"Fear is the mind-killer" -- very strange video of two children describing sexual abuse and ritual sacrifice.

104  2015-02-06 by [deleted]

This video was sent to me by someone with no context, so I have no idea where it came from.


Do those kids sound coached to you guys? They don't sound coached to me, but they share words and intonation as if they're telepathically connected to some degree (or reciting a similar script, of course).

In the comment section, a user named Dun Johnson, is repeatedly copying and pasting: "I look over the video and notice when asked who the abusers are the girl involuntary[1;31 ] Say you please listen carefully [1;31].This is disgusting"

Notice the face the girl makes at 2:13 when the boy says, "Papa, me, Elisa" -- that looks like an expression of terror and/or humiliation that she quickly suppresses, after which she says, "Do not say my name."


Guys, this gets worse. There is a google drive full of video interviews with these kids. https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0Byzy22cCtwpdOEM2bG00eXE2eTg&usp=sharing

Fucking Baby skin shoes? this shit is fucked

I live incredibly close to where all of this is claimed to happen. I literally could go and look at some of these accused people whose names the children are saying and are listed on the school website.

I'm scared if I go anywhere near this story, something bad would happen to me.

Be brave. You can help.

Against a shadowy cabal of baby killers that extends across school teachers, police, social services and the government? Yeah, I have a real good chance of exposing them...

Edit: What?! Downvotes because I'm worried about going up against these people? Thanks, guys.

I don't blame you for being a little afraid and pessimistic, but those kids are right; fear is the mind killer.

And death is the body killer. I like being alive.

Indeed. I wasn't suggesting you put your own life in danger. And if you live in the neighborhood where this is happening you're certainly in a position to do so.

But pessimism and fear have their own powerful force, it's better to have courage and hope regardless

I agree. I just don't know what I could do about the situation to help, if so many people in positions of power have been getting away with this for decades (if not centuries) with no repercussions.

could you drop usb keys or dvd anonymously all over your town to spread awareness? it'll cost you a little money but if you do this well, no one is getting back to you

I don't know if I could just "drop" the videos on people without any context. It would be frightening and they wouldn't know what to do. We have been talking to our local MPs but to be honest I can't be certain they aren't already involved in this. There does need to be a huge outcry. Maybe I should send these videos to all of the local and national papers.

I think bottom up spread has a better chance of happening than top bottom.

OK, but even that isn't quite possible for me. I don't have the funds.

haha just throwing ideas dude, not demanding anything of you

It's cool. I do want to help. We all want to do something tangible that can make a difference. I will think about what I could do with my proximity to the situation (but mostly right now it's freaking me out that these people are in my backyard).

Spread it on social media! Don't let them cover this up! Make fake accounts just to share this if you have to! That'll help!

The best would be if we (redditors) funded something like a RC helicopter with a camera, that's going on a live feed. Get it delivered to you (or just that teritory) and check it out.

This won't happen probably thou, but I'd love to see people coordinate and pull stuff like this whenver there is a crisis somewhere in the world,where you can't get enough legit coverage.

Set something up. I'll donate.

do you know of any other families with kids that age who go to the school? have they had mad shit goin on or their kids showing mad signs etc

I don't, no. I'm not wealthy enough to be in those circles, but I live near them.

is it a private school?they do sound a bit posh

The school itself isn't private, but the region is wealthy and upper middle class.

ok so just a different catchment area?

I don't know what you mean. It's Hampstead catchment area.

Buddy, it's completely fake, nothing to fear. This doesn't happen in organized society on an organized level and it never has, ever.

Why are you so sure?

Where did this happen? Here is a link I found with a teacher mrs. Forsdyke. Not sure if this is it but they sound like they are in UK, and this school is in UK. Can someone help verify possibly? We could find these people and help children!!! EDIT TO ADD: Look at this guys. Barnet is 1 hour away from this school I found!https://www.google.com/webhp?sourceid=chrome-instant&rlz=1C1TSNF_enUS462US463&ion=1&espv=2&es_th=1&ie=UTF-8#q=barnet+to+kent+UK+distance Link to school:http://www.ewp-tkat.org/14/staff

It is Christ Church Primary School in Hampstead. Several of the people named by the children are listed as staff on the website. That other school you've listed doesn't have anything to do with this, I believe.

Is this the school and area in question here? I think we found this bitch Forsdyke

This is the school: http://www.christchurchschool.co.uk/aboutschool/whoswho

Why are you putting out the same disinformation multiple times?

404 error now.

Still works fine.

Weird. Now it comes for me fine.

Down for maintainence lol

it says down for maintenance and asks for username and password. anyone know how to hack into this shit?

I am just trying to figure it out! Didnt claim this was definitely it. Asking to see if it could be....duh...

You need to work on your figuring out skills.


Rules 1, 4 & 10. Removed. 1st warning.

he says who his father is i goggled it and it came up with an actor but i cant be 100% but i think this is a matter for the police although the police are corrupt and will probably just cover it up like usual

That is correct. He is the father of those children. He also has some business websites and a LinkedIn profile.

OMG. Right in the beginning of the fourth video in that file, the boy talks about a social services man putting a ''plastic willy in my bum where I can feel it in my tummy''. This is super fucked up stuff. I cant imagine what these kids have been through if this turns out to be true.


Wow. That's some fucked up shit right there. There is no way this stuff is coached.

Holy shit those videos made me instantly sick.

A summary of what's going on, a comment on http://tapnewswire.com/2015/02/a-boy-talks/:

“My dad lies to my mum. He doesn’t only see us on Saturdays. He sees us every single day in school where they do sex to us.” – That is what a 9 year old girl told her Russian mother about her paedophile British father after revealing a very disturbing secret of both the girl and her brother being sexually abused from their early age.

The mother was already deeply concerned by increasing children’s aggression towards each other, their growing unhappiness and suppressed anger. What she could not imagine was the underlying issue, which her children could not speak about: because they were threatened to be killed if they talked.

The mother reported the crime, and Barnet Police who interviewed them ordered medical examinations that confirmed sexual abuse and violence. The Police, however, closed the case as “no crime confirmed” without even considering the results of the medical forensics and investigating the case properly.

A week after the crime had been reported, the children were taken into police custody and 6 days later for some unknown reasons retracted their allegations. They were held isolated “in care” by the Local Borough of Camden and since then Barnet.

Four months later the Local Authority still has not managed to provide evidence for the grounds on which they retain the children. There is obvious fabrication of facts against the mother and her then partner, gagging and bullying her, as well as generally unfair treatment in the courts.

The two judges so far have covered similar cases: Judge Vera Mayer who was involved in the case of Melissa Laird transferred the case to Mrs Justice Anne Pauffley in the High Court who was involved with the Hollie Greig case.

Private meetings between the Local Authority’s barrister and the Judge are going on behind the mother’s back, which violates the ‘Code Of Practice’ and, of course, indicates a certain common agenda between the Judge and the Local Authority.

Incredibly, the alleged abuser-father has more contact with the children than the mother, while the Russian grandparents and the older half-brother have hardly any.

Even more incredibly, the Metropolitan Police covers up Barnet Police and it is clear that all legal proceedings are doomed to fail.

A 12-day fact finding hearing is scheduled to start on 16 February at the Royal Courts of Justice in London – in the secrecy of family courts – without the general public or any media.

“My dad lies to my mum. He doesn’t only see us on Saturdays. He sees us every single day in school where they do sex to us.”

Every day? At school? Clearly a lie. This is a couple of kids who have been trained to lie and say the same thing.

It definitely seems incredibly farfetched, but I'm not a psychic so I can't just morally poopoo what the kids are saying. It should be properly investigated by an outside party, and not by the department with officers alleged to be culprits.

I think it's important to note in these threads that the False Memory Syndrome Foundation was created and funded by pedophiles for the purpose of discrediting their victims.


I don't even want to google that. I'm already on enough lists.

What on earth is this? Out of everything I have seen, read and experienced due to reddit, this is the most inexplicable and disturbing.

If these children are the victims of the type of abuses they're alleging in these clips, their identities need protecting. These children need protecting, but who is there once everyone they claim to have been a participant is ruled out?

What is the story here? This sounds very contemporary, looks contemporary and has been filmed on contemporary equipment. This is going to cause me sleepless nights.

If you want to know about elite pederasty, check out the celtic rebel's early work. Quite convincing

I forgot about the celtic rebel. He's been talking about this stuff for years.

No kidding, it's funny that some stuff is coming out in the msm now about it. Definitely strengthens his arguments. People are surprised at this stuff, the pederasty and occultism, and it's like, "What, you never heard of Marquis de Sade?" The truth has been out for a long long time.

I think the rebel said something like, the worst crimes for citizens are the elites favorite activites. Like how when joe shmoe goes a-diddlin' he's gonna feel the full force of the law, same with drug and sex trafficking. Meanwhile the elite know no joy without these things. It kind of makes sense in a logical pov, too. When you have the money to do literally anything, you get bored of things fast. Kind of like a porn addiction, banging some bombshell isn't going to do it for you after a while. You move on to get your kicks in kinkier and more morally ostentatious, um, "activities".

That's how I contextualise it as well. When you have enough money to buy anything, the thrill is gone from it. You have to get exploitative to get the same level of excitement. I think the film 'Hostel' is, while obviously a fictional story, probably houses a lot of truth about what really goes on in the world regarding human trafficking and sexual / ritual abuse.

fuck man i was thinking the same thing. This is the most WTF to me. I shouldn't have watched the google drive videos...

The girl looked very nervous when his brother says her name. She goes "do not say my name".

I paused the video when she made that face. In that face I can see the truth about our world.

You're fucking psycho

My comment implies that the look on the girls face is 100% confirmation this video is real. You can't get a child to fake emotions like that, she's been through some very disturbing and fucked up experiences.

You have no idea what she was frowning at, and it was a mild emotion at best. Get your perspective fixed dawg

I didn't catch that she said "do not say my name." Included that in an edit, thanks.

the interviewer drills in subtly though and they don't catch on

What do you mean? Are you talking about how the interviewers guide some of their responses?

right after this happens he goes on asking how they help him

Yeah - to be honest it does not appear to be manipulative. The signs just aren't there. Those were guiding questions to help the kids along since they aren't natural interviewees.

If they were coached and the interviewer needed to interject to help them along, you would have noticed insecurity or a sense of dependency upon the interviewer -- like glances that say, "okay what do I say next?"

But they speak with confidence and they express some very complex emotions, which would be strange if they're coached to say something they know isnt true.

i agree it doesn't seem guided to me either, he wanted to know more about killing babies and their involvement and he got it because his rephrasing worked around the security the kids (or at least the girl) had obviously thought off for themselves, going from "killing babies" to "helping kill babies" is enough of a responsibility shift.

To me, as an outsider from this sub and gave just been clicking links to get here. Their fear seems real but also rehearsed in some way.

The first thought that I had is that these kids have been abused and manipulated in some way but brainwashed or forced to the these stories that sound so fake and scripted people won't believe any of it or to cover the abusers back?

It's Kent, I've lived there. This isn't some hot fuzz operation where every one is in on it. They say the police, the school, the church and multiply people are in on it. Drinking baby blood and skin shoes?

Either all the stories are fabricated in some poor 'look they are insane kids clearly nothing to see here' fashion or the world is fucked and fucked it could very well be.

I must not fear. Fear is the mind killer. Fear is the small defeat, which leads to total obliteration.

I will face me fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain.


That well known mantra got my attention, or I would have scrolled right past this thread.

This guy has a new account with no info no likes no uploads and is trying to blame the people interviewing the children

Dun Johnson

"its seems the adults involved in this videos are the abusers"


Dun Johnson13 hours ago

pedophilia REMOVE IT YOUTUBE Reply ·

Dun Johnson13 hours ago


Dun looks like damage control to me.

Weird, I occasionally go on the aangirfan website, the one you linked seems to be a copy of it, know what's up with any of that stuff?

Here's the one that I browse: http://aangirfan.blogspot.com/?m=1

When she was talking about beheading the baby I knew this was not coached in any way. There is no coaching that's going to provide that level of detail.

I didn't said it was coached. It was just an observation. As a matter of fact, I'm inclined to believe the kids testimony.

Checked out the other videos of the YouTube uploader and found the original posting linked in the comments. Pretty interesting, apparently the school in question is a parochial school with close ties to the Catholic Church.


Here the boy talks about drinking blood, and how it tastes like metal.

That's the girl, not the boy.

Help document elite corruption @ /r/ThePedoFile

Check out the guy's youtube channel. There are 3 videos total. WTF?



WTF??? If someone finds a background on this it would be good.

Read my comment above for the background to this.

"Fear is the mind killer" Is a reference from the book Dune, by Frank Herbert BTW.

Whoa. This is some far out shit.


OP who sent this to you?

The children are now in police custody according to this: https://www.change.org/p/hon-theresa-may-mp-return-whistleblower-kids

If this is true, then our world is much more fucked up than I thought.

/u/damndirtylies there is protest march happening on the 16th at Barnet House, London for these kids: https://www.facebook.com/events/836161423108930/?source=1. Please upvote for visibility.


edit: i would say they are legit but who knows

it sounds more like she says Look not you hard to tell but before that when he asks if he does it they both say no so it doesn't fit

Where the hell are all of these videos taking place? What reason could they have for going to all of these public places and recording them talking for ten minutes at a time?


I dont know how I ended up here -- but most of this stuff seems pretty outlandish. They seem coached.

Its definitely outlandish, but they're too young to be coached like actors for such an extensive charade and they really don't show any signs that they were coerced or coached into saying these things.

I'm just wondering if the actual conspiracy here is some dude making a couple of bucks off youtube views... I'm not deriding the conversation in anyway and I'm actually providing evidence.

Don't know why I'm getting downvoted.

Where did this happen? Here is a link I found with a teacher mrs. Forsdyke. Not sure if this is it but they sound like they are in UK, and this school is in UK. Can someone help verify possibly? We could find these people and help children!!! EDIT TO ADD: Look at this guys. Barnet is 1 hour away from this school I found!https://www.google.com/webhp?sourceid=chrome-instant&rlz=1C1TSNF_enUS462US463&ion=1&espv=2&es_th=1&ie=UTF-8#q=barnet+to+kent+UK+distance Link to school:http://www.ewp-tkat.org/14/staff

This is the school: http://www.christchurchschool.co.uk/aboutschool/whoswho

Why are you putting out the same disinformation multiple times?

Good find, thanks for posting.

The boy also describes a Mr. Hollings (or a similar name) in the video titled "306 Stars on Shoes" on the Google Drive.

Mr Lewis Hollings

Mr Lewis Hollings

I don't blame you for being a little afraid and pessimistic, but those kids are right; fear is the mind killer.

No kidding, it's funny that some stuff is coming out in the msm now about it. Definitely strengthens his arguments. People are surprised at this stuff, the pederasty and occultism, and it's like, "What, you never heard of Marquis de Sade?" The truth has been out for a long long time.

I think the rebel said something like, the worst crimes for citizens are the elites favorite activites. Like how when joe shmoe goes a-diddlin' he's gonna feel the full force of the law, same with drug and sex trafficking. Meanwhile the elite know no joy without these things. It kind of makes sense in a logical pov, too. When you have the money to do literally anything, you get bored of things fast. Kind of like a porn addiction, banging some bombshell isn't going to do it for you after a while. You move on to get your kicks in kinkier and more morally ostentatious, um, "activities".

My comment implies that the look on the girls face is 100% confirmation this video is real. You can't get a child to fake emotions like that, she's been through some very disturbing and fucked up experiences.