Found some really weird stuff today 9/11 involvement

82  2015-01-22 by [deleted]

I had a customer today bring her computer in after someone remotely connected in. Sounded like a normal phone scam, on viewing the documents left by said tech company I found a few alarming things; after looking into the company i'm really freaked out.

Company that connected. looks pretty normal.... until you look at the about page.

listed on the directors are two extremely over qualified people, Barry McDaniel and Henry E. Wilkins. My first thought was fake bios the person that made the site probably just grabbed some stock images from google. So I looked into the names, and well they are real people and the info is correct about them.

This started me down the rabbit hole, to find this video talking mostly about Barry McDaniel's involvement in 9/11 along with other events and even links to Henry Wilkins. ( ) jump to 2:06 for the introduction to Barry McDaniels and 6:01 for when it gets really weird.

Here is another link for a diffrent company linking the same names and a few more.

This is the first time I have heard the names so maybe someone can help shine some light on things.


The video mentions the Blackstone Group which financed Larry Silverstein's takeover / privatization of the trade center some 6 weeks before their destruction. Blackstone was headed by the New York Federal Reserve bank president, Peter G. Peterson.

Blackstone trumpeted their accomplishment of that financing as being "In association with Henry Kissinger" in business publications that summer.

The trade center was transferred in a sweetheart deal from the New York Port Authority which was later instrumental in shipping some of the steel out of the country an in hand picking the pieces of steel to be examined by NIST.

edit, since there is apparent interest in the actual financiers here are links.

The video mentions the Blackstone Group which financed Larry Silverstein's takeover / privatization of the trade center some 6 weeks before their destruction. Blackstone was headed by the New York Federal Reserve bank president, Peter G. Peterson.

Blackstone trumpeted their accomplishment of that financing as being "In association with Henry Kissinger" in business publications that summer.

i did not have this piece of the puzzle, thanks. no surprises though, in fact it fits perfectly.

took the pic from techninja and put it in its place on the line up. not very pretty but it works..

that is a great image, thank you!

CIA front?

Well, if they're actively calling people to gain remote access to their machines, I'd say they're up to something. I'd like to know more about the customer to find out why her computer was targeted by these scumbags.

So, is calling people, trying to get them to allow a remote connection to presumably sell them a service?

I'm interested in learning why your customer was targeted. Perhaps you can ask her who she, or perhaps her husband, or kids, work for. Are they trying to gain access to her machine for a nefarious reason? Did you find anything suspicious on her machine?

She owned a business, I think a restaurant I remember alot of documents on the desktop.

I'm interested to see where this leads.

This will dovetail into what you have found

I, too, found some strange tech connections to 9/11. There are some odd ties between the CIA and one of the purported crash victims.

The CIA website IP address is tied to Akamai Technologies.

The founder of Akamai Technologies, an Israeli named Daniel Lewin, apparently died on flight 11.

This isn't exclusive to the CIA. Akamai is an extraordinarily large content delivery network that controls like 30% of the world's web traffic (Yahoo, Google, etc).

If I had to guess, all of our data that the government collects is done through Akamai (thanks to the Patriot Act which was conveniently passed in the aftermath). I don't know why Lewin was disappeared, though; perhaps to protect him.

Nevertheless, the fact that he was disappeared during 9/11 may indicate that the event, the subsequent Patriot Act, and secret data collection were all planned and deliberated. On a side note, Lewin was Israeli, so there may be a link between 9/11 and Israel as well.

Damn! It's very true that they could be getting access to corporate websites' data through Akamai. Makes complete sense. Much easier for them to give you their data than for you to break in and get it out and/or own their internal backend networks. This probably wouldn't even raise the suspicions of their tech guys and they would even willingly go along with the ploy -- completely unknowingly.

What are you saying? Why do they own this company? What were they trying to achieve by remotely connecting to the woman's computer?

The thing that caught my eye was the system looked perfectly clean of malware, until looking deeper and finding the zeus botnet software that had been added.

Yeah, but I don't understand the conspiracy here. What exactly are they trying to do with this company?

Well, I believe that's what OP is wondering too.

think about it, ordinary people with facebook and other social media, their PC is infected and usable at the whim of the CIA or some other TLA, they can fake shill and troll comments from this persons PC to suit whatever operation is going on at the moment.

this woman suddenly, (her PC anyway) could develop an interest in 9/11 and become a Utube shill, emails and forum comments to newspapers, she would never know it of course because the remote people would be faking activity from her PC.

its real people with real IDs.

some of the shills and trolls out there seem to have no real world reason to be doing the trolling they do on Utube and similar, unless their PC is being trojaned.

I believe this is mention in the Snowden data dump from the NSA and GCHQ, its one of their illegal and immoral methods.

Whoa, cool. TIL there are 'ferrofluids'

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