Why are there posts only about Sandy Hook, but none about the "Batman Movie Massacre" which had many links to each other?

6  2015-01-09 by [deleted]


Aurora was botched. Sandy Hoax, much like Boston, was fucked from the onset. We all saw through both immediately.


I feel it's simply picking the more blatant bullshit. Both are transparent. Sandy Hoax was shoved down everyone's throat by the Zionist media.

The Batman movie showed scenes with them pointing out Sandy Hook and a scene showing the words 'Aurora'.

Let's talk about the Aurora Theater Massacre. It ties all the way into the Paris Attacks too.

The same technology was used to make both events happen.


The answer to your question is your question. Everything here is a jumbled pile of USDA Certified Prime Cut Bullshit with a couple of golden nuggets thrown in if you have the eye too catch it. This sub is a honey pot, but the path is there if you want to lay the bricks.

The answer is pretty mundane. There were lots of posts about Aurora when it happened, but there have been many false flags since then as big, or bigger than Aurora, including Sandy Hook.

By the same token, there were many more Sandy Hook stories on /r/conspiracy a year ago than there are today. It isn't forgotten, just less pressing.


Sandy Hook was a more audacious and more blatant hoax, and perhaps these factors have encouraged more people to investigate it for longer.

Also the media has incredibly quiet about the Aurora "victims" and their families, compared to Sandy Hook.

The corrupt elements with government who are carrying out hoaxes and false flags know that by creating a steady stream of new fake atrocities, the public's attention is quickly diverted from the last-but-one hoax.

Nobody talks about it because they are scared of what they know it will lead to.

Seriously, though, you still haven't answered his question. Every reply is a misdirection and/or deflection so that you can claim to have knowledge you refuse to impart due to reasons that if one has a truely decerning mind realizes that probably means you don't actually know jack and just wanted to sound cool, which is coolies. I think it's funny how many are caught on the line, self included =)

Boredom and insomnia are tremendous motivators.

Ask something specific.


James Holmes got programmed like zoolander by Northrop Grumman.


I will eventually.


I wouldn't bet on that. You'll thank me later.


I'm actually about to crank it up a few notches.

Fine, I'll bite.

Let's talk about that technology.

Let's chat. Do you want to go to the bottom of the rabbit hole or would you like to stay near the top of it?

Every adventure requires a first step. Trite, but true, even here.

I took some steps for all of us a year ago. I'm being allowed to talk because they want attention. All I am allowed to do is bring them and what they do to your attention.

Let's rock and roll.

Northrop Grumman is your Huckleberry.

This thread is a fucking Psyop and I love it.

Reddit is.

NP spammy

You'll thank me one day.

Any research into the map symbolism tying into the Paris event?

The key is that there is no symbolism. It is what it is and it is so terrifying to accept that 99.9% of you will not.

But Acta Diurna

More like 100 Flowers


Something like that.

Thaire going to cull the herd before the next cycle then

Try to.

Bum bum

I may be wrong but i think the batman movie incident didn't produce nearly the amount of scrutinizable information... just some eye witness accounts of a dark theatre and a few camera shots of the evacuation door. With the elementary school there is so much video, helicopter camera footage, interviews, victims/witnesses who have milked the fame and money earning opportunities, and in general a much larger scale (a whole school / town) that increases the opportunity for people to search for holes in the story.

Tldr: scale


You're the one asking the question, professor.

The synodic cycle of Venus is roughly 583.3 days. The Maya closely observed Venus and they deemed the cycle complete and to repeat every 584 days. I decided to add 584 days to the date of Sandy Hook 12/14/12 and got 7/20/14, two years after the day of the Aurora Shooting. Also, if you take into consideration that there is roughly a quarter of a day extra at the end of the year. Adding this to the 583.3 actual duration of the cycle of Venus we get a date close to 7/18/14 the date flight MH17 went down. So Venus was in the same position relative to Earth and Sun on both Sandy Hook and 2 year anniversary of Aurora Shootings/MH17. It's amusing to entertain the idea, but I don't know what to make of it. Edit: a word.

I like you gtard91.