here who voice their distaste for this stuff is the way to go about it?

** It seems even bringing up this question is leading to more censorship.

it looks like you've been shadowbanned.

I've approved this comment for you.



Since the Admins are shadowbanning the accounts that keep asking this question over and over, we are no longer going to approve these shadowbanned users.

Sorry but they just got caught breaking reddit.

For what? Just made this acct lol

If you just made the account and it was immediately shadowbanned then the admins have you on an IP ban.

You can message the modmail of /r/reddit.com if you want to find out more from the admins as to what you have done to draw their ire.

probably vote brigading all this drama

Look, the mods will do what they feel best. Personally, I'm never in favor of banning anyone who hasn't engaged in direct threats or other violations of the rules. But please understand that I'm new to Reddit. The mods here have been kind to me, so I'm willing to give them the benefit of the doubt.

To be clear, the "admins" of reddit are banning these users, not the moderators of /r/conspiracy.

The mods here don't have the power to issue site-wide bans, but we can approve comments by users that have been what's called "shadowbanned" by reddit.

That's true. Mods can ban users from a subreddit, but can't ban users from all of Reddit. Only paid Admins can do that

Mr. Cole,

since you're new to reddit, allow me to explain this situation to you.

Admins are paid employees of reddit INC

The mods, like me, are volunteers of the SUB-reddits like /r/conspiracy.

The Admins have shadowbanned these users for presumably violating reddits ToS agreement. most likely because they are just one person pretending to be a dozen unique people and voting for themselves while down voting people they don't want heard.

sorry if this is confusing. Basically these users want this community to remove me as a volunteer mod because i refuse to ban people like you that they consider to be racist or antisemitic.


Thanks for not backing down from the vote brigading douchebags. It's always mind boggling to see front page posts about the horrors of governments and people expressing outrage over those horrors and then see those same people talk about how stupid conspiracy theories are...

Its hilarious to me that most of them have been shadowbanned now.

just saying.

1) How many Jews do you actually think were killed? How many were targeted by "evil Nazi German white men" for extermination, and how many just died due to circumstances?

2) How many non-Jews were in concentration camps? How many Jews were?

3) What do you think of the theory that Hitler was a NWO pawn serving his masters, which explains why he bumbled about and was stupid enough to declare war on the Soviet Union? Some think Hitler was actually a Jew, and considering his body disappeared, it seems to me he was not genuine at all.

I never understood Hitler as NWO pawn theory, perhaps you could explain. That never made any sense to me.

Hitler did more for Zionism than any other human being.


Below you said you were a Zionist. I support that. I believe the Jewish people should have a homeland just like everybody. Therefore, do you support Germany being a state for ethnic Germans only? And all the other ethnicities having their own racial states?

Well, I'll go this far. I don't believe in a double-standard. If the rights of "indigenous people" are enforced in Africa, they should be enforced in Europe as well, as whites are the indigenous folks of that land. I don't mean creating a "racial state," but I do believe that Europeans have the same right as Africans to preserve their culture. Indigenous is indigenous, right? On the other hand, America's greatness is in its diversity (shit, I know that sounds so damn cliche, but I believe it). I like that about my country. I like the fact that no one is truly indigenous (even the damn Indians, although we're never supposed to admit that).

What about all the indigenous people the Zionists/Israelis expelled or intimidated to leave from their homes, do they have a right to return?

Not according to Zionist Jews.


Ha; thanks, David. I think the same way, pretty much.


Why can't we get any good AMAs from people that aren't some fucking shill or imposter? Jesus.

Firstly, I'm delighted to see you're still alive and the JDL didn't murder you. 1) What are your opinions on the recent finds at Sobibor, namely the walls of the gas chamber that they claim to have discovered? 2) Why did you run-off the Donahue show? I've watched that episode on Youtube and I have to say that one thing that really lowered my opinion of Shermer was that he wouldn't defend Smith when the old woman in the audience was making the soap claims.

Check out David's interview with Ryan Dawson for the answer about your Donahue question: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zu1Q6VMgI8w

The Sobibor "find" is meaningless. A wall fragment? What, is this Mars, where any evidence of human habitation is the find of the century? Sobibor was demolished in '43. Of course there were walls there. No one, revisionist or not, doubts that there were walls there, and rooms, and people, etc. I do believe that people were killed there, but the proof is in the Nazi documents, not a few bricks found under some dirt.

Hello Mr. Cole, welcome to reddit.

A lot of people were introduced to you through your earlier work, specifically your tour of Auschwitz and appearance on Donahue's show, and haven't kept up with you since you stopped being David Stein. What has changed since? Do you still deny the existence of gas chambers? Why did you go into hiding?

That's such a far-reaching question (also, answered partially in other parts of this thread), there's not much I can do except post the link to my book. My views on the Holocaust are well spelled-out: http://www.amazon.com/Republican-Party-Animal-Hollywoods-Underground/dp/1936239914

Wait, is this an AMA or just advertisement for your book? Not even Coast to Coast AM guests plug their merchandise this often while dodging questions.

Okay, let me try again. I'm going to go to the store to buy something to drink tonight. What beer or cheap wine should I get? I'll get whatever you pick, assuming I can find it.

Are you familiar with Germar Rudolph's work? If so, what do you think of it?

Familiar? I've known Germar since 1994. Yes, I'm familiar. He's a solid guy, a serious researcher. That doesn't mean we agree down the line. But he's solid, and his persecution at the hands of the governments of Europe and North America has been an atrocity.

Glad to hear it. You're alright in my book.

Good luck and keep fighting the good fight.

What is the best way to allay the knee-jerk reactions that most people demonstrate whenever the Holocaust is brought up in discussion; how do you sidestep that reaction in order to have an open and honest conversation?

Hello Mr. Cole,

I'm not really what you would call a fan, I wasn't even familiar with your works before my fellow mods managed to set this AMA up with you so my question is not going to be about the Holocaust directly.

I take a lot of flak for refusing to silence users of this subreddit who express unpopular opinions and beliefs. I feel like it does society a disservice to pressure people out of opinions or silence them directly.

I took a lot of flak for defending this AMA, so that it could take place.

Since you've suffered similar defamation from both sides of the Holocaust debate, what would your advice be to me, about continuing down this road of protecting free speech in its ugliest forms?

Should I remain anonymous? Should I abandon ship before I get identified?

Here's your medal.

  • How many people do you think really died in the Holocaust?
  • Have you found any evidence of gas chambers in your times of study?
  • Is there or isn't there a large amount of Jews that reject the commonly accepted narrative?

Did Hitler die in Argentina or somewhere else?

And if yes is this him on this picture?

I think the nose is a little too wide, somewhat of a slavic nose

It actually looks broken though.

Yes! Love your work!

Do you have any plans to release your "Cole Goes to Auschwitz" on DVD? I have seen it on Youtube and love it. Thanks.

The IHR has it on DVD, and there used to be an ISO of it up on TPB, I'm sure it's on some other trackers.

If I release anything new, it'll probably be video that I never got to release in the early '90s...video of other camps. There isn't too much I can add to the Auschwitz video, and, besides, I signed away the rights to that one in 1997.

That Auschwitz inspection video was very good so credit to you for that

I didn't know you had other stuff from that era that you haven't released yet. Very much looking forward to seeing that stuff. I guess I'll have to use a Youtube downloader tool to make myself a hard copy of "Cole Goes to Auschwitz" so if/when it gets completely removed from the internet I can still be able to show it to others. Very eye opening, and well made documentary... I especially like the lack of bias in it.

Ah damn, I was just about to see if there was a torrent on the pirate bay =/

What are you going to do now that you've been outed?

I wrote a book! That's not an evasion of your question, but rather the only good answer to it: http://www.amazon.com/Republican-Party-Animal-Hollywoods-Underground/dp/1936239914

Talk about the "6 million Jews". How did they come up with that exact number?

Was it not also in one of their holy books that 6mil must be sacrificed before the third temple can be built? Or something like that? Pretty sure The Protocols speaks to this, to.

The number is faulty. Himmler's statistician Korherr's numbers put the Jewish death toll (by murder) at a little less than 2.5 million by early 1943. Add the deaths after that, and you get about three million, give or take. The "six million" figure has achieved near-religious status, but it can't be supported.


If you tell a lie loud enough long enough people believe it


6 is a Talmudic magic/power number. People through around 6 million this and that concerning alive and dead Jews in Russia and Germany. They just really like that number. Now its a symbol of loyalty.


I think that most people with intellectual careers are very timid. There are not a huge number of ways for them to earn as basically they can work for a university or write books. Working at a university is a cake job that comes with a community of people to associate with and staff parties to be had and writing books is incredibly hard and lonely in comparison. So if you communicate about something that goes fatally against the orthodoxy then you pretty much need to be acting solo and going direct to consumers to earn a living. That is a lonely and difficult route and its not just about doing that in a vacuum but groups like the ADL will try to shut you down if you actually manage to have some success in that route. Another thing about having a university position is that it is very political and for a long haul you need to cover your ass a bit. Basically even with tenure you will have an ax over your head if you piss them off in this way. Then people will just be waiting for you to foul up in some other technicality.

They need 6 million jews to die to justify the reformation of Israel in religious eyes. They got the land by getting America in World War 1, but needed something to convince the religious to return.

Even mainstream Jewish historians challenge the 6 million figure. At most they put it at 5 million.


Fashion model Rosie Tisch, and the 30-years-older New York Post writer she was living with (Michael Walsh aka David Kahane) outed me at a Second Amendment event by showing everyone my old revisionist videos and talk show appearances on their iPhones. It was April 20th, 2013. But I don't think they chose that date on purpose; it just so happened to be a night when I would not be attending that event, so they knew they wouldn't have to face me in person.

But I don't think they chose that date on purpose

They don't strike me as being clever enough for that.

What's Gary Sinise's big secret!?

C'mon; we won't tell ;)

he's gay

Ha! Really?

...I could see that, I guess, if it's true.

If he were gay, I'd think now's the time to come out. The GOP needs a gay like they need minorities and women.

That rumor doesn't have a leg to stand on.

Much evidence has been presented in /r/conspiracy suggesting that vaccines are being used in various parts of the world to reduce fertility rates and induce highly profitable autoimmune disease. Do you personally get vaccinated?

Could you link to some evidence?

This recent study found that it is the vaccines made using aborted fetal cells which are causing Autism

Impact of environmental factors on the prevalence of autistic disorder after 1979


A CDC whistleblower recently admitted that he was part of the vaccines/Autism cover-up, they deliberately hid the data showing the dangers.

"My name is William Thompson. I am a Senior Scientist with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, where I have worked since 1998.

I regret that my coauthors and I omitted statistically significant information in our 2004 article published in the journal Pediatrics. The omitted data suggested that African American males who received the MMR vaccine before age 36 months were at increased risk for autism."


The HPV vaccine has been sending girls into early Menopause

Human papilloma virus vaccine and primary ovarian failure: another facet of the autoimmune/inflammatory syndrome induced by adjuvants.


This study found that when you compare the First World nations, the more vaccine a country gives to it's children, the worse the infant mortality rate.

Infant mortality rates regressed against number of vaccine doses routinely given


Under Freedom of Information we see that CDC experts privately admit the dangers of vaccines, they admit that vaccines are causing neurological problems, speech delays and they warn the information must be embargoed.


Key quotes below:-

Dr. Johnston, pg. 14-15 & 19-20: "The data on its toxicity (shows) it can cause neurologic and renal toxicity, including death.”

Dr. Weil, pg. 24: "There are just a host of neurodevelopmental data that would suggest that we’ve got a serious problem." .... "the potential for aluminum and central nervous system toxicity was established by dialysis data. To think there isn’t some possible problem here is unreal.”

Dr. Verstraeten, pg. 31: "we have found statistically significant relationships between the exposure and outcomes for these different exposures and outcomes."

Dr. Verstraeten, pg. 44: "Now for speech delays, which is the largest single disorder in this category of neurologic delays. The results are a suggestion of a trend with a small dip. The overall test for trend is highly statistically significant above one.”

Dr. Bernier, pg. 113: "So we are asking people who have a great job protecting this information up until now, to continue to do that until the time of the ACIP meeting. So to basically consider this embargoed information."

Dr. Johnson, pg. 198: "This association leads me to favor a recommendation that infants up to two years old not be immunized with Thimerosal containing vaccines if suitable alternative preparations are available.” ... "I do not want that grandson to get a Thimerosal containing vaccine until we know better what is going on."

Dr. Weil, pg. 207: "The number of dose related relationships are linear and statistically significant. You can play with this all you want. They are linear. They are statistically significant.

Dr. Brent, pg. 229 "we are in a bad position from the standpoint of defending any lawsuits"

Dr. Clements, pg 247- 249: "that I am very concerned that this has gotten this far, and that having got this far, how you present in a concerted voice the information to the ACIP in a way they will be able to handle it and not get exposed"

Dr. Bernier, pg. 256: "just consider this embargoed information, if I can use that term, and very highly protected information"

Here a professor explains his findings regarding the dangers of injecting Aluminum, which is contained in most vaccines


Here's the study itself

Aluminum adjuvant linked to Gulf War illness induces motor neuron death in mice


There is evidence that the Hib vaccine (given to children) is causing a % to go down Diabetes Type 1, this is autoimmune and leaves you dependent on expensive medication for life. The theoretical benefit of the vaccine is low.

Association between type 1 diabetes and Hib vaccine Causal relation is likely


Professor Gordon T. Stewart, Emeritus Professor of Public Health, Glasgow University, explains exactly the dangers of the Whopping Cough vaccine


"the marginal advantages of the vaccine in children over one year of age have to be offset against adverse effects of the vaccine itself, which are very common indeed and may be followed occasionally by irreversible brain damage, paralysis and mental deficiency. Because of this danger, or for fear of it, many parents and doctors are reluctant to vaccinate their children."

This doctor looks through the risk V benefits of each vaccine in the childhood schedule, she concludes that the risk of each vaccine outweighs any theoretical benefit.

Vaccines - The Risks, The Benefits, The Choices


No one smart gets vaccinated lol. There's no way he does.

Why focus on holocaust revisionism rather than provable conspiracies like 9/11, OKC, IranContra, USS liberty, etc?

Can any of your research be used in the court of law as evidence?

Huge fan David and bought your book. I did want to ask if you ever watched Ryan Dawson's 9/11 film, War By Deception? If so, your thoughts? If not, do you plan on watching it? Is it a subject you would be willing to discuss with Ryan on a podcast?

Considering the Hebrew Bible is an ancient Jewish plan for world domination, where do you think "elite" Jews place in the New World Order scheme? Are they the leaders?

What do you think the real Holocaust of WW2 was? The Dresden bombing? The murder of innocent German POWs after the war? The mass rape of German women by Russians?

What about the other holocausts of history, such as the Jewish Young Turk murder of 1.5 million Armenians, or the Jewish Bolshevik murder of tens of millions of white Russians?

I think some our questions will be ignored or if we are lucky we might make it to "mentally ill moron status.



Ok, I've heard the Bolshevik one before, but how could you possible blame the Jews for Armenia?


The young turks were jewish.

Doubt it. I've got a nose for bullshit.

Smooth move exlax

source plz

Do book sales make up a majority of your income these days?

/u/ttrns, who couldn't be here, wanted us to ask this question for him:

Hi Mr Cole. I really enjoyed your Auschwitz video from the early 90's. I've noticed recently that you're engaged in an argument with Eric Hunt (and others) over the position you've taken on the Reinhardt camps. Would you mind please responding to criticisms raised here: (http://holocausthoaxmuseum.com/response-to-david-cole/)

I don't debate with Hunt. However, for other deniers, I have repeatedly issued this challenge: If the nearly 2.5 million "departed" (in Korherr's words) Jews weren't killed, where did they go? I can't debate those who have no alternate theory. It's like saying, "the Titanic didn't hit an iceberg." "Okay, then...what happened to all the people on it?" "I dunno." That's not a real debate. Give me an alternate theory for the nearly 2.5 million "departed," and I'll talk. http://www.countercontempt.com/archives/5348

You must have some idea where these people went. Your experience on the Montel Williams show, where brothers ended up being reunited, after believing the other was dead, clearly shows the Iron Curtain confuses the numbers.

That was my question you answered - I got here late.

I think elsewhere in the thread you called Eric Hunt "mentally ill, by his own admission", or some such nonsense. This is your excuse for not debating him... really?

I've got to say, I'm really disappointed with how little effort you've put into answering questions in detail, and how much you seem to rely on just calling people names: "crazy", "denier", etc.

Edit: As you're possibly aware, Hunt addresses your interpretation of the Korherr Report and the Höfle Telegram here:


Do you have any response to the criticisms he makes?

What about the two brothers who were separated and then were brought together by your appearance on Montel? Couldn't those "departed" have simply been on either side of the Iron Curtain?

Or Flight 93 on 9/11. Obviously no airplane hit the ground in Shanksburg, PA, so where did those people go?

The plane and the people were destroyed in the sky by a missile. The plane was meant to go into WTC7 but got delayed in airport congestion, because it was late it had to be shot down. This of course caused the nightmare of performing a controlled demo on WTC7 with no place crashed into it, this has since raised many eyebrows.

That makes sense, as debris was found in lakes and fields over 8 miles

Yes, seems the most likely explanation

"The aircraft was scheduled to depart at 08:00 and pushed back from gate A17 at 08:01. It remained delayed on the ground and did not take off until 08:42 because of heavy airport congestion, just four minutes before American Airlines Flight 11 crashed into the North Tower"


Hi, David. Can you explain how and where you and Eric Hunt differ vis-a-vis the Holocaust.

Hunt is not a historian. He retreads old claims and work from decades ago, but he has no ability to interpret or understand documents. He's a troubled kid, a self-admitted mentally ill delusional. I wish him no harm, but I refuse to have any contact with him.

How is he "mentally ill"?

A lot of geniuses are "mentally ill" by our modern, silly standards. Much of the time it simply means they're geniuses.

Calling someone mentally ill is, 9 times out of 10, just a personal attack because the person making the attack has no real argument against the argument of the person they are attacking.

I didn't call Hunt mentally ill. He called himself that at his trial. His defense was that he's psychotic. I'm not sure why you somehow (bafflingly) want to hold me responsible for his words.

Clearly, if you've studied the Holohoax, you understand that people say things at showtrials that they don't mean.

And you pretty much do call Hunt "crazy" in your link about the Korherr report and the Hofle telegram:

someone tell Hunt to take his meds

Perhaps there's another reason why you won't/can't debate real revisionists?

I think a lot of "mentally ill" people are more sane than the average Joe on certain topics. Not sure why it's relevant at all. More an ad hominem attack than anything else.

Dude, click on his username and read through some of the stuff he puts on here if you really want to be baffled.

Luckily I actually post things at /r/conspiracy. You, on the other hand, just whine. :P

David Stein is a filthy, Jewish liar, and he shows it again and again.

I have read David's book, watched his recent youtube videos and it would not be a stretch for someone to suggest that he himself is mentally ill.


The Leuchter Report was faulty, and Leuchter himself is kind of a moron, but the report's essence was supported by subsequent (better) tests. At this point, the question isn't "are there blue stains in the krema walls that indicate high Zyklon usage," but rather "why AREN'T there blue stains." So far, supporters of the "Auschwitz as killing factory" theory have yet to satisfactorily answer that question.

I do not understand why you have to refer to people as morons and mentally ill. That is what I expect to read on a FB page where people do not know how to or appreciate debate. Really discredit by name calling? I think it begins to make your current work irrelevant.

You do realize it's been explained repeatedly? It's about different conditions, and the fact that the formation of Prussian Blue is a very unfavourable reaction.

the formation of Prussian Blue is a very unfavourable reaction.

You see, people, the defenders of the Hoax are backed into a corner and have to make this argument, otherwise the various tests - including one by the Krakow Forensic Institute - would completely demolish the Zyklon-B gas chamber story. The Exterminationists try to say that the gas chambers weren't exposed to enough cyanide gas for any Prussian Blue (iron-cyanide) to form in the brickwork, compared to the bricks of the delousing chambers which are stained blue to the other side.




Leuchter's tests - the first - were devised and carried out under serious time constraints. Cole is correct when he says that there are better tests (e.g. Rudolf).

However the Leuchter report doesn't merely consist of chemical tests, but an expert analysis of the structures and design of the alleged "gas chambers" also. As someone whose small company was the top/only supplier of equipment (and design consultant) to the US states using cyanide gas for executions, Leuchter was uniquely qualified to assess the structures.

Leuchter Report:


Rudolf Report:


You see, people, the defenders of the Hoax are backed into a corner and have to make this arguement, otherwise the various tests - including one by the Krakow Forensic Institute - would completely demolish the Zyklon-B gas chamber story.

You've brought that up at least 3 times, and I've explained each time why it's more than likely a hoax. It's like you just refuse to listen to anything that doesn't agree with your opinions.

The Exterminationists try to say that the gas chambers weren't exposed to enough cyanide gas for any Prussian Blue (iron-cyanide) to form in the brickwork, compared to the bricks of the delousing chambers which are stained blue to the other side.

And they're right. IF you don't mind me asking, have you even taken a chemistry course? (Ideally an Organic Chemistry course).

However the Leuchter report doesn't merely consist of chemical tests, but an expert analysis of the structures and design of the alleged "gas chambers" also.

Except that Leuchter was an expert in exactly none of those things.

As someone whose small company was the top/only supplier of equipment (and design consultant) to the US states using cyanide gas for executions, Leuchter was uniquely qualified to assess the structures.

  • In the past, he had been contracted by governmental authorities of several states of the United States to improve the design of instruments for capital punishment, but no longer does so, primarily because of his lack of any formal engineering experience, but also because of charges of running a "death row shakedown" in which Leuchter threatened to testify for the defense in capital cases if he was not given contracts for his services by the state.

Yep, that's a real expert if I ever saw one.

I've explained each time

No, you've asserted, without evidence, that it would've been impossible for iron-cyanide to form in the gas chambers, because, according to you, not enough was used.

blah blah blah

Yes, we all know Leuchter was persecuted and defamed after he took his stand. Yet he was the number one expert in gas chamber design in the US at the time. Not formally qualified, though, as you point out.

They also imprisoned Rudolf.

No, you've asserted, without evidence, that it would've been impossible for iron-cyanide to form in the gas chambers, because, according to you, not enough was used.

If there had been more used, and there had been more time for the reaction to complete, you probably would have seen the identical formations as the gas chambers. In fact, this is backed up by the Krakow report, where they found very significant traces of cyanide in both the delousing and gas chambers.

Yet he was the number one expert in gas chamber design in the US at the time.

Being number one in a field with only yourself is not an amazing achievement.

Not formally qualified, though, as you point out.

Which is actually pretty important, especially when it comes to creating complex devices like gas chambers can be.

They also imprisoned Rudolf.

And? This still doesn't make him right.

Being number one in a field with only yourself is not an amazing achievement.

I'm glad you're at least honest enough to admit that Leuchter was the top gas-chamber expert in the US.

Perhaps re-read my comment. In a field with only yourself, you may be number one, but at the same time, you're also the worst in the entire field.

Lol. Do you also debate other areas of Holohoax lore, such as the fraudulent SK testimony?

Did any of the surviving members of the Sonderkommando witness the gassing? How did you deal with Sonderkommando related issues in your revisionist years? Can you tell us any funny stories about the rich and famous from your time in the Republican party animals and Friends of Abe? Did you ever encounter any Neo-nazis? How well were you treat by neo-nazis?

What can the GOP do to grow a pair of balls?

Greetings Mr. Cole. I have but one question in mind. What have you seen, heard, experienced, etc, that made you think "hey wait a minute..." ? How did it all start?

Thanks you very much for your time.

How long did it take you to write your book? What is your favorite chapter?

Hi, David.

What do you think about Ryan Dawson's compelling argument that several NeoCons and Israeli officials were involved in 9/11?

You were a self-proclaimed atheist at the time of your documentary, but you say in your book that you no longer are. Are you a religious jew now?

Were Jews behind Bolshevism? Were Jews behind Stalin? Where do you believe Asheknazi Jews originate?

These are legitimate questions... who is downvoting this?

David I seriously want to know: Would you debate Andrew Anglin for a couple hours on the whole world Jewish conspiracy thing, If he agreed to be entirely respectful of you and also of Jews, insofar is possible in such a discussion?

I would really like to see him disproven. I just don't think it is possible.

I would love to see this happen.

I too would love to see some one who is considered an expert revisionist like David debate an expert denier like Andrew. Would this page dare sponsor such a one on one?

People who primarily identify themselves and theirs as non-Jews are slave morons. Why would you need a conspiracy for them to be fucked over all the days of their lives?

Why are you no longer friends/associates with Bradley Smith?

Can you give us a broad overview of Hutton Gibson or any unusual insights you may have gleaned from speaking with him?

Movie coming out in 2015 of Coles interview with him

In the recent WW2 documentary (I'm guessing you've watched it) The Greatest Story NEVER Told, which includes your work near the end, do you agree with their overall interpretation of events?

Hey David did anyone ever recognize you while in hiding?

Over two-and-a-half hours of great fun! Thank you all for the challenging questions and stimulation. My nightly vodka will seem pale by comparison. My best to you all! Good night.

You didn't answer the challenging questions.

And thank you for being with us David,

You are welcome back any time.

Did the Holocaust really happen or was it faked?

I thought you were the David Cole that went into Auschwitz with a camera and exposed it for a second there.


Can we stop with the drama? GTFO

As someone who's also had multiple death threat levied toward them do you also wear them as badges of honor?

Why did someone threaten to murder you? Was it a serious threat or was it the kind of thing feminists whine about, like, was it on Reddit?


Yes, indeed. As I do the scar above my right eye from a beating from the JDL in '92. I've gotten laid because of that scar. I'm rather glad to have it.

Are you worried about your safety?

Honestly? No. The JDL is done, my book makes it clear that I was never a "denier," and anyone who follows my work knows that I'm slowly killing myself with booze anyway. Murdering me would be like killing Kirk Douglas. Better to just wait and let time take its course. I have indeed received hate mail from my former GOP colleagues, but they're all pussies. They masturbate to their guns; they don't use them.

Love your work, man. What do you think of National-Socialism itself?

I just want to say congrats on your sobriety. Also, your video announcing this Ama should set a new standard for "proof"

Many thanks! That's very kind of you. But my apologies for the "sobriety" thing. I was being facetious. That "camomile" I was drinking was straight vodka!

Hi David thanks for taking time to do this. I have a few questions.

Why would the Jews want to inflate holocaust numbers? What are the more closer estimates then the 6 million? Any interesting facts about the Holocaust that is never talked about because it's negative to Jews?

All wartime casualty numbers need reexamination. 80,000,000 deaths under Mao? 20,000,000 under Stalin? These are estimates, based mainly on demography, not bodies. We are lucky in the case of the Holocaust to have the Korherr Report, ordered by Himmler to provide an exact (or as exact as possible) number for Jewish dead by early 1943. We get a figure of a little under 2.5 million. Add the Jewish deaths from then until 1945, and my rough estimate is 3 million.

Which consequently is the exact number of dead declared at the Holocaust museum in Europe.

I've done no fact checking but here's a snippet that gives one possible explanation..

“Jewish prophecies in the Torah require that 6 million Jews must ‘vanish’ before the state of Israel can be formed. ‘You shall return minus 6 million.’ That's why Tom Segev, an Israeli historian, declared that the ‘sacred 6 million’ is an attempt to transform the holocaust story into state religion… Those six million, according to prophecy, had to disappear in ‘burning ovens,’ which the judicial version of the holocaust now authenticates… ‘Without the Holocaust, there would be no Jewish State.’”

Hey David, big fan of your work. I've heard that you believe that there were indeed homicidal gas chambers in some of the camps. Is that true?

Do you think exterminating jews was any part of Hitler's plan?

also, Did you attend this "Tehran Holocaust denier conference? How was it if you did? And whats that about you working on a new documentary in that link?

I think Jews were indeed killed in the "Reinhardt" camps. I think this task was delegated to Himmler, but Hitler approved the broad outline. I doubt he was ever informed about the specifics, though. I don't buy David Irving's assertion that Hitler was "in the dark." I think he approved the general idea, but the specific details were delegated to Himmler, who delegated to Globocnik, etc.

The use of the word 'NAZI' is a derogatory slur, vague and of little use in true fact finding and inquiry into the history of WW2. Can we agree to have a larger and less bigoted scope in this Q&A session David?

What is your current relationship with Ernst Zundel?

I haven't been in touch with him since my "outing," and I'm not sure that, under his current legal situation in Germany, he can "associate" with revisionists. I have not attempted to contact him, for fear of getting him in trouble. His wife Ingrid, though, does not like my book! She's a bit dotty, though, so no harm no foul.


No; he said, "I'm not sure that...he can..."

So it works.

Hey David:

Have you any reason to believe that, if you were to ever travel back to Europe, that you may be subject to arrest and prosecution for your activities? Have you consulted legal counsel regarding this?

It's certainly possible that I could be arrested or prosecuted. Certainly in "free and democratic" Germany. But no trip abroad is in the cards right now, so I don't think about it much.

I agree with Robert "Bring Me the Pudding" Faurisson, you're kind of a clown, but to be fair, so is he. Have you noticed how much his life has changed over the past ten years and if yes what do you make of it?

I have not kept up with his life at all. It's not even on my radar. My feeling is, I can afford to be clownish, because I was outed against my will. The "I don't want to be here" card buys a lot of leeway.

Why did you post a French video in an English AMA? Just curious, I'm not harassing you

not only is the audio a 30 seconds song but it features Faurisson dancing and makes a nice preparation for my question. Not insulting you but fuck you.

Wow I was being nice. You're a fucking asshole

How do you refute the many eminent historians who covered the holocaust (e.g., Martin Gilbert) - are they all part of a vast conspiracy, and if so, what is the conspiracy?

Are you agnostic? A "None"? (non-believer)

He's said before that he's an atheist

And he also said that he converted to a belief, although he didn't specificy which

You do know that reddit is comprimised.

What do you think of David Irving's work?

It takes a lot to do what you did. Has your investigation into the Holocaust continued or changed over the years in the face of opposition? How'd you get started doing historical analysis?

OK, straight up, david, can you debunk anything the neo nazis say? not the retarded cointelpro ones, the coherent ones, like andrew anglin? if hitler didn't do a holocaust then... was he not right? have you seen "adolf hitler the greatest story never told" (you are in it)? do you agree with biologist james watson that subsaharan africans, who consistently test below 75 IQ, have less IQ then whites who have around 100+? Do you believe that europe is being invaded currently and whites genocided in eu, USA, SA, etc? I'm not pushing this agenda I just want to hear how you argue against it... If you can present any sort of coherent argument I would love to believe these people are wrong but I see no one able to address these big questions taking in all the factors, so decompartmentalized, are you and all this other information not proving that hitler was right about most if not everything?

Flamin' Hot Cheetos, or Flamin' Hot Cheetos Limon?


That Marlo Thomas comeback kills me every time

Have you figured out Gary Sinise's big dark secret yet?

David, could you please shed some light on your unreleased film 'The 9th Circle' and the "mole" in the Iranian Revisionist conference?


Also, just before your book's release you mentioned that you were going to upload your IHR speech about Shermer to YouTube, do you still plan on doing that?

Awhile back you asked Facebook if you should out someone big time that sent you a message that they agreed with your views. I think they were deceased? What happened with that outing?

I think you are referring to Mel Gibson's father and it seems to be in poor taste. A cheap shot for more publicity. Why not out more of those whom outed him? Unless he has an agenda like those that wanted him to shut up and sit down so badly all those years ago.

No it was a famous university professor / scholar / author


I think Mr. Irving legacy will live on for centuries and not as a foot note or crack pot but a hero of real history.

David, as you may know, there was an influx of liberal atheists into the ranks of the neoconservative party's strident propaganda machine post 911. This happened just in time to push the Iraq and afghanistan invasions on all fronts. Im talking of people like Christopher Hitchens, and Sam Harris. Even Richard Dawkins has jumped on the bandwagon.

These people, except Hitchens (rip), are still used today as leverage to move the maleable young left towards a rightwing agenda, mainly zionism and colonialism in the middle east. The same could be applied to fence-sitters and holocaust doubters. Since you became a neocon about the same time they did, do you have any knowledge of what their price might have been, were they blackmailed, or was it just all an incredible coincidence?

Also, what do you think of the Da Vinci code as a manufactured tool of catholicism to validate the existance of Jesus by using controlled opposition? Creating controversy about the Jesus' story, but at the same time cleverly setting in stone that he actually existed?

See a parallel there, by the way?

Hey David,

One thing I noticed about you is that you have a sharp wit. This was very apparent when you were on the Phil Donahue show, and when reading your new book. Who are your favorite comedians?

Do you believe in any conspiracy theories? My current favorite is the one where Barbra Bush is Aleister Crowley's daughter. Good stuff.

How much money have you donated to the Palestinian genocide / Israel?

Do you think Aaron Swartz was murdered?

What are your views on the ADL?

As a Jew, what are your views on the Jewish communist movement called feminism?

Rofl 600 comments? It's like the JDIF and National Clandestine Service called each other up today, other than to discuss what they're wearing

Would you ever consider making a video or article regarding the work of DenierBud?

Are you aware that "progressivism" is Jewish in nature and designed to destroy white heterosexual males and their families in order to destroy the greatest threat to the New World Order? What do you think of feminism, affirmative action, and the homosexual agenda?

Have you ever heard of Poe's Law? That's what I think about when I read the things you write...

Ad hominem, good job!

I'm being serious. Do you really mean these things?

Of course I do. If you have an argument against them please feel free to offer it instead of resorting to personal attacks.

Did you even lookup Poe's Law?

I am quite aware of Poe's Law. I am also quite aware that those who have no argument resort to ad hominems (attacking the messenger) rather than debating the assertions made.

You're right I'm not entering into a debate with you. Nevermind....


Good job pupupow, well done, it reads like you have experience with this sort of thing as well. I also believe it to be true.

You lost the argument.

I guess so.

There are many theories out there revolving around Marxists and the Frankfurt School. You've really never heard of them?


Well, if you care I could likely find references for you. Or you could perform a search within this sub.

Educate yourself, son.

No thanks.

Ignorance is bliss until it bites you in the ass.

That's one of our glorious new mods you are talking to there.

That explains a lot. When did that happen?

20 days ago, click the option to see all mods at the bottom of the moderator box.

That's useful thanks. Was it put to a vote? How did he get in there?

How can someone who's not even willing to entertain the notion of a well known, if not completely proven, conspiracy be a mod here? It's crazy.

Incidentally, I was banned a couple days ago for making a half-veiled aside which attacked the talmud and the "chosen ones". Not even a warning. It all makes sense now.

Let me state that I do not wish to attack anyone. Just sharing facts.

Lol. Perfect.

Hey David. Big fan since 2000 when I watched you in a drunken stupor in Austin Texas on public access. I would have recognized you in an instant anytime since then. How many other random people did?

Damn I'd love to see that.

I should clarify- I was drunk watching his auschwitz video

I don't think he was drunk at that time....


Grease the movie or Grease the play .... and why?

Do you have any comments on the Jew World Order? It seems that "elite" Jews play a key role in the New World Order, and it seems that they have been at the forefront for millennia. To what extent is the grand conspiracy of the ages toward world rule Jewish?

What do you think of the anti-white bias of the mainstream media, government, and educational system, and the Jewish roots of the United States' immigration policy, as detailed by Kevin MacDonald in Culture of Critique?

Speaking of which, what are your thoughts on Culture of Critique?

reeks of limited hangout


You'll need to send a private message, We don't allow racial slurs here.

What do you believe is the future of the races? Do you believe all races will survive, surely not? Which do you believe will survive?

why is this not a legitimate question? the Tasmanian Australoids went extinct this century, as I'm sure many others did. Surely this will only increase?

The only races that will survive are Jews and slaves.

Hello David , what are your plans / projects for 2015 gonna be . anything new for us Steinalcoholic's to look forward to?

Sorry that should read: "Steinaholics". :)

Thank you David for exposing the holohoax. Those beatings the ADL gave you back in the 90s were heinous. What a Shameful organization.

What type of vacuum do you use?

I presume this is closed. but thought I should add some very relevant information. 6 million deaths are the ones at least accounted for. realistically the death total of just those with Jewish ancestry was someplace in the 100's of millions.

Please post links to those recordings here. Everyone knows about the Schermer debunking, nobody knows about your recordings.

Yes but the GOP is not conservative, it is neoconservative, ie. it supports big government and Israel.

Does it suck how the GOP now shuns people like you and David Duke?

Excellent. He's considered an authority figure by so many atheists and skeptics. This needs to get out

He's said before that he's an atheist

Of course I do. If you have an argument against them please feel free to offer it instead of resorting to personal attacks.

That's such a far-reaching question (also, answered partially in other parts of this thread), there's not much I can do except post the link to my book. My views on the Holocaust are well spelled-out: http://www.amazon.com/Republican-Party-Animal-Hollywoods-Underground/dp/1936239914

The anti-revisionist laws in many countries are foul and stupid. They exist as part of a larger picture of political correctness that also outlaws "Islamophobia," "homophobia," "racism," etc. Thankfully, here in the U.S. the First Amendment has held firm in the face of attempts to limit political speech. Other nations are not so fortunate.

Keep in mind that trying to make money does not necessarily invalidate everything one has to say. You just have to a bit more discerning and with a fair amount of salt.

Anti-Zionist does not mean anti-jew. Present day Israel is disgusting, a blockage on the Palestinian people that only "allows" them 2400 calories worth of food per person per day on top of numerous other restrictions. Blowing them up by the hundreds for every one Israeli they are blamed for killing. I cannot believe David openly admits to being a Zionist, let alone anyone else who considers themselves a historian.

I never understood Hitler as NWO pawn theory, perhaps you could explain. That never made any sense to me.

The explanation that lice needs a significantly higher and longer exposure to cyanide than humans makes sense. Whats wrong with that explanation?

In 1990 a forensic analysis was performed at Birkenau using microdiffusion techniques to test for cyanide in samples from (suspected) extermination chambers, delousing chambers, and a control group. The control group tested negative while cyanide residue was found in high concentrations in the delousing chambers, and lower concentrations in the homicidal gas chambers. This is consistent with the amounts required to kill lice and humans.


Meanwhile, in Germany, people are still imprisoned for pointing out that you can't cremate 3 bodies in 20 minutes...

No, it's not. And, no, there was no burnt sacrifice.

Not according to Zionist Jews.


Because it takes more gas and more time to kill lice than humans, since lice are more resistant to cyanide. Because of this, it's more likely for the formation of Prussian blue to form, since it's not a particularly favourable reaction.

Where did you expect to see it published?

Firstly, I expect to see the full actual document, instead of just a single page, and everything else typed up on the webpage.

More importantly, the Jan Sehn Institute hasn't said the document is a fake, and it's been out there a long time.

It's most likely because they either never saw it (again, two sites, and not even major ones at that), or just do not care, as it's so obviously sketchy it's not even funny, and they have given literally no proof that it's real aside from telling us that "we totally got this from an insider source who we can't talk about and who is super real, we swear".

^ example a of a Holocaust denier right here.


Want to give examples?

Sure they were. Prison camps so need PR so people will actually show up. I guess the rec areas were also just PR. You're a liar. A poor one at that.

yes but they are serious numbers, killing 1 person is bad enough killing a village is horrific but 1 million or 6 million is the same as far as I'm concerned

Yes IMO it is no different although in the US's case the soldiers and the citizens thought they were liberating iraq but the CFR/builderberg/illuminati/bush/rockerfellar/rothschild/mossad whoever decision it was to invade instead wanted to divide, destabilise, kill and profit (Haliburton, Carlisle group). it was planned many years ago. I urge you to watch this he was killed later https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YGAaPjqdbgQ

So you decide for yourself what is the difference

It's that neither report is actually good, since both rely on the exact same flaw. To be fair, Rudolf at least tried to fix up the other issues aside from the glaring issue of only looking for Prussian Blue, which Leuchter has absolutely no clue what he was doing.

Sorry, buddy, but nobody disputes the first Krakow test.

That's pretty much no-one even knows about it, let alone believes the IHR about anything outside of Holocaust denial circles.

There you can also find the name of the German-language journal it was first published in.

The only place is seems to have been published, even according to your sources is the IHR journal, which really would imply that it's fake. Seriously, you even claimed in your original comment that it was never published, but was leaked, and yet now you're claiming it was published.

That's pretty much no-one even knows about it

Certainly Exterminationist Richard Green knows about it, and has said nothing in his debate with Rudolf over forensic testing of the "gas chambers".

you even claimed in your original comment that it was never published

...by the Krakow Institute.

even according to your sources

Then you also can't do basic research. A footnote in one of the first links I published:

J. Markiewicz, W. Gubala, J. Labedz, B. Trzcinska, Prof. Dr. Jan Sehn Institute for Forensic Research, Department for Forensic Toxicology, Krakow, September 24, 1990; partly published in DGG 39, no. 2 (1991), pp. 18f. (vho.org/D/DGG/IDN39_2.html); English: “An Official Polish Report on the Auschwitz ‘Gas Chambers,’” JHR 11, no. 2 (summer 1991), pp. 207–216 (vho.org/GB/Journals/JHR/11/2/ IHR207-216.html).

DGG = Deutschland in Geschichte und Gegenwart

the IHR journal, which really would imply that it's fake

Lol. Would it?

Look, clearly you're convinced it's a fake. You're welcome to that opinion. Maybe you need to get in touch with Richard Green or Andrew Mathis (or J. Markiewicz, W. Gubala, J. Labedz, et al!) and point it out to them - perhaps for 23 years they have simply not noticed! :)

If you think the IHR is in any way at the center of revisionist scholarship then you're more clueless than I'd initially thought. The best research is done by the Europeans.

No journal? What are you talking about, dude? Seriously, email Richard Green, I'm sure he'd be happy to correspond with a fellow cult-member. He can probably set you straight on a few things.

The point is that Exterminationists such as Green are now at a point where they accept that the results of Rudolf - and first Polish test - as correct in not finding iron-cyanide residue in the "gas chambers".

As you know, their angle is that "not enough gas was used, because, um, lice and stuff" and therefore that explains the results. Again, the results are not in dispute -- just the interpretation of the results.

And they admit in the second test that they specifically excluded testing for iron-cyanide compounds, and attempt to justify that decision. This is the test which you claim "confirms gassings"!

Get it?

You're quibbling over an irrelevant point.

but Leuchter is stupider.

Typical reply to someone like Leuchter who has IRREFUTABLE EVIDENCE that the "gas chambers" were MORE PHONY THAN A $3 BILL! Sorry!

6 is a Talmudic magic/power number. People through around 6 million this and that concerning alive and dead Jews in Russia and Germany. They just really like that number. Now its a symbol of loyalty.

Says the victor: http://britain.greyfalcon.us/gleiwitz.htm

Come on. I learned this as an early teen. Just like "death camps" (aka work camps), the polish false flag was fake. /u/PersonMcName...exposed.

holocaust revisionism is so norm for this sub it deserves a fucking stickied AMA.

Well, it is since you've been gamed by Nazis for well over a year now. And to some extent for around four years if you want to include "the Jews did everything bad" posters like BumblingMumbling.