Everybody's Gotta Learn Sometime (2006) - Featured Documentary

37  2015-01-13 by axolotl_peyotl


Can you turn off 'contest mode' on the voting thread so that we can see the votes?

Something bizarre happened to that thread, that's for sure.

Do you think having the vote in contest mode worked better or worse?


I say drop the "most votes wins" game-able format and just let people make suggestions. You mods then choose a consensus "best". It's a recurring troll-fest as it is. Don't feed.

I agree. Gathering once a month to suggest a video for mass viewing in hopes to ignite a discussion and dissection feels like yelling in a hurricane. After contest mode was removed, looking at the thread I thought of the scene "Two Minutes of Hate" in 1984. In a comical way, mind. Lots of shouting, little is discerned. I am in favor of seeing if a bi-monthly video would work.

I think you might be right.

Why the hell did you guys pick the 9/11 one then if it was the one that had evidence if being brigaded?

You guys blocked the Auschwitz one (which had slightly more points at the time of writing this) but it looks like there's no evidence to support that was being brigaded except for the mere assumption that's the documentary /pol/ would like.

Wasn't there a similar situation when the Hitler documentary was pulled for the same reason (rumored brigades)? There's a conspiracy. How ironic.

Auschwitz - Why the gas chambers are a myth



This sub really ruffles some feathers.


I have to say I find it slightly ironic that before we got crap for featuring a revisionist documentary, and now folks seem upset that we're not featuring one.

I'm almost certain a revisionist documentary will be featured again in the future.

For now, this is an excellent 9/11 documentary that has never been featured before.

Brigading aside, do you really think it's in the best interest of this sub, and this sub's image, to have two revisionist documentaries featured, as well as a revisionist AMA, within the span of just a few months?

This is an extremely diverse sub, perhaps one of the most diverse on reddit.

The voting thread was heavily brigaded...every suggestion was heavily downvoted overnight, except for yours. Also, before the brigade, the 9/11 film was in the lead.

Suggest that film again next time! After the clear fuckery that was afoot in the last thread, we are going to be extra vigilant about the voting and any manipulation that might occur.

Keep in mind, /r/conspiracy has featured more revisionist material in the last few months than any other sub in the history of this website.

I'm not bragging about that, I'm just making an observation. It's certainly not a topic that we're censoring.

how about we suggest documentaries then just let the mods pick the winner? why bother with voting if its just going to get rigged, or the winner replaced if the mods don't like the result?

dude its conspiracy world bruh, you cant win no matter what you do.

That's exactly what I said I was doing in the voting thread.


They should have left our business to our business.

You say there is no evidence but the mods watched the votes change drastically, so while there is no smoking gun post in /pol/ saying "vote for these and down votes there others" there is evidence enough that certain nominations didn't get buried by down votes while all the other ones did.


Just so you know, at the time the voting stopped, the 9/11 doc had 8 points and your suggestion had 6.

Since the contest mod was turned off, the votes have continued to change dramatically.

The votes for this 9/11 film dropped significantly as well.

Next time I'll take a screen shot of the vote count for proof. We should've done that anyway.

See my response to AH. Suggest it again next time. If it wins, I will personally make sure it gets featured.

Again, revisionism has been getting a lot of play on /r/conspiracy lately. It's certainly not a topic we're censoring.

Next time I'll take a screen shot of the vote count for proof. We should've done that anyway.

I would've done that for you if I knew people would continue to vote in that thread, but I noticed once it was taken off 'contest mode', none of the votes below the Auschwitz doc had changed *as much. Both of my suggestions have sat at +3 since then, if that counts for anything.

Sorry /pol/ but you shouldn'a done it. :(

seeing this thread and noticing my documentary would have won, weren't it for your strange rules,

You're looking at this in a very 2D way.

Firstly this wasn't just a discussion about /conspiracy on /pol/, this was an alert that we were voting on a featured doc, and people from there came here and vandalized that vote.

Your documentary probably wouldn't have been in a winning position if all the non/pol/ approved docs hadn't been buried under a mountain of down votes.

You can complain all you want but the evidence was pretty clear to all the mods who could see the vote totals and their subsequent rapid change after the /pol/ announcement.

I'm not happy about this either. Last time my documentery was hit by the downvote brigade, now it's censored.

i don't know if it's better but i can't see it being worse than anything else, brigading will throw votes off if votes there are, that's why republics are no democracy, because of media brigading.


You know, a lot of people have a disfavorable opinin of David Icke, yet, there were alot of claims in this documentary that i have heard first from Icke. But anyways,

There was a lot of new stuff in here for me. It was surprising, to me, how far the 911 truth movement has come, and how deep thr investigation has gone , and primarily by concerned citizens.

People keep saying "wake up! Wake up!" Dude, people are awake. We wouldnt have this much info on something like this if we were still sleeping.

The scary part, imo, is how quiet people are. If so many people are "awake", they are certainly pretending to be a sleep. Like how a child pretends to sleep, all the while the monster is lurking somewhere in the room.

Nonetheless, there is a lot of shit going down behind the scenes. For the People, and against. Right now is just the curtsy.

People are quiet because we are at a moment of a lack of momentum--where the percentage of the US questioning the event is just reaching over 50%. So like a car going over a hill, we're at the top of the hill. It will soon change ( I think)

I can agree with that. And until some major catalyst, people will continue to be doing shit behind the scenes on both fronts. I was just addressing that a lot of people feel that just because they dont see many people who seem "awake," doesnt mean that they arent there... If that makes sense..

This isn't a very good doc. Unnecessary splicing of Hollywood film footage that is amateurish in style. The film adds nothing to the 9/11 conversation that wasn't covered more comprehensively by A New Pearl Harbor.

So we shouldn't feature any more 9/11 documentaries now that we've featured A New Pearl Harbor?

I learned some information from this film that wasn't included in ANPH.

ANPH is a great film, but that doesn't mean it's the only 9/11 documentary that will ever be featured by the sub.

The film adds nothing to the 9/11 conversation that wasn't covered more comprehensively by A New Pearl Harbor.

I agree.

What did you learn from this video that you didn't from ANPH?

Unfortunately ANPH includes lots of dubious material about the Pentagon and Flight 93, whereas everything in this film is rational and well-researched.

What information do you find dubious with regard to Pentagon and Flight 93? I believe they were handled perfectly.

Flight 93: The suggestion that the passengers were forced to make their calls from some secret location on the ground with a guns to their heads is utterly unsubstantiated and requires a whole host of other events taking place for which we have zero evidence.

Pentagon: The idea that something other than flight 77 hit the Pentagon is an utter embarrassment for the truth movement at this point. It's really painful to see well-meaning but ill-informed people parroting misinformation which was thoroughly debunked years ago. There are something like 80+ eye witnesses who described seeing a large jet liner hit the Pentagon, and the damage to the building IS consistent with a jetliner hitting it. A more detailed analysis can be found here: http://oilempire.us/pentagon.html

Flight 93: It makes no insinuations about the passengers "having guns to their heads." It proves that the phone calls could not have been made from the plane, and thus accurately concludes that they must have been made from somewhere else. It allows viewers to draw their own conclusions about a specific phone call where the speaker utters something under her breath at the end of the call.

Pentagon: I don't even know where to start with you here. It has been demonstrated well beyond any reasonable doubt that it is literally impossible that a 747, made that decent, at that approach, impacted that wall, leaving that damage, that is proven to be inconsistent to the measurements of the plane as well as decidedly minimal debris, while penetrating 3 rings of the pentagon "like a missle" punching a hole in the outer wall, while disposing of two Rolls Royce engines. All recorded by 86 cameras in the local vicinity whose tapes have all been confiscated and never released.

If you actually believe Flight 77 hit the Pentagon you have no business being involved with the truth movement.

If you actually believe Flight 77 hit the Pentagon you have no business being involved with the truth movement.

It sounds like you've already appointed yourself as the grand arbiter of Truth, but in the event that you're actually willing to consider alternate viewpoints, I'll submit this for your consideration:


I've seen this before. It's a pointless refutation because it can only show that something carrying flight 77's call sign, hit the Pentagon.

I am not of the belief that an aircraft did not hit the Pentagon.

I am of the belief that aircraft was not flight 77 and was likely a smaller more maneuverable drone, carrying a warhead.

80+ people did not testify to seeing a small drone, they testified to seeing a large airliner. Your hypothesis also requires an explanation of how the actual Flight 77 disappeared without a trace. Common sense, witness testimony, and physical evidence all argue against your hypothesis.

So your refutation relies on eyewitness testimony (majority of which were government employees, and doesn't include numerous testimonies of a smaller aircraft.) and the assertion that it's somehow impossible to hide a plane and dispose of it?

Nice try!

So you're suggesting that 80+ people are all lying for some reason? Possibly simply because many of them were government employees?

the assertion that it's somehow impossible to hide a plane and dispose of it

Sorry, but if you claim Flight 77 wasn't there, the onus is on you to explain where it went.

Your argument gets weaker the further you carry it on.

Do I think people are capable of lying and/or faking eyewitness testimony? You betcha.

It was demonstrated in ANPH quite clearly how the technique and technology to make an in air "switch" of two airplanes is very simple to do and is a known military strategy.

I can see where this is going as I used to spend lots of time chatting with people like you. I'm through arguing with you, the truth is obvious to those with eyes to see it.

I'll just ask you one last question. If you're so dedicated to the truth movement, what is your explanation?

The twin towers were a conspiracy but the Pentagon wasn't? Please enlighten us for posterity.

I can see where this is going as I used to spend lots of time chatting with people like you. I'm through arguing with you, the truth is obvious to those with eyes to see it.

As I expected, you already know that you are the Ultimate Arbiter of Truth. Hilariously enough, though, you continue to avoid actually answering any of my questions which might force you to rethink your position.

Do I think people are capable of lying and/or faking eyewitness testimony? You betcha.

WHY are they all lying, and HOW did the government get them all to lie?

It was demonstrated in ANPH quite clearly how the technique and technology to make an in air "switch" of two airplanes is very simple to do and is a known military strategy.

Okay, WHERE is there any evidence that this actually happened and WHERE is Flight 77?

I'll just ask you one last question. If you're so dedicated to the truth movement, what is your explanation?

The twin towers were a conspiracy but the Pentagon wasn't? Please enlighten us for posterity.

That's such laughably simplistic thinking. The fact that Flight 77 hit the Pentagon doesn't mean there was no conspiracy. Why was it not intercepted or shot down? Why did it hit where it did? Who was actually controlling the plane? Who financed the operation? Those are all questions actually worth looking into.

Lol, now you're showcasing the classic quote/reply tactic that is so common among argumentative shills.

along with the classic "BUT YOU HAVEN'T ANSWERED MY QUESTION"

What question?

These alleged eyewitness testimonies were not recorded, they're written. I can write anything and say an actual person said it. They aren't proof of anything.

It is widely agreed upon by those who have studied the Pentagon that it is simply impossible that the debris field and damage observed was that of a 747 impact. What they did with it is anyone's guess but is certainly possible that it was rerouted and disassembled in a military hangar.

The evidence is sufficient to prove it was not a 747, it is simply inconclusive on proving exactly what it was , Good day.

You still haven't answered my questions, and now you're calling me a shill to top it off. Your desperation is showing.

It is widely agreed upon by those who have studied the Pentagon that it is simply impossible that the debris field and damage observed was that of a 747 impact.

Only in the echo chamber of your own head, I'm afraid.

Complimentary documentaries.

9/11: Press For Truth


Who Killed John O'Neil?


I second these. I've seen both and they both have excellent, well-sourced material in them.

This documentary is a horrible tool in the cause for 911 truth. It's all about individual "stars" of the visible government/media, rather than the facts about the controlled demolition of WTC1, WTC2 and WTC7.

This doc is a joke. A serious joke from those who brought you a fake Richard Gage AMA.

The bitterness is strong with this one.

This documentary is a horrible tool in the cause for 911 truth.

Address the claims, not the username.


What's with the French subtitles? There are better versions without that.

Have a link?


video not available - any other link?

It looks like it isn't available in some countries. Weird.

I can't seem to find another either...I found a torrent but there are no seeds.

May not be available in your country only, in which case you could try viewing it through a proxy: http://www.proxy4free.com/

I think it is clear now to anyone who wants to know the truth. The majority don't want to know the truth and of the minority who do, they want it to get ahead in the game.

Wow this is very, very good. I had no clue about a lot of these ideas.

The guy who denied the request to search Massaoui's computer got a promotion? WTF.

It's actually mediocre in comparison to The New Pearl Harbor movie. It's quite the time commitment but well worth it.

Sure, if you ignore the steaming pile of feces that The New Pearl Harbor includes about both the Pentagon and Flight 93.

Do you think Barbara Honegger has a better assessment of the Pentagon blast?

Barbara Honegger

disinfo if I ever saw it.


Please enlighten me before I take the trouble of vpn-ing this documentary.

I'm not quite clear on what you're asking. If you're curious what "Everybody's Gotta Learn Sometime" says about the Pentagon, it doesn't really discuss it.

Never mind.

Really a 9/11 one? Like we haven't all seen hundreds of these videos? Like anyone needs convincing that the towers were demolished?

edit: fuck me, right?

Like anyone needs convincing that the towers were demolished?

Are you implying that this is some global "known truth" that everyone on the planet is aware of? Because that's laughable, many have never even bothered to look into the details of the official story at all and blindly deride anyone who dares question it. This is especially true in the US where most people would never bring up 9/11 conspiracy theories in "polite company" because it leads to immediate ostracization in most situations.

Yes, I am stating as fact that literally everyone on the planet is aware of it and accepts that the towers were brought down by controlled demolition. I have just over 7 billion signed affidavits that I am prepared to hand over to the justice dept as evidence.

Ha-ha. So what was the purpose of your other comment then if you agree that there are many who know little to nothing about what happened that day?

Well, I just think nobody in /r/conspiracy needs convincing, thus the pointlessness of a 9/11 video being our Featured Documentary in the year 2015. Not that it's not a good doc, I just think we can do better...

Fair enough but 9/11 was likely the single most important event of the last 30 years at least in the US and a lot of people (specifically Americans) know nothing about it, I don't think there's such a thing as discussing it too much. Sorry if I came off like a dick though, wasn't my intention - we just see a lot of naysayers around these parts and it gets annoying constantly arguing with them and difficult to tell when someone is being sincere.

Just so you know, at the time the voting stopped, the 9/11 doc had 8 points and your suggestion had 6.

Since the contest mod was turned off, the votes have continued to change dramatically.

The votes for this 9/11 film dropped significantly as well.

Next time I'll take a screen shot of the vote count for proof. We should've done that anyway.

See my response to AH. Suggest it again next time. If it wins, I will personally make sure it gets featured.

Again, revisionism has been getting a lot of play on /r/conspiracy lately. It's certainly not a topic we're censoring.

seeing this thread and noticing my documentary would have won, weren't it for your strange rules,

You're looking at this in a very 2D way.

Firstly this wasn't just a discussion about /conspiracy on /pol/, this was an alert that we were voting on a featured doc, and people from there came here and vandalized that vote.

Your documentary probably wouldn't have been in a winning position if all the non/pol/ approved docs hadn't been buried under a mountain of down votes.

You can complain all you want but the evidence was pretty clear to all the mods who could see the vote totals and their subsequent rapid change after the /pol/ announcement.

This documentary is a horrible tool in the cause for 911 truth.

Address the claims, not the username.
