With regards to the admin removal of the SLC day care post(s) on /r/conspiracy

224  2015-01-29 by AssuredlyAThrowAway

Hello folks,

As you may be aware, over the past few days some threads have popped up both on /r/SaltLakeCity and /r/conspiracy regarding a day care center which, according to the research and observations of some users, was perhaps more than a simple child care operation.

While the moderators of this subreddit were happy to allow discussion of the topic to the extent permitted by the site wide terms of service, the admins have informed us that the information and research contained therein amounted to what they considered to be, on the whole, "personal information being used to harass a business."

While the mod team had removed information we considered to be doxx on multiple occasions within the threads, the decision of the admins regarding the removal of the content in its entirety must be respected on our end.

To that end, after a long discussion between the mods and the admin team, we have been left with no option but to prevent future discussion of the situation involving the day care.

We want to make it clear that, from the perspective of the mod team, the free flow of information is our paramount concern. To that end, this prohibition is quite bothersome and clashes with the ethos of organically curated content that we take pride in fostering on this subreddit. However we also absolutely understand the importance of protecting personal information and the lives of innocent people. Weighing that balance can sometimes be difficult, and in this situation the admins have made the choice for us. We have agreed to the prohibition in order to protect the existence of the subreddit, and we ask that you do as well.

As a quick recap from our end;

Yesterday, a post regarding the daycare center became quite popular on /r/slc but was removed for witch hunting. At that point, another post was made on /r/conspiracy, but only received a few hundred upvotes (no witch hunting occurred in that thread).

A recap thread was then post on /r/conspiracy which garnered over a thousand net upvotes. That post was removed by the site wide spam filter at some point yesterday, and the mod team checked in with the admins as to whether or not they had caused the removal. At that point, the admins reviewed the spam filter removal, informed us that they had not removed the submission, and told us that "all looked fine".

With that in mind, we had assumed that the admins had looked into the situation and determined that an investigation into the day care did not violate the TOS.

Today, another recap post was submitted to /r/conspiracy and, after a few hours, was removed by the admins. The mod team was confused at first, as we had been under the impression that the admins had reviewed the day care thread from the previous day and determined the content was not in violation of the TOS. However, we were informed that a mistake was made on the admin's side and they failed to look into the situation beyond simply examining why the spam filter had tripped on the submission from the previous day.

At this point the only option going forward would be to find a means of facilitating heavily redacted recaps of the day care situation; something that the mod team feels is not feasible.

We want to make it clear that this was a decision on the part of the admins, and we, as moderators, are obligated to follow their directives to protect the subreddit itself from being banned.


While I don't expect this comment to change the outcome of these SLC posts, I thought I'd chime in my disappointment.

This is a pretty blatant act of censorship under the guise of " harassment" or "doxxing" when really it's just a matter of speculation using public record to back it up. I wouldn't be surprised if this has the Barbara Streisand effect (more people going to visit the location due to the removal).

Again, none of us posted links to their Facebook profile or anything personal. The only remotely personal data was their name and address which were obtained via public record. They incorporated themselves, filling their own name and address as the registered agent. This was their choice and they knew the risk at the time.

This risk is not justifying any harassment (which is laughable to claim). The risk is the risk of being exposed and every business person knows this is part of becoming a company. Assume the risk or abstract it through another party.

They left a public paper trail and we followed it and connected the dots. The fact that this is all being censored due to that is bogus and bullshit.

No one here advocated any violence or harassment towards the business or employees. Any information we linked was public and could be found by anyone looking themselves.

The only thing this shows is how easily this site (admins) kowtow to ridiculous requests like this. I do commend the mods for sticking up for this topic and subreddit as a whole. Thank your for trying to keep this as fair as you possibly could. We know who the real problem is.

That all said, I'm not done with this. This place stinks to high heaven and I think we can get to the bottom of it without overstepping our bounds.

I knew this day would come where the topic got canned. I've saved and screenshoted all my research so I can continue elsewhere (possibly IRC). I refuse to let blind censorship shield potential illicit activities.

Agreed. This was clearly not a dox, and is all public records being put in some order. That's all. A strange event, a strange place, with no official explanation, or even an unofficial one. Something that should be looked into.

However, could be pointless to do so; but hey, this is reddit, most of it is pointless anyways. So long as it doesn't devolve into harassment, I say continue the investigation elsewhere.

It's just child ass rape move along nothing to see here. Few satanic child deaths, get behind the yellow tape!

I'm sure people will. I hope some good journalist writes a good report if anything is going on. Anyone serious would be able to figure out if there's anything worth looking into pretty quickly I would imagine (although I could be wrong.)

I'm personally don't find it that convincing from the summary I just read on the archived /r/conspiracy catch up. Not much in the way of hard evidence and without that it's just a lot of text on the screen. Still pretty interesting though!

with no official explanation, or even an unofficial one.

Except there is one, the owner said on facebook that he bought the daycare for an elderly woman so she wouldn't get bored doing nothing all day.

Do you have an archive for the page?

I wouldn't be surprised if this has the Barbara Streisand effect (more people going to visit the location due to the removal).

I hope so. To be honest, I think it already has. How many /r/conspiracy posts have gotten over 1000 comments? This topic has led to two if I'm not mistaken.

And I personally agree that the post shouldn't have been deleted and advocated for such. I think that building is fishy as hell and there a lot of unanswered questions regarding it.

Same thing happened back when those two SH subreddits were deleted and their creator had like 4 accounts banned.

Edit: Grammar.

This is the first time I've visited /r/conspiracy because I actually thought you guys were onto something... but now it's removed. I was thinking about subscribing just to get to those threads easier XD.

The Admins only like when people get on here to talk about aliens and lizard people so this credible subreddit is able to be made fun of and looked down on elsewhere.

Or when we're being flooded by "fake" comments.

Don't forget about da jooz

aliens and lizard people

And the j00s.

Am I wrong?

You really have no idea what admin wants.... they dont want reddit in a bad light. There has been too many times reddit is tarnished with acts against the public.

You really think something is fishy then submit the info to the authorities and when you see something come from it then make a post saying I told you so.

Our kind doesn't believe the "authorities" have the general public's best interests at heart. You'd know that if you were real.

Real? What does that imply?

I am anymore real then so many others users here. Been shadow banned myself for fucking with admin. Have three names here on reddit. And care about the ideals of the sub as a meeting place for critical thinking.

Your unhealthy fear of law enforcement stems from the shit you always see on here. The hate that permeates all facets of reddit. What you dont see is the ones that want to make a difference because that isnt as relatable. Its easier to get pissed off.

Try to think that the world is a good place with good people. Be mindful that some are not.

Fuck the authorities. YOU and I have the power to be the authority!

Who are you going to trust: a morally bankrupt individual who has a monetary incentive to protect you, or a hundreds of highly knowledgeable volunteers who genuinely care about their community?

I am going to trust the people we have as authorities until I have been shown that individual is otherwise.

I still have faith in our establishment that some people want to do right.

Well, then you are blind.

We need you.

Your post both maddens and disappoints me at the same time.

I'm sorry to hear that... I might as well sub anyway, so if that's any consolation...?

Hopefully Redditors in the Salt Lake City area will have the balls to do something to make the Admins regret their decision to censor the topic...

Calling for locals to "do something" is exactly what the mods seek to avoid.

Exactly. Time to take the power back.

Yep! Do something!

Mods don't 'seek to avoid' Mods seek by their very essence to insert their tongues as deep as they can into the status quos rectum.

You got that right, that's what containment forums are for. You can talk about anything you want, but when you move to action, the hammer is dropped. Action is the enemy.

Well put. I want to expand on the harassment part as well: There's no proof that harassment has taken place. If you consider going up to a public daycare to take pictures of the inside "harassment," well...that's your own problem. But there was a comment somewhere (can't find it at the moment, I'm at work between tasks) saying that "there are people ordering pizzas for this daycare, it's harassment!" There's no proof of that anywhere. As far as I can tell, no one ordered a pizza for anyone. Even on the 8chan and 4chan threads, where you would expect it. No one has called for pizzas to be sent to the daycare.

It's all "these people were being harassed so we removed the threads" but if you were actually in the threads or on the *chans you'd see that there was no advocacy of harassment, and no real harassment took place besides scoping the place out/taking pictures. I mean, sure, that's a little shady in and of itself, but come on - it's a shady damn daycare, surely if you operate a shady daycare you'd expect people to take pictures of your joint, right? Seems like all a bullshit excuse to get the threads taken down, IMO.

Digging for truth is harassment to someone who is hiding something.

There actually was a picture taken of a pizza guy arriving at the building if I'm not mistaken, it just was never posted on reddit to avoid breaking the TOS. I'm pretty sure was on the 8chan thread, though I don't know those forums too well. I was reading a thread yesterday that had the picture on it.

I do agree with the rest of your point though, I don't think the threads needed to be deleted.

Even if there was a pizza guy who was pranked to deliver to the location, so what? What proof is there to say it was a redditor or a connection to our efforts here? No one came here talking of their scheme of sending a pizza guy in while they took a picture from a distance.

People do pranks all the time, pretty bogus to cry wolf about "harassment" because you get a pizza delivered to your business.

Isn't it funny how we get called the "crazy ones" for suggesting such a "conspiracy".... yet they can call harassment while suggesting something equally absurd?

Even if there was a pizza guy who was pranked to deliver to the location, so what? What proof is there to say it was a redditor or a connection to our efforts here? No one came here talking of their scheme of sending a pizza guy in while they took a picture from a distance.

There isn't any. In fact, the context of the thread was that the pizza guy never delivered the pizza and, shortly afterward, a couple of kids arrived at the building and were let in. Pictures were taken of this as well. A few people suggested that the pizza delivery guy might've been the "cue" to say that people were about to be dropped off. Again, complete speculation, but these are some of the comments I read yesterday.

It's more likely that the guy there to take pictures ordered the pizza to get someone to come out. Although that's also based on speculation. It's very odd that no body answered for the pizza but then answered for the kids. Unless the photographer omitted some part.

wow..awesome twist to this mesmerizing saga.....this is better than most shows on tv....I love that our "tinhat" community is actually ousting and taking the reigns to actually bust a possibly huge conspiracy....though...could be nothing....it reeks of weirdness...as a citizen and someone whos been sucked into this sub...I really hope this doesn't get stonewalled into oblivion.

Very interesting angle, didn't even think about that.

Didn't see anything about that on 8chan, I'll have to keep my eye out.

Even so, it's a pizza. Free food for crying out loud (unless they had to fork over cash, in which case just say, "I've been pranked, not paying for it). It's not the end of the world.

It was something with "baphomet" in it, the thread I was reading. Like I said, complete chan noob so I'm not totally sure.

Shut up you fucking aspy. It's actually not okay sneaking up to daycares and taking pictures inside.

It's not a daycare.


This site is just like reddit, without the censorship.

And I'm sure this will get censored, lol.

I am in no way affiliated them, I came across it in a /r/undelete post.

I joined. More people need to join there and eventually reddit can go and visit a place where the sun don't shine.

The /v/conspiracy page is pretty chill.

Thanks. Seems like it's starting to get a decent number of people. I'm going to keep an eye on it.

Already got some good communities going on over there. Just need some more like minded people to get on board. Doesn't mean you have to stop using reddit, but there is also the need for a viable alternative.

Because the very last thing Reddit admins would want is a very public instance of the supposed 'tin-foil hat wearing crazies' finding and busting open a pedophilia or drug smuggling operation in the heart of Salt Lake City. Especially if the police or any state officials are involved. That would easily lend credibility in the same sort that 4chan receives when anonymous goes chasing the rabbits.

/r/Conspiracy simply must remain the fringe and fantasy content place of reddit, by any means necessary.

Good job, guys. Keep up the amazing work.

I wholeheartedly appreciate you efforts on the subject and I would like to continue to discuss/research as well.

Please PM me if you have a place where this is to be discussed, and when I get back to it, if I haven't heard from you, I will do the same. The more private, the better. The threads gained legs, so while I don't think it was reddit responsible for harassing people, we provided the links with the information. Doesn't excuse in any way the removing of the post. Again, it's all public info.

Perhaps just create a private subreddit?

I duuno, just so disappointed. I'm out for a bit. Gotta find my balance. Thanks for your contributions and I hope to talk to you again soon.

Edit: removed rant

I'm in aswell as all of this is extremely interesting. So if anyone knows a place where this is still being investigated/discussed shoot me a PM.

agreed....this is the most exciting thing this sub has had in awhile...figures it'd get shutdown just as its getting juicy

Me too.

same here!

I need to hear more about this damn daycare!

same here. its driving me nuts!

Found this when I was trying to figure out what you guys were talking about. http://www.mixedmartialarts.com/thread/2412536/Salt-Lake-City-Creepy-Daycare-Saga-reddit/?page=1

Total Streisand effect for me!

That is the last thread standing with some of the research.

Holy CRAP thank you for sharing that with us!

I just came to reddit today to check on this Daycare thing and was disappointed to see what has happened. I'm so glad people out there save this stuff! There have definitely been some changes to the story since I was last in the loop; I knew nothing about the shipping container. Can't wait to see where this story goes... if it goes anywhere... we'll see

You're welcome, this is so damn interesting!

I'm in. As a local im super curious about this place and what more we can learn. And if it's what some speculate it is. Id want to put a stop to it!

If you do create a private subreddit or find a new place or whatever, be mindful of who you share that info with. There's a lot of tumors hanging around in here.

i would love a PM on what you've found, even if its a place to discuss it further

If there is a continued discussion on this, please let me know.

I kept anotherguypoopin wall of text and recap if you need it.

could you PM me it?

Yeah pls

Pm me man

Well put brethren

Are there any good discussions going on this still, aside from 4chan/x/?



Previously known as whoaverse

Why the name change? The site looks a lot better now than it did when I first tried using it quite a few months ago, I still wish there were more users though.

Voat sounds like vote. And it's much easier to remember. I like it.

That's why we need people like you to come join us.

I have an account over there and do visit from time to time, my username is different though. It definitely has a lot of potential.

You're the best!

Fuck it I'll jump back in too.

I don't care about any of the personal information...what is the daycare accused of doing?

We are not entirely sure but the information leads us to believe one or more things.

  • Possible day care fraud, to collect tax dollars

  • Coyote house (illegal immigration)

  • Front company for child/human trafficking (could be cartel related)

  • Illegal drug/armaments trade (also could be cartel related)

  • Legit daycare with awful care for the actual kids attending it (numerous code violations)

  • CIA front/safehouse (or a similarly shady organization) - this could also tie in with a few of the other ones you've said

It would also tie in with the admins censorship.

"Uhh, hey reddit, we noticed you're looking too deep into an organization we put together incredibly shoddily, could you make everyone stop?"

The CIA would use seemingly legitmate businesses during MKULTRA as fronts for their testing in SF and NYC, IIRC, so this could be a similar practice.

has anyone mentioned it could also be a temporary place used for kids for witness protection programs? Maybe they just keep it running and only have kids based on need. Keep them there for a short time and then move them and their families to their final destination. While the parents are talking to the FBI or whatever the case, the kid is taken to this "daycare." Just a thought.

What's IRC?

Internet Relay Chat, think of "old school chat rooms".

Thank you.

A good IRC client is mIRC.

Google it and how to get connected to IRC servers :)

A better one is Pidgin.

Where did you continue? PM if necessary

Enjoy your gold buddy, you're doing the work I wish I could. It pained me to see the thread I was lurking deleted, but you gave me hope.

Hey link it when you find an offsite place to post your archived evidence.

could you inbox me your info? I didn't hear about this til now and I'd like to look into it myself.

Let me know if you do go with IRC. I use it a lot and will happily op for you

Yeah, the Reddit admins are totally in league with the Jews who are smuggling guns into America through a daycare and therefore want to block all investigations into it /s

Or maybe, just maybe, they don't want their site to become associated with people who takes pictures through the windows of a daycare

I can't believe this is difficult for /r/conspiracy to understand.

I'm beginning to think some people aren't top minds.

I get your point...totally valid....yet, that would constitute there being nothing out of the norm with the daycare....if it was a big chain daycare facility or even an active mom and pop, you'd be correct...but this daycare is far from normal..any parent with kids in daycare can see that....this whole thing started and snowballed with people who see it everyday...people in the neighborhood..and through the internet detectives, 1000 more "wtf" things have been found and discussed....not one post I've seen as has tried to instill harrassment..if that place was on the corner of my street in my neighborhood, pizza pranks and window pics wouldn't satisy the answers i'd need.

I don't really care whether or not the site in question was anything interesting, but what's unsettling here is that Reddit is making a decision to censor business information.

Business information is NOT the same as personal information and should not be treated as such. Just as a person acting in a public role is no longer entitled to the same latitudes of privacy afforded to a person acting privately, a business is automatically a publicly accessible entity.

Why should a business or persons acting on behalf of a business be protected from the inquiring public by Reddit? Are we not allowed to post the phone numbers of our public representatives anymore? Am I not allowed to post the address of an establishment in question?

There are pictures of strangers posted to reddit all the time without their consent. That's a pretty unique identifier. Why does a business get better treatment than an individual?

This sets a poor precedent.

What exactly is all this, I have read your long comment, the OP's text post, but I still have no idea what is being discussed other than "something something day care weird".

I'm disturbed greatly they didn't give a reason. Why not just say 'what if they sued us?' or 'what if somebody got hurt'?

Like is every daycare now going to be under this kind of scrutiny? Would that be a good thing?

There are legitimate questions to ask, but the mystery they keep on the reasons seems to either stupidly feed the curiosity or be actually part of the conspiracy, or just the system that allows certain types of evil to exist in plain sight.

That said, shouldn't someone be making a youtube video about this putting all the evidence of wrongdoing together? On the other hand if at this point we still have nothing but weirdness, are all of us weird folk ready for this kind of scrutiny ourselves?

I do have a legitimate question that who in their right mind would think this was the day care for their kids?

And what do libel laws really say about this? Isn't the line the intent to harm the other party? Can we investigate for legitimacy and safety without risking this? Do people and places that work with children have a higher standard to uphold?

Like what if the guy turned out to be some Jim Henson/Mr Rogers dude with like a puppet show he was working on and was a shy reclusive artist who was dedicated to kids but just weird? (one of the villains in American Horror Story Creep Show was pushed over the edge by a cruel baseless pedo witch hunt...)

Do we really believe in innocent til proven guilty? Are we ready to throw trial by jury out the window and make it trial by subreddit?

I think that's enough questions for now, but people interested in general 'wtf is going on around here' have legitimate cause to be fascinated with this whole thing.

Hijacking top comment to ask if someone can pm me what all of this is about as I haven't been on here the past few days but my curiosity is peaked

So you are saying it isn't personal information, except that names and addresses were posted.

Perhaps you are unfamiliar with reddits policy on personal information? Because that certainly qualifies for removal regardless of subject.

Perhaps you are unfamiliar with the distinction of personal information and business information.

The fact that they registered their business to a residential address hardly makes it any less public information. If you ran a business out of your home and that was your business address, would it be my fault for showing a link to the public record of it?

If you don't want your business getting back to you so easily, don't register your home to the state's public business records. Derp.

Example, a person runs a business out of their home. I put a link to their business from the local yellow pages, which has their address because that is what they registered their business with. Again, all of this is easily accessible, so does that make it personal now?

It's a bogus cop out.

Perhaps you are unfamiliar with Reddits rules on the matter. Derp.

Someone's home address and name is personal information. It doesn't matter that you found it publicly on the Internet or how you found it. Reddits rule isn't new and it has nothing to do with HOW you acquired the information.

Releasing public information about someone on reddit is against the rules. Period. End of discussion.

It's well known around here. You just don't do it. You all are lucky your sub didn't get banned. They have removed subs for less.

Can someone fill me in on the SLC daycare thing? I can't find much by searching and it appears TPTB are censoring it from Reddit. Must be close to the truth.


Again, it's about what brings in revenue. The rules are bent for $$$.


Let's keep the discussion going, only under a different name. "The CLS Cover" is now what we refer to when discussing that other thing the admins don't want us discussing.

The only remotely personal data was their name and address which were obtained via public record.

It doesn't matter where you obtained them. You can't post personal information on reddit

I disagree. That's like saying it's okay to have a phone book, but opening it up and showing someone is wrong. What?

Yes, it's reddit rules.

It's even worse when you are giving phones and addresses not to do something positive, but to "investigate" and potentially harass them.


yeah, let's leave the decision to ruin someone's life on the hands of anonymous people on the internet.

If you suspect something just call the police, it's pretty simple

What? How are anonymous people on the internet ruining somebody's life int his situation?

I didn't say they were. I said the decision to ruin (or not) is left in the hands of anonymous people.

So the censorship occurring is based upon the potential ability to harass?

You may call it censorship, but I just call it common sense.

It's better to leave one guilty person free, than ruin an innocent life. Besides you can just call the police and still tell reddit what you did and why, just not post personal information...

Alright. Fair enough when it comes to your opinion. That said, can you link to anything that shows that "personal" information was provided?

Because I thought all information provided was public.


There are names in there, they are calling it "bait shop" (with no real proof), throwing terms like sex offender and sex slave ring... even though we don't know the full story. What if that person and business is innocent? Well too late, "reddit" already decided on the contrary.

there's no due process, no lawyers, no discovery, no rules of procedure, no decisions on admissible evidence, threat of perjury, confrontation of witnesses or any of the things we do to ensure we don't ruin an innocent's life

And the information being public or not is irrelevant, it's simply reddit rules to not post personal information

Seems like public information, not private information.

Also, speculation =! harassment.

well thats probably why THAT post is still up.

So I'm guessing there's no actual way to verify "personal" information was posted since any personal information would be deleted? Convenient if so.

I don't understand your point.


Posting professional links to contact a congressman or the CEO of some company is probably fine, but don't post anything inviting harassment, don't harass, and don't cheer on or vote up obvious vigilantism.

You sure can: the president of the USA's name is Obama. See? I've posted personal information.

So people in elevated positions' personal information can be posted but not my friend from college's.

I can even tell you where he and his family live.

Where have I heard such instant, authoritative dismissal like this before? Hmmmmmmmmm

perhaps by reading reddit rules?

You have to becareful when posting personal information, because here on the internet there's no due process, no lawyers, no discovery, no rules of procedure, no decisions on admissible evidence, threat of perjury, confrontation of witnesses or any of the things we do with the law to ensure we don't ruin an innocent's life.

So be paranoid all you want about my comment, but I'd rather have a guilty person free than ruin an innocent person's life

You can't post personal information on reddit

So you're saying we can't post voluntarily submitted public records on reddit? Why not?


check the personal info rules yourself

Did YOU fucking read them yourself?


OK: Posting your senator's publicly available contact information

publicly available


Calm down?

Posting professional links to contact a congressman or the CEO of some company is probably fine, but don't post anything inviting harassment, don't harass, and don't cheer on or vote up obvious vigilantism.

Besides there are posts with the so called "publicly available" information there, it hasn't been deleted so stop crying

No one's encouraged harassment that I've seen. Have you read anything differently?

Or is that just the opinion floating around?

So the rules say we can post a senator's contact info specifically.

According to your picture, we can't.

Who to believe?

Senators are high profile public figures. The context of the rule you provided explains why that's an exception.

[Patting you on the head] We can only explain it to you. We can't understand it for you.

I've been clear on my stance about doxxing people.

Your patronizing tone tells me we're done talking like adults. Have another day.


How could you tell I was being patronizing?

You're fat.

Wow. So an entire subjectmatter has been banned.. on this subreddit?!? Well, this topic has my FULL attention now, but I guess we'll have to move the discussion to other sites. Seriously, wow.

The removal of the discussion is asinine on every level. Everything was public record. Hell, I ran a company (now defunct) about ten years ago. All my old information is still out there and floating about in the ether, do I like that? Not in the slightest, but it was part of the risk of running a business and risk is the nature of running a business. The whole point of the public record is to have a record available to the public. People say there's some imaginary line where it's not ok to post public information, and they're wrong. States require there be a public record of ownership. Ask yourself why that would be, if they didn't expect the public to, at some point, review and disseminate that record.

If Buisness X is given multiple citations over the years for failure to comply to regulatory standards, where would you think a reporter would find the information on who owns Business X? The public record. Would they let people know who owns Business X or would they tip-toe around names and addresses for fear of the owners harassment? What if you, as a person, find that Business X has multiple citations over the years for failure to comply to regulatory standards? By this 'thin-line' logic then, I'm not supposed to tell other people who owns this business? That's absurd on every level.

Educate yourself as a user of the system in which you are engaged. If you want to run a business, but don't' want people to know it's you who owns it, then don't run a business or have someone else organize your articles of incorporation, or list some guy who has been dead since 1945 and hope no one ever catches on. If you don't like that states keep public records of business owners because 'the devils on the internet can see it and give it to people" then contact your local legislators and try to do something about it. Don't cry foul because we use it as it's supposed to be used. Did people do really dumb shit with that information? Yes. People do dumb shit all the fucking time, everywhere, every day. This is as absurd as the whole "caution, your coffee is hot". Just because people can't exhibit common sense, everyone shall suffer and everything will be (and arguably is) programmed to accommodate to the least common denominator. Welcome to reddit.com



The powers that be.

Shows how much of a democracy this site really is.

Also, hi

It's a fucking website, not a democracy. Get your head out of your ass


reddit is open source, you can create a reddit clone anywhere.

It isnt about the info being out there for anyone to find. It is about the people getting an idea in their head to act upon an idea that is unfounded on people that dont deserve to be treated this way.

For fucks sake man there was people posting saying the convicted sex offenders names for anyone to see with addresses to where they live and even a map. You even claimed others were taking pics and many others were saying oh I live bear this place and willing to go.

The people within this sub need a reason to feel like they make a difference. This was giving them that and was going to get reddit and this sub into a load of shit. Yeah ok you say it wont but I am betting the other posts said that to. Then reddit was brought into it and the subs terminated.

Not saying you did wrong i am saying the community took it too far.

Not saying you did wrong i am saying the community took it too far.

You have zero evidence the subreddit's posts were responsible for any real world actions. Neither does anyone else. Which is exactly why this topic ban is horseshit.

It sets the precedent that /r/conspiracy is responsible for every single looney in the wild. Which has been a goal of those that attack "conspiracy theorists" for a long, LONG time.

Ok you are mad cause they took all your toys out of the sandbox and you couldn't watch the drama unfold. Thats what I dont like about the people of this sub. So many in here want to complain about they dont know what to do. Then all the sudden this shows up and so many flock to it.

Do you really think these people deserve to be harassed like this? There were pictures posted of the interior of the building in salt lake. The toy company was having their websites being given the reddit hi of death.

There were names of alleged sexual criminals posted on reddit with address and even maps.

It was only a matter of time before it went too far. Admin did right so did mod team. I dont care if people are pissed the sub still exists for now. Who knows if there is anything fishy. Turn that shit over to authorities if you feel it needs to be.

Ok you are mad cause they took all your toys out of the sandbox and you couldn't watch the drama unfold. Thats what I dont like about the people of this sub.

If you want to argue with the stereotypes in your head, feel free. Don't try to pin that on me.

Do you really think these people deserve to be harassed like this? There were pictures posted of the interior of the building in salt lake. The toy company was having their websites being given the reddit hi of death.

So this sub is responsible for the actions of every nutjob in the wild now, no evidence necessary or consideration of facts. I'm so glad that's finally been established. Can't wait for DNI/DHS affiliated thugs to come pick me up from my job for my complicity in the Charlie Hebdo attacks and the beheading of Japanese nationals.

This sub is responsible for the actions of the community when you click that subscription button. You and I as well as everyone else takes a certian amount of responsibility for one another because we should care about each other.

There are many people out there that want to feel part of something. They go to the extreme to gain acceptance and this is a fact. Was only a matter of time before something happened.

This sub is responsible for the actions of the community when you click that subscription button.

Explain yourself, because that doesn't make a lick of sense to me.

"the community" = bull shit words

We are all over the world, we have our own ideas and opinions. We do not interact with each other on a meaningful daily basis. We aren't neighbours, coworkers or family. This may seem crule to point out; but the idea that we are responsible for each others actions is asinine. Lumping everyone into one group here is the key to discredit valid conspiracies, and most likely the only way to push censorship.

It's totally asinine, but watch as it becomes the prevalent narrative in this sub over the next week.

If you are subscribed to the sub you act as a community to preserve it. Admin has closed subs for less and with actions like the one we are talking about it is only a matter of time.

I'm subscribed to this sub for discussion and information.

This is why you came here? For this thread. So why did you do that?

That doesn't make any sense.

Also you do realize this isnt a we need proof to ban the users or sub place right?

The admin merely needs a reason to do anything. When people participate within a thread like this one it shows them there is so many that neglected their rules by posting peoples info in a witch hunt.

You talk of zero proof well that's what the entire series of threads was. Zero proof. If you feel like fucking with people do it somewhere else that isnt associated with this community. Get over yourself and realize it isnt about you its about the rest of the community preserving itself.

Admin dont have to follow your idea of rules. You know why. Cause they run shit. They dont have shareholders....yet. So technically they dont owe us a damn thing. Now luckily we get to use reddit unhindered for the most part till it runs the risk of putting the name of reddit in a bad light. Then you guessed it they remove the toys from said sandbox.

Realize the isnt your house with your rules.

Zero proof.

This is a sub about conspiracy. We discuss without proof all the time.

Is it really that difficult to see the issue with holding the sub accountable for the real world actions of nutjobs? There's no controlling body outside of this site to prevent nutters from being nutters. Moreover, there are assholes who despise with all their worthless being this sub and the people in it. What's stopping them from doing disgusting shit and blaming r/conspiracy for it?

Think that's outlandish? Well, choke it down, because that's the set of keys you and the other authoritarians just handed over to a pack of frothing hyenas.

I don't disagree with the "do not dox people" rule. Anyone that does is a feckless idiot. I DO disagree with the censorship of public record on this sub. It's a slippery slope greased with the "ya me too's" of people like you.

Reddit calls them communities and I feel we should act as one. Thats all I am saying.

How does involuntary censorship because of the actions of people who may have nothing to do with reddit mean we are acting as a community? That makes no sense whatsoever.

Who is this 'we' you're talking about? I don't know you. I come here for discussion, and it's being censored.

Because they are responsible for the preservation of reddit in a good manner. You dont question their actions and expect a response. I dont anymore. Its their sandbox they make the rules. So abide them or get gone.

So abide them or get gone.

How is posting publicly available records a violation of the rules?

Apparently so. They classify it as doxing or whatever they want. Its their site to maintain.

The people within this sub need a reason to feel like they make a difference. This was giving them that and was going to get reddit and this sub into a load of shit.

... i am saying the community took it too far.

100% I agree, and I can understand why they did what they did, it's just bullshit all around. Knowledge is power and know everything about your enemy before you conduct any action. What happened to the whole "study it out, people!" mentality? Where was this restraint while myself and others tried to decipher the enigma around this shipping container? I thought that would be respected/understood amongst this sub, but I was proven quite wrong. Next time, just let the adults handle things and go play out back.

btw, none of this hostility is directed at you, merely the community at large.

It was people wanting to be part of something. If they can stay anonymous the most will participate because if it goes wrong they can back away. When it comes to something they directly have to get involved in they will be less likely to start anything.

You tried to get people involved with something. It was a noble and harmless act till others started with the stupidity. It wont take many more till reddit shuts down this sub. Luckily this stopped before it got media attention. That has happened before and I really dont want it to be here.

Dont beat yourself up. Just remember that others will do stupid things. So be careful in the future.

Just remember that others will do stupid things. So be careful in the future.

Noted. Also, bears repeating, because I guess I really need to remember this where reddit & this sub are concerned...

Educate yourself as a user of the system in which you are engaged

I appreciate your help in that endeavour ;-)

Its more the community. Thats is why I reported the post. I did that because info to people were getting thrown out there that potentially had no involvement. I will commend you for the recap and its entirety.

You followed thru with everything very well. Its just that so many wish to discredit this sub and its user base. I cant stand labels. I participate here because I belive that some in here can make a change. I would love to be one of them myself. It takes much time and unfortunately with not much spare time I search thru here to find a topic I can contribute too.

Recently there was a thread on reforming the way schools teach. Being that I have a son that is in kindergarten right now this matters very much to me. On the lifestyle we have and obligations we have committed to our community alternatives are not available for us.

So I am going to devote all that I can for this.

I participate here because I belive that some in here can make a change.

How are we going to change anything if a subject is banned as soon as people get engaged? Change doesn't come about through circlejerking it in the comment section.

I did a lot of research into this and other companies attached to the shipping company. I found a lot of interesting things all public records easily googled and property tax records in the states.

Im not accusing anyone of anything and I don't advocate contacting or harassing any of the business or people. I would however like to discuss it with my fellow reddit folk.

Some of It's still up in the comments for now. Who knows how long tho.

So one of my comments was one that was also removed by the admins.

It seems that public information can exist. And no one cares. But as soon as you connect the dots, people get rather anxious.

In this case, the dubious nature of the activities and the suggestion of bringing authorities into the picture seemed to strike a nerve.

In this case, the dubious nature of the activities and the suggestion of bringing authorities into the picture seemed to strike a nerve.

I fear this was the nail in the coffin. Sorry =(

Don't be sorry. You didn't do anything wrong other than maybe make a bunch of people spend a bunch more time here today ;)

Yes shining light on misconduct of people with money to throw around can do that... Sadly

Your removed post contained no personal information whatsoever. Biggest smoking gun there is as to why this censorship is taking place. The "authorities" are clearly already well aware of whatever evils happen there, and condone them.

The way I see it (and thank you for pointing this out and your supportive message) - is if the government was already involved, it would be no big deal to leave the post up. "tell us something we already know" - nothing to see here.

But, if it was something more subversive, more organized, the actors would definitely NOT want anyone stirring up the attention to bringing in law enforcement. Especially painful to them if it's the exactly right branch/division of law enforcement to bring the heat.

If this was some sort of smuggling ring, it's a toss up between CBP and ATF (guns), DEA (drugs), or ??? if it's something else. But calling out CBP gets the wheels turning, and that's exactly what someone did not want.

The "authorities" are clearly already well aware of whatever evils happen there, and condone them.

I'd wager it's far more likely to be one of these. The reddit admins probably just want the drama to gtfo. They want reddit to be a nice brand friendly site, were user content and paid for brand marketing campaigns are indistinguishable.

Yes, I've been reconsidering my position... it hurts to have our efforts quashed, but it was getting awful doxxy, and some of those pictures, while intoxicatingly interesting, were getting into somevtough to defend territory. I can honestly accept some of these allegations. Still, I believe thiat place is a front of some kind, without question.

But as soon as you connect the dots, people get rather anxious.

This. Horrifying.

Just wanted to say thanks for your help and I'll be in touch.

No problem. If we can find somewhere to continue I've got a few other folks emailing me links and photos and what not they want to help

I saved the whole thread before it was erased, I can copy the text anywhere to start the conversation if must,

well thank god for that

Can you copy it to 8chan?

Did you do this anywhere?

8ch may be a good place

To be honest, I just have the page still open, I want my wife to read this craziness. Not sure how to save it better, copy paste in openoffice would do?

Use your browser to save the complete webpage and everything should remain in tact as originally, I believe.

Screenshot it, and copy the source text (You may need RES for that)

I copied it, the source is not available anymore unfortunately

If it's still open, print it using the Microsoft XPS printer thing. It'll make an image of the whole thing.

Yea I suppose a series of screenshots would do it. I'm sure there's an easier way but IDK sorry

Ctrl-A, Ctrl-C, open a text editor, Crrl-V

Print as PDF.

press the "prt sc" button on your keyboard

minimize thread

open ms paint, and paste.

open thread again

continue until all is saved.

I would very much appreciate a screen camp of the thread if you get that done.


pls copy it

Hijacking your comment to share this: http://8ch.net/b/res/1538720.html

Mods, let me know if this is considered "discussing the topic" and I'll remove it.

too bad that thread is literally full of cancer. it's been a long time since I've visited those boards, have they all been infected like this now?

At least they don't take shit down.

"404 Not Found"

More likely an autosage than someone actively taking it down.

you realize that is a chan board that rotates content right?

Let us know if you find any discussions

The discussion on ATS seems to have disappeared too.

Yup, it's definitely not a daycare center. People were getting too close to the truth. Wow.

Yep. If it was nothing, then it wouldn't have been shut down across various sites. All this would have gotten back to the daycare eventually and the owners of the place would have enlisted the police or whoever to make it all stop. Instead, it's just shut down and people are told not to talk about it? Wut?

Na. Something smells very fishy in all this.

I missed the entire SLC situation. Where can I find more info?

Bam. Found it. Was looking for the original thread that supposedly got deleted...and here it is.

Don't know why you got downvoted for just asking about it though...

I have the SRS/Conpiratards that just F5 my profile page all day and downvote everything I say and submit. Apparently this is important to them.

Yeah. Haters gotta hate. Meh.

Its still there.

Sorry, what's ATS? I think there's one going on 8ch/baph

ATS is Above Top Secret, it's a forum.

A heavily compromised forum.

Yes, this is how it seems to me too to be frank. The question is what the "truth" people got close to was/is.

I knew when I was reading about the shipping contains of 8,000 kg of plastic that shit was about to hit the fan here.

I appreciate everyone who contributed.

Not sure, but it's sure been "fun"!

Hi Frank. I'm dad.

I don't get it...

to be frank.

child trafficking of some sort, perhaps

People downvoting this may be guilty of supporting child-traffickers. Hope they think hard about what they're doing.

People downvoting this may be guilty of supporting child-traffickers.

This is a possibility, unfortunately.

Hope they think hard about what they're doing.

If they are guilty of it, however, I'd imagine they probably didn't give too much thought at all about downvoting a comment that simply raises the question as it relates to the SLC post.

I thought that idiot was joking.

do not take a "if you're not a part of the solution, you're a part of the problem" approach.

I'm not. However, it is also not the wisest thing to assume that there is no way anyone would do what he suggested.

Could be that, could be a CIA front or some similar organization, could be a drug dealer's or criminal's hideout, could be nothing at all. But I agree, it being a day care center definitely makes me suspicious based on similar stories that've been uncovered in the past.

A small time drug dealer/small time child sex trafficker can't shut down discussions on multiple forums. This is the big leagues, and deserves proper exposure. Streisand the fuck out this bitch.

Or they just threatened to sue/press charges?

That quickly? Sure they did. Posting public information is not libel and is not illegal. They have absolutely no grounds for criminal or civil charges.

The proof is that this was silenced so quickly and so totally. It stinks. These idiot fucks will be exposed. I've already heard around the clock surveillance is taking place. Good

Because posting is all that happened? Lmao okay bud. What about people calling? Taking pictures? Ordering pizza? They can clearly sue for harassment. Fuck man they could sue for anything. That's how suing works. And yeah maybe they'd lose the case but reddit would waste money fighting it to protect reddits rights to harass a daycare. It's easier to just pull it. Why fight for something that stupid?

You're as close minded as conspiratards, just the opposite direction. You don't want to think critically and try to disprove yourself, you want to shut out whatever doesn't fit your narrative.

Absolutely not. No one has a right to privacy when dealing with PUBLIC information. Hell, by your flawed and immature logic, the White Pages or Google could be sued for harassment simply because someone used that publicly accessible information to commit a crime. Posting and discussing PUBLIC information infringes on NO ONES rights and IS NOT UNLAWFUL. Only the foolish cannot understandtsuch simple basics. Good luck trying.

Lmao. You're so simple minded. I'm not gonna waste my time explaining this to you. I fully understand what you're saying, but people weren't just posting public records. You can sue for fucking anything in this country and reddit isn't gonna waste money fighting some shit like this when they can just remove it.

Again you come off just as much of a fool as those in conspiratard. Does that frustrate you? It'd frustrate you. I'm not saying this is fact bud, I'm just saying this is completely plausible. Denying that just makes you look like a close minded fool shutting out anything that challenges the narrative you constructed.

Again, using the same flawed logic and petty argument. Sure, anyone can be sued. For any reason. Look at the big brain on Brett.

Reddit clearly has a team of lawyers. This story was not censored because of claimed harassment. It was not censored because of unlikely but potential legal risk. The reason why it was silenced across reddit AND other forums is incredibly clear. Keep trying to make your point. Because as yet, you've said absolutely nothing.

Lmao you're a fucktard. A full fledged fucktard. Tell you what, fucktard. Go get someone's address and phone number from public records. Then go harass them. When they call the cops tell them "nuh uh I got these from public records you can't arrest me"

Then let me know what happens.

Post by /u/SilverTaint

Lmao you're a fucktard. A full fledged fucktard. Tell you what, fucktard. Go get someone's address and phone number from public records. Then go harass them. When they call the cops tell them "nuh uh I got these from public records you can't arrest me" Then let me know what happens.

Because that's exactly what everyone does with public information, right? They use and abuse it EVERY...SINGLE...TIME. JUST THINK OF THE KIDS!

Better call the authorities. The phone book allows trolls to make prank calls and ruin innocent people's lives. Gotta censor that Google and Yahoo. Those corrupt privacy destroyers allow anyone to find other public records in their name. Hell, we better shutter the division of public records now. You're actually telling me anyone can simply walk in, and without ID, gather all public information about every single small and large businesses in the State? What about people rights???

It's fun watching the shills snap. Kind of like dunking on a 3rd grader, regardless, ball is life.

Lmao. Again, people weren't just posting information. They were acting on it. You're dumb as bricks. I honestly think at this point that you're some kid who comes here to make this subreddit look like incompetent fucks. "Herp derp You're a shill." Get real kid.

You have zero evidence that ANYONE acted inappropriately with the public information.

Your speculations, meltdowns, and bullshit excuses don't exactly paint you in the most positive light. They're probably not gonna pay for this.

Lmao. It's literally right in the posts. People were saying what they were doing.

Calling a fucktard a fucktard is not a meltdown, but I wouldn't expect a fucktard to realize that.

How are you criticizing me for "speculating"? Do you understand how ironic that is? Lmao. Fucktard.

I haven't made any excuses. What could I even make excuses for? Fucktard.

Sure its not. Can't keep your cool when you're called out? This reflects quite poorly on your credibility to be listened to here.

Provide one single example of anyone improperly acting in the thread. One example is all that's necessary. Otherwise, not Only do you have no self control, but you're also a liar as well. Archives were made. Show where'd any single user was making threats, harrassing, or performing any unlawful act. You've been challenged.

Lmao thanks for the laugh man.

Could be that, could be a CIA front or some similar organization, could be a drug dealer's or criminal's hideout, could be nothing at all. But I agree, it being a day care center definitely makes me suspicious based on similar stories that've been uncovered in the past.

The Finders Cult and Franklin Cover-up being two that come to mind.

I noticed it was gone on ATS also. Sounds a bit fishy to me

Or the admins nuked the thread because people were harassing a day care center and they didn't want another Anderson Cooper story.

/x/ on 4chan has a thread up on this

This was a great thread to follow but if it means moving to 4chan then no. Just. No. A man has to draw the line somewhere. I'm out.

I had always been of the same mind till this started. I lurked the 8chan threads and while there are annoying people that might pop in to try and de-rail & troll the thread, the vast majority of information I had gathered had come from there.

The anonymity of it all is was makes it useful, the anonymity of it is what makes it cringy and annoying as fuck. 6 of one, half dozen of the other, but it's worth the annoyance. That said, don't lurk the site cause you'll lose all hope for humanity. Only go there if you know what you want is being discussed ;-)

What? 4chan really isnt much different to Reddit...

//slightly off topic

It is loaded down with porn, and no filter over it (whereas reddit at least has NSFW, people usually downvote unrelated content, etc.)

I am not a fan of trying to pursue something I am interested in only to have the page I am scrolling through being loaded with nasty porn. No thanks. I'm with /u/teleportation_larry on this one.

Im on /x/ right now and there is zero porn. I have no idea what you're talking about. Im pretty sure porn is not tolerated on that board though I guess there may be some nsfw images.


here's a link to the actual thread (with zero nsfw images) in case you cant figure out how to actually navigate 4chan.


Thanks for checking and linking it. I didn't even try beforehand because all of my past experiences with 4chan have been negative and I figured not to go back, but I'll keep an open mind. Thanks again.

Its no problem lol much like Reddit there are some parts that are worth checking and some that are not.

8ch.net has a few on /pol/ and /baphomet/ (I was tipped off to this in the now-deleted threads on /r/conspiracy). I haven't had time to look yet, but I wouldn't be surprised if 4chan also has some related discussion in /pol/.

Abovetopsecret.com still has the thread up, even though a redditor claimed it wasn't.

Hotlink that bitch, bro. Don't just cop to it.

dont know how

Copy and/paste site link. Likely long hold, copy.

Now their boards are down? Is that normal

That's Streisand for you. I can haz pizza nao?

We should take it to 8chan.

Other sites like what? I missed it all.


is a crappy clone site with a crappy name

Is anyone missing the irony that now with 64 comments worth of discussion this is now a thread about the SLC day care topic? LOL

The first rule of SLC Day Care is that we do not talk about SLC Day Care

With all of the deleted threads, that does seem to be the first rule of reddit.

Oh I'm sorry, I thought this was america.

It's been Corp. USA for many decades now.

That's right! Fuck those people's privacy!

It's all public data. I suppose you're against reading court records and such too.

I used to work for the census bureau for one of the censuses, and we had a lot of training about privacy laws. The privacy act of 1974 barred us from sharing personally identifiable information with anyone, even though much of thst info can be found in public records.

Point is, it doesnt matter if its publicly available. If its personally identifiable information, it coukd not be shared. Im not sure if this is part of reddit's TOS or not, but i assume it is... Hope this helps...

Interesting. I just get frustrated knowing the government can snoop however and whenever they want but god forbid people research strange happenings in their living space.

I agree. It seems our governments mantra is that the People must be protected from the People, and the government must be protected from the People. But no where does it really seem do they admit that it is much more important and condusive to a free society thst the People are to be protected from its Government above all else...

Medical records do not fall anywhere near close to public records of businesses. This is not protected information in any fashion. This is why its called PUBLIC FUCKING RECORDS. Jesus fucking Christ, dude.

Phone numbers, names of an individual, addresses, birthdates, telephone numbers, these all can be considered personally identifiable information (PII) when used with context. It doesnt matter if this info can be looked up on whitepages.com or through your local governments office of public records.

I dont know what info was shared inbthe thread that got removed by the admins, and i dont care. But i suspect it falls under PII according to the law, and thus, was more than likely against reddits TOS, regardless of how easy it is to get that info, and regardless of whether or not thst info was in public records. If its PII, its protected.

Why you so mad?

By your definition, PII is the phonebook and business records. I'm afraid hours wrong. This is individual information, not protected in any fashion.

PII is any information that can be used on its own or with other information to identify, contact, or locate a single person, or to identify an individual in context.

Those were examples i gave that fit this definition.

What type of information was shared?

Yes, and the phone book and public records are not PROTECTED personally identifiable information. There are no laws or statutes projecting their disclosure. Your job regulations only apply to employees of that corporation. Not the public at large.

Perhaps this will help you.

Let me know if you require any further instruction.

Posting someone's personal phone number crosses a line.

Posting the phone number (or address) to a public business does not.

All of what happened in the SLC threads fell outside of personal information.

Please explain the logic behind that. It seems based on emotional reactions to me.

Look, it's not black and white. When does publicly available information posting cross the line? Website? Whois information? Street address? Shipping manifest to the business?

Yes it is black and white.

You're a business and required by most states to supply the name and address of a registered agent who will act as a legal contact for your business. This is public information and for good reason. If you want privacy in this regard, you can pay for services who act as your registered agent.

Same issue with domain registration. You put in contact information for your domain in case someone needs to get in touch with you. Again, services can be paid for that provide a layer of privacy and abstraction.

Public record is such. If you don't like having public records then think twice about opening a company and how you do such. Don't want a paper trail? Don't put your home address down as the registered agent. Don't put your name and email down for domain services, register a company email.

I'm not justifying or warranting any type of harassment, but querying the true actions of a shady business is hardly classified as harassment. This is not a witchhunt but rather a public inquiry of a business which appears to be hiding something.

I'm not justifying or warranting any type of harassment, but querying the true actions of a shady business is hardly classified as harassment. This is not a witchhunt but rather a public inquiry of a business which appears to be hiding something.

Can't be repeated enough. If I had gold, I wouldn't give it to you 'cause Fuck reddit.

A disappointing double standard. Irony, ain't it grand?


You agree with my sarcasm, or the face value of my words?

My apologies for not having seen South Park.

Yeah, that's absolutely right. Fuck public records being discussed! They didn't want it public, they probably shouldn't have gone public in the first place.

What is your name?

Who is your daddy and what does he do?

I'm a cop you idiot!


My businesses properly manage public perception.

Reddit is run by TPTB. They don't like you snooping in their business. It's time everyone sees it for what it is.

Jenny Death When?


"The powers that be"

Big dollars, big influence

Serious question from a like-minded individual: what keeps you here?

This reminds me a lot of the shit storm that Reddit as a whole got from the mainstream media after the Boston Marathon Bombings.

Then, just like now, the site admins removed some pretty amazing amateur investigation work. The site admins also apologized profusely for the actions of hundreds of Redditors who were merely trying to help find the Boston Bombers.

This is actually the first time I had ever seen or heard of Reddit, and I was instantly hooked for this very reason, the ability of a group of like minded people to collaborate on publicly available information to make a real world change for the better.

I will say unabashedly that the posts on Reddit during the Boston Marathon, literally changed my life forever. I poured through all of the information posted, looking at all the pictures, videos, thoughts and ideas, and came to my own conclusion about what really happened that day. I realized that the entire event was completely fake, and was perpetrated by criminal elements of a supposedly "friendly" foreign government, facilitated by an equally corrupt "news" media. This really shook me and my previous beliefs to the core.

It really changed my entire perspective on life, and I will always revere Reddit, and particularly this sub for that experience.

This exposure of truth had to have played a large part in the negative press which Reddit received in the aftermath of BMB. I can only imagine how alarmed the MSM and the criminals involved in this hoax were when their lies and deceptions were being exposed while their story line was literally still unfolding.

They absolutely had to demonize and vilify Reddit, to ensure the majority of people wouldn't find the truth, and reject the false reality they were trying to impose. The news media then attacked Reddit en masse, due to a few idiots who posted personal details of an innocent bystander.

It seems logical to me that the same people being exposed, would have a huge motive to post these personal details in order to discredit those who exposed them. I wonder, is that what happened here with the "daycare"? There was already a play book on how you get Reddit to remove damaging evidence uncovered by Internet sleuths, just post personal information about people in the same thread, and voila, all the dirt you don't want people to see is gone! A False Flag. Ok, maybe I'm being a little too conspiratorial, but I know now if there's ever a post about something I don't like or want to cover up, the exact strategy to employ to get reddit to censor it.

It seems to be that this sub once again came VERY VERY close to exposing some pretty nefarious things by some powerful people at this daycare.

I look forward to continuing this conversation with you all in a more 1st Amendment friendly, free speech zone.

Nice write up! Thanks.

Actually I archived/html cached the original threads. I guess that was a smart idea.

You think the Boston bombing was fake?

Yes /u/adds_to_circle_jerk, I think and can prove that there were people who faked their injuries at the Boston Marathon.

Dear Reddit Administrators: Go fuck yourselves.

As if we needed more proof that Reddit is run by an arm of the US government.

And more proof that the U.S. govt is infested with child-fuckers.

Links to this comment have been submitted to 2 subreddits:

This comment was posted by a bot, see /r/Meta_Bot for more info. Please respect rediquette, and do not vote or comment on the linked submissions. Thank you.

This thread has been targeted by a possible downvote-brigade from /r/PanicHistory

Members of /r/PanicHistory active in this thread:

Now Edward Snowden has become the latest fugitive of US imperialism, his only crime being that he told embarrassing truths about the US government. --alan woods

This channel is compromised anyway

Seek higher ground

Do investigation yourself, now

That's what this is all about.

This could be real. I'm proud of the curiosity. Now the form must be mastered. You are all heroes for CARING now let's be real with how we move forward and make a real change

Welp, subbed to /r/conspiracy today. Also unsubbing today.

Join us over at /v/Conspiracy if you want a discussion place free of censorship.

As OP of the re-cap/container post, I can't say I'm surprised it was removed. I am surprised it was done with no explanation from the sites admins, and that I had apparently been shadowbanned/un-shadownbanned (possible a few times) with no explanation save for a PM from a mod saying, basically, sorry dude, but apparently you've been shadowbanned.

I do feel it should be noted, I had contacted Customs (as per a suggestion from a commenter in my thread) about this container in question. I felt there was enough information that dubiously registered companies were involved in something not right. I talked to two different people, sent links (not reddit links, source links) to them with the information gathered. I go about the rest of my work day and come to find this happened. Coincidence? Nope. Nefarious? I'll put it at 60-40.

Ultimately, this is why I have been a lurker on this site & sub. Why discuss anything when someone, on their whim, can just say "no, I don't like that".

Thanks to everyone who tried to help dig. I plan to continue to dig, and discuss this off-site. If you are interested, feel free to PM me so I can keep you in the loop and let you know where shop get's set up once it is.

well...this just got even better...so i'm gathering that the higher ups are shutting it down before it gets out of hand and stuff gets outed? awesome....just makes it seem like you're definatley on to something...i'd love to stay in the loop on this saga

If you are interested, feel free to PM me so I can keep you in the loop and let you know where shop get's set up once it is.

Keep me posted if you find anything interesting. Cheers my friend.

I'm interested in staying in the loop please

Jail Bait and teachers submitting creep shots of minor student's butts and cleavage lasted for years with Reddit arguing that it had to host it because freespeech.

I'm more suspicious of the virulent reaction to the discussion than I am in photos from a crappy run down day care.


I've been following this today and am a tad bit disappointed. I saw no evidence of Doxxing, althought I did see a great deal of imagination in the thread. I'm pretty sure that the entire thread could have been curtailed with a single, authenticated response from the business ownership to any social media stream.

The disappointment I feel at the moment stems from the Admins' double standard in this regard. This site is willing to let large firms such as Comcast be desicccated to the point where they have entire sub-Reddits posting entire recorded conversations with the business, but when a business such as this is called into question, the ban-hammer is pulled out of the closet. I find this double-standard questionable and disappointing.

Hopefully Redditors in SLC have some balls and do something to make the Admins rethink the way they operate...

Join #slc_daycare on irc.freenode.com if you'd like to discuss and figure out what's going on in an uncensored environment.

Link? I'm getting a 404 message

Wow. Brand new user and the only post. Seems legit.

I only register new accounts to post on reddit. Just one of those things.

Is this irc worth checking out?

Dear Conde Naste: Doxxing is when you release the PII of a person IN THE THREAD. Public information is public information. If one owns a company and registers with a name and address to the state / federal government, that isn't PII, that's PUBLIC INFORMATION.

I have been following this thing since yesterday, and the only names/addresses I've seen were pulled from said public information. As the government is wot to say,


Reddit is not non-biased. They obviously have an agenda, and it has nothing to do with protecting PII.

Just because its publicly available doesn't mean its not personal information.

Its like saying linking to someone's facebook profile is not doxxing when the facebook profile is made public by the user. Its still doxxing.

Reddit is a great way for groups of people to discuss about something but terrible when hundreds of people call a day care because of the conspiracy theories. Its harassment plain and simple.

NO. A conversation cannot be held responsible for what people decide to do on their own. Nobody linked to someone's personal facebook profile, or posted the phone number to the daycare center. To the contrary, the handful of people who claimed to try contacting said daycare all reported failure. It was only random newly created accounts that started crying "harassment."

If I told you that my local Pizza Hut had a habit of denying service to black people, at what point does it go from public info to doxxing? Is it when I tell you which Pizza Hut it is? Or is it when someone looks up who the manager is? What if someone posts the name of the owner of that particular franchise? All of it is public information. But the context matters as well. Would Conde Naste be so quick to delete entire threads if it was a story about some Indian woman getting denied service at a Denny's?

Isn't that the whole point of private/public page settings?

No it's not. This mentality is completely wrong.

Nothing was obtained illegally in this case,no databases were broken into. We didn't trace a username to a facebook profile set to private, dictionary hack the password, do a paid background and credit check based on that information , get the names of relatives and friends, obtain a social security number off the credit report and then use that ss # to obtain cell phone and banking information by way of social engineering. That my friend is doxing. This was the equivalent of walking into your local tax assessor's office and saying "can you tell me who owns the property at 1234 any street" writing a check for $3.00 and getting the report.

I am talking about reddit's view of doxxing.

Doxxing doesn't always has to be something straight out of DEFCON or something.

The simple definition here is 'to post PERSONAL INFORMATION even if they are easily accessible by the public'.

But that describes almost every news story involving a crime. Every time someone is arrested or standing trial for a crime there's a news story. If it's ok to to give the name of someone who hasn't even been convicted in a court of law why isn't it ok to use a name from public records. I've seen posts deleted for mentioning where someone works, and I've seen other posts where it mentions that X was a 3rd grade teacher at Nixon elementary school.

Lol of course no response to that post...

to protect the subreddit itself from being banned

Has this actually been threatened?

Based on past precedent, that is what occurs when subreddits fail to comply with admin directives of this nature.

I downvoted. Not for the sentiment, but your complicity.

The whole 'conversation' is so ridiculously benign that this will be remembered and mocked for years to come.

Had you called their bluff, they would have nuked a subreddit over tax evaders and SEC violations. Could you imagine that back-peddling?

Not even giving us the opportunity to come and say "Hey it's all good, no kiddies are gettin' it in the ho-ho" has done far more harm than good.

We could have done that a day and a half ago.

We. Were. Not. Allowed.

Sorry to say this, mate, but this subreddit getting banned for this topic would have been one of the best things that could have happened for awareness.

It's a shame you don't see that. Stay safe, brother.

No answer to this yet. Mods, maybe you could post a screenshot of the threats?

No answers to any of the reasonable questions

Somefin's fishyyy

Wow, just wanted to register my disgust at this. If this counts as doxxing / posting personal information then you could pick off dozens of posts on the front page to delete as well. I guess this site is ready to become more like buzzfeed and facebook and less like an actual forum.

You mean you actually came here for quality and open discussion and not to look at pretty pictures and dank memes? We're trying really hard to ram this site into the mainstream for easier monetization here, don't screw it up.

talk about adding fuel to the fire.. there is no way this topic is going to be ignored now lol.

thats like putting a cookie jar on top the fridge and expecting the child not to try and climb the damn fridge to get it.

Just so people know, the discussion on ATS has been nuked as well as of about 10 minutes or so ago. I just signed up today for it simply to post my thoughts and as I clicked "post" for my commentary to be posted, the site gave me a 404 page. That would mean that the thread was killed while I was typing my comments out.

The thread spanned three days and over 21 pages and I didn't even get the chance to go through most of them before this happened. I don't really buy this explanation that the main post here is giving. Everyone knew we were not trying to harass some random daycare. Connections were made with the owners doing shady business and we focused our efforts towards that, not stalking kids for Christ's sake, and kept digging.

Why, at that point, do we need to be sanctioned away from discussing this entire thing? I really want to know the rationale for this because honestly I get the feeling that someone had been instructed at some point to can these threads entirely.

Apparently people were ordering pizzas and physically being a nuisance at the location

Yeah that happened once. Only one other guy went there and actually took pictures for these threads and stuck around for like five minutes.

Ah, I see. Well, that hardly qualifies as harassment. Someone finds this thing worth santizing, I hope the conversation can continue elsewhere

This is incredibly disappointing. A sub that allegedly promotes the free movement of information and highlights the disdain of censorship, is censoring a quality post.

Sorry to inform you that you have been shadowbanned by the reddit admins.

I'm not sure when this happened, or what you did to draw their ire.

At this point your only recourse is to pm the modmail of /r/reddit.com and appeal the ban.

Odd, I can still see his post.

You can see the comments only after a moderator approves them.


Yup, I just had to approve this comment for regular users to see it.

/u/lurch350z His account has page not found now. Does that mean he has been banned sitewide at this point?

WHAT. The. fuck.

what was he sb/d for?

I don't know. Only reddit admins can shadowban.

I can still see the posts made by /u/lurch350z

try again

Clearly the account has now been deleted.

Golly, I think we've stumbled onto something...

Can people post some links to alternate discussion sites/threads, here? Sounds like it will all be deleted on Reddit soon.


Sorry I don't know what this lingo means. I'd like a clear way to find a thread following this please.

Same here.


Why is it okay for police to investigate people and ruin their lives (even those of innocent people), but citizens cannot contribute to justice in any meaningful way because it's considered "harassment?"

We should be allowed to have the authority of law enforcement because there is no monetary incentive for the work we do, but we can't because of reddit "rules," and must instead resort to shitty 4chan-esque imageboards to collaborate and bring anonymous justice to fruition.

Maybe an /r/conspiracy mod can create a new home for /r/conspiracy somewhere else, such as an imageboard. This new site can be permanently stickied/greenposted and all new submissions to this sub disabled, to encourage the migration (because reddit sucks). I feel like any original, groundbreaking or meaningful information on reddit gets hijacked by higher-ups such as admins. We're being held hostage here.

I'm pretty sure that abuse of police power is not a consequence of the Reddit TOS. :p The presence of an oppressive, intrusive state power does not justify your desire for mob justice.

Police have very little internal resistance and can generally do what they want, freely, without substantial repercussions. Average people, like you or me, face heavy/ambiguous/abusable restrictions (Reddit TOS) and find it nearly impossible to relay information that could, for lack of a better phrase, "make waves."

Wouldn't police work be considered "mob justice," since they're organized? We're just an unorganized, rag-tag team of citizens with a better incentive to better the community.

I'm new to all this. Can someone tell me where to go on Reddit to discern the difference between an administrator and a moderator?

I do know the guy who started Reddit got in hot water with the government and committed suicide or maybe "suicide." Was he an administrator and/or moderator, and have things taken a turn for the worse since he left?

FWIW, I really felt like the SLC creepy day care thread was fascinating and really seemed to be on to something, connecting the dots. Very disappointed to see in censored. All the information was in the public domain.

Mods are subreddit specific and are unpaid, admins actually work for "reddit.com", are paid, and have ultimate control over the reddit domain.

Thank you.

Anyone else getting threats in their inboxes?I was getting harassed last night by someone telling me to stop harassing the daycare, even though I have no part in this whatsoever besides participating in the threads.

EDIT: Here. I was getting these last night. Anyone else get something like this? Sorry for the shitty paint job. The guy sending me the comments (maybe guy?) is /u/Thisguytwo. So...you know...paging thisguytwo, you're wanted in the B wing, please tell me what the fuck's going on...

EDIT 2: This guy's comment history, holy shit. Redditor for literally less than a day. Every comment (all 8 of them, and one post that's now been removed for being about the daycare) is something along the lines of "shut up guys, there's nothing going on there." Like, why's this person have such a vested interest in the place?!

Very interesting from a user /u/thisguytwo that only has a 12 hrs account. Wonder who is it hiding from!

It's either a troll feeding the whole ARG-feeling of this whole thing (stoking the flames, so to speak), or someone who's legit worried about someone finding out what's inside the daycare.

Good analysis bro.



Not to happy about this being removed but I understand that if it is indeed a legitimate business, private information should not be shared. Very odd situation however, but we may look too far into things.

Unhappy with the admins deleting without notification though. On the other hand, the mods of this sub are fantastic in their transparency and updates, especially /u/AssuredlyAThrowAway


Private information

Any phone number, address, or website relating to a business is not private information. Any phone number, address, or whatever, relating to an actual person is private. From everything I saw in the threads, none of the latter was posted.

I was just shadowbanned off of a 2+ year account with 40K karma, 10 gift exchanges, over a year of gold (with months remaining), and a history of NOT BEING A TROLL.....all for posting the phone number of a business which was posted in various PUBLIC places.

Not doxxing a human being, but posting a business' phone number that you could get out of the yellow pages.

There was no warning...no Mod/Admin explanation...I was just not being seen when I posted and Reddit thought that would be the most respectable way of showing me that I might have broken one of the rules.

I got in touch with an Admin who asked me why I thought it was OK to post "personal information"....and that was the extent of my dealings with Reddit's "customer service team" before every other venue was ignored.

Reddit Admins DEFINITELY use their own political agendas to weed out people they dont agree with. There is no recourse and no respect from Reddit's side...and you really dont have to break the letter or intent of the rule for them to take ACTUAL MONEY from you by denying access to a profile and its features that you have paid money for.

As I have said before....at least Comcast will accept your phone calls after they take your money (by error or otherwise). Reddit Admin gave me a SJW "fuck you" and then went back to acting transparent while everybody she disagrees with is shadowbanned.

This situation is actually "Reddit by design". Look for a Reddit "customer service line" or for /u/gekokujo if you disagree.

Thanks for that. Reddit can be a great platform. As long as there's not an SJW in charge. That's the same with many forums though. I'm following this situation on 8ch now; do the reddit admins really think that just by banning the topic on their own website, it won't be discussed elsewhere? That just makes the topic even more scintillating.

EDIT: The user you linked to at the end has been deleted.

an SJW is the CEO now

There are ways to get justice, you should explore your options. There are 3rd parties willing to represent individuals if there are potential reparations involved. If everything you say is true, you are due reparations. Legally speaking, of course.

They posted names

TIL: Public Information=Private information per Reedit rules

This is not a legitimate business. No one has been seen entering or exiting in a very long time. A few kids here and there? In order for a daycare to be profitable ie. remain in existence they need to be operating at 70% capacity. That means about 20 kids entering and exiting every single day. There is a playground to the side and back of the building, clearly visible from every street. There are no footprints, signs of human activity whatsoever and locals (within 1 block) have never seen children playing on the grounds.

The mods are just as crooked, don't let them fool you.

Streisand effect...

Just got here because of it. Yeah, I already spread it further ..

Um, could anyone e.g. PM me the story, recap stuff or anything? A [Deleted] sign says only so much. Thanks!

"Personal information being used to harass a business."

This is ridiculous. You know, if you had ever owned a business there is good and bad publicity and it's a natural part of owning one. Harassment is subjective to a certain extent hard to define. There is certainly no harassment involved in wondering what a local business does in the area. Which is a perfectly valid question. And this thread is an opinion an incredibly lowly excuse for censorship.

It's a publicly registered business venue with a publicly registered adress. There is absolutely nothing wrong with posting that. Typical SJW admin failures, are you mod's stupid enough to think people don't know what's right or wrong here?

If these threads get deleted again, i just stuck some forums up on a new domain. Not interested in gaining traffic and nothing is monetized, I just got.tired of bouncing from 8chan to here to above top secret.

Basic forum now due to work tonight but if you guys need to use it I'll pretty it up tomorrow.

Let's figure out wtf this place really is.

investigation forums

Censorship at it's best.

Blatant Censorship by Reddit Admins. Obvi misuse of the "harassment" bs. How about the throwaway accounts posting death threats and calling posters by their "real" names to intimidate? This topic struck a nerve with some Organization that has influence on Reddit.

This topic is the HEART of this subredddit.

calling posters by their "real" names to intimidate?

Wait, what? This really happened?!

Yeah. And it is creepy when you read it. Blatant psy-op intimidation.

Read this thread here, they have screenshots of the original threads :


To be clear; I agree with not doxxing anyone.

What are the mods doing to address what appeared to be algorithm level censorship before this directive came down?

What are the mods doing to address what appeared to be algorithm level censorship before this directive came down?

It wasn't done at the algorithm level; the admins were removing threads and comments by hand.

Which is interesting they can do such a thing without leaving a trace in the modlog. That is pretty bogus.

"Who watches the watchers?"

All their actions do show up in the mod logs.

I would guess he is referring to the observation that the 1 day old Saga thread dropped to page 8 yesterday while older threads with less votes rose above it.

Maybe the algorithm takes into account things other than age and votes and comment count?

Didn't you state elsewhere that it didn't appear to be admins? Since an admin removal leaves a paper trail? Are you now changing your stance on that?

EDIT: Your comments on the matter.

I do see that you edited to say admins removed it. Looking forward to their non-splantion.

The admins said they weren't involved with the first thread being removed and that it was caught by the sitewide spam filter. The second thread, the one from yesterday, was the one that had a clear record of admin interference.

Got it. Thanks for the clarification.

Who was Doxxed?

Erase an entire subject from the subreddit and remove what was, in effect, a really convenient summary of research gleaned from sources that are freely and openly available elsewhere. Am I following this correctly?

I knew I should've saved that last thread somewhere. I had a feeling this was coming, but I wasn't sure. I'm an idiot.

Why have the subreddit at all if this happens?

Sounds like the Admins are getting orders from the higher ups.

Yes I did buy the car. Thank you for asking. The morg?

by the logic of the mods, Shouldn't this post also be removed because it's "discussing it"?

And end freedom of speech? Thats not gonna happen!

Fight Club

God, fuck the admins.

It happens.

Thanks for the try.

Though the admins may have undermined the sub by not just deleting the personal information with a warning or ban.

Well, all the best.

I have no idea what I missed.

Some really good popcorn-worthy mystery that made me miss a lot of work today but unfortunately was removed for bogus reasons.

Google did not let me down. Very interesting stuff.

How is publicly available information considered personal information? Reddit as a company seems to be unable to wrap their minds around this. Not just in this instance. There's a reason that city,state and federal agencies make this information available to the public.

Is this what happens when an SJW lawyer is the CEO of reddit?

Playing the Devil's Advocate:

Individually, the pieces of information found are each a mere piece in a larger puzzle. Put all the pieces together, and the completed puzzle itself becomes "personal information".

when you register a business or create a corporation it's a public record there's no piecing of anything. Business, agent/primary, address and standing .

That wasn't the only information found though.

Going out of your way to find and create connections between individual sources of data is pretty invasive, and probably the reason why admins made their decision.

There's more personal information in the thread about the kid making magical threats than there was in the SLC thread and he's a minor. Why is one source of public information like the news deemed to be OK, and another source like tax or business records not OK?

While not required, you are requested to use the NP domain of reddit when crossposting. This helps to protect both your account, and the accounts of other users, from administrative shadowbans. The NP domain can be accessed by prefacing your reddit link with np.reddit.com.

I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.

I suppose because what constitutes "personal information", isn't a binary issue.

It is on a sliding scale, and a threshold must have been passed.

Collectively, the data found in this case passed that threshold. The operating word there being "collectively".

I'm just trying to put myself in the mindset of the Reddit admins.

The harassment angle was bullshit too. How many times has a business or govt agency done something that pisses off the hivemind, and you get threads asking to call/e-mail them to voice your displeasure?

Yeah, it seems like a double standard, but a creepy/mysterious/vaguely sinister place like the day care didn't necessarily do anything wrong, unlike the worthless shitstains over at Comcast, et al.

Hear that Reddit? No more posts about Wallmart, Monsanto, Goldman Sacs, Koch Industries, etc. FTFU.

This should apply: Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act


No provider or user of an interactive computer service shall be treated as the publisher or speaker of any information provided by another information content provider.

In analyzing the availability of the immunity offered by this provision, courts generally apply a three-prong test. A defendant must satisfy each of the three prongs to gain the benefit of the immunity:

The defendant must be a "provider or user" of an "interactive computer service."
The cause of action asserted by the plaintiff must treat the defendant as the "publisher or speaker" of the harmful information at issue.
The information must be "provided by another information content provider," i.e., the defendant must not be the "information content provider" of the harmful information at issue.


Are we allowed to talk about the day care center that had tunnels underneath for taking the children to be raped?


Are there any sources or anything that can back what this guy is saying?

Can they provide any examples..?

So, what's up with the sidebar rabbit? As in, why is it still up? Did you forget to take it down? Are you leaving it up as a "fuck you" to the admins?


Well played.


I don't think it's that important tbh

Is this another Eric Holder plan to ship weapons to criminals, hoping for some kind of mass slaughter to justify a crackdown?

There was something about a shipping container with several tons of "soccer balls" on its way from China.

I hope this means the cancelation or postponment of the next false flag op.

Is this another Eric Holder plan to ship weapons to criminals, hoping for some kind of mass slaughter to justify a crackdown?

I had this same thought this morning lol

Are you being serious?

The weeping snoo is a nice touch btw. So apropos.

LOOK TO 8CHAN We will figure this out.

But where??


There's a thread on 8ch's /b/ and /baphomet/ and then on 4chan's /x/


/baphomet/ and /b/. On 4chan there's also a thread on /x/

Got links bro

Mods are shills, we must continue this elsewhere.

No sticky?

And I'd be very surprised if nobody's archived all of the stuff that was removed. You have to get pretty lucky to completely remove something from the Web.

Censorship is good, remember that everyone.

I knew absolutely nothing about this......now, thanks to the censorship, I am dialed in. Anyone know if any other sites discussing this?

4chan 8chan and abovetopsecret

Got it, thx....so it appears we've stumbled across some sort of black site, and have now been told to move along.

i have no idea where/how to find it (or anything really) on 4chan or 8chan

EDIT: I mean, anything meaningful

I hope this doesn't end

Way to fail mods/admins. Enjoy the fear as Tptb creep along with your help. People will find you and lump you in when the time comes

So you're doing the man's bidding and keeping business out of the reach of the people?

Well, ban the conspiracy subreddit. A few days ago, it was a ban on crisis actor discussions?


Today it's this? -There's plenty of child pedophile and government crap going on, the Saville case and Franklin cover-up prove it.

Fuck Conde' Nast Censorship. We need someplace new ala 8chan.

What bothers me is your explanation of why it was banned is very similar circular logic like the god damned pigs we have has shepherds now days. You never actually gave a reason why it was banned other than someone told you to do it. I'm glad we have the option of free and unbiased LEGAL discussions. Thanks internet.

This is very, very unfortunate news. But, I understand that you as mods have to respond to the admins. What would have happened if you had resisted?

Most likely the sub would have been banned and/or the moderators would have been banned and the admin remove it themselves.

what would that mean if reddit was not even allowed to have an r/conspiracy....like that is the only word in the english language you can't start a subreddit with.

'Find who and what you cannot mock and learn, then you will know who rules you and how they do it' - me(based on something voltaire said)

Another quote by Mark Twain comes to mind, 'If voting made any difference, it would be illegal'

Like I have said many times, the form of reddit is the basis of a replacement for all voting systems as we know them and is as such is inherently subversive. As such I only expect issues like this to become more and more frequent as the status quo chafes against the future. Oh and it may result in a lot of us having to go to jail or the ministry of love or whatever they call it now.

Mods, we appreciate you making it clear that you don't necessarily support Admins directive but have no choice but to be their bitch. We understand this, but we're still not really seeing how anything has violated TOS. All info posted has been public, pictures were taken from sidewalk and street, etc...

Did you mention anything related to Admins?

they wont reply to questions like this. They will not reply to anything unless they are forced to.

Damn, I'm gone for a few hours out to dinner for my mom's birthday and it's gone. Fucking great. Could someone fill me in or would that be against the rules?

What a great place reddit has become.

the information and research contained therein amounted to what they considered to be, on the whole, "personal information being used to harass a business."

Fair enough. If that's the case, /r/conspiracy mods, please explain to us what exact harassment has occurred.

Because I cannot help but assume bullshit until I'm given an explanation of how the submissions have caused harassment of the business.

mods, please explain to us what exact harassment has occurred.

None that I saw and I didn't agree with any of the removals (and still don't), and I made my opinion clear. But the bottom line is the admins have the final say on this site.

well, don't really understand why that building suddenly become so important but in general, the op reasoning can be applied to every person that is debated here. Talk about Obama? Witch hunting, delete. Putin? harassment! delete. Whatever other dude that was ever mentioned in this thread or on reddit, delete, delete, delete!

You forgot to add that we shouldn't list where either of those guys work, doing that now means we're "doxxing" lol.

This whole situation reminds me of the final scene in "The 'Burbs": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EECf2o9Ivaw

Yeah only the clip cuts the part when the old German dude drives up and they look in his trunk and find a couple hundred skulls. Selective editing much?

is there any places on reddit where other people are discussing it? also are the threads still available anywhere to read?

There are threads, like this one. If you want to go to a place where corrupt mods/admins dont delete useful information, go to voat.co.

So....everyone should stick to things they can't change?

Very disappointing.

Apropos, what is the status of that building and what's going on there?

Kids going in there/anybody inside?

Who is asking? Do you live outside of UTah?

Me, a Joe Six Pack internet doofus.

Live outside of mormon state, yes.

Then why do you care? Want to find out more come check it out yourself.

Dumb post, dumb person.

The irony is that the subject of the conversation at this point is so benign that we can't even tell you how benign it is so you can go about your lives.

Shady as fuck? Illegal activities? Establishment protection?


So, just as a strategy to make /r/conspiracy and all those who question things look stupid, and possibly as a means of justifying censorship, people here should be using common sense.

Here's how "they" could set this up as a trap for us "nutters":

Create a website or create fake data showing lots of strange activity for a somewhat innocuous business, post something to reddit and encourage people in the area to "investigate". Depend on how badly those "investigating" act, use it as justification to censor real covert operations under the guise that those "conspiracy nuts" are getting out of hand again. If the actions are super bad, draft a law and introduce it to congress.

Again, people reading these things have to use common sense or it simply justifies censorship, or worse. The people who work these dark allies of control and manipulation will use all sorts of dirty tricks.

More than anything, it seems the Admins are afraid of this turning into another Boston Marathon bombing witch hunt. I get it, but...I don't get it.

Could move the discussion to a different forum, one without the same rules that the previous thread broke/bent.

not on reddit you won't - I guarantee it...

Im deleting my account and my other account /u/derriere_hole. Ive realized that anyone born after 1989 is now in the job market and in positions of power and control. It didnt take long but they reprogrammed almost everyone. Tptb started to notice that they couldnt accomplish it with anyone pre 89. They started retraining society to adhere to the new standards that would allow them to continue working on whatever they are doing to bring 1984 into reality. There's a story on the front page right now about a rape joke on the xx chromosomes sub. Everyone is going to say rape isnt funny...where's your sense of humor? There's comedy clubs people pay money to get into. There's a default joke sub. Its a joke, but because 1 woman disagreed with the content her story is upvoted. This definitely pushes some type of agenda. Instead of having a sitewide vote the admins assign default subs. Where's the default yx sub? Arent we all about equality now? They know men wont make a fuss. Men dont care. What happened to atheism and politics sub? Godless critics arent allowed to express opinions or thoughts. The past 2 weeks theres been 2 stories about japanese crimes in ww2 that have made it to the front page. Why? What are they planning against the japanese? Why are they trying to lift guilt from the german atrocities in ww2. Why the same story make it twice to the top? Remember the matad crucible? Seemed legit too until they threw in a screen cap to from an insurance commercial to discredit it. All comments were deleted. Younger kids are easier to program. Thats why we'll never have a charlie hebdo type rally. Thats why we werent present as a country at the rally. They wouldnt want to give us the wrong impression...we stand and are alone. Every single one of us. You older peeps have been cool but time to stop wasting my time on this site with panty wearing bitches that easily get offended...programed into this position. This 4chan shit seems legit for now. Btw im a truck driver and get to choose my loads from my dispatcher so il be requesting a load to SLC and I will be parking my ass in front of this place...im going to magically break down. Not safe to disclose but if you dont see my pics or videos from my stay there over at 4chan then you guys know what happened and if something nefarious is truly going on here. By now im sure everyones hands are clean. Thats if I actually get to make it there. You know why immigration will never be reformed in this country? Because those people havent been to our schools, havent watched our tv and havent consumed our food. The border isnt designed to keep people out....it designed to keep people inside. The right type of people. Were too stupid to see that the government tells us everything theyre up to. Disguised as entertainment through tv and movies. Im bringing along my manhole cover lift from my utility days to see whats underground. See ya guys on the other side... its been fun!

There goes a brave and impassioned crackpot. I'll see you on 4chan brother.

Use the fucking ENTER key you fucking asshole.

Have fun in prison. I heard that they love going down manholes too.

Don't forget your tinfoil hat!

Even for /r/conspiracy this is pretty crazy...

The reason /r/politics and /r/atheism were removed as default subs was because they were becoming toxic, /r/politics only catered to one specific viewpoint and /r/atheism was a circlejerk shit hole.

and /r/atheism[5] was a circlejerk shit hole.

Was, huh?

Yes, as in that was the reason it was removed.

At the time or removal it was what I said it was.

It still is, but that's not the point of my statement.

Wow , Admins are in control we are not trying to get the whole sub banned hahaha Wtf is up with this daycare. Real interesting to me since I used to live in slc. Anyone mind telling me what part?

what would that mean if reddit was not even allowed to have an r/conspiracy....like that is the only word in the english language you can't start a subreddit with.

'Find who and what you cannot mock and learn, then you will know who rules you and how they do it' - me(based on something voltaire said)

Another quote by Mark Twain comes to mind, 'If voting made any difference, it would be illegal'

Like I have said many times, the form of reddit is the basis of a replacement for all voting systems as we know them and is as such is inherently subversive. As such I only expect issues like this to become more and more frequent as the status quo chafes against the future. Oh and it may result in a lot of us having to go to jail or the ministry of love or whatever they call it now.

Now I feel pretty certain that the "daycare center" is a front. Who ever owns that building had the power to get Reddit to shut down discussion.

As far as I can tell the post is still up.

I'm guessing we won't be seeing the removed content over in /r/uncensorship, huh?

go to /x/ or whole chan

Where can I find an ongoing discussion about this? I feel like it could be super high tech inside and it just look like crap on the outside on purpose.

I read some of the previous posts and didn't comment or get involved. All I could picture was Reddit ending up on the news because crazy conspiracy people were stalking a daycare.

Edit: Don't be part of the problem and set everyone up for more reasons to make the Internet safer for the kids

You aren't paying attention.

To what? Inbox me if you are worried the mods will delete it

I commend the Mods for sticking up to the standards of this sub and keeping inline with the reasons that it was created.

Thank you!

what if the federal police have actually been investigating this matter for a long time and would rather not have the people involved aware that their scheme is being exposed at all. just a thought.

I don't think it is a doxxing issue. I think people got into some hot water when they began to literally peek into the windows and take pictures of the daycare.

Yes, but i'm having trouble understanding the limits to that. What's the difference between a local McDonalds making front page(or any PUBLIC BUILDING) and this? In both examples, someone can easily figure out where the place is at and walk up to "observe" or take pictures. The whole "They probably got harassed or something" explanation is non-consistent and implies that any public building can request something to be taken out of Reddit because they were "harassed," which is a possible outcome for any public building that reaches Reddit. This introduces the classic "Well, where do you draw the line?" Using what we know, this would mean that there is an underlying variable that isn't being discussed.

There are a lot of resources concerning street photography and the law. Different states have different laws. I found Utah's voyeurism offense code Ann. 76-9-702-7.


Good find. However, it doesn't remove the invisible variable.

(c) under circumstances in which the individual has a reasonable expectation of privacy.

IIRC, the people who did take photographs did so through a window. I'm not sure that I would consider a public building that is visible from the outside to fall under "reasonable expectation of privacy."

Good point. To be honest, I guess I would not like to entertain the idea that something sinister is behind the sudden shutdown of the posts, maybe I am giving too much benefit of the doubt. What do you think is behind all of this?

I have no clue. I'm the last person to jump in on conspiracy theories, but this whole thing just doesn't add up logically to me. From a mathematical standpoint, solving a math problem, in general, involves finding the relevant variables and placing them onto their respective sides, but what happens when you get the sqrt(negative number)? You use imaginary numbers to represent it. Back in the day, imaginary numbers were regarded as fictional because little was known about them(where the name came from), but now we accept them to be real. The unknown "variable" that i'm referring to in this discussion can be thought of as an imaginary number from back in the day, and until more information is given - the equation doesn't make any sense.

Exactly, and this is a very good analogy.

Well put. I've been following this for a day or so now and I'm still on the fence about whether or not to believe the whole thing. Part of me thinks that maybe all of this shit is true. The evidence that has been pulled up by various redditors is quite convincing to say the least. Then again there's another part of me that puts this in the same category as all other whacked out theories. Well, I hope that if it is a child sex trafficking ring it gets shut down....and if it's just an old lady who wants to stay busy during the day, well then then I'd like that even better

The USSC has ruled similar cases that people in their homes have an expected right to privacy.

Concerning business their rulings have been defined pretty narrowly in terms of defining that "reasonable expectation" clause. I can't remember the specific legalese, but it ran to the effect of a) if you're on their property (outside) without consent exterior shots and 'close-ups' (see: legalease) are legal without owner consent. b) Interiors require consent. Schools, religious facilities, gov't buildings, military bases all have their own individual nuances in definition of property lines and and 'close-up'. Parking lots, parks, and even some open spaces continue to be brought before the court for various reasons.

In this particular instance, the pictures that show an individual inside the building would probably be ruled illegal. While the filming did take place outside, the fact it clearly showed the interiors of a business would destroy any argument. Considering it may even be classified as a school, you're cooked (see: jail time).

I was in video production for a long time filming communities. Considering I was working on behalf of the town I was filming, most places didn't care as I just carried around a letter from the mayor, a few did.

If it were a legit and normal business I feel they would have made a public statement or called local police (which we would probably know about). Or a legit business would have talked to a redditor that has dropped by and there would be a clearer explanation.

We need to remember we're on a website ultimately owned by the real powers that be.

People are peeking in to graves and posting pics of it on reddit. They even told what cemetary they did it in, but mods ignored the requests by locals asking for it to be removed. Apples to oranges, i know..maybe those mods just didnt respect the dead. Either way, saying discussion can't happen will make people dig further.

Sign, but it's a public building! I am disappoint.

and prank order pizza, multiple times.

ah yes, the classic pizza harassment tactic

Just happened to stumble across this thread. For the record, I can see why people were concerned about the rather mysterious air about this daycare but then again, that photo of the two little girls entering said daycare? Too close to crossing the personal invasion line for my tastes.

If it was (is?) a legitimate day care operation and I had a bunch of random redditors bandying photos of my daughters around, I'd be pissed. You may have the ability to take photos of anyone on the street under current laws, but does that make it right? Especially if the subject of the photos are two unsuspecting little girls? I dunno. It gives me the heebie-jeebies.

Just my $.02 worth as an interested bystander to this thread.

You should probably be more concerned that a child-trafficking ring was operating under the guise of being a daycare for almost a decade. "Heebie-jeebies" Heh. Jinkies Scoob! Look at all those underground tunnels!

Don't like it, don't go out in public. You have absolutely no leg to stand on.

Eh, if it was an adult in the photo? No problem. A minor? That's kinda creepy, IMO.

So creepy is a synonym for illegal?

IANAL and I'm fuzzy at best on public photography rights. I'm just saying that I wouldn't have a problem with someone taking a photo of an adult on the street. A kid? That makes me uncomfortable. But apparently, that distinction is lost on the frothing-at-the-mouth types. It ain't a battle worth fighting.

A label of creepy doesn't change the law. ANYONE in public can be photographed at any time. If you don't like it, stay on your own private property. No one is forcing anyone to go out in public.

Dude, all the info that was posted was for a public daycare.

Many if the comments had people's names addresses and phone numbers.

It was posted on a SLC board. Of course there was an address. It's on public property. Herp derp.

Yeah, the name of the guy in the WHOIS, who was a city employee and owned the domain name of the daycare you mean?

Seriously I'm all for conspiracy but that was one hell of a cringe-worthy thread. If you have any queries just go to the police or contact the relevant authorities and report here. However taking photos of the building or going round and knocking on the windows is just childish and irresponsible.

Pretty horse shit if you ask me. admins are probably running the daycare so they're covering it up.

And you're probably gay.


He was just quoting that guys username^ edit: while i agree he wasn't contributing to the conversation i feel he shouldnt get band if that happened, for what its worth.

check his username man..it was a joke.

I Lol'd

Shouldn't your comment read,

And I'm probably gay.

...cause his name is /u/Youreprobablygay? Or am I just killing the joke.

I fail to see what's so nefarious about the place. It looks better than anything in my hometown. Probably plenty of health code/other violations, but I don't see where people are getting "child trafficking organization" or "drug-running scheme". Some buildings--and their owners--are just really skeevy.


the free flow of information is our paramount concern.

Shouldn't the welfare of people be your paramount concern, in anything you do? This sounds like ideology over reality.

In the long term, the free flow of information ensures the ultimate welfare of the people. It is in keeping information from everyone that a society ultimately degrades.

In the long term, the free flow of information ensures the ultimate welfare of the people.

That's a nice platitude, but if I post someone's personal information on Reddit and they become harassed as a result, saying "the free flow of information ensures the ultimate welfare of the people" doesn't change the fact that real people are being hurt. It is, like I said, putting some admiral but nebulous political ideal over real life results.

So far as we know, innocent people are being harassed with phone calls, trespassing, strangers taking pictures in their windows and now even their purchases are being scrutinized and people are attempting to get law enforcement agency (Customs) involved. The highest moral concern should be for the real human beings that are being affected. The "ultimate welfare of the people" is not being helped here at all.

No “platitude” is involved in anything I’ve said. In the long term, the free flow of information absolutely ensures the ultimate welfare of everyone. First and foremost, no one was posting personal information in that OP. It was all publicly available. Secondly, ensuring the ultimate welfare of everyone does not mean that “no one will ever get inconvenienced or even injured.” Shit happens. This is a fucked up planet. However, all you have to have is a modicum of common sense to realize that if everyone had access to a free flow level of information, then no sooner would someone get harassed than the person doing the harassing would themselves be FOUND OUT - effectively undercutting any ultimate harassment efforts in the future. Why? Because all information is available - including that of the harassers.


So far as we know, innocent people are being harassed with phone calls, trespassing, strangers taking pictures in their windows and now even their purchases are being scrutinized and people are attempting to get law enforcement agency (Customs) involved.

No. Actually, so far as we know, there is a place that seems to be sketchy as all hell and has all the earmarks of possibly having some underground, shady shit going on. There is EVIDENCE that the place being talked about in the SLC thread is NOT on the “up and up”. This isn’t a case where something is being made out of nothing. If it indeed WERE nothing, then threads wouldn’t be getting shut down without enough critical analysis taking place and that SLC place would have pretty quickly been found out as “just another daycare center”.

That hasn’t happened, however. There are a lot of different things that would be happening - a lot of tale tell signs (kids, parents, cars, activity, etc…and not just the occasional scant knock on the door by a lonely child or two) - if that place were in fact a day care center that actually AREN’T happening…and that deserves a bit of scrutiny. The fact that a bit of inquiry into the place’s public records has been shut down so quickly really does make one wonder wtf is going on.

The highest moral concern should be for the real human beings that are being affected.

Exactly - like the thousands of children that have been PROVEN to be abducted and molested across the globe by clandestine operations not all that dissimilar to the one in question.

Think about what you’re saying for a moment. Just think about it.

The "ultimate welfare of the people" is not being helped here at all.

No. It’s absolutely not. And you know why? Because, like I said, further inquiry into wtf this place in reality is has been shut the fuck down by the administrators of this PTB-controlled website.

So yeah. You’re right. The ultimate welfare of the people ISN’T being helped here at all.

That’s part of the point. It NEEDS to be.

I don’t quite think you understand that though.

This is neckbeard True detective. I feel like the next door neighbor watching all the crazy shit go down in the movie "The Burbs"

P.S. I'm loving every bit of this. Either we learn something valuable about ourselves, culture, and mass hysteria. Or we uncover something more disturbing and we save lives

Good. I had a look at the thread, not only was it nothing but baseless conjecture and connecting nonexistent dots, it was also being used to bully the 70+ year old woman who owns the business.

Did it cross anyone's minds that the OP of the SLC thread might have been a competitor trying to force the old lady out of business? You know, a "false flag?"


I had to remove your comment. I'm sorry. Places like SRD and other meta subs are watching this thread, and are looking for a way to get /r/conspiracy banned.

Understood, the comment was mostly a rage against people who think this is all bunk. Bunk or not... it seems to be suppressed for whatever reason.

I think we've hit on something but I understand your dilemma. No hard feelings.

I see what you did there.

Most likely the sub would have been banned and/or the moderators would have been banned and the admin remove it themselves.

I Lol'd

You agree with my sarcasm, or the face value of my words?

My apologies for not having seen South Park.

I did a lot of research into this and other companies attached to the shipping company. I found a lot of interesting things all public records easily googled and property tax records in the states.

Im not accusing anyone of anything and I don't advocate contacting or harassing any of the business or people. I would however like to discuss it with my fellow reddit folk.

Some of It's still up in the comments for now. Who knows how long tho.

Let us know if you find any discussions

What are the mods doing to address what appeared to be algorithm level censorship before this directive came down?

It wasn't done at the algorithm level; the admins were removing threads and comments by hand.


Mods are subreddit specific and are unpaid, admins actually work for "reddit.com", are paid, and have ultimate control over the reddit domain.

Some really good popcorn-worthy mystery that made me miss a lot of work today but unfortunately was removed for bogus reasons.

Sorry I don't know what this lingo means. I'd like a clear way to find a thread following this please.

Hijacking your comment to share this: http://8ch.net/b/res/1538720.html

Mods, let me know if this is considered "discussing the topic" and I'll remove it.

The removal of the discussion is asinine on every level. Everything was public record. Hell, I ran a company (now defunct) about ten years ago. All my old information is still out there and floating about in the ether, do I like that? Not in the slightest, but it was part of the risk of running a business and risk is the nature of running a business. The whole point of the public record is to have a record available to the public. People say there's some imaginary line where it's not ok to post public information, and they're wrong. States require there be a public record of ownership. Ask yourself why that would be, if they didn't expect the public to, at some point, review and disseminate that record.

If Buisness X is given multiple citations over the years for failure to comply to regulatory standards, where would you think a reporter would find the information on who owns Business X? The public record. Would they let people know who owns Business X or would they tip-toe around names and addresses for fear of the owners harassment? What if you, as a person, find that Business X has multiple citations over the years for failure to comply to regulatory standards? By this 'thin-line' logic then, I'm not supposed to tell other people who owns this business? That's absurd on every level.

Educate yourself as a user of the system in which you are engaged. If you want to run a business, but don't' want people to know it's you who owns it, then don't run a business or have someone else organize your articles of incorporation, or list some guy who has been dead since 1945 and hope no one ever catches on. If you don't like that states keep public records of business owners because 'the devils on the internet can see it and give it to people" then contact your local legislators and try to do something about it. Don't cry foul because we use it as it's supposed to be used. Did people do really dumb shit with that information? Yes. People do dumb shit all the fucking time, everywhere, every day. This is as absurd as the whole "caution, your coffee is hot". Just because people can't exhibit common sense, everyone shall suffer and everything will be (and arguably is) programmed to accommodate to the least common denominator. Welcome to reddit.com

I saved the whole thread before it was erased, I can copy the text anywhere to start the conversation if must,

Abovetopsecret.com still has the thread up, even though a redditor claimed it wasn't.


Interesting. I just get frustrated knowing the government can snoop however and whenever they want but god forbid people research strange happenings in their living space.

Medical records do not fall anywhere near close to public records of businesses. This is not protected information in any fashion. This is why its called PUBLIC FUCKING RECORDS. Jesus fucking Christ, dude.

Don't like it, don't go out in public. You have absolutely no leg to stand on.

You should probably be more concerned that a child-trafficking ring was operating under the guise of being a daycare for almost a decade. "Heebie-jeebies" Heh. Jinkies Scoob! Look at all those underground tunnels!

Seems like public information, not private information.

Also, speculation =! harassment.

I agree. It seems our governments mantra is that the People must be protected from the People, and the government must be protected from the People. But no where does it really seem do they admit that it is much more important and condusive to a free society thst the People are to be protected from its Government above all else...

Ctrl-A, Ctrl-C, open a text editor, Crrl-V

Did YOU fucking read them yourself?


OK: Posting your senator's publicly available contact information

publicly available


Eh, if it was an adult in the photo? No problem. A minor? That's kinda creepy, IMO.

How does involuntary censorship because of the actions of people who may have nothing to do with reddit mean we are acting as a community? That makes no sense whatsoever.

Who is this 'we' you're talking about? I don't know you. I come here for discussion, and it's being censored.

I can't believe this is difficult for /r/conspiracy to understand.

I'm beginning to think some people aren't top minds.

I'm subscribed to this sub for discussion and information.

I get your point...totally valid....yet, that would constitute there being nothing out of the norm with the daycare....if it was a big chain daycare facility or even an active mom and pop, you'd be correct...but this daycare is far from normal..any parent with kids in daycare can see that....this whole thing started and snowballed with people who see it everyday...people in the neighborhood..and through the internet detectives, 1000 more "wtf" things have been found and discussed....not one post I've seen as has tried to instill harrassment..if that place was on the corner of my street in my neighborhood, pizza pranks and window pics wouldn't satisy the answers i'd need.

Real? What does that imply?

I am anymore real then so many others users here. Been shadow banned myself for fucking with admin. Have three names here on reddit. And care about the ideals of the sub as a meeting place for critical thinking.

Your unhealthy fear of law enforcement stems from the shit you always see on here. The hate that permeates all facets of reddit. What you dont see is the ones that want to make a difference because that isnt as relatable. Its easier to get pissed off.

Try to think that the world is a good place with good people. Be mindful that some are not.

That's Streisand for you. I can haz pizza nao?

At least they don't take shit down.

Nice write up! Thanks.

Actually I archived/html cached the original threads. I guess that was a smart idea.

Clearly the account has now been deleted.

We should take it to 8chan.

You think the Boston bombing was fake?

Ah, I see. Well, that hardly qualifies as harassment. Someone finds this thing worth santizing, I hope the conversation can continue elsewhere

Print as PDF.

I have an account over there and do visit from time to time, my username is different though. It definitely has a lot of potential.

There are threads, like this one. If you want to go to a place where corrupt mods/admins dont delete useful information, go to voat.co.

Who was Doxxed?

Other sites like what? I missed it all.