Not a conspiracy per say, but... Why did so much technology, intelligence, chemistry, biology, psychology, etc come from Nazi scientists?

14  2014-12-24 by [deleted]

Edit: I guess neo nazi's don't want to know truth but just their demented world view. kay.. We could actually learn something from this and no the JEWS aren't to blame. fuck you skin heads. :). I'm looking for the truth, whether it be Nazi's or the Arabs, or the Holy Catholic church. SMH.


Like I said not, a conspiracy per say. But I've looked into WWII and it seems like the only technology coming out, or I should say some advanced shit, came from the Nazi scientists. My question is why? Not favoring the Nazi's or anything, but you cannot deny, that this was a tech boom of some sorts, why? After the war, we brought many of these people over under "project paperclip", for their knowledge. What happened during the early 20th century, how did this all happen under the Nazis'?

I think it was the higher education system of the 19th/20th century in Germany. It focused on original research and unique thinking. Everything below university was Prussian education though.

How the fuck am I gettin downvoted? I'm not a nazi sympathizer. Sorry, I'm looking for truth, wtf.

I wouldn't give nazis credit for everything. One of the major inventions was the atom bomb, which was not invented by the nazi's. You should really check out all the death machines the allies built, as well as other axis powers besides germany; it'll blow your mind

Jet engine, various chemicals, various machine guns, psychological war far, propaganda. Dude, the list goes on. I know it wasn't the "only place", but so much of what we are dealing with today exists, because of the nazi's. Evil people indeed, but shit... We got some good stuff. My question is why, why did these scientist in this dictatorship come up with the the stuff they did. It's fascinating, and can be morbid, but you stand in awe..

One of Edward Bernays great successes was convincing the pacifist United States to go to war with Germany in WW1. That list you give shouldn't be credited to the Nazi's is all I'm saying. Maybe advancements for each point you list were made before and concurrent to the Nazi regime, by others than Nazis. Why the hard-on for nazi's?

Oh, trust me I'm not. I think they were evil as hell. But the tech that came from them, is pretty mind blowing. That's the point. I really despise the NAZI's, I favor them in a unified country/identity, but despise them in the war crimes/delusions they committed, if that make sense? I just want to know, there are far out tech, they are responsible for. I am just curious is all.

It's still shocking to me that after all the other genocide since WW2 people still sling the word Nazi like the comic book villains the propaganda dictated. There are children dying today to mine minerals in supposedly liberated countries & the smart screens most of us are using have their own Foxconn suicide poetry written by it's workers. Who gives a shit about some human rights violations from 60 years ago? There are plenty of human rights violations for you to bitch about ∧ make no motion to amend, today.

Einstein was German...

You need to ask yourself what happened in Germany when the Nazis took power. The Jews got thrown out of all their control positions, where they had been steering and propagandizing the German people. Suddenly, the German people were free to develop and expand in their own natural way. The result was an explosion of higher engineering and technology.

I'm not asking this being a sympathizer, I'm not. I'm asking about an anomaly which we've seen in the past. We made sure these people made it to the states with their knowledge. My question is, where the fuck did this come from? How in the world did so many genius come out of Nazi Germany, when the rest of the world was "dark". There is something to this. Maybe it wont ever be known, idk....

There is evidence that much of there technologies and ideas were stolen from Nikola Tesla.

It really came out of the Weimar Republic, rather than Nazi Germany.

but why? Can any one answer this? Why did this happen?

It may have been because of the revolution that had just happened, but I think it's hard to predict where or why we suddenly have a good idea.

free aka the spoils of war.

This is one of those rabbit hole questions. From what I've seen there is no real logical explanation. But as rumors go.. Did you ever watch Hell Boy? Or Indiana Jones? What about games like Wolfenstein? Why are Nazis so persistently associated with supernatural super weapons? This is one of those gut instinct deals, as a conspiracy theorist you can't ignore persistent rumor. Sure it defies rationality, but the Nazis were doing some crazy shit. They were apparently looking for the Spear of Destiny. They sent expeditions all over the world, to India, to trace the Aryans. They went to Antarctica. They had the Thule society. And they did seem to demonstrate some weird pagan Teutonic leanings. Why did they use the Swastika, a symbol found all over the world in going back to pre-Christian times? Then there are the saucer shaped craft they developed that predated the UFO craze. There is nothing safe about this question.

Well, for one thing the nazis issued state-backed currency independent of the world's central banks. This allowed every aspect of their country to prosper, perhaps tech prospered alongside the greatest economic recovery in the history of the world?

this too.

nazi germany had a scientific and technological lead long before the nazi's were elected. they still are some of the best scientists and engineers in the world. a good education system, a good work ethic, attention to detail and a tendency for neatness and discipline i would suggest.

Because when you have a particular mindset, scientific innovation can advance at a higher pace. Of course, that means ignoring some particular human rights, usually.


Can you explain the ten year start? I'm just fascinated by this, not the nazi's but the tech boom. Kinda blows my mind. Honest question, point me to some good things to read/watch. this gives a look on the medical side, pretty mind blowing that they had cancer awareness 20 years ahead of everybody else.

Thanks, I'm checking it out now!