We hear about the Western Globalist Elites (Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Bilderberg members, etc), but what about the Eastern Globalist Elites?

19  2015-01-09 by [deleted]

Like from China, Japan, Korea, India, Indonesia, etc.

Or are the Western Globalist Elite in charge of these countries?

Edit: Some interesting stuff:

http://henrymakow.com/2014/12/is-robert-kuhn-china-handler.html (Jews/Zionists in the Chinese communist party and Chinese elite circle)




I think the emperor's of old were aliens/alien hybrids and that's why no one was allowed to see them. I'm not even poking fun.

Did you type this from your phone?

Yeah, fat thumbs don't help much either.

Are these elites the reason why 15% of caucasians have Rh negative blood, which is incompatible with the blood that the Rh positive ape blood that the majority of humans on earth have?

Though Caesar, Alexander the Great, Darius the Great and other ancient kings and emperors look as human as anyone.

Interesting theory. Have you come across any sources that led you to it?

If you go back far enough (Graham Hancock style) you see very strange similarities in the ancient religions and common themes that have been brushed off as just allegories to how ancient People's described things, which sounds an awful lot like the Ancient Aliens silliness.

Interesting how that's where my mind and descriptions went first, isn't it?

Interesting how that's where my mind and descriptions went first, isn't it?

Are you implying that Ancient Aliens was created to discredit such thoughts?

Maybe. But how out of bounds does that sound?

It doesn't sound out of bounds.



This is part if the reason. It's a weird twist but it's almost like you would feel silly trying to prove/disprove those theories, because Giorgio Tsoukalos has silly hair.

It's double-whammy silly. People mock Ancient Aliens. Imagine a conspiracy theory that's attempting to prove that Ancient Aliens is an attempt to discredit actual ancient aliens.

The uninitiated wouldn't be able to look past this.

Oh, I completely agree. Still fun to think about though.

To the both of you; I'm glad I'm not the only one who has entertained that exact thought. Upvotes all around.

I will imply that the H2 guys involve themselves with black magick/occult teachings. Look them up and dig in a bit. David Wilcock practices necromancy and takes on the "spirit" of Edgar Casey.

Must be aliens!

Graham Hancock himself does not believe in the ancient aliens hypothesis, but does believe in an advanced civilization older than 12,000 years, wiped out by a cataclysm. This explains the similarities across distances and cultures, as the were descended from a common civilization. Quite an interesting theory, no doubt.

Never said he did.

Never said you said he did ;)


None at all, just thought it made a cool theory.

Nice username Georgio!

Try reading 1 Enoch

And check out Tom Horn. His book Exo Vaticana is a hell of a thing to read.

I have personally had UFO and alien encounters. So has my biological father (an Anglican priest) and both of my paternal siblings. Those are not what people think they are. Anyway, I have trouble talking about it all. Some of it is traumatic, and it is tough when people act like you are BSing them. So, I don't say too much. I said that to say, Tom Horn is onto something. I cannot agree with a few things here and there, but he is rational, and not David Icke.

David Icke always strike me as very rational, very down to earth and human. Some of the things he says are pretty uncontroversial to people who see the same world as Chomsky some things are outlandish and possibly completely untrue but I've always thought that Icke was authentic although possibly he gets fed some dud information to discredit him.

He once claimed to be the Messiah. He is into some sort of mysticism /w sprinkles of Christianity (without any respect for systematic theology). I get the feeling that his appearances and books are going to some sort of Transcendental Meditation thing.

I will say that Icke was right about the British high profile pedophile ring 20 years ago. I think that he is somewhat correct in regards to various celestial beings. I think that the "Greys" are hybridized/Nephilim creatures. I'm not alone in this discussion, and oddly enough- sound eschatological theology almost demands it so. Ezekiel describes UFOs and chimera-like creatures. Jude records the mode of travel for demonic beings (stars, clouds, foam of the sea, and an uprooted upside down tree). Familiars, spirits and various creatures are mentioned.

When you devote yourself to researching the occult and magick, learn a few of the key esoteric teachings, you will find that the Bible opens itself up in a new way. You realize it is an occult tool (as would be stealing the opposing team's playbook). It was that way for me anyhow. I would recommend people not go down that road. It's not a game. That said, I understand things that remain a mystery to most Biblical scholars. I understand what demonic possession looks like, and know that the portrayal of an exorcism is complete rubbish. Every bit of it.


Check the OP, i updated it with a few links if you're interested.

Because reddit still thinks China is a bubble economy.

You pose an interesting question. I'll hit on some key points, but I'll admit to a great deal of ignorance here. It will sound surprisingly familiar once you start digging for yourself.

Take a peak at this 1920 map of the British and French Empires (post WW1).

Consider the resources, industry, ports, of those particular empires. Read The Good Earth by Pearl S Buck if you want to teleport yourself to 1920s China. The Pulitzer Prize winning novel accurately portrays the nobility/serfdom enslavement that was occurring in China, but it also allows us to see how tyranny and the opium epidemic devastated the people (btw some blame the British for China's drug problem) Factor in blatant racism by Brits and and the screwing over of Japan (and other Asian countries: Treaty of Versailles).

We can't forget Mao Zedong and spend a moment reading about his brand of Communism and Marxism/Maoism, civil war, war with the Japanese, famine, genocide/democide, death camps. Just follow the link. He ruled from June 19, 1945 until September 9, 1976 He couldn't .

Japan, angry that the Allies had screwed them over, Hitler could I haven't even mentioned how WW1 allies screwed over Germany to a degree that guaranteed war.

Before long WW2 is underway. Here are a couple of WW2 era maps of SE Asia/Pacific Rim.



Per Country Casualty Chart

US Provoked the Attack on Pearl Harbor

I'm sure most of you grew up thinking that Japanese pilots were nut jobs and Hitler was purely insane. For 12 years we talked about Plymouth Rock.... A big ass rock.

Anyhow, after the unnecessary nuclear bombing of Japanese civilians and all the factories/infrastructure from Europe to Asia was blown to hell, the US thrived economically, becoming USA #1. (special thanks to Operation Paperclip).

I will leave you with it. There is plenty I haven't mentioned, and I hope you haven't read this as moral judgment against any of the war torn landscapes or people.

tl;dr Racism, war, propaganda, economics, puppet governments, and druglords work far too often

It doesn't sound out of bounds.

I will imply that the H2 guys involve themselves with black magick/occult teachings. Look them up and dig in a bit. David Wilcock practices necromancy and takes on the "spirit" of Edgar Casey.

Must be aliens!