Why Americans are so fucked up: "Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities".

86  2014-12-17 by [deleted]


"Formerly there were those who said: You believe things that are incomprehensible, inconsistent, impossible because we have commanded you to believe them; go then and do what is unjust because we command it. Such people show admirable reasoning. Truly, whoever is able to make you absurd is able to make you unjust. If the God-given understanding of your mind does not resist a demand to believe what is impossible, then you will not resist a demand to do wrong to that God-given sense of justice in your heart. As soon as one faculty of your soul has been dominated, other faculties will follow as well. And from this derives all those crimes of religion which have overrun the world."

Questions sur les miracles (1765)

Alternative condensed translation: "Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities".


It always baffles me people haven't woken up to a greater degree than they already have about 9/11.

Use your fucking brains, use your eyes. The world would make no fucking sense if the "physics" of the official story were real. Two planes don't fucking turn two skyscrapers into dust. It's incredibly annoying that people can believe it. JUST WATCH THE VIDEOS OF THEM COMING DOWN AGAIN, IT'S RIGHT THERE, THAT SHIT DOESN'T HAPPEN.

Like the Voltaire quote, I think forcing that impossibility into people's "reality" is part of the whole "mega ritual" aspect. Being forced to accept something that can't be true as being true. A miracle without explanation.

You do a good job of explaining the frustration I have too with people. People can't be that stupid, can they? To believe that bullshit story that is so obviously wrong. All i can think is that people are still in denial about the whole thing. they don't want to believe that our government could be so evil. It's scares them.

I'd like to see a computer simulation of them taking a plane to the edge of space and then nose diving straight down into the top of one of those buildings at 10,000 miles an hour. It'd probably still stand or at least half of it.

I wonder how long before the majority of people stop believing every printed word of the media and the official word of the government.

We only need a critical mass of tax paying citizens to stop buying their bullshit. I think it's upon us.

When "buying their bullshit" doesn't mean "buying the shit we need to stay alive," it'll happen.

Larger segments of the population will be getting by on less in the coming years. It'll happen. I hope we live to see it.

I hope we live to see it as well

Most shit we need to stay alive we can grow/cultivate.

Thus the wars on hemp, organic farming, etc., add the chemicals from spraying and Roundup + GMO contamination. They're doing a pretty good job fucking our shit up and making this as difficult as possible.

I finally realized TV and everything on it is entertainment. Everything is twisted to fit a narrative.

You are generalizing Americans with your title.

Social Engineering is linked in the side bar if people have not already already checked it out.

Everyone in /r/conspiracy should know who Edward Bernays was and how organizations today continue his legacy through manipulation of public opinion.

After reading up on Bernays i suggest you read up on

to really understand why the public is so easily decieved.

Don't get saucy with me Bernays!

Sorry, couldn't help myself, I'll just let myself out...

Sub "crimes of religion" with crimes of government in the last sentence, and it's equally true.

That quote by Voltaire always reminds me of the one by Gerald Massey.

“They must find it difficult, those who have taken authority as truth, rather than truth as authority.”

Fix your sensationalist editorialized bullshit title.

Americans should be "people", as this problem is obviously not exclusive to Americans.


History, see every war that's ever happened before America ever existed.

It is simple projection. By making it "Americans" the blame, accountability, and responsibility is foisted directly on our shoulders (yes, I'm American) and therefor the OP can feel better about themselves and their nationality.

I totally agree with you, Americans aren't the only ones affected by this.