So... "crisis actors" is the taboo subject on /r/conspiracy? Then let's dig in, and talk about it.

133  2015-01-27 by [deleted]

So, as it appears, a post about crisis actors has caused a domino effect in terms of shadowbanning, and shills posting "be careful what you up vote" threads.

I, for one, do not believe ANY subject "makes this subreddit look bad" and I do not believe users of any subreddit are trying to impress anyone, so I say continue posting on any subject that you feel. In fact, I'd like the sub to get a little weirder (but that's just my preference)

What's so dangerous about the subject? Let's see some links.

First, I searched "crisis actors" and the top result is:

Which explains that crisis actors are a real thing, that play parts in emergency drills, and there is companies that supply them, but only conspiracy theorists think that crisis actors could be involved in well known national tragedies.

Upon switching over to the "Images" tab of the search, this is the first image that comes up:

Now I must admit, to me those both appear to be the exact same woman, but they are clearly listed and interviewed as two different people. Is that an example of a crisis actor?

So, now I go over to YouTube and search "crisis actors" and this is the first video that comes up:

Which seems to be a bit convincing, but not nearly as convincing as the previous image.

So what do you have to share, /r/conspiracy ?


Wonder what Robbie Parker is doing these days?

oh probably just laughing inappropriately somewhere

I imagine mourning the death of his child and wondering why people on the internet are telling him how to grieve?


Considering I doubt you are laughing about a man mourning his dead kid, I'll assume you have another theory?

Are you in the group who feel people should process grief exactly how you would expect?

Robbie Parker is laughing right along with us!

How is that a taboo subject? Every second post here is about crisis actors.

I think the crisis actor angle is extremely vulnerable to subjective interpretation. The human mind is trained to find familiar and repeating patterns. But much like conflicting eyewitness testimony regarding the same event, human memory is not accurate.

The two women do look similar but the clincher is different chins. I find it hard to believe whatever witness protection scheme The Powers That Be use for crisis actors would only alter a person's chin and little else.

On a personal note, I was once shown a picture of what could only be my doppelganger. A bank manager swore that I resembled her son in law. My jaw dropped upon seeing the picture.

Yeah but

I don't know it is true or not, since I have not followed this stuff and I wasn't there. But if the pictures are not real this is a big scam.

Much trauma experience here, -Double femoral with skin tone AND consciousness? BS. Simply not medically possible. Way past shunt period btw when this pic was taken.

I like this.

Anybody can confirm that it is indeed a "Double femoral with skin tone" and that you can't be concious with this type of injury?

I don't know anything about that.

Response to shekels question about femoral artery severing:

Both of his femoral arteries have been opened. Exposed. You don't live long in this state.

Competent Medics can usually save guys sustaining these injuries in places like Iraq because they are attached to the unit. -They are on the spot immediately (<1 min).

They run up and CLAMP two things: Your femoral arteries. You get about a 5 minute window to do this. That window exists because your body shunts (keeps away) blood from your extremity's when it gets into a shock situation.

Carlos Arredondo was/is an FBI 'actor' btw (The guy pushing the wheelchair). -His son died in the marines, in response/grief he ended up destroying a US govt car by dousing it in gas. He was arrested, the FBI came to his hospital room and offered the deal despite the fact Carlos Arredondo was living in the USA illegally at the time and instead of jail/fine/deport, he did what they said.. and was paid for it.

Watch the video of him mulling around waiting for his signal.. Look how long he ignored the victims.. This was all staged (badly).

This is public information. There was an arrest, it made the news. Carlos Arredondos facts change in significant manners in multiple interviews. He wears fabricated credentials. His back story is a fabrication and he was a known member of 'La Raja' (Mexican fringe organization).

Our government is running false flags in order to enact legislation which ultimately reduces our ability to correct the situation. Ask yourself why.

I also have trama experiance and after a clean amputation the blood vessels retract limiting bleeding. It is entirely possible to have an amputation of the leg and not bleed out.

Can we consider the picture of that man in a wheelchair a "clean amputation?"

Probably not. I just wanted to show that the picture is not the irrefutable proof people think.

You're comparing apples to oranges.

What I am saying is that it is medically possible for someone with a double amputation to be conscious and have minimal bleeding. I have never experienced someone with blast injuries so I can't personally say if this man's injuries are consistent with typical blast injury. However I can say that this image is not the smoking gun it seems to be.

I found a liveleak video (NSFW) of two people with double amputations from a gas cylinder blast (not the exact same thing) with injuries that look consistent with the man in the photo. I don't know if they are conscious but from the video it looks like it is possible they haven't lost 2 liters of blood which is generally when you will pass out.

And the way you showed that it isn't irrefutable is to draw from an example that doesn't exist in the picture, thereby not showing anything.

An amputation has a lot to do with amputation. I admitted I don't know how amputations from blasts present but neither do you. Without evidence either way it is entirely reason to be skeptical of the claim it was fake. What is a similar solution, a blast amputation doesn't bleed much (just like many other amputations), or the entire thing was staged?

If you can find evidence either way I would love to hear it. All of the NIH studies on blast amputations are behind paywalls.

Potentially, yes, but we can't tell. Remember that "clean" in this context has nothing to do with dirt. It has to do with how the artery and surrounding tissue was severed.

The blast was strong enough to crack his femur like a twig. Understand that you and your 3 best friends aren't strong enough to break a femur. If I handed you a sword and told you to chop off a guy's leg, you might nick the blade, but you wouldn't go through unless it was a blade sharpened by a physics lab.

What his leg underwent was ... massive and sudden shearing stress. This can remove tissue almost surgically, and does so so fast that, yes, it can be a very clean cut.

Also from personal experience (being on the other end) I can say that if concussion is involved (probably is with a blast) shock is instantaneous, and the normal rules of conscious vs. unconscious go out the window. It doesn't mean he was lucid, but his eyes being open and his body erect in the chair... entirely believable.

Also, the site claims that he had no tourniquet, which is clearly wrong (you can see the white cloth tied off around his leg) but as you say, either the blast crimped off his FA or he's lost enough blood that he should be dead (also doesn't mean he can't look conscious).

Edit: Aha! Found another photo angle (google his name plus boston bomb leg victim) where you can definitely see the bandaging over the stump which appears to be pulled up in the picture, here, probably from getting him in the chair, and an EMS worker running along side him. Given that, I suspect that EMS guy probably either applied an adhesive (comes from military techniques... it's basically superglue, and is routinely used by EMS now) and/or a heat source (e.g. flare). That might also explain some of the color in his skin. It might be ... ugh ... medium rare.

Seriously, how much confirmation bias do you have to engage to take what you see that tells a narrative that matches the facts and turn it into "these are professional actors who were engaged by the same people who engaged foreign teenagers as reliable-under-stress actors"?! I live 3 blocks from the bombers (well, did) and had to listen to them detonating their trashbags and kitchen items while my city was locked down. I know people who volunteer to help the burn survivors emotionally and physically. This wasn't some stage play. This was my damned city! ... sorry, it's hard not to get carried away by the emotion, but the lack of empathy of that article has me mad as hell!


ok.. does the mangled mess of his legs constitute clean to you?

And it's a VERY TEMPORARY and weak shunt. Medically speaking, he's entirely out of the time window for this to be plausible.

Also, he's a true medical ANOMALY: check out his recovery time. It's NEVER happened. NEVER. Care to explain 'trama experiance' (sic).

Go the fuck away you troll shill.

I once had a colleague pass me a flyer for a local restaurant, and one of the waiters show in it appeared to be an exact twin of myself, which frankly made my hair stand on end.

We ended up going there eventually, and when I watched for him, it turned out that although cosmetically similar he didn't look as much like me as the photo suggested. Still, quite spooky at the time.

It was going so well until your example.

I'm all for discussing controversial topics, but that first image is posted here frequently. It's a joke. It's designed to discredit us as a community.

They are clearly different women. The image has been manipulated to cut off her hairline, to change her skin pigment and to capture the image at exactly a similar smile.

Look at the original videos side by side here, they almost practically couldn't be 2 more different women.

Please look at the video before you decide, it looks so different compared to the image.

Also, the second example is really quite insane. The four women mentioned look nothing alike aside from having somewhat rounded faces and slightly bulbous noses. The last woman from Columbia is even less like the others! She doesn't even look to be the same ethnicity!

Comments disabled?

I'm not promoting the user or the content other than the video images. There are numerous other side by side comparisons - or just load up the original individual videos by searching for their names and the TV station.

I listened to their voices and they certainly could be the same voice. In all, there just isn't any substantial evidence aside from suspicion. Personally, I believe they are the same person. But if we aim to persuade those who don't believe, we are going to need organization, professionalism, and substantial evidence. Thankfully, Reddit isn't only comprised of children. Look at my post history for breakdown of video.

Sandy hoax and boston firecracker

Noah Pozner - not only a traveler, but also capable of resurrection:

the US/Paki mutlinational!

He's years ahead of his time. ;)

I posted this yesterday and only one person responded:

The last I visited was a few years ago where there was clear information about who they were, what they did etc.

Now the website is down with no explanation and most news reports I see say "crisis actors" like they no longer exist.

Here is an archive of the site:

Was this site a hoax? Does anyone know what's up here?

EDIT: This site referenced in the archive is still up though...

i don't see the same girl, might not be the best example


i made a little montage to show my appreciation, here

The narrowness of the nose seems to be different.

i see a snake and a hamster


I'd assume a nose job here and a chin implant there would be par for the course in this business, no?

par for the course in this business, no?

No. Facial reconstructive surgery isn't something that takes an hour and is good to go perfectly healed the very next day.

Maybe using temporary prosthetics, but you can tell that's not the case here, these are two different women.

There are a lot of people with "clones" out there. I have a "clone" of myself in my town, saw this dude skating down the main street by my house wearing literally the exact shorts and venom t-shirt I wear and his face looked just like mine, even his skin tone, everything, it's just uncanny, I really need to meet this dude so I can get a picture with him to show everybody.

I've never seen my clones but people do tell me there is another me running around town. Let's get this done.

Nobody is saying that plastic surgery is a next day thing. I'm assuming that crisis actors, if they exist in this respect, get paid a lot of money and it would be worth it.

These "two women" look a lot closer than young Michael Jackson and old Michael Jackson, or even young Jenna Jameson and old Jenna Jameson, so don't try and tell me that plastic surgery can't make someone's chin slightly more pointy.


they looks the same in this pic because this pic is clearly shopped. Why are you doing this? Did you shop it yourself?

What is your opinion of this picture?

It's been doctored.

Do you consider it odd that two different people have the same mannerisms

Not at all, this is how most humans learn, by mimicking others.

This is why people do stereotypical caricature impressions of specific groups of people.

Weird? No. Coincidental? Yes.

Even in that picture their narrowness of their nose seems closer. Maybe I'm going crazy.

I'm simply trying to be honest to what I see.

it was a rather obvious shop lol

That is not how voting is supposed to work

Vote. If you think something contributes to conversation, upvote it. If you think it does not contribute to the subreddit it is posted in or is off-topic in a particular community, downvote it.

well how generous of you!

Robbie parker, class A dad.

I don't think the girls in the picture are the same person. They look similar but there are a few differences. The one on the bottom seems to have a pointier chin.

She does slightly, but then again her face is slightly angled, so it could just be that.

Are you aware of what a makeup artist is capable of? Emphasizing/Deemphasizing features are pretty much the bread and butter of the industry. That's without the use of prosthetic devices. Given the full gamut of the tools of the trade, a person could be made to look like a different ethnicity, a different age, a different person (in which case, where does the doppleganger fit into the crisis actor narrative?)

Are you aware that the two images were retouched and that the two women look nothing alike in reality? You can find the original videos alone or side-by-side all over the net, and they're linked to in other parts of this very discussion. Different women with someone having tried to paste them together to look alike (probably someone interested in making fun of (non-conspiracy view) or discrediting (conspiracy view) the conspiracy community).

Maybe so, but if that is the case why does she look at all similar?

Would it not be more useful to completely alter her appearance so that nobody would ever think she is an actor?

Not if you have 80 different actors to work on, there are still time constraints. But emphasizing a feature is trivial for a makeup artist. Like takes two minutes and the face looks different enough to pass as a different though similar looking person, barring scrutiny. If you're a male and you want to try something out, grow a goatee to a fairly long length, see how thin and angular your face looks, then cut it back to be a short goatee, you'll immediately notice that your head appears far rounder.

Why would they only have 80 actors? It just seems implausible for the purpose of fooling the public. They couldn't up the budget and get a roster of actors in the hundreds?

You say that, but then fail to think that such a wonderful make-up artist would make them have the same hair color and length? Something so easy to change?

Why would they try and make her look the same in both interviews if they are trying to make them a different person>?

Edit: lol. As per usual...downvoted without explanation. Probably because you can't argue against the logic. That's OK. I'll just sit here being right like always.

What about the 9-11 Harley Shirt Guy, later to be revealed as actor Mark Humphrey?

Interesting, didn't know he was linked to a crisis actor, always just knew him as Harley Guy. His interview always cracks me up though, "mainly due to structural failure because the fires were just too intense". I generally don't subscribe to theories that are simply theories without concrete evidence (as crisis actor accusations are sometimes), but how can't this guy be a hired actor??


The Magical Unburnt Passport should have made everyone ask Whiskey Tango Foxtrot

Now I must admit, to me those both appear to be the exact same woman

Except you can plainly see that they aren't.

The teeth are completely different...

Breaking news.

Actors use makeup and other visual tricks to change their appearance.


Does anyone know what an actor is?

Does anyone know how the production of a piece actually works?

You don't just step in front of a camera...

Brad Pitt doesn't always look like he did in Fight Club...

Edward Norton doesn't always have a shaved head.

Again these are actors, people who generally never look the exact same. You think maybe they might use some makeup as deception during covert operations?

Apparently not.

We interrupt this breaking news with an important update.

Makeup and hairstyle are completely different than getting cosmetic surgery because several of those features that dont line up arent "Visual Tricks"

We now return to your regular programming.

I'm not even saying those people are the same. I'm saying this picture doesn't really "prove" they aren't.

This also shouldn't be used to discredit the existence of Crisis Actors as a whole.

I literally said nothing other than their teeth are different, I dont know how you got to "this shouldnt be used to discredit the existence of Crisis Actors"...

re: porcelain veneers

omg new teeth! $800 each. truly unaffordable after a giant government payday.

Linear thinkers, man. Apparently there is only a vacuum in which events happen. No access to consumer level modification, just how someone would roll out of bed in the morning to be filmed. Mind-boggling,

they have never seen a celebrity in their life apparently. or they still fall for hollywood and come here anyway...

Whatever. was removed completely from the internet. You can still find it using the waybackmachine though.

I was a "crisis actor" for the US Air Force and did an AMA about it some time ago.

Did you have to sign an oath of allegiance or any other NDA for the event itself whenever you participated?

Nope. It was just a routine TDY and was not a secret in any way.

what prevents higher ups from taping your drills and using them later as stock footage whenever they feel like a particular piece fits their narrative.

you know, kind of like they do with movies....

There were video cameras present recording the exercises. I figured it was either somebody hired to record the event for "educational purposes" later, or local journalists who would put it on the evening news as "local emergency crews conduct training exercise." I never thought that it could be used as a false-flag exercise as such things were not prevalent at the time. (and I'm glad the scenarios I participated in weren't used as false-flags).

But you admit, your training could have been easily used as stock footage at a later time?

What kind of waivers did you have to sign, I presume ones that prevented you from talking about the taping of your exercises in detail...

Edit: Are you sure your footage has never been used internationally, perhaps in a nation whose media doesn't so easily circulate to North America?

  • Yep, it could have been.

  • No waivers, nothing.

  • Nope, not sure of nothing.

thanks for the insightful information!

Looks like the same person to me.

Even more telling is those two large women that are shielding the activity from cameras. After those shots the one in black can be seen pointing at the camera and yelling. She then goes into the candy shop and comes out on a stretcher with her leg all bloody. The other one has a daughter that can be seen running around perfectly fine and then 20 minutes later she has a 1" bolt in her thigh and a gash on her leg. Fishy as shit.

I don't know if I've seen that and just forgotten, but do you have a good link for what you just said? Specifically the little girl who was fine at first?

Could be the same person but the text is incorrect

Here's a good video about the pitfalls and dangers of going down this road. Some match up well, some are disproven but ultimately you'll never really know and you end up sounding Looney. In the end it seems to be by design.

Their existence is compiled upon numerous layers of false information. Anyone attempting to prove something will look like a fool to the average Americant.

I worked as a actor/victim during a mockup of a disaster in Boston when I was a teenager (in the 1960s). I wasn't paid, but was told that I was doing something good for my country. "Paid In Pride" A lot of young men my age paid in pride with their lives in Vietnam. Many never came back

Same awkward smile as if trying to keep her lips sealed.

Her hair style is used to shape her face as well. You can see, the darker woman gives her eyes some spacing. Israel parts her hair in the center and lets her bangs hug her eyes. This makes her head look more oval shaped.

The noses, the nostrils seem compliant in the very least. She could have easily used makeup to change the look of the bridge on her nose. Both ladies are caked in makeup ao I wouldn't doubt it. Check out /r/makeupaddiction, these ladies basically perform cgi in real life.

And about their teeth, it's hard to come to any real conclusions because one lady always smiles and the other does not. Also, these ladies are doing different things at different angles. You can tell the darker lady has thick gums between her front two teeth. But Israel never shows her top gums. They both have unique gaps in their teeth but it would be country productive to dismiss the entire subject over mis matching k9s because they are looking into the camera at different angles. Think of a flat boarded fence. You look at it head on and you see nothing. You look at it at an angle and you can see through to the other side.

It's very hard to make a conclusion based on the videos alone. I'd love to hear their voices too.

"Crisis actor" is just an overused term around here. "Hey, this Italian-looking girl looks like another Italian-looking girl! I'm going to compare one feature and declare them both to be the same person!"

Plus, people seem confused when victims don't act like movie actors, so they assume the real victims are just bad actors.

If porn can make money with the whole fake casting agent thing, whey can't CNN turn a quick buck?

and shills posting "be careful what you up vote" threads

Care to expand on that? I've made at least one post calling out some clear BS this sub has been upvoting late. It was basically a meta discussion about the health of the sub. Does that make me a "shill"?

I think that 9/11, Sandy Hook, the Boston Bombing were all fake and/or heavily controlled events and that fluoride explains a lot of what is wrong with America specifically. I guess that makes me a card carrying member of my local conspiracy post 101 club, we're right next to the local VFW....interesting conversations as we all leave at the end of the night.

Sooo...what were you trying to get at there with the "shill" thing?

I don't believe in crisis actors -- or, at least, how some on Reddit believe they are being used in the Sandy Hook shooting and the Boston bombing -- because the Internets exist and this kind of thing can be looked up so easily. What would be the point of reusing the same disaster actors, over and over, in different tragedies if we see the same faces, again and again?

As for those two women looking alike? Sure, they resemble each other, but they are clearly not the same person.

How do I contact a worldnews mod I was banned without warning.


No that can't be it. I'm being censored

What are you basing that on?


why does this remind me of Thanksgiving at my parents?

I'm wondering the same.

Listen, I will admit you make some very fine points with a poise and stylish prose. Yet your not truly getting to the bottom of this. While I must agree "real strong wizard fuyck all the serb farm aminal with rap magic" I'm not too sure you will find any sympathy from this crowd. As you so finely stated "ot zerb worstUR LIPS faggot ARE FUCK ABOVE REGULATION SIZEREMOVE" my first thought was sheer genius. May we be blessed with your stunning intellect for eternity oh great one, we are humbled by the ebb and flow of your measured yet perfectly pondered insights. Thank you for all you do Slick_Aryan_Phenom, may your DNA be forever spread amongst humanity for eons.

I'm not even lying when I say I'm impressed.

2 + 2 = 5, PEOPLE!!!

Much trauma experience here, -Double femoral with skin tone AND consciousness? BS. Simply not medically possible. Way past shunt period btw when this pic was taken.

thanks for the insightful information!

they have never seen a celebrity in their life apparently. or they still fall for hollywood and come here anyway...

Response to shekels question about femoral artery severing:

Both of his femoral arteries have been opened. Exposed. You don't live long in this state.

Competent Medics can usually save guys sustaining these injuries in places like Iraq because they are attached to the unit. -They are on the spot immediately (<1 min).

They run up and CLAMP two things: Your femoral arteries. You get about a 5 minute window to do this. That window exists because your body shunts (keeps away) blood from your extremity's when it gets into a shock situation.

Carlos Arredondo was/is an FBI 'actor' btw (The guy pushing the wheelchair). -His son died in the marines, in response/grief he ended up destroying a US govt car by dousing it in gas. He was arrested, the FBI came to his hospital room and offered the deal despite the fact Carlos Arredondo was living in the USA illegally at the time and instead of jail/fine/deport, he did what they said.. and was paid for it.

Watch the video of him mulling around waiting for his signal.. Look how long he ignored the victims.. This was all staged (badly).

This is public information. There was an arrest, it made the news. Carlos Arredondos facts change in significant manners in multiple interviews. He wears fabricated credentials. His back story is a fabrication and he was a known member of 'La Raja' (Mexican fringe organization).

Our government is running false flags in order to enact legislation which ultimately reduces our ability to correct the situation. Ask yourself why.