You want to see something funny / woefully pathetic? You want to see the kind of glazed-over, checked-out thinking that the masses have? Check out what's going on in this comments thread [x-post from r/politics

14  2015-01-05 by [deleted]

Sad, delusional, funny? Tragic!


Feast your eyes upon the fact that "normal people" actually still believe in the official social narrative, EVEN while they're talking about a 3rd member of the Bush dynasty "running against"(rofl) the wife of one of Bush Sr's business partners(Clinton)

These people, these people who consider themselves normal and intelligent, they sit there actually believing in the discussion they're having there - go take a look and be amazed.


Sometimes I like to pop into these threads with truly outlandish (but true) statements for funsies, like

You know al-Qaeda/ISIS are machinations of the deep state and not real, right?

You know the D & R thing is not real, right? They're all bought by corporations and differ on wedge issues to distract you from real issues.

You know Ebola isn't a big deal in the US, right?

Et cetera. Sure, I'll rack up -18 in an hour or two, but it's fun sometimes. Thanks for sharing OP.

Yeah, one of the posters who I normally see here trying to fight the good fight(/u/thereisnosuchthing) was in there doing the same thing in a very good/frank/informative way - notice that not one person even responded to or addressed him - they mostly didn't even up or downvote him - they just see something(some information/thinking) outside of their propagandized-delusional dreamworld and totally check out and ignore it no matter how obvious or logical it really is - they don't care - they don't want to know - they want to believe in their matrix - it literally IS like that movie, the matrix is all around them, they're a part of it, and they'll fight to defend it even though it's robbing them of real life:

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That's exactly what some people come to /r/conspiracy to do, and then they get accused of being a paid shill with an agenda. And then all the /r/conspiracy members downvote and pat each other on the back "hurr durr! Caught another paid shill!"

I wish I got paid to drop conspiracy on people in the defaults. Accepting donations any time.

Government trolls often do this, Thanks for the heads up troll.

You got it buddy. The truth must fuckin' hurt.

Pardon me by the way you write, military troll.

So I went from government troll to military troll? What's next? Nazi troll? Pedophile troll?




Try a little harder, unimaginative troll

Truly astonishing. How do they not realize it's all a farse?

I don't know, I wonder the same thing - and you're right in saying it's truly astonishing - it is exactly that, there's no other way to put it. Truly astonishing.

While it's true that there are many guppies out there still wallowing in the L-R paradigm, I 'm starting to think there are groups out there perposely working to keep this dichotomy alive. Some voting districts have straight-up banned a third party from even being listed on the ticket. So, when I see these ass clowns arguing back-and-forth about which corporate whore will serve their interests better, I realize I've made the right decision to never vote again.

Voting third party is still better than not voting.

Sometimes the only winning move is not to play..... especially in a rigged game.

Yes, they'd never want your apathy....

I get your point (only if there's a third party listed on the ballot), but I'm not going to drive over to the church and stand in line to pull the lever for an agent of the Republican party or Democrat party if that's my only choice. That's where the apathy pays-off. Low voter turn-out sends the only message I have left to give at this point.


I didn't have a third-party choice last time, hence the no-vote.

In that case I don't blame you for not wanting to participate in the charade.

go take a look

No. It would atrophy my brain, and I need every bit of it I have.

When I see people fighting over which party is better it just makes me sad. It doesn't matter, the parties are the same. sigh

It surprises (and kinda disappoints) me every day how many people actually believe the shit their TV tells them, and root for their political party like they're rivals in The Superbowl.

I have hear more from people who don't buy it at all which is encouraging. But I'd guess it's still a majority just cramming propaganda into their little slave-brains and pretending they're informed.

/r/politics is a Democratic party circlejerk. Everything evil is Republicans' fault, and the Democrats are all pure and good.

It's just their part of the dog and pony show that is American politics, just like radio is dominated by Republicans.

I think most people are beginning to wise up. The've seen the show often enough to know that there is no real choice, and the bankers and statists are in charge.

If you use both slashes like so: /r/politics then Reddit will automatically linkify the subreddit for you.

/r/politics has been left-wing hivemind trash for sooo many years now, why even bother with them at this point. I am pretty sure that sub is a lost cause.

Pardon me by the way you write, military troll.

Yes, they'd never want your apathy....
