The thing with this subredddit....

25  2014-12-27 by [deleted]

(Please note that this is not an attack on the sub or the users, just an observation)

Is that we focus too much on the PROBLEMS and not the SOLUTIONS.

Look, I've seen this problem crop up everywhere. All we talk about is these big bad wolves up there and we don't ever talk anything about what to do about it.

Take, for example, I'm a David Icke person myself, and so the two most obvious solutions and methods for myself and the world are to love each other (so, you know, the inter dimensional shapeshifting lizard aliens can't feed off our negative emotions) and to non comply - a car can't run without petrol, so if the petrol decides it's not going into the tank then the car won't run.

However, I have seen VERY FEW post about what we can do to help. You know, there'll come a time when we're in this totalitarian dysphoria and you'll be sat there twiddling your thumbs thinking "I wish we'd gotten a bloody move on and done something rather than just spread fear porn..."

So what're we gonna do, then?


The problem lies in the fact that most users don't have much experience in vital areas like law, science, etc. so what happens is that they figure "someone else" will prove a conspiracy true and take care of it.

The first step is to educate. We need more people to be able to debunk the patently false claims that get posted here over and over and to steer the conversation towards facts, logic and the truth. Ignorance grows when left unchecked.

Great comment, Wert. I actually think this is happening, and things are very different here based on discussions with users 6 months ago compared to now. I think it's just difficult to see because most of us frequent this place so much that if the discussions improve gradually it's tough to find.


This right here! Sign me up.

I'm still in the concept phase of things but what I'm looking at doing over the next year or so is working on some prototypes of new community governance/organisation.

The plan is to throw a festival/party that utilises innovations in blockchain technology to support direct democratic decision making and ensure transparency in finances.

Essentially a group of folk get together and roughly plan how big they'd like to make the event and what kind of infrastructure would need to be built to service the event for a week or so (ie toilets, energy, fire management, site development, water, dwellings). A crowdsourcing campaign with equity guaranteed by assurance contracts can then be launched to raise the capital for the event. For their pledge, the equity can entitle the pledger to either discounted tickets, free tickets or even potentially a dividend from profits generated.

Once that essential infrastructure is funded and being built, the entertainment, stage set ups and other parts are done through a similar process with perhaps some money allocated to stages from the initial funding round (kinda like burning man).

Ideally it would be great to set up infrastructure that could be used by an intentional/prototype community in the rest of the year, such as permaculture, open source ecology, solar array etc with profits generated being put back into a collectively managed fund for expanding the community and festival.

The idea would be to write it up as an experiment and develop a kind of open source democratic toolkit that can be used to support other communities/organisations that would benefit from a transparent system of decision making and finance.

I think it could work from two angles, people could be lured into a fun event and then be exposed to the philosophy of open source, decentralised, anarchy and participatory democracy as well as other folk could be lured into the festival by the progressive ideas.

Non-compliance. The only form of resistance that can succeed. I'll agree with that.

I would also suggest that it helps to educate yourself about: propaganda, the way the media can spin the news, good alt sources for news, psychological techniques for manipulating perception and opinions etc.

Knowing how they try and mess with you makes it ten times harder for them to do so.

educate & illuminate. way too many sleepers still.



Is owned by banks and corporations. They are just pawns in the system like us!

Nice try, CIA


The problem is that reddit always appeals to the lowest common denominator. /r/conspiracy has to make sense to this plethora of noobs. I pay precious little attention really to the community and barely glance over the posts, just enough to keep up with the news. I've had what you call a second epiphany that the real work is all taking place 'behind the scenes' and you can't really talk about those topics with these hardcore materialists (which is the average user). It's good news really, you've just out grown the nest and you have to find a new community.

I highly recommend checking out redditor Greg Carlwood's podcast and subreddit /r/highersidechats. He's an inspiration and does a great job of bringing you back to a positive/spiritual angle.

I know I am teaching my son morals and letting him make mistakes so that he can learn from them. Also teach him real history.

We as 35 and up are fucked. Too late for us now. But our kids have a shot. Its with them that the change will happen so thats what I am doing

Why are we fucked exactly? I feel like I've barely started fighting.

What have you done in the way of "fighting"?

Ok, here's a suggestion or two.

Take psychedelic drugs and get insights and evangelise them and buy LSD from darknet markets. Buy bit coin and use it to support psychedelics producers and distributors.

Evangelise water purification systems, solar power, renewable energy.

Go and plant a bunch of trees or collect all the rubbish out of your local waterway.

Tell kids this world isn't what it seems. Tell them the truth, open their minds with your stories of intrigue (we've all here heard plenty). They will believe you they won't question and it will shape their reality.

Act abnormally in public, prove to people you don't have to conform. Fly your freak flag high and shout your compassion for society's oppressed. Feed the homeless. Flirt with the frail and elderly.

Gotta go but I could go on like this for hours.



We can't do much about it.

Personal Experience:

Here in my country I've been warning people, educating them but no one takes me seriously.

I remember the first thing I did. I tried to educate people about the "bi-currency law", that it was a secret plan to take away our national currency and force us to use US dollars. People laughed at me, said I was crazy. I was 11 years old at the time, it was hard to take me seriously but I read the law and knew what was going to happen.

Guess what? It happened. Inflation rose to 38%. People were mad 'cause they didn't want to use American currency.

I think, we, are being taken as mad crazy illogical people. Problem is that we read too much about everything. I knew the CAFTA with US was going to fuck us. People did not believe me, and said I was like a crazy conspiracy theorist. Guess what again? CAFTA fucked us. Our country is being sued by a miner company because we were not complying with CAFTA (Mining companies were banned because of rivers being contaminated with mercury)

Pot calling the kettle black?

There's nothing we can do by ourselves about it. If you want solutions, look to Jesus who David Icke claims and wishes he could be. God's the only one who can prepare us for what's coming and He's the only one able to get us through it. Our faith in Him is the ultimate solution.


Yes he did and it's recorded.

I'm only putting power in the hands it belongs in. Strength doesn't come from muscle, it comes from God. My power and duty are delegated by Him and it's the same for everyone.

Awesome post. I suggest first, we should create a group, and send invites to all, so then we can plan everything out without trolls/gov bustin our balls.

Except that's exactly what they would say.

/s..and seriously? is that possible?

What a world we inhabit.

Plenty of posts on bitcoins, we indeed could have more on sortition though.

People don't want to wake up to the facts. To over whelming!


I agree with your statement. My comment helps the mind know it needs to accept reality before you can move on.

Ae911. Donate.