When will the people realise America is broken? In a democracy, the CIA torture report would have led to people being fired and prosecuted. Instead, the MSM defend forced rectal feeding with pine nuts as a medical procedure.

108  2014-12-19 by Fuckyousantorum


Most people won't get mad about anything until cable tv and delivery pizza stop working.

This is really true. The next day everyone you know has forgotten about the torture report. The people on this subreddit are the last ones to forget.

I bring it up all the time, and people look at me like I need to be committed.

Yeah, I stopped talking politics to friends and co-workers a few years ago. People just don't want to hear it.

These same people keep consuming mainstream media propaganda, so its not like they dont want to hear it, its more like they want the short version without too many conflicting details or inconvenient facts.

Circus et panem. This is quite old tbh... nihil novi sub soli?

Or until cable TV tells them to.

That won't happen. The revolution will not be televised, or facebooked, or tweeted.

My point was that a lot of people take their opinions from the TV. If CNN told them to be outraged and take to the streets, they would likely do it.

I agree with you that no organic or actual revolution will be televised.

I hear the adage here about America being 72 hours away from violent revolution, I think we're about a iPhone6 battery charge away from people starting to freak out.

Or becomes unaffordable due to their currency losing any value. As is currently happening with the dollar.

are you mad?

Are you deficient?

i just asked a question. i didn't have any mean intentions about it. i just wanted to know if the user was mad.

i am deficient in money, and i am mad about that.

i didn't downvote the comment i asked my question on, why is my legit question downvoted? i was just trying to start a conversation; i guess it worked.

People probably think you were trolling or trying to disrupt. It's hard to tell intent from 3 words, but some probably saw it as a "u mad bro?"

To answer your question, I am mad. The more important question is are you mad enough to risk your home, family, job, or your life? I cannot say that I am there yet. I think most people who can read the writing in the wall are stuck in a difficult place. We are told that half the country doesn't care about torture, and judging by the attitudes expressed in reddit, it's probably true. We watch the encroaching police state while most people respond with "hurrdurr tin foil hattery". Eventually the reality of the situation will be obvious, right about the time you can't get a pizza delivered.....

No one wants to be the first one out of the gate, but there's huge risk in waiting too long.

We are told that half the country doesn't care about torture

I would say it's more than half, probably even a lot more than half.

It's hard to say. If you believe the media then those who don't support torture are in the minority.

If you combine the people who don't care with the people who support it, they're certainly the majority. Then again, it could all just be a media campaign to sway public opinion. It's hard to believe anything these days....

It's hard to believe anything these days....

With you here. That seems to be one of the goals of mass media/social engineering these days. Information overload mixed with a hearty dose of disinfo to obfuscate and muddy the truth.

i don't say much online as it isn't so secure unless you're behind a billion proxies and even then there are people who know more than me and can figure out who said what, where, when, and why.

i am mad about my financial situation. even looking for a job sucks. i found that the questions asked, if aggregated, can reveal information about you that you wouldn't want released. it feels like i'm being watched everywhere on the internet.

While I don't participate in Facebook, I'm also not worried about voicing my opinion online. I was probably already on a list for buying subversive literature online. I figure, if the government is going to round up dissidents, then I'm getting rounded up regardless, so why censor myself.

And while I can certainly appreciate your financial woes, the real issue goes much deeper than that.

Isn't a democracy majority rule? Don't the majority support torture?

Might be a case against majority rule, but this is what you get in a democracy. Gang rape is democracy in action. 9 out of 10 voted for it.


America is a REPUBLIC and NOT a DEMOCRACY. Democracy is Mob Rule and it doesn't work.

neither does a republic, at least not ours .. so what govs do work? monarchys and for a brief time at least dictatorships

Oh, it works. What's been done to us was done in secrecy. We are currently in the process of correction. What other country would admit it's mistakes and have it's leaders lampooned by TV pundits? The American people will forgive the treachery as all good Christians do. At the same time we will point to the second amendment. It's a beautiful thing to see.

Gang rape is democracy in action. 9 out of 10 voted for it.

Memorable analogy. Bravo.

So true since I've remembered it from another comment.

Democracy is majority rule subject to the protection of basic human rights.

yeah I hear that from people who constantly vote to take my rights away because they don't think I have that right.

There is not and never was an excuse for state-sponsored torture. Anywhere. It's shameful that the American people have become so corrupted, they have forgotten this truth.

Not all. I sound like a loon around the holidays. Ze crazy uncle.

Mention mooooslims, 911 or terrorist and the majority of Americans dont have a problem with state-sponsored torture or killing...

Nothing to do with shame... just how propaganda works... no different to when the Nazis did it... how do you think they got the majority of normal German people to hand over all those Jews...

Mention mooooslims, 911 or terrorist and the majority of Americans dont have a problem with state-sponsored torture or killing...

Nothing to do with shame... just how propaganda works... no different to when the Nazis did it... how do you think they got the majority of normal German people to hand over all those Jews...

And then:


When will the people realise America is broken?

~ April of 2015...

What's April 2015?

IRS reporting ;)

I have long wondered what kind of shenanigans they're going to pull to distract the millions of people who suddenly realize they aren't getting a tax return. Or in 2016 after the fines quadruple and people end up owing money.

with current funding even congress is payed for a 1st Q only

So far This is all we got !

U.S. ends TARP with $15.3 billion profit

What happens after that?

That is because we are a tyranny masquerading as a democracy.

Thank you OP I agree.

United States are not a democracy - and have not been designed to be one by the founding fathers, either. Democracy is mob rule with old money sitting behind. The Republic designed for USA was with best intentions to never, ever have a democracy (mob rule).

The concept of democracy as mob rule is not strictly accurate as most western democracies have minimum legal protections for minorities.

it really is the twilight zone isn't it? turn the page, kim has a new hairdo.

Funny thing is that citizens have known for a long time that America was broken. However, they'd never admit it publicly because America is all about competition. Everything is a competition, and to announce that America is broken would be akin to career- and social-suicide.

As an american, I feel democracy is a bit outdated being that the "majority" can pretty much be faked at any time through technology.

Which media outlet/journalist has actually defended forced rectal feeding or any torture procedure for that matter?

Ex-NSA director General Hayden talking to CNN's Jake Tapper did that very thing:

Listen from 10 minutes to 14 minutes: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PglSxeRqxEk

Just listen to this whole episode to hear example after example of MSM apologists

All that showed was Hayden defending it. Tapper didn't defend it.

Which media outlet/journalist has actually defended forced rectal feeding or any torture procedure for that matter?

As I said, listen to the first hour at least. It has MSM justifying torture several times.

Dude, I listened from 10 to 14, but I'm not listening to an hour of that. I wouldn't be surprised if some MSM outlets and journalists let officials off the hook with easy soft ball questions, but I haven't heard any journalists actually defend the torture and you've failed to provide any examples of that.

Bless you. I can't force feed you the truth. I don't know how much more easier I can make it.

Don't give me that bs, man. Provide proof to your claim! Asking me to listen to an hour long podcast is not providing proof. Earlier you said listen from 10 minutes to 14 minutes, but nowhere in that time period did Tapper defend torture. Give me a quote, a name, etc...

Look, I know the media works to propagate a pro government narrative most of the time, but journalists framing the debate on whether torture worked or not isn't the same thing as defending it. I haven't seen or hear or read any journalists outright defend torture as you so claim.

It's not difficult. It's there for you. It contains clips all packaged and analysed. If the truth isn't worth your time then forget it. You could have listened to it by now.

PBS: Shields and Brooks on CIA interrogation: Brooks says the whole country was involved in torture and is now rediscovering its moral center and no-one should be prosecuted as they were in difficult jobs and the decisions were political ones.

Link to video and transcript: http://www.pbs.org/newshour/bb/shields-brooks-cia-interrogation-report-spending-bill-sticking-points/

Thank you. This is what I'm taking about. I still don't think it proves Shields, Brooks, Woodruff or PBS are defending torture though.

Both Shields and Brooks acknowledge that "torture" is the word for it, not Enhanced Interrogation Techniques (ETI) and condemn the act as deplorable.

Brooks even points out how complicit congress and the White House were in signing off on those torture practices, and even mentioned how often the US kills people with drones.

I disagree with Shields that "this is not who we are" when history would clearly prove otherwise and I certainly don't agree with Brooks' caveat at the end that "those moral calculus should not be legalized except for in extreme cases." However, I do not think this example proves journalists are defending the act of torture.

Who are these 'people' you speak of? Is their ignorance simply the rationalization you give yourself not to speak out and do anything about it?

i think most people realize this, they've lost hope, probably some of these same people haven't done anything either, besides tune in to MSM and complain

In a democracy, you get what you voted for, good and hard.

You get what the majority of registered voters voted for even if, that "majority" is less than 50%. For example:

Registered voters are usually 60-80% of eligible population, even less of total population. Then they vote:
- party a: 40%- winner - party b: 30% - parties c-f: 30%

Yep, it's mind blogging. You can even see it when most states refuse to acknowledge blank votes.

You get what the majority of registered voters voted for even if, that "majority" is less than 50%. For example:

Registered voters are usually 60-80% of eligible population, even less of total population. Then they vote:
- party a: 40%- winner - party b: 30% - parties c-f: 30%

It's hard to believe anything these days....

With you here. That seems to be one of the goals of mass media/social engineering these days. Information overload mixed with a hearty dose of disinfo to obfuscate and muddy the truth.

Ex-NSA director General Hayden talking to CNN's Jake Tapper did that very thing:

Listen from 10 minutes to 14 minutes: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PglSxeRqxEk

Just listen to this whole episode to hear example after example of MSM apologists

I bring it up all the time, and people look at me like I need to be committed.