Let's talk about Huey Long: a true enemy of the Federal Reserve, a true friend of the masses, and who was (of course) assassinated less than a year before his planned Presidential run.

58  2014-12-19 by Ambiguously_Ironic

He served as the governor of Louisiana from 1928-1932 and in the Senate from 1932 until his assassination in 1935 which, interestingly (though not surprisingly), occurred shortly before his planned presidential bid in 1936.

With Long as its governor, Louisiana's hospitals and schools were expanded, charity hospitals were set up to provide healthcare for the poor, free textbooks were given to schools, toll-free bridges were erected, and massive highway construction was undertaken, among many other things. Despite wikipedia's biased account that "He remains a controversial figure in Louisiana history, with critics and supporters debating whether he was a dictator, demagogue or populist," it cannot be stressed enough that the common people loved him and he was (or would have been) a real, legitimate threat in the 1936 Presidential election.

Throughout his career he consistently fought against big business and banking interests, famously getting in a brawl in the State Legislature in what was called "Bloody Monday" after he tried passing a bill to increase the tax on on refined oil and attempts were made to impeach him.

He was a staunch opponent of the Federal Reserve for his entire career. He publicly blamed it for the Great Depression and specifically called out the banking houses of the Morgans and Rockefellers for manipulating monetary policy for their own benefit. In response to this, he created a program called "Share Our Wealth".

He believed that the country had enough wealth to provide every person with a healthy standard of living but that most of the wealth was concentrated in the hands of the incredibly rich. Therefore, he proposed a system that limited personal fortunes and personal inheritances, as well as increased tax rates for the wealthiest individuals and largest corporations. Also included in the plan were provisions to provide free college education and vocational training to everyone of age, greater regulations on economic activity, a month's vacation for every worker, and limiting the work week to 30 hours, among many other things.

I'll say again: it's hard to over-estimate just how popular he really was. His "Share Our Wealth Clubs" had close to 8 million members nationwide and his radio broadcasts regularly received over 20 million listeners. It should come as no surprise, then, that Long was shot and killed just a month after announcing he would run for President.

His last words were: "God, don't let me die. I have so much to do."

There is much speculation that his actual killer was one of his own bodyguards who "missed" the attempted assassin (who just happened to be the son-in-law of the judge Long was attempting to remove from the bench when he was shot in the State Capitol).

This was a true patriot and enemy of the evil that has overtaken this country. Is it any wonder then that I've never heard him mentioned anywhere, ever? Has anyone else? Anyone know more about him? I would like to read more about his life and death.


Very interesting find! I've never heard of him.

Yep that's what I mean. Crazy that nobody has heard of this man who by all accounts was incredibly popular among the people during his era and was a serious threat to the power structure of that time (and this time too really).

Fucking awesome post. I would love to see a high school history text book to have something on this..

Me too. I was hoping someone on this sub has researched him more and could add to this and/or give me some more resources to read about him. He seems like an incredibly interesting man and if you look at his life you can almost see the pressure against him increasing as his popularity continued to grow.

As if they tried ignoring him as much as possible until it got to the point where, "Holy shit, this guy's actually a threat to us. The people love him," and something had to be done about it.

I'm even more interested in how if he was as crazy and erratic as he was reported to be, why didn't the Australian police figure this out? Aren't they part of Five Eyes? You know we knew about this guy - so did the US not nett the Brothers from Down Under? Or did we? At this point I'm convinced this is a Let It Happen On Purpose, and are just jumping on it for political gain to ramp up the police state and internet control (I'm sure he was radicalized on the Internet...).

Well, that's me, being incredibly pessimistic this morning. Sorry about that.

Haha, are you commenting on the correct post? I think you're mixed up...

Ha! That was supposed to be on the Sydney Sheikh post. Will leave up for prosperity to my silliness.

Thank you for this

You're welcome, I'm happy to increase the awareness of this great American - even if only a little bit. The world today would be a much better place with more men of action and integrity like him in it.

this might be of interest to some:

Ken Burns America Collection - Huey Long (1985)

Cool thanks, I'll check it out. I have a feeling that it will be somewhat biased though, as many of Ken Burns' other documentaries are.

I just came across a newer one from 2014 that examines some of the strangeness surrounding his death called "61 Bullets" as well.

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There was a 1995 made for TV movie about him starring John Goodman called "Kingfish."

There was a really good movie about him made in 1949 titled All The King's Men.

and a remake in 2006 with Jude Law. the book is excellent as well.

What I find interesting is how little has changed and what he was advocating all those years ago would still be revolutionary today...

The only ways we can win are to mirror the successes of our predecessors, and avoid their mistakes. This war is so very winnable. The masses are on our side.

I've heard of him, but it is no matter. His likes have come and gone for the most part and those left like him no longer stand a chance winning in the rigged game. The only way to win is to clear the board and start a new game.

I somehow remember his shooter was a Jew doctor? Too lazy to,look it up, help yourselves.