r/conspiracy book club: First on the agenda is the late, great Eddie Bernays with his short book Crystallizing Public Opinion. He's responsible for public acceptance of women smoking, water fluoridation, and many other atrocious crimes against humanity

46  2015-01-23 by [deleted]


I wouldn't recommend a book if it weren't free, so here's a link:


(Ugly link, I know. If anyone has a better one, I'll edit that in)

Here's a quote from his other book, Propaganda to get you guys interested in this slimy character:

“The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country....We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of. This is a logical result of the way in which our democratic society is organized. Vast numbers of human beings must cooperate in this manner if they are to live together as a smoothly functioning society. ...In almost every act of our daily lives, whether in the sphere of politics or business, in our social conduct or our ethical thinking, we are dominated by the relatively small number of persons...who understand the mental processes and social patterns of the masses. It is they who pull the wires which control the public mind.”

Oh, and I made claims in the title. I should probably back those up:

The Manhattan Project, I mentioned one leading fluoride researcher, scientist, Robert Kehoe, the second was the name, a fellow a scientist by the name of Dr. Harold Hodge. For most of the Cold War , Dr. Hodge was the leading scientist assuring the nation of the safety and effectiveness of adding fluoride to water supplies. Dr. Hodge had his public hat, he had his private hat. He was the senior toxicologist for the Manhattan Project to build the world’s first atomic bomb. Fluoride is a key ingredient in industry used for making aluminum. It’s used for making steel. It is used for producing high-octane gasoline, to name a few industries the dental story is a minor story. The real issue is pollution outside these industrial plants and pollution inside the plants. Industries are on the hook for millions and millions of dollars for potential damage for injuries to workers. There’s a medical study commissioned by industry at the University Of Cincinnati . In the 1950’s which shows that fluoride is profoundly injurious to lungs and lymph nodes in experimental animals. That study was buried. The significance of that study, had it been shown to the standard setters, the fluoride that men and women workers in these industrial plants breathe, the threshold levels would have been set much lower. That is a crime. What that means is that tens of thousands of workers in factories have been injured as a result of this suppression of this medical information. Anyway, to return to your question. The Manhattan Project needed fluoride to enrich uranium . That’s how they did it. The biggest industrial building in the world, for a time, was the fluoride gaseous diffusion plant in Tennessee the Manhattan Project and Dr. Hodge as the senior toxicologist for the Manhattan Project, were scared stiff that workers would realize that the fluoride they were going to be breathing inside these plants was going to injure them and that the Manhattan Project, the key — the key of U.S. Strategic power in the Cold War Era, would be jeopardized because the Manhattan Project and the industrial contractors making the atomic bomb would be facing all these lawsuits from workers, all these lawsuits from farmers living around these industrial plants and so Harold Hodge assures us that fluoride is safe and good for children. Very hard to get a public doctor, an expert witness in a court to say if it’s good for children, how can it be harmful for workers?

Edward Bernays is a legendary figure in the 20th century. He was Sigmund Freud’s nephew and Bernays, he was married to a feminist and he was very attune to the liberal currents in the 20th century and he was a Machiavellian genius. He is the father of public relations. He understood that you could harness that liberal sentiment for commercial gain and he had women march in 1916, he had Suffragettes march in The 1916 Easter Parade In New York City holding cigarettes as torches of liberty. He was working for the American Tobacco Company and George Hill. He was — so, my book "The Fluoride Deception," uncovers for the first time correspondence between Bernays and the New York City Health Commissioner, Dr. Leona Baumgartner in which he says that helping out on the fluoride campaign in New York in the early 1960’s interested him because it related to problems of engineering consent. So he was the Wizard of Oz behind the curtain. - http://www.democracynow.org/2004/6/17/the_fluoride_deception_how_a_nuclear


If anything, Propaganda and this one should be read back-to-back for those who haven't read either. Like $20 total on Amazon.

This book broke democracy and capitalism, for me.

What is democracy when the manipulation of the masses becomes a science?

What is capitalism when corporations engineer markets into existence, manipulating our basic fears and desires?

(Communism is not an answer, it falls prey to the same problem.)

What is an answer?

The evidence of this might exist (I've never looked for it), but I personally believe education is completely controlled. The main reason I believe this is the fact that history class is boring, and I'm sure most will agree. Logic simply isn't taught, unless you go to college. That is something you should learn in 1st grade. I learn something super interesting about history every few days that was simply not mentioned in highschool, middleschool, etc.

Imagine your 9th grade year being filled with things like MKULTRA, Cointellpro, eugenics, operation mockingbird / Gladio / Northwoods, the Edgewood experiments, etc etc.

A dumb population is easier to control. The solution is to force educational institutions to refrain from brainwashing the nation.

Real history is fascinating. Logic is a deeply powerful art which even little toddlers find entrancing. This is why I'll be unschooling. Teach things when kids are ready, and teach real things.

The guy was a manipulative scumbag. Not sure why OP refers to him as "the late, great bernays." This guy and others like him helped build the world into the shit-house that it is today. Without evil people like this, the world would be a much better place. If he and others like him had used their genius for good, we might be living in a world without 1% of the population owning just about everything. Fuck eddie berneys .. but DO read his book. It will open your eyes to the lies that marketing is capable of.

Propaganda in and of itself, is morally neutral. Think of it as a tool of some sort. Not a physical tool, but an idea that can be used as a tool.

The evil comes from all the different purposes that propaganda gets used for.

Of course propaganda is evil in and of itself. It is the act of subversion of fact to garner an outcome unwanted by the masses because it goes against their best interest. If it indeed was capable of benevolence, it would not need be clandestine, as it always is.

Bernays, a sociopath and a teacher of sociopaths.

No conscience, no empathy for anyone, and no remorse for the damage he would do.

Uncredited work: the holocaust.

"Karl von Weigand, foreign correspondent of the Hearst newspapers, an old hand at interpreting Europe and just returned from Germany, was telling us about Goebbels and his propaganda plans to consolidate Nazi power. Goebbels had shown Weigand his propaganda library, the best Weigand had ever seen. Goebbels, said Weigand, was using my book 'Crystallizing Public Opinion' as a basis for his destructive campaign against the Jews of Germany. This shocked me. Obviously the attack on the Jews of Germany was no emotional outburst of the Nazis, but a deliberate, planned campaign."

Love this idea, keep the ideas coming!

When is the discussion?

We can discuss anything you'd like; the book, the man's "accomplishments," fluoride, Chiquita bananas, cigarettes...there's a mountain of things this man has had an effect on.

I like it.. Good call.

We can discuss anything you'd like; the book, the man's "accomplishments," fluoride, Chiquita bananas, cigarettes...there's a mountain of things this man has had an effect on.