"You are doing that too much, try again in 7 minutes."

7  2014-12-19 by Ambiguously_Ironic

Every time I make a post in world news I receive that message when I try to post another. I was always under the impression that this warning only applies to new accounts with low karma totals - was I mistaken?


r/worldnews is a shills haven.

Yes but there are lots of minds that can potentially be reached there too though.

Well, I can see a start, at least in the last few days. The torture report being released, now the thing with the child rapist ring in england. All things r/conspiracy has been talking about and is now being "revealed" to the public. I hope that through revelations like these people will finally figure out that you should not just rely/trust on what X/Y major news channel reports. L

Noticed the same thing. So I decided to find out.

I was doing some experiments in r/worldnews with my username before this one and then this username. At the same age, one was allowed to post as often as it liked, despite being under a month old and never having confirmed my email.

The second (this one) was put on that time ban fairly early, then it appeared my username was flagged and my comments would take minutes to appear between me clicking the button and seeing it on the page. During this time I also got banned from r/politics.

What was the difference you ask? The first account made no waves and went along with the circlejerk. The second account did the opposite.

Big surprise huh?

Very interesting... I wonder how that works behind the scenes. Algorithm, keywords, manual tagging by mods/admins, flagged usernames, etc.

Strange though, no doubt, and very shady.

Yeah, I have wondered about those things myself. Your list of possibilities is right on the money.

You know what else is interesting, when you have a large comment section, what/who decides which comments get put under a (load more comments) link? You know what I mean, not the one at the bottom of the page, the multiple ones that appear when a certain comment thread gets popular and turns into a tree. Who or what decides what gets hidden and what stays in view, because when you just look at it, it seems pretty random.

When you think about it, a little thing like that actually means a lot. The difference between everyone seeing it as a matter scrolling through the thread, or a person having to click a link to see it.

Can confirm. Everything political is being throttled.


Yeah but you're on a 7 day old account with 82 comment karma so that seems to make sense. I thought it was only for newer accounts like yours, not a older ones with almost 17k karma.

If you are heavily downvoted you get this sort of thing happen.

I'm not heavily downvoted though, at least not usually. And definitely not on worldnews as I rarely comment over there.

It's because you're new here, it'll pass if you stick around.


Probably both as a 5 day user account.

Maybe it's because I don't visit world news too often? Seems pretty arbitrary - I have no problems posting in this sub.

It happens to me too on the main subs, we're probably flagged for being regular users here.

Can confirm. Usually 7-8 minutes in between. And when you have 2-3 threads you are defending yourself in (which is often the case), it is easy to become overrun and just say Fuck It.

The funny thing is that the restriction seems to have been removed just a few minutes after I made this thread. Coincidence? Perhaps - though I've come to doubt their existence quite a bit.

Well ain't that a shocker, you are being monitored for your own protection, citizen.

And that's exactly why they do it, I usually stick to upvoting the poor bastards taking downvote hits for daring to post the truth there.

thank you. see you in the trenches.

Me too. But fuck if that isn't depressing.

Not as depressing as the amount of people hoovering up the media lies like it's fucking cake and arguing for their own bondage. That gets me down.

This was kind of the thought I had as well, it's good to see I'm not the only one who's experienced this.

Check out the vote ratio on this post too.

Can't have the plebs learning too much about all of the shady and underhanded tricks used against them/us to game and manipulate the content on this site.

It's gone a bit ridiculous today after that worldnews post brought a massive amount of new users in, HIDE ALL THE THINGS!

Just out of curiosity... did you try it again after 7 minutes?

Yes, and it worked. Then went to post another and immediately got the same error. Worked again, posted another - same error. After the third error I made this post because coincidence has officially been ruled out.

Happened to me in wet_shaves but didn't really get it, tried again awhile lather and worked fine. Glad you posted this, was Kinda wondering what was going on, have to go check out the shadowban sub and see.

Fair enough, thanks. Figured it could be something like that although it seems strange that the restriction was suddenly lifted after I made this post.

it seems strange that the restriction was suddenly lifted after I made this post.

does it? this sub has been used many times to expose other subs and their mods, they pay a lot of attention to us despite what they will publicly say, there is a reason they build entire subs dedicated to disrupting/steering/mocking /r/conspiracy

I meant strange from the standpoint of it being a coincidence. I agree with you that it most likely isn't one, especially based on some of the other responses in this thread of people who've experienced the same issue.

"Welcome to Reddit, i love you.."


Sorry to inform you that your account has been shadowbanned by the reddit admins.

I am not sure when this happened or what you did to draw their ire, but your only option at this point is to send a modmail to the admins at /r/reddit.com.

Yeah, funny story, this is actually u/LoveLustUs and someone from reddit has actually banned every reddit account associated with our office (not Criticl, a totally unrelated office). This happened directly after we made it to the front page of R/technology with an article about Net Neutrality and control linked here https://www.reddit.com/r/technology/comments/2jsshi/net_neutrality_isnt_just_about_the_control_of/

I have no clue why you stay here and i have no clue why the mods are so automate about keep people here which isn't an option or they send people to dead networks like whoaverse. I'm scared for people who still use r/conspiracy, it exceedingly looks like a CIA honeypot.

It's disheartening, although not surprising, that the reddit admins nuked all of your accounts; as they certainly have an incentive to suppress links to their competitors.

I have no clue why you stay here

I try to facilitate a bit of internal resistance to some of the more nefarious practices within reddit inc.

i have no clue why the mods are so automate about keep people here

I'd love to see a viable alternative to reddit popup; but the issue is that reddit has not yet undergone it's version of digg v4, so alternatives are useless at the moment (for the most part).

That's what she said.

Ah, if only :'(

Verify your email.


Okay I take this back. I thought it's about verified email but I am being fucked with this "doing it too much" consistently now too. What in the actual fuck. Reddit is a joke.


Sorry to inform you that your account has been shadowbanned by the reddit admins.

I am not sure when this happened or what you did to draw their ire, but your only option at this point is to send a modmail to the admins at /r/reddit.com.

Yeah, funny story, this is actually u/LoveLustUs and someone from reddit has actually banned every reddit account associated with our office (not Criticl, a totally unrelated office). This happened directly after we made it to the front page of R/technology with an article about Net Neutrality and control linked here https://www.reddit.com/r/technology/comments/2jsshi/net_neutrality_isnt_just_about_the_control_of/

I have no clue why you stay here and i have no clue why the mods are so automate about keep people here which isn't an option or they send people to dead networks like whoaverse. I'm scared for people who still use r/conspiracy, it exceedingly looks like a CIA honeypot.