The terrorists want us to hate islam

18  2015-01-11 by rockytimber

The terrorists want us to hate islam. The terrorist want us to brand all muslims as backwards, medieval and oppressive towards women, LGBTQ and other people who don't fit in. An us vs them sentiment - because that will drive the muslims to those that would welcome them - the very same terrorists, who need money, moles, fanatics and soldiers all the time.

Terrorism may be less expensive than regular warfare, but it is still expensive. For every fanatic dedicating his life to die for the cause, there's 10 people working to get him a bomb and himself to a suitable location. They need to be fed. And there's 100 people that deliver the parts to the bomb, let the terrorist through, let them squat for training on their land, and they need to be bribed.

The only way terrorism ends is when all those that support it stop doing it - passively or actively.

Yes, islam should be questioned, yes, islam should be critizised. Yes, islam should be treated like any other religion in being mocked and made fun of. And muslims will have to take this.

But in one regard, much of the west does not treat islam like other religions. When there's a terror action in the name of islam, there's protests against mosques, people wonder why the mainstream muslims don't come out against it and there's a general uproar. But when a fanatical christian bombs an abortion clinic, nobody questions why the orthodox patriarch in Moscow does not condemn it.

As long as we view islam and muslims as a monolith and do not do the same for other religions (despite manyof them being far more organised, centralised and structured than islam), we are playing into the hand of the terrorists. They want us to push the moderates into their hands.

And if we do, we are playing their game.

I'd much rather we continue to pay the bloody butcher's bill of weathering terrorist attacks and not give a shit, becase it is sometimes the price we have to pay for a free and secular society than take any kind of action agaisnt a religion.

When the son of a muslim immigrant shaves his beard, dons his smart suite, tightens his tie, takes his car to his job in the financial district, goes to mosque every other or third friday and worries more about what schools will give his kids the best education and grades than anything else, then we have won.

And it shall be a glorious, prosperous, free and absolutely anti-climatic victory.


Who are the terrorists?

The real bad guys. The real bad guys have made us believe they are our friends. They hide behind us and we fight their wars for them.

Well said

can you be more specific ? is it the govt ? the moderate muslims ? or who ?

In my opinion and my opinion alone, it is powerful groups who are already in power and who are side by side with us today.

We go over to their end of the world and fight wars for them. We take their side when it comes to human rights and use veto powers to quash any want or desire to look into the abuses levied against them. They go unaccounted for when it comes to those abuses and they pull out a certain "card" when "justifying" those abuses.

In the past we have called those abuses war crimes or crimes against humanity, but in today's modern media day and age.....we believe them and what the TV says to be true regardless of the evidence.



Why shave his beard though? Beards are cool :/

If someone doesn't realize the extent of orthodox judaism's oppression of women then they are simply not paying attention.

now the real question is,"who is/are behind the terrorist networks ? who puppetries all of them ?". us muslims still don't understand the view of terrorists. if it's really the religion's fault, there are millions of poorly educated muslims in Indonesia. but no, Indonesians remain peaceful.

There may not be a single answer for who is behind the terrorist actors. The terrorist actors may not have anything at all to do with "networks". Except in the case of networks of powerful families that have conversations, where they make certain alliances, and agree to meet up from time to time, and rub each others backs. "Friends in high places" has always been an indispensable means to political survival, and still is.

"Want us to hate" is a game that was once played against Japan, once played against the Indiginous people of the America's, once played against communism, once played against Castro, once played against Hugo Chavez, etc. etc.

The US had objectives in Libya, Syria, Iraq, because of oil, and still does have objectives against Iran. In each of the above locations, there are people who can be tempted to share in the redistribution of wealth, and who happen to be Muslim. The Muslim card is a useful card in mobilizing the cannon fodder. But the hatred has to do with foreign invaders who want to take the nations resources and dominate its culture by installing military bases and setting up multinational companies who are given free reign to rape the land.

Very few reporters are inside of these situations where the truth gets out. But any opposition to the US corporations is going to be infiltrated by "Intelligence Operatives" who are going to try to manage the situation.

And the hot button around hatred is managed. The reason to commit violence might just be self defense, but if Islam is already hated, that helps. Also if Islam is under attack, there are Muslims who might not join, who are pushed to the point of joining.

It not the religion's fault directly. But the difference of religion, color, culture, etc. always helps in the hate game.

Funny how after these terror events, you get a bunch of people saying that the media is actually favoring the terrorists by reporting on it and giving it so much publicity.

So, imagine if a policy was adopted such that just as "we don't negotiate with terrorists", we also don't report anything they do except briefly, a bit like news of people committing suicide – "police say there were no suspicious circumstances"

"Oh, good" we think (while we forget that more people under 40 die from suicide than anything else).

But can you imagine that policy actually being followed?? haha me neither.

American public wouldn't know about ISIS if it weren't in news. See the Mexican cartels, which are well known but have gotten less press in the last 5 (maybe even 10) year than ISIS did last year

But they don't behead people. /s

If you think Islam is so great, then perhaps you should convert?

This title is very correct. The true terrorists do want us to hate islam. hell, they want us to fear - hate - anger - suffering this planet to a point they don't need the worthless eaters anymore and the nanobot humans rule those less evolved worker drones.

I feel this train of thought is a bit deluded. The terrorists in USA are for the most part recruited by your own corrupted FB I / CIA agencies. It is your government that wants you afraid, through the propaganda and medias, so the younger generation can be eager to go and kill those evil terrorists that terrorise us so. This is normal, American economy depends on war.

Truth is, Muslims are very warm and loving people and the way this post portrays them denotes a serious lack of culture.

Muslims are very warm and loving people and the way this post portrays them denotes a serious lack of culture.

Yes exactly! They are very loving when they put women in bags or stone them to death for being raped. It would be cruel to do otherwise!

Thanks, I needed an example!

These are the types of hypocritical comments that show how people can be clueless.

Have you researched the statistics for violence on women in non-muslim countries?

Do you honestly believe all men in Western culture have women up on a pedestal?

Here are a few points for you to ponder:

38,028,000 - The number of women who have experienced physical intimate partner violence in their lifetimes.

3 - The number of women murdered every day by a current or former male partner in the U.S.

18,000 - The number of women who have been killed by men in domestic violence disputes since 2003.

4,774,000 - The number of women in the U.S. who experience physical violence by an intimate partner ever year.

1,509 - The number of women murdered by men they knew in 2011. Of the 1,509 women, 926 were killed by an intimate parter and 264 of those were killed by an intimate partner during an argument.

1 in 4 - The number of women who will be victims of severe violence by an intimate partner in their lifetimes.

40-45 - The percentage of women in physically abusive relationships who are raped and/or assaulted during the relationship.


How about, just maybe ... instead of judging a culture you know nothing or very little about, you educate yourself on the problems in your own culture and see if you can do anything about your problems at homebase, instead of going around the world with your armies to liberate those "poor muslim women" that are for the most part treated with much more respect than your porn-addicted culture can muster.

BTW I am not Muslim, just a regular dude fed up with the hypocrisy you people dish out.

wow so you are actually advocating treating women like property, and keeping them tied up in sacks?

Wow you should really leave the cave, man, and join the modern world. Your prehistoric world is coming to an end, wether you like it or not, so just please stop killing people over it. You will not win. In fact, you have already lost. So for your own sake, you really should end your violent ways before you need to be eradicated.

And be nice to your women already, jackass.

I posted the stats on the violence in USA, tried to explain to you Muslims are no better no worse than other people.

Sorry I may of used big words thsy are too hard to understand with your limited cognitive abilities.

Yes and that may be the dumbest thing Ive ever seen anyone do on reddit. That is an incredibly ignorant and retarded way to try to defend your practice of abusing women. I guess you have nothing better huh? You really are pathetic, and you need to leave your religion in the trashcan of history with the rest of the barbaric prehistoric practices.

You really are pathetic, and you need to leave your religion in the trashcan of history with the rest of the barbaric prehistoric practices.

I am a Canadian, born Catholic. I did leave my religion in the thrash bin because many Catholics (such as you) become condescending pricks and consider themselves superior to other religions.

How about you just go and get yourself fondled by some priest somewhere instead of wasting our time.

lol im not even christian, kid. You really need to focus on cleaning up your own religion, at least the catholic priests are not killing people over cartoons and keeping women tied up in potato sacks. Denounce your prehistoric cave man religion and join the modern world, before you need to be eradicated. But we are ok with that to...

How many people have Christian extremists killed in the past two decades? Not many. How much popular support is there for Christian extremism? Not much. The majority of Muslims aren't terrorists but polling routinely indicates a not insignificant level of support, and an alarming level of support for killing homosexuals and apostates if done within the cponfines of the law. Seems they're more concerned with the legality of it rather than the morality. Search for apostates on /r/islam

Your comment about the immigrants son, it's turned out that a lot of these shitheads running to Syria and iraq, or supporting Sharia in the west are 2nd gen. The children are more radicalized than their parents.

Christian extremists killed in the past two decades?

Counting George Bush? A million?

TIL Jesus is oil.

You have been anointed!

Not sure if Bush really believed the tripe, but he sure knew how to get the Christian right wing kooks behind him and spout the looney talk!

plz kindly include Mr. Hitler for his hard work. Not in this scope though.

Go to the link at the bottom if you want to talk to who wrote the post. I just cross posted it here.

Learn how to read maybe? You come across as ignorant.

Maybe you could bother to even do the slightest bit of research and base your beliefs on it instead of your feelings. You know, the opposite of ignorance.

All you need to do is look at the maps. Over 10000 dead in the last decade, with millions of supporters.

If you don't want to discuss it or wish to bury your head in the sand then why post?

It was a cross post, and I cross posted it because I thought it made a good point.

Lets say you are a Syrian that wants to overthrow the Syrian regime and take power. Get the people behind you. You could be an atheist, but you would still play the West Hates Muslim card on the locals in order to get them hoping mad, to get them to come out and fight for your "Islamic" republic.

Also, it helps to define the US and the west as an enemy on their part, and helps to define the Muslims as an enemy on the part of fools like you. See, it worked! Mission accomplished. Now go back and stick your head in another hole.

And stoning fags is just incidental? How does that work into things? Why the Muslim card instead of say socialist? Because they believe in it on whatever level.

Mistreatment of minorities is a common theme, jews, blacks, women, homosexuals, gypsies, you can go to Russia, the US south, India, France, Italy, anywhere, and get all the ugliness you want. Its not unique to anyone.

Sure, they want you to hate muslims. They want division, not unity.

With that said, there are plenty of legitimate reasons to dislike Islam....

Islam is a shitty religion. It just fucking blows ass. If you can't drink alcohol, game fucking over. Jesus turned water into wine - Jesus was one badass fucking hero!

But seriously - Islam sucks. There are many good reasons to hate it in addition to alcohol prohibition. Because it is backwards. Read some of the Koran and find out just how shitty it really is.

All this "oh, let's feel sorry for the fucking muslims because blah blah blah" makes me want to vomit. Just get over it. It's a shitty religion. And that's ok. North Korea has a shitty government, and so does the US. There's lots of shittiness in the world, but the shittiest thing is trying to call something not shitty when it truly is extremely shitty, like Islam.

I don't hate muslims, but I do feel sorry for them for having such a shitty religion. :P

There is a possibility... It's been said in the past that the pilgrims left England to escape persecution for their beliefs. This was ground the founding fathers of America stood on, believing everyone has the right to believe what they choose too. From that point on, has worked out pretty well. We're at least not jailed, fined or even killed for not subscribing to a specific belief.

I believe the "terrorists" who prop up their unpopular Islam have to potential to challenge this view. That certain beliefs are dangerous and must be eliminated. This is the worrisome path ahead that could lead to many dieing. :(

I believe the "terrorists" who prop up their unpopular Islam have to potential to challenge this view.

Well, I'm not sure I'd go that far. I don't like censorship or anything of the sort.

That being said, Islam is simply a vile religion of hate and intolerance.

There's a principle in Islam that there is nothing wrong with lying if it advances Islam, especially to kafirs. So it's not worth listening to anything a muslim has to say about Islam if you're a kafir.

Kafirs are basically not a moral consideration at all in Islam. There are only 2 kinds of kafirs:

  1. Those willing to convert to Islam
  2. Those that need to die

And that's about it.

The terrorists aren't bad muslims - they're good muslims. They're following Islam. They're just shitty people. With a shitty religion.

But 'thought crime' isn't a road that we can go down.

Line for line, the old testament has just as much reference to backwards crazy violent hateful stuff as the Koran does.

Not trying to apologize for any religion. I have no religion, and make fun of all religions.

The point of this post is that when these events happen to make Islam look bad in the west, it helps certain terrorist organizations to gain support back home, and the terrorists organizations need that support. That's pretty sick, but its not a particularly religious thing that is motivating the terrorists, its political. Someone is going win the struggle for power, someone is going to have their hand on the oil valves, and the US, Nato, and any number of local political groups are using some strange tactics to try to win. These events are part of those tactics, and do not necessarily represent the attitude of any particular church. Although there are plenty of US churches where you hear Nuke Em from the pulpit, and I am sure there are Muslim churches too with similar messages. But then who is in whose country now, with bases, and dropping bombs from the sky, and taking territory, and stealing oil?

Is Islam used for political purposed by douchebags? Certainly. That's not a question at all - it's a given.

But Islam is still a shitty religion. When was the last time you heard about radical Buddists bombing some place or murdering people in a cafe or office?

Nah... Islam is a shitty religion, and infinitely shittier than any other religion. (Though Satanism/Luciferianism might come in a close second...)

radical Buddists bombing some place or murdering people in a cafe or office?

By the tens of thousands in Sri Lanka.

For religious reasons or political? ;)

Ah, yes, there is always that funny part about religious reasons turning out to have been secondary, that underlying the violence, before all the religious and other doctrinal kinds of rationalizations come in, it always comes down to LAND, OIL, and SELF DETERMINATION.

Look at any out gunned desperate group. You will also find suicide missions when people become desperate and outgunned. Always happens. Even in the mythology of flight that went down over PA, American suicide mission.


There is a possibility... It's been said in the past that the pilgrims left England to escape persecution for their beliefs. This was ground the founding fathers of America stood on, believing everyone has the right to believe what they choose too. From that point on, has worked out pretty well. We're at least not jailed, fined or even killed for not subscribing to a specific belief.

I believe the "terrorists" who prop up their unpopular Islam have to potential to challenge this view. That certain beliefs are dangerous and must be eliminated. This is the worrisome path ahead that could lead to many dieing. :(

Line for line, the old testament has just as much reference to backwards crazy violent hateful stuff as the Koran does.

Not trying to apologize for any religion. I have no religion, and make fun of all religions.

The point of this post is that when these events happen to make Islam look bad in the west, it helps certain terrorist organizations to gain support back home, and the terrorists organizations need that support. That's pretty sick, but its not a particularly religious thing that is motivating the terrorists, its political. Someone is going win the struggle for power, someone is going to have their hand on the oil valves, and the US, Nato, and any number of local political groups are using some strange tactics to try to win. These events are part of those tactics, and do not necessarily represent the attitude of any particular church. Although there are plenty of US churches where you hear Nuke Em from the pulpit, and I am sure there are Muslim churches too with similar messages. But then who is in whose country now, with bases, and dropping bombs from the sky, and taking territory, and stealing oil?

wow so you are actually advocating treating women like property, and keeping them tied up in sacks?

Wow you should really leave the cave, man, and join the modern world. Your prehistoric world is coming to an end, wether you like it or not, so just please stop killing people over it. You will not win. In fact, you have already lost. So for your own sake, you really should end your violent ways before you need to be eradicated.

And be nice to your women already, jackass.