List of Muslim mods on reddit?

0  2015-01-14 by [deleted]


Pretty sure admin would classify this as witchhunting and ban your ass for it.

I am not sure what your source of information is, but this made me chuckle out loud.

Allah hu Akbar!

Ok cracker jack. Here is what you are doing. Bringing shame to the conspiracy community first of all. You are calling a mod a cunt when he is protecting his sub from admin stepping in and doing something.

Next you are starting a witch hunt. Yeah the other guy did that cause he was protecting his sub. He had a reason to post what he did and outlined that in his post.

Lastly you are hopefully going to be banned from this sub because you have no real outline for why you posted what you did. Flytape even asked you for it and you just said they have a style. You didnt outline it or anything just throwing names out there and hoping for a bite.

Be more clear with what you think their style is quote them if that gets your point across. But dont just throw some chum and hope for a bite.

Removed: rule 5

Do you know the meaning of those words?

Because you don't seem to understand them.

Okay let's have a chat about this.

What purpose does making a list of Muslim mods serve?

I knew it. (Other comment)

They have a moderation style. I just want to avoid them. Made that clear in the post.

Muslims have a moderation style? Shari'a moderation?

Please connect the dots for me, are you mad about their moderation style or that they are Muslim? If its because they are Muslim then why does their moderation matter? If its because of their moderation style then why would being Muslim matter?

You may have thought that your post was clear but it really wasn't. It started out as some rant against Muslim mods and devolved into something about reddit's biggest mods based upon the number of subscribers under them.

Instructions are very unclear, what are we supposed to do with this information and if its just info for yourself why not use a piece of paper and a pencil, or a rich text document?

Yes. Yes.

Their moderation style but that comes from the fact they are Muslim. This is a bit of a chicken egg deal.

You seem to have issues with words and their meanings. You should work on that. You know so you can be less of a stupid cunt. Yes this should be your new goal in life.

I asked for more info that I don't have. Again with your reading comprehension issues. Try schools they teach you things they even have ones for special people such as yourself.

Okay so its simultaneously because they are Muslim and that they moderate shari'a style (whatever that means).

So if any one of the people you listed could demonstrate that they are not Muslim then your whole case falls apart. Here is the deal, you're clearly anti-muslim and you clearly hate these people because they have moderated you at some point in the past. There seems to be some thing about the ukip party politics in your past which is fine and dandy and probably the source of your displeasure with these mods since they are all or mostly statists type people who worship authority and TPTB.

but your assigning them the label of Muslim probably spawned from your hatred of Muslims and simultaneous hatred of these individuals.

For what its worth, if you had posted an ominous list of Christian reddit mods or Zoroastrian reddit mods, I would have removed that also. (Yes SRD I would have removed a list of Jewish reddit mods also! So don't get your panties in a bunch)

Try schools

Could you recommend a nice Muslim school? I hear they have some lovely ones in the UK.

You don't even know what your words mean?

They can't.

You really don't understand anything. You should stop trying.

Assumptions are stupid but then again you are stupid.


Or you should try out one of our fancy new free schools. That is why we have them. ;)

Snoopsnoo thinks /u/agentlame is an atheist.

Some of them are gay.

Gay atheist sharia Muslims.


I don't understand it either but it is happening.

Ask them I'd really like to know. Maybe gay atheist is a cover story.

What is yours?

Do a you tube search for gay Muslims.

What is yours?

Interspecies marriage counselor. You have otherkin issues that are effecting your family or maybe even your bedroom? Just call 877-Fur-Time and set up an appointment, we'll have your significantly furry other rolling over on command in no time flat!

Are you a Muslim?

I'm a fuzzlim.

Lol. This is like watching a poorly built wall crumble.

Wtf does it matter if they are Muslim?

Wtf is this shit?

Are there any subs that don't have cunt mods.

Maybe I will make a new one just for the list.

creesch stalked me here that actually does violate rule 5. You should remove his comment.

Maybe I should remove his comment, but I won't. As you pointed out already I'm quite the cunt.