Why can NORAD intercept a commercial plane when some terrorist tweets a threat... but not any of the THREE planes that were hijacked on 9/11?

29  2015-01-26 by DontTreadOnMe16

Just doesn't make any sense to me.


Because they were engaged in war games that day with a scenario of planes flying into buildings. Awfully convenient for the "hijackers"....

Wait, shouldn't they have been MORE prepared then?

The east coast jets were someplace else, and when reports came in, people thought it was part of the training scenario.

I hope they got an F.

Iirc they were sent to Alaska.

I am truly amazed that when presented with clear facts people are atill willing to look past the obvious. Cheney ordered a stand down. Here is the video. http://youtu.be/RRJAI4-e7Xw Not only that but you will also see video of Larry silverstien saying building 7 was pulled. So correct me if I'm wrong they entered a burning building and rigged it with explosives while it was on fire?

In the link to the ATC interview I posted below the guy claims there were jets following at least one of the planes, so they absolutely had the chance to do a shootdown. He also felt the one over PA was shot down.

Isreali art students were camping out in thw wtc. I beleive they rigged all three buildings with explosives. And the transmitter beacons to home the planes into the buildings.

Because they wanted it to happen so they could pass this.

Plus to coverup / destroy documents in WTC7 What Was In Building 7?

Not sure if you remember the Enron Energy Scandal. That investigation got shelved since 9/11.

9/11 was a mind altering event to give ultimate and endless power to the power controllers.

Well said

How about entering some of the most restricted airspace in the world and being able to fly around the Pentagon with no resistance. Wow, good thing it wasn't the Russian's! Or any other fucking country with fighter jets, etc. Yes, occasionally the US decides to leave itself completely open for assault by any nation. They decide not to use the multibillion dollar air defence system because... Fill in the blank for me.


The official government conspiracy theory in regards 9/11 and subsequent reports, are scientifically impossible, completely ridiculous and based purely on fantasy, just as bad as the JFK bullet going in through the back of his head and then doing a u-turn in his skull, to come back out the same way it went in.

I implore all American patriots to go read and research this stuff, even at the most basic level, then make your own conclusions, away from any MSM propaganda.

WTC 7 went into free-fall (click for a compilation), literally gravitational acceleration (the official reports even admit this) which is impossible in a steel framed building (without the use of explosives)

This violates basic Newtonian physics, IF, you choose to believe the official report that fires caused the collapse, obviously it is impossible for a building to go into freefall in any other scenario, this explains why NIST refuse to release there data for independent validation, the only relevant documents that support their theory that fire brought down a steel framed building (first time in history, still to this day) are classified for public safety, they will not even release them to a licensed NYC architect in regards a FOIA request

What and why are they hiding this? Likely because it is not based on any known science and engineering principles, if we have to go on what they have released so far, a collapse model that bores no resemblance to the observed collapse

Page 3 and the architect's appeal over the remaining 3370 files

The acceleration of gravity in New York City is 32.159 ft/s2. WTC7 had 2.25 seconds of literal freefall, this is equivalent to approximately 8 stories of fall in which the falling section of the building encountered zero resistance. The collapse was complete in 6.5 seconds. Free-fall time in a vacuum, from Building 7's roof is 5.96 seconds

For any object to fall at gravitational acceleration, there can be nothing below it that would tend to impede its progress or offer any resistance. If there is anything below it that would tend to impede its progress or offer any resistance, then not all of the potential energy of the object would be converted to motion and so would not be found falling at gravitational acceleration (where did every single structural supporting columns go, instantly, at the exact same time?)

There's no exception to that rule, those are the conditions that must exist for gravitational acceleration to occur for the entirety of the duration of the time it occurs, this is basic Newtonian physical principles.

You either agree with this very basic concept, or you need to start making a case for a new realm of science that has never been witnessed before.

The tilting of the south tower, just before collapse.

According to Sir Isaac Newton’s law of the conservation of momentum, it should have kept tipping over, but it didn't, it fell through the path of greatest resistance. The top was tilting at approximately 20 degrees or so, how could it be exerting a uniform, symmetrical pressure on the floors below? it didn't and couldn't.

Watch a compilation of the collapse what you are observing is approximately 30 upper floors begin to rotate as a block, to the south and east.They begin to topple over, not fall straight down.The torque due to gravity on this block is enormous, as is its angular momentum. But then this block turned mostly to powder in mid-air! How can we understand this strange behavior, without explosives?

[Video evidence also shows that the lower sections of the Towers do not even begin to start collapsing until the upper sections are completely destroyed]([Imgur](http://i.imgur.com/Ag88tNY.jpg\)) This is an impossibility if we are to believe the official reports

The Pentagon attack does appear of some sort of Red herring but there is not a single bit of evidence that a 757 airliner crashed at the Pentagon (the alleged photos of tiny scraps of the plane on the lawn are easily disproved by basic physics), in fact, all available evidence suggests the exact opposite.

Before roof collapsed

After roof collapsed

Make up your own mind here, but ponder

  • Where have the wings, literally, disappeared to?
  • Where are the two 4 ton engine impacts?
  • Why is there no physical evidence for a airliner crash at this site?
  • Why is the alleged pilot of this plane, not on the flight manifest and how did he avoid all CCTV at the airport, along with all the passengers?
  • Why does the alleged Flight11's flight data recorder show that the airplane was too high to have even struck the lamp posts?
  • Why did they tamper with the only video they ever released, which does not show an aircraft, only a small explosion and why did the FBI confiscate all CCTV in the area, in a coordinated, almost pre-emptive swoop
  • Why does the NTSB not plan to issue a report or open a public docket? The NTSB has issued a report for all planes that crash in the U.S, not for 9/11, Why?
  • The physically impossible Barbara Olson phone calls

How would it even be possible that the Pentagon was hit 1 hour and 20 minutes after the attacks began? Why was there no response from Andrews Air Force Base, just 10 miles away and home to Air National Guard units charged with defending the skies above the nation”s capital?

and the above is just scratching the surface, the official account is truly bizarre, the probability that it can be true, really is zero.

All evidence suggests that flight 93, which crashed over at Shanksville, broke up before impact, there were debris fields miles and miles apart to support this conclusion, Donald Rumsfeld even said the plane was shot down

But still, we are led to believe that the ground literally consumed the plane! That’s right, the government claims (without a shred of proof or any evidence at all offered to the world) that the plane ended up completely underground. Remember though, they found the drivers license of one of the alleged hijackers, a bit burnt and found ABOVE ground, i am not making this up, this is the official story.

"Hi Mom, This is Mark Bingham"

and this is just the tip of the iceberg, there are lots more reasons that prove this was a operation carried out by shady elements within the US intelligence circles


Any honest and rational person simply can not believe any of the official reports.

Consider all the lying, assassinations and torture, the spying on all us Americans that has been proven to be true, even news that has broke in the last year or so, don't automatically believe the villainous elements of the US government, namely the three letter agencies, that appear to be out of control and have been for decades

If I had any, I'd totally give you gold for this...

Because 9/11 was an inside job. Make sense now?

Wait, seriously??? Shut up, no way! How???????!!!??!

Heh.. I love you guys.

Cheney told them not to.

Because they know that 95% of the American public are braindead slugs who would never make the connection.

braindead slugs


I missed something. What Tweets are people talking about?

Yes, which tweets? And why is Poiluv's question being downvoted?

I've got a small downvote brigade, I believe. Some people just downvote me when seeing my name.

Someone tweeted a company about "forgetting a bomb on one of their planes" and then NORAD came in. All flights landed safely, of course. Person who tweeted the company was likely some script kiddie because of the Lizard Squad mention.

So NORAD ordered all flights to the ground, or did they scramble jets to intercept?

I believe they intercepted them? I just remember there was another tweet about all the current flights landing safely.

Looks like they learned their lesson from 9/11.

Bomb squads sweep Atlanta airport, fighter jets scrambled after threats on Twitter

Bomb Threats against U.S. Aircraft: (5.4 per week) 1990-1994

Could it have something to do with the fact there was massive reform of defense systems because of 9/11? Don't you think after what happened with hijacked planes last time the response would change?


This guy is a former ATC and wrote the procedures for this prior to 9/11. He said that on 9/11 the procedures were not followed. You are parroting the official response to this point but it's wrong.

No I'm not. I am saying procedures change and considering the fact that a highjacking occurred to horrible effect once it makes sense that the response for these events would've improved, whether it was a false flag event or not.

Your premise assumes that NORAD was just a nice little toy that did nothing prior to 911 lol

Absolutely not. Are you aware of how many hijackings occurred in the United States prior to 911? Very few, if any. Are you aware what generally occurred when a plane was hijacked prior to 9/11? The hijackers generally attempted to escape the situation alive. The idea of a plane being used as an missile wasn't really considered as plausible or likely as it is now.

Regardless of whether or not you accept the false flag narrative, fuck ups did occur on the part of NORAD and intelligence agencies. There was a great deal of confusion in air traffic control as well, as evidenced by the publicly available tapes.

Because of 9/11, there is no doubt that these processes would've adapted to what was learned, Regardless of who conducted the attacks.

Considering this is now the second time people have put words in my mouth in this thread, I would ask that you make the effort to ask questions about my position rather than accusing me of making poor assumptions.

My only point is that norad/atc procedures & response have improved since 9/11. Do you disagree?

Of course I disagree. The context is 9/11. Before and after 9/11, procedures and response worked efficiently, with dozens of routine intercepts (including 147 in year 2000). But that wasn't your "only point" and I corrected the errors for the record.

This guys post history.

How is that relevent?

Wait, I knew your name sounded familiar!

End up finding that controlled demolition collapse model I asked you to provide last week?

lol.. god damn trolls

No I'm not. I am saying procedures change and considering the fact that a highjacking occurred to horrible effect once it makes sense that the response for these events would've improved, whether it was a false flag event or not.