Here we go again "TIL CIA Torture..." deleted from top spot. Perfect timing as US user-base wakes up (8am EST).

4016  2014-12-13 by [deleted]

TIL That between 1965 and 1972, the CIA oversaw a torture program that killed between 26,000 and 41,000 people, which used tactics such as gang rape, electrocution, and even rape using a live eel. Most prisoners did not survive.

This submission had a score just short of +4000 and was up for 9 hours. During these hours, the time in the US would have been 11pm to around 8am.

Deleted for "politics".

Isn't that rich? The TIL subreddit deleting something for "politics" between allowing thousands of other political TIL's.


EDIT: The point is not about what the rules says and arguing the semantics of what it may or not mean or how it can be interpreted. The point is that at the end of the day, when all the rules are enforced or not enforced, the picture painted is one of establishment.

When did reddit become a pro-establishment echo-chamber? And why is that okay?


I get "page not found" when trying to reach the post history of account behind the first thread.

However, the thread doesn't display [deleted] as if the account was removed by the OP.

Why does it look like this, does it mean that the user has been banned from Reddit?

Shadow ban.

What is a shadow ban?

Someone is banned but they don't necessarily know it. They can keep making posts and such, but nobody else can see them.

Yep. My First main Conspiracy account was Shadowbanned. :( dirin is shadowbanned or deleted...

Or just goto reddit not logged in ...

And if that doesn't suffice, create a new account from a different IP and log on looking for posts from old account...

Why is something like that neccessary? Why the secrecy and deception?

It prevents them from switching to a new account too quickly.

A shadowbanned user won't know they are banned until he realizes that he isn't getting any votes or comments

With the amount of comments I have with 1 karma I sometimes get the feeling I am

Don't worry, buddy. I see you.

You can be shadowbanned in specific subreddits. It took me a long time to realize none of my /r/politics comments were being seen by anyone. I recently appealed and my auto-mod ban was lifted.

Don't worry I've never even had GOLD

I just got mine from a guy who was giving out gold to a bunch of people in a comment chain.

That won't take more than a day at the most, if you made 5 comments and they got neither an answer, an upvote or a downvote, you would check for a shadowban.

I've had pretty big strings of one karma comments. I honestly think it'd take a normal person longer than a day to realize it.

Can confirm, took three weeks and contact with a mod before I figured it out.

Care to share your story?

Sure, why not.

I sub to /r/Futurology. A while back (8 months or so), the subreddit was becoming a default sub, the mods started looking to expand the modlist. One of the applicants was the notorious /u/BipolarBear0. Since this was a community-driven application process, I downvoted and wrote a fairly worded dissagreement:

Strong vote against BioplarBear0 being a mod of /r/Futurology. I am a member of that subreddit, and have seen the majority of the issues presented against him (/r/SubredditDrama, /r/conspiracy and elsewhere) and do not feel he is a qualified mod for any default subreddit.

The next day I stopped receiving upvotes or responses. It took until I tried to link post to /r/Futurology (ironically, the reason I even commented in the first place) to realize I was shadowbanned.

That whole experience really turned me off of reddit for a bit, so I went back to lurking. Eventually I set this account up, but now I keep my mouth shut on any mod issues. Not worth it to fuck with petty assholes who think internet power == real power.

I'll take that advice to heart. Sounds like absolute bullshit to me, but that's how this site works until someone changes that.

While not required, you are requested to use the NP domain of reddit when crossposting. This helps to protect both your account, and the accounts of other users, from administrative shadowbans. The NP domain can be accessed by prefacing your reddit link with

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Unless they shadow ban someone until their convtroversial remark goes off the radar ie the the thread is no longer being read. Then give it a downvote and reinstate the account. I wonder.

Which is probably more or less what they are going for. It's actually not such a bad idea.

Am i shadowbanned? HELLO??? CAN YOU HEAR ME???



You know there has to be that one guy out there who's been writing things on reddit for a year while being shaddowbanned. Poor guy

Yes, but if they block you from posting completely, you'll know in like 1 minute.

A fun improvement then would be some random up/down votes for the shadow banned. Add Eliza AI type bot to comment sometimes too.

The best thing to do is let shadowbanned users see and comment on other shadowbanned users.

They might like that too much. I'd be tempted to create an account just to get shadowbanned. It would be a private social network without rules.

It wouldn't take much of a program to generate a typical Reddit reply

can we pm him to let him know?

Man. Reddit is fucked.

It helps deter first-time offenders who don't catch on right away.

I would be surprised if there weren't users on Reddit trolling invisibly without knowing it.

There are a lot. Source: mod a subreddit

It's designed to be effective against spammers. The spammer doesn't realize he's banned and so instead of creating a new account and continuing with the spam the person ends up putting up posts that no one sees and he's none the wiser.

Good idea until they used it to censor posts like OP talks about.

Or the other way around.

They made it possible in order to censor people, yet they use the excuse of spammers and what not as a justification (with the censoring being a side-effect) for its existence.

That's the one I'm leaning toward myself.

True that.

but nobody else can see them.

Mods can see them and manually approve posts.

TIL Thanks for the info

Testing. Am i shadow banned?



No, but you are in the land of the dead and don't realize you are dead.

Yes and so am I. I was complaining about forum sliding one minute and shadow banned the next.

No you're not...

No I am not........serious about being shadow banned. Forum sliding is a real phenomena though, especially on this sub.

What's forum sliding?

It is a way to control information. Read about that and other methods here.


yugi boy

Not to me.

Thank you :)

Put it back up there through /r/undelete

that was taken over a few months back. things are routinely deleted from undelete. Hence from when the original moderator of undelete was ousted, created undeleteundelete, then shadowbanned.

Yes. The user was shadowbanned by reddit admins.

Either for spam or vote manipulation, the most often reasons.

Or maybe the reddit admins learned from this incident and no longer straight up delete people who make these kinds of posts. They just shadow-ban them now.

If we all saw a [deleted] next to the thread then that would throw even more suspicion on to the motives of removing it.

Do you think they'll change the name to Diggit?

I can Diggit.

Mods =/= admins.

Some mods do suspicious shit to pull their own agenda through. Admins couldn't care less.

Admins couldn't care less.

In your opinion.

The admins have admitted in the past they are completely hands off when it comes to the mods.

Yeah, its not like anyone would just do something crazy and lie on the internet.

I mean, who would lie concerning the largest and most active web forum in history.

Yeah, its not like anyone would just do something crazy and lie on the internet.

The admins have shown they are indifferent when it comes to the mods, the mods can do whatever they like for the most part. This has been well established if you have followed r/subredditdrama and some of the shit the mods have pulled over the years without being bammed themselves.

The admins have shown they are indifferent when it comes to the mods, the mods can do whatever they like for the most part

Really, what popular front-page subreddits do you mod for?

Which is bullshit because they removed an /r/wow mod they didn't like.

The /r/wow mod violated the rules of reddit. He held a subreddit hostage and tried to blackmail a multi billion dollar company for preferential treatment.

Using your position as moderator for personal gain has always been a big no no.

Yet removing unfavorable articles isn't personal gain?

It can be, you just need proof of some kind of personal gain.

Yes, occasionally they remove mods, but for the most part, the mods can do ask they please. What was that Mod doing that pissed off the admin for them to remove him?

The mod was pissed off and made the sub private for a few hours.

And just like that "hands off" becomes "for the most part."

Making a sub private is more of a crime on Reddit than trying to brainwash a country. What a time to be alive.

Get your facts straight. That mod held the wow subreddit for ransom and contacted wow devs saying that unless they helped him skip login queues he'd keep it private. He then tried to play the victim card.

And that would be great if we didn't constantly hear the excuse "Subreddits are controlled by the mods; if you don't like it, then create your own subreddit."

And just like that "hands off" becomes "for the most part."

Yes, I just looked it up and it's all new to me. One could even argue when they closed down r/jailbait would be when it became "for the most part." Regardless, it has been rare when the admin get involved with mods. The mods have gotten away with tons of shit over the years and alot of them are still top mods on most of the default and major subs.

While not required, you are requested to use the NP domain of reddit when crossposting. This helps to protect both your account, and the accounts of other users, from administrative shadowbans. The NP domain can be accessed by prefacing your reddit link with

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Only when you've got a tinfoil hat on do these things matter.

Or when you actually understand how the world works.

But yeah... "hurr durr Tinfoil". How brave of you.

Or you can just stop giving a shot and live a better life. That's too hard for some people though.

I'm traveling the world right now. Good try though.

That sounds nice, where are you at?

At the moment I am in Croatia.

The admins have admitted in the past they are completely hands off when it comes to the mods.


Yes, occasionally they remove mods,

Someone posted an answer but I wanted to provide another. A mod was pissed off that he couldn't play the expansion due to the queue times. So he threatened to shut down the sub unless he could play by a set deadline. And then he did. Admins stepped in and did what they had to to remedy the situation.

Even for hands off admins, that's the kind of situation they should be stepping in for.

I got shadowbanned for upvoting stuff on /r/pussypassdenied

No you weren't. Stop trying to make every post a /r/mensrights circlejerk. It makes it hard to take anything else serious on reddit.

Yes, I was. This has nothing to do with /r/mensrights I was simply stating a fact that was relevant to the thread.


Son of a bitch. I also figured you were bullshitting but they can just claim anyone is brigading now after I saw a few people shadowbanned from /r/kotakuinaction during it's infancy.

I got shadowbanned for doing nothing. Took a week to get my account back, rabble rabble rabble

Opinion based on 3 years reddit experience.

Clearly an opinion based on 3 years of confirmation bias.

Seriously, I'm not opposed to good conspiracy theories, but not those that are clearly pulled out of someone's ass.

Wow, 3 whole years.

How many admins do you know? How often do you guys meet up?

Are you here to talk in a mature way or do you always refrain to circlejerk when someone doesn't share your opinion?

How many admins do you know? How often do you guys meet up?

Are you going to answer these questions? 3 years of surfing reddit does not give one insight into what admins give a fuck about. 3 years of being an admin would.

I would say "Admins couldn't care less" is a pretty immature way to argue and distract from the post.

Give me one advantage the admins gain when they ban someone for historical facts, and I might reconsider my argument.

By Making their government handlers happy would be how some people see it

If they would get money from the government, okay, but they don't.

and you know this how?

Who said they needed any payment to appease their Government handlers when all their Internet information (emails, spreadsheets, Web history, etc) can be easily used against them through the media?

They continue to get money or support from their sponsors. You do realize history is complex right? When you see a narrative being pumped out like US good, Russia bad. That should tell you something.

Manipulation, censorship, profiteering, and I'll even go as far as saying blackmailed. Look at the NSA and the intelligence committee which "oversights" their operations.

If they're willing to blackmail Congress, you bet your ass they'd blackmail Reddit admins and mods in a heartbeat.

Mods can't shadow ban people.

That's the point

Only admins can shadow-ban. They got right on board in /r/games and /r/gaming during the whole GamersGate thing when it first popped up, shadow banning and deleting thousands of comments all over.

Yes, voting and commenting brigades that came through links from other subreddits or external sites.

Even if there's no toxic intent behind, a lot of users swarming a thread linked in another subreddit is considered a voting brigade and they will get banned if the subreddit is influenced by it.

If you accidently get caught in it, the admins will undo the ban if you message them.

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B-Bot sama....don't you think this is going too far?

Hahaha, you actually think they are the reasons?

It would be helpful if links to banned or deleted posts and users had an explanation in their place. ie. "banned for vote manipulation" or "deleted by op".

It did have an explanation, It was banned for "politics". And the actual rule written in the sub is "No recent politics".

But yeah, I keep forgetting that the "rules" are open to interpretation to the point where mods or admins can do anything they want.

Yes, admins don't care about conspiracies and would never be stupid enough to abuse their most powerful tool and get into the line of fire. Why would they ban someone for a political link when they allow racist, misogynist and rape subreddits? That's just naive thinking and grabbing for straws.

I have seen so many accounts getting shadowbanned and all were justified. Some weren't and were banned because they accidentally were identified as a part of a brigade, but it got revoked after a short communication with the admins.

I want to believe

I have seen so many accounts getting shadowbanned and all were justified

and then you say

Some weren't and were banned because they accidentally were identified as a part of a brigade

So you contradict yourself in the next fucking sentence. Not sure you are the source anyone should be trusting.

Read the rest of the second sentence you quoted

The "but" clause doesnt matter, the fact is some undeserving users were shadowbanned. Some might still be and have just not contacted admins or just dont know. Thus by saying all shadow bans are deserved but some in the past was also not deserved he is invalidating his claim in the same paragraph.

Just because someone makes a mistake, doesn't mean their point is wrong

This guy knows, you can tell by all the default subreddits he mods. Do you know bipolarbear? I think he shares the same view as you, you both could have a great afternoon tea.


How do your toes taste?



And you my friend must live a sad life if even a mod banning someone has you thinking about political conspiracies.

Or maybe you live a very naive and uninformed life.

Here is some reading material. In this material a common theme is the US government stating that the web is the new modern battleground.

This thread has been linked to from elsewhere on reddit.

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i vote for you as new mod of this sub

I also vote for me. I would be most honored. I wanna thank everyone who supported me throughout my journey, I wanna thank all the people that upvoted me. 😭 cries with joy

The troll score is over 9000!!! (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ

The preceding post was identified as trolling by an automated process.

Help us improve our troll detection by up- or downvoting this post, depending on whether you agree with our finding or not. If you have any feedback just drop us a message.



dLuR... the hero we need AND deserve.

Does this happen often? And why would it take until it got to the top page to auto-ban. Usually anything I post that gets the auto-boot happens fairly quickly.

Can someone ELI5?

This thread has been linked to from elsewhere on reddit.

If you follow any of the above links, respect the rules of reddit and don't vote or comment. Questions? Abuse? Message me here.

fuck you too

When did reddit become a pro-establishment echo-chamber?

Long time ago my friend. It is steadily getting worse so that the front page and most of the main subs are indistinguishable from the likes of tumblr or the kind of shit people's moms post on Facebook. Anything serious is very much pro-establishment.


Glenn Greenwald: How Covert Agents Infiltrate the Internet to Manipulate, Deceive, and Destroy Reputations

Glenn Greewld: Hacking Online Polls and Other Ways British Spies Seek to Control the Internet

GCHQ’s “Chinese menu” of tools spreads disinformation across Internet- “Effects capabilities” allow analysts to twist truth subtly or spam relentlessly.

The Guardian: Internet Astroturfing

BBC News: US plans to 'fight the net' revealed

BBC News: Pentagon plans propaganda war

CENTCOM engages bloggers

WIRED: Air Force Releases ‘Counter-Blog’ Marching Orders

Military Report: Secretly ‘Recruit or Hire Bloggers’

The Guardian: Israel organizes volunteers to flood the net with Israeli propaganda

The Guardian: Israel ups the stakes in the propaganda war

Israel To Pay Students For Pro-Israeli Social Media Propaganda

BBC News: China's Internet spin doctors

Air Force ordered software to manage army of fake virtual people

HBGary: Automated social media management

NPR: Report: U.S. Creates Fake Online Identities To Counter 'Enemy Propaganda'

The Guardian: US spy operation to manipulate social media

The Guardian: The need to protect the internet from 'astroturfing' grows ever more urgent

Exposing Cyber Shills and Social Media's Underworld

Turkey's Government Forms 6,000-Member Social Media Team

Edit: Hat tip to /u/InternetPropagandist for compiling links.

I have a fan! Cheers for helping me spread the info. Everyone should read that TIL thread. That is what it looks like when shills don't manipulate the content. It's a real conversation. They must have missed that thread, so it had to be canned.

Spotted these links on another thread. Wasn't sure if you compiled them or if it was /u/KnightBeforeTomorrow. Anyway it is solid list. Have read most of them before but to have them all in one bundle is handy and informative. Thank you.

Incidentally, what do you think of this?

Posted earlier. Not looking for karma (hence the np link) just your thoughts.

Thanks I don't have time to delve into those at the moment but appreciate it. What do you think of the Sandy Hook - Honr Network posted above?

It was weird... It felt like the old reddit for a bit.

I have to say the amount of frank conversations about conspiracies with healthy amounts of upvoting is... astonishing

It must be working. The average citizen before thought conspiracy = not true. That doesn't seem to be the case any longer.

It has been a concerted effort of the U.S. military and intelligence community to marginalize and label anyone who does not toe the line. That is how you keep leaders of revolts from rising. . . You give the the followers the strong suggestion that if they believe anything other than the party line, they will be ostracized. "Be safe, stay with the herd."

Given the atrocities of the past century [STD experiments anyone] and the accepted fact they are far worse now, I would be astounded that they weren't guilty of all the conspiracy crowd says they did.

I think the real problem with this sort of thing is that it usually discredits any valid arguments on the Big Guy's side.

I'm very pro-vaccine, somewat pro-nuclear, worriedly pro-GMO, pro-empathy for folks dealing with people who might really know about ticking time bombs, and pro the idea that Putin might have some valid points to make. I'm pro the idea that something or other might unexpectedly rescue us from global warming. I feel as if Israel is my strong, smart, wonderful, addled little brother who is being goaded by real bad guys into doing crazy things.

But I also think there are so many shills and manipulators who are sort of on my side on those issues that it's hard for me to make a credible case for my positions. Any thinking swing voter will think I'm a shill and tune me out.

Yea it's been going on for years. Wasn't there some big thing about this a few years back? It was when all of a sudden there was a huge influx of patriotism and all the tils about Americas navy compared to other nations. In the end iirc a lot of those posters only posted pro American content and there was a whole reddit investigation.

Reddit can't stop this even if the admins wanted to.

True I was just wondering if anyone else remembered.

You might be interested in this IndieJuice interview with an ex-reddit mod ...

Why dont we just merge /r/conspiracy with /r/politics and /r/circlejerk and get it over with.

They do that all the time. TIL is like a government school.

They remove posts because people often vote based on political ideas and not whether the contents actually worth reading. The mods there have been doing their best to make sure /r/todayilearned doesnt turn into the politicized bullshit that is /r/conspiracy. Seriously whens the last time a non political post made the top post here?

til that cia torturing people is politicized bullshit

Like that torture comic removed from /r/funny. Is torture really simply encompassed in the term "politics" now? That's how bad things have gotten?

When science and reality are politicized I suppose anything is up for grabs. You want actual "truth"? Stop being so political brah.

Torture itself is not, the berating of our government for torture practices is political. It's not "how bad things have gotten" It's just the definition of politics.

But it's just something he learned. Content and it's assumed effects should not come into play. He/She learned that today. Is it true? yes, then leave it up. Is it true? no, then delete it.

Yeah, no idea how people rationalize it away as political bullshit. I mean come on, how far does your head have to be up your ass to believe that? The timing lines up perfectly. TIL is not political, this is idea control plain and simple. I've been noticing a trend on reddit where asking for a source was attributed to being a neck beard, entertaining the idea of conspiracy is ridiculous / has something to do with people not having real world experience / you are a conspiritard.

TIL is very political when people want it to be. TIL is arguably one of the more political subs.

For reference, I'm the guy that posted the top comment in the thread that got deleted. I was gilded, and received over 2600 points. I still accept that this post was removed solely because it was a political commentary on modern CIA torture.

When I first joined you'd get downvoted for refusing to state a source. You notice that in a community of nerds a straw an was made to be able to call people nerds? I think it's just the user base coming closer to the populations mean.

Comments on acts our government performs are political by definition.

now ask yourself; is political the same as politicized bullshit?

The bullshit was reffering to the way reddit upvotes this en masse. I unsubbed from /r/politics because I dont want your political agendas shoved down my throat. Subreddits that are unrelated to poltics shouldnt tolerate this brigade voting. Reddit is not your political advertising platform.

you think 'torturing people is wrong' is an a agenda being shoved down your throat?

Yes, I wouldn't strawman it as hard as you, but all this criticism of government is definitely on agenda.

If factual references to torture practices is considered "political", than the mods are the ones politicizing the sub.

The moderation is a political act, not the post itself.

That may be but there are certain taboo posts that they don't allow. We all know the political arena this tarnished and not looking good right now. TIL is a great place to vent those things out so others can learn. Where else would someone post something like that others can learn?

How do you verify why a person voted the way they did without polling them directly? Furthermore, what does it matter the reason behind why it was voted for? If you / they / it disagree, talk about it in the comments. Removing a submission shuts down any chance of debate or conversation.

Do you think that the post would have stuck had the political views of the moderators / admins / whomever agreed with the message? Why should a post be censored purely for political views? Reddit left subreddits such as /r/niggers and /r/picsofdeadkids up forever, which is arguably much more offensive and damaging then the effects of a single post.

Who decides what content is actually worth reading?More importantly, who decides what is worth reading for reddit users? Isn't that the point of the voting system, such that users can downvote irrelevant posts / comments and upvote something interesting / worth looking at? I didn't join and I don't use this site because I want my information pre-screened and filtered for me, that's why I the user have the ability to hide comments, downvote them, unsubscribe from subreddits... I don't need anyone else to filter my content, I'm perfectly capable of doing it myself.

To sum up, you may think that's political bullshit, but it does not justify preventing me from viewing content and forming my own opinions of said content.

Yes we'll leave it up to people like you and all our subreddits will produce the same quality content /r/conspiracy does.

Didn't answer a single question and misdirect, making a judgement about me because I disagree with you.


Eh you misdirected as well, just thought fairs fair.

Asking questions about your opinion is not misdirection, it's an attempt at direct conversation. I questioned why you chose not to answer my question and go for character assassination, which is again a direct attempt at conversation with you. I'm not misdirecting, I'm bringing the conversation back to the original point.

If you don't want to answer my questions just say so, I won't hold it against you.

Your questions are all misdirection, and you never answered my first question. When's the last time a top post in /r/conspiracy has been non political? Look at the difference between the votes for political post vs non political posts, /r/conspiracy is what happens when you allow political posts in a non political subreddit. It becomes a giant shithole circlejerk pushing political opinions on people. I dont want your political agendas shoved down my throat. All of reddit is not your soapbox. Keep it in the cesspit that is /r/politics. And if you think they entertain discussion there, ha!

I had lots of karma in a sub thread of this thread which was pretty high up. A gentleman had basically made a joke about tinfoil itching a bit before saying ''thus is the stuff we know about.'' What followed was a food discussion about psyops around conspiracy theorists to shut down debate. I don't doubt the content of the comments played into the removal.

Yes, I saw the exact comment chain actually. It sparked a discussion that actually made me proud to be here again. Reminded me of the kinds of things we talked about 6-7 years ago.

Worth torpedoing a whole t Post over apparently. :(

One of many reasons why it got canned.

/u/putin_hates_cats Can you repost what was being discussed? Also, what are you thoughts about this?

We Need to Talk About Sandy Hook was up at this address:

Now says 'Removed due to copyright complaint by Honr Network'.

Checked their YouTube channel. Full of 'anti-conspiracy' videos claiming to debunk Sandy Hook anomalies.

Did another search and found this guy complaining about them - getting his videos removed despite not having copyrighted material...

Who the fuck is Honr Network? They want to hold "hoaxers" legally responsible for what they say. I'm looking more into it. Read the about. They basically use every tool they can from straw men and I'm sure other fallacies I don't know the name of. Talks about truthers crossing the line of free speech. Holy shit.

It's insane. Have made a new post. People need to be aware of this.

However it just lends more credibility to 'We Need to Talk About Sandy Hook' .

what was the rough gist? shame to have missed it

It should still be in the thread under undelete, I believe it is the second or third tree. I left a wall of text should be easy to find.

this site is a whore. the more it does this the more people catch on.

It's the user base really. It's become mainstream for Americans and other Westerners and now we are seeing the publics opinion reflected in perhaps a more true manner. And that means shit like being racist, being pro-war, being very nationalist and militaristic, getting angry whenever someone criticises "da troops" or "the people that keep us safe" (e.g: CIA or GCHQ). Stop copping out and saying it's the government and realise that the average person is a pretty fucked up person, who is also there to be easily manipulated by populist far right agenda. It has happened since day 1 of humanity.

Just read the comments on news websites like BBC or Daily Mail when it comes to torture. Every comment is vehemently in favour of doing all kinds of torture and nobody gives a damn if anyone innocent is caught up or not, or whether it even works. As far as people are concerned, because ISIS does it, they can do whatever they want too.

It honestly won't take much at this point for something to happen and for people to get on board with some seriously crazy things, things that have happened in so called enlightened European countries not many decades ago. Not much at all.

This is what I've been trying to say for a long time but what people just don't get.

These countries we live in, America, Canada, UK etc.. are just as fucked up as any other country, the people are just as fucked up, ignorant and stupid and downright evil as any other country.

Nobody gives a fuck about democracy or any of the ideals that the West likes to harp on about, especially in the UK, where even the concept of human rights is being ridiculed on a daily basis. Canada is no better, Australia is no better. They both have batshit insane far right governments that have massive popularity.

I agree 100% but the longer I've been here the more PC it's become.

sadly you are largely right as far as i can tell.


Oh No You Didn't


trying to get more traffic on

It's like an exact copy of reddit lol

well, it is a source fork

We need a site like Reddit that is completely decentralized.

MetaFilter isn't similar (six sub-sites rather than thousands of subreddits), but if you want to talk about the US government and its moral and operational failures, you will not get censored.

Also, costs $5 to register, keeps the trolls out (or at least takes their money).


8chan's, pls

Edit: Also 8chan in general is a very good answer to what /u/run_benji was looking for. User-made boards are basically subreddits, without the admins breathing down "major boards" to control content. Don't go to 4chan, full of SJWs and moot controls content like a mad man whenever he gets it in his mind that a particular topic should not be discussed.

Rule 4, bro!

Edit: /s

Rule 4: Nothing related to recent politics. Post: TIL That between 1965 and 1972, the CIA oversaw a torture program...

Given the timing of the post (with the recent CIA torture report) I'd say there's a pretty solid argument that the post IS related to recent politics.

Edit - here's a post from 9 months ago about older CIA torture, which was not removed:

Oh, so now the rules can be applied subjectively? A mod or admin can say "hmm, this post kind of reminds me of something current", so I'm going to delete it?

So this post would have been fine 2 weeks ago? These "rules" are either getting really weird or people like you are just finding any excuse to justify the behavior of website that is becoming more blatantly corrupt by the week.

I think its fair to say that if a thread being deleted makes you think its connected to censorship about a recent political event, the topic of that thead is related to that recent political event. The whole reason you think its suspicious is because of the recent report. There have been links about cia torture at the top of most political subreddits for days, from r/republican to r/politics to r/worldnews.

There have been links about the recent CIA torture at the top of most political subreddits.

This TIL was about torture during Vietnam. Do you realize that defending this kind of blatant censorship helps nobody and only makes this place worse?

I was assuming that you think that its getting deleted is cencorship relating to the recent cia torture report. if not, other people in this thread have found, for you, where this was posted months ago in til and not deleted. If a post about torture got to the top of funny it would also get deleted and I would similarily defend that.

If you do think that post was deleted due to recent cia torture, than your admitting that the material is related. Do you think the comment section was about anything other than recent allegations against the cia? And more importantly, what does it matter next to the dozens of articles about it in other subreddits that arent trying to avoid heated political discussion. The only thing thays blatant your hyperbolic style of thinking, where I and dozens of people in this thread are supporting blatand cencorship. No one supports cencorship here, and the fact that so many people here arent going with your view means its not so blatant.

I think it is getting deleted because anything that goes against the "US is great, pro-establishment circlejerk" and ends up getting a lot of attention, suddenly disappears.

I don't give a shit about how rules can be interpreted, at the end of the day I see a bigger picture than that. And that picture is what disturbs me. So I will keep pointing out the little bumps in the road like this one. These incidents are not isolated. They are part of a bigger design.

And the fact that this post has 1000's of upvotes shows me that many other people agree.


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You need to edit your posts...cencorship? blatand? punctuation?

/ Hui popm

So this post would have been fine 2 weeks ago?

Maybe. I'm not a mod there.

Edit - Here's a post from 9 months ago about non-recent CIA torture, which was not removed:

Lets just call it how it is: Mods have designed a system of rules and conditions that allow them to delete any post that they want.

If you can stretch a rule like "no recent politics" into banning a post about Vietnam, then you are unstoppable.

This is why /r/technology has gone to shit and still is too. After that whole censorship bot debacle they claim to have changed for the better. They still have moderator tampering and interference. But people think it's better than before because they say they are open and transparent now.

Are you for real dude? If recent news talk about something that happened a while ago, but is still one of the main event talked about in the news, then the rule applies. It's just there to avoid people posting news to farm karma. If you want to discuss recent news, go to /r/news or something.

It's just there to avoid people posting news to farm karma.

Exactly -- the point being that a CIA torture program that occurred in the Vietnam war is not news, it's history. That is stunningly obvious.

Since they deleted the post anyway the conclusion is that the rule is not in place to address practical problems like people spamming news; it's in place to minimize discourse around politics in general. So any historical fact or event that is related to the current CIA torture debacle in any shape or form is blacklisted on /r/TIL.

What a great way to minimize discourse and turn this site to shit.

Whatever helps you sleep at night. Keep believing things are so simple.

Or maybe subreddits that aren't dedicated to politics just don't want politics in them.

The post wasn't about "Vietnam" it was about CIA torture Vietnam.

Its obviously related to recent politics.

The post wasn't about "Vietnam" it was about CIA torture Vietnam.

Nice mental gymnastics there.

You're the one doing mental gymnastics if you don't see how this is related to recent politics.

I understand how the rule was abused and I also understand how it is selectively enforced.

you have support, at least from me (I PM'd you about similar stuff the other day with another throwaway), and your posts are not unnoticed. I want to thank you personally for your persistence in raising these issues.

whether it's from top-down broken administration, from outside investments in manipulating the site, or some incestuous combination,

you are time & time again helping to highlight suspicions I have had about reddit for several months, suspicions piqued only further by the bizarro reddit that emerged during Ferguson. suddenly crowds that espouse rational discourse and argumentation are pitchforking anybody who dares to entertain anything less than the hardline creed in this week's news or worldnews 2 Minute Hate. even asking questions and expressed uncertainty re: MSM narrative was getting people downvoted into -50 oblivion. people who simply catalogued facts from the livestreams that weren't mentioned on this or that mainstream account of protest were being similarly nuked off into oblivion.

this is not the ordinary dissonance of being met with a large group with whom you disagree, but the implausibility of such a sudden change in "zeitgeist" when certain hot topics make the rounds on worldnews or what have you. there is a palpable & purposeful myopia in effect. Ferguson threads would have been all the more interesting to read had reddit not cloaked its voting process in a blanket of secrecy. now subject to fuzzing and "arbitrary" weighting behind the scenes, we can no longer say "alright, well, I got shilled down to -50 or a bunch of rabid partisans legitimately disagreed with me, whatever, but at least 30 users agree with me anyways" & this strikes me as a clear move to push for so-called social cohesion on every community this website hosts.

look deeper. when you see a sudden influx of uncharacteristic pro-cop postings in this or that sub normally ready to lynch even the most justified police officer, and when you see posts being buried by the hundred before they even score, investigate a few related posters and you will often note registrations of less than a year -- these are in themselves unremarkable, but those with no post history prior to recent events (pre-aged accounts) and those with Markov chains gibberish and what appears to be reposted content (pre-seeded accounts) are worth further note.

at this point there can be absolutely no ignoring that reddit is a forum festering with the rhizomic interests of multiple parties, government PR programs, bots and shills at one another's throat, and a heavy hand of moderator and Conde Naste influence.

it is easy to ignore the fact that reddit hosts an atmosphere steeped with ideology & ideological actors, but it's dangerous to ignore the fact that this ideology is now all the more obviously on strings.

e: oh and hey look, your own link:

tip of the fucking iceberg, mate.

Hey, thanks a lot for the support. Its also good to know that others on the same page. I know that many people are, but a lot of them stay quiet. So its really nice to read a comment like yours.

Sometimes we just lurk and vote. Sometimes we say thanks...

Thanks. :)

Mods can delete whatever posts they want to. If you don't like how they behave, leave the fucking subreddit. You're all using a 100% free website yet you act like this is a small country where mods are elected and we pay taxes to participate.

Mods can delete whatever posts they want to. If you don't like how they behave, leave the fucking subreddit.

Ah, this old argument. One day you will be saying "In 'Merica, they need to search your asshole when you cross a state-line, if you don't like it then leave the country".

Are you a shill?

Are you a hairy asshole?

A completely free to use website is completely different than a country. But keep the delusion up comrades!

This is going to be mind blowing, I know. But did you know that you can create your own subreddit and moderate it as you please?!? Insane, right?

Yeah, I'm delusional. Funny coming from someone who has the philosophy that if you don't like something than you can jist git out!

If you find it hard to get off of reddit then you probably have an addiction

Do you?

No, at least not yet...

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Somebody shut this bot up .

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I think it falls under history bro.

Edited for sarcasm. My apologies.

If you said "bros" that would have been enough.

Dat censorship. Wake up people

They woke up too late; didn't you read the post?

El oh el

Yeah i am.But it's quite cold out there ...

Annnnd shadowbanned.

Reddit needs to the way of myspace. We need a new site without censorship.

How would this new site avoid censorship?

Well, for one, you could let the people voting decide what goes on the front page and not throw together a list of "terms and conditions" that are designed to be interpreted any way the mods please.

Giving them license to delete whatever they want and then just sit back while a bunch of know-it-alls come out of the woodwork to naively defend them because "its the rules guise". People are so damn gullible.

cum odd you guys we godda follow the... we godda follow what they say

Are you suggesting a subreddit with no moderation or rules?

Social experiment time: /r/IDGAFPWYW


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That was an established subreddit though. This is from scratch. Plus, I'm lazy as fuck and really have no desire to actually put in the work as a moderator. We'll see how it goes I guess.

Wow this problem is more complex than I imagined. Board slipping? Pushing threads off the board by posting lots of bait threads? Damn. It's unnerving to learn about all of this censorship taking place.

stop giving people shady little tools like shadow banning to control the narrative?

think that's a good start

Like Olddogg and Digg used to be!!!

We need myspace. The way it used to be, when it was.

Interesting interview with ex-reddit mod....

In an interview recently conducted with an ex Reddit moderator, details have emerged that suggests initial speculation on content manipulation within for the purpose of profit for 3rd parties to be not only true, but common place in practice among certain members of its moderation team.

Although the source of these accusations has declined to comment on specific cases of such behaviour, IndieJuice has been informed that content manipulation for 3rd party profit is part of a much larger issue within Reddit’s internal posting and user relationship structure. The extent to which is currently unknown.

Original allegations of content manipulation arose from members of Reddit’s own community as part of an online controversy surrounding allegations of nepotism within the video game industry.

Such allegations were dismissed by a member of Reddit’s administration team as the work of another online community, in an attempt to discredit a known games developer, as well as embroil their associates in a sex scandal, by method of an ‘internet raid’.

Given new light on the matter, such claims are only partially valid. While an attempt was made by an alternative online community to influence specific content on, the practice of content manipulation is itself an issue that has been common place on specific subreddits by members of their own moderation team.

IndieJuice’s source on this matter has suggested that moderators on particular subreddits have engaged in the practice of content manipulation to unfairly benefit specific websites, as well as platform favourable discussion for a 3rd party, at the price of ‘luxuries’. All of which remains unknown to the subreddit’s subscribers.

Though the source was unwilling to provide specific instances of such behaviour, examples were given.

Trading ‘content flair’ and an ‘ask me anything’, for particular users, was ‘standard’ in a ‘favour for favour’ trade. Though the purpose might vary for a moderator accepting such a request, it was implied that such trades are made at an equal benefit for both parties involved.

The implication of such evidence in the case of pre-existing questions of nepotism raises further concern for the question of corruption within the video game industry.

Current discussion on the matter has only ever suggested at the existence of such corruption and has, as such, been limited to possibility.

The form of corruption suggested by IndieJuice’s source is extensive. It is also very particular, in that it extends itself far beyond normal questions of ethical conduct and acceptable practice.

Though IndieJuice is unable to mention further specifics that implicate members of Reddit’s administration team in general, informal, misconduct despite the interview revealing as much, what may be said is that specific moderators are involved in the original controversy of ethical press coverage itself.

The scale of this entire issue has yet to make itself known, though the source did hint at the fact that major video game news sites, and members of their associated press, might also be involved; or at the very least, specific well-known individuals acting of their own accord.

Though the original controversy raised on Reddit focused specifically on a game developer, recent events have caused the entire ethic of journalism within the video game industry to come into question. This also includes quality of content and the nature of favourable reviews in the instance of pre-existing relationships.

Reaction to this issue has been mixed, by those both within the scope of controversy, and those beyond. What may be said is that it is no longer an issue of ‘misogynists’ on the loose in social media, but of the ability of those whom wish to express themselves being able to do so safely. On both sides of the argument.

Haha, they deleted it for R.4 : Nothing related to recent politics. 1972 sure was recent.

I saw this at 5 am and was too sleepy to read the post, so thought I'd come back later to read it. When I was awake, I could not find it. Thought I went crazy.

Shhh. You'll interrupt the circlejerk.

Always the same brainless karma grab.

Maybe a new subreddit is needed "TIL with recent politics"..

seriously I noticed this too.

When did reddit become a pro-establishment echo-chamber? And why is that okay?

All influential media becomes ripe for capture by those who would control the discourse.

They pretty much take down anything with CIA in it on /r/politics. I posted /r/politics/comments/2oza0p/that_awful_congressional_plan_to_allow_pension/ with a title "Forget CIA torture, look what they're gonna do to our pensions". It got taken down immediately, even though it was all about politics. There is something awry about Reddit mods.

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Reddit was infiltrated years ago, same thing happened to digg.

That's really wierd. I can normally see and access the thread if i follow the link from my account's comments, but if i go to r/TIL and hit to see the top posts of this week it is nowhere. What exactly is happening? Anyone?


Because it was deleted from the sub. Hence finding it in r/undelete.

If it were removed after its allotted time slot, then it would still be in the subreddit.

Don't listen to what the uninformed (or purposely distracting) commenters are trying to say. They are trying to claim this is business as usual and that all comments leave the front page eventually.


It. Was. Deleted.

I FUCKING KNEW IT...I was just in that thread this morning.

You made the mistake of not having your TIL be about an advertisable product. Example: "TIL the frothiness of Frothco Soda comes from actual sugared froth!"

What. The. Fuck.

Is there any way to find out who deletes it? Maybe each time a thread is deleted a message is automatically sent to the OP from the mod?

Holy shit I did not know about this.. wtf O_o. ''Gang rape''?

The shills are out in full force on reddit lately.

TIL torture is american politics.

It was there ALL day yesterday.

No, it wasn't. It was posted at 11pm EST.

I saw that thread for hours before I left the house yesterday. Hours and hours. Long enough for it to reach the top of All. You would think that if this was deleted because of the content it wouldn't have made it more than maybe one hour. Certainly not most of the day. It was up for a LONG time. ok maybe not a full 24 hrs as all day would imply. But really, it was up all day.

No, you cannot change the bar and say "You would think that if this was deleted because of the content it wouldn't have made it more than maybe one hour."

That proves nothing.

It being deleted after hours on the front page proves that it isn't the big deal you want it to be. Hours. not a single hour as if it were some secret the PTB want kept. Why did it take hours if there are people monitoring this site and deleting things ala the memory hole? You are just wrong. And you can downvote me all you want I dont care. You're simply wrong. That thread was up for hours, during daylight. Not "when America woke up" as all this implies. That shit was up for hours during business hours. You guys are simply wrong.

Stop acting like people aren't human and make mistakes. And stop acting like you understand all of the rules of reality and know what can and can't happen.

Wat? Are you replying to someone else? I don't think I have done such in this thread.

It being deleted after hours on the front page proves that it isn't the big deal you want it to be.

Why did it take hours if there are people monitoring this site and deleting things ala the memory hole?

Those aren't mistakes. Those are exactly what this thread is all about. That isn't a mistake, it's completely intentional. idk why I bothered with this at all. There's a good reason you guys are derided. You can't take simple criticism. Ironic given the nature of your obsession. You can't take someone pointing out your faults. Those things you want to not be made public. You're fucking delusional.

I'm delusional, but you are the one citing your opinions as being proof.

"I know its not a conspiracy because if it was, then they would have deleted it within seconds instead of hours".

Do you think the humans working behind the scenes are almighty and powerful, like the gods? Because that is what your thinking implies. It implies that such gods would never make a silly thing like an error. They are obviously more like a machine with a 100% success rates that perfectly conforms to MrPim's personal philosophies of reality.

So, the powers that be monitor Reddit, but they do it incompetently? They are so worried about a reddit thread that they would have it deleted, but drag their feet in doing so? See if I had that power, and gave two shits what the world thought, I'd have someone on this. That would be their job. Oh no, we'll just get back to that after lunch.

So which is it? Are the all powerful, powerful? Or are they incompetent idiots?

So, the powers that be monitor Reddit, but they do it incompetently?

Yes, they are HUMANS.

You would think that they'd be a little better at their job. Being all powerful and all.

Admit it. The thread was deleted for other reasons. No subversion needed.

Shit happens in the real world. There isn't always a nefarious backroom deal. And your need to see shadowy figures everywhere is the reason you're seen as delusional.

It was a thread, it got deleted, the CIA and NSA wasn't involved.

Being all powerful and all.

Nobody is saying this but you.

Oh please. This is implied here every day. This entire thread is implying that TPB are here deleting threads to keep information secret. Every anti govt thread in existence is "The Powers" want to keep you stupid. That's why those threads exist. You want to feel smarter than your average citizen and the govt itself. YOU CAUGHT EM PUTIN_HATES_CATS THEY DELETED A THREAD, after it had been up for hours and hundreds of thousands of people saw it. Good work detective. Good thing they were asleep at the switch.

Yeah, whether you want to keep your head in the sand or not, there is loads of well documented proof that the government has its hands all over the web in places like FB, youtube, twitter, and reddit.

But hey, if you feel like "you want to feel smarter than your average citizen and the govt itself" then maybe you are just projecting. You shouldn't feel so inadequate.

Absolutely. So I'd think maybe they have a little better handle on it than just leave shit laying about. Or no, you're right. That thread existed for as long as it did and Sam was asleep at the switch. Bullshit. And the longer you keep selling bullshit like this the longer people wont take you seriously when they need to.

See, what most of the conspiracy community doesn't understand is the danger of 'the boy who cried wolf'. You keep selling bullshit, and no-one is going to take you seriously when they need to.

So, yeah, you keep doing what you're doing. Unless you want to be taken seriously when the time actually calls for it.


And IDK, I'm just spitballing here. But maybe they could set up some sort of automated system to flag certain words? I know this is WAY high tech like AI level shit here. But I would think that the lizard people could afford such things. idk man, maybe we just leave it up to Kevin Smith in his basement lair

Do you believe in lizard people?

I guess on some other world it's possible.

Good job not taking that bait.

the fact they have to do this is encouraging. I'd be more worried if they didn't care about suppressing free speech.

Gang-rape? Does anyone have the evidence on that? It's just so disgusting I cannot believe that happened..

Google 'Phoenix Program'

I dont want to look through the entire thing. I just want to see if someone can give me quotes describing one of these events. I am lazy, but intrigued.

From Wikipedia: "Mufuckers got raped."

Sure, hang on while i think for you...

Ignorant cunt.

Keyboard warrior.



You're shadowbanned, sorry. Maybe it's because you're very rude.


That's not how shadowbans work.

You've been shadowbanned by the reddit admins. I'm just politely letting you know, because otherwise you'd continue writing comments that no one can see.

That's right. No one can see your comments anymore. /r/conspiracy has nothing to do with it.

Good luck.

TIL redsit is only a nice place to look at funny pictures of kittens, and not a place to have a discussion.

I really don't like all these other subreddits like worldnews and r/politics because they get their support either from people who spread bullshit information (whoalso have double accounts and also seem to have many varying nationalities) and the people who believe that crap.

if they allow TILs regarding other countries they better allow US ones, otherwise that's straight up racist

I just assume things that we fond out today have been going on. We just now several very good means of getting and sharing information. Why do you think they want to regulate the internet so badly?

Why would people/mods wait until a thread has gone all the way to the top, and already gotten everyone's attention, before deleting it? Does that make any sense to you?

At the absolute worst, we've got some fucking stupid conspirators running Reddit.

I don't see the conspiracy

Reddit is filled with "CIA Torture" the "US is scum" threads...

Meanwhile at the CIA...

Smith: "hey Phil you see that reddit CIA post about torture?"

Phil: "I gotta take the girls to dance recital I'll delete it in the morning."

Want to change it, start organizing. Ensure that as many submissions to as many subreddits as possible on the same day are about this. Coordinate 1000 people all submitted different links on this to the site all at once. Sure, the mods will start working on removing them, but hit this at the appropriate time, and people will notice, and then the site admins will have to respond.

Were any of them US Citizens?

I don't know, but US citizens aren't treated any better. Some of them were used in experiments by the government.

It's ok because we stay. And if we go, the establishment will simply buy into the new platform.

The internet is capable of hosting an independent and anonymous forum, but so far no one's done it with large numbers of people actually using it.

The same cabal of Ziocons that propagandized us into (and profited from) balls deep war on Muslim culture world-wide owns some of this site.

the comments in that thread were atrocious, blaming the current administration for the worst activities of the CIA during the Vietnam war.

Not only that, but the title was factually misleading for political reasons. The atrocities were committed by vietnamese civillians, and not under orders from the CIA. The CIA doesn't even give orders. Their goal was to create a counter insurgency in Vietnam and they succeeded.

This was a war, by the way, which killed something like 3 million vietnamese, and would have killed more if we had "won". A terrorist program which were to dramatically lower the cost in lives of that campaign is simply a better alternative. It seems particularly horrible now because we all seem to agree that we should never have invaded Vietnam in the first place, but that was not the CIAs prerogative.

What about the alternative of allowing the Vietnamese to go their own path without foreign intervention?

completely irrelevant to the CIA as that is not their decision.

Everyone is wrong and your opinion is 'right'.

Who are you?

You who knows The Truth.


It's not ok, but as long as the masses have more power than an oligarchy of corrupt moderators, we should be fine. Keep on keeping on.

And yet the /r/conspiracy thread about it hits the front page of /r/all immediately and isn't deleted.

Poor admins. They only know how to delete posts from the default subs.

I think you may be confused about the roles of mods vs. admins.

Recent politics.

The FSB should know better.

The people in the politics sub-reddit would not know the subject matter if they wiped their ass in it. I will never post another article there.

Streisand effect pls.

The fact that TIL and AskReddit prohibit anything political anyway is all the evidence you need that they're being run by left wing political shills. Nobody oppresses political activity like left-wingers. Look at the USSR, East Germany, China, any far left country. No matter what - these countries use any measure possible to repress any contrary opinion to theirs.

This is echoed in the left wing's view that "freedom of speech doesn't mean freedom of consequences for the speech." Even though that's exactly what it does mean.

Wherever you find the left wing operating, you'll find a horde of censors ready to silence any political view that doesn't agree with the party line.

Why are people saying the post being up for 9 hours was proof it wasn't corrupted? Wouldn't it have made more sense for a mod to pull it before it got 3000 up-votes if it was breaking the rules? Do the mods then disagree on what makes a post deletion worthy or breaks the subreddits rules? Either way, seems like corruption to me, but I might just be reading into dumb subreddit b.s.

TIL that Elizabeth Warren's armpits smell like rose-petals and she shits prosperity everywhere she goes and is totally honest and not another false prophet who is going to scam you just like Obama!

If something fits the agenda, then the truth doesn't matter. Those mods can interpret the rules any way that they choose to so that they can censor whatever they want.

Doesn't this just mean the Aspergerian mods are mostly in the US?

reddit a pro-establishment echo-chamber

It was a bullshit TIL anyway.

Its time to start migrating to the Reddit alternative They are not corporate controlled.

Okay normally I don't buy into this whole conspiracy stuff, but in between seeing the post then going to show my friend it disappeared from TIL, but I was still able to access it through my comment history.

Wait..are you guys agains jews or with the jews?

Back to Digg everybody!

Maybe it is because there have been constant TIL CIA torture posts in the past week and the mods feel like it is taking away from the subreddit.

And maybe that would be a valid argument if the users of that subreddit had not upvoted that particular post to +4000.

lol ok and plus who is going to be held accountable for this most of the people involved are most likely rotting in hell figuratively. All I am basically seeing is the South Vietnamese a known regime who tortured were torturing people and from that the CIA would get some information don't you love sensationalism

If you think the government gave Reddit a choice, you're naive not seeing the full story.

EDIT: Sorry, I didn't mean naive, just that I think it wasn't totally Reddit's choice. Poor phrasing, my bad. Any offense is on me.

If you go around pretending to know specific details about things which you couldn't possibly know so that you can insult strangers on the internet to boost your own ego yooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooou might be a redneck.

To be clear, I didn't mean to insult anyone, just to say that it wasn't Reddit's doing. It came out wrong, sorry about that. But I think we all know the government has the power to pressure Reddit to remove it. Plus, this is /r/conspiracy. Why don't I have the right to make a theory? Simmalar things have happened before.

Rule 4.


40 ;)

More and more people are posting rule-breaking things to main subs and then whining here when it gets deleted. I bet OP was the submitter of that r/TIL post. This is his second observation of removal in two or three days that's reached the top. Awfully suspicious...

Wow, its funny how you constantly criticize people on the subreddit, but then turn right around and accuse me of a conspiracy.

It's the conspiriarcy of the removal of politicaly charged posts in a subbreddit that says no politically charged posts!

Which means it's not really a conspiracy, is it?

shills gonna shill

No kidding! It's getting ridiculous.

There are ppl. that are hired by Gov't to mess with the numbers,professionall hackerz.In action. They think white hat,i think,disinformation. :( Peace.

Yeah it was us pesky Americans deleting posts so the world doesn't know what they can search on the Internet. Dumbass. On behalf of my fellow Americans and the Marines I served with, I'm here to say: WE DO NOT AGREE WITH THIS BULLSHIT. We're not parading around acting like our government is golden. Quite the contrary, it feels as if we are slowly but surely becoming aware of what needs to change. That's the majority of drone like people that live here, but there's a lot of us that are ready and have been ready to help initiate that change. No matter what it takes.

Talk for yourself.

That is freaky that that got deleted. It was at the top of the front page a few hours ago. It was a very upsetting thread, but its disappearance is more upsetting.

The funniest part is you know they didn't just learn that today, rather TIL has become a place to spread propaganda.

So the point is you don't like that the TIL sub doesn't want political-themed submissions. How the fuck is this a conspiracy?

hey who's side are you on!


Its crazy to think that the top spot in reddit is conspiracy a lot of the time now a days. Something major is up is the nation as a whole smells corruption

Who wakes up after 8 am?

Do you not understand how reddit peak-hours work?

It would have been on the front page for many more hours and exposed to millions of US residents had it not been pulled.

So you think the mods were sitting in front of their computers all night allowing it to stay up only to delete it at the last minute. Snatching the victory from your hands.

Or does it make sense that they deleted it when they woke up?

It didn't break any subreddit rules.

even if it did break rules, how are these moderators so fucking stupid and narrow minded to believe their own little rules are more important than educating people on such important matters?

Imagine for example a user trying to warn that a huge asteroid is heading towards Earth and a mod deletes the post because it's against the rules. "who cares that the world is going to end, mah rulez is moar important" ............

It's Saturday...

Probably because they don't want people who use this website and view all subs to see a bunch of teenagers and super liberals circlejerking about the previous evil and inept administration and how they have the country figured out and all Americans are "sheep"

Oh, so they only want their own "everyone is evil except the good guys born in the US" circlejerk.

Got it. Reddit must be an echo-chamber.

Well that is exactly what it is for the most part.

If you were here 6-7 years ago, you would understand that this is what reddit has become. And there are plenty of reasons to believe it was systematically MADE that way.

It was still an echo chamber 6-7 years ago, just a different one. There was no competition and it was controlled by liberal techie early adopters. Now it's mainstream and larger entities are trying to control the conversation. I don't disagree with the sentiment of your post, but the voting system is basically designed to produced an echo chamber so let's make sure we call it what it is.

You're right but try to reel it in a little or you're gonna scare people off.

Do you watch or read our news? It is the opposite of defending the torture report

I'm not fooled by the illusion of wide debate that is actually happening within an extremely narrow spectrum.

If people started going to jail, then I would start to believe.

In order for you to feel all warm inside, who would go to jail and for how long? Cheney, Bush, the entire staff of the CIA that period, only those directly were involved? 1 week, 1 year, life in prison? People will never be content. I think discussion and acknowledgment of the poor nature of some of the tactics is enough

i've been disappointed with news coverage, frankly. NPR refuses to even say the word 'torture' on their program, instead using the state department's language : enhanced interrogation.

USA Today remarked that 'al qaeda' was the target of torture, but the torture reports demonstrate not only al qaeda people tortured, but several others including those who don't condone terrorism at all.

So from my very limited experiences with the news coverage, it is not very critical. More like throwing soft balls at the torturers, when the torturers should be removed from power and locked up in a jail cell. Do you know of any major news agencies calling for trials and arrests of decisionmakers, top-to-bottom?

NPR refuses to even say the word 'torture' on their program, instead using the state department's language : enhanced interrogation.

Which is exactly what it was. Not that I would be against proper torture.

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Shadow ban.

Yes. The user was shadowbanned by reddit admins.

Either for spam or vote manipulation, the most often reasons.

So this post would have been fine 2 weeks ago?

Maybe. I'm not a mod there.

Edit - Here's a post from 9 months ago about non-recent CIA torture, which was not removed:

No, you cannot change the bar and say "You would think that if this was deleted because of the content it wouldn't have made it more than maybe one hour."

That proves nothing.

I think its fair to say that if a thread being deleted makes you think its connected to censorship about a recent political event, the topic of that thead is related to that recent political event. The whole reason you think its suspicious is because of the recent report. There have been links about cia torture at the top of most political subreddits for days, from r/republican to r/politics to r/worldnews.

Those aren't mistakes. Those are exactly what this thread is all about. That isn't a mistake, it's completely intentional. idk why I bothered with this at all. There's a good reason you guys are derided. You can't take simple criticism. Ironic given the nature of your obsession. You can't take someone pointing out your faults. Those things you want to not be made public. You're fucking delusional.

It did have an explanation, It was banned for "politics". And the actual rule written in the sub is "No recent politics".

But yeah, I keep forgetting that the "rules" are open to interpretation to the point where mods or admins can do anything they want.

I understand how the rule was abused and I also understand how it is selectively enforced.

I was assuming that you think that its getting deleted is cencorship relating to the recent cia torture report. if not, other people in this thread have found, for you, where this was posted months ago in til and not deleted. If a post about torture got to the top of funny it would also get deleted and I would similarily defend that.

If you do think that post was deleted due to recent cia torture, than your admitting that the material is related. Do you think the comment section was about anything other than recent allegations against the cia? And more importantly, what does it matter next to the dozens of articles about it in other subreddits that arent trying to avoid heated political discussion. The only thing thays blatant your hyperbolic style of thinking, where I and dozens of people in this thread are supporting blatand cencorship. No one supports cencorship here, and the fact that so many people here arent going with your view means its not so blatant.

I guess on some other world it's possible.

Good job not taking that bait.

40 ;)

fuck you too

Put it back up there through /r/undelete

Yes, voting and commenting brigades that came through links from other subreddits or external sites.

Even if there's no toxic intent behind, a lot of users swarming a thread linked in another subreddit is considered a voting brigade and they will get banned if the subreddit is influenced by it.

If you accidently get caught in it, the admins will undo the ban if you message them.

well, it is a source fork