A Legitimate question for those (like myself) who believe that the world is undergoing a waking up, a realization that things are not what they seem.

13  2014-12-31 by [deleted]

Ok, if we assume for the moment that the "world is waking up" and "things are changing" scenario is correct, my question is the following; even if the cabal or the real powers-that-be are taken down/out, I fear that those who are comfortable, who earn a really good wage and are basically happy with the system, will just pull us back to what they believe is the status quo. I cannot picture a scenario in which the world would be able to begin to change as there will always be too many people who want to keep it as it is, through ignorance or greed. Do you believe that we have any hope of things changing, and if so, how?


I feel like your logic is sound, but you aren't realizing a way to get those who are doing alright to join in. You have to make them want to do it. Just like their telescreens have told them they need to have the latest golf ball, blender, or SUV. But we don't have mass-media and beautifully created propaganda, we have but each other.

So what we have to do is show them that a supportive, cooperative society not based on debt and the finer things is a much more peaceful way to be, with better food, less stress and more time to slow down and really think about things. You can't think that way if you're still a hamster spinning on that wheel, because they're too busy making sure they don't fall ass over tea kettle.

Once they see that, they'll be on your side in a second. Because it's like being a kid again, only you're a fucking adult. Because you're learning new skills to produce things that your community wants, while being artistic and expressive. Be it beer, bread, soap, pottery, knitted blankets/hats, whatever, there's a sense of pride where your social network would rather pay you for your goods instead of goods made in South East Asia Sweatshops and then marketed to bored, upper-middle class housewives who are either watching far too much television or far too much facebook.

Because there's a better way - and I think it starts this year.

Happy Fucking New Year, Everybody.

Same to you Jim. 2015 is when we make it happen ourselves. At the end of a crazy year of propaganda and disclosure the biggest thing i've learned is we need to make it happen ourselves (and we are!) People like you and many others are proof).

I've always believed good leaders lead by example. The seeds are baring their fruit everywhere I look. I get these adventurous little feelings I haven't experienced since I was a kid. 2015 is going to be an exciting year. I can feel it.

You fucking rock, BBB.

Thanks for taking the time to answer James. Happy whatever comes!

"... the process of transformation, even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event... "

I fear you may be right, but I hope you aren't.


You could well be right. Hope not though....

the neocons are getting awfully arrogant and antagonizing EVERY country on earth..

Don't let fear control you.

im not worried, if there is war it is going to be over VERY quickly. nukes can vaporize entire cities pretty quick..i wont even feel it!

The neo-cons are antagonizing every population on earth because they want us in conflict, remember, when the left hand is waving, what's the right hand taking.

So far, two bills in congress since december to bail-out the banks in case of the need, one of the methods derived at the g20, confiscation of all deposits.

The awakening is being carefully guided to a chosen outcome. The real battle is a spiritual one and most people are unable to discern the sides in play. What we see are good intentions versus the reality of God and His will.

This moral relativism so pervasive today is a dangerous thing. Look at what the enforcement of man's standard has become... People are committing sin because, under the law of man, they can get away with it and believe they have no accountability to God. This kind of thinking is being touted as freedom from religion and enlightenment, darkness masquerading as light. Taking from the rich to give to the poor is still theft. Killing a man for his actions, however sinister, is still murder.

Ultimately, God's people will be and are rejected for obeying and preaching God's will and authority - just as Jesus, our God Himself, was killed for man's will and not His own. Righteousness cannot be tolerated in a Godless system. It's the overthrow of God's authority here on Earth and they will succeed with cheers and celebration for a brief moment before God puts an end to it.

TL;DR, it's a trap!

I find it amazing that people are actually brave enough to discount the idea that they might be being held to some sort of metaphysical accountability.

I don't ascribe to any particular religion or defined moral code, but it would be very difficult or impossible to assuage my fear that acting in a way that I know is immoral isn't going to invoke the wrath of some deity, lead to an unfavorable reincarnation, or at least render my present reality into a 'hell on earth' of perpetual guilt.

I find it amazing that people can be sufficiently convinced that their actions in this life will find no consequence that they'd bet their eternity on it.

So God floats your boat, but most of us here have already landed. "Righteousness cannot be tolerated in a Godless system." ...so we have no inherent empathy? There is a Rage Against the Machine song called Killing In the Name Of _____. One of God's lessons is not to idolize, and that it should not be named. So why the arguments based on "God wants this and that?"

Oh, and there I go again, representing "darkness masquerading as light."

so we have no inherent empathy?

Without a standard outside of ourselves there's nothing to say you're any more right than I am. The criteria becomes what you can get away with rather than what's right and wrong, because right and wrong is just a chemical reaction that may vary between us.



This subreddit is a thinking ground. Above all else, we respect everyone's opinions and ALL religions. We hope to challenge issues which have captured the public’s imagination, from JFK to 9/11. This is a forum for free thinking, not hate speech. Respect other views and opinions, and keep an open mind.

From the sidebar. My interpretation is valid and belongs here just as much as anyone else's.


The fact that you believe my interpretation is one of superstition, fear, and control shows just how much they've guided your 'awakening.' Jesus is not a God of superstition, fear, or control. That's the point. Faith in Him is freedom and they don't want you to understand that, so they mold your mind about what Christianity is and you don't even take the time to take a look for yourself.

It is the truth, and the truth will set you free.

Why do you egotistical christians spread your nonsensical poison everywhere you go? You talk the same shit about "God" and "His will" wherever you post as if you have any inkling of what some Jewish deity desires. Keep that bullshit in r/religion.

This post is an excellent example of someone who thinks he is awake, but is merely regurgitating the point of view that has been fed to him by those who control the media propaganda.

You are correct. A part of waking up is realizing that religion is not something you can cast aside and mock with impunity. Religion exists in society for a reason. It is a necessary component to a healthy society. Very few who think of themselves as awake understand this.

The major religions of the world are about control.

I find it interesting that in a space of five or six replies, the original question is completely lost and everyone starts talking about religion. This sort of bears out my worry that true change will be difficult, not only for the reasons stated in my original question, but also because we seem to be unable to concentrate on anything for more than a few seconds. Understand that I am not critisizing but find it interesting.

The problem is that many people mistake trashing tradition with waking up. Christian bashing, for example, is not waking up -- it is being a robot and doing exactly what you have been conditioned to do in media and school propaganda. Advocating "woman's rights" and abortion and homosexuality and pornography is not waking up, it is embracing the social narrative of the leftist elite.

Waking up is something completely different from these things. Waking up is coming to recognize that most of the trendy, hip, cool social movements you have embraced without thinking were molded for you by other people, to control and weaken you.

Another example -- man-made global warming. Waking up is not embracing the agenda of the global warming alarmists, it is recognizing that the whole global warming movement is designed to transfer wealth away from you, the people, and into the bank accounts of the elite, to use for their social engineering purposes.

If you want to truly wake up, stop watching your television. Stop believing what all the nice, pretty talking heads in the media tell you ... those talking heads wouldn't be there and wouldn't have their jobs unless they were reciting the script in front of them like trained parrots.

That's great but not really what I was asking, but thanks for taking the time.

God wouldn't have anything to do with this, did people forget "Free Choice" Having said that, There were some good replies I read, such as @JamesColesPardon, a great comment, pretty much right on, and unfortunately the truth of the statement from @SovereignMan and there-in lies the quandary.

How to enable and enact the change without the need for bloodshed, while holding off the neocons agenda of the total control of all resource and resource-wealth of the United States.


Currently what the movement is lacking is 1. structure. without which it is impossible to measure the state of the movement. 2. Leadership. This in and by itself is imho, the most serious issue of the movement, there is no qualified person to lead and organize the outreaches, the dissemination of the information of the movement in a cohesive method.

Everything we see now, from the incident in Ukraine to the Cable / comcast-at&t and CISPA everything is a simple smoke screen or applied method to hide the pillaging of our resources and the extradition of the wealth of the country. Almost all laws that favor the corporations are really doing what? Allowing the corporations to remove the wealth from the US with no legal recourse for tax evasion and/or any recourse legally to recover assets.

Yet at almost every step of the way the consumers, we the people are in fact funding many of the top corporations, through their research and development, the act of donations, subsidies in lieu of offering some type of economic incentives for growth or subsidies for offering a lower cost of service to specific categories such as education, government, health sectors, and lets not forget the subsidies for offering a lower price to under privileged or economically challenged and/or students. Yet, for all those we the people subsidies the corporations are still taking their Multi-million dollar bonus' at each and every turn, while their cronies in DC point the finger to the underprivileged and low income programs as the reason America is so broke.

These items used to be factors of a free market and discounts provided a cost of doing business. Subsidies used to be given to only those qualifying non-profit associations such as higher education, and medical research that wasn't corporate backed. Now they are given to corporations as incentives or subsidies for the above stated reasons. Is it no wonder the Wal-Marts are the wealthiest as they were the first of a now long list to legally find a way around our now completely defunct labor laws which were put into place to ensure the top never got to heavy by providing for those doing the actual work.

My point to stating the obvious above is in order to have a new nation and a new way of life, we need those resources, We need the ability to make our own manufacturing plants, our own steel production (which is about nil these days) not to mention a whole host of other items which we will need to produce in order to 'trade' for the items which we cannot produce. We need to find ways to bring back the doctors who have now left the profession due to the cost prohibitive payouts of medicaid/care. (my own dr. was one of those who left her practice)

We need to come up with community transitional plans and send people into communities to advocate for these plans to create their own energy (like colorado did) to create their own community wifi(like california did) and teams of those same motivated persons to advocate in the state legislature for changes to laws which were quietly passed when noone was looking such as It is against the law to have community wifi (such as the one in something like 29 states currently on the books) and all this teaching and advocating takes resources, like paper and pens and learning packets. Like someway to sustain those people as they work full time at getting our communities self-sufficient initially, and then it takes the dedication to keep them that way. Over generations it would become the norm, and people would have forgot any other way but until that time, strict guidelines will have to be implemented.

and strict laws need to be put into place for anyone who dances with corruption in any form. I Advocate for change, not anarchy, they are not synonymous. If you think they are, you could try the Ubuntu movement in Africa, which is pretty awesome in itself, but I do not see how it could work full scale. I have lots more thought on this subject but until there is some action, until someone steps up to take leadership, I see it as a very painful, heart-wrenching, and community dividing process. And unfortunately so.

The major religions of the world are about control.