I think I've found the bottom of the "rabbit hole."

4  2015-01-13 by [deleted]

I've been researching various "conspiracy theories" and "alternative information" for about 4 solid years. Over the past few weeks I've dug deep into MKULTRA which has led me to the realization that the "UNITED STATES" government, military, CIA, FBI, NSA, etc, etc. are ALL responsible for kidnapping, child porn, pedophilia, and murder, all involving children. I think this is it. The bottom of the proverbial "rabbit hole." It doesn't get anymore wicked, vile, disgusting, or disturbing than the rape and murder of kids. To "the elite" I guess that's the ultimate power and taboo. What more can there be beyond that? Really? What's worse than what I've mentioned here?


What's worse? The fact that most of the globe is ignorant to avenge these kids is pretty close. Billions of people absolutely comfortable with the current state of affairs. They lable the alternative thinkers as nut cases, yet they have taken literally no time to research anything besides the official story. If citizens were as coordinated as the elitist filth that rule every aspect of society, we would be a true force to be reckoned with.

Congratulations. You've spent 4 years discovering a relatively shallow control mechanism.

Keep digging.


What more can there be beyond that? Really? What's worse than what I've mentioned here?

What's worse than what I've mentioned here?

Depends upon your perception, I guess.

I'd say that fostering, extending, and using a competing set of myths that creates a rift between people that over 1/3 of the world's population would kill each other over given just a bit of a nudge is a pretty bad one.

Another is rampant accumulation of wealth among a fraction of a percentage of the world's population when that wealth could instead be used to educate, feed, and heal quite a larger percentage of the world's population, including children, that are going to die today because that education, food, and medicine isn't coming.


Where did I say I found the bottom?

You came off all proud that after 4 years you found the bottom, you even touted it as your subject. Then you wrote about something quite near the top, and a minor control mechanism at that.

Your pride is misplaced. Keep digging.

They're working for someone else orchestrating these kinds of things on a worldwide scale, who is working for someone else who is orchestrating a spiritual battle on a spiritual scale.

You found the anus of the entire digestive tract.


Dammit, you beat me too it.

I've often wondered just how many 'intelligence' operatives were kidnapped as very young children and programmed.

In the movies? All of them. In real life? Pretty damned close to none of them.

Believe it or not, there are people whose goal in life is to be a government employee. FBI, CIA, Super-Hacker for the NSA, etc. They go to school, or they join the military, or they do both, and they get the job they want.

To most, FBI Agent is an honorable profession. You're finding criminals. Kidnappers. Counterfeiters. Terrorists.

Likewise, being a CIA "Spook" is highly glamorized, and it's not without its perks, either. You get to know secrets. You get to learn how to do bad-ass stuff. You get to BE a secret!

Pretty damned close to none of them.

And exactly how would you know this?

Apparently by being both more intelligent and more observant than most?

You realize there are schools, including grad-level programs, that teach this stuff, right? That people attend voluntarily? People with dads and moms and brothers and sisters and high school yearbooks and such?

by being both more intelligent and more observant

Ah. I understand. You haven't 'observed' any so the only 'logical' conclusion is that it's "close to none".

You realize there are schools, including grad-level programs, that teach this stuff, right? That people attend voluntarily? People with dads and moms and brothers and sisters and high school yearbooks and such?


That covers the ones we see and some we don't see but apparently you missed my whole point... or are distracting from it.

Edit: It not surprising that you blame "movies" for my comment about something I've been wondering about for 50 years.

Edit 2: What is "close to none"? One? Two? Five? 1%? 2%? 5%? Per year? Total to date? Let's nail your opinion down. After all, you're "more intelligent and more observant than most" so your opinion must therefore be more valid than most.

I just love how he so authoritatively makes claoms based on ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. Quacks like a duck...

So what was your point? That the government kidnaps children to make them into spies?

How would it know which kids to kidnap? You'd think if they're going to go through all the trouble of kidnapping kids to be spies, they'd want to make sure the investment was worth it. They'd need to have some idea of the kids' intellect, physical prowess, hand-eye coordination, temperament, and such.

They'd also have to get them at a young enough age that they'd not remember who they were, make them easier to brainwash / reprogram. How would they know everything they'd need to know about the kids at such a young age?

They'd also have to have a big enough network of people to pull all the evaluation, kidnapping, re-programming, and training off... and that network would have to stay completely silent.

Or... they could just count on peoples' natural tendencies to want to be Law Enforcement or Spies or Hackers, as well as on the pro-government conditioning given via media and schooling, plus the nice pay and excellent benefits including retirement after 20 years and (at least for now) just about the only left place to still get a pension, to produce enough people who just want to do it.

People voluntarily join the military, right? Get out of high school, join up. For a variety of reasons. Home life sucks. No prospects. No money for college. Want to go shoot people. Want to fly jets. See it as an accelerator into whatever field they want to go into eventually - mechanics, aviation repair, electronics, MP to Police.

Why do you think it would stop at military? Why do you think there wouldn't be plenty of people who would want to be FBI and CIA and NSA and such?

kidnaps children to make them into spies?

Black ops isn't just about spies.

False flags, murders, etc.

How would it know which kids to kidnap? ...

Wouldn't make any difference. The ones that don't meet muster would be easy enough to eliminate... for "the greater good" you know.

that network would have to stay completely silent

Because there are no secret installations?

People voluntarily join

You keep distracting away from my point, the ones that may be completely hidden from view, and towards the ones we can easily see! There could easily be thousands and thousands that we know absolutely nothing about. And if it's been going on as long as I've been wondering about it (or even longer) we're talking about it being generational. The ones running the programs nowadays may just be some of those that were kidnapped and programmed 30/40/50/60 years ago.

You seem overly anxious to dismiss the idea. To me, it seems a natural progression from the initial mandates for such agencies and for the people in control of them.

How would it know which kids to kidnap?

Common core XD

The spooks are very much dangerous, as they create different extremist organizations for people becoming radicalized by propaganda to join. They cannot be trusted at all, be careful what you join.

This guy is taking the piss

The EU, US and israeli intelligence are the same organization as they share all information.

I'm not sure that's the bottom. My current theories are:

  • This evil is a mental addiction to chemicals the brain produces when these acts are committed.
  • Lack of empathy (psychopathy) is a precursor to this addiction.
  • Psychopathy is a genetic condition. Sometimes its active when people with this condition are raised in a non abusive environment, but is easily activated in an abusive environment.
  • The abuse inflicted by what you've titled the "bottom" is actually a double way that these people "get off". By inflicting trauma on the next generation of potentials, they can rape society into the future by turning them into the same evil.
  • Organizations that were originally created to study and help mankind in secret via memes and symbols were taken over by this evil and now serve as training grounds for the evil by identifying potential individuals and teaching them the psychology.
  • Traumatizing individuals that are not prone to psychopathy create individuals that are superstitious (easily lead to religion), compliant, and controllable.
  • War serves the purpose of mass traumatizing of populations.
  • "Religion" were the remnants of psychological ways of viewing the world, but they've been perverted, and now serve to divide people and cause wars.

I think that's the bottom (or the birds eye view). Basically these psychopaths (who are addicted) get off on evil. "Duping delight" is one of the aspects of "getting off", and the idea of a world in continual agony by being tricked into endless wars or a world under total control of psychopaths feeds this addiction.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5QWbLJaRYLc Video on human nature. #3 is most likely scenario to me.

Not everyone is wired that way. 1 to 5% of the population cannot feel empathy. That's not to say that these people are evil or that they cause harm, but rather they have the potential to be very destructive and evil if addicted to the chemicals the brain produces when acting out evil. One might argue that the existing "capitalistic" society is actually an abnormal creation of these psychopathic minds gone crazy, and that the natural society would reject these individuals to die in isolation.

One of the biggest engineered problems in our current society is that empathy is not rewarded, instead, the economic model rewards people that are selfish, cynical, coercive, violent, greedy, manipulative, and people that conspire together to exert their rule over the majority of others. So my question is, how can we be surprised there is so much sickness and so many people with no empathy when our society does not promote or even reward empathy to the tune it should be if we wanted a healthy society (instead, showing empathy by sharing your wealth or housing/feeding/educating to someone else less fortunate for only their benefit might mean yourself going homeless soon..

If we want to reduce the amount of psychopathic in our society, we would have to remove the mechanics in our socio-economic model that promote, reward and nurture that behavior. Your 1-5% might be completely, or mostly eliminated (more so the later), but we wont know till we promote the ethical behaviors and not the un-ethical ones like we are currently under capitalism and the free market.

I also agree with the statement about capitalism being a production of psychopathic behaviorism, however, we can go further and say that it started with the introduction of feudalism (capitalism being a more democratic version of feudalism, but still centralized in the hands of corporatocracy), and to some extent even the invent of the monetary system (a system that creates winners at the expense and great benefit of creating and ruling over losers, thus creating inequality in the process and monetizing the relationships and their values between people)

Cloning children and harvesting people. That could be worse.

There is a lot that could be worse but this is rather terrible.


Cloning is documented. Just banned. Please bro. There have been cases already of people cloning and or organ harvesting/cloning. A child was born with bad kidneys so the mother had the drs take his dna and somehow impregnate her with a twin that grew 3 kidneys so the first born could have a transplant. They are identical twins born 9+ months apart. Could be fake but wall street journal ran story back in 03.

To add.. China supposedly has a harvesting farm. Workers are fed and given same amount of field work. Eventually the prisoner is transported to an airplane, killed and then delivered to a surgeon to harvest organs for a specific person buying the organs. That may be speculation as I read it on a forum.

What's worse than what I've mentioned here?

7 billions slaves (dare I say, Palestinians)? Actually wait there is worse in the world, the slave masters... of 7 billions slaves.

What's worse than what I've mentioned here?


Where did I say I found the bottom?

You came off all proud that after 4 years you found the bottom, you even touted it as your subject. Then you wrote about something quite near the top, and a minor control mechanism at that.

Your pride is misplaced. Keep digging.