the great deception

16  2014-12-22 by NonThinkingPeeOn

Do not lose sight of what you know...

The government knows about the energy technologies that could free the population from pollution and slavery. for more than 100 years they've known.

They are flat out lying to the public about it.

the patent office refuses to deal with "free energy" patents.

RCA took over radio technology. Electricity research squashed.

fbi and other government groups shut down and suppress important technologies throughout the last century. all technology seen as threat to monetary system.

Really ponder the ramifications of this. realize how deep these lies go. its scary to think about, the deception. for example: EPA is a sham organization then. SMOG tests? phhhhh. NASA lies about their technology. Old rocket propelled engines? Are you kidding me? This alone proves that the Moon landings were lied about.

Military tech. Surveillance tech. God Knows what they are capable of Now. Can't even imagine. Including things like mind control, cloning, genetic manipulation, time travel, weather control, earthquakes etc.

"Science" more like Psyence.

education is all lies. public education, college. Degrees in Science and engineering all bullshit. worthless. public education is used as mind control and brainwashing. indoctrination. make every one think the same. put everyone in the same frame of mind. make them think the world works a certain way. hide their true power from them.

Right now today, We could be living in a complete paradise where everything is free. Truly free, not the fake "freedom" we have today in America. Instead we have Wars, violence, oppression, Taxes, poeple slaving away at work their whole lives, for what?, so that they can pay for energy(how absurd!) like paying for air and water. The poeple are slaves to the system. And the worst part is they do it willingly.

So what the fuck is going on? what is their agenda? I really don't know.

What happens when the truth finally comes out? Do wake up out of our collective stupor, Feeling like retards when we realize the stupidity of the way we were living for so long, and say what? What just happened!? like a slap across the face. we wake the fuck up and realise the deception we were in. oh..damn. shit. we fucked up. big time.


Crazy, huh? Like waking up in a cheesy science fiction movie.

Wanna know what's messed up? You're just scratching the surface.

Keep digging. Stay strong.

You know US parents don't prevent things from being researched and implemented in other countries, right?

And yet nobody else has "free energy". Hm...

you mean people throughout the whole world can learn and discover things on their own? wow, I didn't realize. thanks for that!

You must assume that the world leaders and corporate powers in the oil and energy industries are kind and considerate folk. There's no corruption. they never lie. governments always tell the truth.

they would never threaten people. they would never murder people. would they? Nah. they wouldn't do that! you're right.

back to the grindstone everyone! nothing to see here.

Are you intentionally committing logical fallacies?

More info on these free energy technologies?

You want me to do all the work for you? get out there and discover, research with an open mind. Off the top of my head I can run a list of inventors and engineers who could have changed the world if the powers that be had allowed it. look into these folks. Dont read an article or two and leave it at that. Lots of disnfo out there. Wikipedia? Don't even bother. I mean really look into them, if you care about the truth.

John Keely, Nathan Stubblefield, Alfred Hubbard, Thomas Henry Moray, Lester Hendershot

Well, I don't go discovering and researching when people make extraordinary claims of unicorns and leprichauns either. You make the extraordinary claim, you provide the evidence.

If you were genuinely interested, wouldn't you just google the names he has provided you with?

This is a discussion forum. Do you demand html links when you're talking to people?

Im not genuinly interested, just as im not interested in unicorns. But I'll read about them if someone posts a nice simple link with evidence.

you obviously don't give a shit about this important topic. either you're a troll or you're just too damn lazy to make a change in this world. Your fluoridated, calcified brain is entrained to the frequency of complacency and indifference.

Considering Im a born and bred farmer who lives mostly off the land and has always drunk fresh bore water you're gonna have to come up with a new insult.

Either that or just stop posting and giving us conspiracy realists a bad name.

you: "Im not genuinly interested, just as im not interested in unicorns." seems you've already made up your mind before even looking into the topic. typical attitude. Don't judge something you don't know. It's utter foolishness.

Also, ground water can be highly contaminated, depending on where you live. pesticide and industrial wastes leech into the ground and accumulate. Human beings have been doing a great job polluting their own water for over a century.

Guess what? I know a guy called Harry who can convert water into wine. Im not gonna provide any evidence, and if you don't go look it up, you're a stupid floridated calcified idiot!

No really, where I live we have the purest water in the world. So come up with a new insult, or realise it is you who is the moron. As I clearly stated above, I purchased a book on tesla weeks ago, which is probably more effort than you have put in judging by your attitude.

Do you realise how much evidence you could have provided by now instead of calling me names?

he's pulling the same shit on me too. no interest in providing evidence. when asked, provides dozens of excuses, attempts to change the topic, and diverts attention to my personality by using character attacks. anything to keep the heat off his lack of understanding of the scientific method.

Perhaps a shill trying to make the sub look bad.

i try not to think about it, but i really feel like if they wanted to destroy our credibility, they would make accounts here and post a bunch of bullshit conspiracy theories. that way they can batch all of the conspiracy theories in with the bullshit ones, and make the real ones look just as ludicrous as the rest. but i don't wanna jump up and scream SHILL SHILL SHILL because some people on here will do that to anyone who disagrees with them.

Just google "Tesla Free Energy" - He proved you could extract energy from the air and convert it into electricity fairly easy years ago. Many of Tesla's inventions were suppressed.

As it happens I just bought the book 'Tesla, Man out of Time' a few weeks ago. I'll have to get around to reading it.

Do let me know if it's any good. I'm in need of a good book about goings on (:

How in the world, if you're talking about free energy and suppressed tech did you not even mention Nikola Tesla?

Tesla is great. I didn't mention him because many people already know about him. He's always the one people bring up in free energy discussion. But there are so many others that people don't know about. John Keely is almost unheard of but he was doing things far beyond even Tesla's achievements. I feel often that people will look into Tesla and then move on without learning about the countless other great inventors and scientists.

What do you mean about old rocket engines and nasa?

It's probably too complicated for OP to explain. Look it up yourself. /s

Probably talking about warp drive or alcubierre drive technology for faster than light travel.

What happens when the truth finally comes out? Do wake up out of our collective stupor, Feeling like retards...

The truth has already come out. Sadly, most couldn't give two shits, and look to the wrong 'authorities' for answers. People are happy in their bubbles. As fucked up as this world is, it's always been this way. You're just starting to see it.

I have one word to describe what I believe would happen upon a mass awakening. Rage.

i hate to say this about someone in this sub, but it sounds to me like you don't really have a very high standard of evidence. you act like i already "know" these things, and i'm just in denial. i don't know any of what you said. the part about the moon landing being a hoax is just laughable. how does the fact that they used a rocket engine "prove" it never happened? have you never taken a basic physics class? if rocket propulsion is physically impossible, then accelerating in a vacuum at zero-gravity at all is physically impossible. it just sounds like you're looking for excuses to justify your pre-held beliefs. yeah, there are real conspiracies... that's why i hang out on this sub. but you really gotta do some reading up about non-conspiracy-related topics. get a background on what is actually known and proven, so you can start to disprove some of your theories. it's not scientifically rigorous to accept a theory unless you've rigorously attempted to disprove your initial hypothesis. when you come to believe something, it's a good habit to put some effort into trying to find reasons not to believe it. once you've failed at that, you've succeeded at proving to yourself that your theory may be correct. as it stands now, you haven't even proven these theories to yourself. you've just kind of accepted things which are demonstrably false, and now you're completely ignoring the scientific method. and before you call me a snob, think about it. the whole field of conspiracy theory is intrinsically tied to the scientific method. it's like a cross between a scientific study and a legal investigation. you have to think like a scientist if you want to be at peace with what you know and what you don't know. that is, unless you're not much for rational thinking. for me, i prefer to make an effort to understand, even if i never know for sure the truth, rather than will myself into believing something without making any effort to actually know. there is a HUGE difference between knowing and believing. though they might seem like the same thing if you try to break it down philosophically, only you can identify the difference for yourself. yes, you can never know something for sure - at some point you make the decision to simply believe it. but the point at which you decide to believe something is what draws the line between knowledge and belief. if you believe something without even trying to disprove it, that is belief. if you believe something after rigorously counter-arguing it, and finding evidence to prove it, that is knowledge. i can't tell you that your beliefs are not true knowledge, because i can't get inside your head. but i can say that i have studied some of your claims extensively, and i have found pretty-much incontrovertible evidence that they are untrue. so, in my mind, i know they are false. i don't believe they are false, because i have rigorously tried them in a court of law inside my own mind. have you?

Don't present people with a wall of text - it's virtually unreadable. Use paragraphs.

You just made a shit ton of assumtions, then failed to provide any sources for your own argumemts. We all know what assuming does..

Just general hypocrisy here. The OP was simply starting a discussion on something, and you decided to attack their views without substantiation your own. How do you expect to be taken as anything but a shill?

god, not another one... you people think you can just call someone a "shill" and you won't have to bother putting any thought or evidence into your argument. i've been shadow banned on three accounts for posting on this sub, and even the /r/conspiracy mods are on my side. i sacrificed an account with over 10,000 comment karma to bring /r/conspiracy an article about aaron swartz killing himself shortly after researching a satanic pedophile ring. and you have the nerve to call me a shill, simply because i disagree with your unfounded beliefs?

just because i disagree with the conspiracies you think are real, doesn't mean i am an enemy of conspiracy theory in general. i've put a hell of a lot more into this community than you have. you could just take one look at my comments and see that i rarely knock conspiracy theories when they are well-founded.

but why bother defending myself? you and i both know i'm not a shill. you're not going to admit you're wrong, because that would mean acknowledging that you only called me a shill to defend your unfounded beliefs. it'd be too humiliating to acknowledge that you use the same tactics as the mccarthyists in the 50's, who persecuted anyone they disagreed with by labeling them communists.

You wasted whatever time you used to write that.

yeah just like i said i would. you use the word "shill" to defend your own bullshit, not to identify actual shills. you couldn't care less who i am, it's just an insult that only flies on /r/conspiracy. anyway, enjoy the rest of your pathetic life i guess. this certainly isn't going anywhere. oh, and by the way, it's funny how you don't have even a single link karma. you call me a shill yet you don't contribute anything here. what kind of a shill accumulates over 24,000 link karma, almost exclusively on this sub, over 4 accounts, 3 of which have been shadow banned for posting too much conspiracy theory? you should be thanking me. i hate to get into fights with fellow conspiratards, but frankly, you're a giant douche. you disservice this community by turning it against itself. the real shills are laughing their asses off right now, seeing how you missed their activities, yet decided to attack my character just because i shit on your unscientific beliefs. i'm comfortable disagreeing with people, but i guess your ego is so fragile that you have to accuse people who embarrass you of being government agents. surely when you were young you were the kind of person that uses the word "faggot" and spreads false rumors to get schoolyard revenge on those who make you feel like a wee little man.

That comment meant nothing to me. That thread hardly got any attention. Calm down man. That was actually the first time I used the word shill and I have since come to the understanding that I used it without enough prior research or information to be justified. Now that I have a better grasping of the word, I most likely won't ever use it again. Maybe you should be asking yourself why that one little word got you so wound up. This is the internet you need to chill a bit and realize that there are thousands of us here with different views and differing levels of knowledge and intelligence. Don't let silly comments by people you don't know effect you on a personal level. This entire thing has been completely irrelevant to me, but all your seriousness made me feel bad. My moment of ignorance seems to have affected another person negatively, and for that I apologize.

Peace to you.

all good brotha

I supplied no evidence. I simply brought up a topic to open the window to you or any one else to look into things and decide for yourself. If you care to. It seems like people like to be supplied evidence Because they're too damn lazy to research things themselves. people can't even do basic tasks nowadays without step by step instructions. if I provided evidence would you read it? probably not. But on the off chance that even one person considered the possibility that things need to be looked at from a new perspective then it's worth it. "how does the fact that they used a rocket engine "prove" it never happened?" I could right a long story about it but I won't bore you. You'll figure it out eventually. I didn't say it didn't happen. Just not the way they said it did. you gotta read between the lines and make connections. When you know certain things it becomes obvious. I'm not here to bullshit anyone.

if I provided evidence would you read it?


if you provided evidence, of course i would read it. that is why i criticized you... for not providing even a shred of evidence, and proceeding to act like people are "asleep" if they don't already agree with everything you believe.

also, it's funny that you won't explain your reasoning. you don't want to "bore" me by explaining how rocket physics is fake? now you're just desperately scrounging up excuses, man. rocket physics doesn't bore me. i have a degree in physics, and another in biochemistry. in fact, i'm extremely interested now. it would be really entertaining to see somebody try to prove that rocketry is impossible and goddard is insane, especially after my experience interviewing an astronaut. but hey, i guess you're right, i'll just "figure it out eventually." all that university education and personal research will just go out the window, when one day i'll suddenly have a mathematical epiphany that vacuum rocketry is impossible.


do you realize that everything you're claiming was the status quo in the early 20th century, and that the status quo was utterly shattered when goddard came along and blew everything out of the water? it's like you lack not only a basic understanding of physics, but also a basic awareness of the history of modern science.

no, you're not unwilling to explain yourself because you don't want to bore me. you're not unwilling to provide evidence because you think i won't read it. and no, "when you know certain things" it doesn't become obvious. you don't know anything about rocketry that i don't know, and i clearly know a lot about rocketry that you don't know. you may not have come here to bullshit anyone, but looks like you did anyway.

see, the idea of me being unwilling to read evidence that rocketry is fake is just ludicrous. if you provided actual evidence that rocketry is impossible... i wouldn't be the only one interested. the entire scientific community would be unraveling. do you understand the gravity of the claims you are making? the idea that i would be bored by proof that propulsion rockets are fake? there is no excuse to not provide evidence for such a claim. nobody would be bored by evidence like that. the reason you're not showing evidence is because you don't have any, and you're too embarrassed to admit it.

and again, like i said, if rocket propulsion is impossible, then accelerating in a zero-gravity vacuum (space) is impossible in general. it's basic physics. so if it couldn't happen the way they said it did, then it didn't happen at all. i'm not close-minded either, buddy. i'm a member of this sub for a reason. i'm so active on this sub that i have been shadow-banned by admins three times for posting links to subversive material, and each time the mods here have supported me. my mind is not "closed," i am not "unenlightened." do not patronize me with this "you'll figure it out eventually" and "you gotta read between the lines and make connections" bullshit. that's just template material you spew to anyone who disagrees with you. i could say the same thing to you. when someone disagrees with you, it doesn't automatically mean you're right and they're close-minded. maybe you are close-minded. i'm closed off to things that i already know are mathematically impossible. if you claimed that 2+2=5, and i disagreed, would you tell me that i just need to open my mind and read between the lines?

i endorse a great many conspiracy theories, and i agree with a lot of people in this community. telling me that my mind is closed because i happen to disagree with your theories... that's a load of shit, buddy. your theories are not only disproven by scientific research, but some of them are literally mathematically impossible. they could not be real, no matter what, even in this universe.

but look, maybe everything i have learned is completely wrong. maybe everything i know and believe about physics and math is a lie. i am completely willing to accept that reality... in fact, it would make my life a whole lot more interesting. so if you are willing to provide actual scientific, mathematic, or investigative evidence that anything you've said about rocketry is true, i will not only spend my time reading it, i may agree with it and spend the rest of my life trying to spread it in the scientific world. if you provide the evidence, i will do everything i can to change the scientific status quo. so go ahead. please. provide the evidence. you won't, will you? you're just going to attack my character, in hopes that you will win and you can get out of this embarrassing dilemma. you'll make up some straw man argument, or you'll insult me or the way i spoke to you, and do everything to change the topic. you're not interested in providing evidence that rocketry is fake, you're interested in distracting attention away from your failure to provide evidence. you want the attention on me, and what an unenlightened sheep i must be for not merely accepting your word as fact. new agers love to pull that shit. as long as the idea is "alternative," they expect you to just take it on faith alone. evidence is completely unnecessary, because "that's what the government wants you to think." right? i'm a shill because i don't agree with your alternative ideas. see, i don't disagree with your ideas because they are alternative. i agree with a great many alternative ideas, actually. i disagree with your ideas because you have provided no evidence to support them, and i already have seen a ton of evidence to disprove them. just because i disagree with an idea that happens to be alternative, doesn't mean i'm some douchey mainstream conservative ass. i disagree with mainstream and alternative ideas alike... especially if there is evidence to disprove them.

i know that's not what you want to hear, but until you can provide some evidence, that's just how i feel.

So many assumptions you make. So many words you pretend like I said, but I never said. so much for you to unlearn. your education I'm sorry to say has atrophied your critical thinking and you've lost access to intuition and inspiration.

i'm sure you can tell so much about me from a minor conversation on the internet. thanks for the advice, i'll be sure to write it down on a post-it note. of course, as i predicted, you provided no evidence. your first excuse was that i wouldn't read it if you posted it. now that i've committed my time to reading your evidence, you don't have an excuse anymore... i'm sure you'll be posting the same thing in a couple weeks, once i'm off your back