This is bullshit! (SLC Situation)

49  2015-01-30 by [deleted]

I see a lot of people being frustrated around this whole SLC Daycare situation, including me.
We are being censored, makes you wonder what the point is of this subreddit.
Maybe we should think of an alternative to reddit?
What are we supposed to do? Forget about it and act like nothing happend? ...


See the bright side: you now know there's really something fishy there. Confirmation through censorship.

I worry about this line of reasoning though. I mean, if it were a legitimate business, and people were snooping on its property and taking photographs of children on its grounds and stuff like that, then this would be a normal reaction. It would be about protecting customer's privacy and the business owner's livelihood, not censorship, but the end effect would be the same.

Isn't it a little dangerous and unscientific when the thing that is held up as proof of wrongdoing is also the thing which a normal business in the same situation would be doing?

It seems kind of like you could prove that anyone was involved in a government conspiracy using this sort of logic. If you followed me around photographing me constantly, I would definitely call the police, who would make you stop takinbn pictures of me... Which would prove that the government is trying to hide something about me?

I think a legit business would have put a sign reading "tnx for the attention Reddit but we're legit" (in Comic sans and with a funny clipart, of course) or they would have called the cops, or they would have come out on the sidewalk with their hands on their waist, all eyebrows out...

Their reaction is suspicious.

I would definitely call the police,

Exactly. You wouldn't send an army of day-1-redditors and pressure admins to shut entire threads.

I wish I could upvote 100x

You really hit the nail on the head, and speaks to the larger problem when judging things as clandestine and/or suspicious - battling those who say "whatever man, what do you want from them, they owe you nothing".. True, but a normal business would behave exactly as you said - the converse of what's actually happening. And that's the crux here.

This is a bit out there, but, I'm starting to believe some of this stuff is testing the envelope of the slave class. And, to what degree they can circumvent/stiff-arm normal discourse usually afforded the mere mortal in a real democracy. It could also be a discredit move, similar to Boston witch hunt claim, making black swans out of anybody with two eyes and a brain.. "see, all you kooks, it was nothing but a harmless daycare!", further criminalizing/discrediting internet sleuths (ie. close the internet).

Agreed. I have been wondering too, how do you even get phonecalls re-routed to the cops?

With land lines, you can do call forwarding to any number. *72 I think

I think a legit business would have put a sign reading "tnx for the attention Reddit but we're legit"

OK, but can you honestly tell me that if they'd done that, you wouldn't be standing here saying "no legit business would put funny clip art up while strangers harassed them, they must have something to hide!"

It just seems to me that this entire line of reasoning could easily be applied to this business no matter how they reacted, and no matter how the admins had responded. Even if the admins hadn't responded, couldn't you still be viewing this as "proof" by saying "well look at this army of day 1 redditors that TRIED to get it banned"?

Isn't it a little dangerous and unscientific

Read up. You haven't seen the ridiculously thorough posts related to the shipping container from china with links to all sources related to the business, dealings, and ownership? What else do you need, bro? This is borderline troll talk.

I personally didn't find those convincing, no. I felt that the link between the companies was tenuous.

I felt that the link between the companies was tenuous

You are entitled to your opinion, but 2+2 is still 4.

I've never met anyone who honestly believes that 2+2 does not equal 4.

So it seems a little concerning to me that you're claiming the same level of factual certainty about something that even longtime members of this community cannot agree on with 100% certainty.

So I guess we cant discuss the UT case 111904023. Darn.

this was started by neighbors of the daycare..people who have questioned this place's validity for years...they came to this sub because this is "the" place on the internet for exactly question....not one post I saw encouraged or directed any harassment..only research....and just from what I've seen on here.....this is exactly what people here love...something that seems fishy as hell, to be globally researched and discussed by open minded thinkers, to be proven an actual conspiracy or out to be nothing at all...and as this story is filled with "what the hell" light bulbs left and right....I agree that some theories are extreme...but....that's why we come here..extreme truths

Exactly. Plus how hard would it be for them to send out one of there own employees to 'take some pictures', then say they are being targeted, then demand this censorship. But to receive it so easily.. On this sub!? Definitely something fishy there. With all these elite pedophile revelations happening now, I think it's more than justified to just make sure no kids are being victimized there. Although I'm sure operations would have stopped at this point. Still, if it's for saving kids, it's worth continuing to tug on this string.

This sub is not the issue. Its the higher ups getting orders to remove the information because there are crazy people out there that do crazy stupid things to other people.

But its OK for the government to water board or hurt people in secret for "National Security!"

Correct. I don't think it's the mods in this sub. It's the site admins taking orders from somewhere.

It's the mods too, sadly. They're "just following orders". I would like to see a full expose, whistleblower style, including relevant PMs. It appears that a significant chunk of Reddit staff is aiding/abetting child trafficking. Yes, even if your "hands are tied".

because there are crazy people out there that do crazy stupid things to other people.

You're assuming that the reasons given are the actual reasons, which is a specious line of reasoning.

As suspicious as I am, what could it be? Human or drug trafficking? Weird Mormon rape club? And why are we being so strongly censored? Just makes me want to know more.

If it's really being censored from high up you can bet on it being connected to the Mormon church. They are the only organization in SLC with the power to do so.

Don't worry. It's only Walter Bishop making super kids to save the world from Observers in 20+ years. It's for the best that we don't know...

I miss Walter!

This thread is basically about conspiracies and when we have a good thing going on, they shut it down. I mean like, whaaaaaaat?

"Maybe we should think of an alternative to reddit?"

I've been lurking here for a good while, I'm pretty sure this has been tried before with extremely limited success.

Thank you.

Might be wise for everyone to remember just how well the whole "Reddit detective" thing worked out after the Boston bombings, with an entirely innocent man being wrongfully accused by the community.

implying the brothers aren't patsies

This would be where you post why you think they are.

While reading up on things last night, I also read that the Dominican Republic has a fairly bad reputation for human trafficking, to and from Hispaniola, according to UNICEF.

I've been to this subverse several times and can only find the post talking about slc dc being removed from this subreddit. I'm on mobile but saw that voat is a wasteland.

Can anyone link to an actual discussion instead of a board with extremely limited activity? is whoaverse

TIL. I haven't been there in a while.

this started with the community around SLC...I hope they keep this from getting stonewalled.

I have a spare empty domain sitting around, would putting a forum up for this topic only help out? No censorship.

Heck yes!

Why don't you contact authorities ? Reddit can and will remove whatever they want. Its a business. If you ask me, reddit/public think there is something not right there so they should investigate.

I agree, "wellness check" they call it. Call the police, and have the FOIA request in-hand when they roll-up.

Here's the thing, I get where management is coming from and the irony is kinda bitter sweet.

Once the information is put into the public domain, it is no longer in your hands. Just as I can argue that names and phone numbers are public record meant for review. You can argue that my words, now a matter of public record, are subject to review.

While my review of others public records may be emotional and thorough, curiosity is the lens in which it is filtered. While others review of my newly-posted public record may be emotional and thorough, i can only imagine in my darkest nightmares the extent to which it may be filtered.

I continue to filter this public record with exuberant fervour at what may come next, my hands trembling with excitement as I read. Others continue to filter my public record with exuberant fervour at what may come next, their hands trembling as they read.

"I'm doing something. I just may be living up to that idea of being a good and decent human being" And this is where a disturbing split happens. As I continue to do something about it, so do they. But my something is no longer the same as their something.

Suddenly there's people shot dead, or a burned down building, or... won't even go there, I was only trying to help. All because someone else "wanted to do something about it too". Then it happens. They say where they reddit. That media shitstorm would fall right on this doorstep and crush every last one of us tin-foil-hat-wearing-lizard-humping-crisis-acting-hollow-moon-invisible-plane-brainwashed-unvaccinated-dancing-israeli-anti semite-faked-moon-landing-son-of-a-bitch under it's weight of social justice.

Management (see: reddit admins) don't want that media heat. Could you imagine CNN going through post-histories? Fox? They have their investors to watch out for. You think our glorious "platform for public discourse and open discussion" is one flying fuck of anything against investor dollars?

Do you really think it's because we're onto something? "Find a way to shut it down before this happens or we'll shut it down for you." That is why we are not being allowed to use this particular medium of public record at this time. Don't think I could explain it any easier than that.

tl;dr Unchristened lurker learns a lesson- wordz haz consequnz? Admins declare: shut down these talks or we'll shut down that sub. Speculative proof to the statement, but 100% fits my narrative. That's my conspiracy and I'm sticking to it! nyuk, nyuk, nyuk, nyuk

/slow fade to blue computer screen, white cursor blinking in place. Cut to:Black

I have no idea what the fuck that was supposed to do, but it didn't do it.

didn't load?

Just showed reddit without any links, and a somehow less-functional search bar.

Yeah, it's a completelly empty reddit source install i setup. No admins, just me. I plan on using it as a base for the PAC, but for now it's a censor free (albeit no users lol) platform.

Well yeah, it reeks of phishing.

I was just getting tired of mods and bullshit on reddit. I haven't even tested the install. I'll get some logos or something up...

Well I wish you the best of luck. It's a good cause.

Def something fishy here.

What are we supposed to do? Forget about it and act like nothing happend? ...




This sub's

The admins have forced us to remove those threads calling for investigating that daycare. Thus, your comment has also been removed. We don't want this subreddit banned.

I can confirm suspicions . along with pretty much everyone I know. Its right next to the biggest park in town and I've definitely heard almost all of my friends question its validity at least once over the years. Someone already called slcpd. Apparently they shrugged it off. I think I will call them as well and see if friends from the area will also. I'm not gonna let it go


encouraging an Admin banned topic

Ha! That's quite the stretch. You can try to censor this sub all you like, but you'll never win.


Rule 8. Removed.

No worries :) He just pisses me off sometimes, maybe if you could try using rule 8 in the new queue occasionally to I'd feel less persecuted.

The "no memes" part I enforce strictly. Note that the "other images" part is at mods discretion.

And that one was in supremely poor taste I'll freely admit, yet his call to break an admin enforced rule and fuck /r/conspiracy over was ignored? He exists to denigrate this sub yet you support that? Wow.

No, no, no. Your comment was reported, I saw it in the mod queue and I acted accordingly. We get so many reports and there are so many submissions here that I never read through them all.

call to break an admin enforced rule That comment was also reported and has now also been removed.

Fair enough man, I guess he reported me back, like I said, no worries really, I just find his constant naysaying annoying :)

Seriously,some of you guys have delusions of grandeur problems. Google Map searching a business or making harassing phone calls, assumptions and actually staking out the place ISN'T investigation or breaking open a conspiracy. It's a creepy, shitty day care, run by people trying to make money. Sure, there may be some corrupt or subpar conditions, but that's not a conspiracy. That's capitalism.

this was started by neighbors of the daycare..people who have questioned this place's validity for years...they came to this sub because this is "the" place on the internet for exactly question....not one post I saw encouraged or directed any harassment..only research....and just from what I've seen on here.....this is exactly what people here love...something that seems fishy as hell, to be globally researched and discussed by open minded thinkers, to be proven an actual conspiracy or out to be nothing at all...and as this story is filled with "what the hell" light bulbs left and right....I agree that some theories are extreme...but....that's why we come here..extreme truths

edit: for the record, I hope you're right

This would be where you post why you think they are.

Rule 8. Removed.