Good explanation of the implications of US actions across the rest of the globe.

25  2015-02-04 by no1113

This talk really gave me a better understanding of (among many other things) just why we STILL use and drive around in gas-driven cars. The Tesla Model S exists, of course - as do a very tiny smattering of other electric type cars (hybrids and the Toyota Nissan “Leaf” come to mind) - but the technology has already existed for many years that should have allowed EVERYONE to be driving around in fully electric cars and in a fully electric world and civilization by now 10/10.

I've always wondered "Why is it that we haven't? I mean this isn't even theoretical any more. The technology to be able to NOT rely on fossil fuels is all there and has existed for MANY years. WTF is really going on?”

And then I realized after watching the video I linked above (for the second time, actually, as I just found out that the video was posted a few months ago and I had actually seen it and responded to it then as well) that it's literally THE UNITED STATES ITSELF that has pretty much been the one sole perpetrator that has kept the world from moving forward away from oil and into the next age - into the next paradigm shift of global sustainability and planetary cleanliness. It has been the US that has predominately - if not exclusively and single handedly - been responsible for making sure that we as a planet do NOT move forward into a cleaner planet, a better planet.

And why not?

Well, because the petrodollar choke hold that the US has upon the entire planet is forcing everyone to CONTINUE having to remain oil-dependent.

And why is that? - why has the US been so absolutely, staunchly unwilling to stop using fossil fuel technology when we’ve known for decades that a better, infinitely cleaner energy application exists that would absolutely revolutionize the planet and everyone in it for the better?

Well, it's because the petrodollar is literally the ONLY chess piece that the US has on the table - the only thing that the US has that has kept it relevant on the global stage. That is literally the only thing that has kept it from completely falling apart as a country. We do not export. We do not produce anything of any real worth. We are the biggest consumers on the planet. We are essentially the biggest producers of waste on the planet, believe it or not. Regardless, the point is that all we do is consume, consume, consume, and we give almost nothing back to the world around us. Relevant

However, since it just so happens that we have the entire world by the balls in a petrodollar strangle-hold that makes everybody beholden to buy and sell oil in ONLY US dollars, we continue getting away with being nothing but fat, lazy consumers that eat, eat, eat, while crying “Waaa! What has the world done for us lately?"

Therefore, and as such, the US HAAAAS to keep the use of oil globally relevant. We HAAAAVE to keep producing and using and promoting the use of oil and gas and fuel-driven cars.

If the electric car industry were to take off globally and everyone started making and using electric cars and electric energy technology, then the use of oil would absolutely PLUMMET - making the relevance of the US petrodollar (as well as the relevance of the US itself) absolutely plummet along with it, since the petrodollar and oil (as well as the constant US bombing and wars of aggression against any country willing to dare attempt to stray away from the petrodollar) is about the only thing keeping the US from totally sinking as a nation.

So we are absolutely NOT as a country and a planet going to see the moving away from the use of fossil fuels and the unanimous moving toward the use of electric vehicles and electric technology and a MUCH cleaner planet and environment for everyone and all things…until the US empire actually crumples to the dust in a defeated mess.

This is what it seems to be coming down to. It seems that we (the US) are the enemy of the entire many, many ways. We continue perpetuating the unnecessary use of fossil fuels, and our nearly useless, very corrosive, very consumptive society with its tendency to take, take, take, and give very little back to the world in return is going to tank and tank VERY hard when the rest of the planet hits critical mass and wakes up to the fact that we are actually dirtying up our planet with our actions.

TL;DR: The entire planet would be MUCH cleaner if the US didn't have the geopolitical business model that it does.


Excellent post, and absolutely true.

Super cheap Chinese solar might actually end up starting WWIII. If the world doesn't need oil due to super cheap and portable solar, it doesn't need dollars, = instant end of the US hegemony.

I'm not from America - I wasn't born here - but I've grown up here. I'm a dirt poor person as it stands, but it's not like I want to live in absolute squalor. However, I absolutely know that the entire world will benefit and get better and healthier the moment that the U.S. goes down. For this reason and others, I await with baited breath and look forward to the end of the U.S. empire.

Nissan makes the Leaf, not Toyota.

However, there are TONS of hybrids out there (with gas-powered backup engines) that are filling the market. So the transition is happening, albeit slowly.

Mainly because those cars are more expensive. The smart car electric is cheaper, but it costs more than other smart cars. I now someone n the auto industry who has told me how alternate fuel sources are going to take a while to get going because the range on them are shorter than hybrids or cars that uses gas. Solar power is basically nonexistent at this point, and electric is there but the range is short.

The range limitations is KILLER. I commute about 30 miles each way and head to other locations throughout the day. That puts the Leaf and Volt out of the questions for practicality for now.

We need to invest in battery research.

It isn't just battery size, it is battery durability and how can we accurately estimate ranges. This is why graphene battery technology is so revered because it would fix so many problems, but we are still at least 5+ years off before we some consumer grade benefits.

Was gonna say its nissan. Still a great post nonetheless

Nissan makes the Leaf, not Toyota.

Oh yeah. That's right. Thanks. I knew it was one of those manufacturers.

However, there are TONS of hybrids out there (with gas-powered backup engines) that are filling the market. So the transition is happening, albeit slowly.

There are beyond not "tons". They are indeed out there, but considering the fact that electric power technology has existed for a very long time - most definitely long enough for THE ENTIRE PLANET to be on it - it seems very fair to say that it is a purposeful travesty of the highest order that the shift has not fully happened yet for every place and every country to be utilizing it.

Electric power has existed for awhile. High-capacity, high-powered batteries, however, have not.

We're not talking about electric power alone. We're talking about the proper application that allows it to power cars, homes, appliances, and most if not all things in this civilization.

That type of technology and ability has indeed existed for a long, long time. It just has not been used because it's been absolutely suppressed. Why and by who? Read the OP.

tl;dr: Whoosh.

so it seems like the petrodollar's status as world reserve currency days are numbered by the looks of the actions of the rest of the world's nations.

what I'm wondering is what happens to the American people when the US corporate government empire finally comes crashing down? will we just have to endure third world conditions with no hope for the future?

I realize that the American public are complicit in the empire's crimes by not taking a stand against them, but at what point is the distinction made between the people and the rulers? Will the people have to atone for the crimes of the rulers?

It seems that we (the US) are the enemy of the entire world.

I don't want to be viewed as anyone's enemy just because I happen to live on the same particular piece of the planet as some truly evil people who I want no association with.

so it seems like the petrodollar's status as world reserve currency days are numbered by the looks of the actions of the rest of the world's nations.

Looks like it - yes. More and more nations are simply getting tired of America's bullying aggression. It's not only unnecessary, but it's actually far WORSE for the world to continue working with the wholly outdated technology of fossil fuel burning, etc when there are such clean alternatives already in existence and, in some areas, in use.

what happens to the American people when the US corporate government empire finally comes crashing down?

For a good spell - possibly a generation or two - many of us will likely go through some horrible, horrible growing pains. Many of us will likely perish. Many of us will likely live in even worse squalor than we currently do.

will we just have to endure third world conditions with no hope for the future?

I wouldn't say with NO hope for the future...but yeah. I would imagine that we will be in pretty horrible shape for a good while.

It's like taking a fat, out of shape, spoiled, undisciplined asshole of a 13 year old kid, and dropping him straight in Siberia for some serious, hardcore survival training or something. He'll likely absolutely HAAAATE it for a good long while. Who knows? He might never actually get over it. He might even actually go crazy and die or something.

He might also pull up his bootstraps, realize he's been a lying, loser piece of useless shit, however, and simply hunker down, grit through the difficulty he's suddenly in, work his ass off to get better, and by the time he grows up and is in his 20's or 30’s might be a completely changed human being - a better human being; one that is actually a benefit to the people and the world around him. This would all ultimately be for the better then. It will take work though.

I realize that the American public are complicit in the empire's crimes by not taking a stand against them, but at what point is the distinction made between the people and the rulers?

I'd say that a LOT of us are going to have to bite the bullet, and bite it hard. Like I said earlier, I think a lot of us are going to possibly perish before we as a people grow up and get out of it/get through the mess. This will be the civilizational equivalent of "sifting the wheat from the chaff".

Problem is that a lot of us have simply turned into chaff; we are the fat on the meat that gives you a heart attack if you eat it. As such, the entire "ham hock" of the US population is going to have to improve and "lean up" in order for the nation and the world to get better.

Some of us WILL improve and get better. I imagine many of us will simply not be able to make the change, however - to make the paradigm shift for the better. We'll be too stuck in the old way of doing things, and, as a result, we will likely perish with the big change. We will be the "fat" that gets sloughed off to make for cleaner, healthier meat, so to speak.

I don't want to be viewed as anyone's enemy just because I happen to live on the same particular piece of the planet as some truly evil people who I want no association with.

So then you, me, and all of us need to actively and consciously actually DO something about it and come together and stand against what these evil elite are doing. Simple as that.

So long as we don't, we will stand at the very least guilty of being complicit with the things these evil elite are doing - things they say they're doing in our name, for our “safety". We need to stand up and tell them, and each other, and the rest of the world that NO. They DON'T represent us. They’re NOT acting in our name. We don't want them to represent us.

Worry not, most of us are well aware that the people are not the ones to blame, but the few at the very top. Much love from the old continent, you're no one's enemy.

The status of the Petrol Dollar is in danger.

The sanctions that were put on the energy rich countries that are Russia and Iran are backfiring because these two countries are making trade agreements with other countries willing to trade with them and therefore bypassing the American Dollar completely.

China is the biggest ally and trading partner with Russia and Iran but there are Latin nations such as Brazil willing to trade and negotiate with Russia and Iran.

So it looks like the chickens are coming home to roost and I don't like it because I'm an American citizen and this wouldn't be good for me and my other fellow citizens.

The status of the Petrol Dollar is in danger.

Indeed it is. This is a good thing.

I don't like it because I'm an American citizen and this wouldn't be good for me and my other fellow citizens.

The reason the chickens are coming home to roost is because American policy has, quite simply, sucked, and it has ultimately caused much more harm than good to the rest of the world and the other countries and peoples on this planet. I am an American too, and I say now - just as I mentioned in the OP - that the complete death of the petrodollar would indeed be a wonderful thing, for as much as we American citizens might/would suffer greatly, it would 1) cause great, great improvement to the rest of the world as everyone begins to get AWAY from oil, coal burning, fossil fuels, and added pollution, and embraces the clean energy technology that has already been around for quite a long, long time. Also, 2) it would give us American citizens a great opportunity to see where we've been going wrong for sooo, so many decades - something which we can ultimately use to help us come together and improve ourselves and the country and world around us greatly.

Would it be easy? Heck no. Of course not. However, not too many areas of great improvement and development in this world come without a great deal of hard work.

I've been into this shit since 2005. And since then, I've been waiting for everything to unfold and although current events sort of lead one to believe that something is close to happening, waiting since 2005 has taught me that I shouldn't hold my breath.

I'm currently making good money and I wanted 2015 to be the year where I'll be debt free. So I don't want the Petrol Dollar to collapse and I don't want to see Martial Law and I don't want any of this shit to happen.

And who says it would be a good thing? It would probably suck really bad for us Americans for a long long time. On top of that, since we don't make anything here anymore, a bunch of us Americans might have to live abroad somewhere like China where all the jobs are.

And all of us Americans would live in a city called Little America and we'll be next to MexicoTown and we'll have to put up with all the racist shit that would come our way from the Chinese and the other nationals who we're competing with for jobs.

Dude, the Petrol Dollar crashing would not be a good thing for Americans.

I shouldn't hold my breath.

Na. You definitely shouldn’t hold your breath. Not too many of us really know what the timeline of the elite insiders are anyway. We can only get a general estimate.

I don't want to see Martial Law and I don't want any of this shit to happen.

Of course you don’t. Neither do I. Neither do any one of us.

However, and again, the US foreign policy has really been so absolutely bad and truly destructive on a planetary scale that one would not be very smart to assume that it’s not, in fact, going to topple…and soon. By “soon”, I mean likely within the next 10 years or so if not sooner.

And who says it would be a good thing?

Me and anyone with a mind that thinks critically enough to understand, again, just how destructive the American way of life has generally become to itself and to the rest of the world.

It would probably suck really bad for us Americans for a long long time.

Absolutely…but, like I intimated above in my previous post, that is simply part of the process that the organism would have to go through in order to cure itself from the dreaded sickness it currently has. We are a sick country - a sick society - and the only way we’re going to get off the addictive crack we’ve been on for quite a long time is to get some help - one way or the other. At this rate, that help will likely come in the form of the crack of our hedonistically consumerist lifestyle being taken away from us cold turkey. And what would happen at that point? It would be similar to what happens when you take a dedicated crack head off their crutch. They will go into absolutely HORRIBLE withdrawal, they will get extremely ill, and they will rage and flail about violently as they fight through no longer having the crutch they had become so used to.

If that crack head doesn’t kill himself in the process, he might actually be able to come out of his problem better, however, shape himself up, and end up becoming a better person for it in the end.

We are a crackhead as a society. We’re addicted to it. We need to get off the crack.

“It would probably suck really bad for us Americans for a long long time.”

Yes, sir. I cannot agree more. What I said in the OP still very much stands, however.

On top of that, since we don't make anything here anymore, a bunch of us Americans might have to live abroad somewhere like China where all the jobs are.

Yes, sir. A lot of us will likely move or have to move. However, think about how difficult that will be for many when the petrodollar tanks. Once the pd tanks, it will take 2-4 times as many dollars to buy anything - plane tickets to move out of the country, cars, bus fair, etc…to say nothing about what food, lodging, and clothing would cost. I was just talking to my gf about this earlier. She has a brand new 2014 Ford Focus. Once the pd tanks, that car could cost the equivalent of something like $80K or more because the value of the dollar will be so low and it would take SO many dollars to buy anything.

And all of us Americans would live in a city called Little America and we'll be next to MexicoTown and we'll have to put up with all the racist shit that would come our way from the Chinese and the other nationals who we're competing with for jobs.

Yeah. Sort of like the shit ton of racist shit that we Americans have put on others and each other for almost the entirety of this country’s existence.

The “chickens coming home to roost” statement you made earlier couldn’t be more apt.

Dude, the Petrol Dollar crashing would not be a good thing for Americans.

One one level, you would be very correct. On another level, the absolute best thing that could happen to the school bully that goes around and picks on all the other class mates and has everybody in a panic and steals everybody’s lunch money etc? the best thing that could happen to that school bully is for him to end up getting his ass knocked to the fucking dirt. That’s the best thing that could happen to him, and that’s for DAMN SURE the best thing that could happen to the class and the kids he bullies. It’ll teach him a lesson, cause him to stfu and eat some goddamn humble pie, and maybe he might end up calming the fuck down, learning how to participate and cooperate with others, and might end up actually being a decent human being in the end as a result.

As it stands right now though, he’s a fucking asshole and nobody really likes him.

His modus operandi is about just bullying and beating people up…but some are starting to stand up to him, and his days seem very numbered.


Wow, you have absolutely no idea what you're talking about.

Imports accounted for ~2/3 of the US economy in 2013. The only thing the US exports are their fake dollars.

We're not talking about electric power alone. We're talking about the proper application that allows it to power cars, homes, appliances, and most if not all things in this civilization.

That type of technology and ability has indeed existed for a long, long time. It just has not been used because it's been absolutely suppressed. Why and by who? Read the OP.

tl;dr: Whoosh.