Jewish conspiracy doubts

0  2015-01-06 by [deleted]

/r/conspiracy users who eventually came to reject the idea that there is some kind of Jewish conspiracy to dominate the world and whatever other aspects of civilization, what were the steps that led you to change you mind?


I'm still pretty open to the idea. I think that the prevalence of the idea is aided by isreals dominance of America's political scene, which is, quite honestly, statistically obscene.

I don't think you have to believe "Jews are ebul" just to look at the facts and realize they have a strong grasp on American government and media.

Just to kick the hornets nest: in order to explain jewish dominance in the worlds political, financial, and media scene you are obligated to be an "Ebul racist". There is no other reconciliation of reality.

I'm certainly not proposing as certainty Jews are evil or or trying to dominate the world, but statistically speaking there is no other coherent explanation for their domininance of the aformentioned arenas of power.

To put it succinctly: there is either demonstrable difference in general intelligence between the races or we are arbitrarily ruled by Jews.

There are great ideas undiscovered, breakthroughs available to those who can remove one of the truth's protective layers.
-Neil Armstrong

Obligatory shoutout to /r/isconspiracyracist for general musings in response to an esoteric topic.

Edit2: sigh: 2 year old account and this is their third contribution to reddit.
I doubt we'll see replies.

Yours was cool.

To put it succinctly: there is either demonstrable difference in general intelligence between the races or we are arbitrarily ruled by Jews.

Or both.

Man I just found that sub the other day. Surprised to see they had 2 on me. Well not really.

there is either demonstrable difference in general intelligence between the races or we are arbitrarily ruled by Jews.

Demonstrably yes and obviously not, but there is a third explanation as to why a distinct group can achieve disproportionate level of power and wealth, and the freemasons are the most obvious example.

If part of your "duty" as a freemason is to covertly assist other freemasons at the expense of non-freemasons then, as a group, you can achieve disproportionate influence over time. Freemasons give each other business, hire and promote other freemasons to key positions in organisations, ignore and cover-up fraud and other crimes committed by fellow Lodge members (in the case of masons within the police or the judiciary), help pass legislation that suits other freemasons etc etc.

In the UK there are multiple official and unofficial "networks" that operate. It is easier to get a lucrative job in the City if you have family connections, or if you went to the right private school (aka "the old school tie" network). In the public sector, your career will progress more rapidly if you are member of the somewhat sinister, crypto-masonic organisation called Common Purpose. Huge numbers of police officers are masons or members of Common Purpose, for instance.

The Jews have their own conspiracy just like every mafia. I don't really blame them for this because every religious group seeks to expand their power and influence. The Hare Krishnas would take over the world if we were to let them.

The problem is that they took over the US. Now we've got a situation like my dog driving a semi.

It's not really anything particular to them that put in this situation they're destroying the world, I'm pretty sure if you put any single-interest group in charge of the world's superpower they'd eventually blow the place up. It needs a diversity of interests in power to prevent anything extreme happening.

But, we don't. They've captured it now and they intend to use it to accomplish their lame-ass goals. Like a delusional bully whom everyone smiles at but then secretly grimaces at when they're not looking, Israel's existence is so precarious literally because of the extremely bad characters of its inhabitants.

If this were a master race, they would have worked out how to bring peace, prosperity and friendship to their otherwise peaceful neighbours in the region. But, they don't. Why? lol I don't even know.

So, in answer to your question, I do think there is a Jewish conspiracy, but I stopped caring about it because like the image of my dog in the truck earlier, in that situation you just kind of laugh and watch what happens.

I learned the difference between Zionism and Judaism.

which is?

No one pretends to be a Zionist.

Self Authority

I don't think it's Jewish, I think it's Luciferianism, which gets mangled up in Judaism by proxy.

Considering how many were involved in 9/11, I'm going to say it's a thing to some degree.

Most world views I find are overly simplistic. Contrary to popular belief, "Jews" are not the overlord of the world. For example, Free Masonry and all of its related factions is much more influent and insidious than the "Jews" everyone talks about. Not to mention there are many other factions and organizations of various sizes throughout world societies having different influences, whether it be organised crime or even corporations.

Like I said, blaming the Jews is a gross oversimplification.

Free Masonry and all of its related factions is much more influent and insidious than the "Jews"

Right, it's the WASPs - i.e., "Freemasons," not the Jews.

That's why virtually every politician, from the liberal Democrats to the conservative Republicans, votes for everything Israel wants, from aid, to defense, to votes in the UN.

Because WASPs, not the Jewish lobby.

In fact, there is no such things as the Jewish lobby, AIPAC is a conspiracy theory, and Haim Saban and Sheldon Adelson are a figment of your imagination.

It's the Freemasons.

You have to understand, the most powerful Jewish family in the world built up freemasonry.

The organisation unites people from all walks of life, all religions. This is inclusive of the elite jewry you are so fond of accusing for all your woes. Now, can you understand better how freemasons have a much greater influence?

1773 – Mayer Amschel Rothschild assembles twelve of his most influential friends, and convinces them that if they all pool their resources together, they can rule the world. This meeting takes place in Frankfurt, Germany. Rothschild also informs his friends that he has found the perfect candidate, an individual of incredible intellect and ingenuity, to lead the organization he has planned – Adam Weishaupt. - See more at:


The 'jews are evil of the world' thing is just a very effective diversion.

Look into Freeman Fly and Fritz Springmeier, they bring a lot to the table on this subject.

the elite jewry you are so fond of accusing for all your woes.

That's a lie, of course. You are making that up. I do not accuse elite jewry of "all [my] woes."

I merely point out the actions of elite jewry - the actions that people like you tend to dismiss.

Rothschild didn't invent Freemasonry.

Rothschilds are deeply involved and invested in freemasonry, sorry to break it to you.

Rothschilds are deeply involved and invested in freemasonry, sorry to break it to you.

Did a Rothschild tell you that?

Are you a Freemason? How do you know?

Free Masonry and all of its related factions is much more influent and insidious than the "Jews"

Right, it's the WASPs - i.e., "Freemasons," not the Jews.

And guess who invented that nasty, demeaning term "WASP"? Yup, Jews.

Man, you are one self-hating Jew

Man, you are one self-hating Jew

Are you suggesting that any Jewish person who is not a Zionist or doesn't support the likes of Saban and Adelelson is a "self-hating Jew?"

Why, that's exactly what you are doing.

I just, I mean, wow

More just highlighting that fact that you pretend to be Jewish while spouting constant anti-semitic nonsense and accusing anyone who disagrees with you of being a Jew themselves.

Edit: Also thank you for copy/pasting the relevant part of my comment, would have had no clue which part you were replying to if not for that.

spouting constant anti-semitic nonsense


accusing anyone who disagrees with you of being a Jew

That is more than false.

I guess you got butthurt when I made that joke about you getting all butthurt about the "shitty" thing.

You claim you aren't Jewish, so you decide to be outraged for Jews who aren't even outraged by this supposed "anti-semitism?"

That's hilarious. That's like a white boy complaining that a Chris Rock routine is "white supremacist."


That was another guy who made the post making fun of you for the "shitty" thing, I just chimed in about how you had just pretended to be Jewish in an argument a few days earlier... You did call both me and him Jews in a one week span when we disagreed with you however.

I'm certainly not outraged for Jews, I just saw you commenting, have you tagged as "LiesAboutBeingJewish" and though I would call you out.

Why do you keep avoiding the fact that you pretend to be Jewish on the internetz? You filthy Gentile.

You filthy Gentile.

I think we see what we're dealing with here. It's called a "troll."

So no comment on how you lied about being Jewish?

Also, funny how you act like it's outrageous to claim you as an anti-semite when your blog (at least you have posted this blog as if it is your own work) prominently lists the "blogs I follow" on the right side, and the main pic for one of the top blogs is a big Swastika. You're right, you are totally 100%, actually Jewish and not at all anti-semitic.

Hahaha you are a champ at avoiding questions

Did you enjoy my erotica story about my Jewess girlfriend?

Damn, that girl had a amazing rack, just amazing.

It was honestly hilarious how cringe worthy it was.... You lied about being Jewish on the internet so I would bet that is mostly fiction as well.

I could be wrong though, maybe anti-semetic conspiracy nuts pull crazy pussy. Looking through your history it sure seems like you're a pretty cool ladies man.


Man, back in the day, Craigslist was like hook up central. I guess it’s Tinder now. Girls who posted online were basically DTF, so you know, being a guy living in New York and making a pretty good salary, well, I raped and pillaged like a fucking Viking. Don’t deny it, you would too.

TOTALLY NOT A GUY LYING ON THE INTERNTET. LIKE, FOR REAL, THIS WAS MY LIFE, TRUST ME. I AM AWESOME btw has anyone noticed these Jews are just getting out of hand lately?

Edit #2:

I’m sure the weed, coke and whiskey didn’t help


So, heh, I actually fucked three women over the course of 24 hours once

Dude I take back everything, you are so fucking cool I want to be just like you.

Edit 3: I take back my take back. You are a shitty writer. It's like you don't know any adjectives other than "amazing" and "awesome."

The funny part is - you are absolutely obsessed with me. You're the one reading my stories. I'm barely even talking to you.

I think that you are Jewish, and you are fantasizing that I'm some big blonde Nazi and you're diddling to the idea that I'd whip you and make you lick my leather boots, huh?

Dude - no judgement no shame, but I'm not into stalag, got it?

hahaha no the funny part is you still avoiding the fact that you lied about being Jewish.

Oh and your blog, that is still pretty funny as well.

Here, you might like this one:

Have your cumrag handy, it's a doozy:

Just spectacular avoidance of the question once again. Remarkable.

All you ever had to do was explain why you lied about being Jewish and I would have stopped bothering you. It doesn't offend me, I am just insanely curious as to why an obvious anti-semite would even try to lie like that. Just boggles the mind is all and was hoping you could maybe help me understand with some kind of an explanation, but you avoid the question with such masterful skill what can I do...

Edit: I gave it a read and I gotta say, no wonder you can't write for shit yourself. No subtly, just throws everything right in your face.

All you ever had to do

LOL - you think I have to explain myself to you?

Who the fuck are you? Some troll on the internet?


Well, obviously you don't have to do anything, my point is that is why I was bothering you. I hope you're just trying to be a dick and continue to avoid that fact that you're a racist anti-semite who pretends to be Jewish to justify said anti-semitism on the internet, and you're not really so retarded as to think I was implying I am some all-powerful being you must obey or else.

You must be particular sad person to lie so much about your life on the internet.

Free Masonry and all of its related factions is much more influent and insidious than the "Jews" everyone talks about.

freemasonry is owned and run by jews for jews. the #1 goal of freemasonry is to rebuild solomon's temple in jerusalem. you think that is a coincidence? heh