Why do you shill? (serious)
28 2014-12-31 by Shillyourself
As the year comes to a close. I pose an honest question to anyone with the balls to answer it.
Use a throwaway, we don't care. Just tell us why you do it to your fellow human?
Edit: It should be understood that this post is not seeking proof. I know you exist. I just want to hear your side.
8 registereduser2 2014-12-31
I answer to Cheney, not you.
2 Thameus 2014-12-31
But how do you know it's Cheney?
7 thereisnosuchthing 2014-12-31
I'll tell you why, because it's a job, and people need money. They are employed by someone. It isn't for fun - and if someone is doing it by choice(like from /r/conspiratard or stormfront), it's because they are pushing their own bullshit beliefs to make themselves feel good about themselves and try to give their own life some meaning, this is expressed in the form of "shilling" on social media websites. Why don't you better define the word "shill", do you mean someone employed by a government or organization and assigned to posting stuff on the web and influencing public discourse? I'll tell you why:
They are doing a tedious job which basically amounts to marketing/fabricating 'organic support' and 'organic opinion trends' on social media websites for their bosses, who themselves are working for another layer of bosses, and so on and so forther until you reach the upper executive level, who themselves are taking orders/an agenda from someone else/an overarching organization of men who represent collective "corporate" interests and who want to make money an remain in power and untouchable/unmolested by the great hordes of the unwashed masses like you guys.
There's your answer, mystery solved, now maybe you guys can move on to some more interesting and productive topics like, I don't know, denying the holocaust or apologizing for Hitler or something. LOL /r/conspiracy. What happened to you?! Why do YOU GUYS do what YOU GUYS do? That's the real question here, what do you think you're going to accomplish by posting stuff like this? I'm giving you your answer, stop spamming this subreddit with the same topic multiple times in one day with your alt accounts.
4 VancouverSucks 2014-12-31
You had me until denying the holocaust. This sub is about truth, the holocaust obviously didn't occur like how we are told...
0 thereisnosuchthing 2014-12-31
next time a government or military kidnaps you and works you & your family to death, let me know about how relevant your exact method of execution was, or whether they killed 1,000,000 or 6,000,000 people.
it's not relevant, it's irrelevant, it has no productive effect on anything except associating conspiracy theorists with neonazis, it's net effect is supporting the establishment.
2 FormalPants 2014-12-31
Well, there's a big PR swing between "defeated Nazis killed 6 gorillion" and "allied air strikes unintentionally lead to POW deaths"
1 thereisnosuchthing 2014-12-31
what is it exactly that you think happened to the millions of non-combatants/innocent people who went missing everywhere the Nazis took power? you think all those people just disappeared, went completely underground, and never resurfaced in their family/social circle/professions because they were running away from scary rumors?
You're lying to yourself and it's pathetic, grow up - that, or you are here intentionally trying to associate /r/conspiracy with holocaust denial. You aren't even trying to handle anything in an intelligent or productive way, you are either being a shill or being pathetic.
1 FormalPants 2014-12-31
Whatever I am told, sir!
0 thereisnosuchthing 2014-12-31
Inability to answer simple questions, check
Refusal to engage in simple conversation surrounding topic at hand, check
Attempts to distract from the issue with overpersonalization/personal attacks in place of logic, check
Pushing something that discredits the entire subreddit while refusing to engage in rational discourse, check
Months old account, check
1 FormalPants 2014-12-31
Oh I guess I'm getting this list on all my posts now, neat.
0 VancouverSucks 2014-12-31
Except when you realize that the holocaust lie is the reason Israel exists, its kind of relevant don't you think? I'm not a neo Nazi, I just see how the elites are gaming the public. 400 000 is a lot different than the made up 6 million number. You can't prove that it happened, we have been brainwashed by the Zionist media.
1 thereisnosuchthing 2014-12-31
Except when you realize Israel would exist either way the same way every other nation-state does, because an ethnic group takes over a geographical region with force or political/financial influence, and can exercise authority over it, making it a sovereign state.
You are being pathetic and lying to yourself.
3 darkhelmet77 2014-12-31
Haha. Exactamundo. Just as employees and bosses work in layers, so the truth comes in layers. From the tooth fairy to Santa Clause to religion to financial derivatives -- once someone graduates from tooth fairy belief now they have to face the next uncertainty (will my dog go to heaven too??). Stability results since so few people 'graduate' to the level of questioning wealth inequality, shadow governments, nationalistic history, war, and other rackets.
This sub is a good example. Allegations that make it to the front page highlight weak evidence or are sometimes just outrageous. The article doesn't make it to the front page otherwise, since shills downvote it to 50%. So the answer is that layers (and shills) keep things stable and slow moving.
2 Paul_Rassinier198 2014-12-31
We are just digging deeper than you dare, not afraid of establishment approved taboos, and the critic from those incapable of questioning the official narrative. For years the conspiracy scene was preoccupied with 9/11 and other contemporary issues. Now we are witnessing a new phase where we explore and uncover more in-depth, historical facts spanning the last century, which let to our current situation. You yourself are obviously not able to accept this and fight this development by calling us shills (in previous threads).
“Those who control the present, control the past and those who control the past control the future.”
-1 thereisnosuchthing 2014-12-31
No, if you were 'digging deeper' you would realize that whether 1,000,000 people OR 6,000,000 were kidnapped by a state and it's military apparatus and then killed/worked to death/starved to death in holding/work camps or beaten to death by guards -- OR gassed with Zyklon B(the manner of death is totally irrelevant to the actual issue) - it's totally impermissible, inexcusable, and wrong, and not something you idiots should be supporting or apologizing for, because it just makes you a moron and discredits you and everyone you're associated with(because it's actually stupid, not because of "the zionists", jesus fucking christ on a stick).
Israel as a nation would still exist and do whatever the fuck it wants to without the 'myth of Zyklon B' or the holocaust to fall back on - just like every single other nationstate does - just like America would still exist and do whatever the fuck it wants without Pearl Harbor or any other past 'poor American tragedy'. Just like every single other ethnic grouping of people who have formed their own state and have their own military do whatever the fuck they want to anyone. Jesus Christ, HOW CAN YOU NOT THINK THIS SHIT THROUGH while saying you're "Digging deeper" ROFL.
So you are wasting your time and being a moron - that's who and what you are - and you most certainly are not 'digging deeper than I am', that's for fucking sure, you can't even think things through for yourself - you're all being like a bunch of angst-ridden teenagers trying to 'buck the system' in whatever unintelligent, meaningless, unproductive way you come across on the internet. GROW THE FUCK UP and try to actually do some good for once.
2 Sabremesh 2014-12-31
Nobody is saying otherwise, so what the fuck are you talking about? This is an egregious strawman and discredits everything you say. You are a nasty piece of work.
We are interested in getting to the truth, so yes of course it matters whether 6 million died or 1 million died. You are clearly not interested in the truth, your only concern seems to be to deter others from getting to it. Take your phoney self-righteous shilling somewhere else.
1 thereisnosuchthing 2014-12-31
I'm talking about you and all your friends are wasting your time discrediting the entire community of people who are "looking for the truth" by apologizing for hitler, and spending the energy/effort/time in your life on it, for no productive reason. Even if ANY of your holocaust "revision" theories were true and you could prove it to the whole world, it would have no meaningful impact on the world, change absolutely nothing, and help no one. All that you are doing is apologizing for and trying to exonerate a group of people who kidnapped and murdered millions in concentration camps. You are BEING 'a nasty piece of work' while feigning self-righteousness, while accusing me of that, so once again, you are the one doing what you accuse me of doing - you and your friends ARE the shills, because there is no way in hell anyone is actually as stupid as you're pretending to be. Israel would still exist, still do anything it wants, just like every other nation state and ethnic group with a military or access to guns does.
All it does is help "the shills". Either you ARE one and your purpose here is to discredit a 'conspiracy' subreddit on a social media giant by connecting it with holocaust denial(you and all of your day, week, and month old alt accounts and the mods you got to stick the holocaust denial post), or you don't realize it because you hide from reality underneath the veil of your own ego/feelings good about yourself through things, but YOU and your friends are the nasty pieces of work, and you're doing no good for the world or for anyone - other than the establishment, because you and your nazi apologist stormfront buddies are certainly helping the establishment discredit and make a joke out of anyone who questions the official social narrative - simply by pointing to you - by the fruits of a tree you will know it - these are your fruits, 'dig deeper' into the reality of the things you spend your energy on and connect yourself to.
2 Sabremesh 2014-12-31
You are a Zionist propagandist and a pathological liar. I don't know if you are JIDF or if anyone is paying you to peddle Hasbara lies, but it is clear you are trying to stop people discussing the truth.
The search for the truth is a valid endeavour, wherever it leads, and it takes a particular type of psychopath to stop others from reaching the truth.
1 thereisnosuchthing 2014-12-31
See how you made a bunch of accusations there but refuse to engage in rational discourse and fail to respond to any points made? That's what "shills" actually do - and you are one, you must be one of the first on this website with a 7 year old account pushing holocaust denial in connection to the conspiracy subreddit here.
You don't respond to points made because you're incapable of it, because you are here to be a shill, not 'seek the truth' of anything or 'dig deeper' in anything(except propping up the establishment and discrediting the entire 'alternative worldview' community on a social media website). Good job on doing your job.
2 Sabremesh 2014-12-31
To accuse me of holocaust "denialism" is just delusional. Then to suggest that my account is not "genuine" is nothing short of absurd.
Why don't read my comment history, you witless cretin, and find an example of me "denying the holocaust"?
1 thereisnosuchthing 2014-12-31
LOL, you are right here in this thread advocating for holocaust denial"ism", you witless cretin. LOL.
1 Sabremesh 2014-12-31
Citation please.
1 MutantMarcus 2014-12-31
lol, YOu are asking for citation.??? HAHAHAHAHAHA can you answer my initial questions that you ignored? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
2 Sabremesh 2014-12-31
What question would that be, 1 day troll account?
1 MutantMarcus 2014-12-31
I do appologize, i read the comments wrong. I do appologize to Sabremesh. I read it as that mororn thereisnosuchthing as asking for a citation. So sorry, Sabremesh. So directed at therisnosuchthing, can you answer my original questions, and please give citations. And not some irrelevant link to an older thread. Actual citations to back up the vomit flowing from your face bum. And YES, I did just start an account after many years of lurking, just because of that singular moron, and i was bored for a few days.
2 Sabremesh 2014-12-31
Well I think we both agree that /u/thereisnosuchthing is an obnoxious piece of work! Anyone who argues that establishing a historically accurate number for those killed in Auschwitz is "a waste of time" because it is "irrelevant" either has a screw loose or is a zionist disinfo agent.
1 MutantMarcus 2014-12-31
YUP Completely agree, I love how they call us "conspiracy theorists" when they cannot produce any proof for their fantasies.
1 thereisnosuchthing 2014-12-31
You are a shill, so is your 3 day old alt account who just replied to me 3 times in 5 minutes.
0 thereisnosuchthing 2014-12-31
1 [deleted] 2014-12-31
1 thereisnosuchthing 2014-12-31
What? You're a fucking idiot.
1 MutantMarcus 2014-12-31
Can you give a real citation please, one that backs up all your rather crazy accusations. I personally would love to see an actual gas chamber and also learn who these "hitler apologists" and "deniers" actually are. Also can you link me to how many different people actually died in WW2 and all the different breakdowns?
1 somebodypurple 2014-12-31
who the fuck cares dude, this shit is for entertainment. nobody in here honestly believes they're gonna usurp the illuminati throne by posting links to godlikeproductions threads. people come here for different reasons, but it always amounts to one thing: food for thought. same as literally every other subreddit. if /r/conspiracy is a waste of time then so is reddit in general. when you grow up, you'll realize there is no such thing as a "waste" of time. if you're capable of living in the present and enjoying your life no matter what your life looks like, then you'll see that all there is is expenditure of time. it makes no difference whether i spend 30 minutes surfing reddit or 30 minutes sucking big black dick. at the end of that 30 minutes, the present 30 minutes ago will be the past, and the present moment now will be again, all that matters. why do you give a shit what anyone else does? why do you even care what you do? you're gonna sit on your ass staring at a computer all day just like the rest of us, and then you're gonna die and rot into the ground and get eaten by bacteria and worms, just like the rest of us. if someone is curious about how trolls can live with themselves, fine with me... it's not any different from your indignant curiosity about why they care enough to ask...
-1 thereisnosuchthing 2014-12-31
Thanks for your insight, 3 month old alt account, when YOU grow up you'll realize that anything that does not have a productive benefit for self or others is a waste of time. Apologizing for the nazis is one of those things.
thanks for the giant run-on sentence, I didn't read any more than a line or two, because it would have no productive benefit for myself or anyone else. If that's what you want the truth of your life to be, then good luck with that, 3 month old shill alt account.
1 somebodypurple 2014-12-31
not an alt account, this is my 4th account. i've been shadow banned 3 times for using this subreddit. ask the mods to check my IP if you want :P
also i just realized that i said "there is no such thing as a waste of time" and that happens to be your username hahaha.
anyway first off you can just throw insults at me but it's not gonna go anywhere. i'm not gonna stand around on the internet bragging about my age or my credentials, at least not when it's irrelevant to the topic at hand.
you said that anything that doesn't have a productive benefit for self or others is a waste of time. you're completely missing the point, bud. everything has a productive benefit for self or others. we don't do anything unless it a) feels good to us now, b) helps us avoid feeling bad now, c) will help us feel good later, d) will help us avoid feeling bad later, or e) helps someone else. if you break it down you will see that literally everything we do is productive in some sense. even having a violent, neurotic argument like this is productive in some way. it's doing something for us, after all.
so you can't waste time. anything you do is inherently just as good as anything else you could have done. it's pointless to argue about this because it's just a matter of how far down the road, or down the hole, you can see. if you can't see beyond the mundane definition of productivity then you're not going to be able to get it. but you're still not wasting your time trying to argue about it, because it obviously feels good in your brain to some extent, in some way.
what do nazis have to do with this? apologizing for nazis? when did i apologize for nazis? to whom? i don't know or care about nazis.
it wasn't a run-on sentence. actually, my grammar was impeccable, apart from pronunciation. it's a habit. i like it that way :)
it's funny that you're calling me a shill after spewing vitriol on people for asking about shills and mocking this subreddit. i'm not gonna go into detail, but damn dude, you are one hardcore hypocrite...
i'll be honest, i don't doubt that there's a lot of vote fixing and clandestine admin manipulation, (shadow-banning, deletion, etc.) but i really don't think shills are as common as people here think they are. it's just become a "comeback" for people who are failing to provide evidence or rationalization for their conspiracy theories. when you challenge someone on his bullshit, instead of debating and convincing you, he just calls you a shill and says he won't waste his time on you. just a way of pretending to be "above" the argument, when in fact you don't even have an argument. calling someone a shill is basically an idiot's last defense. there may be a few shills on this subreddit, but they don't really seem to be accomplishing much. i often will read people's previous comments, right... UserA will call UserB a shill, so i will go and look at all of UserA's previous comments. and i'll see that someone else called UserA a shill himself. either everybody on this subreddit is, in fact, a shill... and this is one gigantic clusterfuck of people who think they're making a difference... or nobody on this sub is a shill, and everybody is using it as a bullshit cop-out. people who call other shills get called shills themselves, and vice versa, and vice versa, and vice versa. it's starting to get pretty fucking stupid.
i've been on this subreddit for a damn long time and it wasn't always like this. to think that a corporation would pay me a salary just to go on reddit and ask people to provide evidence for their conspiracy theories? it's ridiculous. your standard, or threshold, for shilliness should be a little higher. there is legitimate manipulation going on though, no doubt. there are vote brigades, whether by users, bots, or admins... and there is a LOT of shadow banning, particularly on this sub. i have been shadow banned literally three times, all after posting sensitive stuff on here. it's a real bitch too because i waste my time thinking people can see my posts, and then a mod PMs me to let me know an admin got me and he doesn't know why. it's like the fuckin x-files, maaaannnn... anyhow there are quite a few others who've had the same experience on here. you clearly don't post too much truth, since you're 23k comment karma and still not banned, with hardly any link karma, so i don't expect you to understand. but in my experience, the real shills are the admins who make you disappear when you post something that conde nast has been paid to suppress.
0 thereisnosuchthing 2014-12-31
LOL. You really are a little moral relativist aren't you. Perfectly pointless worldview for someone spending their time denying the holocaust on reddit.com. LOL. I can't even laugh at this stuff enough.
1 somebodypurple 2014-12-31
denying the holocaust? dude, for the last time, i didn't even mention the holocaust in literally any of my comments. i don't have any idea what you're talking about. i just started arguing with you because you were typing in caps and sounding generally like a tool. i don't care or know anything about holocaust denial. i wasn't there, but my fiance's dead grandmother sure was, so i can't deny it even if i wanted to.
in summary: i never denied the holocaust, i'm not arguing about the holocaust, i just think you're an immature, pseudo-intelligent, wannabe-nietzsche douche nozzle
-1 thereisnosuchthing 2014-12-31
it's . what . this . comments . thread . is . about
2 MutantMarcus 2014-12-31
1 Canadian_POG 2014-12-31
Then perhaps the question should be rephrased to ask, "Do you not see the inherent problems in aiding such an organization that is seemingly easy to topple?"
Would it not behoove these "organizations" to take a diplomatic approach, rather than such a deceptive one?
3 thereisnosuchthing 2014-12-31
no, because people in general need to be deceived because they can't handle the truth intelligently, this subreddit is a shining(or not, maybe that's not the right word because light implies intelligence or brightness) example of that.
the thing is, this is all a natural portion of the evolution of life on planet earth, it's just one more iteration of life organizing itself into complex co-operative "corporations"/collectives all formed/comprised of individual units working together for the benefit of the whole - it's a part of life and evolution of life, eventually it will become 'complex collectives forming larger ones out of themselves' and all of the corporations/various state entities will realize working together for one common purpose/the collective good is of the most benefit - every individual / cellular unit inside the collective realizes it individually as time progresses, and it just happens on it's own.
The way things are going right now is just a natural part of 'time' and evolution on Earth, eventually it will lead to a global 'complex' / collective of individuals working towards their mutual benefit and becoming a more complex organism. This is how all life has ALREADY developed and it's how it is continuing to develop, by coming together/working together for mutual benefit, fighting for resources, and eventually resolving into a collective unit serving the interests of all individuals within the collective(like a human body with all it's various cellular groups and 'collectives' which forms itself into one working organism which creates new / higher experiences of life for the cells).
You guys need to work on your "deeper thinking" and "looking under the surface, past the appearances" skills.
4 Ambiguously_Ironic 2014-12-31
Mr. Bernays? Is that you? I thought you were dead.
It's a good thing we have genius minds such as yours to guide us in the proper direction lest we all degenerate into the mindless savages we so obviously (and so naturally) are.
3 Canadian_POG 2014-12-31
That's not a very nice thing to say about us, but I'll let it slide.
To say people can't handle "the truth" at all, let alone intelligently, would imply that there is a truth that is being concealed with this deception, and that people in general do not have a right to know about it but those who do know have every right to suppress it.
That would just be straight fucked up.
Edit; Re Your edit is reasonable, but be careful not to paint with broad strokes friend.
1 FormalPants 2014-12-31
Some rich irony there, perhaps.
1 thereisnosuchthing 2014-12-31
sure is, but not in the way you mean it.
1 FormalPants 2014-12-31
But then it's not really ironic, is it?
1 [deleted] 2014-12-31
1 FormalPants 2014-12-31
You didn't really ask me any questions or try to engage me in conversation.
What personal attacks are you referring to?
What was I pushing? Irony?
Sorry I didn't make my account sooner?
...aren't you actually doing all those things?
We'll see how you do in response.
Well, without a topic (unless were still on irony) I think were both guilty.
Basically the whole post I'm responding to.
Basically the whole post I originally responded to.
Well, I haven't and won't check your account age so I guess it's a mystery.
-1 Sabremesh 2014-12-31
Chapter 1 of the instruction manual, am I right? Your shill status is confirmed, thanks for coming forward.
7 thereisnosuchthing 2014-12-31
ok bro, it's not like the people being nazi apologists/holocaust deniers are the ones discrediting your whole subreddit and community and the "conspiracy" topic & subject matter as a whole by associating those things together, right? You do realize there was just an AMA stickied here for days from a random holocaust denier, right? It's me "being a shill" for point that out. LOL. Thanks for confirming for everyone that you can't think straight.
2 Sabremesh 2014-12-31
Historical revisionism is not the same as denial, and it's people like you pretending they are the same thing who are destroying the credibility of this subreddit. But since that is clearly your INTENTION, you won't be offended by my saying so, will you?
Edit: Here's a little conundrum for you. This image shows the official plaque commemorating the dead at the museum on the site of the Auschwitz-Birkenau camp. The first plaque was removed in 1990 and replaced with the second plaque. Notice anything...different? Denialism, I suppose, in your myopic worldview?
1 Irradiance 2014-12-31
maybe they should have added some punctuation to make "ABOUT ONE AND A HALF MILLION" into:
0 suspiciouswhentailed 2014-12-31
they aren't discrediting anything, its the gigantic war and post-war and zionist propaganda associated with the false version of those narratives. of course ignorants who have never spent more than 2hrs to watch schindlers list (a fictional drama) on educating themselves on the subject get offended. they've had pro-zionist propaganda rammed down their throats for 60years, in most cases from birth. that is a lot of conditioning and it takes a lot to overcome it to find the truth but it can be done if you have the interest and time.
2 thereisnosuchthing 2014-12-31
yes, they are discrediting all conspiracy related information, and they are having no effect except supporting the establishment.
6 gaseouspartdeux 2014-12-31
I don't think any shill has the testicular fortitude to answer your op.
3 jayme0227 2014-12-31
I don't think shills exist on nearly the level OP thinks they do. A lot of us who are called shills just disagree with the mindset of conspiracy theories in general. The "official story" is always rejected.. Well, almost always. If the official story of another government makes the US look bad then it's definitely true. Any evidence that supports the primary narrative is discounted and thrown away as "evidence of how deep the conspiracy goes." This is problematic to me, and a lot of other people. And for the same reason posters here try to push the conspiracies that they do, I fight back. I want the world to know the truth.. that sometimes bad (or mentally unstable, or both) people do bad things and it's not always the US government trying to manipulate the world (VERY VERY POORLY IN NEARLY ALL ALLEGED CASES).
But I don't even know why I try. Most of you are already too far gone. There's no way to logic yourself out of a conspiratorial mindset: Once you start discounting all opposing evidence, you have your theory and nothing else. There's too much invested in that theory and the identity as someone who knows "the real truth" that you can't change.
-1 Shillyourself 2014-12-31
The great thing about being a shill is that you can always play the victim.
The thing you fail to rationalize is that the "normal" person disagrees with the mindset of conspiracy as well...they just don't spend hours a day debating them online.
0 billdietrich1 2014-12-31
Most people just have their heads down, focusing on work and family and daily living. Some people (such as retirees, including me) have the luxury of lots of time and some money, and can use the time to debate people on important issues. I think conspiracy theories are a poison in our society, equivalent to another religion, with the same attitudes. "You're either with us or against us, we don't have to listen to any facts or people that disagree with us, we know the one truth, the ends justify the means, etc" Conspiracy theories harm us by preventing us from learning the proper lessons from events. Like religion, CT's contribute to the polarization and gridlock and denial we see in society today.
-1 Shillyourself 2014-12-31
With all due respect...that's just ignorant.
The evidence of conspiracy is very real. Your choice to characterize disseminating real knowledge of events as "religious" is pathetically naive to say the least.
0 billdietrich1 2014-12-31
I have yet to see an iota of new, solid evidence provided by a conspiracy theorist on 9/11, for example. It's all just speculation, "questions", innuendo. And it's malicious and harmful.
6 ProfitsOfProphets 2014-12-31
I would also add, Where does one sign up to be a shill?
4 assaids69 2014-12-31
Seriously, if any one of you is a paid shill and has info on employment opportunities send me a PM. I'd love to be paid to hang around the conspiracy subreddit and
deceiveteach people that the world isn't run by Jewish Space Lizards who faked the Holocaust.0 Irradiance 2014-12-31
Really? That sounds like the most depressing waste of time.
-3 ridestraight 2014-12-31
Lonely hearts club ban?
errmm plz & fuck you very much? lol
Happy New Year!
Dream Great Dreams, Dream Well!
5 KnightBeforeTomorrow 2014-12-31
You can sign up to become a shill apparently at McDill AFB in Florida. among other military locations.
We are obviously the enemy they are fighting.
Air Force pdf http://www.scribd.com/doc/51066167/Online-Persona-Management
U.S. Military Launches Spy Operation Using Fake Online Identities http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/03/17/online-persona-management_n_837153.html
JTRIG online persona's How Washington and its Allies Use Social Media to Topple Governments & Manipulate Public Opinion
Revealed: Pentagon spent millions studying how to influence social media
Air Force Releases ‘Counter-Blog’ Marching Orders http://www.wired.com/2009/01/usaf-blog-respo/
Persona management, Operation Ntrepid Operation Earnest Voice http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ntrepid
Glenn Greenwald: How Covert Agents Infiltrate the Internet to Manipulate, Deceive, and Destroy Reputations
Glenn Greewld: Hacking Online Polls and Other Ways British Spies Seek to Control the Internet
GCHQ’s “Chinese menu” of tools spreads disinformation across Internet- “Effects capabilities” allow analysts to twist truth subtly or spam relentlessly.
The Guardian: Internet Astroturfing
BBC News: US plans to 'fight the net' revealed
BBC News: Pentagon plans propaganda war
Buzzfeed: Documents Show How Russia’s Troll Army Hit America
CENTCOM engages bloggers
WIRED: Air Force Releases ‘Counter-Blog’ Marching Orders
Military Report: Secretly ‘Recruit or Hire Bloggers’
The Guardian: Israel organizes volunteers to flood the net with Israeli propaganda
The Guardian: Israel ups the stakes in the propaganda war
Israel To Pay Students For Pro-Israeli Social Media Propaganda
BBC News: China's Internet spin doctors
Air Force ordered software to manage army of fake virtual people
HBGary: Automated social media management
NPR: Report: U.S. Creates Fake Online Identities To Counter 'Enemy Propaganda'
The Guardian: US spy operation to manipulate social media
The Guardian: The need to protect the internet from 'astroturfing' grows ever more urgent
Exposing Cyber Shills and Social Media's Underworld
[Turkey's Government Forms 6,000-Member Social Media Team http://online.wsj.com/news/articles/SB10001424127887323527004579079151479634742?mg=reno64-wsj&url=http%3A%2F%2Fonline.wsj.com%2Farticle%2FSB10001424127887323527004579079151479634742.html)
3 hippylarvae 2014-12-31
I too would like a no-bullshit answer to this. Just spill it. Is it monetary? Ideological? None of the above? What.
-1 KnightBeforeTomorrow 2014-12-31
It's mostly a military strategy against us. See my other comment in this thread.
3 Ambiguously_Ironic 2014-12-31
There was an AMA on here a year or more ago from a guy named /u/ignoretheshill who claimed to be a government shill and actually seemed legit to me.
His account was like 3 weeks old with comment karma in the hundreds of negatives and he said he'd made the account to speak the absolute truth on reddit after quitting his job to see how people responded. I don't know if it's still on here, I think I remember him deleting his comments. Could've been trolling but something about it had the ring of truth.
If he was telling the truth though, they're often paid very well (I think he claimed to make over $200k a year) and are able to travel the world relatively freely, among a few other things.
1 [deleted] 2014-12-31
Shit, I'd shill for that kind of cash.
2 Ambiguously_Ironic 2014-12-31
I found a link to it if you're interested. That sub /r/conspiro apparently compiles everything posted here so that nothing can ever be totally deleted (kinda creepy actually).
But anyway, if you're curious: http://www.np.reddit.com/r/conspiro/comments/1tk26i/full_disclosure_yes_i_am_a_paid_shill_amaa/
1 SquareHimself 2014-12-31
Can you honestly not envision possible motivations and coercive forces that lead to such behavior?
There are documented cases of monetary exchange for positive testimony. This is probably the most frequent scenario by a gaping margin.
1 AlwaysTurning 2014-12-31
I think he means what allows em to overcome the guilt... Which i would like to know. Its hard to go against my beliefs or do something that i know is wrong.
0 registereduser2 2014-12-31
Hell they are advertising that shit on tv now.
1 billdietrich1 2014-12-31
I think most conspiracy theories are malicious, harmful speculation based on no evidence.
But I am not a "shill" (paid to say things) or a "troll" (just saying things I don't believe, to make people angry). I am sincere, not paid (just an ordinary retired computer programmer), I just think most of the statements, facts and logic presented by conspiracy theorists are wrong. And I say so.
If you want to try to figure out "who I am", whether I am a "shill" or not, you could look at my web site http://www.billdietrich.me/ But probably nothing would convince you. How could I prove I'm not a shill or a troll, I just disagree with you ?
1 Drbarke 2014-12-31
Do your research. The evidence for many "conspiracies" is overwhelming. Furthermore, many things once believed to be a conspiracy are now accepted as the truth. None of this is harmful speculation. If one suspects foul play then it is their duty dig for the truth and in my opinion it is a noble cause.
-3 billdietrich1 2014-12-31
I have had many conversations with conspiracy theorists, read many of their articles, their sources. By and large, it's crap.
There is a difference between "conspiracy" and "conspiracy theory". Everyone always said the govt was spying on us; now knowing the details of NSA activities is not some vindication that conspiracy theorists were right all along.
Conspiracy theorists don't "dig" for anything; they never do any real, constructive work, never finance any tests or investigations. They just throw innuendo and make up facts.
2 Drbarke 2014-12-31
Project MKUltra, Operation Northwoods, CIA and Contras cocaine trafficking in the US etc. are direct contradictions to your statements. These are just a few of many examples that I can rattle off. People were ridiculed for speaking out about these so called conspiracies. I in no way understand your statement about the govt spying on us. People were ridiculed and called nutters for how elaborate the spying actually was and they were vindicated. The degree of spying is completely insane.
Edit: Furthermore, how can you say by and large its all crap until it's either proven or disproven? The examples I gave above were proven to be facts so how is that "crap"?
1 billdietrich1 2014-12-31
In what way was Iran/Contra a "conspiracy theory" ? Govt officials leaked, reporters investigated, and we started hearing the stories and the evidence. It was not something dreamed up by a conspiracy theorist and later shown to be true.
With the others: we've always known the govt does secret and questionable things domestically as well as internationally. Going back at least to Hoover and anti-anarchist stuff in the 1920's, I think. The details didn't come out until later. Is that a "win" for conspiracy theorists ? Was it some allegation they originated ? No.
I say "by and large its all crap" because after several years of a lot of conversation with CT's and reading their articles and sources, their stuff usually has ended up being outright false (some of it laughably easy to show as a lie), or total speculation with no evidence, or violations of common sense (thousands of mutually hostile people keeping a big secret for decades), or innuendo and speculation that can't be refuted easily but has only the thinnest evidence and logic to it (and usually fails Ockham's Razor).
1 Drbarke 2014-12-31
So it's only a conspiracy if you deem it to be one. Got it. I suppose if/when the 9/11 official story is finally acknowledged as complete bullshit in 20 years when no one cares anymore you will apply the same logic, "well there were countless pieces of evidence, documents were withheld from the public and experts came forward and admitted the whole thing was horseshit so it wasn't really a conspiracy....the conspiracy theorist didn't just come up with it on their own," what the fuck.
1 billdietrich1 2014-12-31
There's a difference between "conspiracy" and "conspiracy theory".
If, 20 years from now, evidence comes out about 9/11 showing some conspiracy, all or almost all of the conspiracy theories about 9/11 will be proven to be wrong. If some theorists guessed the right conspiracy, then that one theory is proved to be right. That would be a win for the segment of conspiracy theorists who were pushing that particular theory.
0 Drbarke 2014-12-31
Yes I'm aware there is a difference. Among all the theories that have cropped up in regards to what happened on 9/11 or the Kennedy assasination for example, I think it's safe to say that the overreaching theory is the official stories are completely ridiculous. All conspiracy theroist would agree on this fact and after all that is why they dig for information and try and develop theories as to what actually happened. When the time comes that these atrocities are exposed for what they are all conspiracy theorist involved researching these particular events will be vindicated. They doubted the official story and were correct. Bits and pieces from all the different theories may fall into place to form the ultimate picture of what actually happened. To say by and large it's all crap is absurd.
1 billdietrich1 2014-12-31
So if someone says "the official story is wrong, it was aliens from planet Zeta, I have talked to them, I have pictures of the aliens, they did it to start war on Earth so they can take over", and then some day the real story turns out to be "the official story was wrong, it was the Libyans, not Al Qaeda", that's a vindication for the conspiracy-theory guy ?
-1 womans_unclean_loins 2014-12-31
yeah, but you patriotically parrot the 9/11 propaganda, so what worth are you? I already can find out what you are thinking just by looking at what the media is telling you people to think.
Let me guess, you patriotically parroted that MH17 was shot down by the dirty ruskies, as instructed to, and then after the media executed its "shut up" order, when the Russians released their surveillance - brave US to scared to do that - you dutifully shut up and have never thought another thing about it.
That's why you are a shill; that's why you think that:
because the thinking 10% make you look - and feel - like an idiot.
-2 billdietrich1 2014-12-31
"Parroting propaganda" is not the definition of a "shill"; getting PAID to do that is the definition of a shill.
The official accounts of 9/11 and MH17 seem reasonable and logical to me, and those who promote alternate accounts have no good evidence and often either lie or say things that violate common sense. Give me some solid, hard evidence on 9/11 or MH17 and I'll change my opinion.
0 Starg8te 2014-12-31
I have no idea what shill is.
1 musicaddscolor 2014-12-31
Idk if srs or not but a shill is just someone who spreads false info, propaganda and derails convos online to mask ppls facts and gererally try to cause harm and trouble using shady tactics, I also always wondered why this happens and how someone makes that decision
3 ridestraight 2014-12-31
Could you do an old timer a favor and write out your base premise on this as a New Year Treatise?
Happy New Year, in advance and please intend to improve on my old lame sodden ass!
Dream! Dream well!
Never Forget A.S.!
2 musicaddscolor 2014-12-31
you too, What do you mean though? are you asking why I think they become shills? Cuz im clueless and would like to know aswell. Not gonna lie not rly sure what youre asking of me right now. Whats A.S.?
2 Ambiguously_Ironic 2014-12-31
Pretty sure he's referring to Aaron Swartz. And he's right, he should never be forgotten.
1 billdietrich1 2014-12-31
I think that's closer to the definition of a "troll". A "shill" is someone who's paid to say/do things, someone who's profiting from the scam.
1 musicaddscolor 2014-12-31
Cant disagree but a shill is a troll still, just on more srs lvl
0 billdietrich1 2014-12-31
Well, a troll is trying to produce a reaction, trying to anger people, I think. A shill is trying to do something else, push propaganda or push back against an argument or something. And a shill may well believe what he/she is saying is true; a troll doesn't. IMO.
-1 [deleted] 2014-12-31
2 LordPubes 2014-12-31
So why do you do it?
2 musicaddscolor 2014-12-31
Id say a large num is here for sure but good folks looking for Info aswell
-4 Shillyourself 2014-12-31
You haven't been around for very long then.
1 ridestraight 2014-12-31
Happy Cake Day! Whats your favorite truth?
Edit: a letter.
Happy New Year!
0 Canadian_POG 2014-12-31
You would think diplomacy would be a shills wisest strategy at this point too.
Sadly, I've never seen that word in a shills vocabulary. :(
0 ridestraight 2014-12-31
0 Yserbius 2014-12-31
I've been accused of being a shill for almost as long as I've been on reddit. Whilst I'm unclear as to the meaning of the verb "shill" in this context, I can answer why I comment about what I comment about.
I know more than you.
Ok, that came out to strong and self-centered. I know a lot about a very small and select series of topics and I know more about them than the average /r/conspiracy member. I also get aggravated when people make statements based on little to no evidence. I have a compulsion to prove people wrong on the Internet.
1 DoNotShootTheDeer 2014-12-31
It's /r/conspiracy that we're talking about here. Unless you follow the hivemind of loomernarty confirmed you're a shill. SHILL SHILL SHILL!!!
-1 Irradiance 2014-12-31
I can understand certain types of "shill"; i.e., someone defending their religion and nationality (e.g., JIDF) or any sort of obvious monetary/corporate motivation, like going around saying that Apple sux and Samsung rules.
What I don't get is, for example, someone who runs a bot that just downvotes posts in this sub indiscriminately, as if their motivation is to "suppress all alternative news sources" but just putting a kind of damper on all discussion here. Maybe that's just JIDF types who have heard that /r/conspiracy is "anti semitic" and therefore everyone who posts here is guilty by association and deserves downvotes or whatever.
Because, it just doesn't make sense to indiscriminately downvote if you have any specific agenda beyond a petty, undirected wish for revenge.
1 billdietrich1 2014-12-31
"Someone defending their religion and nationality" is not a "shill". A "shill" is someone who's paid to say/do things, someone who's profiting from a scam.
-1 gustoreddit51 2014-12-31
Are you seriously expecting honest answers?
Or it his the /r/conspiracy version of r/conspiratard's "Why are there tards?" type post
1 Shillyourself 2014-12-31
I guess you must have missed the (serious) tag?
0 gustoreddit51 2014-12-31
No, I didn't.
-2 ConspiracyModHelper 2014-12-31
Although my contract isn't up yet (so I can't disclose my employer), it's mostly just because it's a job. Luckily, my job isn't about deception, but what I legitimately (and many others here) see as the truth. It's just part of my job to push the views of my employer.
-2 Armenian-Jensen 2014-12-31
My employers pay me $20/h to post anti-conspiracy stuff on the internet. You're telling me you wouldnt go for that?
2 AlwaysTurning 2014-12-31
Nope... Continuing this bullshit isnt worth 50 an hour.... You can get a different job.
1 Armenian-Jensen 2014-12-31
In this economy?.. pfff wake up.
They're talking about bumping me up to $40/h if i learn russian and start to post on pro-russian forums
1 AlwaysTurning 2014-12-31
Selling you're soul for a pittance of what is normally required. If you're that good at lying get into sales.
1 FormalPants 2014-12-31
But there is something nice about being able to rent your soul by the hour.
1 AlwaysTurning 2014-12-31
Making the world a better place one hope at a time.
-4 [deleted] 2014-12-31
0 curious-soul 2014-12-31
-6 [deleted] 2014-12-31
1 DoNotShootTheDeer 2014-12-31
-1 thereisnosuchthing 2014-12-31
Thanks for your insight, 3 month old alt account, when YOU grow up you'll realize that anything that does not have a productive benefit for self or others is a waste of time. Apologizing for the nazis is one of those things.
thanks for the giant run-on sentence, I didn't read any more than a line or two, because it would have no productive benefit for myself or anyone else. If that's what you want the truth of your life to be, then good luck with that, 3 month old shill alt account.
2 thereisnosuchthing 2014-12-31
yes, they are discrediting all conspiracy related information, and they are having no effect except supporting the establishment.
3 ridestraight 2014-12-31
Could you do an old timer a favor and write out your base premise on this as a New Year Treatise?
Happy New Year, in advance and please intend to improve on my old lame sodden ass!
Dream! Dream well!
Never Forget A.S.!
1 billdietrich1 2014-12-31
I think that's closer to the definition of a "troll". A "shill" is someone who's paid to say/do things, someone who's profiting from the scam.