David Icke can be pretty out there sometimes, but he has been talking about British VIP child-sex rings for years. He deserves credit for soldiering through and continuing to scream the truth despite being mocked.

133  2014-12-19 by [deleted]


Looking at history it seems the "crazy" ones that are just ahead of their time. Recognition should come for David Icke in time, to bad usually long after they die when what they been saying can be proven.

Is it wrong for me to secretly hope he's right about the lizard aliens?

Well it would certainly make for an easier reclamation of the planet than trying to weed out the psychopaths.

The implications are really interesting. It means we're not alone in the universe. This is so important as to eclipse any other discovery we've ever made. It means that FTL travel or a "stasis" travel method sufficiently reliable to cross the aeons of deep dark space exists.

I think the reptilians are actually supposed to exist outside of human perception. Inter dimensional travel or something like that.

Either way, it opens up places we can go that we presently can't. A new frontier. Of course if it's full of vastly technologically superior lizardmen that's a problem, however (1) us knowing about the facts of the universe doesn't change the facts of the universe, it changes us and our ability to get things done; (2) maybe these lizardmen who are messing with us for minimal gain would be seen as a bunch of criminals by the more powerful and enlightened greater lizard civilization.

Yes watch the Jupiter Ascending Trailer the grays and Reptilians are watching humans from what appears to be a hidden dimension.

My theory? Icke did too many mushrooms. Everyone sees psychopaths in their lives. They weird you out. Something is off. He sees that almost reptilian quality and takes it literally. It's a shame because it discredits some decent ideas.

I think the reptilian thing works really well as a metaphor for the psychopathic nature of our rulers.

or maybe the dragons really do live underground hoarding their gold.

I must admit I sometimes entertain the notion of it all coming down to shape shifting reptiles.

Check out what Eric Dollard has said on the subject. FTL travel is a reality.

I'd rather the weeding of tangible, observable psychopaths any day over invisible non-corporeal 'lizard men', seriously how would you 'weed' the latter out?

Also why are they lizards? Reptiles aren't exactly the best species for interstellar slavery, can't even regulate their own body temperature without the external environment. Now, if they were Polar-Bearmen, that I could get behind.

(I get it's probably from all the snake iconography throughout history and culture)

Alien Mutant Polar Bears

Sounds like a kind of kids show...

I'm with you

The Reptilian theory would make the most sense, considering shadow geopolitical history and war history, etc of the world.

It always comical to me when people call him crazy for believing in 4th dimensional lizard over-lords when we live in a world filled with churches and temples dedicated to invisible deities that are 'Worshiped" and prayed-to daily.

I thought it was just an allegory.

History full of crazy - endless kinds of contradictory crazy - and lots of yelling at each other for being crazy.

It is true that new advances are often called crazy, but there's way way way way more kinds of crazy than that.

David Icke talks/writes about what he claims to have seen and know about. This include reptilians, satanic sex rings, global surveillance, climate change (skeptic), 9/11, etc

Should he censor himself in order to gain public acceptance, and keep silent on what he knows and deems to be important so that he isn't ridiculed? If he is to do so, why even talk about NSA? Why talk about child sex rings? Why risk the public ridicule?

David Icke obviously knew what was in store for him when he started including reptilians in his work. He knew he would be ridiculed, and that most people would dismiss him as a nutjob, a tinfoil hat, a crazy loony. How could he not, when he worked for the BBC as a media presenter!

Maybe he gets some of it wrong, maybe he got everything right. With regards to reptilians, I haven't seen them with my own eyes, and there is little documented research to go by, but i'm not going to be so ignorant, so naive, and so stupid as to dismiss him just because to some people, reptilians sounds 'crazy' (and british pedophilia, MKUltra, weaponizing of dolphins doesn't?). A lot of things sounded crazy in their time, but turned out to be factually true. People think David Icke is crazy, and many people also think conspiracy theorists are crazy, stupid and 'soft in the head'.

To me, David Icke is a person who turned down a nice cushy job working as a BBC presenter to write about what he thinks is important to humanity, and despite knowing the massive ridicule in store for him, refused to back down and continued fighting the good fight. Maybe some of his stuff turns out be wrong (how many people who write on as broad a range of subjects as David Icke does get everything right?), but even if it were so, he is still a better person and has done far more for humanity than the overwhelming majority of people living on our planet.

Well said. Yeah, Icke had a very interesting life. He was basically amazing at everything he ever tried, he was on his way to be a pro-footballer too (before he got hurt I believe).

Yeah, he doesn't do much as far as lending credibility to the truth movement. I've been chagrined when introducing people to conspiracies by how unhinged he comes across as. His books, especially the early ones are quite cringey.

But, you can't have both. You can't expose as much as he does and you can't actually react in a natural way to these revelations without appearing somewhat crazy. I mean really, if your concept of reality was completely congruent with The Official StoryTM you'd pretty much have a screaming fit as Icke does in text form a number of times in "I am Me, I am Free" aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhh!!

Seriously, he wrote that.

But anyway, Icke was the first to introduce me to any of this stuff when I read "The Robot's Rebellion" in 1994. It totally blew me away and I've been an ardent truth seeker ever since. Thanks, David!

british pedophilia

*Global Pedophilia FTFY

Despite (and even partially because of) all of the backlash he receives, he is a brave man. I don't know about his "reptilians" theory, whether he uses it as a metaphor in order to protect himself or whether he actually believes it or any other number of things, but there is no doubt that he has been spot on with many of the other things he's said over the years.

He has been talking about these pedophilia rings for decades, literally, and he's one of very few people who have done so. All of the attempts that have been made to discredit him over the years actually scores him a few points with me to be honest.

Me too, I mean, I had never really listened to any of his lectures or anything, but after seeing a VICE documentary (though I don't trust VICE for shit since Murdoch got involved), I decided to look him up.

He has quite a few lectures on youtube and they are all great. Most of the stuff he talks about is very smart and when he begins to spitball some of his wilder theories, even those take great imagination and he seems to understand and make it known to the audience when he cannot back something up with anything more than his gut.

Anyways, I have heard almost nothing about the "lizards" in any of these lectures. It seems that the only people who harp on that are the people who think it is some hilarious way to make fun of a guy they have actually never listened to.

Yeah, I've always assumed (I also haven't personally listened to any of his lectures or read any of his books - yet) that the "repitilian" theory was a metaphor describing the R-complex in the triune brain and people who seem to be predisposed to the traits inherent to the R-complex like greed, aggression, violence, dominance, ritual displays, etc.

Me too, I read about that in "Dragons of Eden" years ago when I was a teen. Very interesting stuff, one of Carl Sagan's best books in my opinion. I have always taken it as a metaphor and hell, if he really believes that an actual race of lizards run the world, maybe that is just a side-effect of a mind dedicated to thinking outside of the box.

The thing that I never understood is how a person gets entirely discredited based on one crazy thing. How many crazy things do people think all around the world. The Pope, the President, various Kings, etc...

Its not like anyone on the planet doesn't have some crazy ass belief about something or other, and franky, if you don't, then there is something wrong with you. Every person should have an imagination and if it does not go too far sometimes then that means a person isn't using it. And using your imagination is a cornerstone of critical thought.

Good point. It's OK to believe in the zombie Star Baby who walks on water. But lizard people? What a lunatic.

Just change "lizards" to "wizards", have fun with it and move past that part, no need to discredit the man. ...And for fucks sake I truly hope he's not right about that shit..

Anyone who engages in mocking people based on their ideas of what is possible in an infinite universe are absolute morons.

The thing about the Reptilians is, you can go online and watch interview after interview after interview of him talking to people telling him more or less the same story about reptile aliens running the world. The sad thing is... he fell for it. In my opinion, he was getting close to the Sun and was set up. The easiest way to discredit someone is to get them to say they believe in aliens.

I'll be honest and admit I've never actually seen any of his videos or read any of his books. The only people I really hear talking about "reptilians" are people making fun of conspiracies or trying to discredit his work. It seems possible that he was misled at some point but the other possibility is that he purposely uses "reptilians" as a metaphor in order to protect himself. The third possibility is that he's actually right, although I have to agree that I doubt it.

The only thing that gives me pause is that what I have heard of him, and of the articles and things of his I have read, display a high level of intelligence, insight, and knowledge of history and global affairs. So all in all I'm not sure what to make of him.

I have his book "Perception Deception", I've gotta read it one of these days.

Go to youtube and search "Arizona Wilder David Icke", that was the chick that started the whole reptilian bs and Icke was naive enough to run with it without hard proof. It was really his mistake and he's paid immensely for it. He the "reptilian" guy now and that's hard to live down. Obviously, he no longer talks about the reptile aliens (at least not in recent interviews and videos I've seen, never read any of his books).

Thanks I'll definitely check it out. So basically he's retracted his position on "reptilians", or at least doesn't openly espouse it anymore, and yet it's still used to attack his credibility constantly? This just makes me even more convinced that he's onto something. I really need to look at some more of his work.

He just went mum completely on it without ever explaining it. When its brought up in interviews now he just changes the subject asap. Its obvious that he's embarrassed about it and it really has tainted his whole catalogue of work, its an unfortunate situation.

You should check out his interviews with Arizona Wilder from the early 90s. She's the one (if not the first at least one of them) that started it off. Obviously she has disappeared into the woodwork since.

It sounds like he might've just taken the bait from a disinfo agent or agents, similar to the story of Paul Bennewitz being taken for a ride and quite literally driven insane by UFO intelligence operative Richard Doty.

i think the $ prove why he's kept the story going so long in the face of such harsh criticism.

I don't understand that. Why is life in another galaxy in fathomable?

Saying that there may be life on other planets is one thing, saying that the Bushes and Clintons sacrifice children to a group of secret Reptiles who run the world is quite another. And although he has hours of tape of different women telling him this story, he never had the physical proof to back it up. It really was his fault he got duped but he no longer talks about it and his lectures are much better for it. (I haven't seen all the super long lectures he does so he might still mention it in those 8 hour rallies he does... Im hoping he doesn't).

this is the most logical comment on Icke that ive seen.

That's the other part I think people do not fully understand. Intelligence agencies have more resources and more people putting out disinformation than we would even think possible.


Here is a good movie about how the CIA drove a man literally crazy because he was interested in what was going on at the airbase near his home.

They took this guy to a location and showed him "official" documents showing that humans are lifeforms that were created by alien's altering the DNA of pre-existing animals. So the government tells you to believe them, then lies to you in order to discredit you.

He did brilliant work on the British paedophile case. I have to give him that. I don't like much of his other work though.

examples of what you dont like?

Everything is cool up until reptilians.

How long do you think he would have survive if he mentioned real names or groups?

Better to look like a crazy man than a dead man!

That's an interesting way to look at it that I've never thought of before.

Only if he likes wasting people's time and likes causing division.

Until you see them. Just because you cannot understand it does not mean it does not exist. You think the chickens on the farm know who the farmer is or even know he exists? The fish in the water looking for food is tricked by the human into biting into a hook and has no idea a human exists. The cow as it is being held upside down bleeding to death probably liked the farmer too before her neck was slit.

I can tell you I thought the same way and laughed at kooks who believed in aliens and much less reptilians. Let's just say I have personally had a more than frightening experience with one of these things. Humans do not stand a chance against these things, something was protecting me from this things' attack.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dMlOohsFCpg this guy was a representative in swampy Louisiana and now a multi billionaire.

Let's just say I have personally had a more than frightening experience with one of these things.

You sound like u/Conspirologist.

Humans do not stand a chance against these things, something was protecting me from this things' attack.

That's not true, there's always the magic word.

this guy was a representative in swampy Louisiana and now a multi billionaire.

How come these reptilian eye videos only started appearing with poor streaming video? How come back in college people didn't have "underground vhs tapes" that they'd pass around like faces of death?

1) I do not care who I sound like, I do not follow the crowd. I had a legitimate experience which is the truth, I could care less if you believe me.

2) Are you speaking of Kinnenigan? Yeah you go ahead and shout that. I basically used my free will and told it to stop and that it was hurting me with several "NO!'s" being shouted.

How the fuck else do you suppose people share videos to the world? That is a moronic statement. "Here log into my FTP and grab this video grandpa, come on grandpa just use port 21!" Might want to check your internet, the video is smooth and in HD it is not a VHS Faces of death video (wiggly and 480i) you cannot possibly tell me that video is faked there are many versions of that "guy" with reptilian eyes. If it were faked it would have cost tens if not hundreds of thousands of dollars from a video editor and for what purpose? No money to be made in faking people out. These people do shift, this "christian" NDE guy https://www.youtube.com/user/truthmefree/videos talks about a shaman shapeshifting in one of his videos, Carlos Castenada speaks of it.

you are wasting your time with him, hes too far gone

Reptilians, nukes on 911 etc. you know, the strawman theories.

It was nuclear just not how you think like a nuclear bomb it was a form of cold fusion in a beam, there is no other way, the top of that building that toppled over was fully formed at the point of tipping over and somehow powder by the time it hit the ground it is NOT fire that does that.

But if the top section toppled off, how could it then pulverize the rest of the building into dust?

if you watch a controlled (civilian) demolition (live, as in, being there, not video), it does the same thing, a certain amount is pulverised, and a certain amount is still in chunks.

theres no evidence to support a cold fusion beam.

Look at the aftermath photos no chunks barely had 4 story of frame left with a pit in the middle.

a form of cold fusion in a beam

What the flip does that even mean?

it means things he cannot explain. :/

Icke is right about most things, but is probably not right about Reptilians nor the Saturn-moon matrix.

I suppose he deserves credit but I find it to be more suspicious than anything. Yes, he has been harping about elite sex rings/psychopathy for ages, but throughout that time he has also been attaching those ideas to reptilians (which he insists are literal), the Saturn-Moon matrix, "vibrations", etc. IMHO this reflects the truth-to-nonsense ratio of classic disinformation.

he has also been attaching those ideas to reptilians

I don't know if he has been attaching those ideas to the conspiracy movement. As much as it is something he said and then the pro-establishment crowd capitalized on it and has been running a coordinated smear campaign against the man ever since the words left his mouth. They are the ones who made it trendy to use "the lizard people" as a joke against us.

Sure, Icke said it first, and maybe he does really believe it. But using the same logic, why wasn't George W Bush impeached and ran out of office as a laughing stock for believing that a magic sky-wizard was compelling him to invade Iraq.

He has overtly attached the concept of elite pedophilia and reptilians, claiming torture and rape is used to increase adrenaline production in the victim. The blood is then consumed by these reptilian beings because it gets them fucked up. I get the same false prophet vibe from Icke as I do from Alex Jones. They give me the creeps. They are charismatic and can talk for hours, but in the general public's mind their personalities and ideas are forever attached to those who don't accept state/corporate-sponsored "truth".

On a related note, I find the issue of organized pedophilia/sex abuse to be as important as things like 911 Truth. Maybe a lil sub could be dedicated to this. I imagine it would be relatively small but full of passionate and enraged users, and a centralized subreddit would be a great way to keep tabs on new developments!

Just because you claim to be Jesus Christ and that the world is controlled by reptiles, doesn't mean you can't be right about some things. But, it does jeopardize your credibility a bit. This fucking guy.

Yes, but it also depends on what delusions have been accepted by society. The pope believes that a man literally rose from the dead and that when he gives people communion bread, it transforms into the body of that man, and that the wine transforms into the blood of that man, all due to the Pope's divine touch.

Well, the Pope wants us to believe he believes that, I doubt he actually does. The Vatican is sadly highly corrupt at this point and has all but abandoned the true teachings of Christianity.

Yes, but as a boy who had the unfortunate situation of attending catholic school for 8 years, there are people who really believe that. Millions of them.

But yeah, the Vatican is just like any powerful organization, corrupt to the core. My point is that millions (billions?) of people still follow the Pope even though he claims to believe crazy shit. David Ickes form of crazy is just off-brand I guess, hahahaha.

Oh certainly. That's the hypocrisy of the RCC - the leaders don't even believe the doctrines they force on their followers.

My point is that millions (billions?) of people still follow the Pope even though he claims to believe crazy shit. David Ickes form of crazy is just off-brand I guess, hahahaha.

Or how about our former president claiming that "Gog and Magog" were present in the Middle East and nobody batted an eye?

I think very few people know that GWB was a "born-again Christian" and how bat-shit crazy people from that particular brand of Christianity are. They tend to be the ones who did so much soul-destroying shit, that they need to publicly come out as "born-again" to their families, friends, and those who know them.

He's a Bonesman at heart - I think the only time he was born again was when he awoke from his coffin somewhere in "The Tomb".

Although I have no doubt whatsoever that GWB's soul, if he ever had one, set sail long ago at this point.

I wager Icke's belief in reptillians and his own divinity and the pope's religious beliefs to be roughly the same likelyhood. You're right, though. Essentially, Icke's delusions sound crazier because they're newer, and not widely accepted.

Yeah, "off-brand" if you will.

assuming, that is, that you arent an atheist.

It would be great if we could get David Icke for an AMA. He has been very influential in the conspiracy community even if people are unaware of it. For example, he coined the mind control technique of "problem, reaction, solution".

I agree, it would be awesome - do you think he'd do it? Feel free to reach out to him if you know how he can be contacted.

He's probably just type for eight hours straight and you wouldn't get a word in!

David Icke Debunked - very detailed look at the origins of Icke's philosophy.

Icke is a very good storyteller, he can actually keep your interest for 8 hours+ at a stretch, no easy task.

The reptilians are in no way meant to be taken as a metaphor. They do exist and are the main force responsible for controlling this reality. Funny that the people who give him stick or claim that is garbage usually haven't actually read one of his books. They have watched a five minute youtube clip (often not even made by David anyway) and feel they are qualified to make a definite decision on their existence. Pretty shit reasoning to be honest. David is a brilliant man and one day you will see just how right he was.

If you want to learn more about the 'outlandish' reptilians and other alien species I recommend looking up Simon Parkes on youtube. He is a man who claims to have experienced these beings first hand. (I believe him entirely).

the only way to truly tell if they are in fact, reptiles, is a DNA test. i cant bring myself to believe someones opinion on it and call it fact. its just not good enough.

Oh well your loss.

He does.

Now lets see what David Shayler knows.

Bill Mahoney has a lot of info..look him up on YouTube

nah, very likely David Icke is a gate keeper.

People who hold crazy outlandish opinions right next to little known but truthful ones. That way, as the idea becomes popularized, it is coming from a controversial and non-credible source and so people will remember it as false.

This tactic is effective, as the thing that is actually revealed by actual sources later on will take a while to catch on and face a hill of incredulity already there.

or I can only fucking assume as a working class 27 year old.

David Icke is the person who made me open my eyes. I had doubts about things he said before, but they are turning out to be true or accurate. Why would he go through all the ridicule just to lie about reptilians.

A broken clock is right twice a day. I think Icke doesn't deserve much credit for this at all.

He says a lot of crazy shit. If 1% turns out to be true that shouldn't impress anyone.

Isn't his view on the Sex-Ring actually that they're all reptiles and they drink the blood of the victims?

If so, he does not deserve credit. He'd maybe get half a mark if this was an exam.

I think he has always been quite vague about it, if vague is the right word to choose.

Basically, yes, sometimes he does talk about child sex abuse in the form of satanic blood sacrifice, and sometimes he does relate it back to the reptilian shape shifting elite, not often though.

I think for the most part, when he has his journalistic hat on, i.e., when he is simply reporting on it through social media or his website, he has left the reptilians out of it.

From my understanding, there are different periods of what he said and may or may not reflect his current views. Like you or I, we change our positions over time when we get better evidence. But he may still feel that way and to tell you the truth, who is to say he is wrong? Sure its out there to a lot of people who live in a bubble, I mean people believe in a god but there is no proof of it and these people will kill each other over this belief.

In saying that...

The reptiles is likely a form of superior race or symbolism for an evil group of humans like we may call someone a snake due to their behavior, we don't mean they're a reptile but the snake is a symbol. Make that what you will, but we have always had these sorts of vague words that don't mean what they say throughout history. We have seen throughout history that high profile people are likely friends and some may actually have rituals much like a college fraternity has rituals or modern day religious rituals that call on wearing costumes and wearing weird hats. Humans can be freaky, disgusting to each other, so is it a surprise that a ritual might be possible, even one that evolves blood? I think its reasonable to say that yes there are some people that rape kids, likely do weird shit with blood as a symbolism to their beliefs.

Not really sure why he doesn't deserve credit, he has been suggesting that high profile members in our society do rape children and have rituals. Turns out some politicians do this as well as religious leaders.

Collective consciousness of our reptilian brain.

There are at least 20 hours of interviews of people telling him the same story about reptile aliens (arizona wilder is the best example). Unfortunately for him, he fell for that bullshit and discredited himself in the process. What's the easiest way to make someone look like an insane moron? Get them to say they believe in aliens.