USER BANNED for exposing the overlap of our mods with reddit subs known for censoring information.

376  2015-01-05 by [deleted]

Deleted to avoid being tracked


That's unfortunate, but not surprising. Its a shame to see even this sub get corrupted at the core by the moderators.

We can't let this happen, we are always here complaining about how media manipulates our opinion, and now that we have chance to expose those who censor us, the solution is just sit down and forget? NO.

Create a competing sub called UncensoredConspiracy, be the mod, Never let in another mod, promote the shit out of it and never delete, ban or censor anyone, even if they express opinions you dont agree with. Anyone can create a subreddit and be a mod. Problem solved.

/r/ainbow did this with great sucess over /r/lgbt

/r/trees did this with great sucess over /r/marijauna

Have at it.

What I don't understand is if the mods here are so shitty, why not simply create a new Conspiracy Sub and simply prevent these people from being mods?

The problem with secession of subscribers is that the sub that they secede from will always be the first stop that people make when searching for that topic. Whatever the second subreddit is named, it will have a much harder time building and maintaining a subscriber base. I've seen this happen with other subreddits, where certain users protested certain image posts that the subreddit was literally created for. It forced the users to move and set up their own sub, with a name that anyone looking for the subject it related to, would likely never find it. So, at that point you're relying on word of mouth to build the subreddit.

Of course, anyone can go off and start their own sub, but why make such a sacrifice when a subreddit that's dedicate to this kind of political outrage could just rally it's users to take it back? There are more of you than there are mods. If they ban everyone then the sub will die and creating your own might actually be more viable. This literally is your game.

Are you calling for an insurrection of sorts?

Well you can all sit here and bitch about the problem, post about the problem and blow smoke up each others asses about noticing the problem, yet the problem is still there. So why not simply cut the snake off at the head. I don't see how this is so difficult, it's not like you have to carve a new sub out of granite, it's a simple case of make a new sub and migrate the traffic to it.Have one mod and literally just clone this Sub taking the good and removing the bullshit, ie. the mods. (I'm serious though, just cross post your content and watch it not get scrubbed.)

Look! This took all of a whole minute to set up, direct traffic to it instead of here. Problem fuckin solved. Oh and I'm the Mod BTW only difference being from the current ones here is I truly don't give a fuck what you have to post as long as it is within the context of the sub (Anything Conpiracy related) and isn't outlandishly racist (No you're not racist for posting crap about Israel). I have no desire to hold sub power and control the content. You wanted your true conspiracy sub free of biased mods. Done and done.

This will probably get me banned so I'll see you at the new one :)

These new accounts create the impression of a problem. Search for Greenwald's expose on the tactics of JTRIG. Textbook ops running here. Woo!

r/Conspiracy2 seems like fertile ground.

That is an awful name. Though doesn't look like there are many good replacements

A subreddit named white-wash would simply draw in White Supremacists even more than /r/conspiracy already has.

Actually /r/Sedition might work

No wait. Talking to the only remaining /r/Corruption Moderator. That could be a suitable subreddit. He seems likea decent fellow.

Ooo yeah the last one. Do it.

Why are you racist against White Supremacists?


What does using nitrous to defeat a rise in elevation have to do with conspiracy?

Or is this a hill devoted to NOS?

this isn't the place for real conspiracy dialogue. This site is far too mainstream.

Yes and no. If it doesn't start somewhere like here then what would you suggest that is less mainstream but will allow the message to be recognised on a large scale?

no comment edit: actually I like this subreddit because the news articles are from more credible news sources and gives more power to the topic

There's literally nothing you can do. Sucks to say, but no amount of talk will matter.

This isnt the first time things like this happen here, there are quotes of mods who say things like "No matter what happens, I will never step down".

Give it a day, everyone forgets, til it happens again, then everyone forgets again.

Until then, we'll continually have mods and their cronies bending and breaking the rules around here because it's ok when they do it.

I've been here a long time and I have been pretty impressed by the mods. I only see assholes and trolls complain about the mods, and they usually can't back up their claims. This current situation is troubling, of course there may be problems, the mod team may have been infiltrated, we know there are people who would want to do that.

That said, I've noticed, over the last 6 months, a concerted effort to sow discontent with the mods here, coming from certified outsiders. We should be aware that there are people who want to do that too.

My impression is that some group is trying to cause a user revolt here in order to increase their influence over the moderation.

The obvious concerted effort to foment witch hunts here recently is really encouraging. We are doing something right.

You show up to cheerlead just at the right times. Start playing the lottery. It will pay off ;)

I laughed aloud when reading this.

Well submissions here seem to be getting more and more upvotes lately.

The butthurt seems to come in waves. This hunt will peter out and then another effort will spring up in a month or two.

Edit- lol, downvoted within 3 minutes. Morning fellas!

Rouse that rabble!

Both users have been unbanned.


A senior mod made the decision to levy these bans, we gave him an opportunity to explain himself in the modmail and when he failed to do so we reinstated the users.

As lower level mods we have to be somewhat careful, as the mod in question could remove all of us on a whim (although doing so would no doubt cause a large problem in the community and I do not believe he would do such a thing).

Also, a general note about the post in question; there are two active users on our modteam who also mod large subreddits;

/u/creq mods /r/technology because he discovered the word filter list setup by davidreisss666 and publicly shamed that fat fuck off the mod team there.

I was added to worldnews by one of their senior mods with a mandate to keep an eye on removals from the backend.

We also have one inactive mod (illuminatedwax) who also mods some large subs, but he does not use reddit very much; for example, he mods /r/bestof but /r/conspiracy has been banned from /r/bestof for months (thanks to davidreiss666) because of a post by /u/161719, which was highly critical of the Zionist regime, that reached the top of /r/all.

As lower level mods we have to be somewhat careful, as the mod in question could remove all of us on a whim (although doing so would no doubt cause a large problem in the community and I do not believe he would do such a thing).

Just out of curiosity could you explain how you guys recruit mods and why a controversial mod would have that much power in one sub? Like most things in life this just seems like a great way to abuse a position, what sorts of checks and balances does the mod team on this sub use?

So you ban people and only unban them when it is made public? Got it.

Of course not. That ban would've been reversed regardless. That user is respected by the /r/conspiracy community.

The mod in question made a mistake. We reversed it.

The drama here is simply more of the same.

Except this is not an isolated incident, numerous people (myself included) have detailed incidents in which we were banned unjustly and without explanation for posts that don't violate subreddit rules at all.

Further, I can find evidence of /u/mr_dong's censorship efforts going back years. This post in particular is deeply concerning. The fact that a moderator has taken it upon himself to be the sole decider of what "is" and "is not" a conspiracy, and carries out systematic censorship of things that single moderator has deemed of no concern to this subreddit is deeply concerning.

Sitting back and allowing this behavior, while at the same time adding "censored in x subreddit" flair to posts about reddit censorship is hypocritical.


Sigh, I guess this is going to remain unaddressed and swept under the rug yet again...

Oh, so you removed mr dong from his position as mod for his obvious and blatent misuse of power, yes?

That user is respected by the /r/conspiracy[1] community.

Toeing the party line has its advantages.

I wasn't the person who banned either user, I thought the bans were unjust, we discussed it amongst ourselves in the mod mail and I unbanned them. It being made public was one of the only reasons I and the other mods noticed the ban happening, we aren't alerted to bans unless we go check the mod log on our own.

You guys continue to say you're all for freedom, then censor in the background what you dislike.

Not I, and I make my opinion known if and when I disagree with another mod's actions (as I did last night). But you're free to think whatever you want - feel free to shoot me or us mods a message if you think we've acted unfairly in the future.


I think most on here are skeptical to begin with hopefully. So why trust anyone on the internet, even a sub you read.

Keep this attitude in all phases of life and you'll go farther than most.

Good. I've been up in this sub for my entirety of my account, and would be really bummed if it started becoming censored. You did the right thing.

That's not the rigth thing, the right this is to ban the mod who censored the users. This mod /u/mr_dong has not even made a public apology, he even laughed at the user who rencently banned.

Well let's create a movement, in this case. Start a thread. Let's get this ball rolling.

Doesnt saying ANYTHING negative about the mods violate rule 10?

And Mr_Dong telling the user "tough shit" and laughing at him technically violates rules 4 and 10.

Oh shit. I just made an accusation of a rule violation. That violates Rule 2.

I'm actually surprised OP's post has stayed up this long.

It has stayed up this long because the mod is in a different zone, as pointed out, here

You forgot rule 42: Don't panick

He's on a different time zone.

So have I pretty much so I feel you on that, thanks for the kind words.

That's great, but what about the central problem being discussed? Unjustified bans and censorship. Will that ever be addressed?

I'm one individual on a team of individual mods. I can't speak for the others - all I can do is moderate to the best of my personal abilities and try to make my opinion known if and when I think one of the other mods steps over the line and hands out a ban unjustly (as I did in this case). I can't speak to dong's intentions as he hasn't been on reddit since yesterday to defend himself. What I will say is that I don't think unjustified bans and censorship really occurs here to the extent that you're implying, I try to keep an eye on the mod log and the ban list to ensure that things like yesterday don't happen with any frequency.

The Reddit Moderators serve their corporate overlords good and well and they strike with vengeance. They do not accept any criticism of :

  • The ruling class.
  • The biased mass media, including Reddit.
  • The mega corporations and their crimes, fraud and tax evasions.
  • The T.B.T.F. financial institutions and their wast complex of fraud, theft, price manipulations and political briberies lobbyism.
  • The Federal Reserve and their illegal money printing scheme.
  • The widespread corruption in politics and the dysfunctional two party system.
  • The military industrial complex.
  • The Intelligence community and their blatant disregard for the US constitution and their mass surveillance illegal activities.
  • The criticism of the militarisation of law enforcement agencies.
  • The broken and corrupt justice system, the destruction of Due Process of Law, by the ruling class.
  • The Inequality, poverty and austerity that plagues many US citizens, while the ruling class becomes richer and richer.
  • The unfair and completely lag of taxations of wealth in the US, if you belong to the ruling class.

That is how you get a shaowban or your posts removed to an obscure sub-Reddit or just simply deleted. If they are in the mood, the Moderators will allow your post to be either down voted or trolled into oblivion by "PR firms" and "Government Contractors". The idea of pluralism and the exchange of ideas died a long long time ago on Reddit.

There's critizm of the ruling class, media (including Reddit), mega corps (Monsanto comes to mind quick, Google and Microsoft..etc.), the FED (infact i dare you to find a day the fed doesn't make the top 50 here.) etc. etc.

I'm all for a good conspiracy, but to suggest there are taboo topics in a forum that wanted to show us "the kinder side of Hitler" (lol i never ever thought i would type that.) the concept of taboo is ridiculous. As wild as it may be, it's freedom of speech at it's finest. Sure there are bumps, but the process works, and allows us our voices weither you accept that, or not. I think tptb would like nothing more than us to take a defeatest attitude and be like, "welp, they got it all on lock, can't even talk about it anymore ." Silence is the most power shield a despote can wield.

it's freedom of speech at it's finest.

So long as the message is accepted by the groupthink. Otherwise you are banned.

hardly, and i would love a mod to step in on this. I am 98% sure that i am against alot of the grain around here. I drop quips, I disagree constantly, and rarely, I actually say something relievent and thought provoking (i hope). To me it's proof of mod tolerance. Just like they tolerate those pro-nazi d-bags, they tolerate my trollieness because /r/conspiracy is about throwing out some wild ideas, talking them over with others and allowing those whom browse the forum to come to thier own conclusions. I'm sorry if you've been banned here before, and I know no mod team is perfect. They are only human after all (unless they're bots and/or lizard ppl).

Bullshit. Trolls get the hammer. Nothing new.

Conspiracy websites (reddit included) are the biggest targets for disinformation and censorship. The odds of mod corruption in this sub are extraordinarily high. Perhaps all of them, a few, or only one. It is hard to tell, but it's a fact of life.

I doubt any of them personally know each other IRL. A mod could easily be a team of intelligence analysts for any firm or government. Just a thought experiment.

Edit: Hell, I could be a team of intelligence analysts.

And they have ways of usurping smaller subs too. Experienced that firsthand.

Our enemy is closer than you think.

Oh? Tell us more about 'our' enemy.

Its called /u/KingContext

Oooooh I knew it. I never liked that guy.

I demand a scarlet letter!

Hey, so I've been reading the rest of the comments, and it's become clear that there is actually a lot of bad blood between a fuck load of y'all. Like... Why did your reply even get downvoted?

So. I felt like clarifying. I have no idea who either of you are, and I've got no dog in this fight.

It's a little group of jerks that can't stand the existence of this sub. They try this witch-hunt routine every few weeks or so with new accounts. They link to it in various sordid subreddits and IRC channels for vote gaming purposes.


No one ever seems to graduate from High School, it seems. They get a piece of paper, but the drama and angst and pettiness is always right behind.

Authoritarians are a compulsive lot. Manic.

Should be banned, IMO. That sort of crap is uncalled for in this sub. If you don't want to participate in the discussion, move along. Don't just come here and poke fun at people who are having a civil discussion.

You know what really bothers me about this shit and all the related posts is that this user is a new user. If they had been a previous user I would like them to prove their identity publicly before accusing a mod who has obviously been here for a very long time of misconduct. I at first thought this to be frivolous but apparently its a direct attack to our sub. I understand my acct is new but I can point out my old user name easily and it was a 3 and 1/2 year old acct.

What I am getting at is I have NEVER seen this guys (catholic_fetishistic) posts before and it comes off as an attack more than anything.

I suspect it's someone that has been banned several times previously.

I have to assume so. I trust your opinion on the matter..along with all the other people I have seen around since forever.


Wrong again. The funny thing is that your are trying at any cost to bring this post down without facts, your multiple accounts are not enough, you need to create some type of conversation between them to gain some credibility.

The only other account I've aver had was /u/GrampaMike46 which got shadowbanned for posting "unacceptable" tax information. Somehow, the account even got wiped from the Wayback Machine except for a couple posts.

your multiple accounts

I've seen this tactic oh so many times before. A user with multiple sockpuppet accounts accusing others of doing the same.


to gain some credibility

I let my own credibility stand on it's own.

I've seen this tactic before

It's not a tactic its called statistic and conspiro helps me with that all the comments I replied to you have been downvoted with the same quantity your comments have been upvoted minutes later after being posted, even those oh people barely read because of the volume.

I let my own credibility stand on it's own.

The problem is that you dont have any credibility.

See? I destroyed you with facts AGAIN.

It's not a tactic its called statistic and conspiro helps me with that all the comments I replied to you have been downvoted with exactly -2 points minutes later after being posted

One up/down vote per IP address... or didn't you know that? Even if I had 1,000 accounts and downvoted you with all of them it would still only show up as one downvote. Try it yourself. Using one of your other accounts, upvote one of your comments, Then log out and you'll see that your other vote didn't count. Minus 2 means at least three different people downvoted you. You shouldn't be surprised. It's well deserved.

One thing is sure, everytime I reply to your comments I get heavily downvoted by your friends or your fake accounts, and this doesn't happen in my other commments.

Also, whatever you do is not going to stop anyone from seing my post and the injustice I exposed, which is something embarrasing. All your plans to silence my post have failed miserably.

Yes, sorry to inform you but I do have friends here. And after working here as a mod with the rest of the mods, I consider them as friends too. I stick up for them because I know for a fact that they do a great job in a very difficult situation and will always come under attack by those trying to undermine this sub. Sure, they may make an occasional mistake but... who doesn't?

I'm gonna save you comment for later.

Aw, a keepsake. That's sweet. =)

He's so sentimental.

For your information, that mod's "proof" that he doesn't up vote himself isn't valid. I don't know if he does, but switchysharp or TOR would take care of the IP issue easily. That is how shills can run 10 or more accounts at the same time.


switchysharp or TOR would take care of the IP issue easily

I wouldn't know about that. I tried the Firefox extension 'Hide My Ass' a couple years ago and wasn't even able to log into any website. I assumed all those similar anonymity enhancing apps were the same. I thought that was the point of them... keeping a person anonymous. It's my understanding that the simple act of logging in eliminates that anonymity.

The admins see your IP. If you use TOR, they see an IP from China, Russia, etc. The only problem with it is you have to cycle your IP when you switch accounts. You can run 3-4 accounts from different browsers at the same time all using an IP mask though, so it's not too inefficient.

For instance, open chrome and use switchysharp. Open Firefox and use TOR, etc. But this is coming from a guy with little knowledge on the subject. I'm sure many others have much more advanced techniques. I'd like to get my hands on some documents from an AstroTurfing company.

That sounds like a lot to have to go through just to post extra up/down votes unless one has a program/application/bot/whatever to control it. In my mind, there's only a certain type of person that would go to that extreme and it's not the type that are real, regular subscribers here interested in conspiracy theories.

There's definitely software for this that has been out for years.


Tell us more about how to abuse multiple accounts to deceive. You seem pretty well versed on that technique.

Did you just play the "he who smelt it, delt it" card? Wow.

Nice username. Apropos.

You should get banned again for posting these attacks on our sub and posting the same crap in r/conspiratard and r/ihaterconspiracyclub.

You're not fooling any of the real regular users here. We see this happening endlessly by people trying to discredit this sub. And your buddies from those other subs that are vote brigading your submission here just makes it all the more obvious.

I have seen almost the exact same thing here, year in year out. Almost word for word over and over again over the years.
Making up drama, cross posting all over reddit, sockpuppets calling for the removal of certain mods, then some nice level, headed smart guy comes along, and all these accounts that have been shitposting here for months call for him to be sworn in, to 'sort the place out, and save the subreddit'

Some people are trying to subvert and overtake this place.

Exactly. I too have been here almost from the beginning and they just never give up. It also used to happen in /r/911Truth but since we made some rules changes over there we've eliminated that particular problem. Strict enforcement of Rule 10 would also eliminate the problem here.

It also used to happen in /r/911Truth[1] but since we made some rules changes over there we've eliminated that particular problem.

Your "rule changes" basically ban any user that disagrees with what YOU think.

You have essentially made a perfect echo chamber.

That's not moderating, that's dictating.

You've kept numbers low at /r/911truth, so you've got that going for you.

Maybe get an expert like, I don't know, 'Dr.' Judy Wood to proclaim the goodness of alternatve theories to controlled demolition?

axolotl (the same mod who proposed, advertised for, and conducted a fake Richard Gage AMA) would be psyched to get Dr. Judy on, while ensuring Richard Gage will never come on reddit for an AMA.

haha you're going to keep making new names and then get shadowbanned for all eternity aren't you?

Deal with the claims, not the username.

E: Your buddy sure got your attention fast, huh? Walkie talkies?

Tell me more about this walkie-talkie conspiracy theory!

I never use an alt. Ever. You should be ashamed.

Lie much?

Dead horse. Beaten. Thoroughly.

Also, I wasn't even that interested in Judy Wood before you started spamming her name incessantly as you repeatedly get shadowbanned.

It's actually made me more interested in her theories than ever before, so thanks for that.

Deal with the claims, not the username.

Dead horse. Beaten. Thoroughly.

Well, not entirely. When you announced that David Chandler might show up, exactly who was the David Chandler you were about to use?

I see you still have the AMA announcement up without a stickie to say it was fake.


This is about your failure as a mod to subvert the 911 truth movement, not Judy Wood.

Do you have a snapshot of the AMA before /u/axolotl_peyotl deleted the sticky?

No. It helps axolotl erase their muddied name I suppose. I just asked for a pin to say the AMA was fake, not the erasing of the poster's name.

Highly dubious.

It was stickied as fake?

He stickied the promotion of the AMA. Then I asked for axolotl to erase the promotion and they then erased their name instead.

Well done 1-0, their imcompetence is laughable.

I'm not laughing.

This is disrespectful to the 911 truth movement.

A mod of /r/911truth is the main cheerleader for the crooked mod of /r/conspiracy who promoted and sticked an AMA from the best 911 truth advocate we have.

Sorry, about that, I was strictly refering the user who planed all this.

This is for the dead 911 victims. Nothing else.

Okay now you're sounding a little shilly.

He just feigned a dialog using two accounts.

Pretty hilarious.

Removed, thanks for the head's up.

Anything else you feel like helping out with?

axolotl (the same mod who proposed, advertised for, and conducted a fake Richard Gage AMA)

Not true. Another user proposed that AMA and fed Axolotl phony contact information for Richard Gage. Sadly, Axolotl fell for the troll. Just as many here are falling for the crap that OP catholic_fetishistic has posted. People that live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.

Another user proposed that AMA

I proposed to my girlfriend and she rejected me. She knew I wasn't honest.

Why didn't axolotl do the same to the troll who couldn't 'untroll' himself?

Also, fake David Chandler was going to make an appearance too! Good for the whole movement, don't you say?

I'll tell you what's really good for the movement... posts like yours showing readers just how idiotic yet dedicated some people are to discrediting the 9/11 Truth movement.

Here's a fellow user who posts much about the 9/11 truth movement.

Edit: btw, axolotl discredited the 911 truth movement by displaying a fake AMA.

It's beyond incomprehensible why users like yourself would accuse those who wish to get rid of mods who make nefarious 'bad decisions.'

Why do you care to keep a mod in who almost ruined the reputations of 2 highly respected 911 truth movement pioneers?

Aren't you a mod of /r/911truth for christ sake?

A "fellow user"? One who's been banned from here and /r/911Truth several times for personal attacks on other users and mods? One who stopped posting to any subs after those bans? One who made exactly the same complaints about axolotl as you're making? ... One who stopped posting just before your account was created?

fake David Chandler was going to make an appearance too! Good for the whole movement, don't you say?

Don't ignore that. Let's get your opinion on that, or should you ask axolotl about that before you speak for them?

I'm speaking for 9.11 victims when I ask for honesty.

You treat those looking for truth like shit.

A mod of this sub promoted and held a fake AMA with the best 911 truth advocate we have.

Subsequently, that advocate has said (since that AMA was brought to their attention) that they won't come on reddit to do an AMA.

Why do you keep making this about 911 advocates as opposed to purposeful 911 truth sabotage?

E: Why are you sticking up for the perp?

Rage on.

I never use an alt. You should be ashamed.

Your bot is on the fritz. ;)

Thanks for the fact!, fuissshhh for one moment I thought /u/axolotl_peyotl was moderator of this sub.

I have seen almost the exact same thing here, year in year out. Almost word for word over and over again over the years.

Your account is only 3 months old, what are you talking about?

Maybe, but I have been around on reddit for years. Came over on the mass digg migration.

Ah, the golden age of reddit. I remember those days fondly. RIP.

Its insulting that you call my post a crap, If you really think my post is an attack go ahead and BAN me I had enough with the censorship in this sub. I have no "buddies", mister, you are wrong I'm not even subscribed to that sub I posted in those sub because they wont be removed as in this sub.

I don't care if you're insulted or not. It's the truth and I would ban you if I were a mod here. It's a clear violation of the rules. If you can't abide by the rules of the subs you frequent then you have no reason to complain if you have posts removed and get banned..

How dare you talk about rules when you and the mods don't abide by the rules?

Edit: I bet my head that you and /u/CHOCOBAM are the same person.

I bet my head that you and /u/CHOCOBAM are the same person.

You lose but I certainly have no interest in getting head from you.

in getting head from you

You really have a dirty mind to come out with those jokes.

You're the one that made the bet.

You are the one that made the joke

You sure told him!

Wow, you guys try sooo hard. It's hilarious.

Its really interesting to see how groupthink is thriving in this sub.

Someone calls out a mod for OBVIOUS and BLATANT censorship and the group immediately defends the actions and accuses the accuser of being a shill.

And yet people dont understand why this sub is such a laughing stock.

Based only on the evidence OP presents, I have to say it looks like he's just an asshole. Not censorship so much as "community maintenance".

it looks like he's just an asshole

OP? Agreed.

This thread was almost certainly brigaded from off-reddit. Some people really fear this sub. They grasp at anything to disrupt it.

You're the same guy who stuck up for a mod who promoted and held a fake Richard Gage AMA, right?

You're also a mod of /r/911truth, right?

The truth movement has been infiltrated from within.

Edit: do you think I should be banned/censored for writing this?

You're the same guy who stuck up for a mod who promoted and held a fake Richard Gage AMA

Actually, I stuck up for the mod that had been provided phony contact information by another user that was promoting the fake Richard_Gage. I'm still mad at that other user for that.

I stuck up for the mod that had been provided phony contact information by another user

axolotl is the mod in question. axolotl chose to promote and hold the AMA with unverified information from a fake user. That is on the mod, not the fake user. The fake user can't hold an AMA alone.

another user that was promoting the fake Richard_Gage.

No, that was axolotl that promoted the fake Richard AMA.

The mod in question wasn't held accountable for their subservient and nefarious actions.

FYI, axolotl_peyotl offered to step down, or, "take one for the team" (his words), but was convinced to stay by most everyone... except for the same old trolls that continuously attack this sub with so many alt accounts.

One mistake does not make for a bad mod and the lesson was learned.

except for the same old trolls that continuously attack this sub with so many alt accounts.

As a moderator of /r/911truth, you sure do like to stick up for the wrong people!

I stick up for the people that have this sub's best interests at heart. Not those that are always trying to undermine it.

axolotl promoted and held an AMA with fake Richard Gage.

That's the person who is undermining the sub.

I figured you, as a mod of /r/911truth, would care more about the tarnished reputation of the truth movement.

That means both axolotl and you are undermining this sub.

You have things backwards.

Address the fact that /u/orangutan (our new conspiracy mod, mod of 911truth) was answering roughly 20% of fake Richard's questions, in order to fake the AMA properly!

Oooh, so now you're attacking three of the mods. Why stop there? Why not just attack them all and be done with it? Then you can nominate jcm267 and Herkimer and TheRealHortnon and others like them. Then you'll have the sub you want. Won't that be great?

Address the fact that /u/orangutan (our new conspiracy mod, mod of 911truth) was answering roughly 20% of fake Richard's questions

Did you decide to pass?

Edit: Also, learn to count. I've gone after those who's fingerprints are all over the fake Richard Gage AMA. That's two people, not three. Don't be so dramatic when defending those two mods who helped ruin the 911 truth movement on reddit. You're a mod of /r/911truth for crying out loud. You're protecting those who ruin the truth movement.

There's nothing to address. It's just another unsubstantiated claim.

You passed. Not surprising.

Scroll through comments to see I'm not making anything up. our new mod answered questions that fake Richard passed on, all while not noticing that fake Richard was making ridiculous claims.

axolotl hasn't even removed all the fake Richard answers, as noted on my link. And if you take a moment to scroll through that link, you'll notice orangutan answering questions for fake Richard, just like I said.

Why haven't all answers been erased from this thread, which has repeatedly been asked time and time again?

You would be banned if you posted this in /r/911truth. That's how they like it. Freedom of speech, so long as its the speech the group wants to hear.

mr_dong posted informative and weird conspiracies. I liked some of his content. Like other past users here they left because the content has gone down and too many assholes trying to control thought on here.This subreddit sucks now. /r/conspiracy was designed for free thought and exposing conspiracies which seems this not the case now. Fuck all you thought control shills and trolls. Sayonara mother fuckers.

All these attacks from new accounts on established accounts aren't fooling anyone. Also you were not contributing to discussion and should be banned.

Established account are the most corrupt ones

aren't fooling anyone

I don't think so, look the amount of upvotes, not only here but in multiple subs and in each comment agreeing with my post, my post only proved what people were talking about, and it will used as a reference to demonstrate the censorship in this sub.

look the amount of upvotes

Vote brigading. They're coming from all of the anti-r/conspiracy subs you posted in. And that alone should earn you a ban, if not an Admin shadowban.

Wrong, its called justice. Justice will always win. Call the Admins, tell them that I exposed how mods are censoring posts in this sub, I myself called the mods suggesting a ban for mr_dong. They haven't deleted this post because they know a mistake has been done.

If justice always wins then you'll need to create yet another new account tomorrow.

They haven't deleted this post because they know a mistake has been done.

The jokes on you. The post was removed about an hour after it was posted. The only traffic/votes it has gotten is from those few who had already seen it and those that were linked to it in other subs so it could be brigaded. Look for yourself, it's not listed in /hot or /new or /rising or /controversial.

The only mistake that's been made here is attacking the sub and it's mods.

The post was removed about an hour after it was posted

I don't know what kind of machine are you using but this post is #4 in the front page.

Anyone reported this witch hunter yet?

It was reported and removed. I think that most upvotes and comments are from links that OP posted in a bunch of other anti-/r/Conspiracy subs.

This thread was always visible to me.

I was talking about the OP needing to be checked out by admins.

It's still not visible to me.

Hmm, me neither. Maybe approved and removed twice. Definitely vote gamed regardless.

Send a report of suspicious behavior to admins. I would but not sure how to with this mobile device.

Um, here is my responce over on /r/undelete...

You have edited your comment so many times, that is unrecognizable from his original form. You also deleted the image with the explanation the mod gave to the user, shame on you.

I fixed some spelling mistakes, gramtical errors, and tried to make it more clear etc... I'm not sure why the image is down but I can put it back up lol. Or copy and paste it in here if it just isn't working lol.

Edit: Oh there is a setting on that site that kills the image in 10 minutes if not changed. Opps lol.

All your edits were not spelling mistakes. You accused the user (before the edits) that he had lied about why he got banned.

That was a mistake. I rechecked the times times on his post and the current time and saw that I was wrong. I immediately changed it to correct it. Honest mistake.

You've been listening to politicians far too long. You're starting to sound like one o.o;

Whatever. We righted the wrong and you're all still not happy. Think whatever you want. I personally didn't like that either one of these guys were banned for wrongful reasons and worked to make it right. If you'd all like it better without me here (believe me you won't) then I'm leaving. I think this is bullshit. I tried doing something right and all I'm get back is snarky hatemail for it.

Well just be honest about why you edited and its all good.

I was being honest... Perhaps a little durpy too but honest. I thought I'd caught that quickly enough no one had seen it. I was wrong...

I fixed some spelling mistakes, gramtical errors, and tried to make it more clear etc... I'm not sure why the image is down but I can put it back up lol. Or copy and paste it in here if it just isn't working lol.

Its not wrong to be wrong about things. I/We make mistakes all the time. To acknowledge that one has made a mistake is true power.

It was just miscommunication. I didn't know he was talking about what I had posted the first 3 seconds it was up. I had edited it multiple times afterward to fix the things listed above. That's what happened.

you're not familar with my work are you? o.o just a joke to take the heat outta the moment. lolz for all o.o relax guy

No I'm not. I just came on here as a mod to attempt to help this place. I hate the meta cancer that plagues it and would like this to be a place where people could come and have real discussions. Right now it's just kind of a mess. There's just too much distrust here. :/

If you'd all like it better without me here (believe me you won't) then I'm leaving.

Not necessary. The opinions of those complaining ITT (demonstratively) do not represent the majority, or the regulars.

Edit; Demonstratively

Here's an imgur version, in case you decide to change your mind and remove that picture and in case the thread is removed :)

Chill out guys. Check out yourself. The default lifetime on an image posted there is 10 minutes. It was the first time I used it and didn't know that. I'm using Tor or I would have just used imgur myself.

my derp

You're welcome to join r/conspirators, where I have proposed mod elections


Heh. Wouldn't a conspirator be someone involved in the conspiracy? Would be rather ironic if you took this guy onboard.

Isn't a conspiracy something involving conspirators? The invitation is not directed at just the one redditor. It's for anyone here who's interested

Petty unsubstantiated attacks from someone who doesn't like to hear truth

unsubstantiated attacks

ALL my points are backed up with evidence.

What we are shocked people abuse the power given to them?....


Anti-r/conspiracy witch-hunt of the day... ACTIVATED!

First link is to a slur-based hate group. Come on. Who up votes this troll garbage? Other trolls.

/u/Kingcontext, I was expecting your arrival you came a little late this time, of course you never stop to surprise me with your comments. Again, as in other comments, your are forgetting all the points by the OP (me) to favor your own interests. I'm a little tired so I will let you win this time.

I'm beyond flattered, guy.

This whole conversation sounds like provocateurs fighting dis-info agents. Dont you guys know you are on the same side?

No human system can survive humanity. Pull the weed.

Such concern, very troll.

Anyone just getting here would do well to see where else this user has posted this important news, it's some of our favorite sister-subs!

Mods, why hasn't this guy been banned?

He probably has been with multiple accounts.

Well, I wouldn't pay me any mind anyways; I've been informed I'm an anti-Semite.

It's like a racist, but worse.

Tar and feathers!

Double castration!


Racists aren't a race, unless you count white people.

The bastards...

Um, /u/FormalPants a long time friend. The hate is mutual of course, I hope your are right! I love when I discredit you antisemitic propaganda.

We've met?

Yeah, multiple times, Not something I would like to remember.

You don't make much of an impression.

You are adorable.

One might even say.....Fedorable

The great reddit mod conspiracy!

Wow, mods who can't even spell correctly.

I see they aren't scraping the barrel at all to mod this place.

Just make a new account and stop worrying about it.

Thats not the solution, when you ban an account you also remove the reputation associaded to the name.

Well if you are getting banned, it might not be the best reputation. And it's only a 3 month old account. I would understand if it were older, but come on.

I'm sure if you apologized nicely they would unban you. But don't go attacking the mods, that's going to get you nowhere.

No forget about that account, he is no the only ban that /u/mr_dong has done, read my updated post and think again.

Yeah but what did you do to get banned? what rule was cited that you broke?

I didn't get banned, The users I mention in the psot have been banned because they bring awareness of the corruption in this sub.

So how did you get their personal images of their conversations with mods anyways? Did they ask you to post this? I'm a little confused by you caring so much about other accounts getting the ban hammer.

I'm not trying to be sarcastic, I'm genuinely asking.

They send me the images.

Clark Kent or Peter Parker?

Peter Parker

Look I know some people on here have beef with the mods for various reasons. But I don't think you are going about this the right way.

This is more of a crusade against one mod than it is ALL the mods.

I mean you are directly calling out for someone to be banned.

Did these people message the other moderators and ask to be unbanned? Hell I have been banned from all sorts of subs, was recently shadowbanned.

But if you talk to the mods reasonably they usually will unban with a warning.

But this....your post isn't going to help anyone in this situation.

Your are trying to hard to change my opinion, and the main objective of this post. I'm not going to SHUT UP. Injustice has been done and it needs to be corrected.

I really don't care what your opinion is per se, I care about what's on the front page when I check up on this sub.

And self posts over petty arguments between users and mods are not what I want to see.

Injustice? What are you some sort of Moral Crusader?

Are we going to tell the tale of how /u/catholic_fetishistic overcame the tyranny of /u/mr_dong ?

Now that would be hilarious.

We can start that "tale" by saying that both users have their accounts re-instiaded. In the ohter hand I also redirect you to my previous comment

I highly doubt that's going to work out. Maybe I can ask the mods nicely and see if that works.

You didn't understand my comment, but users thanks to my post have been unbanned.

Ahh I didn't read it right.

Which users got their account back?

Just sign the registry and don't worry about it. Just give your guns to the man and don't worry about it. Just take it and don't worry about it.

LOL yeah cause that's exactly the same thing. /s

It's not very different. They are all things that people can talk and talk and talk and talk for hours and years on end. Nothing they do will change any of it.

UUhhhh what? You sound like a very disgruntled individual. This is a comment forum on the internet, nothing about this should be taken seriously.

I hope you don't think this is me taking it seriously.

As I've just said, it doesn't matter in the least, none of that stuff changes, or will change. Why would I take it seriously when there is literally nothing to be gained from doing so.

That's the spirit.

What is true knowledge?

Realizing that nothing matters and that we know nothing about anything at all.

True wisdom comes to each of us when we realize how little we understand about life, ourselves, and the world around us. ` Socrates.

Only diffrent in your mind - Yoda

Look I know some people on here have beef with the mods for various reasons. But I don't think you are going about this the right way.

This is more of a crusade against one mod than it is ALL the mods.

I mean you are directly calling out for someone to be banned.

Did these people message the other moderators and ask to be unbanned? Hell I have been banned from all sorts of subs, was recently shadowbanned.

But if you talk to the mods reasonably they usually will unban with a warning.

But this....your post isn't going to help anyone in this situation.

Maybe, but I have been around on reddit for years. Came over on the mass digg migration.

Clark Kent or Peter Parker?

You are adorable.

Whatever. We righted the wrong and you're all still not happy. Think whatever you want. I personally didn't like that either one of these guys were banned for wrongful reasons and worked to make it right. If you'd all like it better without me here (believe me you won't) then I'm leaving. I think this is bullshit. I tried doing something right and all I'm get back is snarky hatemail for it.

Address the fact that /u/orangutan (our new conspiracy mod, mod of 911truth) was answering roughly 20% of fake Richard's questions

Did you decide to pass?

Edit: Also, learn to count. I've gone after those who's fingerprints are all over the fake Richard Gage AMA. That's two people, not three. Don't be so dramatic when defending those two mods who helped ruin the 911 truth movement on reddit. You're a mod of /r/911truth for crying out loud. You're protecting those who ruin the truth movement.

no comment edit: actually I like this subreddit because the news articles are from more credible news sources and gives more power to the topic

I'm one individual on a team of individual mods. I can't speak for the others - all I can do is moderate to the best of my personal abilities and try to make my opinion known if and when I think one of the other mods steps over the line and hands out a ban unjustly (as I did in this case). I can't speak to dong's intentions as he hasn't been on reddit since yesterday to defend himself. What I will say is that I don't think unjustified bans and censorship really occurs here to the extent that you're implying, I try to keep an eye on the mod log and the ban list to ensure that things like yesterday don't happen with any frequency.