How does r/conspiracy feel about the introduction of a 'free talk Friday' style post for the sub each Week?

36  2015-01-23 by mr_dong

Do you think it's a good idea for the community? Something different and maybe not as heavy as lots of the material posted here. Obviously racism and abuse are still not welcome but the idea is to give the community an opportunity to discuss interests, hobbies and other things. We've seen this kind of thing work on other subs so just wanted to put it out there and see what our readers and contributors think.

Opinions welcomed


Since we're throwing ideas out there, who wants to do a book club?

You had me at "since".

This. Would love to see a book club on here.

Well we could integrate the two ideas, no reason why books couldn't be discussed on a weekly Open thread. It doesn't have to be one thing and that really was the idea.

A book club style inclusion would be a great idea for me.

Sounds like a good idea to me.

The Transfer Agreement is Edwin Black's compelling, award-winning story of a negotiated arrangement in 1933 between Zionist organizations and the Nazis to transfer some 50,000 Jews, and $100 million of their assets, to Jewish Palestine in exchange for stopping the worldwide Jewish-led boycott threatening to topple the Hitler regime in its first year.

This would be fucking awesome. Docs are cool but books are just so much better. Less fluff and no buff.

I'm down with it.

Great Idea!

I would

Would love a book club as well!

Free Talk Friday??? I've been doing it wrong.

Yeah. "Free Talk Friday" is a pretty bad choice for a name. I'd rather see it, if we have to have one, simply titled "Open Thread" rather than the implications made with a day of the week being associated with "free talk"

I'm against most of the changes that have occurred on most of the major subreddits over the past 5 or so years. More heavily structured and moderated, rules etc. in most cases. I think many of these changes were made and implemented to censor reddit more than they were to improve reddit as its gained popularity.

I'm hoping this particular subreddit can avoid making some of those same changes and mistakes that the other subreddits have undergone, like /r/politics, /r/worldnews, /r/news, etc.

The userbase, the moderators, and an accurate voting system will all be required to ensure the future quality of this place as a thinking ground.


It was just in response to what I took as the sarcasm by the original commenter.

But still i think " Open Thread Thursday " flows better than "Free Talk Friday"

I don't oppose the idea, but I'd prefer to see some organising in topics first. Free flow is important, but the Charlie Hebdo post was an important start. We need compilations of relevant information to easily get people on the same level of consciousness. Otherwise we'll see irrelevant stuff and double posts burying what's important, over and over again.


  • Third party involvement in the rise of ISIS

  • Pedophilia in high places

  • Important voices in researching certain topics (and discussions about on which topics they are trustworthy and when to be suspicious)

I support this as well (see my post below on having monthly topic focuses to organize on) I'm newish to reddit. Could we have official conspiracy subreddits for individual topics? (Net neutrality, tpp, police brutality, etc) where we can compile organized information as well as groups and organizations to get involved with?

I think there are several subs for that already, but as you pointed out, it's about keeping the community together.

It wouldn't work that way, it would be a single post each week for people to talk about anything. The page will remain the same, the idea is for a single weekly thread for people to talk about things, not just conspiracy.

Yes, i got that. I think it's a great idea. Not saying that it's persée your personal responsibility, but does this sub rely on a non-organised nature to remain intact? Do we need this anarchism to prevent attacks on the community?

Can we have some details on how such a "Free talk day" would actually be implemented? That would make it easier to render a judgement.

A single post where users can talk to each other about anything, as long as it's civil and not abusive people can talk fringe theories, personal interests or whatever.

Like, a coffee club or something? The point is to socialize to get to know each other? or what?

Might be good just to get something off your chest that doesn't really fit in another topic or deserve its own submission.

Or presenting ideas that you think are a little more out there and that you don't want to clog the sub up with.

Sounds interesting and not too invasive. I like the idea. Maybe it's a little chaotic to discuss such a vast amount of topics in one post, but hey, why not try? :)



How long have you been a user in this sub? I'm only curious, as I've been here for almost two years, and by contributing fairly regularily, and reading what other regular users have contributed, I have at least a faint picture of their personalities which helps me conduct conversations with them. This helps make the flow of information more efficient, when both ends know the other.

I support the idea to get the "regulars" to try and get a feel for each other on a deeper, less theoretical side, so that when we engage in discussions about certain topics, we can gauge how to say something and not have it heard or construed in any other way.

I also acknowledge there are a lot of "lurkers" here, and even some noobs, which is cool. This could also give them an opportunity to introduce themselves, give a little bio. Hell, it could give all of us a chance to share our stories and how we ended up in this same place.

I hope that made sense..

I like organization that helps me find exactly what I'm looking for, so for me, littering this sub with a bunch of stuff that's not conspiracy related would mean avoiding this sub on Fridays.

But a forced 1 day break once a week might be good for the old stress levels, so it wouldn't be all bad, right? ;-)

But a forced 1 day break once a week might be good for the old stress levels, so it wouldn't be all bad, right? ;-)

Exactly. Could help lighten the mood and provide everyone with some distraction from the dire state of World affairs.

It would only be one post also, one thread posted by AutoMod each week so it wouldn't really litter the sub as such, just give everyone somewhere to talk freely on no specific subject.

What if I post something that you personally don't believe has anything to do with a conspiracy, like say a news article about how the flu vaccine doesn't work, on a Thursday or Monday? Will you remove it?

I wouldn't.

Just a reminder that every post removed here that doesn't run afoul of reddits overall rules will get reported here:

Was down for a while but it's back in action now thanks to /u/cojoco

Speaking of undelete. Could you guys add a tag system into your CSS so that you can filter by subreddit.

I don't mod /r/undelete and /r/uncensorship already has the subreddit name in the flair, that's what that link is searching on.

You can also limit it to just removals:


or just approvals:


Ahh! Thanks.

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It was actually an honest question, but I figured I'd open old wounds in the process simply for fun :P

I'm just trying to make a quick buck.

Don't mind me!

This wouldn't affect other posts at all.

This would be a sticky self post by auto mod for general comment discussion about whatever the fuck within the sidebar rules.

In theory it would reduce what you dislike.

This would be a sticky self post by auto mod

I didn't catch that part.

In theory it would reduce what you dislike.

As someone else so eloquently put it... this forum is still 95% pure imagination and speculation, and when you point that out by asking questions, you get downvoted.

Like this comment will be. =)


I agree. That's the 5%. =)


I'm confused now.

Yeah, but how could you tell the difference?

Would it be stickied at the top of the subreddit?

It wouldn't have to be stickied, really i can't see why the weekly post couldn't just be like any other submission. The stickie slot is generally kept for exceptional self posts, announcements or important stories.

The free talk post would be just here to offer readers something different.

I'm assuming yes.


First its only one sticky. And compared to nfl subs they have different themed ones each day. Its not a bad idea.

I like the idea. I think it would be great if it were loosely focused around personal independence, local solutions, peaceful activism and strategies to raise awareness. Things we can all benefit from on a personal level.

Making a difference is something I think we are all interested in. Taking some time out to focus on how to make that a reality could be very helpful.

Exactly!!! It can't hurt!!

I find that by personalizing the individual behind our online aliases (within reason) can be beneficial and conducive to a more cordial discourse.

People are more inclined to diatribes and criticizing when the recipient is de facto anonymous.

People are more inclined to diatribes and criticizing when the recipient is de facto anonymous.

And, perhaps equally or more importantly, when the ones dishing out the criticism and insults are themselves anonymous.

If this were to happen I would be in favor of a SINGLE stickied thread on Fridays for random discussion.

That is what's being discussed


I agree

It is free talk everyday. That's just as silly as Hispanic heritage week, Pacific islands week, and ad nauseam...

sounds like a 'free speech zone' to me

free talk Friday

So, what's left of our right to free speech will only exist on Fridays?

Let me think about this....

Sounds awesome to me personally I think we could expand our political conversations, like pro choice vs pro life who would we want as president



Even though I'm new here (been lurking for awhile though), if like to also see an action sticky mabye for every month or so, where we collectively (through a poll or something) decide on a cause to support or protest (ie/ netanyahu coming to town, tpp trade deal, etc and so forth) and use that sticky as a way to link to related groups, ways to get involved, progress, ideas, etc) I like staying informed about everything, but I'd also like to start getting involved in getting the word out about some of the more serious issues. And with so many news stories coming out daily that deserve attention (police brutality, free speech infractions, net neutrality, false flags, etc) I think it would help to have one common focus as well. Just my two cents.

Also: if it were up to me, I'd start by focusing on the netanyahu visit to the usa in a month or two. That makes me sick on so many levels.

Are too many post being removed for being off topic? Or does someone want to watter down the sub a bit more?

Self posts don't work anymore?

Couldn't hurt. not all of us irc, and having a day that we can bs as a community wouldn't be such a terrible idea. Certainly not if it's all contained to one thread. Community building is a good thing, helps strengthen it.

Not into it. I have other places to go for my non-conspiracy interests.

Would it be possible to use the css script to eliminate downvotes for the comments? Otherwise, how would it be much different than pther posts except for the fact that it's stickied to the front page?

Stupid idea

I'd be for it, and tried getting something going in late Summer/September IIRC and there was some interest.

If anything I think I proposed a [meta] thread where the core users could hang and post a link to a story or two and maybe make a case for why they are either bogus or important and try and get a discussion going (I was looking more for a current event type of thing, like how Event A fits in with Scenario Y or whatever).

I think it'd be neat and a step in the right direction, and would try and contribute as best I can.

I'd be for it, and tried getting something going in late Summer/September IIRC and there was some interest.

I think there would be some interest, maybe not for everyone but a weekly thread where people can talk about interests or ideas could work.

Sounds great!!! I like the idea of having a weekly sounding board, gives people a chance to have their voices heard, without confining them to a specific, and possibly controversial issue that can divert from constructive conversation!!

Sounds great!!! I like the idea of having a weekly sounding board, gives people a chance to have their voices heard, without confining them to a specific.

You've hit the nail on the head.

To often people get bogged down with arguments that really go nowhere even when resolved!

How about some links to reputable research sources? I am trying to get this accomplished on /r/smartsearch an idea where we can all do research on historical / government archives.

Hilarious to see this getting down voted.

Sounds pointless to me. Every day in "free talk Friday" -- we can post whatever we want at any time. If you mean, post off-topic, why would we want to do that? This is a conspiracy sub.

Only difference is all "What's the conspiracy here?" comments are automatically removed ha.

I honestly think they should be auto-removed from all threads here, anyway.

"This is not a conspiracy, and here's why I think it's not..." I think is valid, but those stupid, "What's the conspiracy?" comments are worthless and just an attempt to shut down conversation.

To be fair, sometimes the "whats the conspiracy?" comments are warrented. It all really depends on the topic and how thr OP presents it to the rest of us. For instance, a poster submits a link about vaccines. Well, we all basicslly know what the conspiracy is... But if a poster submits something, for example, about geocentrism?

Asking "whats the conspiracy?" can sometimes help get the OP to go straight to the point at hand, instead of jumping around a page or watching 45min. video waiting to find out why its relevant and whether you should continue.

Sure, one could just come up with a theory or speculation on just about anything, making just about everything relevant. But i dont think its cute to leave the rest of the folks in suspense, if "discussion" truely is the aim. Thus, it should be clear or obvious. If not, then ask. Thats how i see it.

90% of the time the people I see here saying "what's the conspiracy?" are trolls trying to derail and debase the conversation. If someone really wants an answer to that question, they can put a little more thought into their comment.

If discussion is the aim for the OP, wouldnt it make sense for him to have his angle clear? If it is not clear, and therr is no conversation yet (such as on younger submissions), then by all means,i support the question, so long as it is done respectfully.(Though I agree with you that most of the time its used as a derailment or a beginning of a trollfest.)

Speaking of undelete. Could you guys add a tag system into your CSS so that you can filter by subreddit.

Ahh! Thanks.

I agree. That's the 5%. =)

To be fair, sometimes the "whats the conspiracy?" comments are warrented. It all really depends on the topic and how thr OP presents it to the rest of us. For instance, a poster submits a link about vaccines. Well, we all basicslly know what the conspiracy is... But if a poster submits something, for example, about geocentrism?

Asking "whats the conspiracy?" can sometimes help get the OP to go straight to the point at hand, instead of jumping around a page or watching 45min. video waiting to find out why its relevant and whether you should continue.

Sure, one could just come up with a theory or speculation on just about anything, making just about everything relevant. But i dont think its cute to leave the rest of the folks in suspense, if "discussion" truely is the aim. Thus, it should be clear or obvious. If not, then ask. Thats how i see it.