How many people here watch Storm Clouds Gathering on YT?

48  2015-02-01 by [deleted]


The one on the Boston Bombing has 1.5mil hits. He's getting the word out. I don't know how much longer it will last so download all his shit.

Why do you ask?

Honestly just curious, I want to k ow what the sub thinks of him/them I watch from time to time

Used to love it, now I'm undecided. Seems like good content, but the Saturn logo (no, no, it's an atom!) squicks me out.

but the Saturn logo (no, no, it's an atom!) squicks me out.

What do you mean?

Research "Cult of Saturn" (a massive Satanic cult), then start looking for references to Saturn/Satan, 666, cubes, and bulls in corporate/website logos. They are everywhere. To me, that's a warning of who is behind the corporation/website. Do what you like with that information, but to me it spells instant distrust.

Love his videos. Wish they didn't have the music, and sometimes different titles.

Yeah the whole scary music and disturbing special effects gives out sucha unnecessary scary vibe, makes himself seem like he's anti-american

I think his work is a good place for truthn00bs to starts out.

His 'Road to World War III' video is an excellent primer.

'Rule from the Shadows' is required viewing for any truthseeker.

It is a shame that he went along with the eboLIE farce, and I have never seen him talk about the Oded Yinon plan (happy to be corrected), but I am still a fan of SCG's work.

Love em. STG is a great channel. Political sound, logical, sane. Really dissects the issues using economic and political theory.

I guess I'm out of the loop can anyone fill me in or perhaps provide a link?

Here's one of his more recent uploads:

I used to, but I feel like it's kinda old hat.

He doesn't really talk about anything I don't already know.

I suppose for the newly initiated he's good, though.

Some of the good is that it covers a lot of good content and challenges people to think critically, however not too fond of the music in the background, the weird echoed voice, and how all put together there seems to be a lot of fear mongering on all of his episodes to some level, some of it on speculated wrong facts, like below;

one of his top videos about Ebola was nothing but fear mongering, fear that proved out not to be far exaggerated inevitably wasted everyones time that followed it daily for weeks.

There's more examples but i dont feel like reviewing them again, but many of his past predictions that edged on fear mongering went bunk.

I just did...pretty much nails it


I've enjoyed many of their videos. He's pretty solid.

I used to enjoy his videos until I watched a debate between Stefan Molyneux and himself.When introduced with real facts contrary to his opinion he acted like a child that was wrong. This turned me off, I still watch but take it with a bigger grain of salt now.

I'm going to need a sauce on that.

if you meant source just go on youtube and search debate between stg and Stefan moleneux and make your own determination. I was a big fan until that was shared with me