Sacred Geometry and Power Numbers.

0  2015-01-18 by [deleted]

Humanity is very much fixated on the number one, but little do most humans know, this is a lesser number to base our wisdom and understanding on. Individuality, money, words and their defined meanings, plus anything else that's part of this spiralling singularity that we call reality. Under the influence of one, you promote disunity; it's the lowest form of self, and thus against the family, the population and the World, in every format. A man is also part his mother and father, a man has multiple organs, and therefore a man is much more than a single thing. A man's hand contains millions of cells, each of which help form and keep it---the cells are a vital part of the hand and they harmonize in a specific way, above the number one. The number one is a singularity, there is no input or output; thus, the body is cubed, so we would measure it in cubits, which is mentioned in the bible, cubits as a measurement---it's also mentioned in the Theory of Cubic Time, which this thread is highly influenced by. It's cubed because the cells must fill a certain space, and this space must be compressed; in the case of the body, compression is with the skin. Take for example, your opposable thumb, the cells within pulsate toward the edges and then they recycle with oxygenated blood; this expansion requires the space to expand in, and like the space we move through freely, the thumb acts as the space of which blood can move through.

Space requires more than one to be; at least one meter, one mile, or one light year; so all of it together is not only "space", but liberty as well; it's an environment. The body is an environment for cells and organs, and space is an environment for primarily stars and planets; but this is the very problem with the number one, there is no environment under the influence of one, there has to be a greater power number in order for things to find harmony. If there was one resource, one gender, or only a left side, then. in the first two cases, there would be no life. and in the third, no universe, because no freedom, or law, was between opposite or opposed parts; the resource, for example, an animal, would have no food and would die, the single gender would come to an end without reproduction and life would not continue, and the left side alone is impossible without a right side to accompany it, impossible to perceive, impossible to preserve, so the universe would cease to exist.

The universe is of cubits, microscopic and vast, in sizes; simple and complex in dimension and rhythm. The number four is the power number of the universe, it transcends one, it accounts for cycles, sensory data assimilated, and more. The why's cannot be explained with one, but they are explained in full with four. Take a good look at yourself in a mirror, or a picture of someone else, and sense their cubic nature, because without understanding of cubic truth, you are unwise, android-minded and destined for hell on Earth.

  • Mother, Father, Son and Daughter.

  • Morning, Midday, Evening and Midnight.

  • Baby, Child, Parent and Grandparent.

  • Top and Bottom, Left and Right, Front and Back, and Inside and Outside.

  • Red, Blue, Yellow and Green.

  • Fire, Water, Air and Earth.

  • Winter, Spring, Summer, Autumn.

Examples of the number four in nature.

The number one also causes people to have an advantage over others; cases where they speak and think in the same language, allows crude interruptions in conversation or waves-of-thought to occur; people can distract others from recognizing cubic nature with people power and influence. Genetically induced temperaments and general evilness in people, that would be beneficent in an untouched natural world, is abstracted in man-made reality.

Any questions or debates? Trolls will be ignored unless they are good trolls.


I don't get the examples for how four is important. The colors was dumb, as there are three primary colors and they just crammed in an extra to make it fit. And the baby, child, parent, grandparent? What?

Why not use the cardinal directions?

Four is important, but it can only be explained metaphorically (meta-4-ically). It serves as the perfect frame for perception, like a picture, it's got four corners and you can see through it. If you worshipped only one corner, then you would be spiralling into an unknowing void. You would be cycloptic-minded because you have opposite eyes, that're both more than one, and they overlay when we sense vision. This proves that the number one is a lesser intelligence, for if it was true, then each eye would have it's own range of vision, rather than both focusing on a single view.

Are you high?

No. I don't do drugs bar clonazepam and nitrazepam; and I don't drink alcohol, only water. I'm very attuned with the number 4 and cubits, it's more than thinking as 4 as 1 + 1 + 1 + 1, or any other format in a base 10 numerical system. It's living and breathing 4. So words are 1-related, then we scrap words; we wouldn't anticipate the day as 24-hours, but instead, how long it takes... And so on... You are a bad troll.

It's living and breathing 4

I don't get what you're saying.

Words are 1-related

Ok, I get that English isn't your first language. Can you maybe link to where you found this information? I feel like there's a lot of background stuff that's missing in this post and conversation.

You are a troll. You must know with your heart. You think because your heart prompts the mind with emotion, but you think you know because you have trained your tongue to talk a language. You must know straight from the heart to know anything. That's movement, sensory assimilation, and so forth- doing and not speaking, communicating but not in words, tactical based expressions as a pack of wolves or, as your mind probably prefers, rapters.

What? You're just talking I circles. I can't understand what you're saying and I want to, but I guess I'm a troll because I'm asking questions?

The order is square, triangle then circle.


Because that's the way it is.

Anoint wisdom, recognize self.

So just "because"?

Green, Yellow, Red, Blue; Primary Colours.

And to Tedskis, we're not talking age, we're talking stages of life-metamorphosis.

Green isn't a primary color...

Green and Yellow are often exchanged with each other to be primary colours.

Says who?

Ah alright. So there's still just groups of three; not four.

Yellow and Green are exchangeable.

Right. You take one out and put another in its place. That give you 3. 3-1+1=3.

Remove all of the 1's in society, your mind would be much wiser and probably more powerful.

I'm not nearly high enough to understand what you're saying.

Great-grandparents and the color orange cast a shadow on your theory.

No they don't. Again, it's not about age, it's about metamorphosis; take for example, the baby who is born---this is a major point in it's metamorphosis. At the opposite end of the baby, we have a parent, who looks after the growing up side of the cycle (baby, child). A child, like a baby, is at the growth stage of life-metamorphosis, it is more capable than a baby, and it's closer to becoming a parent, therefore we select this as a major point. Finally, the grandparent---it may still be parenting, but it is aging, and unlikely to reproduce again, it's closer to death, the final major point. All transition stages can be mentioned but they wouldn't be major points.

What about adults who aren't parents?

They carry reproductive cells, thus they are a parent. Also, there are many levels in cubits, let me explain using reverse psychology. Each letter, word, sentence and paragraph can be negated to 1.

A = 1 letter.

Man = 1 word.

I am a Man = 1 sentence.

And so on.

In cubits, things go in the opposite direction. They continue going up, rising, becoming more powerful or intense. An (as you say) "adult", is a parent to the children of the Earth automatically, it has a paternalistic hand in it's future. The butterfly effect.

1 universe. Ergo 1 is everything.

Are you high?

Because that's the way it is.

Anoint wisdom, recognize self.