SLC Creepy Daycare Saga

1351  2015-01-27 by blink_and_youre_dead


So I just came back from the place and found something in the back covered by a camo tarp. I then saw a mexican man come out, pick something up and go back inside. Earlier in the day I went there and saw a pizza guy trying to deliver a pizza to the place. (They were probably being trolled) He knocked and knocked and nobody came to the door. He left, and I was about to as well until I noticed kids walking up to the door and trying to get in, finally an old mexican lady opened the front door and let them in.

5 years of living here, never saw a single person go in or out. Then in one day i see 4 people. Weird.

EDIT Turns out it was a picnic table under the tarp.

Almost like you were supposed to see them?

Or perhaps previously you were supposed to not see them.

Either way he's probably doomed now. Pray for the disco godchildren.

Could still be a drug front, but perhaps due to the additional attention it's getting they are bringing in some of their kids to make the place look more convincing. Definitely a stretch but who knows what this entity is capable of.

Not really a stretch. It makes me wonder a lot of things:

  • Where did these kids come from?

  • Were they unsupervised on a main road?

  • If not, was there a single chaperone with all the kids or individual parents?

  • If the latter, funny they would all come at the same time.

  • What time did this occur (the children being dropped off)?

  • If it was in the afternoon, that's interesting as most people drop off their kids in the morning before work and pick them up afterwards.


Exactly. I went to daycare K-3rd grade after school. I got out at 3:00 PM, but my mom wasn't off work and back in our town until around 4:30ish.

It's just odd the two little girls were seen without a chaperone of some sort.. Generally there is a check-in and/or check-out for kids at pre schools and daycares.

Why did the kids have to knock to get in? Kinda weird right?

Afternoon isn't strange. There are a lot of laws that surround how long a child can stay at an establishment. If you have a daycare and children stay there all day you make yourself subject to state inspection. But if the kids stay half the day you can dodge it (depending on what state).

If there is a certain time that the place accepts children being "dropped off" then that would explain why the kids show up at the same time. I know of a daycare that has a window to drop your kids off and then essentially locks the door so nobody can come in while they watch your kids.

The most alarming and telling piece of evidence would be a lack of adult supervision. If the children are unaccompanied by an adult I would find that very suspicious.

not sure if you have seen it but someone captured images of two unaccompanied kids going inside.


I'm not sure. I tried looking a bit but gave up. it was accompanied by some shots of a pizza guy knocking on both doors

reddetective on the case

Could the kids have come from school?

If any of the schools there have those "staggered" schedules like they do in some communities, there could be kids that start very early, like 7 AM, but they get out at 1 or 2. If their parents work till 5 or 6, it's not unusual for the younger ones to go to a day care or after-school program of some kind.

If there are other kids there inside, one would hope the lady wouldn't just leave the door to the place unlocked.

i was thinking more of a place where coyotes place people while they are traveling to somewhere in the states... most coyotes are cartel backed. could be both.

This is exactly what I was thinking. It would explain why all the artwork never changes, why they're so secretive, and why the place is still running. It's pretty close to Mexico yet far away enough that no one would suspect anything. Plus, the owners appear to be Hispanic.

Ding ding ding! give this guy a prize, I think.

My guess, based on the alleged Air Force linguist, is that it may be a front for a military program. Perhaps layered; for example, a linguistics research facility fronting as a drug house, fronting as a daycare.

Mind you, this is all wild speculation.

It may even be a government safehouse or listening post for operatives in the SLC area. From what I understand there is a significant community of Persian Americans (Iranians) in SLC, and given the claimed languages spoken (generally central asian) by DeathShip (assuming his accounts are factual), it wouldn't be unreasonable to infer that his work with the Air Force was related to monitoring communications in central Asia.

That said, if this is in fact the case, the general public will remain in the dark about it, given the nature of operations that could be presumed to be related to the facility.

Just my two cents.

Makes sense. The kids are always asleep so they don't give anything away, and no one comes or goes because these kids don't go anywhere else?

These people are "capable" of providing daycare services to underprivileged children.......nothing more. Leave them alone!!!! Trust me, you will all feel much better about yourselves later if you do.

Seems like one hell of a coincidence.

The pictures show him just crossing his arms. He isn't really doing anything at all.

His body language seems, to me at least, to be one of worry or like he's waiting for something. Or both

It turned out to be nothing more than a lifetime picnic table under the tarp.


No, plastic. All of it


No, rather pointless if you ask me.

Left there to dry.

It's probably worth editing that info into your original post. Not everyone might see this comment.

I'd be careful if I were you. I'm not threatening you (I'm just some fedora neckbeard redditor following this thread) but if they (being the people running this "daycare") find out that you live nearby, and are contributing to this thread, it puts you on a very short list of people who live within a close enough radius to observe the daily goings-on. I'm certainly not trying to silence you, I'm just wondering if you fear for your safety at all?

Odd its almost like when your actively looking for people going in and out you find them and when your not actively looking you don't see/notice people coming and going.

OK, so you all think this place is a front for something illegal. You say you haven't seen any kids, but guess came to the door and they let them in. The person letting them elderly hispanic lady. And that thing that everyone was freaking out about being hid under the "camo" tarp ended up being a picnic table. So...has anyone actually seen anything illegal happening at this place? Anyone??? Please leave these people alone. You are making a big deal out of NOTHING!!! The only people who are going to suffer are the kids who are attending this daycare. And yes, there are actually kids attending this daycare and I would guess that you people are scaring the crap out of them and the people who run this place.

How old were the kids? Were they being dropped off or did they appear to have walked there?


The Pizza Duded was someone ordering pizza there to see if they would open the door

Ok, I think I figured it out.

So based on this info from above:

The Break-in

(user requested his name be removed) says, "I just talked to my friend who lived right be there for about a year and said one night they jimmied their way in out of curiosity and in the main room was mostly just a chair facing a TV displaying a live video of the other room in the building." He also adds, "The laundromat across the street constantly has cops there for drug busts."

The daycare is most likely a cop stakeout for surveillance on the laundromat.

If this was some Mexican cartel place, I doubt they would have people on reddit making sure no one talks about it.

This is what seems to fit everything going on there.

I personally really, really doubt that the most fitting explanation is that the cops set up a fake business, and have been paying rent on a building disguised as a day care for many years, solely to watch 1 laundromat.

Do all of their TVs at the station have to be broken for this theory to work?

cops set up a fake business, and have been paying rent on a building disguised as a day care for many years, solely to watch 1 laundromat.

Depends on the number of busts in the laundromat. If they average 2 or 3 busts a week, then paying rent would absolutely be a cash cow for that police department and worth it. But if they only make 1 bust a month there, then it wouldn't be worth the rent.

Btw, your response is oddly upvoted alot for my hypothesis being so "obviously not correct". Weird......

I think you and many people doubt/forget the incompetence of a bearaucratically- run local law enforcement agency.



I agree, there definitely seems to be something sinister about the place in this OP and with the reaction it's received as it's gotten more publicity.

Reminds me of that scene in that movie end of watch where they stumble upon a human trafficking house.

This plus the huge shipments coming in and out is incredibly sketchy.

Extremely insightful and relatable to this situation.

I've worked in child-care centres before and (to add to your helpful points /u/hangipants) I think a small, yet main aspect of this is the lack of children's name tags on the bag hanging area, both inside, and what seems to be another bag/locker area for children (Near the back door, blue shelving).

I have never seen a facility for small children not take up this simple, and cheap practice. There is no reason they would not have this, if the centre was providing care for children.

If the center is providing care for children theyre REQUIRED to have a labeled personal space for each child.

There are no toys in there either.

This, this is what's creepy

Toys are only for good boys and girls.

This and the comment about it always being naptime...

I saw another comment saying that the mailman probably comes around the same time every day (I know at my home and work this is true) so he could actually just be showing up at nap time

Assuming that's the case, it would make sense, but the "no matter what time of day" would be a bit weird if he actually meant any time of day.

Went by today and that's definitely the first thing I noticed. That and the fact most of the windows are completely covered from the inside so you can't see in.

That picture with that creepy lady in it is very unsettling

Working in the social field myself, can confirm - even though I'm not familiar with US regulations.

Note also the flag in the larger window to the left of the door - it seems to have fallen down in the time from '11 to '14. Kinda hard to believe that in a time span of ~three years nobody would go out of their way to pick up or reattach an item come loose.

Personally, if I worked in any kind of care institution, hell, in any kind of business, I'd have this cleaned out the minute I noticed it.

the flag could have fallen close to the time the street view car went by in 2014. The flag may not have been down for 3 years

Of course, and it would be the most logical explanation. No way to know.

But judging from the other windows, where (presumed) child drawings have been hanging for three years, it might not be too much of a stretch to assume the flag has been down for a while. Then again, they of course could've 're-hanged' said pictures in that time span. Who knows?

they should consider moving that cheese grater...

It looks like children aren't usually in the kitchen, the door to block it off is open in the picture.

It is obvious that the last picture you are showing is a meth lab. You can see the keypad above the doorswitch that opens the secret room behind the tree that has the "owl" peering out. Very obvious illuminati drug operation going on here.

We need to go deeper. ∆

You da real MVP.

My guess is a cover for a Meth lab/growing cannibis in basement.

It's probably just a money laundering front.

That's a bad front to launder money though. The way to.launder money is to have a business that is cash and doesn't have customers that can be easily identified. That way the owners can massively inflate the number of customers and what they purchased so that they can claim high earnings when in reality there was little to none. A daycare is no good because they are highly regulated, have limited numbers of customers, has easily identifiable customers, and is most likely not a cash business.

"all of this is public record that takes anyone all of two seconds to look up themselves." If we knew how :P Thanks for all you work, I honestly have no clue how to do about 80% of that and I am pretty darn good with computers.

Agreed, it's more a disclaimer for the mods and admins that I'm not "hacking" these people to get the info. It's publicly available, if you know where to look!

Between starting my own company and contractor work I've learned the ropes so I know where to look and for what. Certain things are more difficult to hide than others.

Indeed, we all have our skills.

Where do you look? Just curious, getting this kind of data is really cool

When you start a company (whether it's a corporation, LLC, DBA), you are required to pick a state to incorporate in. You must file the proper documents for that state and these documents are typically public record. Most states allow these documents to be searched on their government websites. Some of them (like Utah) allows you to do a principal search, meaning you can look up all companies who have have founders/officers with the names you are interested in (for example "Eva Solano") for that state.

The "registered agent" is the person who is the point of contact for the corporation (typically for legal reasons). Most people make themselves the registered agent (instead of paying an outside company), so this is one way to get data. If someone wanted to sue the company or take other action, they would need someone to serve these documents to, as corporations themselves are not physical entities.

As for the tech side, when you register a domain (.com, .net, etc) you will fill out personal information as to who it is registered to. This is not "required" and often times domain services will default to the information you used to sign up for the domain to begin with. This information is publicly available via WHOIS lookup.

There are other websites that offer business data lookup, which is public record. They are just aggregators of this data and make it easier to search (typically crawling and caching it themselves, similar to Google).

You, sir, know your way around the interwebs

All of it seems really weird to me.

I can give a reasonable explanation to the 29:32 issue. They may be licensed for 29 children a day, but have some part time (3 or 4 days a week) spots. Therefore, you could end up with more spots than your total capacity number.

For example, I run a childcare facility that is licensed for 90 but we serve approx. 110 families.

Yeah I figured that might be the case. However, I find it hard to believe a facility of that staff and caliber would be allowed to hold 16 children, much less double that.

1100kg worth of plastic jewelery? Yeah, that's a bit odd.

In college a bunch of my friends bought fake IDs from China and they came in a jewelry box with a plastic bracelet with the IDs hidden underneath. Not sure if this is relevant but plastic jewelry I guess is a viable way to smuggle things to other countries

I got an ID from overseas and they came packaged in the underside of necklaces. We got to keep the necklaces and looked like pretty, pretty princesses.

Guys, quit buying IDs! Wait until you're actually of age to participate in things that require a valid ID haha

For science–was the ID quality, and where could I find one?

Bingo! This caught my eye too. 271 Cartons? That was over a literal TON of plastic jewerly. (Which I assume each carton cannot weigh much because of density limits in packing the stuff.


Edit: Puts each box at about 9 pounds.

I lol'd at "skeetttcchhhhhh" :3 Yeah but that is wayyy too much plastic jewelry.. Who is buying it and why is it being delivered to such a suspicious building?

Thank you for the work. It's obvious Eva and Ava are the same person. Jose is involved in local government and they are using this building to hide something. I'm guessing it's more for drugs than anything. The laundry across the street is apparently " constantly filled with cops on drug bust" I'm thinking this building is being used to distribute incoming shipments to the area.

Then the cops must know about this place, right?

Edit: they have to know, which leaves only two options.

They are building a case or protecting it.

I mean, right?

Or they're too busy investigating other stuff. They don't have infinite resources.

Could be.

But something like this, that may or may not involve a local politician, goes by the wayside?

Also possible.

like how to shoot more innocent puppies?

Could be government surveillance, you might be poking at something that should remain hidden. Not saying stop but if you find guys in suits with badges questioning you you'll know why


In the picture you are talking about with the Jose Solano holding an Uzi in a car, the person taking the picture is wearing a t-shirt that says Public Enemy. I'm not sure what "el papa de los pollitos" means either. Google translate says "pope chicks" but I think it insinuates more than father of little chickens.

This probably isn't the same Jose Solano and is probably just some dude. Searching for the name shows that this name is common enough.

el papa de los pollitos

In exploring online a bit, it looks like it's colloquially translated as "The rooster of the block," in the sense of being hyper-masculine and a seductive man.

More like cocky, maybe?

Thanks! That makes sense. It was the only thing I stumbled on while participating in this thread that would have actually bothered me if I never figured it out.

Glad I could help!

Seems to me it would imply a pimp. Dad to the chicks? Pollito would be little chicken, although it's masculine and not feminine.

I don't actually speak Spanish, and was parroting what someone else wrote, so I have no idea. It does imply pimp, though.

bing translation said it means "pope of the children". Weird thing to call himself but yeah.

Google comes up with a song when i search for "el papa de los pollitos". .

I don't think that guy is involved in something here. That guy looks really poor. Wouldn't you expect him to be atleast somewhat wealthy? Also facebook said he was a month ago in "Los Alcarrizos". That guy is probably not even living in the US anymore. Apparently also working at some ministry in the Dominican Republic.

What does that have to do with anything?

jose solano salt lake city

Don't see it. Not anymore anyway.

still there.

Search facebook "jose solano salt lake city" cover photo of him holding a gun on his profile.

Doh! Sorry I missed that. Was at work and trying to peak quickly.

I get a guy riding a donkey in a motorcycle outfit.

"jose solano salt lake city"

I don't think it's the same guy. The FB profile in question seems to be of a construction worker in the Dominican Republic with a pretty banal life. It says he went to HS in salt lake city, thus that explains his "lives in". Its probably 'cool' for him to put he lives in America on his profile.

The cached website has some peculiar grammar mistakes.

Could you pull this magic off in further investigating the same way? Looking at's copies of that it hasn't changed since 2010.


Nothing I know of, it just seemed odd. I suppose the SLC daycare could have just ripped them off from the outright, or been sold the same web development template and didn't change anything.

probably just that... but I live in virginia... any other reddittors trynna investigate?

I live around there, but, nah, I've seen too many TV shows to know how this is going to end up.

There's also this company in Virginia, which was also shipped 1100kg of the same brand of plastic jewelry from the same company in China that shipped to Fun Time Kids Care (Cymo Arts Zhuhai Co Ltd). Here's that company's website:

I'm not sure if this has any relevance to this other Virginia organization though.

Edit: Just looked again and it appears that Fun Stuff Inc. was actually a cosignee for the shipment of jewelry to Fun Times Kids Care and that they were not in fact separate shipments.

Edit 2: Just read through JustAnotherGuyPoopin's post and looks like this was pretty much all covered.

I just checked out the website, when I tried clicking to see the catalog, I got a pop up saying I had to log in with a user name and password to access that part of the site. Weird.

The 3rd address: 3265 SO Richards Street STE 3, Salt Lake city Utah is a nondescript building or perhaps a hydroponics shop. see

I think I found a link to Karen Yocom's Facebook. She lives in Utah and is self employed at "Topham's Tiny Tots" (sounds like another name for a daycare?) and also has what appears to be a husband by the name of Richard. Coincidence?

Topham's Tiny Tots

I found her and Richard's Facebook pretty easily as well.

This is the Topham's Tiny Tots profile on Utah's government site. Seems to be registered to "E. Gregg Tobler" back in 1977, continuously renewed and in good standing.

Honestly, I don't believe the Yocoms to be involved in any of this. Seems like they started their own business in 1973, eventually selling it to the Solanos in 2003. That's probably where it went downhill and became what it is now. Likely they got it on the cheap and could piggyback of the community reputation of "a good daycare" to keep up appearances.

Tobler (or associates) might be old friends with the Yocoms and offered her a job for what she has many years experience in. Considering this company has been continuously registered for nearly 40 years, it does not come across as suspicious.

Yes I agree. Her profile seems credible too. Maybe befriending her would help unravel some things we've been wondering? Who knows.

A probable reason for the evasive website/domain changes seems to me to be that the individuals listed in the WHOIS started getting hugged too hard by Reddit and thus changed their information in a hurry hoping that people would leave them alone.


Noticed that myself. There all seem to be just standard search-engine landing pages. Being that he's the webmaster of, he's probably familiar with squatting domain names. Some domain services allow you to monetize this with ads or other things, so he may be doing that.

While this is fairly harmless, it is interesting nonetheless.

It strikes me as curious that a childcare centre that small would need 1.1 metric tons of "plastic jewellery".

Ok from what is see some artwork changes but not all. strange

How did you learn to do such research?

Most of it comes down to knowing what documentation has to be filed for starting a business (and renewing it), as well as how the internet and domains work (WHOIS, DNS, IP addresses, etc).

There are other sites which aggregate this data and make it easy to search. Many of them crawl the web and cache it so it is difficult for them to remove it in attempts to cover their tracks.

Honestly this looks like common practice for some organized crime based human trafficing ring. Based upon what im looking at.

FWIW, the BBB is a scam get an F if you don't pay them what they ask

"The only strange thing is, no matter what time of day I showed up with their mail, it always seemed to be nap time."

I don't even..... that's disturbing.

Right? terrifies me.

I thought mail man came approximately at the same hour every day though..

He said he came at different times...

Yeah bud, I'm saying he's lying

My mailman comes anytime between 1 and 5, sometimes even later if they were very busy that day.


People like/lie* on the internet!? I think I just had a minor aneurysm.

Don't bust up the circle jerk man.

If the guy's actually a mailman, then what's the purpose of posting that? If he always comes at, say roughly 2PM, what's the point of saying that it's always nap time.? Maybe he comes there in a span of a few hours or changed his route slightly so he went there at a different time. Or maybe he's not actually a mailman. I wanna believe though

Ninja edit: Spelling

My mail delivery fluctuates between 11:30am-2:30pm and I live near SLC. 3 hours is a long time for "nap time".

My mailman doesn't.

I would rather know information on what types of mail they were getting delivered, rather than the fact that he delivers mail at X:XX time every day and, surprise!, there's a regularly scheduled nap time.

Your mail gets delivered at the same time everyday? Mine varies between 11:00 and 4:00

Yeah, if it's the same mail carrier. If there's someone replacing her then it may vary (this goes for both my mom's house and my dad's house which are located in way different parts of the city of Philadelphia). But obviously the POV was from 1 single mail carrier and I've read in the few different places this comment was brought up that their mail gets delivered around the same time as well.

Also, it's been noted that other people have said their child's daycare has either staggered or multiple nap times per day.

What sticks out to me more than multiple naps is that some people are saying they've never seen any kids in or around it and then someone happened to snap pics of 2 yesterday, and the place is still getting violations as if it's fully functioning. That's what doesn't add up to me. The mail carrier's observation isn't close to disturbing compared to these shipping details and business owners.

I mean I'm not saying that there is definitely some conspiracy I just think that the mail carrier anecdote doesn't sound completely false to me. My mail time isn't different everyday, but it certainly varies for weeks at a time. Ex: I'll get it around 11 for a couple weeks, then around two for a week, then maybe around ten for a couple weeks

That's weird haha the only people that don't show up like clockwork (unless it's a sub for our normal lady) are package deliveries that aren't USPS. I wish I could get more people to weigh in here. Maybe Philly just has their shit together on something for once haha.

Did the original post have any convincing evidence? Even anything to prove they were a mailman, not sure how you would... but this could easily be completely bogus.

So I said these things already in the other thread, told to do it here as well. Got some more threats...

"Delete your post and comments, and stop making questions. First and last warning. we know who you are."

"If you want to reveal the truth of that place, it may cost you your life. Know this so you can die without any regrets. 5982471595 8267485319 F.R."

And the Deathship guy got back to me with this...

"If you must continue your search. Try to uncover what you seek do not say I didn't warn you. Things like this are always ran by dangerous people."

Also, I uncovered this-

I googled the phone number to the daycare and It showed the name to Fun Time Kidcare. Same name as the other weird place, just not the exact same with spelling. Only difference is, it's a new address. Come to find out that it's been operating since '07. One year after the creepy daycare went out of business. Now it gets weird when you find out both business share the same number. The same number that hardly anybody picks up and when they do it a guy with broken english telling me that its for low income families only and that I need to go through the Dept. Of Workforce services. Why do they share the same number? Why does the guy tell me something completely different?

This is reading like creepypasta o.0. All this effort to divert attention away from this place screams insidious dealings are going on. Be ready to send all this data to the (appropriate) media and others if you feel like you're being watched.

Stay safe guys!

Or it just screams trolling. With regard to the personal reddit messages, imagine how juicy it is for someone to troll something like r/conspiracy threads with msgs like that.

If the threat had come with evidence of some kind of proof of information rather than just "we know who you are" i would say it was different. IF they sent him his adress and maybe the adress of family members perhaps... stuff like that.

Still, it doesn't hurt to stay safe. You never know.

One should always stay reasonably safe - i was responding to the idea that these comments scream "insidious dealings"

Felt the same way I'm enjoying this thread

You should contact the police and tell them everything that's happened. If they choose not to investigate it, well then we know they're in on whatever's going on and have been for some time.

I don't think that would be a bad idea, for reasons which are becoming more obvious as more of this unfolds. But, if the police don't take it seriously, it could just as easily be because they've never heard of "some website called Reddit that the youngin's seem to be using". I suggest, if the OP /u/blink_and_youre_dead does decide to contact the police, that he not simply call them, but also email, making sure to include everything that a publicly releasable chain of emails would need to include to involve, and possibly implicate, the local police department.

Wha?? You shouldn't mention Reddit at all. Lol. Just say they sent you messages over the internet, present all the evidence found from public records, and then of course the building itself.

So I hope you agree that emails should be sent?

I don't think it matters if the OP mentions reddit or not. They'll ask him about that anyways. So that's a moot point as far as I'm concerned.

I don't understand not mentioning reddit? I can't see a good reason not too. Can you enlighten me?

But, if the police don't take it seriously, it could just as easily be because they've never heard of "some website called Reddit that the youngin's seem to be using".

Because of this?

The OP /u/blink_and_youre_dead seems to be well spoken, and well reasoned, enough to be able to impress open who ever they speak to that it should be important to them that reddit has taken note. Especially if they email as I, and you, suggested. They'll know, obviously, that he emailed and that, once they realize how serious reddit is, they need to take this seriously.

It's still important how you present yourself, as you pointed out. They might inquire which internet forum you were using or how the messages were sent, at which point you'd of course reply Reddit. But you can't start by saying, "Hi, I was browsing /r/conspiracy and I duhduhduhduhduh."

True...but in the OP's case they didn't start out by browsing /r/conspiracy . And, when it comes time to talk about that, I would think this particular OP has the ability to explain that in a way that, if all this communication is by email, therefore able to be reposted publicly, will make their use of /r/conspiracy seem reasonable, if not the most rational recourse. Especially given the recent fact that /r/conspiracy seems to be the last recourse of things, laughably, deleted from /r/undelete.

Point being that reddit as a whole seems to be taking /r/conspiracy more seriously lately.

So yes, you're right, I wouldn't start my conversation with the police out with "So, like, I was on r/conspiracy, and then this happened..." but I don't think the OP will do that. They seem to more intelligent than that.

Being taken serious when discussing taboo conspiracy theory. You not been in public recently? Try bringing up some conspiracy material to the first random person you see, yea thats gonna go really damn well.

Yeah mentioning Reddit to cops after the Sunnil/Boston Bombing thing seems like an easy way to get your stuff ignored/tossed out/used as kindling in a sacrificial ritual at the daycare

If they google it this will probably be one of the top results.

Except the whole thing...

Or possibly that they know it's a drug front but can't do anything about it.

If you turn over the name DynCorp in your research, cross reference it with child trafficking. I have no idea if they have anything to do with it, but I've heard a few weird stories over the years about shell games regarding contract child care.

huh? shell game? dyncorp?

Yeah what is this baout?

Those threats may be enough for the police to listen to you, if you feel like going that route. Though whatever the building actually is, there's a 99% chance the cops already know it exactly.

Involving the cops would bring this story to 1 of 2 places. Either the cops bust someone or "nothing to see here" AKA government involvement.

Option 1 sounds pretty great to me.

Could be a situation where the person getting busted is a patsy so the public has a cheap easy answer and the police don't have to actually reveal any information on the place.


Any idea what the numbers are supposed to mean? 5982471595 8267485319 F.R. My apologies if I just missed it -

These numbers mean nothing to me. No idea.

Nice detective work there.

We did it Reddit! Case closed!

I can confirm that /u/discogodfather6922 unearthed the same findings as myself and I also have no idea. WEIRD!?

Could be some sort of code to signal to some automated ISP wiretap to hone in on a particular user.

Oh shit, an automated ISP.

This is why you should use https for everything, including Google searches. It's not fool proof but makes a lot of the data they acquire useless.

Yeah no.

So what was your point exactly?

That they are not going to get OP's identity via deep packet inspection or 'automated ISPs'.

He obviously meant {automated {ISP wiretap}}. The only reason you're parsing it otherwise is to make him look dumb, which just makes you look dumb.

They still are not going to get OP's identity via deep packet inspection or {automated {ISP wiretap}} because it's fucking bullshit.

except they would get his IP address, and with a bit of work his real life identity.

Maybe it's like an NSA Bat signal.. IDK either.

They look like they could be two phone numbers. I don't have the nerve to try calling the numbers to see what comes up, and I don't know why they'd include two phone numbers in that vaguely threatening message anyway.

I did google both numbers and nothing came up.

Neither 598 nor 826 are valid area codes in the United States

Have you tried reversing the numbers then looking...I mean if you guys have been around a while apparently they like to hide things by putting them upside down or in reverse etc. Just my 2 cents.

913 in a Kansas area code but the rest of it is not a phone number. The other is a dead end as well. However, both 595 and 598 (the beginning and ending of the first number) are country codes to Uruguay and Paraguay, respectively.

So my head went to RFID in reverse but RFID tags are 24 digit numbers. Maybe it's gematria?

Gematria is a possibility too, was thinking that earlier.

I also thought Gematria, especially considering the signed initials "F.R." Now, I'm pretty certain it can't be only Gematria, there would have to be another cipher/equation/translation involved.
Each 10 digit number as a sum is too large for translation, and using the single digit to letter method is looking to be gibberish, in direct English conversion.

Check out my profile for links to code breaking threads.

Will do, thanks

598 (Uruguay) is a country code just as 826 (UK) is


Not sure how deep the be goes, but just for weirdness sake.

In the comments.

Search the address it is a home listed for sale (sold) and has pictures. Lots of other weird stuff comes up in the search too.I am not even going to pretend to understand.

There is definitely something about that address. It's been mentioned in quite a few posts.

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The lack of a decimal should tell you those aren't decimal degrees. They could be two different MGRS/USNG coordinates but that seems unlikely since they didn't give the grid zone or sheet reference.

I don't think it's a location.


59.82471595S, 82.67485319E


Look like phone numbers

8267485319 is a prime number, if that means anything. Treat each ten-digit sequence as a phone number and give them a ring, maybe.

But I suspect all threats are from trolls.

Those might be phone numbers, they've got the right number of digits.

Late to the party, but if you add a decimal after the first 2 digits and enter it as a GPS in decimal degrees it spits out a place in the middle of Russia. I really hope that's not where you live...

Well they're the right amount of digits to be phone numbers. But neither of the first three sets correspond to any area codes in the US.

phone numbers?

Not probable.

I think it may be some type of federal code. I know absolutely nothing past that though.

Holy shit. So it could be a front for a drugs operation or something. Or worse.

Human trafficking. The other location in Northern Virginia is in a wealthy neighborhood.

Some True Detective stuff

No way its a front for drugs! not with all the other sketchy locations or the registered web domains, drug dealers arent that smart, and arent getting shippemts of 1000+ KG of stuff from china

Afghanistan shares a boarder with China.

Afghanistan has a HUGE poppy crop.

Drugs are not that far out of the question.

I just have a hard time believing that drug dealers from Afghanistan registered a domain name in 1973

Could have just been a shitty business they bought in with.

could be....I wanna go check out this creepy house, its only a few minites from where I live, if I dont post back, you'll know they got me

I've been sucked in to this story. Awaiting your response!

Drug dealers aren't that smart? Maybe at street level nut those high up guys are smart as fuck. You cant smuggle kilos of heroin and coke into the country, then distibute it, and not get caught if you aren't smart.

im thinking its a drug trafficking place. the mailman said he went there everyday and there was always kids there, but they were always on matter what time of day it is. that creeps me out. i have read that human traffickers will drug the kids to keep them under their control. these shipments could be a front for moving these kids around.

I think the threats are from trolls. Why would the people responsible make themselves known, and intentionally give out potential clues in the form of strings of numbers and initials?

Deathship, however, is an interesting character. He may or may not be lying about his background. But I am definitely sure he is not involved in this business, but based on past experiences has a pretty good feeling it's dangerous. He seems like a pretty cool dude who isn't working for or against anyone in this. If he is telling the truth about his background, he's a good person to have going forward.

I think the kids going in and out is the interesting part. Maybe they're being used? Are they transferring something?

"If you want to reveal the truth of that place, it may cost you your life. Know this so you can die without any regrets. 5982471595 8267485319 F.R."

What was the username who issued that threat? Could be part of what seems to be some sort of code.

They deleted the account.


I did find that apparently this guy was known as F.R.

The standard author abbreviation Fr. is used to indicate this individual as the author when citing a botanical name.

Even though I think the threats were from trolls because it's stupid to give away potential clues when you're trying to stop people investigating, this would mean that the numbers translate to the botanical name of a plant.

5982471595 being the genus, and 8267485319 the species.

We should look into cracking the code. It is likely an illegal plant, marijuana or something similar, if we operate under the possibility that it is a sort of drug front. I'm not one for working out such a code, anyone want to help?

Alternatively, it could be thought of as a threatening signature. Consider the vast number of deadly plants (with nice sounding nicknames to boot) that would make for a nice "I am the Angel of Death" salutation.

I think that may be a little too Hollywood-esq, but it makes more sense than any hint at a drug in a warning.

F.R. being short for Frater perhaps.

Could be. Also could be short for French.

I'm just throwing shit at the wall and seeing what sticks.

I'll hop on here. Could also mean "Fuckin' Reddit."

That is a good point.

Swedish Mycologist

They sell shrooms. Mystery solved.

I definitely remember receiving numbers like that before and being intrigued enough to try Googling them for a few minutes. I just can't for the life of me recall where I saw them. And I must have been private browsing cause it's not in my search history. I'll keep looking.

yes. how mysterious. where could you possibly have seen numbers before.


Has anyone tried that for the other site who's merchandise catalogue is password protected?

I'm a little behind on the developments so far... Care to link me to said site?

has anyone tried calling the Dept of Workforce Services to see if this daycare is listed in their database?

I did and they didn't know anything about it. Told me to call another number (forgot the name.) This company said that they were listed but the daycare is spelt "Fun Time Kids Care" as apposed to "Fun Time Kidz Kare"

She told me the only way I could enroll a child is to first enroll my kid at the daycare then get back to them. I told her the owner of the building said I can't do that and go through Workforce services first. At this point she said she didn't know anything about that and couldn't help me anymore.

Which means that it is bullshit (from the day care).

Search Utah's approved Child Care Providers for "Fun Time Child Card, LLC." It comes up, but their profile is dubious.

Yeah, totally. I am looking into it. I know a bunch of people who live right by this place but it is really creeping me out

good luck my friend. hopefully you know a cop or a powerful rich guy that you trust that can help you out with this. maybe contact a reporter from the local news. be safe okay!

First thing I noticed being "off" is on this listing, their hours end at 5:30 but apparently the group of children that were seen to arrive (not clear if they had any adult supervision getting to the daycare) knocked on the door to get in in the afternoon.

Some replies indicated most day cares take children after school until evening, but 5:30 seems a little early for that?

Anyone else think the author of those messages might not be a native english speaker? Some of the phrasing and punctuation is awkward and not what you'd expect someone fluent in the language to use.

"Delete your post and comments, and stop making questions.
"If you must continue your search. Try to uncover what you seek do not say I didn't warn you. Things like this are always ran by dangerous people."

This, combined with the reports from other users ITT adds some weight to the idea of some sort of foreign-run, under-the-radar type business going on there...

EDIT: posted this before I got through the rest of the comments. Ignore me, guys....I apparently has the dumb today....

Could be the guy that picked up the phone, with the English that be brokeded.

stop making questions

It is very common for Spanish speakers to say this because the verb that they would use is "hacer" which can mean both "to make" and "to do".

My guess is that it's some sort of front for an organized crime operation. Either a Mexican drug cartel or the Russian mob.

Possibly some Chinese involvement, too.
[The odd orders mentioned elsewhere ITT were all shipped out of China...of course so is practically everything else these I dunno.]

I don't think the mafia hangs around Reddit searching if their cover is blown

Who said mafia?

5982471595 8267485319

... are those phone numbers? im scurred.

Maybe you're getting trolled.

Also.. this is their profile on Child Care Center.

Interesting how people are being told they must apply through Workforce Services when this page lists Enrolled in Subsidized Child Care Program: No. Out of date... or a lie being told to keep the place off limits?

So I just google street viewed the place and saw this creepy figure in a window

/u/DeathShip has an interesting diversity of activity in odd subreddits.

Trees, StonerEngineering, UFO's, Skyrim, Jobs4Bitcoin, and Atheism.

I'd just go ahead and excuse him as normal everyday redditor so full of shit, he could easily be mistaken as a septic tank.

What after the Air force I can't like Marijuana or Bitcoins? Hey, this guy likes weed and bitcoins obviously we cant believe him now. I like those subeditors because that's just what I like it has nothing to do with my legitimacy.

While I agree with you that it is a bit rash to dismiss your claims on being in the Air Force and speaking 8 languages and all that based solely on your interests, your comments implying that you know what's going on in that daycare and that it's dangerous are relatively unbelievable. You've provided no evidence that you know what's going on, and as such your claim holds no more weight than any claim I make, such as "Aliens abducted me, when I was on their ship I saw Snoo. Snoo was the leader. Reddit was made by aliens.".

If you really know what's going on in there, I'd encourage you to tell us, even anonymously. Hop on to a VPN, make a throwaway, and give us some details backed by data and/or some pictures at least.

I never said I knew anything about whats going on there.

You did advise the people on the original thread to stop looking, though I must have gotten your post confused with some of the others in there that did claim to know. Regardless, what was your reasoning for advising people to stop digging?

Edit: Advice to advise

Places like this reek of danger. I was just trying to look out for other people's safety.

Ah. Well now that's completely reasonable. Now I don't even understand what this person was even trying to debunk with their comment about how you're unbelievable because you like weed and Skyrim.

i dont know about that. if he was into human trafficking, who is to say he cant be on reddit as well. criminals use the internet too. this is the only reason he saw the post so quickly, how else would they catch the post so fast. also the fact the there were tons of follow up sketchy posts from new user that immediately delete there accounts gives it some legitimacy.

RemindMe! 10 days "Is discogodfather still alive?"

No, but really, this shit is fucking creepy.

It operates as Fun Time Child Care, LLC despite the out of date banner.

Listen, they're not going to kill you. It would be too damn obvious that after you started doing some digging you passed away. It's probably best if you let some people you know in real life know about what's going on too. They wouldn't do anything to risk getting exposed, this ins't a movie.

Human trafficking front?

6 hours ago someone included the number in the bottom of their post about synths on a musical equipment forum called 'gearslutz'.

Gearslutz screenie


My guess is that the guy is also a redditor and just included it in his post there as a laugh after reading all thse daycare related thread, but it struck me as odd regardless.

Really weird, but I found someone saying that exact phrase on this forum called Gearslutz. Cached version here, normal one gave me an error.

Obviously someone is making alts to fuck with you.


Last picture: follow the white rabbit, Neo.

That shot creeped me out a little, not gonna lie.

That lady is the oracle!


You might just be on to something there...


Short sleeves in Utah in January? I'm in Alabama and you couldn't wear short sleeves this time of year.

You're not wrong, it's pretty damn cold outside right now.

Interesting. This was the same lady I saw ushering in two children today.


Is it just me or is it odd that the children are unaccompanied? Wouldn't the parents drop them off? More importantly, did anybody see them picked up after daycare?

That's the first thing I thought too. What kind of kids go to daycare on their own?

After school day care? Kids walk from school to the daycare because their parent(s) are at work. A lot of people in this thread seem to be lacking a bit of perspective. When you are poor a lot of sacrifices have to be made.

Can confirm. I've done this.

Time of day is the big issue here though

Frankly, those kids look more school aged to me. It's possible that they are that ladies (or someone's) children or grandchildren getting back from school?

I can't remember what time the pics of the children were taken.

When I was a kid my brother and I would walk to our day care place (more of a rec center) just as about every other kid we knew there. Totally not uncommon at all.

Did anyone else notice the identical backpacks on the children?
They look like cheap, throwaway backpacks to me.

The hair looks a bit different, but then again the photos are of different quality. It's hard to tell in the picture through the window, plus in the children picture part of her is obstructed by the traffic pole.

However, in both pictures the woman/women is/are wearing the same striped pink/salmon/peach shirt, with a grey jacket over.

Cheeze Pizza center?

It certainly looks like the same woman from the earlier pictures

The hair looks a bit different, but then again the photos are of different quality. It's hard to tell in the picture through the window, plus in the children picture part of her is obstructed by the traffic pole.

However, in both pictures the woman/women is/are wearing the same striped pink/salmon/peach shirt, with a grey jacket over.

A lot of times day cares have buzzers / remote locks for the doors so if they don't know the person or aren't expecting someone they won't be buzzed in. So maybe they didn't order the pizza??

Maybe someone on here ordered a pizza to the place so that they could see if someone opened the door to receive it instead of knocking themselves? Also it does look like those kids know/trust the person that let them in. They look old enough to not enter somewhere if they don't know the person letting them in/ haven't been there a bunch of times before.

This may be a bit of a stretch, but has anyone else considered looking through missing children databases for those kids? These kids look pretty similar to me, but then again, I guess most kids look pretty similar.

I don't know if I just have a shitty Age-guessing but the 2 kids going in there don't look like 10 to me. Maybe 7 or something, but certainly not 10.

If we want to go full tinfoilhat mode those are the kids of the guys operating that business and undoubtly they know that there are people investigating it and they want to make it seem legit.

Can you elaborate...when you say ushering, did they look like they were eager to comply?

Honestly, it looks like the kids were trying to get in. Then the lady opened the door and kind of ushered them in quickly.

A really sad ghetto day care that the internet would be wise to stop talking about?

Edit: I just looked again, and hadn't realized there was more than 1 picture. Pretty much how my day's been going. Great job in taking those, thanks. You're right, it does look like it could function as a day care. Aside from the bare shelves.

Bare shelves look like shoe cubbies with a coatrack underneath

I don't see any kids in there so this isn't really conclusive; it only confirms that the place is active. It's easy to hire someone to sweep and mop.

It looks like the bare shelves are coat hangers and cubbies. That said, whatever you see from this moment on will not be the normal activity since it's gained enough attention.

I also haven't ruled out that this is a complete troll.

Agreed. The place def looks creepy, but could just be a sad day care center and this whole day has been wasted on a psy-op myth to distract us from a real predator like Jeffrey Epstein, who today had his lawyers file a desperate appeal to keep his non-prosecute filing sealed.

A really sad ghetto day care that the internet would be wise to stop talking about?

I wouldn't read to much into messages like that. Could easily be either conspiracy nuts or just people having fun trying to make it seem more mysterious.

That bunny logo... Is that a string & carrot beneath it? Something like this?

Sorta looks like it but i think it's a signature.


I think the initials are SDJ, but I could be wrong. Any idea what it could mean?


Wow. Who took those? That's some serious (and good) sleuth work there.

I'm not entirely sure because they were posted on 8chan's /baphomet/ and the poster was anonymous. There was this pizza guy who banged on the door, peeked through windows and even tried the back door. Anon said that a few seconds after the dude left these two girls appeared and this woman let them in.

That is indeed weird as hell then cuz if things did happened in that order, it seems to mean that the pizza guy's knock was not answered on purpose, while the girl's knock was answered and they were let in. One has to wonder why that is...

Maybe they just didnt order the pizza.

Probably the guy who ordered the pizza. Then he hid/sat in his car, wanting to get pictures of whoever opened the door.

Oh snap. That's is not a bad idea. lol. Call, order a pizza, give them the address of THIS place, and see what goes down as you snap some pictures.

lol. Are you sure YOU weren't the "pizza troll caller" that took these pictures? If so, then awesome job. :)


There is a TV mounted up on the wall it looks like to me.


The pics I got of the interior are to the left of the front door from the sidewalk. There are windows to the right side of the door but they looked to be more covered and I didn't want to snoop too much and invade anyone's privacy. The windows to the left could be seen into reasonably and didn't make me feel like some peeping Tom. Anyone walking by could have looked in there reasonably and not been hassled about a violation of privacy.

I'm confused by the 2 pics of the interior you got. In one picture you can clearly see a TV, in another there's no tv. The rest of the room looks exactly the same...are these taken on the same day?

It's just from a different angle I think. The TV is mounted on the wall close to the window, so it's out of the shot in the first pic.

You can see the brown table in both images. The tv is on the far side of that table. in the image with no TV you can clearly see the table, but no tv...

I think the TV is actually on the closer side of the table. It's just hard to tell because of the weird angle.

good job

Follow the While Rabbit.....?

If a man in a suit comes out and politely asks if you would like a Pepsi, you should get one.

Which makes it even more worth investigating, because I have no doubts at this point that even before we consider the worst conclusion, this place could actually be some sort of daycare that is NOT up to code, NOT up to regulation.

you should go with some friends to help you be brave. don't worry man just be strong. you're not a pussy i would have been scared too.

Gonna drop my 2 pennies here, but the Damn rabbit tells me it's drugs. For Damn near 50+ years a white rabbit colloquially refers to drugs.

Totes drugs. Thanks Carroll.

A certain previous owner has "Female Sex Workers" as his only interest on facebook. Have not confirmed if this is a legit page but it seems like it.

Edit: I'm a bit freaked out. Everyone keep digging. I don't think this is just some odd occurrence of weird events.


I can't find said Facebook after looking for... longer than I care to admit.

You don't have to take my word but it's there.

Maybe a screencap with the private stuff blurred out?

Could you post a link to his Facebook profile?

I think that would be a violation of Rule 6.

Ohh my bad.

Shadow banned??

He hasn't been a co-owner since ~2003-2005. The person who commented on the thread claiming their kids went there (it was a new account) said they only liked it until "Mr. Richard" left. Also he has other interests listed, but maybe that's been in the past day (since you posted your comment)

I can't believe how low those fines are.

How important are kids though? I'm sure a 50 dollar fine, or a 100 dollar fine will teach them well enough /s

No shit, $50 for not having training documentation?? I presume that's an essential for running a daycare...

lol $100 for a pickaxe kicking about in... a kids playground ;D

Wow nice. I have not seen it yet and I read all the comments here about 20 mins ago.

Here's the thing. It may look as though this proves legitamacy, but let's not forget that the business was registered to a Government Official. So he may have inside info. As in, knowing when the inspections happen.


Well the last note was almost 4 years ago...

oh, okay. Nevermind.

It was in the old thread, there's also a link somewhere with two more recent complaints

Has anyone been able to check the daycare license:

Website isn't working... was it functioning earlier?

This is creepy as shit. if this is purposefully offline, some VERY powerful people don't want us to see it...

It's up. That's just a bad link. Go to and enter "Fun Time" as the facility name.

Holy fuck this is great, thank you. Vote this shit up people

Was just about to post that. Here is the worst one of the bunch:

Documentation of orientation training cannot be located for Jose Solano. This rule was previously found to be out of compliance on 3/8/07, 4/30/07 and 2/8/08. This rule must be in compliance by April 20, 2008. If this rule is not in compliance by April 20, 2008, an additional civil money penalty of $50 will be assessed.

Not even the owner knows how to operate this place? God damn.

Why are they not shut down? Oh right he's involved in government somehow...... Toxic chemicals in infant area 100 bucks for dead kids who knew

The inspector found a pick axe within reach of a child. O.o What the hell.

They do provide day-care, they have to keep up the front. But the guy in city hall keeps the wheels greased so the place doesn't actually close. I posted a comment further down that, if this is a drug front, it would make sense that the kids that have been seen here are just the children of friends and family that distribute the drugs, hence why they don't care about training, sanitation, etc. They're all friends & work together and this place just keeps an eye on their kids while they're out doing it. I mean, better than just leaving them at home I guess.

Sorry.. but im blind. Annal Announced Inspection?

So how come there have been no fines since 2011?

Here's the thing. It may look as though this proves legitamacy, but let's not forget that the business was registered to a Government Official. So he may have inside info.

this seems to prove that they indeed provide daycare.

They provide it, technically. With a total capacity of 29 and "32" vacancies... at a facility of that "caliber", I'm inclined to believe otherwise.

Day care fraud is very much a thing, as are shell companies and fronts for illicit activities. The fact that it is run by someone employed by the city is also interesting.

Even if it is a sad, creepy, legit daycare... I don't believe they are running it to code standards. What kind of care are these children actually getting?

My guess is its a child sex slave ring for high ranking Mormons.

I think it is reasonably possible that this is some kind of underage sex dungeon. The exterior sure fits the bill as an attraction for pedophiles. No clue if it is related to the Mormons.

Someone who claimed to have broke into the place in the past said all they saw was a chair, in front of a TV, with a live feed into another room. Just thought I should point that out. Obviously no way to prove that what the user said was actually true, but it fit's the creepiness quota that story seems to require.

Sounds like creepypasta

Just stumbled upon creepypasta today too, the irony. My first exposure was the "russian sleep experiment" quite a freaky story...sure seemed fake though...

I'll admit I don't know what creepypasta is. What is it?

That's the best way I've ever seen it put.

I read the story and was too chicken shit to look at the picture of smile dog. damn

I looked and now I'm dead.


This has been somewhat confirmed by pictures posted above, there was a TV in a room.

or a front /shell company for laundering money

I'd think there would be less conspicuous options for a simple laundering front. But if something shady involving kids is going on the daycare thing makes more sense. Though I really hope I'm wrong.

daycares generate a lot of revenue and there are also food programs and other tax incentives/scams

less conspicuous...

Daycares also attract a lot of attention.

the fact that you have to go through a state program makes me think it's a fake child scam.

Ah I see, that's actually an interesting theory. I don't know enough about the programs to know if that would work though...

this might explain why it was registered to a city employee

fake patient clinics work the same way

With a coin op laundry across the street 'where cops hang out for drug busts'. Fascinating.

If you scroll through the comments I've explained and given examples of how daycare/fake child scams operate. Honestly running a legit daycare across the street from where drug busts routinely take place is a pretty poor business decision. Most people don't want to drop the kids off somewhere where they might get shot. I know when I was daycare shopping I skipped everything in the hood.

Yeah I saw a couple of them. The fact that if it was for money laundering and there is a laundrymat across the street is just amusing. If it's known to be for drug busts, I doubt people go near it anymore. It does seem fairly 'new' to me in the pictures so if it's a legit daycare that sucks for them.

it's drugs. they come in bulk shipments and leave in kids' backpacks.

Why Mormons?

Salt Lake City is the Mecca for Mormons, the Vatican for Mormons. That may be what he is referring to.

That's right. Always forget that.

Because Utah

I know this isn't relevant, but when I was in SLC once there were full-size ads on city buses that showed a woman wearing a diamond ring that said "sometimes it's OK to throw rocks at girls" or something like that.


Has anyone else seen these? Is this a good snapshot of Utah culture..?

That describes Utah county in a nutshell. Salt lake is slightly more normal.

rock is referring to the diamond

Ever hear of Warren Jeffs?

Warren Jeffs is not a Mormon. He lead the FLDS church which is not the same as the LDS church.

That's like saying Picard was captain of the Millenium Falcon or something. ;)

I would say it's more like saying Picard wasn't the captain of the Enterprise 1701-A. He may have been on the 1701-D and even the 1701-E for that matter, but he was still on the Enterprise. You should check out more info on Joseph Smith's child brides that the Mormons put out. Warren Jeffs was just a different captain on a Galaxy Class starship. It's called fundamentalist for a reason.

Only if the Millennium Falcon was a was a re-painted Enterprise from a splinter of the Federation that was kicked out for fucking too many kids.

Warren Jeffs

Oh, wasn't he even a Top 10 target of the feds at some point?

Yeah he was. They got him fortunately.

Just managed to google him. His shit eating grin and his overall demeanor just scream sleazeball asshole to me.


Anyone else think DeathShip is a total phony? How many people in the world know those specific 8 languages? And openly talking about working at Area 51? That's some pretty identifiable information for someone who wants to stay anonymous.

Anyone else think DeathShip is a total phony? How many people in the world know those specific 8 languages? And openly talking about working at Area 51? That's some pretty identifiable information for someone who wants to stay anonymous.

That would be my first inclination. If he had actually worked at the Groom Lake test facility (a.k.a. Area 51) he would have signed a non-disclosure agreement. Anyone who signs such an agreement would not so readily violate it out of risk of losing their job and facing severe legal repercussions. He claims to speak eight languages, yet at no time did he provide proof to support this claim, nor did he make any supporting comments to suggest he is remotely credible. Considering the prevalence of trolls on reddit, on the Internet in general, that would appear to be the most likely explanation. It's still technically possible he could be part of some nefarious coverup, it just isn't nearly as probable of a scenario.

According to OP, he no longer works there. Could be a disgruntled eex-gov't worker with a grudge.


Looking through /u/DeathShip's overview he seems not as 'trolly' as I believed earlier, as a troll I don't think he would go to such extreme measures /u/DeathShip has explained in detail his job as a linguist and the languages he speaks. If you look through some of his older posts you can see him talking about the languages he speaks such as Hindu in such detail and so many stories that I just don't think a troll would go to such an extant.


That's just a theory, A Game Theory!

Thanks for watching

Finally someone who doesn't want to bring me down.

And once again the plot thickens. Or so it would seem.

I'm not so sure. But mostly because my hypothesis and assumption is that the location is a government operated facility of some sort; possibly a safehouse or listening post.

You bring up:

would have signed a non-disclosure agreement

But I will remind that it is claimed he was "questionably discharged." Maybe he was a liability who wasn't tight lipped enough for his assignment. Especially if he worked in intelligence, which Air Force linguists do (tracking foreign communications).

There will be very clear lists of people who have ever so much as legally set food upon Area 51, let alone been discharged. By revealing that information you are probably, what, 1/10 people max? No way you'd do it.

Please clarify, do what?

Do you mean revealing that one worked at "Area 51?"

Because it's not that secretive, it's been a publicly acknowledged facility for years, and is an aircraft testing site.

Like any base it would have cooks, guards, quartermasters, maintenance crews, etc. Cheyenne mountain is more secretive than Groom Lake AFB.

Absolutely, and not one of them can legally reveal their employment.

Except there's tons of literature on projects that occurred there that were written by people who in fact WERE employees.

Think the U2, SR-71, F-117.

I mean, I assume you're correct in that there ARE people who can't speak in detail about their involvement in projects, but it would appear that such a stipulation hinges on the nature of the work and if it is still classified.

Tell me, how old are those projects?

The age isn't the fundamentally relative quality. It's the fact that they're declassified. If the poster worked on something that has since been declassified, I see no reason he couldn't talk about his/her service at Groom Lake.

It's moot anyway, because people disclose classified information all the time, regardless of how high profile the pertinent entity or project is.

Area 51 is a local dance club in SLC.

From his post history it's apparent he was referring to the base and not a night cub. That being as it may, I still think he's full of shit.

There's definitely some questions there, but all of this info came from comments he posted in other threads months ago. Maybe he's a habitual liar, maybe he's exaggerating, who knows.

After reading through his history, he says he graduated high school in 2009. He says he learned all of those languages at the Defense Language Institute. At most, he is 24 years old. It was 11 months ago when he talked of working at Area 51 and also that he was no longer in the military at that time. So that means he couldn't have done more than one 4 year term in the military. I find it highly unlikely that a recruit fresh out of high school would gain enough clearance to have worked at Area 51 in just 4 years. Just my two cents.

edit: spelling

Become a linguist, instant TS clearance. Pass the DLAB over a 150 your going to take a trip to some places (that's all I am going to say.) My brain is wired for languages. Can I read all of them? no, Can I speak them, yes. I have an audio graphic memory It is very easy for me to remember words and things that are verbally said with 94% recall. I am white.I am not Hindi or Pakistani I grew up in Vermont. Moved to utah in my late high school years. Graduated early with pakets. joined the Airforce at 17years old. I was not stationed at A51 I was only there for like a week. (Can not say anymore than that) Am I involved in this day care stuff? No, Hell no. Its just In my experience From what I was doing after the USAF. These places are bad news. Its easy to identify when something is up. no one walking in or out of the doors, lack of change for decades, etc. and since the thread I have done my own research. as for the people calling me a phoney because I am 24 and I bothered to actually seize the opportunities that were in front of me learned those languages went to A51 and jumped out of airplanes for a living for 4 years doesn't mean it isn't possible. I have seen some seriously fucked up shit, It wasn't a cake walk. DLI,Jump school, S.E.R.E school, and Goodfellow AFB. did someone fuck up my DD214? I think so but I have to go to DC with a Lawyer to have a chance at that to get changed.

We're also talking about the same person who says they work at a coffee shop and admit to lying for karma

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Area 51 is a local dance club.

This is a little old, but deathship says they work at a coffee shop and admits to lying for karma.

Most damningly, he doesn't know Hindi/Urdu

The languages that he listed were mostly Iranian-Hindu languages. It would be much easier for someone to learn these languages since they have alot of shared stuff.

German and English are the exception, although, If he is from India or Pakistan, I wouldn't be surprised if he knew english for a long time.

PS. I have no idea what is happening with this thread and the entire story, Although its fascinating, I just wanted to comment on the languages.

It's not uncommon for regular Indian folks to speak 4-5 languages, since many are closely related. That lends a tad more credibility to his claim of speaking 8 languages, compared to if he'd listed 8 totally unrelated languages.

But an Indian person would know that Hindi and Urdu are the same language, they wouldn't be dumb enough to use it as two separate languages

They are mutually intelligible, but not the same language due to Quranic words in Urdu and different alphabet. I could see someone like THAT claiming it as two languages to sound more impressive.

Urdu uses cognates from other languages like Farsi and Arabic most people who speak Hindi may understand Urdu but are unable to read it or understand a few words. For instance the word for family in Urdu is خاندان "Khandan" But in Hindi it is परिवार "Parivāra" most can understand each other. Also Urdu is kind of a bitch because it is not that standardized. in Punjab they may use more Hindi based Urdu where as in Baluchistan your going to get a lot of Farsi in there. they are not the same language but they are very close to each other. Urdu is a hindi based language due to its grammatical structure simple words are going to be the same but the more specified the words like medical terminology is going to be Farsi. religious colloquialisms are going to be arabic.

A rather odd response to some pretty harsh critique, but never mind that now.. Instead, please elaborate why further investigation into this place should be avoided.

Edit: I see that you already have done this in another reply. Thanks.

They really aren't. At the very least there are huge dialectic differences aside fro. the cultural connotations. Indians say they speak Hindi and Pakistanis say they speak Urdu. Try and convince either that they're speaking the other and see what happens.

Very true. Thank you.

I disagree, as an Indian. In fact I made a throwaway account just for that. Indian languages are not so closely related - and the languages u/DeathShip mentioned are definitely not so closely related.

Surely, if he is from India/Pakistan then Hindi-Urdu and English are almost given. But Punjabi, Bengali and Balochi are very different languages to learn.

In any case: I know Hindi/Urdu and can understand Punjabi as well. I'd challenge DeathShip to prove that he speaks these languages.

Please do, we'd love to corroborate this. We'll be following.

EDIT: Now that I think so, if you're gonna do it, make it public, please. I don't mean to offend you, but there might still be a chance you're working together with /u/DeathShip, and we have no way to disproof that, but if some other redditors who understand you can verify you're being honest then it might be safer.

Well, I don't know how to 'challenge' him.

Here, let it be public then:

To /u/DeathShip

"Agar tum wo ho jo tum batana chah rahe ho, to kripya karke ye batao ki tumne itni saari bhashayein kaise sikhi? Mujhe to lagta hai ki tum yahaan pe baaki logon ko moorkh banane ka kaam kar rahe ho, aur uske alawa kuchh nahi. Tumse darkhwast karunga, ki apne baare mein batao - chaahe yahaan, ya fir mujhe yahaan pe vyaktigat sandesh de sakte ho."

Tl;dr for non-Hindi/Urdu speakers: Basically prompting him to respond in Hindi/Urdu. If he speaks it, he will respond. Otherwise, he seems to be phony - at least to me.

meh apni khale nehe khalunga میں آپ کے کھیل نہیں کھیلے گے. And go fuck yourself

:D Just as I expected!

So I just went to Google Translate, and typed:

"I will not play your games" and translated it into Hindi and Urdu.

Naturally it gave what you wrote me:



Except that there is one problem, buddy. It's wrong :) (As usual, Google translate is not 100% perfect)

You wrote: Meh apni khale nehe khalunga. Should be: Main aapke khel nahi khelunga.

For Urdu, you wrote: Main aapke khel nahin khelenge.

which is once again wrong: (should be same as Hindi translation)

Please stop being phony :)

Oooh very interesting. I thought that Bengali might have been influenced by Sanskrit so it would be similar.

Please do challange him, it would be quite entertaining!

Apparently he is white from his comment history.

Actually, kind of makes sense. A linguist in the military is generally assigned to tasks pertaining to monitoring the communications of foreign origin. The US has an interest in central Asia, given the rise of militant Islamic groups, and our state's distrust of Iran.

That said, German makes sense, too, as the Air Force has presence at five locations in Germany, and due to Germany's major role in NATO.

Also, German and English are both in the Anglo-based family of languages. Learning German from English wouldn't be hard.

And all of them are part of the Indo-European language family :D!

Are you being sarcastic? Haha because I was serious. Dutch, some dialects of French, and English have aspects of German because when Rome fell, the Angles and Saxons took what's now the Netherlands and England.

I'm serious, and I agree with you on that. I was simply adding that all the languages that he claims to know are Indo-European languages too.

Oh okay. I just have never heard of that family of languages. My bad mane :)

As mentioned, there are non-disclosure agreements about working at Area 51. However, as it is linked to UFOs and similar topics, I think it was meant to bring out the UFO buffs like myself in order to change the subject. Since it failed, we can continue to focus on this "daycare" facility and see what really goes on there.

I'm not so certain.

It may be an attempt to troll the UFO angle, but I have an alternate hypothesis.

The Air Force is responsible for communications intelligence.

The Air Force maintains many bases in Germany.

The US Gov't has reasons to monitor central Asia.

These facts lend plausibility to the idea that there would be an individual in the Air Force with knowledge of the languages listed.

Furthermore, The claim that DeathShip worked at "Area 51" is pretty broad. He may have been assigned there for linguistic intel work unrelated to the other classified programs operating there, or maybe his work WAS there, and he had discipline issues with confidentiality; hence his "questionable discharge" rather than honorable discharge.

Regardless, my hypothesis is that the building is some sort of government facility, maybe a listening post, maybe a safehouse, who knows. But I think it's a plausible angle to consider, given the uncanny nature of the property, and the apparent secrecy surrounding it.

That is possible. We do need more evidence however.

Total phony. Probably just a troll.

I actually went into probably 12 pages of his comment history, which no one else seems to have done. (i wasted so much time..) Anyways, his comment history describes work place experience at best buy, subway, and a coffee shop. Also, the only language he says he knew within the last two years was Urdu, again, according to the comment history. He also has a really long series of comments discussing demonolpgy that stopped abruptly. This comment is probably going to get buried but I thought it would help.

Yes. As soon as someone brags about having worked at Area 51 their credibility drops through the floor and ends up in the basement somewhere. I wouldn't even trust a recipe for bean dip from Deathship after that.

If he's Indian, Bangladeshi or Pakistani, then Urdu, Hindi, Punjabi and all the rest are .. i think they are called regional dialects? (Sorry, english isnt my first language) the one out of place seems German.

US Air Force maintains presence at five bases in Germany, more than in any other country save for the UK.

The Air Force specializes in communications intelligence; I think the claims are plausible.

My friend who was in special forces only speaks 8 languages and he served for 20 years and went yo over 50+ different countries. So for this guy to know 8 is ridiculous

Most of those are highly related Sanskrit based languages with lots of borrow words. My wife is Bengali born in america and can understand most Hindi and Urdu as long as its spoken with no actual study.


Could this be 2015's version of the marine copypasta?

I hope this is all that's happening..

Maybe somebody in UT can grab tax records or see if this place is 100%supported by state funds intended for low income parents, if they're defrauding the state they're probably ripping federal nutrition programs too.

some posted somewhere here that they got an answer at the phone number and were told they can only enroll "poor" kids.

anything more serious, would you really paint the building that bright?

Let's hope it's that.

Scams are irritating to the common citizen with decency, but if this is the answer, then at least the kids are being used as monetary pawns, not as drug mules/pornographic subjects/cult ritual objects.

if you scroll up to the very top of the thread where another redditor has posted some pictures of children going in, followed by a different redditor later posting pictures of what appears to be a policeman looking around, I think that'd show the chances are increased exponentially as to this being the correct answer to this situation

Can someone explain how this works?

Jen has 5 kids. She tells the state she has a minimum wage job, so she needs them to give her money for child care.

They say, alright, well, lets see the proof you have this job.

Her friend Tony has a business, he cuts her checks each week as if she works there, but she doesn't. Maybe she gives it back to him, who knows. But she shows the checks to the state who eventually says, alright, this is legit, you make so little that you qualify for 200$ per kid per week to pay for child care, let us know who to give it to.

The last person in the scam is Linda. She runs "Day Care 666", which is not real. Jen tells the state that she sends her kids to Day Care 666, and the state cuts Linda 200$ a week per kid that goes there.

Only Linda's not really watching the kids, so she's just netting 1000$ a week for nothing (maybe they're just with their mom or something).

You can see how with a few different people in on it, this could become VERY lucrative. My little example with only 20 kids would be netting 4000$ a week, that's $208,000 a year.

Okay, but Jen needs to cut in Linda and Tony. I don't see her make that much money from this.


As someone who had lived in SLC for a lot of my childhood, I can say that the place is riddled with pedophiles. High ranking Mormons are notorious for sex scandals. I remember an ex-Mormon bishop who lived across the street from me. My Dad found out that he had been taking a "bath" with my dog. He would also lay naked on his front porch and watch us play, in the excuse that he was tanning. Fuck that guy, seriously. I also needed to go into "stranger danger" mode more than once in my time living there. It is a fucked up place, and the creepy, dreary mood is what made us move. I can tell you that I wouldn't doubt for a second some shit is going down in this daycare. Hell, even a normal daycare in SLC is usually borderline creepy. Look into this more please. I can say with almost 100% certainty that this is definitely not what it seems from the outside. Fuck SLC. Fuck it as a whole.

Spent all of 2 days there and was already creeped the fuck out.

I live an hour north and spend a lot of time in SLC. I would say some of the city is creepy but not all. And I don't think it's fair to assume all Mormons are like that. Take into account that there are some very fucked up people in our world and in a large city it's not hard to come across more than one in a sitting.

Look into the origins of the LDS if you haven't before, it's heavily steeped in esotericism and freemasonry - doesn't surprise me in the least to hear that about SLC though I've never visited myself.

Hey, now. Mormon's aside, SLC (and the valley) is a lovely place. If you ever visit, I suggest going to Gilgal Garden - it's a weird sculpture garden that's filled with strange church related things. Not a lot of people know it's there!

I have nothing at all against the city itself, most of the problems lie with those who run things there. If I ever do visit I'll be sure to take your advice my friend.

Got any quick links for the lazy?

This is a pretty good intro I think. I don't know if everything there is totally accurate and I'm sure it's missing some of the important details but most of it matches up with other things I've read.

The only thing I question/disagree with is the seeming implication in the timeline that L. Ron Hubbard was working against US intelligence interests whereas I've always thought that he was working for them. Tough to know for sure I guess way but his working as an intelligence agent for the Navy during the 40's is well-documented and I think it's likely that he was working for them all along.

I still suspect Scientology is some kind of government psyop thing. Thanks for the link! Praise Joseph Smith!

See, this is the kind of stuff I like to see on this sub. This is genuinely interesting, rapidly developing, and creepy as hell. The day to day false flag/crisis actor/"COINCIDENCE?!?!"/etc. posts get rather tiring after awhile.

There's some need for any sub to have new content posted every day, when there's not always something interesting happening every day.

Maybe it's a bit like 24-hour news networks, we beat the same dead horse all day because there's nothing else to talk about.

Would anyone really be surprised if this was some part of a child sex trafficking operation for the elite? I mean we have seen these psychopaths exposed for the scum that they are time and time again. The sad part is nobody in the higher echelons of power will be dealt any justified punishment for these disgusting acts against children. I really hope all of this is a huge misunderstanding and overreaction, but it doesn't seem that it is.

Would anyone really be surprised if this was some part of a child sex trafficking operation for the elite?

That's exactly what I think it is. There have got to be better places to make meth at, you wouldn't open a fake daycare. Daycare centers, and especially ones that have lots of orphans, are how they make kids disappear :(((

And the fact that they've been legaly licensed to be a daycare center....not just a sign they put up outside.

What get's me is that this has, it seems likely, gotten the attention of the Reddit admins. The original post about this in r/conspiracy was removed. After speaking with the mods here, it seemed it was either the admins or a spam filter. After my last discussion with a mod who's been following this it seems to be more likely it was an admin removal. It's still up as far as I know, but pending finding out if it was an admin removal.

Why the FUCK....would the admins care about a few posts about a maybe operating daycare in Salt Lake City? If it turns out they are removing it?

Kind of funny that they think they can just stamp something like this out. Lol. It's cute. Like a kid trying to stamp out ants. We've got tunnels all underground, son!

It's a series of tubes.

Are they red?

The removal says a lot more about the admins then the daycare is really telling us yet..

You are saying that the admin's actions are the key thing for users of reddit to focus on right?

No but it sure is very fucking suspicious. Why in the hell do they care? Who tipped them off? What could be the reason other than witch hunt?(which is understandable) I am just saying that it raises other questions that need to be investigated along with this very strange incident. But thanks for trying to misconstrue my comment...intentional or not.

But thanks for trying to misconstrue my comment...intentional or not.

The fuck you talking about?

No but it sure is very fucking suspicious. Why in the hell do they care? Who tipped them off? What could be the reason other than witch hunt?(which is understandable) I am just saying that it raises other questions that need to be investigated along with this very strange incident.

Yes, we are in agreement. Not sure why you're calling me out. You said that I'm misconstruing your comment. I'd love to hear how you explain that.

Seriously....go for it. I'm game.

You are saying that the admin's actions are the key thing for users of reddit to focus on right?

omg man here we go, You said this^ I am NOT saying that the key focus of the users of reddit should be to investigate the Admins. I am saying it is a lead. I believe we may agree but are having a communication problem. I am pretty tired but as I can see it, it did seem that you were trying to put words in my mouth. Sorry if that was not what you were doing but that is how it seemed to me.

Now come the fuck on...

I never lied about you. If I did then point out when I did.

omg man here we go, You said this^ I am NOT saying that the key focus of the users of reddit should be to investigate the Admins.

When did I ever say anything like that?

I am pretty tired but as I can see it, it did seem that you were trying to put words in my mouth. Sorry if that was not what you were doing but that is how it seemed to me.

When did I ever do such a thing? Really? When did I ever do this?

We were having a proper discussion before this....

You are acting immature. I am going to leave this conversation. I feel as if I am speaking to a child.

I wanted you to respond the way you just did.. Thank you by the way.

I suspected you were an agent from the very beginning.

You say that I am immature...prove it.

You say I am a child...prove it.

You won't be able to. But I will enjoy watching you try. Thank you serf.

You're trolling entirely too hard, try to not be so obvious with the immature attacks and misdirection. Lol man I can see right through your bullshit and I am fucking exhausted. You need some practice. Get a life pal. I really hope you are getting paid enough to be doing this shit that you can sleep well at night. Get fucked.

Prove me wrong.

Prove anything I have said to be wrong.

Can you? can't. If you could then you would. But you can't.

If anything you said was true then you'd back it up, but you can't. HAve a nice day. Everyone believes me. Good bye.

Not really dude you come across as a prick who doesn't know how to interact with other people.

You're walking a thin, trollish line here in this comment chain man. Let's try to keep the discussion civil and sensible.

How am I being trollish, at all?

You were antagonizing the other guy. Your last three comments have no substance whatsoever other than to cause an argument. The other guy was agreeing with you and attempting to explain the miscommunication and you weren't allowing him to or weren't understanding him for some reason.

I don't know, either way - if you have nothing to offer besides arguments and insults, perhaps consider not responding to someone at all. Comments like these accomplish nothing other than derailing the discussion at hand.

Why the FUCK....would the admins care about a few posts about a maybe operating daycare in Salt Lake City? If it turns out they are removing it?

Witch hunts are a real thing. Remember the Boston Bomber "reddit detective work" that basically circled a bunch of foreign looking people on photographs and publicly labeled them "terrorist"?

I find this daycare story fascinatingly creepy but you have to keep in mind that it's still possible that this is just a poor, run-down place that's maybe depressing but not otherwise special. In which case the damage done by a proper witch hunt could be greater than any kind of "reveal". As a mod/admin this is one of the #1 things to look out for because it's not just affecting the user's time on the site, it can actually swap in the real world.

This is the theory. Orphans go through the state, and when one is identified as a candidate they transfer the orphan to the shell daycare and the kid dissapears. Poof.


Meth lab doesn't make sense. In an area that densely populated, somebody would smell it. Plus, not enough traffic in and out of there to give the impression that something is being made there.

What about the shipments? Why would a pedophile ring order 8 tons of stuff (especially if it really is plastic jewelry and footballs, which I highly doubt)? And why was the same amount of stuff sent to other places? The shipments make me think this is somehow related to the military or a black site or something, not pedophiles.

Could be a safe house for kids in transition ...witness protection perhaps?

Too bad OP already blew it in my opinion. He should have just kept his mouth shut and put up a hunting camera or something. Get a few pictures of who comes in and out of there, then blab to the internet.

If anything was going on there, it's sure as fuck getting out of town now.

Well we already know they have tunnels all over Salt Lake already.

But I mean... the stones on them for hiding child trafficking behind a DAY CARE. Why? Love for dramatic irony? Easy place to hide kids? Reptile aliens?

inb4 True Detective Season 2 ARG.

Seriously, this whole "Day Care operating as a front for pedophilia ring" was a major plot point of season 1.

I dunno. That building doesn't look like a catholic church to me.

I'm curious as to why this 'Ava Salmon' is mentioned here in regards to an 1100 kg shipment of "plastic jewelry" from China

And a 6825 kg shipment is also listed for the same company, "Fun Stuff"

This, above all else, is what bothers me the most, and lends credibility to the human trafficking/pedo ring theory.

Even the scrapbook math (assuming I'm reading everything properly (QUANTITY- 763), taking into account 400-450g per ball) you should only be looking at about ~340ish KG. This is over 6,800 KG of stuff shipped in. Add to that, the BL lists 'MEASUREMENT 0 X'. So we have sports balls that take up no space at all, that weigh 20x more than they should? Seriously, what the actual fuck did they receive in those shipping containers?

But, as I said earlier in another post, if this really is a trafficking front, they've already shut it down and are moving on.

Ok so a little research I found the company sending products to fun stuff is this place

However they also list themselves out of Taiwan when at a market show with a different contact person.

Lol, I have a little bit of experience in this field. At market shows, or trade shows, it is very common for someone to set up a booth/table and claim to be a company that makes XYZ product. They will even have pictures or samples of high quality XYZ on display. You think they are legit and place an order with them. They then quote the order out to every mother fucker in China who makes XYZ product and send you whatever bullshit the lowest bidder makes. Depending on the product it might not make a difference. But more often than not what you get from these people is not the same quality as what you saw at their booth. I have actually gone to one of these company's "factories". It was an office in a sky rise office building. The most advanced piece of machinery in there was a fax machine. Even there, face to face, they continued their lie. The factory they said was theirs that they would take us to was my buddy's factory. Be very careful who you deal with at these trade shows. I've been to Guangdong (referenced in your screen shot) and that kind of bullshit is made there, for sure. Factories everywhere. Also, things I buy from Guangdong I actually buy through a "purchasing agent" I employ in Taiwan.

[EDIT] posted this on another guy's comment but I think it is very suspect that this container left China and landed at a port in Virginia and not in California. Logistically this is very weird to me. Methinks the VA port is more lax than the CA port. Those CA ports are no joke!

This makes sense

While this makes sense on an industrial level, why the hell is a daycare buying from them at all?

No clue, man, this shit is weird af

You should do an AMA about buying in China, I would love to ask you some questions.

Eh, I'm not a big shot expert or anything. What kind of questions do you have?

I'm interested in purchasing some high quality XYZ

That service description really bugs me.

"Fashionable environmental protection... children revertex soft..."

Looking up "revertex" I found out there is a place in Kluang Malaysia called that and a lot of children go missing there...

I dunno about that. I think that may be the type of material they use and i cant speculate on the area i couldnt find much on that but who knows!

Revertex could also refer to a synthetic chemical company based in the UK (that does not produce FIMO), however they (the kids jewelry company) make their products exclusively with FIMO, which is German (it's basically synthetic clay)

Edit: Specified Revertex (company) does not produce FIMO

THis company also uses FIMO it says on their description

If you rearrange all the letters in the description you get "pervert children sex" and a myriad o other combinations, but I feel like I'm reaching here.

Yeah, pretty sure you're not going to anagram your shady company description with the illegal activities you're trying to get away with. You want to be as hands-off and legit appearing as possible

Poorly worded that, I meant that revertex (company) does not make FIMO, so I cannot figure out why that word is there

Here is the LinkedIn page for the director of the company Alan She

EDIT: Here lists the contact person as Eric Chen

Yea...6800 kg of soccer balls would take up sooo much space. It's 7.5 tons...that's 6 ford fiesta's.

Wow, thanks for the context!

Yea what the actual fuck?

That could very easily be an eBay reseller of party supplies, or maybe they use the extra space as a warehouse for wholesaling fuckloads of bongs.

Eva Solano, when said with an accent, easily sounds like "Ava Salmon", especially if there is an additional language barrier by someone from China taking a voice order.. And they're bith speaking English as a second language.

I seriously doubt that.

Ava Salmon and Jose Salino are listed as owners of Chunga International, a "construction company" in provo.

Heroine is fun stuff.

Maybe just some weird drugs like MDMA analogs. My neighbor went to prison for buying that sort of thing from China.

Honestly speaking, I think this would be detail that would be consistent for a legit day care. I say that because i'd almost expect that a day care provides cheap chinese toys for kids to play with that can be disposable, or broken at little to no cost for the day care.

All of this is very fishy, but I think this is a minor detail that may not pertain to the big picture.

Consider this. Most daycares are run by small groups and certified baby-sitters. I have a few day-care centers in my neighborhood, run out of regular people's houses. These people don't raise the kids, they take CARE of them. yeah, toys are provided, but not in the TONS. Like really? Having over 6800kg of toys shipped to that shack of a place doesn't seem too legit... These care givers rarely make that much money, and if they do, it goes back into the business.

Oh man, this is great! Brand New accounts showing up, making threats, telling commenters nothing to see there and dont waste your time to go check it out. Also, random commenters diverting attention away from building and saying owners management perfectly good people.

This is fun to watch, there were like 2 to 4 actual shills working in that thread disproving all accusations. Nice.

Damn, I wish I lived in the area so we could do a stake out :D

I live in the area. I'll plan a stake out and do live updates.

Rad!! Please do

I would like to make sure you're aware of the option of doing a live thread!

Okay. It would be within the next few weeks and if one hasn't been done, I'll get it done. Id do a 36 hour stake out with a friend. I'll make sure to post and also create a throwaway.

In fear of the admins, I officially cannot condone such an action. That said, if you decide to do it, a throwaway's a good idea, because you're pretty much guaranteed to get shadowbanned for doing it, and you might also want to have some kind of off-reddit backup place to post.

I'm actually not too concerned with this place. I have a feeling it's all about timing and understanding. My hunch is that these places have been observed during odd times. Maybe the mail carrier was actually there during nap time and maybe the pizza man shouldn't be delivering pizzas when they weren't ordered by the day care. The Latino man outside the place could also be explained by other normal things. I guess we will find out. If someone beats me to a stake out, please inform me so I don't waste my own time.

3 AM

Have you done the stakeout yet?

I haven't. Had some stuff come up at school that I've been working on and haven't had much time. I'll look for time. Has anything new come out?

Not entirely, but you may be better able to discern that, since I'm new.

I'll have it done within the month. I may hire a PI.

Fascinating. Can't wait for the update!

Just an update on the odd number at the end of the threat.... "5982471595 8267485319 F.R." could be a tracking number so the person who made the threat can see dissemination of the info on the internet. Simply google "5982471595 8267485319 F.R." and you will see that the ATS & reddit threads pop up now. Scary Stuff.
TY to /u/Jtbedazzle (throwaway... :/ )

This is interesting, however true or not the story, one could imagine each agent of an intelligence service having a software bot searching these kind of numbers in google every so often (like every 5 mins), exploiting google's unmatched web crawling abilities, to indirectly transmit an e-location, i find that very interesting, brain tickle stuff... further down the meta reflection, perhaps the goal is to have curious minds enter these never seen before numbers in google.

stop dude i just got so freaked out i became lightheaded for a sec.

Maybe if you didn't microwave your pets, you wouldn't become so lightheaded?

This kind of thought enters my mind more often than it should. We're all clicking links and googling this totally random event.

Certainly makes us stand out.

The numbers, Mason! What do they mean?

I found that those exact numbers are found on a thread on a site called Gearslutz. Cached version here, normal one gave me an error.

I find the thread a bit unusual. This doesn't seem like actually enthused discussion over synthesizer architecture

Child of the Bloom's Taxonomy says they are speaking coded syntax.

Phone numbers?

then who was phone!?

We need someone to set up a web cam and let Reddit watch it night and day.

Is anyone local going to go by this place and take a look? I'm interested in going.

Think about other pedophile cases with tunnels -- McMartin, the one in Italy, the one in Belgium.

My theory is there is a tunnel from the Laundromat into the kids place.

Check for signs saying "out of order" on industrial washers and dryers. That's where I'd put my tunnel.

Or my Elevator to my spy office.


Sounds like time for a laundry mat visit

A Fun Time Laundromat...?

I wrote a paper on this in college. The mcmartin case was proven to be the work of a shitty child therapist and a schizophrenic mother.

She dropped the kid off at the center without registering. Just dropped him on front of the door and drove off. The people working there just took him in and waited for her to come back, which she did.

She continued to bring him there. She called the police stating that her child had been sexually assaulted. The police began an investigation. The state case, overseen by Janet Reno, involved a child psychologist who cajoled, scared, and manipulated the children at the center into describing scenarios, and asking which children were involved. The kids often started out saying that nothing unusual had happened. She then continued to ask the kids questions as though they were lying. The kids eventually broke down and started providing information that was demonstrably false. She told them that their memories could be wrong, and then suggested to them what might have happened.

Thw original mother kept coming up with outlandish stories about tunnels under the center. So the psychologist began by asking the children what happened in the tunnels. The kids didn't remember any tunnels until she told them things like that they their friends had seen them in the tunnels doing sexual things with other children. One child reported having been raped by a lion and seeing flying elephants.

They actually dug out under the child care Center. Found some buried random construction tools from the construction of the center and an an old piece of clothing. The owners of the childcare center were prosecuted using the information from the children's interviews. The women were later,after several years, released. A male caretaker, the son of the owner, spent many years in prison, and may still be there. He was when I wrote the paper. . It's considered, in psychology, as an example of how easy it is to implant false memories with improper questioning techniques.

The mother was schizophrenic, and a bad alcoholic. Her father told police this, but they did not listen. She died, if I remember correctly, of either suicide or something to do with alcohol. She was very ill.

This is mostly from memory about 10 years old , so I may have some of the details mixed up. I think I still have the sourced paper around here somewhere. I believe most of the info is also in the Wikipedia article and it's linked sources.

Isn't that the plot of a nightmare on elm street movie

I learned about this case in a class on the history of the witchhunt. The guy finally got out of jail, but the whole thing ruined his life. Completely fucked up that Janet Reno was able to plant the "evidence" into the kids heads. This day care thing on the other hand, something fishy is going on.

Janet Reno wasn't involved in the McMartin abuse scandal; she prosecuted a different case in Dade County, Florida, where the guy was found guilty--and is still in jail.

What involvement does the laundromat have, in your theory?

It seems like he's suggesting it's an access route so that anyone going in or out doesn't have to be seen going in or out. This certainly fits with the theory that it's potentially a child sex dungeon or a drug thing. No one would want to be seen being involved in that.

Local Politician: "Who would have thought? There was a sex dungeon right next to the ghetto laundromat where I wash my shirts all coked up at 3 A.M.!"

Tunnels? as in underground roads for trafficking kids?!

There's no way this is a child sex ring. A child care would be the worst possible front; I would assume the state can drop by for inspections anytime it pleases


Surely they'll let some random people off the internet take a look at their security footage..


Oh, hi laundromat! I'm a Concerned Citizen, you don't mind if I look at your security cameras, do you? Don't worry, I'm not a random person from the internet.

People from the neighbourhood are posting in this very thread. They have a right to be concerned.

I understand. My satire stems from the fact that a laundromat would let a "concerned citizen" look at their security cam, as opposed to a "random internet person". By the way, all the concerned citizens in this thread are still random internet people.

For my man netarangi

Totally. Not me, though, I'm not in the area.

I went and took a look. Super creepy. I want to go back at night and see if anything happens.

I drive by pretty regularly, I figure I might as well tomorrow with all this weirdness. I've always thought the place was either the most sad, ghetto day care ever, or something weirder.


He's talking about setting up the webcam to monitor the outside; people live right next to the building. Dur.


Yes I do know what you mean. You're not smart for suggesting to pay someone to break in on a public forum where the federal authorities can subponea your IP.

Now setting up a cam outside to monitor the building, which is in public view? Nothing wrong with that, in fact that's a splendid idea.

If you make another visit, please record it with video as much as possible. I'm sure you can find ways to be discreet.

The screen cap mentioning Chunga International

I'm scared

...why? This is good, I'm glad a light is getting shown upon some dark pieces of shit. If they wanna practice some ancient ritual of raping kids, they deserve to be ousted...they also deserve much worse than being ousted, as well. Scum fucks.

I just meant to indicate that I'm afraid something like this might actually be happening..

Guess what? Shit like this does happen. The rich and powerful rape and murder kids all around the world and nobody does anything to stop it, first because few people know (other than the participants), second because people who know that shouldn't are terrified to speak up, and third because people who do speak up disappear.

Nah, that's good. I hate being bored. I love chaos.

nothing like some good ol child abuse to entertain you?

If that's how you interpret what I said, sure...

I'm afraid something like this might actually be happening

Nah, that's good.

However I'll give you the benefit of the doubt that you're referring to this being ousted as good, not to the fact that it's happening.

Yes, it's good that something bad is being brought to the it can either A)stop happening , or B)someone gets in trouble for what is happening. It's progress, and it's moving in a good direction. More pedophiles need to be hunted down. I have a feeling...knowing about how it's documented that the royal family protected Jimmy Savile, and how Bush Sr. Was in the news for his "call boys"... That this is kept out of mainstream discussion because it involves a large majority of the ruling class. So I have no idea how you're manufacturing your own conclusions about my previous posts without even knowing my opinion on the issue, but in the end I guess I don't give a shit either way. I just don't like when people who can't interpret ideas put words back in my mouth.

I'm just going by exactly what you typed above. No manufactured conclusions here.

I agree with this. This shit needs to be brought to light and the extent to which it's engrained in the elite's culture is becoming more evident.

Going to keep following this story out of curiosity.

Bush Sr. callboys? Franklin Coverup. It goes way deeper than the lamestream media dares report.

So it's a country wide network of child rape dungeons. Any other similar sites?

Dude, I know what you meant when you said that. But, damn, I had to do a double take.

There was something similar back in the early nineties in Nebraska

Anyone want to try to sign up?

Something is also off about the day care in Oakton VA. I grew up in Oakton and lived less than one mile from the center of town. The description of Oakton on the Miller Coop webpage does not seem correct. There is not really a downtown area of Oakton other than some stores at an intersection and a shopping center. There is no historic district in Oakton. The only musuem is a 1 room historic schoolhouse. Oakton is a very small town in Fairfax county and does not have the facilities that the webpage claims. Also, I cannot seem to find a physical address for the day care. It may be another fake day care business.

Can confirm, grew up near Oakton

Maybe they mean the area of shops and stuff right by the high school? But yeah, that was a bit strange to me as well

I like near Oakton VA the other town mentioned in that screenshot but I'm sure as hell not checking it out. This is creepy as fuck. Try someone over in /r/nova or /r/washingtondc maybe they have more balls then I do.

There is no Miller Heights Coop in Oakton

Oh? Really? It is interesting that they don't list an address on their website. Also no other sites seem to mention them. Definitely more than meets the eye. Has anyone tried their membership email?

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I was like "man I wish I lived close so I could investigate."

Then I looked at that pic. I live right next to the damn thing in Oakton, it's in my county.

Chunga International is a civil engineering firm according to a Facebook page. Looks like a Zimbabwain last name and the civil engineering photos appear to be in Africa.

Seems like whatever Chunga International the Solanos are involved with is not an active business. Also weird name choice give the Zimbabwain origins.

And this, everybody, is why this subreddit is fucking bananas. Great post, OP.

I can't stop reading.

Creepy as fuck. Me neither.

agreed...this is the spice I've been needing to shake up the monotony of this sub....this is freaky.

I can't stop fucking bananas.

I need to take my practice test it's sitting in front of me. But this is just too interestinggg

Here's an idea for anyone here that is interested, hope people see it. I'm not going to do this, because I don't live there and don't know all the facts.

People here are often saying this is a front for money laundering. If you have some proof of this, you can report it to the IRS and have them do an investigation. Here's a link to the program:

If they come and find out there is unpaid tax from this business, the person that reports it can get a cut of up to 30% of it. A few scattered redditors might only have limited resources, but there is absolutely no hiding from the IRS. They can monitor phone calls and mail without a warrant, if they have reasonable suspicion of tax fraud. They're the ones that brought down Al Capone. There may be some bad people in that building, but there's no way they're more powerful than the feds whose job is to collect money.

tl;dr - For people who think this is a front for money laundering, and have proof of it, report it to the IRS. They have a whistleblowing program in place for stuff like this, and if they are successful, they'll pay you a reward of up to 30% of what they get. These guys can't outrun the IRS.

Yeah, and stop fucking breaking in to the goddamn place! If it ends up just being a shitty daycare, you are breaking so many laws...

Yeah, the feds have a lot more resources, authority, and legality than a group of rogue redditors. Let the experts look into it

And not even god himself can hide from the irs.

Actually churches can.

Which is really convenient, as long as the feds aren't protecting this place/involved with it.

Even if it doesn't.

I imagine that award law probably dates back to that time as well, as it seems somewhat vigilanteish for today.

The IRS doesn't have as many resources as it used to, thanks to years of budget cuts.

OP: Under "The Website" here is my comments before they got nuked:

"This gets deep. URL is owned by a city employee. Why does the cities multimedia manager own the URL? The county assessor's office says it's owned by Chunga International LLC. They have failed to renew their business license since 08/26/2014. The registering agent has the same last name as the SLC employee. Fun Time Kidz Kare hasn't been registered since 05/24/2006. What's with the fresh paint?"

It was odd that the info was gone within hours of doing a whois.

I'm not sure if this is related, but a popular Utah radio host/local entrepreneur is called Jimmy Chunga. Could be a total coincidence though.

someone should create a subreddit for this

Would be a good way to organize all the different tangents/leads

If it really is a drug ring, with the amount of money we would be talking about, I'd go with "Hell no".

If it really is a pedo ring, with the amount of money involved and clients whose relationships would suffer, I'd go with a "Hell no".

Just off the one container from China a year ago, whatever was in it, assuming something illicit, is going to be worth a LOT of money, weighing in at ~8,000KG. I can guarantee that whoever operates this thing has the money to deal with whoever wants to be stupid enough to stick their head up and try to spotlight this more. But I may just do it anyway cause I have a good life insurance policy and my gf would LOVE being rich.

I don't see a big difference between this thread and a subreddit.

I may just go for a re-cap thread with less a focus on trolls

I'm not that scared, I'll make it.

I just now unit converted and holy shit 17k pounds of beads and balls?!?!?!

What's the address if this place? I'll have my PI check it out.

He's done following Jenny around?? Is this PI #1 or #2?

Ah PI #2. He was always so dependable and personable. Not like that scoundrel PI #1.

Sure. Get your PI to investigate the address.

You trying to be funny or is there something wrong with you? My PI does not do shit like that. I give him the address or name, he does the rest. Is that a foreign concept for you? If I have him find the address himself he charges an extra hour.

Does he also tail cheating wives giving out kisses all over town?

just a few kisses

"fun times kidz care salt lake"

I'll only charge you for 1/2 an hr.

Thanks, PayPal?

Wow. How much are you going to give him? I should get in on this PI business.

It's actually not incredibly difficult to get your PI liscense, however gaining a reputation and clients is another thing. PI's get anywhere from 50-200$ per hour depending on city, experience, case, etc.

If you don't get that they're making fun of you, you're an absolute tool.

Oh no, I get that:)

Yoo, keep us posted, this shit is creepy as fuck, has your guy find out anything yet?

Should be in the description links. Definitely could grab the address from the Google streetview stuff he posted..

Apparently someone tried to get pizza delivered there and left it there, that same old lady opened the door and picked it up Edit- also looks like kids heading inside,ME6oV8j,t2L6NMn,wffTkCW,R3Lmz1U#

I mean come on, what kind of daycare center totally covers their windows? Such a fucking joke..

Not to do anything to dismiss the overall creepiness of this whole debacle, but a lot of daycares here in Chicago (that I've seen in nice neighborhoods where I lived) would have decals or artwork completely covering all the windows. My best guess is that it's for the children's safety, as anyone (predators, parent with custody battle, etc.) could come and watch the kids through the windows otherwise.

Good point

How did the pizza guy get into the fenced off back yard?

That poor guy

As interesting as this whole thing is, it's going to be a lot easier for the police to say "stop taking photos of kids you fucking creep" pretty soon.

Putting the tl;dr first, cause it reads so awesome

5 companies are on a bill of lading for 1 shipping container, contents listed as 1.1KG of "plastic jewelry", and 6,852KG of "soccer/footballs" from China. 1 company in California makes electronic and other "educational toys" and seems to be on the up-and-up. 1 bait-shop in Idaho with a registered sex-offender living at the same address as a company listed as receiver of goods from the shipment. 1 Some financial agency shell-game in Chicago. 1 shady day care in Salt Lake City whose owner shares the last name with an executive (see management, not mayoral) level employee working in City Hall. 1 bounce house rental company in Oregon no one has looked into yet.

The actual shipping of this container was facilitated by a company with an employed sales executive who once bought/sold 'merchandise' in the defense sector.


An executive who possibly networked transactions to and for, what I could only imagine being, a very intriguing international clientele in said defense industry. However, there is nothing that explicitly connects this individual to the shipping of the container, other than he is employed for the company on the BL.

None of that is made up. The links are all right in this thread. Except the stuff I've mentioned in my edits below, which I'll gladly share and encourage you to contact me to receive via PM. I just don't want this shut down for bs 'doxxing'

Now, onto the post.....

Ok, not only was it the exact weights, it's the exact same product descriptions and shipping dates.

And 'Funcrest Bait Shop' sounds shady as hell. Although, all the names here involved are curious; Funland Jumpers, Fun With Phonics, Funcrest Bait Shop, and Fundamental Financial Group. Someone really likes to have fun, and they all like getting the exact same stuff shipped to them on the same boat on the same day. A literal boatload of fun!!

EDIT: all of them, all 5 business, had all their stuff shipped in the same container.

EDIT 2: Didn't realise I had made a new post, didn't mean to do that. But I wanted to add:

The address for Fun Time Bait shop, is the same address for a registered sex offender. Not the owner of the business mind you, but we now have a legit tie-in to pedo and these chinese shipments. So, that's, something?

The Fundamental Financial Group shipment: There is no website of record for this business, however a search for the name on the BL brings up a gentleman in the chicagoland area, currently working at two places; Fundamental and North South Capital, LLC. The address on the BL is actually the address for North South even though the company listed is Fundamental, Fundamental is registered at a totally different location about 40-50 min away. Smells like some shell-corp antics afoot all over this thing.

EDIT 3: So it seems one of the executives, based on his linked-in profile, at Fun Stuff Inc (facilitator of the chinese shipment) used to work for a short time with another company

Regional Account Manager servicing the Defense Industry with Tactical Equipment, Operational Gear, MRO, Fire and Emergency Services, Expeditionary, Medical, and simplified logistic solutions.

ADS has developed procedures that shorten the "logistics pipeline" to provide rapid response and the best possible pricing to our customers worldwide.

ADS specializes in working with defense and security contractors as well as protective services organizations. No matter what uniform you wear, our mission is to provide the specialized equipment and related services you need to complete your mission at home, in theater, or around the globe.

Nope, nothing curious about that. Oh, and the company he works for now is the one who has their current merchandise pehind password protection. Look at their site again, and ask why that is necessary.

EDIT 4: Can't seem to find much about the Fun With Phonics company, other than a lawsuit with Leapfrog. What I do find curious though, is this is a company with almost 1 mil in annual revenue. What are they doing in bed with these other 4 companies and shell corps?

Oh, the owner has spent some time in Africa you say? Educating the children of Ethiopia? Good for him!

It seems our boy at Funland bouncy place is a little odd too. Hes listed as Principal. (not owner? but hes thee owner) However theres several listings for Sam shaw at other companies on that page, maybe different ones but in oregon same name same age.

Sam Shaw is the owner. The business address seems to be an empty lot in the woods.,+Aumsville,+OR+97325/@44.8699033,-122.853329,218m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m7!1m4!3m3!1s0x54bff74ed17e5bcb:0x13d77ac590778bd5!2s10173+Keene+Ln+SE,+Aumsville,+OR+97325!3b1!3m1!1s0x54bff74ed17e5bcb:0x13d77ac590778bd5

Possible it might be off a little but images were taken recently far as i can tell (2015) and theres nothing there. It is registered as a 4 bedroom house built in 1991. I cant see one and theres nothing around that looks like a bouncy castle business. Its possible this is the mailing address and the business is somewhere else i suppose but even so theres no house there according to google. Their website does say they have ponies so perhaps they are there but i dont see anything. And the names on the properties dont match.

Looking at the tax records i got this

its registered to Keenan Benjamin INC. (this is getting strange) 33 acres of property. No business there. Its registereed as farmland.

I looked up the adreess listed on the tax site and it doesnt exist. There is a street in Salem with a similar address but is not exactly right.


Upon further search i found that Funland Inc founded by this " Sam Shaw" was at this address and it is listed as GUESS WHAT....

A child daycare service.

not a bouncy castle place. this is getting really fucked up now.

The place is suppose to be closed and according to a couple searches is actually a single family home being rented to a man. ( wont post his name) hes been there for 4 years. There is a woman listed at the same adress with a different last name. Possible girlfriend i guess.

Know what else is interesting... this is close proximity to an elementary school.

So if what i gather may be right this is a small house that was listed as a daycare years back and run out of a home, (if its not just a shell corp which is likely) or the person living there before used this address for whatever reason.

However all the properties this "Sam Shaw" is associated with as owning DO NOT EXIST. They are listed under other peoples names and addresses but listed as businesses with those address. He has several.

This guy is definatly hiding something weird. All of the businesses that name is associated with is tied to children.

There is a sex offender listed as the same name from another state that they apparently dont know where he is. (not saying its the same guy just coincidence) now hes an interior rug store.. and party store.

TLDR Same guy now apparently has a Carpet store.. that is also a party supply store.. that is also interior design.. that is also a kids party place.. that is also a bouncy castle place thats also a farm at the same address,

that's not in his name (shell company that doesnt exist) whose address is actually a mobile home in a different town, whose associated to a child day care, whose also tied to a shipping company, thats tied to the other weird companies thats tied to sex offenders and possible trafficking.

OMG that is amazing finds!! Mind if I re-post this in my container thread?

Go for it just credit me :p


Are you Lester from The Wire?

might be.

coooool lester smooth

edit: my face if this turns out to legit be human trafficking

I was just thinking that we all learned to follow this shit from Lester Freeman.

I'm pretty close to Aumsville.... I might check this out this weekend.

Looks like covert importing of cutting edge defence equipment. Makes sense that they'd keep it under wraps.

Didn't even connect that they all started with 'fun'

Could just be that the distributor in China sends shipments out in alphabetical order, and that container happened to be for the 'fun' part of the list.

All with 1100 KG of plastic jewelry?

That's the real question. Why is a derelict day care getting anything shipped in bulk from China? Everyone here is saying it's some sort of human trafficking, but I'm inclined to say that China puts all sorts of labels on things to get around various tariffs and taxes and customs technicalities.

So what could it be that all of these businesses have the same shipment?

I'm starting to wonder what kind of money we would be looking at for these purchases.

2 theories:

A) Maybe there was nothing actually shipped and money was just embezzled and all these different companies are in on the scam. All named on the same BL to obfuscate the reality that no one actually bought a damn thing.

This is why this particular child-care places sucks so much ass- they just don't care and utilize it to funnel state/city funds. They got a guy in city hall to make any citations go away. Then they utilize some off-shore chinese manufacturer to buy obscene amounts of 'stuff' so money is now off their corporate books and in their pockets.

B) Considering they have some ex-military contractor possibly in charge of their chinese shipment, probably just a large drug trafficking ring. I mean, almost 8,000KG is a LOT of drugs. We've got 5 cities (companies) that we know of all named on the same BL. If some of that is going to our guy in SLC, then he's running some major product. To run that much product, you would need a business that a) didn't cost much to upkeep b) had very specific clientele do limit foot traffic. With that much product, you also need a lot of people to help move it. Those people tend to have kids, so BAM, day-care! All the kids there are just the kids of the people who run the drugs. Inspectors come in and see kids, so "ok, it's a day-care" meanwhile, they don't care about sanitation, training, immunizations or actually supervising them because they're friends of the family, so it's all good. Not to mention our guy also works in city hall to grease those wheels (as per scenario A) and you have a pretty good front for drugs. Add to that the possibility that laundromat across the street is involved in some capacity, since it's been busted before.

EDIT: I just did some basics maths on this one. Assuming it's heroin alone, that could be nearly street value of $5,120,000,000 (assuming $80/g, I have no idea how much a g would cost nowadays). 1 tril from each distribution node. The fact that a pedo lives at an address where one of these shipments was received starts to make a LOT more sense. Folks on the register have a very hard time landing a legit job. This scenario is starting to look a lot more likely.

but the fact that this business traces back to the 70s or 80s? it makes me inclined that its cult related

Perhaps. It very well could have been a perfectly fine establishment until it was bought for purposes of running a front. Kinda like buying a reddit account- the longer it's around the more faith and trust people have in it and are less likely to question.

Well the business was a great daycare up until 2005/6 when it was bought by the current owner (according to one of the original posters on the topic)

Considering the guy is an ex-military contractor why do you suspect drugs? What about firearms?

Honestly I just hadn't thought of it, but I'll be dammed if it doesn't start to make a shit load of sense.

Maybe it's just CIA buying guns undercover and arming mexicans or someone else (rebels in cuba?)?

This makes more sense to me. Firearms are heavy, and 8,000 kg is a lot of mass

Right? I saw your comment about how much 8,000 kg is and I'm surprised that hasn't been talked about as much. I guess maybe because we're all used to pounds so kg goes over our heads haha.

yep, just read that too about 5 mins ago heh

I'm a little surprised that anybody ever suspected anything else.

Can we talk about how 8,000 kg is not just heavy, but that much mass is bound to take up a LOT of space. A huge truck would have had to stop there to drop that kind of package off. For instance, a solid block of iron that is 1m x 1m x 1m is roughly 8,000 kg. It's also the equivalent weight of 6 Ford Fiesta's.

Have you heard of the super weird, super creepy "cult" known as "The Finders"?

I have. There is no doubt child-trafficking rings exist. Read up on boy's town, add in Finders, and you start to see the workings of a gov't sponsored trafficking ring.

Sick shit.

I just want to add that one can be listed as a "registered sex offender" for something as simple as public nudity. If this guy is just some random schmuck, let's not start calling him a pedo all over the internet unless we know those were the charges.

Offense or Statute

Lascivious acts with a child

Date Convicted:
20 July 2007

It was pretty clear if you read the page that this was not just some guy who was nude in public.

Drug shipments seem very likely IMHO

I ordered a ripoff NFL jersey from China and they declared the package as shoes in customs. I think they might do that to avoid paying different customs fees. Like shoes may have a different customs fee than clothing for some reason.

I buy stuff off ebay (from China) all the time and it's almost always labelled as something funny, I assume for that same reason.

If they do that for a half pound jacket, I'd assume 8000kg would be even more important to fake / even more money to save

I've imported from Nepal before and they did indeed slap a different label on the product than what it was for customs. It was cheaper that way. I bought cashmere throws, but they said they were a toy. The guy even told me that do that so they don't need to pay as much.

It's the Gus Funring

That has to be a little suspicious

I live near the Iowa bait shop. It is a legit bait shop near a lake. Still bizarre though.

Got pic of the store front, what its actually called?

As far as I know its where all the stoners go to buy disc golf discs because its right near a course.

I think it's labeled as Funcrest. I'll take the long way to work in a few hours and snap a few pics.

Look for a fuckin rabbit! This shit has me going nuts right now. How awesome/insane would it be if there is a rabbit sign! Good on you for doing some leg work.

Call and ask if they accidentally got delivered a crate of drugs or weapons.


Fuck me. I knew that name sounded familiar. Didn't click until I saw you mention "Iowa" and recognized your username from /r/iowacity.

Search Fondroid for "funcrest bait shop"....links to LOTS of shipments over the past 8 years with associated businesses starting with "Fun"

Here ya go. The company providing fun stuff with the " products" listed at China however at a marketplace event the contact person is Cherry Liu and registered as Taiwan

Anything suspect about the bounce house?

Ok this is getting stranger. Bill J Kallaus Owns the bait shop.

There is only one Bill Kallaus Listed in the US several Willam Kalllaus tho most of them Iowa in the same area. Except one William J Kallaus is listed as a board member for the county government but also on another site says he died in 1945.,d.cWc&cad=rja

Thats a link to the business license listed to William Kallaus

If you go to the website for the Bait shop according to iowa workforce business website

you get this. Chinese company.

Now that could be just a silly person typing in an incorrect address but it is interesting.

The Sex Offender could be living in the Campground located on the Bait shop property. Apparently they have a large area there that harbors people for long periods. It is interesting that a possible sex slave ring tied to overseas companies tied to this company has a sex offender tied to it..... Im working on more research and will post more below about whatever else i find.

Find anything else?

Small correction: the funcrest website you listed is in Japanese, not Chinese.

My mistake I apologize

No worries, it's an easy mistake to make.

Checking on it now

applause Now we are getting somewhere. This is way deeper than I thought. A rabbit is a perfect symbol from this as the rabbit hole for this almost seems to go right to the center of the earth.

Visited the bait shop. It looks like it's closed for the season. No white rabbits, just the same crappy store with overpriced beer that's been here for years.

Is that a dead cat on the ground to the left of the propane locker?

Definitely looks like a cat

I think it's VERY odd that a container coming from China landed in Vriginia and not in California... Logisticaly it doesn't add up... I've personally only ever dealt with ports in TX, NY and CA. CA ports (again, in my expereince) want to do ever examination possible on every single container that goes through. X-ray, tail gate, and sometimes, even more detailed than that. Doesn't matter how good your papers look or how long you've been bringing the same shit in from the same place they always want to get in there and finger fuck everything. Maybe the port in VA is a little more relaxed?

How did you find what is inside the container, and to who is delivered it?

check the links in the parent comment.

Idaho =/= Iowa

A wholesaler would password protect.

Whoa. I frequent FunCrest bait shop all the time. Its near the Coralville reservoir where I fish. What does this mean? Do we think they are shipping drugs? The owner is a sex offender??? Please fill me in.

Jesus christ. I home someone shows this to Customs or Homeland security. These are clearly shell companies.


1100kg = ~2400 lbs. That's over a ton!

I live somewhat close to Iowa City, but I've got some family business this weekend. I'm going to check out that bait shop as soon as I can. Could be a week or so.

Great, there's a place like this in my state too???

Which one is your state?

I live in Illinois, work in Iowa. So Chicago and Iowa. Where is the Iowa one? Maybe I'm close

Edit: Looks like Iowa City. That's about an hour and a half away from the Quad Cities. I don't think I'll be in Iowa City anytime soon and can't justify that drive to investigate a bait shop.

Now this is some real conspiracy material right here lol. I am late to the party.

The investigation's still active.


If I'm reading that right, she accepted an 1100 kg shipment of "fimo plastic jewelry" from Hong Kong? And also a 6825 kg shipment of football and soccer balls? Tha hell?

Actual humans being shipped?

6800 kg is around the weight of a shipping container.

Average weight of a 40' container is 3,800 kg. Average weight of a 45' high-cube container is 4,800 kg.

That's the tare weight. The empty container. So that sounds reasonable.

Now who the fuck sends a shipping container with only 25kg of stuff in it?

I meant that's in the neighborhood of that weight. Either a shipping container or a semi truck load.

Sure, give or take ~3000 kg...

Yeah, it said it was a shipping container...

But what's in it?

That's definitely some bullshit. This ain't mardi gras.


I don't think so. If I owned a day care with a maximum capacity of like 30 kids and I needed a soccer ball... I'd go to walmart, not import a thousand pounds worth.

Fucking 1100KG of "catalog ordered" toys? Gtfo.


As an ignorant American, I actually had to go to a weight conversion site:

1,100 KG = 2,425 lbs

For scale, that's as much as a smaller car, a Hyundai Accent or Nissan Versa

Or 40 kids... :/

1100 kgs = An average small car.


Does anyone else find it odd that the toy company has its catalog password protected?

I work with a company that sells throws, pillows, etc. to both retail and hospitality clients and their catalogue is password protected. In their case, I think it's to keep their designs from being knocked off.. not sure if that would be the case here.

It's common for any company that sells wholesale, since wholesale buyers don't want customers to know how much they paid. Especially if it's cheap junk from China being marked up. This is a normal business practice.


I was more than creeped out by that login screen.

Wait what did he say?

Seriously, the new/top 15 needs a login, wtf?!

Someone should investigate to see if they actually went to any of those trade shows listed.

And come on... Fun Stuff Inc.? The CIA is fucking up with these fake business names

They are listed as vendors, at least to the ones I can track down old info on attendees, which was 4 of them. So, they did at least pay money to be registered vendors. Whether or not they were actually there/had exhibition space is anyones guess.

Wish someone had pictures/more detailed info of the events.

Also kinda creepy the guy above me deleted his comment...

Interesting tidbit, their WHOIS was updated Wed, 28 Jan 2015 13:42:22 UTC. And what's that? it's done by Domains By Proxy, LLC again? They get a lot of business form these folks recently.

At a stretch, it could be deducted that Fun Stuff Inc is linked to the 'Miller heights Co-op'. After looking extensively at forums and any non-official record of individuals writing about the place, I found nothing.

However later on, I realized that the Fun Stuff Inc order form is addressed to Hampton VA - a short drive from the location of this supposed daycare co-op.

THIS COULD BE A COINCIDENCE. However the lack of any intimate information regarding the miller heights spot weirds me the fuck out; espeically since its been around since 1966.....

Looks like a bunch of Chinese plastic crap to me...

It's really strange that you need to login to access their catalog.

That is quite common in wholesale.

"Fun Stuff, The Name Says It All" What the fuck.

This is creepy as fuck, I really hope nothing bad is happening here :/

Yeah, the "online catalog" link requires a username and password.

Looks like you can fill in a form to request the catalogue

You need a password to access their online catalog...

so they're either directly selling children, or sick sex toys...

That site gave me the creeps. Why are us humans so broken ffs

shadow banned from reddit?

What's weird about that?

Being in the general area of this shipping company im tempted to go investigate the wear house

She is listex as an employee under some of the complaints

Could this Ava be the old woman and the other guy could be her son. They may have changed holders of registration.


info is password protected

Help us 4chan. You're our only hope.

Maybe just sign up like they ask you to do?

Yeah definitely. On it's own, I'd say it's kinda odd, but in the context of everything it's downright eerie!

Seems easy enough to request an account there... But I'm not volunteering. They do show up on google, but mostly in relation to some kind of toy recall.

Someone mentioned they sent 2 emails and never heard back. Not sure if anyone has called though.

"Hello, Pedobear speaking, what toys are you interested in?"

that is straight up creep as fuck.

I want to try getting in but I don't want to give them any information...

Yeah you are right. I have come across wholesalers before who have password protection/sign-in required for pricelists. But their websites are quite a bit more sophisticated.

On the front page it lets you sign-up for a password. Has anyone tried?

Yeah... Even I could of thrown that shit together

I feel like it could be a coyote house. Or money laundering with the cartel. Something definitely illegal.

Wtf is a 'coyote house'?

It's a house that's used for illegal immigration.

I know you pictured a house with a bunch of howling coyotes inside ;)

welcome to tijuana, con el coyote no hay aduana

Me llaman el desaparecido

After watching too much Underworld Inc, this was my thought too.

One of 3 things, 1) Rich incompetent business owner 2) CIA safe house 3) Project monarch programming facility

Or child trafficking/abuse a la "the Finders". Although that kinda links in with your numbers 2 & 3.

My gut keeps going back to these weirdos for some reason

Well I don't think there can be any doubt that they and others like them are still out there. Whether this could be linked or not? Still hard to say in my opinion.

My mind goes there not necessarily because I think it is THEM but that whatever this is will be that type of group

Mine too. We just need to be careful because those are very serious accusations and as of right now the evidence is pretty minimal. So for now I reserve judgement and just hold onto my questions and suspicions.

Agreed. But then it comes down to who would we even levy charges against even if we had mounds of evidence? Who would even handle the charges if whoever this is are like the Finders and associated with the CIA?

That's the problem, it's been shown time and time again that these international pedophile rings are protected by law enforcement, politicians, and the media, so what do you do? I think the answer lies in the rest of us, especially those who have no idea about stories like this.

And then there are not only the people that don't know about this but actively bury their heads in the sand and pretend like these sort of things don't exist and never have. Either because it's too dark and disturbing to deal with or they are "brainwashed" so to speak

Either because it's too dark and disturbing to deal with or they are "brainwashed" so to speak

Or the third option...

Well I was talking more about the general, middle America John and Jane Q. Public

But your point is taken

Project Monarch? From the recent Godzilla movie? Or is it something more sinister

My gut tells me something akin to 2.

It explains a lot, and is completely innocuous enough. I mean these places EXIST, we just don't really see them. That said, if it is, the worst I'd actually expect is a tiny blip on the federal taxes, covering the costs as they move out and establish a new one.

Arresting or silencing anyone over it would just draw further attention to the location, and make it a dubiously safe location at best.

I'll bite. What is project monarch? (ELI5 please)

One thing to remember is that this is the internet. So while this place is extremely shady, the weird threatening messages by new accounts are possibly people not involved nor with any knowledge, but rather random people having fun trying to make the story seem more dangerous.

This thread has fallen into the middle of the third page. We need to keep it alive.

How do you keep a thread alive? One of the mods should sticky it and /r/conspiracy should just throw the middle finger to shills and title it something silly and bestof'd material.

"On going investigation in /r/conspiracy, Reddit detectives again flipping the coin, will they ruin someone's honest business and life or will they collectively shut down a nationwide smuggling ring?"

Then who the hell cares if it get ridiculed, and gets thrown into r/'tard and r/srs, it then will be seen by how many more people that otherwise wouldn't have seen it?

Well, idk, but, one way to get it higher in the sub is to comment a lot and upvote. So, I just wanted to alert everyone that it has slid pretty far from the front page and is still in development and obviously very important to the community.

I like the way you think.

That's what brought me here.

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This isn't 4chan, you can't bump threads back to the top

Well, first you can do that on any message board ever. Second, can threads on reddit not climb higher based on upvotes/comments? I guess I don't really know how this works..

After a day, it's pretty much impossible to ever get a link to the front page again.

Endless deletions and reposts?

The auto mod might delete it as spam.

Someone was pointing the similarity between the (now deceased) site and the site.

This is easily explained, as that's a template for websites being sold in several places.

For example, see (fourth from the top)

EDIT: Other sites with the same template:

It is easily explained by that being a horrible horrible template, you are correct.

However what it doesn't explain is how Miller Heights doesn't exist as a daycare.

It's a crowdsourced babysitting service for one neighborhood in one city in Virginia. Or that's how it started. The website explains that they now throw adult parties and activities.

Why would somebody pay money (since 2005 it seems) to host a website advertising something like that when your only audience for such advertisement is your neighbors? And why has their WHOIS info been protected by eNOM?

That can also explain the duplicate "testimonials" and any other strange content - most of those templates come pre-packaged with placeholder content... Lots of businesses don't bother removing it for one reason or another (don't know how, didn't make a final payment to their web designer, forgot or got lazy, etc.)

If they are using a website template and they left some stale placeholder content up there, you can pretty much forget about anything on the site being reliable information. You can also make an assumption that they may have tried to cut corners in other areas of their business setup (licenses, records, etc.)

Source: I sell website templates for a living. Some templates can be in use by 10-1,000's of different businesses at any point in time. Finding two that never pulled the demo content is only surprising in that you didn't find a lot more.

Edit: clarity.

I've spent the past hour reading through all the linked posts / screencaps and this is creepy as hell. Definitely something fishy.

Very strange

This thread has been targeted by a possible downvote-brigade from /r/PanicHistory

Members of /r/PanicHistory active in this thread:

To be successful, insurrection must rely not upon conspiracy and not upon a party, but upon the advanced class. That is the first point. Insurrection must rely upon a revolutionary upsurge of the people. That is the second point. --lenin

I walk by this place almost every day....fucking weird.

Ever seen anybody, any kids?

Nope, although I didn't pay much attention to it.

Next time you do go by it, I suggest taking a bit of a closer look. Nothing that would get you into any trouble, legal or otherwise, but enough to tell if there's anything odd going on, and keep us posted.

Remember to be a slow, slow walker, so you have time to take in details.

That's the rub, innit. Just normal enough that you never think about it.

Fonroid showing an interesting shipment

Dude my friend lives somewhere off 1300 S. I drive by this shitty place when I go see him. I always thought it looked ghetto as fuck. Isn't it strange seeing this shit you are familiar with all over Reddit?

Maybe it's drugs, maybe it's child trafficking.

Seems like an awful lot to go through for just meth however.

I'd bet trafficking. The threats make me think it's something more serious than drugs.

Could be child exclusive considering the naptime thing and the kids getting dropped off.

I'm a website developer in SLC and can check this out in my spare time, but I'm not sure all that's been researched or what I can do. I have a friend with a journalism knack that would probably love to help too.

By the way, everybody go watch the banned BBC documentary A Conspiracy of Silence with Don King in it and then never trust anybody ever again.

Lawrence "Larry" King. Not Don King. Don King is bad news, Lawrence King is flat out fucking EVIL.

Lawrence King

wasnt this the 15 year old gay kid that was mrudered in cali?

Of a show called Larry King Live? Sorry, I don't know anything about this.

Don't give up.

Re-instated pending confirmation that the removal was something other than the spam filter.

That's how they block things site wide. It's added to the global bayesian filter.

So, if it was something other than the spam filter you will or will not remove it?

And if it was something other than the spam filter, what are the possibilities we are looking at there? Admin removal? What else?

Well if it was confirmed that an admin removed the post then, agree with it or not, there isn't really anything we can do. They have the final say when it comes to this site.

As far as what else, I honestly don't know. But it seems like one of the link-shortened google maps URLs could've been what triggered the spam filter.

Did this get confirmed yet?

Nope, I'm assuming it was just the spam filter. We never heard anything from the admins and nobody has tried to remove this post again since.

What are the odds that it is a drop house for illegal alien kids, and they take money from both the county gov and illegals?

Perhaps the gov employee is involved in a little human smuggling

solid guesswork sherlock. you're going in the right direction

Has anyone considered the possibility that the old cleaning lady is Ms Eva Solano herself? Apparently she's 72.

Has anyone found pictures associated with the name? Social media where her family tags her/ on business pages? Will look into this more after work.

Keep in mind 'Ava Salmon' has popped up too. Someone's either covering her name as a direct pseudonym or making up new shell names to obfuscate other things

Cleaning lady looked mid-50s, but she could pass as 72. If that's true, then she's definitely the Italian lady from Goonies.

I've probably read every post on here and ATS and even some of the craziness over at 8chan... and as much as I think this is a great thread, very suspenseful, and might actually be on to something bigger than a oddly maintained daycare center... I think you're all reading WAAAAAY too far into the rabbit sticker on the fence.

As somebody else asked...are NONE of you familiar with sticker street art? That rabbit is clearly a drawing that an artist did (complete with some kind of tag/signature underneath), made stickers of, and posted around town. Not being from SLC or anywhere near, I can't say how prolific said sticker artist may be...but I honestly think the craziest thing we can focus on here is the significance of "the white rabbit," "the rabbit hole," etc. Being a conspiracy sub, obviously these phrases are going to immediately pop into our heads...but do you really think that if there is some seriously dubious operation going on, they'd try to call attention to it by inviting armchair sleuths and conspiracy theorists to "follow the white rabbit down the rabbit hole" of creepy day care conspiracies?

While I would agree, what strikes me as peculiar about it is that the sticker has been removed (as per an anon who stopped by this place last night)

Yes, that is odd, if it is in fact true. I'll believe that claim once I see a picture. A lot of things seem odd in this case - particularly the immediate scrubbing of info from the internet...but they could also just have gotten word of all of the claims being made online and decided to remove the sticker, as it became a hot topic of discussion here and on ATS.

While part of me would like to believe we've stumbled upon some front for The Finders, if that were the case, they've already closed up, moved on, and left behind a good cover. This could easily explain the removal of net presence and scrubbing WHOIS info and leaving behind misdirections such as the sticker.

Chances are however, it's just some people trying to scam money from the local gov/state/fed and they're trying to cover their tracks and get rid of as much stuff as possible that's been posted on the internet, both info and stuff around the 'day care'. I have reached out to some in this thread who say they are local, to at least confirm the removal of the sticker, if for no other reason than to just add to the whole 'wtf' factor.

True. Chances are - if something is actually arye here - it is something much less sinister than a child sex slave trafficking ring...something like tax evasion or scamming the government out of benefit $$$.

I don't think anybody's going to uncover any bombshells at this point. If it was actually some insane conspiracy with underground tunnels and sex dungeons (which I'd say is pretty much a 1/1,000,000 chance considering all of the other more mundane crimes that could elicit the same defensive/mysterious response from an owner), there has surely been enough time to clean house and get rid of all evidence.

My best guesses are that either 1) this is simply a failed/failing business with godawful architecture and was all exaggerated by anonymous parties on Reddit and egged on by trolls to begin with or 2) the owners are involved in shady monetary schemes and now are feeling the heat.

People talking about going on stakeouts or touring the daycare while armed with a concealed carry are absolutely out of their gourd and need to find a fucking hobby.

[edited for autocorrect grammar/spelling]

Has it? If it wasn't rush hour I would be willing to drive up there and check it out and confirm.

It's still there apparently.

White rabbit dude gettin big ups on the Internet

I'm sure he'd be interested to see his artwork is now stickied on the right hand side of /r/conspiracy

Serious ups on the interwebs

but do you really think that if there is some seriously dubious operation going on, they'd try to call attention to it by inviting armchair sleuths and conspiracy theorists to "follow the white rabbit down the rabbit hole" of creepy day care conspiracies?

That would be fucking awesome.

I've read the whole thread (just this one, as well as the original one) to this point and haven't seen anybody reading into the white rabbit at all, apart from one joke about "follow the white rabbit, Neo".

There was a lot the past 2 days btwn here 8ch and ATS

that and everyone taking these anonymous "death threats" from throwaways seriously.. or thinking the string of numbers is some sort of code.


Well...I would like to see another one of said stickers, then, somewhere else. Just 1 more would satisfy me. And I couldn't find the logo online anywhere. If you're going through the trouble of making stickers, your logo is probably on the internet somewhere, right?

No...not right. Unless somebody puts you up on Instagram or something. Sticker art is still technically graffiti...and graffiti is illegal. So graffiti writers/street artists tend to keep themselves anonymous.

Source: I am a former graffiti writer/still have many ties in that cultural scene

So if this was your graffiti art, and you got it made into stickers, wouldn't you put it in more than one place? Has anyone ever seen this before?


I'm just saying it's suspect.

How do we know that anyone HASN'T ever seen this before? I mean...sure...there have been plenty of people here and on infinitychan claiming to be in the SLC area who aren't familiar with this rabbit sticker...but lets be real. I am a graffiti fanatic, and I still see stickers and tags that are new to me all of the time...and I'm always looking out for stuff...Bottom line is you, I, or anybody else in this thread may have seen this sticker before somewhere and not even processed it or paid it any attention because our brains didn't have a reason to give a shit.

PS I gave you an upboat because I appreciate the Devil's Advocate POV...but it goes both ways. It is MORE likely that this sticker exists in other places, yet none of us have noticed it or realized.

I appreciate your perspective as well.

There are other reasons I don't think this is graffiti art. For example the detail of the mean looking eye vs. the rest of the drawing, and the human initials underneath (or possibly looks like a carrot & a string). Just my speculation.

It would be nice if you could edit your post on top at regular intervals to keep us up-to-date on new developments! Cheers and keep up the digging ;)

Damn, I'm down in Provo and now I want to go check this out. WTF is up with all these new accounts PM'ing threats though, that's fucking messed up.

Fellow Provo fella here. Will be making a trip down there soon with a buddy of mine to check out what's what. May be able to add to this craziness. I will try to go at night time to see if there's more activity.

My buddy lives near this place. I drive by it when I see him. I've never seen any kids in their before and we have this joke about how ghetto it is. Seriously, Fun Time Kidz Kare? What kind of bullshit name is that for a daycare in a house that looks like a dollhouse? The windows are tiny, we joke about it being that way so no one can escape.

EDIT: Removed address.

There ought to be a rule that an account needs to have 500 karma before death threats can be made to another Redditor. :D

Sounds like a good plan to me. Good to know I'm free to threaten the hell out of people lol.

Have the police been contacted? This looks awfully like a human trafficking/sex slave operation front

Lol I think this thread got deleted too.

It did, but not by us. My thinking is that an admin removed it.

This whole story is getting more and more interesting...... Thanks for the update.

The other thread is still up and active. Seems weird that they would delete this one and not that one.

As of now we don't have any indication that an admin removed it, seems like it could've been the spam filter. At any rate, I've re-instated the post for now.

I assume the spam filter is closed source?

Our automod is open source and we can modify that but I don't think we have any access to the sitewide spam filter - if we do I haven't seen it and I'm not sure how we'd access it. I think what happened yesterday though is that a google maps URL was using a link shortener and that's what triggered it.

All I know is you can set spam filtering to off, mild, or strict in the subreddit settings. I don't think there are any other options for it.

Are we on an episode of SVU?

Starting to seem like a distinct possibility..

I want to be an extra!

There is a thread on if this gets removed again

That's a creepy board name...

can we find out why it was removed?

I don't know, I suppose we'd have to message the admins and hope they respond with an explanation - not something they commonly do with deletions/shadowbans.

Didn't this exact same thing happen with Sandy Hook? I seem to remember that about the same time /u/axolotl_peyotl became a mod.

Not that I agreed that should have been done, but the admin's reasoning, at least on the surface, seems a bit more reasonable. i.e. nationally covered tragedy where supposedly a large number of young children were just murdered...vs....


A single, small, maybe not functioning daycare center that's so far generated 3, honestly, small posts. If the mods admins delete this or the other post it would definitely seem like a response out of proportion with the level of interest it's generated. Unless I'm missing something here.

Yeah I thought of the Sandy Hook clusterfuck as well. I wish I had more information with regards to this current story but there definitely seems to be more to it. There's no doubt that the building and some of the details surrounding it are incredibly sketchy though.

it totally did. i would like to figure out why or how we can still continue talking about it without breaking any rules

I don't think we are breaking any rules. All of this information is being pulled from this thread, which hasn't been deleted -- yet. If this one was breaking any rules they would have deleted the other one.

Edit: wrong link.

We just re-instated it since we have no indication that an admin removed it or that any rules are being broken.

Great! Thanks.

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Mod here from /r/SaltLakeCity.

To clarify a few things because this is getting out of hand.

I messaged the mods of this subreddit and /u/mr_dong removed the thread that /u/Ambiguously_Ironic later restored. No admin conspiracy there.

The thread was removed from /r/SaltLakeCity because harassing or conspiring to harass individuals or businesses, no matter how "sketchy" some random redditor thinks it is, violated rule number 5 of our subreddit and general principals of decency. There's some content posted that also violated rule number 6, which goes along with Reddit's policy about no posting personal information.

Now there are talks of people taking pictures, breaking in, and doing other obnoxious things to some place that is probably just a victim of unfortunate circumstances.

I don't care about that business or whatever you people think is weird about it. I just don't want this to turn into another incident where Reddit's over eager pitchfork mobs cause some negative publicity event and cause undue stress to people that have no idea what this site even is.

A common sense perspective on this would suggest that this is just a really poorly run business that you people are harassing.

Edit: Since apparently it matters, not some throwaway account. Been an active member of Reddit for 6 years, seen some really stupid stuff happen that I'd like to not see happen again.

I agree with you. We should not be harassing anyone but if you take more than a few mins to read up on this place you soon realize it's very fucking suspicious. VERY.


There is substantial evidence to claim something illegal is going on here. If you do not wish to participate in the divergencw of information, please leave. And thank you for making light of the "mod conspiracy" situation.

I haven't seen anything substantial yet. No positive evidence of anything incriminating.

Unfortunate circumstances, like...being part of a person-smuggling operation?

Yeah, objectively I'm absolutely shocked at the lengths some people will go to alleviate their own boredom. This is half users needing to get a life and half users needing to stop fucking with others lives.

My favorite theory so far is the drug cartel money laundering front... Because like 5 NIMBY soccer moms and armchair sleuths have never seen someone go in or out. "Concerned citizens" my ass, you all need to mind your own damn business. That's analogous with me posting a picture of one of these NIMBY's oddly colored house and stirring the pot into making everyone believe that person is a child pornographer and starting a witch hunt because, secretly, I'm the president of their neighborhood HOA and don't like the color of theist house. Not only is this a very large conclusion to jump to, anyone approaching the location of a cartel building and peering into windows is just a dead man walking... As if they didn't have surveillance to watch for shit like that.

Or the armchair in front of a tv that people are implying is used to watch pedophilia on CCTV... More like a god damn way to monitor bratty fucking kids, watch soap operas, and be left the fuck alone.

Seriously, for all the participants in this thread, if you're that concerned call the police. It's not your job to investigate a damn thing, half of what you'll find won't even be right, most of you are too caught up in the mass hysteria going on here to be able to step back and see that MAAAAYYYYBE this is just a little bit too much, and you all need a break from the constant reminder of government surveillance. Go watch some cat videos.

And you, to whom I am replying, thank you for removing that thread from your sub. The fact this remains here is totally appalling to me, and seriously tarnishes the image of /r/conspiracy in my mind.

The fact this remains here is totally appalling to me, and seriously tarnishes the image of /r/conspiracy in my mind.

This is what tarnishes us? hyperbolic comment on the year.

Just throwing a question out there. What's the history of the police in this place? Anything stick out? Not making claims just thinking out loud.

"The sources within the department claimed Park is under investigation for the disappearance of $47,000 from an evidence room." 2013

Um. That's weird. The County Sheriff was under investigation.


*Neighboring to Salk Lake County. Just West

You keep saying that you've been shadowbanned

I wonder why?

Different County though.

So with all this attention it's getting, and the pictures of the 2 young girls going inside the place, has anybody seen them leave?

No one stuck around long enough in order to fill in all the gaps of time where they could've come and gone.

Stalking kids, always a good look.

Almost as good a look as a daycare with sealed windows and no toys.

Seriously, with people standing around within a 1000 feet of a daycare all day I'm surprised the cops weren't doing more drivearounds.

Unfortunately no...

my buddy and I started following this whole ordeal yesterday. After work, at around 4:30 Mountain Time, he swung by the place and saw the two little girls leaving with an older Hispanic male. He says he saw the three of them get in to a car. He has make/model/color/plates, but i don't wanna get banned. haha.

Looks like a shell company for money laundering, especially considering the mention of a nearby laundromat being subject to drug raids.

Likely used for drug smuggling given the contents of this post. They smuggle into the daycare and sell out of the laundromat. I imagine they are freaking out a bit with all the attention this is getting, it sounds like a damn bit operation involving several cities. Or it could be nothing at all, who knows. There is some pretty compelling evidence though.

Three building permits, at this address, over the last 27 years. The last one in 2012 to Eva Solano:

the second entry, contractor name is "Time Child Care Fun"?

This comment was posted on the /r/PanicHistory thread:

Friend of mine on Facebook who works with the registrant: "It's in business. I know the guy who owns it. He bought it for his mother so she has something to do. He runs it at a loss for that reason."

He also included a picture of the Facebook thread. Seems like this might explain some (but not all) of the weirdness.

Hahaha yeah definitely gonna need more info than that to squash all the information regarding this place

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That facebook thread does not show anything.

Ta daaaa

Just as a side note. This thread, right here, is why the internet absolutely unequivocally must be protected as a publicly owned utility and never ever ever again be owned by private interests.

This kind of crowdsourcing is only possible with an open internet, and this kind of information sharing is important.

You can't stop the signal, Mal.

Nice try, Obama.

Wait...I didn't see this thing about the visit before...

They can't comment on WHO the child is? WTF?

Political bastard child?

Creepy cult that thinks the kid is the second coming?

I think that's standard operating procedure. I'd be more than outraged if strangers could walk into my child's daycare and have them willing give out her identity.

That's not what the contract is. The user was saying that THEY (meaning the user) couldn't tell anyone who the handicapped child was. That's not normal in the slightest.

You cannot call up a daycare center, and ask them about the kids they have there--even political bastard children.

The story was that someone took their kid there and they had a single kid in there. If the person wanted to begin bringing their child there, they had to sign a contract agreeing to never tell anyone who the child is. It had nothing to do with anyone calling anyone.

Okay? It's entirely the same situation. Perhaps the child was the subject of a custody dispute. Perhaps the child was involved in a lawsuit related to being in a wheelchair. Perhaps the child had been abused, and was in foster care. Perhaps, perhaps, perhaps.

The takeaway is that the child's identity and privacy are respected. All of those situations are far more plausible than the ones that have popped up. I agree that this center is odd, and that there are very weird things about it--but keeping the identities of minor children private isn't one of them.

The business keeping the identity of the child private isn't strange, no.

If Child A goes to the daycare, the child will have to get to know the handicapped boy (as kids at daycare do), especially since it's just them two, and eventually they will probably tell the parents about the boy. Contractually barring that parent from telling anyone (friends, family, other parents who ask about the daycare...) about the one boy that their child goes to daycare with is strange. Parents will talk to other parents about who their kids go to daycare with. It's a normal conversation. If placing a gag order on someone doing that seems reasonable to you, then I don't know what else to say.

And I don't know what to say that you think it's strange--you have no idea what the circumstances are surrounding this child's presence in that daycare. It would be incredibly difficult to enforce, to the point where it wouldn't make much difference if you did or not.

I'll challenge you to find another daycare that forces people to sign contracts agreeing not to mention other children that attend.

It's pretty common here in the D.C. area; you're asked to not discuss your children's classmates when asked by people you don't know. It's pretty simple--don't talk about other people's kids with strangers. I'm still not sure why you think that's weird.

Adding the caveat "with strangers" makes it a reasonable request. I, however, don't think you realize the legal difference between "strangers" and "anyone"

There is also a difference between asking someone to do something and having them sign a contract

I can't find it now but wasn't there a screen cap mentioning an association to CHUNGA INTERNATIONAL?


/u/tanasbourne said, "So I did a search on Chunga International LLC it gave me this address 770 East 700 North, Provo, UT 84606 takes you to a different location, but note this house on streetview....there are 2 addresses posted on the house 772 and 770?"

Which was in response to /u/jortr0n saying, "This gets deep. URL is owned by a city employee. Why does the cities multimedia manager own the URL?"

The whois info was scrubbed, so I can only figure that tanasbourne pulled the name from there.

edit: looks like I was looking at a different version of the comment by /u/jortr0n

The screencap provided by /u/aleeum below adds, "The county assessors office says it owned by Chunga International LLC. They have failed to renew their business license since 08/26/2014. The registering agent has the same last name as the SLC employee."

Yes. Do you know anything about it?

I'm guessing that is not it.

I wouldn't eliminate the possibility just yet.

posting for visibility :

Thank you for this!

I think we can solidify the link between these two companies:

Chunga International, LLC registered to "Eva Dionne Solano" on 5/9/2012, expired 8/26/2014.

And... Fun Time Kidz Kare Inc. also registered to "Eva Solano" in 2/15/2005 through 5/24/2006. She also had a DBA of Fun Time Child Care from 9/3/2003 to 10/29/2012 (expired).

Just a coincidence huh? Seems she transferred it to her husband/brother "Jose Solano" as Fun Time Child Care, LLC on 12/28/2012 until current.


JK of course...that's interesting af actually.

Chunga International LLC

"Mail Order Business" located at the same address as the "HQ" of Chunga International LLC:

Yet this mail order business has no website?

Haha that's a good one! Forgot about him.

I can't find much on Chunga at the moment, nothing notable. Their NAICS classification is 5511 - "Management of Companies and Enterprises".

I edited my comment with something strange I found about Chunga being a "home mail order business"

God's work is being done here. This is fascinating.

Weird! La Belle Vie is registered to a "Shevaun Esther Davis". Was registered on 4/20/2008 and expired in 5/18/2011.

Chunga was founded in 2012, so maybe it became the Solanos' at that point.

Interesting without a doubt.

Perhaps it was the business of a previous resident of that house and is completely unconnected, I just found it odd that an "anonymous" mail order business was run out of the same household.

Art Vandalay thinks that's a pretty vague description.

"Mail Order Business"


No idea. That's all it was listed as. What they did/do via the mail? Who knows.

That does not make me feel good about this place. Kids, potentially fraudulent/illegal business practices in a super ghetto neighborhood...and now mail order business?

Christ, I was hoping this was just an immigration scam front, not something actually THIS dark and fucked up.

Like, mail order brides and such? We do know there are kids entering under mysterious circumstances, could be some shady stuff going on here.

Is it me or are those names ...suggestive? I mean this with respect but considering whats going on or not?

I've had that same thought every time I type the name...

sigh.. yea.. : /

I'm not sure I understand what you mean here. What do the names look/sound like?

Example if it was a pedo ring...kid fun...sick fuck terminology.

Right though?

There was mention of it in the original thread but I don't know if it was screen capped. Also I do not remember the context.

CHUNGA in Spanish means spooky, creppy, in bad mood (for both a situation and people)

Ive done extensive research into this today, at the shipping company end of it that ships them stuff, and the connecting 5 companies that were shipped in the same day in the same containers. They are all weird ass stuff and each one has some kind of lawyer or government person involved and a sex offender on some level all have multiple shell companies hiding them and fake locations as well as well as things involving children. Check my recent comments for more. with links with proof and such.

I love Reddit for stuff like this.

Holy shit, this is creepy. I highly doubt it is a legit daycare.

Edit: Here, inside pictures that I'm sure you can match up the windows to the outside pictures (kids have been removed via post-it notes): Pictures

Sigh, I'm not posting this on my main account because (no offense) some of y'all seem a little wacky.

I used to work at this building in 1994/1995 when I was 18. It was definitely just a daycare then, I can not vouch for what it may or may not be now. HOWEVER, all of y'all going on and on about the NAME "Fun Time" being a whole huge conspiracy thing are completely off base. It was called "Fun Time Day Care" back then, and the name was clearly just kept and slightly changed. I even remember getting prank calls from guys "Hey baby, I'm looking for a Fun Time".

It was owned by a guy named Rick, don't remember his last name. He was a maybe 40ish Mormon white guy. Nice enough guy. The place mostly had low-income families, and a lot of them were on state assistance. I'd say 90% of the kids/families were white. The building was NOT bright green back then, it was a non-descript cream color and people were always tagging the side of the building, so I'd venture to guess that's why it was eventually painted green.

The room with all the covered up windows was the older kids' room. The room at the back of the building was the babies & y 1-2 year olds room, and the third room (not counting kitchen/bath, this is on the far side of the building from this picture) was the 2/3 year olds. There is also like a little "lobby" at the front door where the time clock and other such stuff was.

Anyhow, my point is, stop being so creeped out by the fact that it LOOKS like a daycare but it may not actually be one. It LOOKS like a daycare because it WAS a daycare, for a very long time. No, we didn't used to cover up the windows the way it's covered now, but we did put artwork up in the windows - partially just to block out the sun but also so that we could try and pretend we weren't at a busy street corner, ya know?

I loved working at this place, I just hated getting paid $4.25 an hour. Loved the kids, and the other "teachers" were nice enough, although I can honestly say I was the only one that truly loved being there... which, you know, ALL day care workers should love working with children, but you need to pay them more than minimum wage to get them to stick around.

I have pictures of the kids from back then, so I have plenty of interior shots of the place. However, since they ALL have pictures of little kids in them, I'm sure you can imagine why I wouldn't want to post any of them.

It's made me really sad to see all these posts about a place I have such fond memories of.

PS I don't live in Salt Lake anymore, so I can not go spy on the place for you, sorry.

Insight and clarity is much appreciated. Thank you.

I actually believe your story. I think that in the time since you stopped working there till no things have changed. Well, quite obviously they have changed. That is the part of the story we're trying to figure out here.

So take your word for your story?

Right, because MY story is the one that sounds outlandish. I have no idea what the place is now, I was simply offering up personal experience that it did in fact used to be a perfectly normal daycare. I'm pretty sure THAT is a matter of public record, so I didn't say anything that can't be easily proven.

I only felt compelled to post because honestly, it really did make me sad to see all these weird conspiracies about the place. When I saw the headline in the "scary things that happened on reddit" thread I clicked on it because it was Salt Lake, and was rather shocked to find it was a picture of a building I know so well.

Anyhow, I'm sure you'll continue to believe whatever you want to believe.

I would be open to believing you if u provide anything other than just a story. You can keep the pics of kids to yourself tho

Okay there ya go, added pics to my original post (kids have been removed).

What if behind that post it note is the meth lab? And who takes a picture while their food sits on the table getting cold? Especially spaghetti which is terrible cold. Unless what is behind that post it note is an animal sacrifice and that is what is in your bowl. Take a look at those pictures sheeple?? We have two options. One is that it really is a daycare and everyone is overreacting. Two is that it is a Illuminati hideout where they make meth while sacrificing animals which they turn in to spaghetti and eat as they plot to overthrow us all. Take a look at that balloon animal, it is pointed right signifying death. And if you notice in the other picture the word "chain" is written. No my friends, the truth is right in front of us.

If you could have any one food for the rest of your life, what would it be and why is it spaghetti?

Lol. I think you figured it all out.

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Viral marketing for True Detective season 2?

This would be genius.

No, Serial Season 2

200 West Adams Street, Chicago, Illinois? I could easily go there today

I already did. It's a real office. There's a receptionist, a couple occupied cubicles/open desk spaces, and 2 back offices.

Do they have free coffee in the break room?

Holy fuck. Why the fuck did I never see this. I aint shitting anyone. I lived right next to the landromat that was 100 feet from this green building. That place is weird. I moved out 1 year ago exactly. Always seen weird shit In and out of this place. Kinda creeps me out

please elaborate on the weird shit you always seen in and out of this place.

I was always out on our porch. I mean always. Out of what I can remember is the vehicles. Lots of exempt license plates. Meaning possibly government vehicles. Doesnt make sense. Seen many different people come go. Lots of work vans without plates more then anything. Really scary now that someone has posted about this place im so glad I moved holy shit

EDIT: This is crazy. Any other questions hit me with them. We come from Germany so we didnt really make friends with the neighbors. But I swear they had a plumber or a electricians van twice a day it seemed like

Unmarked work vans... Well that's about the sketchiest possible scenario, great. Fuck this place.

Dude be in my spot. I never thought of it until a post online? Like wtf.

Do you remember any other details? Such as what the people looked like or carried in or out?

Never paid too much attention to detail. But. When these vans came in. I remember one it was faded badly something bakery on the side in white.. it was an old ass gray van. Chevy if I remember. Had two nicely cleaned cut gentlemen. I do remember people carrying in plastic cases both men. One on each handle. Plastic maybe I wouldnt know

keep this shit alive!

Someone should send this thread to #opdeatheaters

There's also a thread in's baphomet board.

Help us leddit.

Redditards? I'll stick with them.

8chan threads 404 fairly quickly.

Anyone know what happened to this thread? I'm not that familiar with 8chan, but it looks like the posting completely stopped at some point yesterday?? Like, it went from a post every couple minutes to nothing in almost 24 hrs? Or am I missing something?

Was wondering the same.

Baphomet? ..

Its a board that's /b/, but with moar raids and less shitposting.

Anything glorifying Baphomet is stupid IMO

Its supposed to be ironic.

So is the right hand of satanism, and they're all anyone talks about but there is the left hand that legitimately tries doing evil shit...

Can someone with a thermal camera check this place out?

What if it's daycare for illegal immigrants?

I personally see this as more viable than the child trafficking theories.

Actually, I'm glad this was brought up. There's been a few comments saying "you need to get your child in through WFS," and other comments saying, "that's a lie." An under-the-table daycare for immigrants seems likely to me. Utah?! Like...NOT Arizona or Texas or anywhere close to the border?

Utah's a straight shot up I-15 from the SoCal border, with easy access from other border states. They also have wonderful social services when compared with NM and AZ. I can see it being a decent place to spend the winter vs. the usual migrant spots in Florida.

No way their website is legitimate. It lacks all useful information on what their curriculum actually is, and what their activities are. It's just the address of the building, and fluff.

Our curriculum is focus on

A grammatical error. You think this would have been corrected at some point since 2005.

Also of note is the similarly terrible website for that toy company, which is a bit more detailed, but its catalog is password-protected. Typically businesses don't hide their products. You can't even order stuff online. You can print a pdf of an order form, fill it out, and fax it or scan it and send it via email. It doesn't list the specific brands of toys they sell, or any sort of legitimate confirmation it's an actual toy company. There's a vague "pirates" category, which is just a picture of a very broad assortment of pirate-related toys, but is not professional at all. Possibly a stock photo?

It's just weird, especially for a company that claims itself to be such a major player in its industry. All the pictures of its products look like weird stock photos, as do the pictures on the childcare website. It would be interesting to actually try and order something from the toy website to see if it's real. Of course, this requires access to the catalog of things they SELL. Maybe somebody can contact the company through the one page that isn't protected, and get the information? Even if it proves to be an actual toy company, it's one of the most solid leads we have.

Wholesale businesses frequently password protect their catalogs, so that potential customers cannot browse and comparison shop cheap foreign goods from a number of suppliers. It's really not uncommon at all. Neither are awful websites! I mean, we're talking about the wholesalers who supply dollar stores--so it's the bottom of the barrel in terms of merchandise quality.
Not to detract from the overarching weirdness of the childcare place w/o no kids in it, but nothing you've brought up is strange at all for wholesalers who deal with cheap foreign junk.

If anyone is bothering to read the new comments places like this hide in plain site all the time.

There is a fake house in my parents expensive neighborhood that is a Department of Water and Power substation in disguise.

The Feds rented property from someone I know personally in the mid 90's under the name Emerald Empire. Emerald Empire was part of a customs operation called "Casablanca" which was tracking money laundering through the Cali Cartel. Amada Carrillo Fuentes was killed in suspicious circumstances a year before the raid to protect informants and or faked his death to retire safely depending on who you believe. I was working in the same industrial complex As Emerald Empire for years and didn't know a thing was going on until after the bust. They seized more than a hundred million dollars in the bust. Banks were in on it.

Bancomer, Banca Serfin and Confia banks were indicted along with more than a dozen low- and mid-level bankers accused of knowingly laundering what they thought were proceeds from the Cali and Juarez drug cartels.

In September a company called QT Maternity was wired 100,000 and 40,000 as part of a sting into the Sinaloa cartel leading to a kidnapping rescue and another hundred million dollar seizure.

I used to do loan servicing for creditors, go out look at properties inspect the condition take a few notes and pictures and move on. A coworker got called by the FBI following up on why he was photographing one of their unmarked properties.

Feds are not very creative they have purchased and or rented property as the State of Virginia Procurement Agency , or the Maryland Procurement Agency.

Check out Skyline technology delivers live video feeds to law enforcement and first responders but happens to have the exact same physical address as both claim to be operating at the same place and. Jeffrie (google the last name yourself)) current Skyline employee has done government contract work for intelligence agencies


Ever heard of Evergreen Airways?


Conspiracy corners of the web have pretty decent lists of CIA fronts.

I'm on board with the guy who says he worked a51. There is secret shit going on in the world. There is probably secret shit being done at this daycare. Who does secret shit? Most people who do secret shit are not harmless. and by and large its best to just "Move along folks".

TL;DR A bunch of somewhat confusing, barely related info and then a suggestion to "move along folks"

whatever man im just saying shady shit like this is so common its almost laughable.

Would be less common if it was less commonly ignored.


While its not in the proper format, the codes each contain 10 digits, the same as phone numbers in France. F.R. = France, or possibly French Riviera? Or it could be nothing with someone trying to play a dumb joke.

On a side note, I just saw this thread has been linked on AboveTopSecret as well.

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GPS coordinates point to remote Russian forest. Didn't someone say the guy on the phone had a Russian accent? Also, Chunga does mail order stuff. So this is obviously a Russian child bride mail order service. And when you go to those coordinates in Russia, you will find the federation is secretly building a war ship to go to war with the Romulans. Wait...

EDIT: Found some criminal charges for one Jose Jacinto Solano from UT County. Upon further review, it appears that the Jose Solano in question is Jose Erasmo Solano. Dang, I thought I had a good lead!

Hey but it looks like Jose Solano is/was indeed a realtor. his address matches up with That PACER case I was looking at, Jose Solano was assigned to sell a house that was claimed by federal bankruptcy court, was assigned to the case Jan 2014, so he is or very recently was a realtor.

Someone smarter than me should look into the other corporations like Amethyst listed under Jose.

He's also the manager of the mysterious Chunga International...

U tried man, you tried.

this would be a cool " gofundme" crowd sourcing type thing to hire a team of private investigators to go digging

How about crowd funding Jeffrey Sterling?

Seems to me like it's probably a safehouse. The government would've picked up on a drug ring or something because a registered child care centre would have inspections and need to produce paperwork.

Someone already posted the inspection records. It's up towards the top of this page. They were cited multiple times for leaving kids unattended and failure to show licenses.

Maybe it isn't registered, or they bribe inspectors?

I've seen Daddy Day Care, no way inspectors let anything slide, and other day care centres are cutthroats.

Its registered. SLC inspected and they failed on a violation for having animal poo and prickly weed growing in their backyard last september.

Apparently someone posted a list of over 20 fines for missing inspections and such.

What about the possibility that this is a triage area for children victims of any kind of domestic child abuse, and you all are now creating an online record for criminals to track down the children who the State has deemed it safest to keep separate? That would explain a few of the details herein, including the inept but sincere attempt to get you all to shut up about it. This is not far from the City Police station, down the road a few blocks. I think something like that is far more likely than some True Detective rape center, or whatever is going on in your self-styled PI theories.

If that were the case the day care wouldn't have so many citations against it, and it's LLC registration would not lapse as often as it has.

Shady stuff can always be an attempt to help people in hiding, but I feel like a government agency wouldn't look so shady on the outside of the building they are using and be ordering shady shipments from China of plastic jewelry and toys, but that's just me.

I believe the day care is doing business as:

Fun Time Child Care and appears to have a current license:

Actually the business license expired on January 13, 2015:

So, 14 days past expiration. Usually local law enforcement in this situation stops by, checks licenses, tells them to hurry up and get them updated in the next x days, and that's that.

Not a big deal.

That might explain why someone took a picture of a man with what looked to be a badge on him.

Very interesting, if someone was busted in 06 for Meth distribution at the care center it would make a lot of sense why the building is so difficult to get any info on. I wouldnt want a child care services center with a history of meth salesmen to watch my kids, but why keep the name after all these years, repaint but not change the name...?

Honestly though, I think it might be time to report this thing to the police.
Im hesitant to say...but it almost sounds like human trafficking or some other very shady business.




05/31/2013 10:54 AM

Anything more recent? Or maybe even loads of stuff prior? Or is that a one-off?

I'm absolutely floored by the stupidity of the people who down voted you for making a reasonable suggestion and contributing to the discussion. That's entirely plausible, and what's more with the dingus parade peering into windows and ordering pizzas to the joint(which if they paid for over the phone with a card, which is also highly possible as I believe that I had read it was left, their name is on the receipt they would have left with the box).. IF oN the chance that the resident "le detectives" did actually find a group of criminals conspiring, they're TOTALLY going to know!!!

Let alone the fact that if all of these photos people are taking and posting were taken from cell phone cameras, they're being geotagged exactly where those photos were taken. The metadata can be extracted and the owner of the phone could conceivably be located... But let's not pay any attention to the fact that, collectively, this sub is wholly against government surveillance and is for privacy rights, yet lacks the mechanism of cognitive dissonance to see where protecting and already anonymous usernames friend that ADMITTEDLY COMMITTED A CRIME and accusing a business owner of being a child pornograoher or a manufacturer of drugs while posting their name, business address, phone numbers etc don't match up in ideology! I don't give a fuck if they DO say it's "public knowledge". Pulling the data from those photos could also be considered public knowledge.

It won't be long until Anon decides to call in a bomb threat, just because he can't stand the suspense. Then comes the seat team...

Enough is enough.

You don't have to interfere with that business to do research on it. I would recommend you look into it. You might be surprised at the oddity that is that building.


I have been in your house and we played with your action figures. Remember when I put them down your asshole?

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Just spitballing here, but can't a local news agency pick up this thread and do some more formal investigation? OP provided A LOT of awesome data that cuts out a ton of preliminary research for the news personnel to start from before even having to physically get out there.

The last thing I would want to hear is local media in Utah picking this up :/

Well they're clearly not too busy looking into your Mormon problem, so why the hell not?

I don't have a Mormon problem, I have a local media ruining everything problem.

They're probably too busy broadcasting cat videos and fluff pieces.

There is no reason for the local news to even investigate this. The only evidence is some dude that drives by and is creeped out.

The "reason" is the various abnormalities of the building, schedule, shipments, and lack of children or activity. The "paper trail" reinforces the notion that there is improper documentation and insufficient available information regarding the establishment as a childcare center, not to mention all the odd shipments as noted in the OP. At the very least, it would be important to verify that the building is up to code, and that all regulations are met or exceeded as a registered child care center.

There's no harm in an audit, given that we're talking about children.

The "reason" is the various abnormalities of the building, schedule, shipments, and lack of children or activity.

Nothing wrong with the building. Might be a little outdated and haggard but I have seen trailers used as day cares before. You are not going to get the schedule of the facility unless you have a child there, that is common sense since it prevents pedos from stalking the place. The shipment has nothing to do with the day care check out my post here. There was children activity taken by a redditor.

The "paper trail" reinforces the notion that there is improper documentation and insufficient available information regarding the establishment as a childcare center, not to mention all the odd shipments as noted in the OP.

What kind of paper trail would you like? The day care is obviously a day care cited by the numerous fines they have had over the years (which are quite high but not completely out of the norm). Again, the shipment has nothing to do with the day care at all.

At the very least, it would be important to verify that the building is up to code, and that all regulations are met or exceeded as a registered child care center.

Meh, no one is really going to give a shit for the most part. This is a day care located in not so great area of SLC. While it may not be 100% or a place you bring your kid they are certified to receive kids through the government services. That would be impossible to do if they were not suitable.

There's no harm in an audit, given that we're talking about children.

I agree there is no harm to audit but when you are calling, sending pizzas, taking creepy pictures through the windows, and stalking the place it becomes a concern of safety for the children. You are more likely to be arrested for stalking or whatever than this place to be shut down for being unsuited for children.


Nah they'd be in the more southern parts of Utah.

I know this kind of daycare. It is a business that takes county money that is taken from tax dollars and customer paycheck very low income...

Can I ask respectfully how you know of such a business.

I work at one similar not as shitty as this center but same type. Sorry for the late reply.

I'm not from the US and I don't know how your police system works but can't someone living nearby just call the police/state and ask questions about this place out of concern?

Assuming it's the government hiding things there, they totally would answer truthfully about it.

/sarcasm, for those who speak english as a second language.

Or are stupid.

I have archived almost every image in the thread.

if they go down remove the i. from the begging of the imgur link, and the file extension at the end, and paste that into

nice job, cause that's exactly what they are doing this very moment. PM wherever this discussion moves, I would like to follow it

Thank you.

So I check this link:

That is one of their very many violations.

It shows this address: 1248 South 300 East, UT 84111

When I look at the picture on google it is curious how every window is completely covered a dungeon. I mean why have so many windows only to cover them all?

Also with so many violations you would think this place must be legit, but those could be faked.

That report is from 2005, and the Solanos are supposed to have taken over in 2012 if I'm right.

Check out this website posted earlier by /u/aleeum:

The website has a content copy write for 2015, but the trade show schedule is only updated for 2013. Don't have time right now to see if the trade shows were legit or if Fun Stuff inc. was there.

Additionally, many of the links in the require authorization, including the Online Catalog and Online Catalog Cont. What type of online retailer (1) can't fit all their items into 1 catalog page on a website and (2) wouldn't want potential effing customers looking at their inventory without authorization? Obviously a front, no business is intentionally that bad at marketing.

Additionally, the order form is about as empty as possible and requires the purchaser to enter items, prices, cc info, and everything else.

This is total guesswork here, but on the site the title says "FUN STUFF" subtitled "The name says it all." If this is truly a trafficking ring, it would be a semi-clever name to hide the meaning "F you and stuff" hinting at sexual services being offered. But that is a stretch.

/u/arynx /u/blink_and_youre_dead

If this is truly a trafficking ring, it would be a semi-clever name to hide the meaning "F you and stuff" hinting at sexual services being offered. But that is a stretch.


Tried to find out whether Fun Stuff Inc actually participated in one of the expos listed. Searched for the "Surf Expo" and found this list:

Ctrl+F; looks like they were a vendor for whatever expo this list represents.

It's actually really common for wholesalers to have their catalogs password protected, so that you cannot comparison shop for cheap foreign junk. That's not weird at all. Most purchases would be made over the phone anyway, and handled via purchase orders & checks, not automated, computerized shopping carts like Amazon. Most of these places are still Mom & Pop shops and are absolutely not your usual consumer-oriented retail-level environments--they're bottom of the barrel wholesalers.
And yes, they are intentionally that "bad" at marketing, because they aren't aimed at you--or me--or anyone else sitting at a computer. They're aimed at people who own dollar stores, run county fair booths, small party stores, etc., they are not retail level suppliers at all. I mean, you can call one of these places up, set up an account in 4 minutes and browse their catalog all you want--but you actually have to talk to a human being. ;)


Great summary, thanks for taking the time to type it all out for us!

Have you messaged the mods of the original subreddit about the more threatening messages?

Did it turn out the admins removed this post? Or was it a spam filter?


Can you expand on that a bit more?

Complaints from the fake accounts convinced the mods to delete the entire thread.

I have been a parakeet for the propaganda manure spreader.

I have spread lies, unknowingly, thinking I was helping expose the truth.

I have believed information I did not confirm for myself

This is really bad practice. This can drive a person downwards. This is destructive. This is herd mentality...

and it is exactly what they want.

But hey... by all means. Keep proving that you are easily tricked. It's true. 9/11 was fucked. The elite do rape kids. There is, has been, or will be atleast ONE daycare in Salt Lake City Utah, that is a front of some sort. Whether it be abusing kids, laundering money, or counterfeiting muffin mix. Whether it be a front for the CIA, the KGB, Mexican Cartels, Networks of trans-human Satanists and their carefully crafted spawn...

Man... if you thought it... it's happened. And if you thought it, you are capable of these crimes yourself.

Let's catch these fuckers. Let's make them pay too. I agree. Let's be smart about it. Let's all contribute something, and rest in thoughtful contemplation before submitting to excitable tendencies.

Chase the rabbit indeed... but please be careful... for the rabbit is bait. And you are not the hunter. You are the hunted.

ALSO: It's human trafficking awareness month... if this SLC Saga is simply a thought project... or ARG... it's a damn good one. And it's raising awareness.

'Cause now I wanna find out all the criminal fronts happening in my own town!

I know nothing of magick or sigil power, or thought control. But it seems that this has been quite a good project, should it all be a "troll".

Man lay off the ellipses.

He can't help it, he's William Shatner

I admit it, I am an eclipses whore. My mind is a JELL O form from years of machine like computing

If whoever was behind all this didn't decide to make fake accounts and threaten people this wouldn't have even blown up as a story. Now it might go viral and they'll have to answer to people nationally...

I've made a re-cap post here

Also wanted to create a specific space for discussion of the shipping container, because that's something that should be looked.

The handicapped child might be in witness protection program, honestly, it's probably a gov front.

Ooooh yeah, this place. I lived near there for years and always considered it to be creepy level 1000. After years of being around it, the pics I've seen in this thread are the only time I've ever seen kids in/around it. I honestly thought it was out of business but being maintained by the property owner.

That all said, I am not so sure anything sinister is going on other than the possibility of it being used as a front for something not child related. It's in a pretty heavily trafficked area and I think it'd be difficult for them to set up a child trafficking outpost there. You never know though. The feeling I got from that place reminded me of the "day care" in Silent Hill 4...

Well, I've learned an important lesson.

If I ever want to draw attention away from something, the last thing I should do is tell people to stop investigating it.

This is The Streisand Effect in full force.

Also, don't paint your building neon green and yellow.

But those fun colors just scream legitimate day care!

*Fun Kolors Skream Legitimate Day Kare!!!

There is something really creepy to me about changing the Cs to Ks. Even the legitimate Kars 4 Kids looks weird to me spelled that way.


How? I looked at the site and have no idea how to send anything.


I emailed them

You're my hero.

5982471595 8267485319 F.R. Could this be a Cypher, some riddle??


Definitely could be a message that the sender was trying to send to help us without overtly saying anything. Maybe the numbers stand for letters and the "F.R." stands for some kind of code we could look up to know which numbers are for which letters. We need a codebreaker in here!

Awesome, good job. I upvoted the thread and will keep an eye on it

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F.R. could stand for country code France. Maybe those are French phone numbers?

France should be fr. or FR.

They probably just want to rape children.

Oh well if that's all....

...they need some liberty.

Does anyone want to legitimately go to this place and investigate? I'm dead serious we should get a team together.

dam str8

It looks like the owner is running a day care fraud scheme.

The fact that it may be a government employee running the scheme is interesting.

This is the creepiest shit I've read about in a long, long while.

Yep wtf

Mexican family clearly lives here illegally could in fact be a Mexican family who sells shitty plastic toys and does all of this under the radar and somehow tax free or something.

But there are indeed some very, very strange coincidences going on here if that is the case.

It's not uncommon to sell cheap crap at flea markets. Also not taxed. A lot of people make livings doing that.

Not gonna lie guys, kind of seems like a normal daycare with a weird paint job. I think this one is a miss. especially with those pictures of the inside of the day care. Looks a lot like just a normal daycare...

are you ignoring every other detail about this place?

Think about it. People think it's weird because:

It's government owned

It's 'shady' looking

4 possibly unobservant people never saw anyone go in or out

3 or 4 possible trolls are saying things like "watch out what you look into"

They answer the phone weird? This has nothing to do with maybe getting like 1000 calls the passed week from people sending them pizzas?

What am I missing? All these things have very normal explanations.

No, you were just really lazy and didn't read all the information being posted. If any of what's going on with this place seems "normal" to you, you need your head checked.

Leaving out the entirety of the shipping stuff. the fact that no kids are there, the tie to city hall. plenty more.

read this thread

actually read into their site more, looks like they're a community group, not a business or anything so that's why no address

I love it when people throw Occam's razor out the window.

Nobody ever said it was government owned.

Haha dude seriously?

You don't think so? What's something you've read that makes you think something weird is going on?

Pretty much just everything being discussed in this entire thread.

Just name something that you don't think has a perfectly normal explanation

Whoever runs the website IMMEDIATELY taking down the site and scrubbing their info from WhoIs IP lookup once the initial post went up. That's pretty weird to me.

But as I said..everything seems off. Yea, these could all be a series of coincidences or some small time crime like tax evasion or something. This time yesterday I wasn't convinced it was anything more than a shitty day care. But the links to the Chinese shipping shit..the dude who works for that toy import company having his previous job be for a defense contractor....ummm what? That is a strange transition in the job market if you ask me.

Honestly though, if you're that interested, do your own research and analysis. There's plenty of info need for other Redditors to spoon feed it to you.

scrubbing their info from WhoIs

This is weird to me as well. Definitely odd and worth taking a look at. Just playing devil's advocate though, maybe they scrubbed the info to keep themselves from getting doxxed by internet trolls? Could be a possibility. A lot of odd circumstances surrounding this place, but I'm still going to reserve judgement.

Too many examples in this thread. What, you think that if a group was collaborating in an act as disgusting and nefarious as human trafficking they wouldn't make an effort towards covering it up? Actually, if I had to pick one example I'd pick the shilling towards the daycare. If they were legit, they wouldn't need to do that and certainly wouldn't go towards the effort.

Why would a human trafficking site ever make themselves so seen? If you were a human trafficker, wouldn't, idk, your basement be the best place to do that?

Well I'll admit I'm a bit ignorant on how this whole human trafficking thing works, but I imagine having a daycare allows them to move many kids at once without anyone batting an eye. Of course I'm on the internet and love excitement such as this though, could just be a plain really shitty daycare that makes their kids take naps all day.

How often would it likely happen that every time the postman comes, it's nap time? Unless, for example nap time is always 1-3pm, and the postman always comes exactly between 1 and 3?

If the place were full of kids (or even half full), there would be activity. It's admittedly a bit off, don't you think?

Oh yeah it's totally off. I'm 90% sure that there's something bad going on here, but not going to eliminate any possibility especially when an inept business is a possibility.

What is the saying?

I could get this wrong, but here goes

"Never attribute to malice that which can be attributed to stupidity"

Well.. Ariel Castro's place looked pretty normal too. So maybe not a human trafficking but something shady nontheless. Specially when the pictures of inside the place have been the same for years as seen on the street view pictures.

What I find odd is the person who managed to get pictures of the inside of the building:

  1. It's a weekday

  2. It's still winter, so it gets dark early-ish and it's still light out in the pics that were posted

  3. Therefore, it would be reasonable to assume that it's during the day on a weekday, there should be kids inside

  4. There are no kids inside

  5. All the chairs are stacked inside

  6. Cardboard covering most of the windows does not seem like the kind of environment I'd want my child in

  7. Some people claiming kids are only for WFS families, some claiming that that is a lie - just the fact that there's some question about that seems suspicious

  8. Some person in /r/panichistory said it was a business purchased by a son to keep his 72 year old mother busy and not-lonely, which sounds all well and good - but odd that if it's supposed to be keeping her busy with kids running around, why are there no kids running around?

  9. You're right about the "4 possibly unobservant people never saw anyone go in or out," but only at face value. It might be entirely possible for people to not see people going in or out, but the fact that there is actually no one inside the building during work hours on a weekday means that, indeed, there are no people going in or out (save the cleaning lady (?))

I'm willing to concede that it may indeed be a daycare that's operated by a 72 year old woman to keep her busy and that she's just doing a really shitty job at it. But if she's doing a shitty job at it, at the very least, she shouldn't be in charge. These are kids for christ's sake, someone competent should be in charge, right?

The shipments thread has been deleted because it was based on false info. The site used to track the shipment was grouping together companies with similar names.

EDIT: Thread it back up at this time, but it appears that the admins were trying to get rid of it. Mods are talking with them as of this edit - 3:24 PM

Why don't you create a subreddit just for this?

Agreed, and if the admins shut that down let's move over to 8chan/x


Ats nuked their thread also. Weird


I started out there as well. But two different people told me I should turn my summary there into it's own self post and flesh things out a little more so I did.


3-4 locks eh? You could get a fire marshall to inspect the place for safety and emergency exits. I just googled the place and looked at streetview. It's right next to a residential house and across from a commercial building. The building itself is just bizarre.

When I made a comment in response to you talking about that user I specifically typed /u/FredricKeiran so that I knew they'd get alerted to it. I was hoping I'd get a lovely message as well, but, unfortunately, no game at this point.

Did they ever say anything to either of you two beyond "you need to stop"?

Do you get alerted when someone uses your username, or only if you have reddit gold?


It is now protected by "WhoIs Privacy Protection Service"

And the other website to the "CoOp" in VA's ownership is also protected by a "privacy protection service" (ENOM)


Solano is the last name of the Eva Solano who owns Chunga LLC. Could be a husband and wife business, and the dude just happens to work for the city.

Thank you! So "Jose Solano" himself is linked to SLC government. I'd thought they'd have a .gov address but the site seems legitimate.

Guy is a webmaster at "Salt Lake City Corporation" (publicly available search)

In the "records similar" section it lists "Jose E Solano" with "Chunga International LLC"

It is worth noting the website is now down for the day care

Regardless of anything else, I answer my business phone with "Hello" and not a business name, I don't think that is that odd.


Rarely, but usually when they ask "is this ...." they ask for the wrong company anyway.

This shit is nuts

Found more information on Jose Solano.

According to LeadFerret (, Solano is the Web Master at Salt Lake City Corporation. Is it standard practice to call your public utilities provider a Corporation in America? Because I found no website specific to it.

This!search/profile/company?companyId=249053610&targetid=profile was the closest thing I could find.

I will see what I can find. I hate you all. Be back to post results.

Hey everyone, the former mayor of New York is on the case!!!


Hey everyone. So we're clear it's NOT Michael Bloomberg you're looking for. So whatever you do he WON'T be in Salt Lake City so don't look there cause that's not where he is.

I'm going to steal all the soda pop and e-cigarettes in Utah.

Just a little reminder that /u/blink_and_youre_dead seems to be editting pretty frequently as is /u/JustAnotherGuyPoopin so before you ask questions that were already asked, it may be above or a separate thread may be linked to in the post above as well. I am following semi-closely and can already see a lot of questions getting ignored that are answered in edits/other posts that are already linked to. Just to save you some frustration!

Yeah I'm getting way more responses than I have time to respond to so I've been skipping things that are already covered in the main post or elsewhere in the comments.

Because you're a smart person and likely the type to look for edits before asking more already-answered questions in other threads haha

meh, I got nothin else to do

I'm not knocking it, it's a great progression to follow but I have a good feeling you guys are getting a ton of questions here and PM'd that are easily answered within the edits/other threads you guys linked. But who am I to offer more efficient ideas :p

Username relevant.

Something interesting about blink_and_youre_dead's post history: He posts in /r/ingress a bit. Any possibility that the SLC daycare deal is also just a really well done ARG?

Based on a Google search for Jose Solano, I have found he is a webmaster for 'Salt Lake City Corporation', which I'm pretty sure we already knew. The address that is given for his residence is the same as the daycare. The reason that was interesting to me was that the daycare was not mentioned anywhere else in the particular information sheet for Solano.


EDIT 2: Another website shows corporate affiliations for SLC Corp. Also shows a Jose E Solano in Provo, Utah for Chunga International, LLC.

One of the affiliations he had was Jun Fan. Jun Fan seems to be connected to multiple Asian companies as well. I seem to remember there being shipments from Asia somewhere in the comments/threads.

Not sure what all of this means, but this all look like shell companies to me.

EDIT 3: Seems that a Jose Solano got a divorce back in 2001 in the Provo district. (possibly useless info.)

The citations list in this link shows numerous incidents of the day care director failing to provide current licensing credentials (in 4/2008 the center is cited after routine inspection for this and a half dozen other offenses, usually revolving around lack of sufficient supervision for the 8-12 kids in the center...citation states that current cert must be provided by 6/08. There is no followup until 2009, where director once again has expired or invalid license...) At least every time the inspectors come there are actually children present in the day care..

Of course, there is also this complaint logged in that list: Fun Time Kidz Kare Address: 1248 South 300 East, UT 84111 Provider Type: Center Child Care Phone: 801-467-9988 Initial License Date: 05/23/2005 Citation Date: 08/30/2007 Survey Type: Complaint Rule 100-19(4)(b):06: Discipline measures shall not include any of the following: restraining a child`s movement by binding, tying, or any other form of restraint that exceeds that specified in Subsection (3) above. Findings: Upon licensing arrival, Margene was observed yelling at a boy on the swingset. A representative from DDI, Charlene, entered the facility 20 minutes later. Charlene informed licensing that Margene was outside yelling at the children. Once Margene brought the children inside the center, she continued yelling at the children to sit on the rug. This item must be corrected by September 5, 2007.

Im currently looking threw the archived website to try to find any type of hidden code / message. i have found some strange things but i may be my mind playing tricks on me and it may be nothing. There are some very weird spelling mistakes as well.

Reading the threads from the last little while, I very much doubt there'd be hidden codes or messages, if you have something interesting, please share it. But this doesn't seem like the type of case where that would come into play.

I noticed that, too. Very subtle, possibly a non-Native English speaker.

What is with everything starting with fun?

Fun Timez Kidz Care

Funcrest Bait Shop

Fun with Phonics

Funland Jumpers

Fundamental Financial Group

Also, what do a financial group and a bait shop need cheap plastic chinese jewelry for?

There's two theories:

This is just the naming they used for their fronts to import whatever.


The Chinese company is shipping in alphabetical order, so all the names with FUN in them would be shipped in the same crate.

The alphabetical order theory is probably right. Just wanted to know, thanks.

Yeah, it makes sense. But still, why are they getting 4,000kg (8818 lbs) of plastic jewelery and footballs/soccer balls?

This whole situation is full of weird coincidences, and I doubt we will get any further answers from now on. It sounds like the police have started investigating, and something may come out in a while.

Edit: Seems like the police were being redirected from Jose Solano, not the daycare.

I'm hoping for news article tomorrow or Saturday/Sunday post

Where did you hear this?

I believe it was on this thread before it got removed, I may be wrong though. It said if you called the number for the daycare, it went straight to police.

I think that was when people were calling Jose Solano, and he was claiming harassment and redirecting to police, not so much related to an investigation.

You may be right, sorry for the false info.

And why the hell is container getting dropped at same address as a pedo

Apparently a pick ax was found in the shed in 2009.

Why would a daycare need a pick ax?


Anyone have the current 8-chan topic on this? They seemed to be making real headway.

Thanks a ton, How did you find it!

Thanks and happy reading!

IT'S GONE. BIG SWEATY BALLS. what did they find?

This post may become the "Jenny and Carly" of r/conspiracy.

Somebody local needs to dress up as a delivery man and drop pizza off their, bug the box.

Seriously though this is either a high end mass arms dealership or a sex trafficking ring.

No bug though...

No one answered the door anyway

But the pizza was taken inside.

But then as he was leaving the old lady picked up the pizza left on the doorstep.

Likely nothing...

Can we notify the feds? This appears to go high up, and this seems like something for the fbi to investigate.

Suppose we did unearth some sketchy shit up in this place. Then what..?

It would probably end up all over the news.

Human trafficking hub much?

What's the connection with the similar website in VA? I live very close to there and my girlfriend is even closer. I'd like to know if there was anything shady, and I also could look into it myself.

Nothing. Similar color/scheme and design, same use of stock photos. Boilerplate template that used by two different places.

And the same children testomonies apparently, according to this screenshot

The place also doesn't seem to exist.

The Miller Heights Coop in Oakton Va also appears to be a fake day care.

the site is explained here

any other reason to think it's fake? actually can't find on google maps. weird

I cannot find a physical address. If you google day care in Oakton VA, Miller Heights Coop is not a result. My phone is not loading the map correctly but the map on their website seems to point to a location inside a park (difficult run stream valley park). Perhaps one of you with a better phone can check the map on their about us page. There are no pics of the business on the website. As explained elsewhere in this thread, it is obviously a copied website, but there is no physical location for this business.

I was looking at their site more, it looks like it's more of just a community group, not an actual business or anything

You're right it could just be some community group. I don't know where the community would meet since that area is just suburban houses. It creeps me out that the website is similar to the shady business in this thread and it does not have a physical address. Seems weird but its possible its just some small community group with a copied webpage.

Noticed something else fishy. On the member website they have a job posting for an administrative assistant for $150,000 fron 2009. The contact person is Steven Job. Why would a young family coop pay an administrative assistant $150k? Seems like a scam of some sort.

link? weird indeed

Here ya go

I'm not sure about Utah law but another very important sign that a center for children is in your neighborhood is the school zone speed limit sign. I can not see in the photos if there is one posted. !!!! This is the daycare centre isn't it? People saying to follow the rabbit might just be making facetious Alice in Wonderland references but maybe this is a sign? Unsure.

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This sounds like a season of True Detective.


Linguist for the air force, been stationed at area 51 and occasionally hangs out in conspiracy subs, questionably discharged.

what does this have to do with anything?

linguists also aren't stationed at "area 51".

They are if someone is trying to communicate with aliens......

Has anyone contacted SLC police and voiced their concerns? Death threats, terrible facilities, sex trafficking.. This is heavy stuff, yo. Even if the cops can't do anything it would be interesting to see their reaction to the place. It could help shed some light on the situation. If cops won't broach the subject, then something bad is going on... was reported that both the Day Care number and Jose Solano's work number were forwarding to some way, shape, or form...they're aware of something.

They do have an automatically made, blank Facebook page. One person "likes" it. I checked to see if they are a person from SLC but could not tell. Maybe someone can message them and see if they know anything about it? Maybe they just "liked" it because all of this blew up, or maybe they are actually familiar with the place?

this is probably just a tip of the tentacles. Seems like a cover for some other kind of mafia operation

I don't think "mafia" is the right word here..but seems to run deep and high up.

anyone know who originally posted the container info?

this is starting to feel like some sort of augmented reality game

I know right. I was half expecting that Taiwanese company to be related to the production of "Plastic jewlery"

Oh shit. didnt see that one

The only post on their page. Pretty weird.

Yea thats not too weird for 3rd world people who hardly know how to use a computer let alone facebook tho...I've seen worse from 60+ year old Murcans

True I guess lmao

The white rabbit bothers me. A lot of people link Satanism, Child Pornography, cults, etc-- so I searched for "white rabbit as a satanic symbol" and got this.

Scroll down until you hit "California Desert". I'm no internet detective, but maybe it'll mean something to one of you out there...

(btw the link above is creepy as fuck - fair warning).

This is a warning one user received:

"If you want to reveal the truth of that place, it may cost you your life. Know this so you can die without any regrets. 5982471595 8267485319 F.R."

Put 59.82471595, -82.67485319 into google maps and zoom out until you see it...

Creepy, no?

Until you see what? Canada?


That is the dumbest thing I have ever seen on the internet. That's no easy feat.


This saga was damned intriguing until somebody pointed out that the shipping website was crap, rendering the conspiratorial element of this mull and void. The other four businesses became irrelevant, the shipping container becomes irrelevant and we're back to caviling about a shady daycare which is likely a run of the mill money haven/ tax dodge, like most registered small businesses are. The fact that people are now rambling on this thread about cults, rabbit symbols, hidden messages and the sinister import of the topography of Hudson bay indicates that the real show is over and now the midgets are doing tricks for change.

People are not "rambling on", they're genuinely curious and are throwing around different ideas and tangents to try and get some leads.

Why are the 4 other businesses irrelevant? I must have missed that part, explain if you would.

Here are the 4, with the exact same BL number each time:

Funcrest Bait Shop

Fundamental Financial

Fun with Phonics

Funland Jumpers

Also, there are more elements of conspiracy, which you claim to be "mull and void", so please explain:

  • multiple failed inspections, with minimal penalties, then none after 2011

  • name aliases for the parties with government involvement

  • all of the initial threats to stop looking into this

  • no way to actually register a child here

  • the address for one of the above is the EXACT same as a convicted pedophile

  • another involved party is an ex-military contractor

So, until you present sound explanations for all of those, there remains plenty of conspiracy potential.

LOL at mull and void

You've been following this so you should have seen the posts debunking that site. Searching an order brings up multiple unrelated businesses. Other posters tested their own orders against the site and got bs results. I would link to the posts if I were on my computer, but I'm sure plenty of others here can do that for you.

This is bit of a stretch but damn if that doesn't look like a bunny.

Totally, everything in this thread can be considered quite a stretch, I'm just throwing around ideas.

I interpreted as it being "If you keep looking, this is where you'll end up"

The rabbit seems like a bit of a stretch

The Husdon Bay? Jesus you just added in decimals and a dash to make it coordinates and were all like

"Oh man bro this is creeeeepy"



Holy shit I see a turtle about to jump off a box. Turtle=tortoise=hare=white rabbit White rabbit=alice in wonderland=drugs Not sure why it would be jumping off the box, maybe it is an anti-drug message?

Jeez, busting a government safe house with drawing attention to it is something you just don't do.

You let them keep running it instead even if it's harming people?

Sarcasm may have been lost in transmission.

That's why we have /s!

I considered it obvious.

Sorry. There are so many people on here intent on distracting & laughing this off that I wasn't looking for sarcasm

Here is the tax data info for the building, Chunga International LLC listed as owner with a mailing address in Provo, UT that shows a house owned by Antonio Solano. It was sold in 2004 for $144,000.

$1500 for breakfast per month?

and why the hell are the floor plans blank?

ALSO why the fuck can't the employees be contacted?!

that's only about $50 per child a month so I guess the $1500 isn't so ridiculous afterall

This is a Realtors listing, businesses are often sold with employees unaware that the business is being sold so they don't want them to find out from Joe Blow Realtor that they may be under a new owner soon.

Also, there is no floor plan because this is just general tax data. The city will have a full floor plan.

i have reported this to FBI so who knows what will come of that.

They'll have to move their safe house.

Removed GG

Well fuck

Why was the content of this post removed today?

Super Creepy.

All posts were nuked for inciting witch hunts

Even though only sourced, public domain info was given

I saved a copy of this page at around 230 am PST, Thursday, January 29.

Turns out Jose Solano works for both Salt Lake City Corporation and Chunga International, listed as a Provo business. Only trail of Chunga International is a pretty fake looking facebook page for what seems to be a construction company. This just keeps getting shadier and more interesting!

Who has received PMs from people trying to quell this investigation?

Can someone explain to me what the hell is going on here?


I thought the Reddit collective was a little more intuitive, pay attention to which three letter guys are heavy in the area. Some TFs have rapid response sites.

How many fenced off, mundane looking buildings without signs do you drive by in your town?

As said before if I get the time I may drive out to the shipping company to scope out if it feels just as off

If I was within driving distance, I'd be all over these places for a couple of days haha

This is some freaky shit.

Holy crap is all I can say.

As a Reddit community, we can keep throwing out suggestions as to what it may be or try to go down the rabbit hole figuring it out on our own, or someone in the area can take some risks and do a thorough hands on investigation. I'm extremely curious & I feel like all this digging around just keeps arising new possibilities. Only a few ways to be really sure.



If no one goes in or out, try watching the people who frequent houses near the school. I know the idea's a tad "Scooby-Doo", but they could have access through a tunnel or drain to the day-care, from a nearby house.

Anything in California to look over? I think I read SOMETHING but I cant find it.

Anyways not doing a thing today, so if I have to pay someone or some place a visit, let me know!

Sounds like it's time for a stakeout. Don't forget the steaks.

I'm not a conspiracy theorist at all.

But this is all very strange.

"I'm not a conspiracy theorist at all."

Think about what you're saying.

You don't believe that people conspire in current times and throughout history to do nefarious things?

Everyone is a conspiracy theorist unless they truly believe that nothing ever happens in the shadows

I think that most people in a position of power are too woefully incompetent at the things they're SUPPOSED to do well to be any good at things they aren't supposed to be doing.

''I'm not a conspiracy theorist...'' doesn't necessarily mean that you don't believe shady things happen, but rather that you are not overly interested in reading about/researching those things.


I think you have the wrong impression of me. I actually enjoy conspiracy theories. I'm not the person who originally said that, in case you have us confused.

But anyhow, I don't agree.

Holy smokes, not complaining but where are all these overnight upvotes from??

edit: "overnight" =/= implying it's nighttime everywhere right now, come on people

It was near the top of a front page ask reddit thread today.

You know it's not everywhere night.

It's daytime in North America, just past 5 now on the east coast.

As for the source, it was posted in a thread of "what was the scariest thing to happen on reddit?" or something over on /r/askreddit Facebook Page for A Chunga Company. Only company ive been able to find with that name so I assume its the same one. Written in the description is. "Civil engineering,Road construction,projects,production,general contracts,consultant" Also listed are several phone numbers. "77508032 , 75728299, 77238863" None of these seem to be valid american phone numbers. Maybe for fax or something but i have no way to tell. 9 pictures are posted on their page. 8 of these pictures are tagged as being in Adamaoua, Cameroon and show what seems to be several construction projects in that town. Album is titled "Work in progress with viettel cameroon sall" 9th picture is a tagged photo by a man named Mula Fordip Divine. Picture is of a slightly open metal cabinet on a faux wood wall with a door next to it. The Company commented saying "New Office". The cameroon photos were posted November 26 2013 while the office picture is dated May 4th 2014 making this picture the most recent activity in this group. I also did some research into the names mentioned in the building album title. Viettel Mobile is the largest Phone service provider in Vietnam. I found mention of the cameroon company as follows. "It won a contract in Cameroon in December 2012, which it bid for in a joint-venture with Bestinver Cameroon S.A.R.L." This sentence cites this article in the Newspaper "Vietnam Voice." Chunga is not mentioned in either the Wiki article nor the newspaper article. This is probably a bit far fetched but there is mention of a Taiwanese Telecommunications company called Chungwa Telecom "In May 2007 Chunghwa Telecom Co., Ltd. established a joint venture with Viettel Mobile to provide Internet data center services in Vietnam." Most likely unrelated but the name similarity makes it worth mentioning. Very little of note on the facebook page excluding that it has 11 likes (including myself) and has no text posts only photos.

To be fair, a lot of overseas manufacturers are pretty terrible about keeping up with their web-presence. I work with a freight broker who has a terrible website and no social media presence, but they provide great service - It's just a small company.

I work in a small company that does all of it's manufacturing in China, and you would be surprised how little is out there on some of our 3rd party manufacturers given how many millions of dollars in revenue they generate.

At first I thought maybe people were just being a little too judgmental but after reading through all the seems fishy as hell. Especially with that ditribribution of plastic jewelry....front for drug or people trafficing if I ever heard of one.

Any updates on this?

My friend and I found a URL with a suspiciously similar layout:

There seem to be quite a few of them...not sure if it's just a shitty template but that blond kid (yellow tinted photo) is on every one of them. Either a stock photo or a trigger image for some shady shit.

It was found to be a default template that was being sold on some template site.

Thanks, looks like the list of PUBLIC info and PUBLIC links just keeps on growing.

I'm starting to see why they're trying to censor the internet so damn hard...

Edit: but when that fails, just censor a message board, ehhhh

Where is this discussion going to take place no that the mods/admins aren't allowing anymore stuff regarding this?

8chan is still unmoderated

Fuck off. Takes two minutes of reading to see that place is full of nothing but malignant cancer.


I drive past this place daily and it has always given me the creeps. tattered fabric in the windows that is def. not from this century.

Don't be a pussy and go see what's inside

why was this deleted?

The fact that this is big enough to have a reddit page about it really weirds me out

Where's the reddit page????

After reading the original (now deleted) thread and everything else I could find regarding this Daycare, it seems to me like someone bought this place in 2006 with the intent on running a legit Daycare and simply got in over their heads. It looks like they simply failed to maintain the place the way it was ran before, and eventually their clients left as a reflection of the poor manner in which it was being run.

I'm sure the person who owns it now probably loves all of this negative attention and people implying that he's doing everything from laundering money to running a meth lab. That's exactly what you want people to think about your unsuccessful Daycare center.

IMO, these threads and this "conspiracy" is simply a matter of kicking a guy when he's obviously already down. That's just my opinion though. And whether or not that one redditor who people found was ex-military and speaks 8 languages or whatever: first of all, who's to say if that guy really is affiliated with that place. For all we know, he could be blowing smoke. Or, maybe he actually owns the place and is trying to disuade people from calling his freaking Daycare center a shady cult in disguise, or a crack den, or whatever the latest off the wall conspiracy is.

edit: And now I see that I'm responding to a thread that is over a month old and everyone has probably forgotten all about this by now. FML. Hope I didn't reawaken a ridiculous "conspiracy" by trying to defend the place.

This whole thing is really spooky and Im not sure i want to get involved but i REALLY wanna know! lets just hope this doesnt become a new cicada 3301

Rule 100-19(4)(b):06: Discipline measures shall not include any of the following: restraining a child`s movement by binding, tying, or any other form of restraint that exceeds that specified in Subsection (3) above.

What the fuck


Dude, remove this or they are going to take this thread down

:( Why can't someone just go and be a scooby doo detective

Because all of the other threads where people have been suggesting this have been shut down because it "encourages harassment" of the business owner (per reddit mods/admins).

That and there could be some seriously dangerous shit going on there that the people involved actually would kill over (drugs, child smuggling, etc)

Fair call brother, I'm all jacked up on justice. Someone needs to take a risk! Wish I could get involved & help. Sucks being on the other side of the world!

I understand but we gotta let things unfold in a safe manner for all. Can't Rambo up and go in there guns blazing as citizens

We will have to if the police don't get involved

Assuming they aren't already "involved"

Yeah that's what I mean. Seems hard to believe Police wouldn't notice a shady building like that for this long. They are trained in what to look for. A daycare center with no windows, fresh paint and no kids is a dead giveaway.

Maybe someone should just call a non-emergency number for the police and ask if they can look into the place?

There could be hostages, in which case a "raid" would be necessary. Standard procedure.

But what if they are in on this? I mean have you even considered the fact of that possibility. I mean if it is not legit...there is a strong chance..

What if they're in on this internet revelation? It's evident that they are since the website was edited yesterday. Everyone who visited the website already pinged their IP addresses so now they have us by the balls.

My balls have not been frayed but the thing is, they CANNOT and WILLNOT kill us all :) Sorry but mother fucker we are legion.

which website? the fun time website?

what if you call the police and told them you heard screaming and then cursing telling the person to shut up and a loud bag and then silence? then the police would have no excuse but to go inside. someone can watch from afar to see if they do.

if this post is against the rules please delete it. i don't want the thread to get deleted because of me. i don't post at this sub very much so maybe i don't understand the rules well.

That would be considered "filing a false" report and that, along with abuse of the 911 system would get whoever did that put in jail

Calculated risks. Tell a few buddies the situation. Get a buddy to join. Go stake it out. Park down the road? Go talk to neighbors?

Neighbors all pretty much say the same "That place is creepy" "I never see anyone there" "My kids don't like that place" type of stuff according to people from the area. And I'm not sure many people have the time or resources to pull a stakeout.

Down the "street" from the NSA facility and the airport. The website match to Oaktown, VA is in between D.C and Dulles airport. They will probably pack up and move in the next couple months with so many inquiries.

What are you referring to in your first 2 sentences? Sorry, not trying to be rude. If you are referring to the Day Care being "down the 'street'" from the NSA is a 30 minute drive away. I wouldn't consider that "down the street" at all. And what is your proposed connection to the NSA with all of this? How does this relate to the NSA? I don't understand what you're trying to get at.

Just how near they are to certain government facilities. I definitely could have worded it better. I know that if you expand the radius of someplace you'll eventually hit a federal/state building but with the connection of the websites being similar and the VA one being so near to DC makes it an odd connection. So I remembered the NSA facility in Utah and checked out where it was. I've never been to the area so I don't know the distances timewise, but it's an interesting coincidence nonetheless. I just wanted to point it out.

I'm not from either area but Google Maps estimates that the NSA Data Center is a 30 minute drive from the daycare...or a 7 hour and 51 minute walk.

Likewise with the DC connection to the VA address...45 minutes to an hour by car. I understand you're trying to make some sort of government connection to this but to be honest, this is not the way to go about that.


Can you humor me and tell me the best way to go about that?

If something in OP's story/the claims that have been made by other Redditors since then implicate a government agency, I would say, by all means, follow that lead.

But just aimlessly looking to tie a (seemingly innocent, yet spooky looking) day care center to a government agency that specializes in computer surveillance and data collection is the kind of thing that makes people roll their eyes at "conspiracy theorists." There's no intelligent reason to do so. There is only "well, I know they are in the same state...and...thats spooky!"

I would say the best way to go about making a government connection to a supposed conspiracy is to NOT make a government connection to said conspiracy unless there is actually a reason to. In this case, there is no reason - other than the fact that somebody who MAY have something to do with ownership of the day care may also have been a webmaster for a company that worked on a local election campaign.

TL;DR: not everything is an NSA/FBI/CIA conspiracy.

Oh sorry sir, there's no reason to distrust any part of government, can't make those connections.

Now you're twisting my words.

I am a BIG advocate of distrusting ALL parts of the government.

What I do NOT advocate is making random connections between private day cares and completely unrelated data collection centers that happen to be located in the same state. How do you not understand that? I was trying to be cordial with my initial responses to you but I guess there is no getting through to you.

This is why people can't stand modern day "conspiracy theorists." Most people who identify as such would rather just blame everything on spoopy government agencies than use their brain to connect facts....and this is coming from somebody who is very critical of our government! You need to learn when it is appropriate to draw such connections, otherwise you are throwing the entire movement under the bus with your ignorance.

Dude. I'm seeing more of them, every day. Just gotta let this one go. So many folks around here seem to have "opened their minds" so far they wound up locking em shut. It's hard to find reasonable folks in this sub, anymore, which is sad.

I simply raised some questions on a post, the other day, and dude jumped my shit. Pretty crazy.

Yep. And now I'm being downvoted for being sane. Nice.

2nd time you've said the whole 'why everyone can't stand conspiracy theorists'. Move on to someone else's comment then.

Let me just try to use your logic in a parallel example to see if you understand why I think it is an insane connection to make:

There is a Masonic Hall on 23rd Street in Manhattan. What the hell goes on there?! Sounds so spooky. It is right down the "street" [actually 40 blocks away] from the FBI's downtown headquarters...and also down the "street" [actually 35 blocks away] from The Disney Store! Must be some kind of FBI controlled MK Ultra Illuminati Pedophile ring going on!

Cool story.

I cannot find a physical address for Miller Heights Coop. Also the description on that website of Oakton is not correct. There is no historic district on Oakton, no downtown, and the only museum is a 1 room historic schoolhouse. It appears to be another fake day care. I grew up less than 1 mile from the center of Oakton.

Allan Duane Adams

This shits nuts. Sounds like military owned prison of some sort

I have to agree with the one comment. "When a man named DeathShip tells you to stop looking into something.... you do it..."

UPDATE: Their website is back up!

But this is an ad website for in New Jersey! Looks shady as hell too. Are these linked?! If we clicked around enough could we go deeper???

That is not their real site...that is just some random ad site that went up once their real site went down. Thats been there for days, and the NJ thing is just a related search/site placed there just like all of the rest.

I know, but why?

But why what? Nobody knows why they ditched their website and scrubbed the Whois info within hours of them being discussed on here. That is part of the mystery. As for the page that currently exists..that is an extremely typical format for a dead webpage and a way for whoever still owns the domain to attempt to collect ad revenue from clicks to other sites while not actively running the site themselves. It is really common across the net, I am surprised you've never seen a junk page like that before.

I know! My question is WHY did they dump their page. Also, is it not possible to link your way (like following a trail) to illicit things?

Illicit things? Through their current ad-based throw-away page?


Any and all of those links just generate searches based off of related terms that link to "kids" "fun" "party" "toys" and whatever other random bullshit search terms are related to Fun Time Kidz Kare. Try it for yourself.

Has anyone tried getting a login and password for Funstuffinc to check out their catalog?

I'm very uncomfortable doing that, but try a few default passwords then try exploiting Heartbleed if you can.

RemindMe! OneWeek


Using Google maps it kind of looks like a child is staring at the window.

Small theory here on the odd color of the building! Okay, so we know that mysteriously large shipments are being delivered to said building, correct? And that these shipments are more than likely coming from China. Perhaps, due to the language barrier, the building was painted to stand out to delivery-men, preventing confusion with directions? I don't know, I just thought it was odd.

It also happens to be human trafficking awareness month.

CONFIRMED: /r/conspiracy is a massive thought project in herd mentality

Well actually I am sort of joking

But is it so far off the mark? It's not like they haven't done it before.

Analytics PR Firms Advertising Marketing Think Tanks


Well it doesn't have to be a thought project for them to use it to study herd mentality.

In fact it'd be silly of them not to, in their position.

RemindMe! One Month

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That is fucking cool.

Read everything from top to bottom. My gut feeling is shipping of kids to china. The one thing that really gets me is the location of the bounce place in oregon. Just a lot with no building where the company is. But it's obvious people are driving there because you can see the turn off from the road to the right

Did I miss something? "bounce place", when did this become thing?

It was one of the other businesses that was registered and connected to the daycare and baitshop. Here is some infor

Bounce place meaning a place that advertised services for Bouncy Castles and shit. Not meaning it is some sort of distribution hub.

Why TO China? Aren't these shipments coming FROM China? As far as I know there have been no shipping manifests showing anything going TO China.

What the fuck are all these spammy remindme posts? I ask because not a single account posting "REMINDME" seems to have ever been active in this thread... it's a bot that reminds you about the thread after a certain period of time! so clearly lots of these people want to find out the conclusion of this without having to check back every day.

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I guess theres a LOT of lurkers(?) because if you check the comment history of those who are posting doesn't seem any of them are active in this thread or even really active in conspir for that matter. Interesting.

I'm one of them haha! (I just PM'd the bot instead) I found this through AskReddit and have never been on this subreddit before. I don't feel like I've got anything to add to the discussion either but I'd love to know where this goes.

Thanks for the nice reply. I was honestly curious from seeing all of these reminder posts...considering the strange things that have been happening in this thread as well as the recap thread, it raised a potential red flag in my mind.

Remind me



good eye, im not sure if i really want to dive into this myself...i left the old sub, this might be something big

RemindMe! One Week

RemindMe! One Week

Remind me! 1,694 days

RemindMe! One week

JUST TO CLEAR SOME THINGS UP about my self. Become a linguist, instant TS clearance. Pass the DLAB over a 150 your going to take a trip to some places (that's all I am going to say.) My brain is wired for languages. Can I read all of them? no, Can I speak them, yes. I have an audio graphic memory It is very easy for me to remember words and things that are verbally said with 94% recall. I am white.I am not Hindi or Pakistani I grew up in Vermont. Moved to utah in my late high school years. Graduated early with packets. joined the Airforce at 17years old. I was not stationed at A51 I was only there for like a week. (Can not say anymore than that) Am I involved in this day care stuff? No, Hell no. Its just In my experience From what I was doing after the USAF. These places are bad news. Its easy to identify when something is up. no one walking in or out of the doors, lack of change for decades, etc. and since the thread I have done my own research. as for the people calling me a phoney because I am 24 and I bothered to actually seize the opportunities that were in front of me learned those languages went to A51 and jumped out of airplanes for a living for 4 years doesn't mean it isn't possible. I have seen some seriously fucked up shit, It wasn't a cake walk. DLI,Jump school, S.E.R.E school, and Goodfellow AFB. did someone fuck up my DD214? I think so but I have to go to DC with a Lawyer to have a chance at that to get changed.

I have no idea what is going on in there all I know is that it is bad news.

I didn't give a warning because I knew what was going on and telling people to stay away

I don't care if you believe me or not I don't need the approval of online strangers

If it is something illegal you guys ordering pizzas and peering in windows is a stupid idea

Don't listen to this guy. I was an Arabic Linguist in the Marine Corps. He didn't get a fucking 162 on the DLAB. A 120 is considered Godly. Sure he can be smart, but a 162? Get fucking real. I think 164 is a perfect score.

He didn't do all those schools. I mean each of the languages takes over a year of class. Arabic alone takes two years from start till you finish and get to your duty station. And NOBODY learns more than one lang in an enlistment. And why such a weird combo? If you learn an Abrahamic language, you stick to them. Urdu, pashtu, farsi, arabic? I get that. But fucking Russian and french? Stop. They just wouldn't have you do that. Plus SERE, jump, and wtf ever else his is lying about... Another 6+ months each. He is simply too young to have done all that. Plus area 51?!?! The fuck?!?! Never once was the possibility to go 51 brought up by any other linguist I ever met. There is simply nothing there at all for a linguist to do.

Dude is a baffoon. Ignore this clown.

In addition to all that, a year ago he was apparently also an engineer:

I guess he fell on hard times at some point, because two years ago, despite all this amazing top-secret military training, he said he worked at a coffee shop:

Then he confesses to making up stories for karma on /r/advice animals, and it all starts to make sense:

EDIT: Changed to NP links (thanks for the reminder, Bot!)

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Not to mention he says he's not "Hindi or Pakistani." Hindi is a language, not a nationality/ethnicity. If he could actually speak hindi & all those other related languages, he would know something as simple as that

By the way, how hard it to get into being a linguist in marine corps? I've been considering it for some years

It's all about the DLAB. Get a 100 or better you should be good. 110 and you are definitely in, as long as you qualify for a TS clearance, which you do with no drug charges/significant debt/obvious ties to foreign governments.

I've always been called a "smart" guy, but don't really consider myself to be all that bright.

The Corps definitely needs them, and your recruiter would do everything he could to get you in.

You have to take the ASVAB to get your GT score first, and if it's high enough, 90 i think, you can take the DLAB. Good luck dude/ette, hit me up if you have any questions.

Debt? why would debt matter?

mainly they would be concerned about a foreign gov offering you money for info.

As somebody who is not an Air Force linguist, but an Air Force veteran who passed the DLAB and then decided to go into a different field, the guy above me is correct. /u/DeathShip is lying.

I agree, as a Hindi-Urdu speaker!

Please check this out further

This guy, /u/DeathShip is nothing but phony!

Yeah your right one language. but, the F.L.P.P was way too much to stop at just Urdu the DLAB perfect score is 179. average DLI student 100. Hindi urdu punjabi are very similar. German was my first language. S.E.R.E is not 6 months. joined the AF at 17.

You did not score over 150 on the DLAB and then get German at DLI. You are lying.

German is my first language.

Sorry but all you are doing is romanticizing this scenario. If you know something actually helpful then say it. If not just drop the act, this isn't r/nosleep.

This is not an act. All I said was stop looking into the place. LET THE POLICE do their work.

So then what's actually going on in that building? It's all any of us give a crap about lol so if you supposedly know, just say it.

I don't know what is going on in the building people just think I do.

Oh, I guess it just kind of seems like you're acting like you know. So what you really mean to say is that, It's simply apparent to you that whatever is going on isn't good.

Yes. Exactly! From my experience. everyone just kind of speculated from there.

I understand, sorry that everyone's making an unnecessary deal over that then :P

Question: What are your thoughts on historical examples of child abuse at military daycares? Let the military do their work?

I have no thoughts on the matter. I am more anti military than all of you. The shit I know. Why do you think I am subscribed to this subreddit?

Ignore the troll



Dude I was taking your defense against the dude calling you a paranoid schizo

I thought you meant /u/DeathShip as well lol

Sorry I fucked up on my reply B

Because your a delusional, paranoid schizophrenic?

No, he's a troll. a paranoid schizophrenic wouldn't make any sense, and wouldn't have a clue what's going on. he's just an asshole.

Go on.

Edit: I will choose to believe you. Tell us more about these houses.

Don't believe him. I was a linguist in the Marine Corps. No fucking way he got a 162 on the DLAB. Highest I ever heard of was a 130 or so, and that dude was a language whizz.

He is romanticizing being a linguist, it's not that cool.

perfect score for dlab is 179 THERE IS A REASON YOU DON'T SEE PEOPLE WITH ABOVE 150

And what reason would that be? It's not like you go to some special language school. I've been too DLI east, too.

Maaaaybe you were a ling. Maybe. But this whole "super amazing special linguist doing shit no other linguist in history has done" shit is garbage. It's probably more likely that you tried to, washed out, got re-classed to analyst, and know just enough to concoct a bullshit story that 90% of the people on reddit wouldn't know enough about to call you out on.

I sent you a PM

I'm really curious about what his PM said. His story doesn't make any fucking sense at all.

I wanna know too, probably another vague threat

I saw it. It was just the dude trying elaborate on his story that really solidified the fact that he's a liar. And yes, he is a fucking liar.

They are dangerous places to be around. And now people are being stupid peering into the windows trying to send pizza there. Now, they know they are being watched. And if there were an investigation going on we made the investigators lives a lot harder.

Get off the cops dicks.

This is the most realistic thing said in here

If anything we fucked the investigation.

Well that cleared up nothing...

Edit: A lot of people on here are theorizing about some kind of child trafficking involvement. If you want to explain anything, explain why you're more concerned for the safety of internet strangers than you are for the potential safety of little children.

So what airframe were you on?

Ok so I was going through my saved links on my profile and I stumbled upon this. I've never browsed this subreddit before and I have no recollection of saving this.....

Commenting to find later in case of deletion

RemindMe! Three Days

check out this. its a map if FTKK in relation to the SLC int'l airport.

if there are underground tunnels, this could be convenient.

Idk a mile long underground tunnel seems like a stretch, they'd just need the tunnel to lead to an empty area a few blocks over, tops.

RemindMe! One Week

Commenting to save this

There is a save button.

Shhhhh. I was too lazy to look for it on mobile.

RemindMe! One Month

RemindMe! One Month

RemindMe! One Week

RemindMe! One Week


Because it will remind me. In one week.

Remind you of what??? Your comment?

It's a bot that reminds you of a thread in annoying ways.

I see! Well, now I know! Thanks!

Post too save this tgread for later.

You could just hit "save" under the post :)

Im on reddit is fun, how do I dothat on here?

I don't use it, but I've read that if you hold your finger on the post a menu will appear with a save option. Hope that works for you!

Just tap on the post and click save.

RemindMe! One week

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RemindMe! One Month


Please don't advocate harassing these people. It will get this thread shut down as well.


How? I looked at the site and have no idea how to send anything.

It is now protected by "WhoIs Privacy Protection Service"

And the other website to the "CoOp" in VA's ownership is also protected by a "privacy protection service" (ENOM)

God's work is being done here. This is fascinating.

Weird! La Belle Vie is registered to a "Shevaun Esther Davis". Was registered on 4/20/2008 and expired in 5/18/2011.

Chunga was founded in 2012, so maybe it became the Solanos' at that point.

Interesting without a doubt.

So what was your point exactly?

I want to be an extra!

Nah, that's good. I hate being bored. I love chaos.

the fact that you have to go through a state program makes me think it's a fake child scam.

There could be hostages, in which case a "raid" would be necessary. Standard procedure.

I think the initials are SDJ, but I could be wrong. Any idea what it could mean?

Guess what? Shit like this does happen. The rich and powerful rape and murder kids all around the world and nobody does anything to stop it, first because few people know (other than the participants), second because people who know that shouldn't are terrified to speak up, and third because people who do speak up disappear.

If I'm reading that right, she accepted an 1100 kg shipment of "fimo plastic jewelry" from Hong Kong? And also a 6825 kg shipment of football and soccer balls? Tha hell?

Not probable.

Fucking 1100KG of "catalog ordered" toys? Gtfo.

No...not right. Unless somebody puts you up on Instagram or something. Sticker art is still technically graffiti...and graffiti is illegal. So graffiti writers/street artists tend to keep themselves anonymous.

Source: I am a former graffiti writer/still have many ties in that cultural scene

Now you're twisting my words.

I am a BIG advocate of distrusting ALL parts of the government.

What I do NOT advocate is making random connections between private day cares and completely unrelated data collection centers that happen to be located in the same state. How do you not understand that? I was trying to be cordial with my initial responses to you but I guess there is no getting through to you.

This is why people can't stand modern day "conspiracy theorists." Most people who identify as such would rather just blame everything on spoopy government agencies than use their brain to connect facts....and this is coming from somebody who is very critical of our government! You need to learn when it is appropriate to draw such connections, otherwise you are throwing the entire movement under the bus with your ignorance.

Didn't even connect that they all started with 'fun'

Option 1 sounds pretty great to me.

applause Now we are getting somewhere. This is way deeper than I thought. A rabbit is a perfect symbol from this as the rabbit hole for this almost seems to go right to the center of the earth.

Here ya go. The company providing fun stuff with the " products" listed at China however at a marketplace event the contact person is Cherry Liu and registered as Taiwan

This is creepy as shit. if this is purposefully offline, some VERY powerful people don't want us to see it...

I live near the Iowa bait shop. It is a legit bait shop near a lake. Still bizarre though.

Being in the general area of this shipping company im tempted to go investigate the wear house

Ah PI #2. He was always so dependable and personable. Not like that scoundrel PI #1.

"Hello, Pedobear speaking, what toys are you interested in?"

Search Fondroid for "funcrest bait shop"....links to LOTS of shipments over the past 8 years with associated businesses starting with "Fun"

Not to do anything to dismiss the overall creepiness of this whole debacle, but a lot of daycares here in Chicago (that I've seen in nice neighborhoods where I lived) would have decals or artwork completely covering all the windows. My best guess is that it's for the children's safety, as anyone (predators, parent with custody battle, etc.) could come and watch the kids through the windows otherwise.

Could be government surveillance, you might be poking at something that should remain hidden. Not saying stop but if you find guys in suits with badges questioning you you'll know why

It seems our boy at Funland bouncy place is a little odd too. Hes listed as Principal. (not owner? but hes thee owner) However theres several listings for Sam shaw at other companies on that page, maybe different ones but in oregon same name same age.

Sam Shaw is the owner. The business address seems to be an empty lot in the woods.,+Aumsville,+OR+97325/@44.8699033,-122.853329,218m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m7!1m4!3m3!1s0x54bff74ed17e5bcb:0x13d77ac590778bd5!2s10173+Keene+Ln+SE,+Aumsville,+OR+97325!3b1!3m1!1s0x54bff74ed17e5bcb:0x13d77ac590778bd5

Possible it might be off a little but images were taken recently far as i can tell (2015) and theres nothing there. It is registered as a 4 bedroom house built in 1991. I cant see one and theres nothing around that looks like a bouncy castle business. Its possible this is the mailing address and the business is somewhere else i suppose but even so theres no house there according to google. Their website does say they have ponies so perhaps they are there but i dont see anything. And the names on the properties dont match.

Looking at the tax records i got this

its registered to Keenan Benjamin INC. (this is getting strange) 33 acres of property. No business there. Its registereed as farmland.

I looked up the adreess listed on the tax site and it doesnt exist. There is a street in Salem with a similar address but is not exactly right.


Upon further search i found that Funland Inc founded by this " Sam Shaw" was at this address and it is listed as GUESS WHAT....

A child daycare service.

not a bouncy castle place. this is getting really fucked up now.

The place is suppose to be closed and according to a couple searches is actually a single family home being rented to a man. ( wont post his name) hes been there for 4 years. There is a woman listed at the same adress with a different last name. Possible girlfriend i guess.

Know what else is interesting... this is close proximity to an elementary school.

So if what i gather may be right this is a small house that was listed as a daycare years back and run out of a home, (if its not just a shell corp which is likely) or the person living there before used this address for whatever reason.

However all the properties this "Sam Shaw" is associated with as owning DO NOT EXIST. They are listed under other peoples names and addresses but listed as businesses with those address. He has several.

This guy is definatly hiding something weird. All of the businesses that name is associated with is tied to children.

There is a sex offender listed as the same name from another state that they apparently dont know where he is. (not saying its the same guy just coincidence) now hes an interior rug store.. and party store.

TLDR Same guy now apparently has a Carpet store.. that is also a party supply store.. that is also interior design.. that is also a kids party place.. that is also a bouncy castle place thats also a farm at the same address,

that's not in his name (shell company that doesnt exist) whose address is actually a mobile home in a different town, whose associated to a child day care, whose also tied to a shipping company, thats tied to the other weird companies thats tied to sex offenders and possible trafficking.

OMG that is amazing finds!! Mind if I re-post this in my container thread?

How did you find what is inside the container, and to who is delivered it?

The last thing I would want to hear is local media in Utah picking this up :/

They're probably too busy broadcasting cat videos and fluff pieces.

probably just that... but I live in virginia... any other reddittors trynna investigate?

Idaho =/= Iowa

A wholesaler would password protect.

Pretty much just everything being discussed in this entire thread.

Just name something that you don't think has a perfectly normal explanation

Too many examples in this thread. What, you think that if a group was collaborating in an act as disgusting and nefarious as human trafficking they wouldn't make an effort towards covering it up? Actually, if I had to pick one example I'd pick the shilling towards the daycare. If they were legit, they wouldn't need to do that and certainly wouldn't go towards the effort.

Then the cops must know about this place, right?

Edit: they have to know, which leaves only two options.

They are building a case or protecting it.

I mean, right?

Are you Lester from The Wire? could in fact be a Mexican family who sells shitty plastic toys and does all of this under the radar and somehow tax free or something.

But there are indeed some very, very strange coincidences going on here if that is the case.

Could this Ava be the old woman and the other guy could be her son. They may have changed holders of registration.

They are mutually intelligible, but not the same language due to Quranic words in Urdu and different alphabet. I could see someone like THAT claiming it as two languages to sound more impressive.

They really aren't. At the very least there are huge dialectic differences aside fro. the cultural connotations. Indians say they speak Hindi and Pakistanis say they speak Urdu. Try and convince either that they're speaking the other and see what happens.

what if you call the police and told them you heard screaming and then cursing telling the person to shut up and a loud bag and then silence? then the police would have no excuse but to go inside. someone can watch from afar to see if they do.

if this post is against the rules please delete it. i don't want the thread to get deleted because of me. i don't post at this sub very much so maybe i don't understand the rules well.

Whoa. I frequent FunCrest bait shop all the time. Its near the Coralville reservoir where I fish. What does this mean? Do we think they are shipping drugs? The owner is a sex offender??? Please fill me in.

Except there's tons of literature on projects that occurred there that were written by people who in fact WERE employees.

Think the U2, SR-71, F-117.

I mean, I assume you're correct in that there ARE people who can't speak in detail about their involvement in projects, but it would appear that such a stipulation hinges on the nature of the work and if it is still classified.

I still suspect Scientology is some kind of government psyop thing. Thanks for the link! Praise Joseph Smith!

The age isn't the fundamentally relative quality. It's the fact that they're declassified. If the poster worked on something that has since been declassified, I see no reason he couldn't talk about his/her service at Groom Lake.

It's moot anyway, because people disclose classified information all the time, regardless of how high profile the pertinent entity or project is.

Visited the bait shop. It looks like it's closed for the season. No white rabbits, just the same crappy store with overpriced beer that's been here for years.

Jesus christ. I home someone shows this to Customs or Homeland security. These are clearly shell companies.

Assuming it's the government hiding things there, they totally would answer truthfully about it.

She is listex as an employee under some of the complaints

Urdu uses cognates from other languages like Farsi and Arabic most people who speak Hindi may understand Urdu but are unable to read it or understand a few words. For instance the word for family in Urdu is خاندان "Khandan" But in Hindi it is परिवार "Parivāra" most can understand each other. Also Urdu is kind of a bitch because it is not that standardized. in Punjab they may use more Hindi based Urdu where as in Baluchistan your going to get a lot of Farsi in there. they are not the same language but they are very close to each other. Urdu is a hindi based language due to its grammatical structure simple words are going to be the same but the more specified the words like medical terminology is going to be Farsi. religious colloquialisms are going to be arabic.

I don't know what is going on in the building people just think I do.


I think it's VERY odd that a container coming from China landed in Vriginia and not in California... Logisticaly it doesn't add up... I've personally only ever dealt with ports in TX, NY and CA. CA ports (again, in my expereince) want to do ever examination possible on every single container that goes through. X-ray, tail gate, and sometimes, even more detailed than that. Doesn't matter how good your papers look or how long you've been bringing the same shit in from the same place they always want to get in there and finger fuck everything. Maybe the port in VA is a little more relaxed?

A rather odd response to some pretty harsh critique, but never mind that now.. Instead, please elaborate why further investigation into this place should be avoided.

Edit: I see that you already have done this in another reply. Thanks.

No worries, it's an easy mistake to make.

There is no reason for the local news to even investigate this. The only evidence is some dude that drives by and is creeped out.

People are not "rambling on", they're genuinely curious and are throwing around different ideas and tangents to try and get some leads.

Why are the 4 other businesses irrelevant? I must have missed that part, explain if you would.

Here are the 4, with the exact same BL number each time:

Funcrest Bait Shop

Fundamental Financial

Fun with Phonics

Funland Jumpers

Also, there are more elements of conspiracy, which you claim to be "mull and void", so please explain:

  • multiple failed inspections, with minimal penalties, then none after 2011

  • name aliases for the parties with government involvement

  • all of the initial threats to stop looking into this

  • no way to actually register a child here

  • the address for one of the above is the EXACT same as a convicted pedophile

  • another involved party is an ex-military contractor

So, until you present sound explanations for all of those, there remains plenty of conspiracy potential.

Would be less common if it was less commonly ignored.

Yeah, it makes sense. But still, why are they getting 4,000kg (8818 lbs) of plastic jewelery and footballs/soccer balls?

Mine too. We just need to be careful because those are very serious accusations and as of right now the evidence is pretty minimal. So for now I reserve judgement and just hold onto my questions and suspicions.

I'm pretty close to Aumsville.... I might check this out this weekend.

That's the problem, it's been shown time and time again that these international pedophile rings are protected by law enforcement, politicians, and the media, so what do you do? I think the answer lies in the rest of us, especially those who have no idea about stories like this.

Well I was talking more about the general, middle America John and Jane Q. Public

But your point is taken

Why don't you create a subreddit just for this?


The "reason" is the various abnormalities of the building, schedule, shipments, and lack of children or activity.

Nothing wrong with the building. Might be a little outdated and haggard but I have seen trailers used as day cares before. You are not going to get the schedule of the facility unless you have a child there, that is common sense since it prevents pedos from stalking the place. The shipment has nothing to do with the day care check out my post here. There was children activity taken by a redditor.

The "paper trail" reinforces the notion that there is improper documentation and insufficient available information regarding the establishment as a childcare center, not to mention all the odd shipments as noted in the OP.

What kind of paper trail would you like? The day care is obviously a day care cited by the numerous fines they have had over the years (which are quite high but not completely out of the norm). Again, the shipment has nothing to do with the day care at all.

At the very least, it would be important to verify that the building is up to code, and that all regulations are met or exceeded as a registered child care center.

Meh, no one is really going to give a shit for the most part. This is a day care located in not so great area of SLC. While it may not be 100% or a place you bring your kid they are certified to receive kids through the government services. That would be impossible to do if they were not suitable.

There's no harm in an audit, given that we're talking about children.

I agree there is no harm to audit but when you are calling, sending pizzas, taking creepy pictures through the windows, and stalking the place it becomes a concern of safety for the children. You are more likely to be arrested for stalking or whatever than this place to be shut down for being unsuited for children.

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Looks like covert importing of cutting edge defence equipment. Makes sense that they'd keep it under wraps.