Education vs. indoctrination.

0  2015-01-09 by [deleted]

Are kids being given a quality education in public schools where they learn to think critically, examine evidence and draw conclusions, or are they just being indoctrinated into the various popular religions of the moment, eg... the religion of climate change.

Inquiring minds want to know.


Ask yourself why all the answers are in the back of the book. There is a right and wrong, a false dichotomy. Students are more likely to want to know what's going to be on the test rather than think about the information. There is no incentive to actually learn it's all in the grade. Essentially grades are just a measure of how well the student jumps through hoops. Multiple choice give me a break. This in it self is weeds out antiauthoritarian types. This is just the tip of the ice burg. School is indoctrination it teaches nationalism, loyalty and blind adherence to orders with swift punishment if they are disobeyed. School where hyperactivity is ADHD and obedience is an A. They drug kids up and they make them sit still when they should be out running in the woods and playing in the rivers. The rigid schedule of school is used to normalize hierarchy, instill groupthink, and mentally condition a nations youth. Private schools train the elite and public the proletariat. I could go on but you hit on something huge.

I was drugged as a child as a result of my schools principal convincing my parents (priamirly my aging mother) that I was 'hyper active'. There was also a sound proofish cubicle installed in one of our classrooms, around grade 5, mostly to deal with me, although it was used for others too, always friends of mine.

That's fucked up man. They convince parents that normal behavior like 'rough housing' is a symptom. We are animals and school is a cage. Drug the ones who resist and reward those who submit. The way schools are set up is unnatural. I'm dyslexic and was put into a strange room one hour each day as a child where they would watch me write. When I would write a letter or number backwards I would be corrected. I was eventually able to overcome my handicap for the most part with no help form the institution.

Depends on the teachers. Most teachers are taught to educate so that they can have conversations with the student if they ask a question.

There is plenty of scientific evidence for climate change.

Well it depends on the subject, history does teach critical thinking but can easily be prescribed by the Government.

I would say that people are taught the most likely theory at the time of being taught. It may come out that that theory is bs but at the time it was the best theory with the evidence to hand, science is all about disproving those before you essentially

That is an irrelevant point. The correctness of what is taught doesn't matter. The important thing to look at is how information is presented. In an elaborate false dichotomy. Answers are either right or wrong with no room for conjecture. The possible "third" answer or cause is rarely entertained. Multiple choice leave no room for critical thought.

Sometimes none is needed or possible. Maths the sciences, though what you are taught in science will probably turn out to be wrong the most likely theory is what is taught because you simply do not know enough about science to offer alternate theories.

For subjects like English, history, the essay subjects, you can put things forward as long as you support them with evidence. Sadly exams rely on technique. I remember in a lower year in history we were shown a documentary about the gunpowder plot being staged and had to make up out minds as to whether we agreed with the documentary. I agreed because the evidence was solid

Was alternative evidence available? Or was your only point of reference the traditional narrative? Hmm. Being an American I only have a survey level understanding of the fifth of November. But those stylistic demerits are designed to make you get good at jumping through hoops. Grammer and punctuation are important but when their importance overshadows context the student is encouraged to regurgitate what they have been told in uniformity.

We looked at the evidence for and against and there are so many things that don't work. Like the amount of gunpowder they had would have been impossible to get (all gunpowder was controlled by the tower of london) it would be like bin laden renting storage under the White house and putting a nuke under it.

Sadly the way exams work is jumping through certain hoops but I find you get a good degree of freedom even just in wording, for instance I believe hitler escaped, I don't say that but I say "after hitler was gone" so I hint at my view but don't allow myself to be marked down for 'inaccuracy'

That bin Laden analogy is hilarious. And that's an interesting point. That damn City of London has a very clouded history. You are right about power of wording. My undergraduate was in history and in the beginning I would toe the line and write what I thought was the correct answer. It wasn't until my last year that I really began to write what I felt. For example extensive work on the genocide of Native Americans or the silencing of the American labor movement. OrWhich is so blatantly white washed in the narrative that we celebrate Columns Day. When I started being more rebellious I was rewarded but I'm sure that's only because I always backed up my claims and was cautious not to make what would be seen as an outlandish claim.

At the end of the day if you have evidence that is solid then your claim is good and while it can be debated it is still valid.

Lots of stuff about gunpowder plot is odd. You have Guido Fawkes (basically a bloody foreigner who was also catholic), the guards missing the massive store of gunpowder in a first sweep. But because the story is passed as gospel most people don't even think to doubt it

The same goes for our revolutionary war mythology. I agree, all around good conversation Teresa80.

Yes it was lovely. What is this mythology? I know that plenty of Americans didn't want to rebel and it was only because of French soldiers that they were successful I think...

Basically the elevation of Washington and his ilk to the level of God's. Claiming they fought for the freedom of all men when they really had personal reasons and gains for fighting. And from this stems the America dream farce. Gary Nash did a good book about the fragmented mentality of the revolution. It was kind of a perfect storm of events that redirected legitimate anger that came from the existing hard times. Possibly spreading from merchant Princes monopolies as much as England's mercantile policies. I.e. closed ports to foreign trading. It's really quite complicated. But to the American youth it is painted as a struggle against tyranny. Look up the whisky rebellion and ask yourself how much Washington cared about tyranny. So basically like all complicated events it is painted as a simple false dichotomy. Boom.

Fair enough. I was also taught that the taxes on the Americans were low compared with tax in Britain at the time

They actually went up after the war! Lol

People. Make no sense sometimes. Been good having a nice discussion here for once :)

There is plenty of scientific evidence for climate change

Could you find 'plenty of scientific evidence' against climate change, if that was what you paid thousands of 'scientists' to find.

People expect to be paid for their work. FACT, the icecaps are melting at a rapid rate.

And where is your source on these bribes? Also what purpose would this serve the NWO/Monster raving looney party or who ever it is controlling everything

People expect to be paid for their work.

Perhaps you misunderstood.

What are they being paid to find?

Evidence in support of climate change agenda?

Or evidence debunking it?

Point being, you can find evidence to support just about anything, if that is your focus.

Real science occurs when you spend equal, or even greater, time trying to disprove a given theory.

"your can find evidence for just about anything, if that is your focus" you have described about 40%+ of this sub haha.

The icecaps are melting. Global temperatures have been rising since the industrial revolution really kicked off

The ice caps have melted/frozen/melted/frozen many many times before you figured out how to rub two sticks together

So, what is your point.

BTW, life thrives, especially human life, in warmer climes, so why all the fear mongoring? Why all the call for more taxes? Why do you want our money? Can't you get a job?

Now that humans are mostly not needing to worry about feeding themselves cold climates are still fine. The icecaps melting could easily submerge London, the Netherlands (below sea level) and reduce the small amount of land we have

There is no shortage of land, there are billions of acres of empty land, and more being exposed by the melting ice.

The world is dynamic, it alway has been. There is no reason to raise taxes about it, or mongor fear.

If the human race is to continue to grow then this land will disappear. Let's say the Netherlands (or most of it) is submerged where will they go? Countries tend to not like mass exodus' of people into their lands. Also London is at some risk, imagine if that was flooded and people had to move out

First, how much are you stretching the truth? My guess, a bunch. It ain't gonna be water world next year, or ever.

It is the nature of the planet, to be dynamic. Always has been, always will be. Face facts, and quit using it as an excuse to rob people blind.

Not next year but if it continues the way it is then it very probably will.

What do you mean to rob people blind?

There isn't enough ice to make a water world, so no. Never.

Meantime, you want to force all of the poorest people to pay yet more taxes, when they are already over taxed. As well as forcing them to replace all of their most expensive possesions with over priced altenatives, while you fly around the world burning up fossil fuel like there is no tomorrow, keep multiple mansions lit up like a small city 24/7/365 and make massive profits on all the aforementioned forced taxes and purchases.

Piss off Mr. Gore.

Over priced alternatives? People choose what they buy if they are intelligent enough, then again plenty of people buy designer clothes

Except, given your way, you won't allow for much choice.

You want to force poor people to replace their $2,000 car, which was a lot of money for them, with a brand new $20,000+ POS that will break if you look at it too hard.

You want to force people to tear down their perfectly good home, again a large purchase, and rebuild it with expensive new materials.

Oh and BTW, you own stock in all these technologies. Thats pretty handy ain't it Mr. Gore.

My "way"? I really don't understand what you are on about. When did I say for people to replace things that don't need replaced or rebuild their house?

I'm not Al gore (not American so I know him from south park)

Look at the ancient system of Babylon. They educated people just enough to indoctrinate them into their false religion. Their system was a young version of everything we see across the globe today.

There's a reason the US is set up so that children are raised by state sponsored schools. Before you know it, the Pharoah will be down at the banks of the river summoning the sun every morning and people will be praising him for it.

There is no shortage of land, there are billions of acres of empty land, and more being exposed by the melting ice.

The world is dynamic, it alway has been. There is no reason to raise taxes about it, or mongor fear.

First, how much are you stretching the truth? My guess, a bunch. It ain't gonna be water world next year, or ever.

It is the nature of the planet, to be dynamic. Always has been, always will be. Face facts, and quit using it as an excuse to rob people blind.

Over priced alternatives? People choose what they buy if they are intelligent enough, then again plenty of people buy designer clothes

Yes it was lovely. What is this mythology? I know that plenty of Americans didn't want to rebel and it was only because of French soldiers that they were successful I think...