The Fact That Benjamin Netanyahu Will Be Giving a Prime Time Televised Speech to the American People Really Angers Me, Let's Organize a Protest Against this Blatant Attempt by a Foreign Leader to Influence Our Country's Politics

213  2015-01-23 by [deleted]

I would really like to organize a political protest against the upcoming visit by Benjamin Netanyahu to give a prime time public televised address to the American people about how Islam is inherently dangerous to this country, and humanity in general.

I'd like to get some ideas here from /r/conspiracy on how we can organize a meaningful, peaceful protest in DC on the day he comes.

I am willing to spend some of my own personal money that I'm willing to donate to the cause if we need it. This blatant attempt by the Zionist regime in Israel to influence the internal politics and policies of the United States, and we must stand against this.

I want to stage a large nonviolent protest against Netanyahu in Washington DC the day he gives his speech, and I'm willing to pay for the permit, and for people who want to agenda airfare and lodging.

I have never organized anything, so I look forward to this sub helping out in determining the best usage of the funds available to make this a successful protest rally


Why does it anger you? He's only addressing the citizens of the United States employees of the company he owns, controls, and is the CEO of.

EDIT: I shouldn't even joke like this. Fuck that dude and anyone who supports him.

You are right, dont expect anything less than this continuing. We are all slaves to this system until you remove yourself from it.

We are all slaves to this system until you remove yourself from it.

That system is going global...

I would argue it is already global, masked in international theatrical politics.

hell yeah your damn fucking right Israel has so much influence over the u.s.a

Really wish this was not the case. Really with the public would wake up to this.


I think your right. That is why we must stand up and voice our dissent now, BEFORE SHTF. I will never forgive myself if I don't stand up and exercise my first amendment right and WW3 breaks out. We can really make a difference and if we stand up before these pphyscopaths actually start a war.

Decent will not be tolerated, the government doesn't give a shit about what we think. What are you some kind of antisemite? /s "the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country."

Oh now that's some serious bullshit if the government didn't give a shit about what we think we would be in Syria right now but public opinion wasn't having it.

I'm not saying they don't have power and influence what I am saying is there power is limited and hinges upon our public opinion and their ability to control that.

Its okay. The American Public is definitely lubed up enough by the "complexities" and "deep disconnect from politicized media portrayals" of Chris Kyle the American Hero that this event is surely a going to be a hit.

You either go with us or you're against is you libtard faggot.

I agree though, it will be a rah rah rally for war. Its okay, ignore Jewish influence. Its racist.

"I don't know with what weapons World War III will be fought with, but I do know we'll all be wearing yarmulkes after."

Why does a foreign leader from any country get prime time on US television? Fuck that shit.

my thoughts exactly. why would this even be allowed in the first place? this just proves he, in fact, has a major role in U. S. politics.

Why does a foreign leader from any country get prime time on US television? Fuck that shit.

This might be why

The US Congress is totally OWNED by AIPAC - the infamous Israeli Lobby.

Politicians that understand the power of "The Lobby" know that kissing Zionist Ass will assure that they have plenty of $$$ in their campaign chests, favorable media treatment, full support from their party, etc.

Politicians that FAIL to understand and respect the power of "The Lobby" usually tend to become former politicians.

To me, it's proof of our Zionist-Occupied Government...

Would love to go and bring a sign reading "Google: Five Dancing Israelis".

EDIT: Not Dancing Israel is

Please don't put an apostrophe on plural Israeli if you do. That's not how you pluralize.

John Boehner is in violation of The Logan Act with this action, and if Netanyahu speaks, he should be arrested as an Agent of Foreign Influence

If the State Department approves Netanyahu's entry into the U.S. to make the speech it would be seen as tacit approval for Boehner's contact.

No one's ever been prosecuted under the logan act in the over two hundred years it's been on the books.

There's a first time for everything.

Boehner certainly violated protocol here, inviting a notorious terrorist leader to try to con the American public into serving Israel's agenda.

I say the public because congress doesn't need "convincing" they are already bought and sold by AIPAC.

I can't seem to find any sources on a prime time televised speech to the American people, only that he is addressing congress. Any links to that information?

Interesting you say this, as I've found conflicting information on even the date of the speech, with some outlets saying Match while others are saying February 11

I heard Fox news say on the air today that they will be televising the speech, I imagine the rest of the news channels will follow Fox's lead also.

Thank you for the info.

I fully support this. My personal opinion is that the best way to get mass support for something like this would be to focus on portraying nantenyahu as a war monger (which he is) while also focusing on a message of peace. It would be nice to be able to wake america up to the crimes of israel, the corruption and evil behind the war on terror charade etc and so forth, but I think right now us sentiment is no more wars, even with the msm vomiting fear 24/7, and fighting evil with more negativity and demonization won't be effective. It's got to be a positive spin that doesn't just show BenJammin' is a war monger criminal, but also create the idea that he's just a meaningless pest on the giant peace / anti war / anti bullsh*t movement in the usa. Something people can get behind, like the #illridewithyou tag during the Australian hostage debocle. If they had instead went and had negative/ angry protests, I don't think it would've been as effective. Just my two cents..


Influence our country's politics? Netty and the boys own half of congress.

He's just a figurehead like Obama, a puppet - the money masters own the leadership of both countries.

The bastards that run the west want to take down Syria, then Iran, then Russia.

Yes, this means WW3. They don't care.

We are going to let them do this because they have rendered us utterly powerless.

You may say that with good intent, but the idea the people of the US and the world are powerless against this enemy is oft repeated and at least some of the time it's stated with the goal of making us believe it. In any event if there is a World War it won't have a happy ending for israel.

The people pushing for war don't really care about Israel.

Would starting a Gofundme Account for this be the best way to organize this? Reddit ads? A paid twitter ad campaign? What is the best way we can spread the word about this?

I've never organized anything like this before, so I'm really relying on this community to help give insight and recommendations on how best we can utilize resources to maximize the event.

If Netanyahu thinks he can come to our country and preech to us about the dangers of radical Islam while he and the criminal elements of this country fund and arm the same radicals he will say we need to go and kill, he's got another think coming. Netanyahu is a war criminal and belongs in the Hague to face justice, not a televised joint session of Congress.

When is he coming down? I'd say start a facebook group and join all of the active groups like occupy wall street and spread the word through that way too, and hire someone to make an advertisement video, kinda like the campaign commercials you see where the politicians who degrade other politicians during elections lol

Netanyahu sure is desperate to unarm all potential oppositions. This guy is going to 'dramatically plead' to Obama and congress about Iran's nuclear program. I wonder why he is so serious all of a sudden to remind the world that he and America are the 'bestest friends ever' to everyone. I wonder what his endgame is. I speculate it could have something to do with pissing off armed Islamic countries. That or he wants to tap Iran's resources, and probably stick a interest charging bank into their system as well.

OP, I would definitely join you all we would need is a date if the news reports are legit. I say get people informed as possible about newts visit, more people should see that he is coming to America in order to influence his own agenda into the States already stagnant political system.

It looks like it has officially been changed to March 3rd.

I like the idea of a video presentation, ideally satirical like this video , or this video that can really be effective at waking people up.

I'm curious with what he has to say. I can't heckle him in the crowd but I will at least be talking to people I know about it and creating debates about the event. Hope the dissatisfaction of him just being here spreads like wildfire.

This reminds me of the South Park episode, Starvin' Marvin in Space.

...what we need is the help of everyone out there so that we can continue these, these projects! Now, listen to this, Susan! One of our missionaries in North Africa has made an amazing discovery! A new planet in the, in the galaxy Alpha- Seti 6 that has intelligent life on it! Amazing! Now, we're not sure what these beings look like, but one thing is for sure, and they've never heard of Jesus Christ! What can we do with the 600 club to help those poor aliens?! What we need, Susan, is we need money to build an Interstellar Cruiser!

What we need now is an argon crystal lazer!

Tractor beam

Edit: Because israel is the religious charity state that requires more technology and money to fight the aliens. Get it? w/e

I think the best way to handle this is to take this event and use the energy of it against them by coming up with our own event that redirects people's attention to something empowering.

Well, if they're big and you're small, then you're mobile and they're slow. You're hidden and they're exposed. You only fight battles you know you can win. That's the way the Vietcong did it. You capture their weapons and you use them against them the next time. That way they're supplying you. You grow stronger as they grow weaker. - Enemy of the state.

it doesn't matter if 99% of you protest, your 1% are his best friend, his dictators, his think tank, then comes their spouses.

What we really need is someone with the balls to arrest him the minute he steps off the plane.

If memory serves correct, he did this same thing last year as well. Why is he the only foreign leader who gets to do this? It makes no sense... NO Netanyahu... we're not getting dragged into any more wars, fighting your country's enemies so your people don't have to!

Wow, that's... actually happening? This is the first I'm hearing about it but holy shit.

Who needs his racist, Islamaphic rhetoric. Take the American military spear out of his hand and send him to the garbage dump of history.

Why the hell would the Republicans invite this creep to address a joint session of Congress without informing the POTUS?

It's absurd.

I hope it backfires on them both and that he loses his election, and then they do in 2016.

How can there be a mid-east peace and a two-state solution with a man like Netanyahu in power?

I'm with you and I'd like to be a part of this, but this WW3 freight train is steaming now and given the average intelligence, it has one destiny.

Somewhat blatant.

I can imagine a hypothetical speech by the French President to the British people getting an equally WTF reaction.

Addressing the House of Commons and broadcast nationally on the BBC..

The only way Congress to get the message is for hundreds of thousands to march on the capital that day. With or without permission from the city. When Netanahu starts to speak. Those people push their way in and force it to stop. Until we prove to Boehner the public will not stand for his usurping of power, Congress will take more and more. With the billions the Koch brothers plan to spend will turn this country into an oligarthy. We as a country short time to stop this, or we will never be able to.

This group is forming a protest. Their cause is more about the Palestinian conflict then the cocksuckery of the representatives though.

This is straight BS. He is trying to stir a last minute call to war in hopes to boost is candidacy and at the same time stepping around the president thinking that if he gets Republicans on his side he doesn't need Obama. If I were the president I would bum rush the party and "Go Off". Next, him and his country would be Cut Off. I wish I was chief advisor to the President. I would nip this in the bud.

He was married 3 times and cheated on all 3 of his wives, abuses his maids, tries to play down his wealth by showing off his “modest” home which turns out to be his servant’s quarters. The guy is trash.

Why does it anger you more now, and not the last two times he did it over the last couple years?

In a perfect world, the zionist, jewish population is all in israel and they fight with their Arab enemies until the end of time and the West stays out of it and just watches and laughs.

People need to remember that the jewish people of israel are exactly like the Arab terrorists. They are two sides of the same coin. Why support one side over the other? Just let them solve it on their own and concentrate on our own lands.

Get these people out of the West. Both of them.

If only...

Get used to it. The Zionist Terrorist Apartheid Regime bought the Congress a long time ago. They own your asses now.

Is anyone but the 24 hour news channels carrying this speech? I doubt the major networks will interrupt the final season of 2 and a half men for this.

If this is true, I will not be watching. In fact, I will turn off my TV and cable box (they can tell when your cable or satellite box is on) during that time, in protest.

Smash the TV and rip the cable out of the wall.

Why don't you actually expend your energy into something meaningful, rather than attempting to incite a protest against the prime minister of the only democratic country in the Middle East. I agree Israel should pull out of the West Bank; however, the flak they receive (not only from this sub, but in general), is extremely unwarranted and unparalleled.

But Islam is inherently dangerous to this country, and humanity in general. In Israel people are free, including Arabs. Outside of Israel in the middle east Islamic totalitarianism rules the land. You are free to post things and say thinga out loud in Israel like what you are saying above. If you want to post or say things that are not in line with Islam outside of Israel in the middle east you can and will be murdered in numerous different ways including having you head cut off..

"in Israel, Israelis are free" FTFY

Brainwashed by the psyop speaks like a parrot

I think your right. That is why we must stand up and voice our dissent now, BEFORE SHTF. I will never forgive myself if I don't stand up and exercise my first amendment right and WW3 breaks out. We can really make a difference and if we stand up before these pphyscopaths actually start a war.

It looks like it has officially been changed to March 3rd.

I like the idea of a video presentation, ideally satirical like this video , or this video that can really be effective at waking people up.

Its okay. The American Public is definitely lubed up enough by the "complexities" and "deep disconnect from politicized media portrayals" of Chris Kyle the American Hero that this event is surely a going to be a hit.

You either go with us or you're against is you libtard faggot.

I agree though, it will be a rah rah rally for war. Its okay, ignore Jewish influence. Its racist.

"I don't know with what weapons World War III will be fought with, but I do know we'll all be wearing yarmulkes after."