George Carlin - Conspiracy Theorists

34  2015-01-15 by [deleted]


Carlin started to speak more and more of truth the older he got.

Such a amazing comedian who was truly his own.

Bill Hicks was light years ahead of him.

Yeah, but Carlin was funny.

As much truth as Hicks said, he was more of a lecturer than a comedian.

Dryer wit.

Wasn't carlin in the game before him though. I ment he was one of a kind In his act. Hicks does have the same type if act though

I really don't think Carlin and Hicks are too similar(although they appear similar on the surface). Carlin was a lot more "mainstream" and "relate-able". Hicks was a lot more controversial, dirty, and counter-culture. Hicks was religious. Carlin was not. Hicks spoke about spiritual enlightenment(in fact, he didn't view himself as a comedian, but as a spiritual teacher). Carlin's outlook was that we were fucked(and more fucked as he got older). Hick's was that we needed to wake up, and we would be saved. In reality, they were two very different men, who were opposed to a lot of the same people.

Please do not confuse religion with spirituality. He was not religious.

He believed in Jesus. He preached his goodness. Most would call that following the tenets of Christianity. But to each his own. Was Martin Luther(founder of Protestantism) Religious? He was very critical of the Catholic church also. Just because you are against organized religion does not mean you are not religious. Though Hicks hated Organized Religion(like many people), he was religious(like many people).

No he referenced Jesus as a spiritual teacher not as a god. Spiritual people understand that Jesus whether allegory or real spoke truth nothing more Jesus was no more special than you or I. Religious folk think and have for over 2000 years thought this dude was gonna save them. True enlightened beings understand that only by going within aka Jesus in the wilderness will you truly find your godself.

I think we are arguing semantics, and the meanings of two man-made words (religious and spiritual), rather than any argument of meaning.

Bill was a self-proclaimed preacher. In the documentary “It’s Just A Ride” there is a quick segment of Mary Hicks, Bill’s mother, speaking to that point: I said to Bill, you know you are just that far from being a preacher, and he said, 'I am a preacher.'

The religion he was preaching was not Christianity wholly. But instead a teaching of enlightenment through opening your Pineal Gland(third eye), which allows you to see god. He still revered the Abrahmic God, and much of his associated literature. He, however hated the organizations/methods/interpretations surrounding them(much like Martin Luther, who was undoubtedly religious, even though he too opposed the Church).

If we are all gods, then wasn't Jesus a God also?

The only difference between the two was that Hicks reveled in saying shit like "they killed Kennedy, man" whereas Carlin was a bit more intelligent and knew that using such language would already leave him as discredited to most unenlightened individuals. Carlin played the big game, bringing big ideas to MANY people. Hicks was great, and I love his comedy, but he was very angry and obviously had issues with his vices. Carlin was a more enlightened individual, given his patience and usage of language.

I agree(except with the "more intelligent" part). Carlin and Hicks both saw the boundaries that the establishment would tolerate. Carlin pushed it to the max, but stayed in the bounds, so he could work to fight the system from the inside and use its power against it. Hicks pushed it to the max, saw the boundaries, and exceeded them, not censoring his message much at all. This cost him his credibility, and his status in the "mainstream"(and thus, limited his audience). In the end Hick's message was more "truthful" in my opinion, but it was too much for most people(especially TPTB) to handle. Carlin knew this, and took some of the edge off. He diluted the message(and took all spirituality out of it), to make it more marketable(and thus reach more people).

Hicks wanted to change the world, Carlin wanted to poke it with a stick and watch it squirm.

Did he really want to change the world?

He sure as fuck didn't want it to stay the same.

Carlin could give a shit. Just there for the show.

Unless you spoke to ten personally you really don't know

And for him wanting to change the world and pushing boundaries, I feel like that's what killed him. I've never agreed with the cancer thing. I think somebody killed him. Poisoned him perhaps. I just don't like coincidences.

Both fell into the shadow of Lenny Bruce, Carllin loved being compared to Bruce, whom he greatly admired. In fact Carlin went to jail once trying to stand up for Bruce when he was arrested for breaking public decency laws.

Every few years I watch all of his material. I think he might have been killed. He was shaping up to be a real force in America.

I don't advocate it but I see that it's the only answer

I have felt this way for a long time

My favorite George Carlin on conspiracy stuff:

"It's just fun. It's good speculation." speaks volumes to the peace he's got and more people should have about the realities of our shitty world. Maybe if conspiracy theorists talked more like chill comedians they'd be taken more seriously.

Long Live Bill Hicks!

Spittin truth like hot fire.

I saw him on his last tour. He was ailing, a lot of jokes about aging and death. It was weird, I was still in my 20s, had just came from a funeral wake, saw his demeanor and was like, "oh shit, this isn't the conductor of Shining Time Station anymore..." One of those, where does the time go moments.

I saw Carlin live a few days before he died. I think he finally kicked off painkillers long enough to really feel the toll decades of drug abuse and 2 or 3 bypass surgeries took.

I won't say I was his largest fan, but I'm not shy in saying I own every single one of his albums, all the HBO shows, even stuff from when he was a DJ in Shreveport LA and mp3s of some recordings he made as a kid. I love the mind that he had, and to see how it developed from a kid to old age. (Well, over 70). The biggest thing I learned from him is to never EVER take things at face value, and not to take life too seriously.

And as Bill Hicks would say, life is just a ride.

George Carlin was an anarchist. I feel he really understood the "game" that's being played. The older I get, the more I realize nothing will change until the pitchforks and torches are on the street.

You mean chanting for a few hours out in the cold isn't enough?!!!! lol Names & Addresses & live internet surveillance of the accused would make a few of the greedy/guilty think twice.

Wow, that would make for big changes ... fast.

We have the numbers to take it all back; however, we just cannot get our shit together!

If we humans within the next one hundred years develop the technology to raise and reanimate the dead, I now cast my vote to resurrecting both Bill Hicks and George Carlin and Elect them both Co-Dictators of the American (fuck South America) empire for the next 1000 years.

Ya! Fuck those guys with their different geographic locations!