NYPD shooting false-flag?
0 2014-12-21 by truthoutthere1
Does it seem suspicious to anyone else that after linking the "North Korean Sony "hacking" false-flag to the MPAA's Project Goliath (the MPAA and the US government orchestrated the hack to keep the media occupied while this brazen Internet censorship plan went into effect), suddenly this NYPD shooting is taking up all the TV news time?
The timing seems quite coincidental, and if you watch the news conference you can see the people speaking (namely the NYPD Police Commissioner) appear overly emotional and appear to switch emotions almost on cue, something actors are trained to do. The photos from the crime scene are also suspicious... One you can see the "blood" on the "suspect" is not the right colour.
Judging by the seemingly automatic downvotes I must be on to something.
6 [deleted] 2014-12-21
Just another day in PTSD America, keep the people afraid and confused. It could be a false flag or it could be legit. After Ferguson (Mike Brown) and the killing of Eric Garner, people are starting to take matters into their own hands. This could be a legit incident of a man retaliating and encouraging others to do so as well. If this is the case, and becomes a trend, then we are in for some bad times. All it would take is for a couple incidents to happen before there is an all out war between LEO's and us. And this is definitely possible, because in inner city areas where gangs are prevalent, there is already this mentality.
There are multiple chessboards being played right now, and this fits into the homeland/civil rights chessboard. I don't personally think it was a false flag, I think it was legit and they will use this to slam the hammer down. "Never let a crisis go to waste" - Rahm Emanuel
5 dabork 2014-12-21
Let's examine the facts:
The suspect in NY was supposedly acting in revenge for the Garner case.
Both officers killed were minorities
The suspect in NY also killed his girlfriend for some reason even though all of his anger seems to be directed at the police
Seems a little strange to me that someone upset about racially motivated violence form police officers wouldn't think that a white officer might make a better target. Nah, this is some horse shit. I'll eat my hat if they don't try to push new legislation or something because of this. They did this. Whether they pulled the trigger or got someone else to do it, they knew this was coming. This is just so they can point and go "look how dangerous our jobs are! We put our lives on the line every day! This is why we're so quick to shoot and this is why we need more guns!"
But people will gobble it up and we'll lose another right somewhere.
2 Presentent_Slobama 2014-12-21
You forget to mention that in the NY Post article about the shoting, it mentions that the two officers shot were participating in a terrorist drill.
-3 [deleted] 2014-12-21
1 dabork 2014-12-21
As much as I agree I think it's equally as important that we don't take this bait either. If we make him a hero we just give the pigs more ammo against us. "see! These conspiracy nuts even support a murderer!". I think we should chalk it up as a victory and just watch it very closely because there is almost certainly going to be more to this story than what we know right now.
0 AllYrNudesRBelong2Us 2014-12-21
The time for these kind of politics have passed in my mind. Its fight or flight time from these fuckin "shoot first ask questions later" pigs.
2 dabork 2014-12-21
I just feel like that's a dangerous mindset. It feeds right into their agenda. They want people to fight back, just not everyone. If little isolated incidents like this keep occurring, they can paint themselves as brave heroes and justify spending even more money on military hardware. I think if we want to see any real change we need to get more people to get brave at once. If we got enough people to wake the fuck up we wouldn't need to kill anybody. Unfortunately, that's a bit of a pipe dream at this point and it seems things are about to start getting very much worse before they ever start getting better.
0 AllYrNudesRBelong2Us 2014-12-21
It's all too late. Doesn't matter. Cops are killing people and getting off the hook. There was a line and this is so far over it that it's war in my book.
4 Slim_Pihkins 2014-12-21
I'll go ahead and just leave this here
3 LetsHackReality 2014-12-21
And I heard there was an anti-terror drill going on at the time, which is their signature.
Need a cite.Yep.
Gunman executes 2 NYPD cops in Garner ‘revenge’
Obvious false flag is obvious.
2 club-mate 2014-12-21
It has always been like it. Heck, the Sony North Korea hack was a distraction in itself. I even think that the torture report was a distraction (c'mon, do you really believe they didn't know all this time?).
So yeah, your idea seems pretty plausible to me.
1 dpfagent 2014-12-21
Maybe because the sony hack story was full of holes and way too many people started questioning it, they decided some story should take its place until people forget about it.
So I think it's probably legit, but the story is quite obviously being blown out of proportions
1 HorrorVee 2014-12-21
are we going to talk about how now NY wants to arm all police vehicles with bulletproof windows ?
0 Crytape 2014-12-21
More than one thing happens in the world at once.
3 mcinla 2014-12-21
Yes, but you must admit that these past few weeks have been particularly crazy. There is SO much going on. It's making me dizzy; every other second there is something new to focus my outrage on.
-6 Crytape 2014-12-21
Meh. It's only because of the Internet that we know about so much stuff. So it's the same amount of events and severity, only hearing about them more.
4 mcinla 2014-12-21
Buddy, I have been on the internet for 20 years! Never have we been so overloaded with emergencies and breaking news waiting to happen.
-1 Crytape 2014-12-21
Oh man, this is going to be the new copypasta.
0 brizzadizza 2014-12-21
Meh. It's only because of a massive propaganda effort to flood the internet with american (and other) propaganda. No reason to think governmental and large corporate interests, would ever use their immense wealth to promote agenda friendly messages and guide discourse through the use of outrage, fear and terror.
0 Crytape 2014-12-21
2 dabork 2014-12-21
Funny how "things happen" at really good times to serve as perfect distraction from other things happening.
Oh, people are focusing on the elections and trying to pay attention to all of the bullshit we're spewing and trying to expose our lies? Not any more! Now people are worried about ebola even though it's not anywhere near an "outbreak" in most of the world. Oh the elections are over? We can stop talking about ebola now. Oh, the people are pissed off about the torture report? Not any more! Now people are pissed off about The Interview! Oh shit, our Interview plan is falling apart and people are starting to figure out we probably lied about the whole thing! Not any more! By the end of the day people are gonna be talking about the two brave officers that were "assassinated" by some lunatic!
1 [deleted] 2014-12-21
yeah, but who got sent home on Dancing with the Stars???
3 dabork 2014-12-21
No idea, was too busy reading the latest news on The Interview with Seth Rogan and James Franco. Then I got a little tied up watching my government-approved reality shows and eating my government-approved dinner.
-1 Crytape 2014-12-21
Well it's not like normal people can't concentrate on more than one thing at a time. This sub is the only one I've seen that gets distracted so easily.
3 dabork 2014-12-21
Really? You must not visit the front page or you must be unsubscribed from all of the defaults.
-1 Crytape 2014-12-21
I go to the real world for my news and discussions of important matters.