So I posted a Sony Hacking circlejerk article that made it to #5 on the front page, and had a very insightful top comment about Operation Goliath. This comment was buried and the post just recently disappeared from the front page.

86  2014-12-20 by mike_blair

( -So there's the post, nothing special or provocative just a statement by one of the directors of "The Interview" about how he had heard that the Sony hack job was internal. It blew up last night and was at #5 on the front page until just a few minutes ago, it is now all of the sudden #53, just around 8am EST when America is starting to wake up.

The weird thing I noticed was how the top comment was a great one from /u/InternetPropagandist which reads thusly:

"I'm guessing it was somebody who wanted to expose the conspiracy from the MPAA, several attorney generals, and Microsoft against Google for not agreeing with their copyright infringement goals. The conspirators called it "Project Goliath."

Here is a screenshot of the article earlier before they changed it, which contains information about Microsoft and something called "Fairsearch.""

-This was the top comment for many hours until a WALL of text suddenly appeared on top of it, hugely diminishing it's visibility. I chuckled at how surreal it was that I made a post with the top comment being such an awesome middle finger to the establishment pushing Internet censorship (and especially how Project Goliath, which no one seems to be talking about was sticking out like a sore thumb on the front page.)

Here is how the top comment section looked after said incident occurred: ( I had to crop using MS paint to fit everything in as I said this comment was pushed WAY down by a thread comprised entirely of useless retarded jokes):

Any who that's the long and short of this odd story and hopefully it provides you some insight as it did for me on how vital, important information on reddit is being manipulated. Peace.

Edit: Here's proof of the front page visibility of my post. (I unfortunately did not get a screenshot of the comment section before it was apparently manipulated):


They used a forum slide. The US is just now waking up, which is about the time I usually see shady Reddit behavior. That's ok, all this does is motivate me even more.

Fuckin right

I was also the 3rd-4th parent comment down on the top /r/funny post for a while last night with this:

It isn't like we can be disappointed. Imagine if everyone in this sub spent a small amount of time in the main subs spreading knowledge instead of confining ourselves here? This sub is great, but Reddit is waking up. When conspiracies get exposed, seize the opportunity.

Yeah, i've barely logged in to my reddit account in a year and just lurked to get laughs, but the way the front page hivemind handles important shit like this got particularly disgusting I guess lol, and I decided on a whim to shoot this out to /r/news and /r/worldnews and see what happens. Ever since the Iraq war and a few personal experiences I've been wide awake but have painfully realized that you have to be subtle trying to get shit like this mainstream attention. This whole Interview movie thing reeks of a psyop but the best thing I decided was to simply quote somebody poking a whole in the official narrative, and it got WAY more traction than it would have if I made my opinion part of the equation. I really enjoy this sub too, it certainly has it's problems there are obvious shills and bullshit sources, but one thing I have definitely learned over the years is how to weed through opinion and sensationalism to get the facts, pure and simple, and make up my own mind.

IP and I have had private conversations about this - but I feel it's just the next logical step for us here.

On this forum is a sizable chunk of users who back up their claims with sources, know how to read through bullshit, and can point out inconsistencies with Official Versions™ of events while they are being constructed (which is far more effective than our previous tactics, which include waiting for people to put out Loose Change-style YouTube's to prove that the Official Version™ is false.

Nothing against those types of productions, (I enjoy them immensely), but if we're going to take the next step here I think having 'r/conspiracy leaking' at specific times to wade into the defaults where this propaganda is being seen in real time by millions of people, you have to trust that the Truth will bubble up to the surface and get high votes. Especially if we all see each other in the sub threads of defaults. Treat everyone with respect. Cite your sources.

It's refreshing when IP and I can talk with users about Diego Garcia in a Malaysian airlines thread on a default and not get downvoted into oblivion.

This is the next step, I think. And it doesn't really even have to be a coordinated effort or any formal voting brigades. Just venture out there if you're comfortable with a topic, cite your sources, and if I or any other r/con's see you out there, I'll throw am upvote and comment your way and maybe we can steer the discussions of these events toward what really matters, like Operation Goliath, The Smith-Mundt Act, The Intelligence Authoriztion Act (Section 309 - read it), etc and those that are 4-5 years behind us in the rabbit hole hunt can start seeing things we see every day.

That time starts now, I think. Thoughts?

The only thing I want to add is that our efforts won't be in vain. Occasionally getting the spotlight with conspiracy content is all that is needed. You don't need to "match" the mainstream narrative.

It takes a lot of effort to put out a room full of candles and maintain that darkness. But all it takes is one candle to illuminate an entire room.

Goddamn right.

Just need enough to get some smart, well-meaning people still plugged in to question something, and have them hunt for answers.

Once you break the trust with MSM/'news' coverage, there's no going back and there will always be a sliver of doubt. We just need to plant that sliver. With truth, citing sources, and respect.

Yup, this is now common practice on this website. I really find it amazing how almost nobody on reddit recognizes that the narrative on reddit ends up perfectly aligning with the mainstream narrative pushed by the US government and their media lap-dogs.

People will literally argue about subreddit rules and a million other things. They will attack your theory and use every excuse as to why the delete or manipulation was justified or innocent. And they will treat it as an isolated incident.

But at the end of the day, after all of these "isolated incidents" are tallied up. We have a disgustingly similar narrative to the one The Powers That Be are pushing everywhere else. But these people never seem to acknowledge that. Its sad.

There was a great post the other day about this type of thing happening, I can't find it right now to link but maybe someone else will remember. The poster noted that when serious comments get buried like this on controversial articles, the top comments are always some inane, pithy little one-liners. This fits that MO perfectly ("The hack is coming from inside the house," give me a break.)

my message also got deleted:

i tried replying to myself and deleting the original, but it still didn't show up.

This is what I said:

That leak: "Project Goliath" is about movie industry companies and government officials conspiring against google, to have a bigger control on the internet because of copyrights.

Now the conspiracy comes from using a supposedly "terrorist cyberattack" to scare the population and hence give away our rights in the name of protection, but in reality it's nothing more than a plot to shove up copyright infringements up our ass.

North Korea is denying the attack, experts and uninformed people alike are all finding everything very fishy, we have no evidence aside from the FBI saying "they did it"

Until we can really prove without doubt it was north korea, the conspiracy theory looks very convincing. but will continue to be just a theory until we find out who really hacked sony

You can check on my profile last message before this

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Don't all stories dive like this if they haven't received enough votes once they break 1,000?


Are you somewhere between the age of 2 and 7?

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