Just a question, not a conspiracy. Why don't we (US) riot like Europe?

9  2015-01-03 by [deleted]

Here is my question, pretty straight forward. Not trying to incite riots or anything, I don't want violence, but I've watched the ferguson protests, the NYC protests, California protests, DC protests, etc etc. Mostly about corrupt officials, police brutality, etc. I see this, it's calm here in the US, lots of people on the streets, but when the crowds get a bit rowdy (which is an understatement), the police slam the hammer down and the protestors flee like a bunch of mice caught in the light.

I'm a US citizen, I'm not making fun or anything, but why is the US so different when we protest? You look at the Greece protest, the Spanish, the Ukranians, fuck, the Egyptians. These mofo's are throwing rocks, moltovs, shooting off fireworks at the police, etc. How are we so different, and will that be the death of us?

Just asking a question from observations. We in the US think peaceful protests work, yet the rest of the world actively engage in riots over things we should be rioting for. What's the mentality? What makes us so different. Idk, maybe it is a conspiracy. But when you look at the footage, Europe makes the US look like a bunch of docile, cowards who run at the first shot of smoke or pepper spray.


We've been conditioned, for years and years. Both psyops (education, TV) and physical, e.g. fluoride.

edit: I'm sorry, I realize that must look crazy from the outside, like something from a dumb movie. Breaks my heart, but it's true.

edit2: I'm available for talk show appearances in eastern Europe and most of Asia. The usual Yankee green M&M rider applies...

I don't think you're crazy. I think you are right! :)

Socialism never took root in America because the poor see themselves not as an exploited proletariat but as temporarily embarrassed millionaires.

John Steinbeck

Substitute "socialism" with any flavor of "popular uprising"

Also don't forget the false dictonomies; black vs white, takers vs makers, 57% vs 43%, freedom vs tyranny, left vs right, reps vs dems and so on...

A perfect example are the protests over police brutality. Its not "police brutality" the root cause, its the economy stupid.

When Ferguson's second major budget revenue comes from public fines, that police officers are required to fine (while on short budget) in order to have a salary. When someone selling contraband cigarettes to make a living, meanwhile federal and state taxes make up more than 50% of its total cost. When 35% of the high grade military apparel "surplussed" to local law enforcement agencies was new. When inequality is highest in over 85 years. When U6 (the real unemployment rare) is at 12%....

But racial tension. Tea Party. GOP congressional majority. Police brutality. The Interview !!!

Because the majority of the American public can't see what's really happening, because they lost in their own shit (be it Keepin' Up With The Joneses, a chase for the American Dream, the socioeconomic dump that a huge chunk of the population is in, stuck with stress, fear, and anxiety from being a wage/debt slave, etc (feel free to chime in).

But, those that are doing good (upper middle class and up) are doing generally OK. Got a house, can go out to eat and fill the fridge with good, cheap food (and can even afford the organic/non-GMO stuff if that tickles ya) and generally don't want to rock the boat.

Some see what's going on, and don't want to do anything about it. At least that's my assessment from my circles.

How do we change this? Seriously, we say we are better than the Euros, the south Americans, yet they actually stand up for injustice. We are supposed to be the land of the free home of the brave. Yet, what we have a bunch of blow hard who will scurry at the first sign of resistance. Yet, we call the french pussies. What the hell? I say a french protest, which turned into a riot and they have more balls than most Americans. God, what the fuck has this country become. A bunch of erectile deficient, fat ass blowhards. Who will say one thing, then when faced with opposition, scurry like the rats in the plague. Boggles my mind man, boggles my mind.

That's the million dollar question, eh? I'm still working on it myself. I'll edit and link a post I made on New Years which is my plan, but, I have no idea of it'll work.

I feel like your logic is sound, but you aren't realizing a way to get those who are doing alright to join in. You have to make them want to do it. Just like their telescreens have told them they need to have the latest golf ball, blender, or SUV. But we don't have mass-media and beautifully created propaganda, we have but each other.

So what we have to do is show them that a supportive, cooperative society not based on debt and the finer things is a much more peaceful way to be, with better food, less stress and more time to slow down and really think about things. You can't think that way if you're still a hamster spinning on that wheel, because they're too busy making sure they don't fall ass over tea kettle.

Once they see that, they'll be on your side in a second. Because it's like being a kid again, only you're a fucking adult. Because you're learning new skills to produce things that your community wants, while being artistic and expressive. Be it beer, bread, soap, pottery, knitted blankets/hats, whatever, there's a sense of pride where your social network would rather pay you for your goods instead of goods made in South East Asia Sweatshops and then marketed to bored, upper-middle class housewives who are either watching far too much television or far too much facebook.

Because there's a better way - and I think it starts this year.

I'm all ears. I just see it as laughable. The Muricans with their guns and fweeedom. And piss on you if you take it away. Protest, fire shot, smoke and gas. We scurry a way. What the fuck. People are stupid and hide behind fake securities. The patriot movement, please, what are you doing? Showing up on the lawn of congress and chanting, "Oh lawd, this nation is god fearing, ow lawd, we are the righteous". Lower the the budget, you fuckwits don't understand our currency is based on debt. Remove the debt, and our currency collapses. What's that? A cop, sir, sir, I'm just a humble man, no need. Thank you sir for not giving me the ticket, thank you sir, I'm in a free speech zone. Free speech zone? I'll be on my way, thank you. God bless. Pathetic.

A cop is just like you. He has a family to take care of. His salary (and retirement) is constantly under threat of Wall Streets confiscating it.

But in the meantime he hears "veterans potential domestic terrorists". They are given new "surplussed" military weapons to patrol 10k counties and school districts. Unemployment and inequality are driving more people into illegality.

Because the US does such a better job at controlling the citizens. US officials look at Arabspring and all that and laugh, because their ability to control our behavior is so vastly superior. Media, chemicals, fuedalism, all keeps us in place.

In UK the police aren't armed and trained like they're in a battleground 24/7.

There is a huge element of fear that comes into play when you consider how far you're willing to go to "protest". The police present themselves in such a way to make sure you know that you're not only outnumbered, but surrounded and also heavily powerless in the event that somebody choose to not comply with them.

I don't think any person that values their lives would consider having any sort of protest or riot that we see in other countries because the police are just fucking scary.

Check out the 1960's riots sometime.

too spread out? usa is quite lightly populated, for its size.

Because they show you what they do to rioters on tv.

Porn, cable, delivered fast food, work, money, sex, drugs, kittens....

I bet if there was a riot, we won't hear about it. The media can't have any truth leaking out.

"The revolution won't be televised"

But if you also look at statistics European police kill less citizens a year than the us police does. I think people are genually scared of getting shot by a cop and dying. Also riots aren't always good because it can cause damage to local businesses hurting peoples income and effecting there lives. I think we are just cautious and know that rioting can have a bad outcome and hurt people we didn't mean to hurt. We can make changes in a peaceful manner without the destruction of property or riots in the street, I think that's what makes the US amazing we can stand up for our rights without tearing ourselves apart.

Are the non-US protests more effective than those in USA ? I'd say no.

"These mofo's are throwing rocks, moltovs, shooting off fireworks at the police, etc. How are we so different, and will that be the death of us?"

We've been burning down stores, looting, throwing bricks at cops, showing up to protests with bags or rocks/fireworks, firing rounds off at police/police helicopters and torching cars.

We have been doing all those things.

It's because we are all rats.


Conditioned apathy.

Fluoride, feminization via vaccines, and constant (false) reality TV.

This apathy is not natural on the slightest.

Apathy, conditioning, brainwashing. You go try to riot, see how that goes. There is a reason police is militarized. The best thing that will happen to you is some asshole will throw McDonalds application at you...

My encounters with cops == fat fucks who are on a power trip, whom if I ran couldn't catch me because of all the soda and mcmuffins in their stomaches. Cop server no dangerous jobs as the average shit collector. (ie. garbage man). They cry and say we have such a hard job, mofo's you have a badge and weapon and are literally free of all charges if you use both. Cops get no sympathy from me, fat fucking idiots. I've ran into my fair share.

How do we change this? Seriously, we say we are better than the Euros, the south Americans, yet they actually stand up for injustice. We are supposed to be the land of the free home of the brave. Yet, what we have a bunch of blow hard who will scurry at the first sign of resistance. Yet, we call the french pussies. What the hell? I say a french protest, which turned into a riot and they have more balls than most Americans. God, what the fuck has this country become. A bunch of erectile deficient, fat ass blowhards. Who will say one thing, then when faced with opposition, scurry like the rats in the plague. Boggles my mind man, boggles my mind.

My encounters with cops == fat fucks who are on a power trip, whom if I ran couldn't catch me because of all the soda and mcmuffins in their stomaches. Cop server no dangerous jobs as the average shit collector. (ie. garbage man). They cry and say we have such a hard job, mofo's you have a badge and weapon and are literally free of all charges if you use both. Cops get no sympathy from me, fat fucking idiots. I've ran into my fair share.