Google is a Masonic company

13  2014-12-22 by LetsHackReality

The name, Google, appears to be a harmless play on "googol" -- a mathematical term for the number represented by the numeral 1 followed by 100 zeros. The name reflects Larry Page's and Sergey Brin's (Google's founders) mission to organize a seemingly infinite amount of information on the web.

But as with all things Masonic, there is a deeper meaning.

It also means "Gog El"


In the original language, Gog means: "under the roof". Magog means "out from under the roof". Gog refers to Satan as he is captive, bound, kept as it were: under a roof. Magog refers to Satan being unloosed. As Magog, he bursts forth from where he had been bound, under the roof. The scriptural references to Gog and Magog symbolize the full fury of Satan unchained: the unleashing of the spirit of antichrist.


ʾĒl ... is a Northwest Semitic word meaning "deity".

In the Canaanite religion, or Levantine religion as a whole, El or Il was a god also known as the Father of humanity and all creatures, and the husband of the goddess Asherah as recorded in the clay tablets of Ugarit (modern Ra′s Shamrā—Arabic: رأس شمرا‎, Syria).

The bull was symbolic to El and his son Baʻal Hadad, and they both wore bull horns on their headdress. He may have been a desert god at some point, as the myths say that he had two wives and built a sanctuary with them and his new children in the desert. El had fathered many gods, but most important were Hadad, Yam, and Mot.

So "Under the Roof Satan God" or "Bound Satan God". Will they bust out "MaGoogle" or "Unbound Satan God" at some point?

**** Now check out their logos: ****

...and I'm sure there are others.

So that slogan, "Don't be evil."? Pretty sure that means the opposite.

Gog El -- Be evil.


Is this post part of Project Goliath's attempt to undermine Google?

Not unless I was mind-controlled into it.

I don't buy that Project Goliath is a real thing though. I think it's just a twist on the false flag.

Sorry but that is some lame evidence bro, it doesn't prove anything! Unless Google have started to build a robot army or some shit then I ain't interested.

Don't you worry. I am well aware of their robot army. It was sarcasm.

It did seem too easy...

Haha. As much as I believe in Illuminati/NWO ect, unless there is solid evidence that cannot be debunked, it's not really worth posting IMO. Just fuels the fire for people who do not see things the way we see things.

What I am getting at is there is evidence that the corporation is crooked as fuck, but you'll have a hard time convincing people people of this by saying "Look, their Gmail logo looks remotely like this masonic apron".

Dunno. I assume so, but there's only so much one man can do. Maybe you can look for that.

The logos are obviously Masonic though.

The name Google is a play on the word "googol," a mathematical term for the number represented by the numeral 1 followed by 100 zeros reflects Larry Page's and Sergey Brin's (Google's founders) mission to organize a seemingly infinite amount of information on the web.

Yep and all those "666"es are just circles unwrapping.

If you think your explanation for the reason why the founders of Google chose that name is more plausible than the one I quoted above, then good luck to you!

Yes, you or your source has unraveled the number 6 three times from their logo, turned two quotation marks upside down and stuck another 6 on top of them and interpreted what is clearly an envelope into a masonic apron. It must be so :)

Yep and I also have you tagged as a "shill" for some reason.

But I'll take your feedback as constructive and update the main post. Thanks, shill!

You're welcome, if only I really did get paid to have these conversations :(

Whether or not you're paid to do it, you're an enemy of the Light and of humanity for doing it.

For doing what? Disagreeing with people on here? And agreeing with them occasionally? For being interested in conspiracies and politics?

You have to understand: around here, "shill" means anyone who defends any organization, culture or individual that others suspect of wrongdoing, regardless of the merit of their points.

By far one of my favorite 3 minute videos about Google sharing many facts generally unknown about Google. And mind you this was put out in 2010. Imagine the updated statistics and projects today.

Dang. Kinda seem like Google is the banker cabal's company, huh?

Definitely some interesting investments and ties. Even to bioengineering and other off the wall projects. Like I said, I wish someone would compile a current video of facts similar to this. I miss the you tube channel A Hungry Beast. They tackled a lot of interesting corps and subjects.

So interesting and transparent that this little sub-conversation is getting downvoted.

My friends in York Rite were pretty pumped when the gmail logo came out. Of course, the standard icon used on for mail on most computers does resemble a masonic apron. Add a red outline, and you've got a Royal Arch apron.

But how is the rest of the symbolism Masonic? Does the "oo" in Google represent pancake breakfasts? (Sorry, kind of a masonic inside joke)

I think the "oo" is supposed to be owl eyes. And the primary colors are significant. I've seen some work on that, will update the post.

I gave ya two other logos, each has an obvious 666. I'll add more logos later. If you find some, let me know and I'll add em.

I like to see it as Go-Ogle.

Okay, here's my take on this. Full disclosure: I'm a Freemason now, but before I was a Freemason, I was a big fan of Google. I even got a job offer from them, back in the mid-2000s, but had to turn it down because of family needs (a dying grandfather). I also had a company that I used to work for bought by Google, and many of my friends now work there.

So, this posting hits close to home on two fronts.

A few points:

  • I'd be absolutely thrilled if Google were a deeply Masonic company, but I doubt it.
  • The founders definitely do apply many Masonic principles in their business dealings, but I think that comes more from the Stanford academic culture than Freemasonry. Classical education and Freemasonry have a very close history, so this is not shocking.
  • While I won't discuss membership in the Fraternity (and almost never know that someone is a Mason in other states unless they choose to make it public), I will say that even if Larry and Sergey were Brothers, the idea that they would be directly or indirectly responsible for every element of the branding is kind of naive.
  • The envelope logo of gmail does look like an apron. But then, so does the envelope icon that has been used in thousands of ways to represent mail delivery for over 100 years.
  • The "Gog El" thing is absolutely silly. If you have to dip into multiple languages, then I expect the result to be shockingly relevant. As it is, it's a radically different spelling that doesn't even seem to be a slam-dunk for evil (Gog is used many places in the Bible, including as one of Noah's grandchildren... it's oversimplifying to the point of misleading to suggest that it's just another name for evil/satan).

A meta point:

But as with all things Masonic, there is a deeper meaning.

This is often true. We enjoy layering symbolism (an art which is, I fear, becoming extinct outside of the Fraternity; the likes of Mark Twain and Rudyard Kipling (both Masons) don't seem to be producing much in our popular culture anymore). However, you seem to be using that assertion as a springboard to then justify any tenuous linkages that you can invent that circularly justify calling Google Masonic. That's just bad logic.

Was just an ad....

Haha it's pathological with you, huh? You lie when there's no reason to lie.

I had a roommate like that. Does this describe you?

On second thought, you may be the wrong person to ask...

You lie...

This seems a rather poor gambit. I'm not sure why you chose to go down that road, but if you have some actual criticisms of my points, rather than mindless arm-waving and a link that opens on my phone with an unskippable ad, then please feel free to share.

I'm a Freemason. If there's one thing we respect, it's cogent debate. When you present one, I'll engage. Until then, I think we're done, here.

It is a poor gambit. It will get you nowhere you want to be in life. Start living honestly, do the hard work, and reap the rewards.