Guy exposed a cabal of users taking over reddit yesterday, spawned a watchdog subreddit of 2500 subscribers overnight, was then banned by reddit's admins, all the subreddit's mods then banned, admins won't say why, and now they're handing the subreddit to the corrupt cabal of users who were exposed.

4337  2015-02-08 by redditiscorrupt0

/r/subredditcancer will take the place of /r/metaredditcancer and the idea of /r/metaredditcancer will live on and move to this subreddit. All interested in /r/metaredditcancer should move to /r/subredditcancer and subscribe. The subreddit is currently empty and has members of the cabal shitposting in it. When the sole mod logs into reddit he will begin cross-posting the posts from /r/metaredditcancer to /r/subredditcancer and the subreddit will get itself underway.

Yesterday, /u/metaredditcancer made a comment in /r/AskReddit exposing a cabal of users hailing from /r/Shitredditsays and other like-minded subreddits that have come to control a large part of reddit as moderators.

Permalink to comment

The AskReddit question was "What subreddit has a really toxic community?" and after someone replied with "/r/Shitredditsays", /u/metareddit cancer made their comment exposing the SRS moderator cabal.

The comment was upvoted over 2,000 times, was thrice gilded, and spawned the subreddit /r/metaredditcancer as a result. /r/metaredditcancer, the reddit corruption watchdog subreddit created as a result of the initial comment, quickly grew to over 2,500 subscribers overnight and its moderators populated the subreddit with posts explaining and exposing the depths of reddit's radical feminist and social justice warrior-filled moderator cabal composed of members of /r/Shitredditsays, their friends, and a few corrupt reddit admins.

Here are the archived posts from /r/metareddit cancer:

Last night, /u/metaredditcancer was inexplicably banned from reddit by the reddit admins and this morning the admins banned the eight remaining moderator accounts of /r/metaredditcancer. The subreddit now has no moderators and has been requested in /r/redditrequest by the very people that the subreddit exists to expose: reddit's /r/Shitredditsays-led moderator cabal of a few dozen redditors who control dozens of subreddits with millions of subscribers.

Reddit's admins have not responded to any inquiries as to why all of the mods of /r/metaredditcancer have been banned from reddit and they will soon grant control of the subreddit to the same people that the subreddit was created to expose.

Screenshot of the comment that exposed the cabal.

Text of the original AskReddit comment below:

SRS is actually an internet cult and they meet most of the criteria needed for being a cult. The way in which they effectively serve as an internet cult is that it is possible for anyone to easily join the cult so long as they have an internet connection and a reddit account and are willing to do exactly what they are told by the SRS moderator hierarchy and the people who control and run the subreddit. The worst thing about Shitredditsays, however, isn't that they have their own shitty subreddit that makes zero sense to the outside world and to those who are sane and don't believe in the views of social justice warriors and radical feminists. The worst thing about SRS is that they and their friends from other like-minded subreddits on reddit - with the cooperation and unspoken support of a few reddit administrators - have managed to turn reddit into Digg 2.0 where a clique of users who are chummy and friendly with each other have managed to take over a very large portion of this website. The users who have turned reddit into Digg 2.0 and who threaten to ruin the site are what I and some others who understand the situation have come to know as and refer to as "metareddit cancer." I have taken it upon myself to go ahead and create the subreddit /r/metaredditcancer to act as a watchdog that chronicles everything that this cabal of reddit users are doing to turn reddit into Digg 2.0 and - in particular - to turn the site into a place run by social justice warrior and feminist moderators who tolerate no deviation from their beliefs in the numerous subreddits that they have come to control as moderators.

My hope is that after reading this comment of mine that you will subscribe to /r/metaredditcancer so that you can stay well-informed about a very serious situation that has arisen - largely unknown to most users - on this website so that we can all gain a greater understanding of what a powerful cabal of agenda-driven users are doing to and have done to this site that we all love. I am a long-time user on reddit who has intimate and in-depth knowledge of this cabal and who has modded multiple subreddits both large and small, who has been intimately involved in discussion with this cabal of users regarding their control of reddit, who knows what their agenda is and what they want to do with their power and control, who has sat in their private discussions in internet chat rooms, who has seen leaks from their private subreddits, and who has absolutely had enough of what they have done to reddit and of what they will continue to do to this site unless the rest of this site is exposed to who and what they are and what their endgame is. What happened to Digg and what has happened to 4chan very recently is undeniably and positively what is happening to reddit now and what has been happening here since 2012.

The cabal of users and moderators who I refer to as "metareddit cancer" hail from the subreddits Shitredditsays, circlebroke, Braveryjerk, circlejerk, TheBluePill, SubredditDrama, SRDbroke, and Drama. This cabal of users are - for the most part - the moderators of these subreddits and these users also control many other subreddits with thousands and even hundreds of thousands of subscribers. They mod subreddits like /r/news, /r/politics, /r/worldnews, /r/Subredditdrama, /r/creepyPMs, /r/offmychest, /r/TIFU, /r/explainlikeimfive, /r/changemyview, /r/LGBT, and numerous other subreddits where they have managed to worm their way into moderator positions over the years and then go on to have total control over the type of discussion that goes on in their subreddits. They make sure that any discussion that goes against their social justice and feminist beliefs is censored and controlled and/or they mod their subreddits like ban-happy dictators who get rid of anyone who breaks the circlejerk that goes on in their subreddits every week. This is absolutely the case with offmychest, creepyPMs, and Subredditdrama. Maybe the worst example of their way of worming into moderator positions and destroying subreddits is that of /r/LGBT and how 2 transsexual radfem SRS trolls - one of which has become infamous on reddit and other chan websites - managed to take control of the subreddit in 2012 and then acted like dictators and abused their power so badly that reddit's administrators had to be called into the drama. The admins refused to remove the two SRS moderators, the LGBT subreddit went into meltdown because of them, and this led to the subreddit being ruined and people having to flock to the newly created /r/ainbow subreddit because one of the biggest forums for discussing LGBT issues on the internet was taken over by members of Shitredditsays. This is the first notable time that SRS and other metareddit cancer have taken control of subreddits and they've gone on to manipulate reddit's subreddit request system to bring even more subreddits under their control. They organize subreddit request attempts in private subreddits where they plan out their agenda and they do the same in their internet relay chat rooms as well. I can say with total confidence that there is no other reddit clique and group operating on this website that looks to take over and control as many subreddits as they can in a clear and indisputable attempt to control the flow of conversation so that conversations in any given subreddit always lean and kowtow to radical feminism and a perverted form of social justice. NO OTHER GROUP EXISTS that is looking to take over as much of this site as possible.

One of the more troubling things that I have come to understand having been an intimately involved user of reddit for years, is that some of reddit's current and past administrators support and belong to this cabal of metareddit cancer. An administrator who was fired from reddit two years ago immediately was added as a mod of Shitredditsays as soon as he left his admin role and made clear what some users had already known: he was literally a member of Shitredditsays and as an admin he used his power to carry out SRS's agenda. He routinely ostracized and terminated the accounts of (shadowbanned) people who posted in subreddits that SRS want destroyed and now he sits as a moderator of SRS. This is one of the biggest yet unknown bits of corruption in reddit's history yet you wouldn't know it because the subreddit created as a watchdog for this sort of thing - /r/Subredditdrama - was taken over by SRS and reddit metacancer in 2013 and they censor discussion about themselves so that people aren't aware of what is going on. The takeover of SubredditDrama is one of the worst things that has ever happened on this website because of its 150K subscriber size and because the very people who are the problem that I am discussing happen to be in control of SubredditDrama. This is clearly a monumental conflict of interest given that anything nefarious that this group of users do cannot be openly discussed in SubredditDrama without their consent.

What caused this cabal to come to be and what is it that unites them in their desire to control the site through moderator power and through cliques?

  • A need for friendship that's lacking in real life. A # of users involved in this cabal are depressed, aren't "cool", are LGBT (more difficult to be included socially if you are a member of this group in real life), are social outcasts, or just want to have some internet friends because they spend a lot of time on this site. This last reason differs a bit from the other reasons and is different in that some users - a smaller number - belonging to this cabal get drawn into it without knowing what the agenda is and they simply just want some internet friends. However, they always cave to the agenda when it is brought up (perverted feminism and social justice and tightly-controlled, censorship-happy moderation in the cabal's subreddits) and so it doesn't matter that their intentions for joining the cabal were innocent. In the end, they always come around and you can already see how this is cult-like behavior. Anyone who doesn't toe-the-line and go along with the agenda is shunned or cast out. I've spent time talking to one of them who was cast out of one of the cabal's private subreddits after realizing that the nature of the cabal and "group of friends" wasn't innocent and that everything revolved around feminism, social justice, and the ego-driven desire to control as many subs as possible. The scary thing about my interaction with this cast-out former member is that the cabal looks to get your name and personal information. They do this through their everyday IRC chats and in Facebook groups where some choose to take friend requests with their real names. Others use new Facebook profiles with their reddit names. This cast-out user used his real account and he knows now that a reason why they send friend invites is so that you think twice about going against them because then they have your personal info and can come after you with threats at home, work, and anywhere else.

  • What the users in the cabal do to gain entrance is act smug and superior (social justice, feminism, morality policing) to redditors. The cabal acts as their cool kids club that they weren't good enough for in real life. THAT IS HOW AND WHY THEY ARE FRIENDS AND WHAT BINDS THEM TOGETHER BECAUSE ANYONE CAN ACT THIS WAY.

A cabal on Digg is what led to the deterioration of the site and is what led to the migration that saw users flood to reddit. I'll be damned if I watch the same type of behavior from a group of a few dozen users continue to move reddit towards becoming Digg 2.0. 4chan has been thrown into a serious mess like this after Moot gave mod positions to authoritarian mods in the last year who now control the site given his recent abdication as site admin. Let's not let this develop further on reddit because there's a point of no return.

TL;DR: The SRS cabal controls too much of and is ruining reddit

TL;DR: A few of Reddit's administrators are corrupt and they are covering up a /r/Shitredditsays-led cabal of users who are turning reddit into Digg 2.0.

Link to another front page post on /r/conspiracy about this situation.


Thanks for keeping on top of this. Please save your posts offline if you can; wouldn't surprise me to see them go poof!

Just like SLC

I only saw the last dying embers of whatever that whole situation was, and then mods started deleting everything about it. What the fuck actually happened with this? There was something about a daycare but thats all I know.

Edit: ok nevermind, seems free speech exists in this sub with mod-approval only, gotcha. Wouldn't want chaos and destruction to result from people typing words in a forum, now would we.

Edit 2: enough with the snarky, hostile PMs too. Im ignoring all, so waste your time if you want but you wont be wasting mine. Pretty fucking sad how we are permitted to talk about x, y, but not z. Cuz reasons.

The first rule of Fight Club...

But.. the point of that rule was to get them used to breaking rules by talking about Fight Club

That is an awesome observation.

It's not actually an observation. The narrator says as much in the book.

There's a book? /s

IMO the moral of the fight club book is really different from the movie.

I really need to check out that book eventually...maybe when the grid goes down.

Did they say it in the movie? I don't remember it.

...I never realized that.

Like a space monkey. A space monkey ready to be shot into space!

Shit. I never knew that until know.

That's all you need man.

Lets make another website

It's all been copied to voat

The daycare that's not a daycare circle jerk.

I get that there was a huge fuss, but what was the fuss?

The cosmetologists at Butterfly Jac beauty salon in SLC, UT are fantastic.

Have you been to the Liberty coin op Laundromat across the street?

Bunch of redditors thought some shitty daycare was a CIA blacksite and it lead to harassment of the business in question. If it is a blacksite then its pretty stupid to harass them. If its not a black site then its pretty stupid to harass them. Like a Sandy Hook Truther calling the parents of victims "actors" to their faces. That kind of psychotic dissonance from reality is terrible. I feel sorry for anyone who thinks like that.

A few people called the publicly available number that was printed in large numbers on the side of the building. It wasn't harassment. That's the same bullshit line they used to justify the deletion.

How do you know it was only a few? How do you know what they were saying when they called?

The shutdown of the whole topic likely was because 4chan had people showing up and claiming they had brought guns and such just in case it was something scary. No, that's not what happened.

I could prove that to you, except the reddit admins deleted there's that.

I was participating in the SLC daycare shutdown well before the admins deleted everything, and I can say, based on that, that the gist of the conversation had nothing to do with harassing that building (you can hardly call it a daycare), but had more to do with analyzing publicly available information and documents.

The shutdown of the whole topic likely was because 4chan had people showing up and claiming they had brought guns

If that even happened, it was such a small part of the conversation that day that I don't even remember it. That said, why would the reddit admins delete something because of what some 4chan users did?

Keep trying...

EDIT: You're obviously trying to make the conversation about harassment, something that never happened. Don't waste your time. I'm done even entertaining the idea of something that never happened. Nice try. Have a good day. Bye.

You couldn't prove it to me since there is absolutely no way you could even if things weren't deleted.

I was also keeping up with it throughout the day.

We both know people called. Neither know how many, we only know the ones that posted, which almost certainly is less than who did.

We don't know how many times the people who got no answer called either. Could it be twice? Could it be ten times? Who knows!

We don't know what all of them said either. Could be just questions of how to get kids in there. Could be asking if they like fiddling kids! Also could be 'hey, just telling you Reddit thinks you are some black ops kid bang factory. Cheers!'

It was also posted on Reddit and not 4chan that a couple friends had at some point broken into the building to find a room with a chair and a tv seemingly closed circuit.

As for the gun stuff on 4chan, I saw it myself. It was one post. Probably bologna, maybe not considering Utah's carry laws. If I'm Reddit. It's time to shut the shit down before one single mentally ill person decides it's time to be a hero.

I don't know if you've noticed or not but Reddit doesn't have to care what you think, or care that they may err on the side of definitive caution.

I'm going to bed. I know your comment is wrong because I was there also. I.'ll respond later.

EDIT: Ok, I woke up now. You're obviously trying to make the conversation about harassment, something that never happened. Don't waste your time. I'm done even entertaining the idea of something that never happened. Nice try. Have a good day. Bye.

Lol okay, I'm sure you have the inside scoop on all those questions.

Ok, I woke up now. You're obviously trying to make the conversation about harassment, something that never happened. Don't waste your time. I'm done even entertaining the idea of something that never happened. Nice try. Have a good day. Bye.

Yeah that's what I thought pretty much. You know you can't prove harassment didn't occur, even though it's very likely because that's the nature of these things.

you can't prove harassment didn't occur

That's not how it works. You have to prove your case. So far, you haven't, most likely because you can't.

I did about a thousand times better than the opposing few. Good enough for me.

I mean you deff need an agenda to think zero harassment occurred.

So, no proof?

Have you not paid attention whatsoever? Go read my posts like 3 or 4 or so above. It's a thousand times more proof than anyone has on the no harassment side

So, no proof?

K so you didn't pay attention and you don't care. That sure doesn't scream agenda huh? Ignore facts scream agenda!

Adios, you've proven quite a lot to me about your character

So, no proof.

People were there taking pictures and videos.

Holy fuck someone took a picture of a building and people outside of it! Harassment at the highest levels of harassment!

Shit I guess they better ban /r/pics then

Thats not the point. He stated a couple people just called a phone number. Thats bullshit. Tons of people called that number, this hunt spread beyond reddit. People were on site with cameras. I remember one cringy picture where a guy was right up to the window taking pictures of a lady cleaning what looks like a kitchen or something. That made me cringe. That dude should feel like a creeper now if he has moral's.

One guy does something of his own accord without provocation from anyone on Reddit so no one anywhere can talk about the subject? Even in a private sub? That's bullshit.

That was just an example. Plenty of people crossed the line. I don't agree with the level of censorship the admins did either but I also don't agree with how the community reacted to the whole thing.

This whole thing was a shitstorm.

What other lines were crossed?

And yeah, it was a shitstorm either way. Especially once the admins started shutting it down.

if things escalated to the point that you say (doubtful) then I would lay the blame on the HIGHLY suspicious actions of the admins. If that original thread stays of r/SLC, no one gives a damn, it never gets to r/conspiracy, and we aren't having this conversation at the top of a thread that's approaching nearly 4,000 total up votes. Oh, and more importantly, the high levels of "harassment" you claim took place, never would have.

Well did we call the police at least!? /s

Even if they multiple threads about the place just HAD to be deleted? I can hardly believe this is the first time a place discussed on reddit has then had a few pictures taken of it.

I don't care how many down votes get thrown at me. Anyone who was actually part of the discussion that night knows what I'm talking about.

You need to consider the level of potential harassment that was happening. My reply to /u/IceDagger316 would also be relevant here.

So the potential for something happening is reason enough to shut it down? Let's just go ahead and revoke people's right to assemble peacefully since there is a potential that any assembling of anyone could turn into a riot.

Same concept.

It wasn't the potential for something happening, its what was happening. When it became a community doxx a thon they had to shut it down.

How were we doxxing anyone? Can you please explain how we were revealing private personal information about a public business?

Kay. Waiting for real response still, from anyone willing.

Strange, recently painted "daycare" that people in the area never saw anyone go in or out of. When it was brought up on Reddit, people were threatened (99% most likely by trolls but given Reddit's reaction, who knows...).

Some people called the place and the actions of the people on the phone (when they ever got someone to pick up) was very non-business like. Lies about how to get a kid admitted to the daycare were told by the person on the other end of the line.

People started looking up publicly available information on the ownership of the building, the business, and the beyond Geocities basic website. Reddit began deleting threads from everywhere they were posted. Somebody from 8Chan ordered them a pizza and this is now considered the greatest harassment in the history of the internet.

After the discussions on Reddit, activity at the location suddenly picked up, with two (and only two) kids appearing at the "day care" to be let in (this is while the "day care" is no longer even a legally registered business)

The entire topic was subsequently banned Reddit wide, with Reddit admins even going so far as to delete small private subs that were discussing the topic. I was a member of one and no one ever discussed or planned harassment nor doxxed anyone in the subreddit but it was still deleted. Not only that, discussions of the topic on other forums disappeared as well.

Now the "cool kids" (that don't like the users on the conspiracy sub) that don't know shit about the situation spread BS about us "harassing a day care" and "doxxing" when neither happened.

Who knows, I might be shadowbanned for even explaining this.

Thank you for explaining. That's all I was asking for. Hope you/I/we didn't harass the universe to death by talking about it.

Jesus. I feel like I stay pretty abreast of the goings on around here and this is the first I've heard of this. (Although I vaguely, vaguely recall something about a daycare and a pizza)

When was all this?

About 2 weeks ago.

So around the same time the entire Internet was distracted by the Jenny story?

Like a week after Jenny and Carly broke the internet.

I love how "legit" news sites reported on that like it actually happened and wasn't just karma whoring.

Speaking of that... did we ever get a conclusion?

This is the truth its gets pretty deep... They were trying to cover their tracks...

TIL Reddit discovered a *** blacksite.

Edit: CIA removed. It could have been any blacksite.

It could have been a blacksite, it could have been a poorly managed tax shelter/money laundering/embezzlement op, it could have been a location in a human/child trafficking ring.

We will never really know for sure.

Strange, I recall at least a few posts of people claiming to be parents who had previously had their kids in that daycare and at least one post from a guy who attended it years ago when he was younger.

Too bad all that stuff got deleted when it turned into a community doxx. Thats why all that happened you know. Its not some conspiracy. I stand by my point. Whether or not it was a blacksite, doing all the crap people did was stupid. Even if they were involved in something nefarious or criminal, this is not how you go about things.

Sending the pizza? Stupid.

Taking a picture of a lady cleaning an empty room? Also stupid.

The rest of it? Perfectly fine. Individual replies could have easily have been deleted instead of a site-wide ban on the topic.

Also, I remember those posts that you speak of and all of those people were there when the daycare was owned by it's previous owners, not the people that occupy the building now.


Do you even dox bro?

Doxxing is the process of finding out someone on the internet's real identity, home phone number, DOB, home address, etc. Finding out who owns a public business based on publicly published filings is not doxxing.

And by the you even /r/conspiracy like ever? Because looking through your history, this is the first time that you've posted here (I might be wrong, I only went back 10 pages before I lost patience and saw zero pattern of ever posting)? What brings you over from the 41 subs that you moderate?



Not a business.

Note to self: screenplay idea

Protagonist realizes lifelong petit bourgeois dream, secures location at a bargain, spruces it up, and proudly installs outdoor sign right before opening day. However, petit entrepreneur has some untimely and unfortunate turn of events. Dream stalls as protagonist suffers and struggles to get dream back on track. Meanwhile, unwitting (antagonist) neighbor slowly grows more suspicious of colorful building after months of no activity. Finally posts photo with paranoid caption on popular website which suddenly makes building and oblivious owner infamous. All sorts of freaks start calling, some even showing up at the door. Protagonist is approached by down-and-out journalist who takes up the story of all the psychopaths...while falling in love with protagonist. They make a fortune from book and screenplay and ride off into the sunset, leaving building to OP.

Starring: Colin Farrell, Sam Rockwell, Woody Harrelson, Christopher Walken, Tom Waites, Harry Dean Stanton and Abby Cornish.

EDIT: Rated R...which means if you're under 17, then you need a chaperone over 30.

yeah, ignore the bullshit


The Salt Lake City censorship handed down by the Admins.

Ah right the pink building. See? They already memory holed it.

It was green and yellow ;)

Next you'll tell me there was no clown.

Down here we all float

holy shit that scared me

wait what?

Link to now deleted thread here.

Search "SLC daycare" to get a recap. It was a crazy couple hours here that apparently went down the memory hole.

Whoa that's a only a few blocks from my house. That place has always seemed weird. Trying to catch up on the story now...

You should visit it and snap some pics, see what going on there. SLC censorship will go down as one of the most blatant examples of user suppression in Reddit.

I plan to stop by tonight but I don't expect anything out of the ordinary. You never know with how much attention it's gotten in the past week though...

Be careful, some ones obviously trying to keep it under covers so use caution. Would you upload the pics here?

I'll upload the pics but I don't have high expectations!

Still would be nice to get an update.

Dude you need to check it out... I'm really curious.

I drove past it Monday after work and it was the same as always. Looked devoid of any activity.

I mentioned this thread to coworkers that day and everybody knew which building I was talking about. It really stands out as being weird.

Was it solved, or just scrubbed?

Scrubbed I think.

I had hoped that wasn't really possible any more. There more something wants me to not dig the more I wanna dig.

It itself could be a distraction (for all I know). Sometimes you need to distract the proles with something fantastic (Grammy's, Superbowl) and then throw us a bone or two (SLC, ISIS videos to debunk, not Donetsk), and then make your move.

Stay tuned.

Oh man, I just spent hours retracting over the findings of those threads. Fucking crazy. Thanks for posting....I was completely outta the loop for this.

SHHHHH they'll shadow ban and give false reasons.

Wait, those went "poof"? Like we actually can't go view them anyplace?

Go try.

On mobile at work. So you're saying even the screen grabs are gone?

Maybe they aren't - but I don't know where they were archived. Maybe someone else does?

Thanks buddy.

Thanks man.

Suspicious, IMO. I wonder if the two are linked.

Lets do one better and archive the posts ourselves, reproducibility will come in handy. It's highly suspicious that all of this information keeps getting pulled... May be time for a FOIA request.

FOIA request

...only works against .gov agencies, just like the First Amendment.

Ahh I didn't know that, very important to know the limits. Thanks for letting me know!

For sure, even better. I'm just working with a ipad here -- second dead macbook within 6 weeks.

Lol this post got me shadowbanned. to the mod or mods who did that, you need to study retalation laws regarding free speech you may cost reddit more that karma points (self.conspiracy) submitted just now by throwawayjustin1 Guy exposed a cabal of users taking over reddit yesterday, spawned a watchdog subreddit of 2500 subscribers overnight, was then banned by reddit's admins, all the subreddit's mods then banned, admins won't say why, and now they're handing the subreddit to the corrupt cabal of users who were exposed. by redditiscorrupt0in conspiracy

[–]jod1177 1 point 10 hours ago

What can be done to protect the integrity of reddit then? Ban the users, and put up strick guidelines and screening measures asking why they want to join? No. Use their ip address to prohibit any one from its address in signing up? No, too many ways around that. Employ paid hunter killer redditors to figure out the new accounts they are signing up with, shutting them down in a permanent game of wack a mole?

Being new to reddit, sounds like the work is cut out for the site administrators, and who ever approves mods. This has the potential imo to turn into a witch hunt, that the only thing that can stop it is a temporary freeze on new membership, to stop the bleeding, then eliminate the cancer, not just by banning the account, but by figuring out who these little reddit terrorists are and start taking them down where they are trying to harass people.

I like this site, its going to suck if a bunch of little dick insecure bitches who have nothing better to do, shuts this site down, or causes so much drama that the site is no longer fun to use. I am all for people haveing their own view points, opinions, and a place to express them and exchange idea's with one another. I dont down vote people that I dont agree with what they are saying. I appreciate counter points on issues, and debating them. Its how we learn.

People are so quick to get butt hurt here, because they disagree with what you are saying and down vote you like the kid at the playgroud who takes his ball and leaves cause they loose.

This sadly has become their main interaction with people, and is where they feel they are on equal ground or have the advantage, because truth of the matter like you said, if they acted like that in the real world, they would get their ass kicked, and probably have.

They can have their opinions, beliefs, feelings, im all for it. But when they start to act like Nazi's and not able to be put in check, this site will probably end up like you are fearing.

The only things I can think that would mabye stop it is diligence from the people approving mods, banning the accounts of the "cabal".

A freeze on new accounts is a terrible idea, but either not giving them "voting rights" for a certain period of time, or give them the illusions that their votes count, observing thier voting habbits with a bot that monitors them, when they are observed being reddit terriostits going into someones page and downvoting all their stuff, shut em down.

I think a 30 day period for new accounts not being able to vote would help. If someone pisses you off, most sane people are not going to wait 30 days to down vote someone. Then set up monitors for "bulliing" votes.

I think that moderators that are shadow banning people, deleting peoples posts, or collabaroting against users, or subs should be banned from this site. The only way I think post should be removed is already in the reddit rules. Maybe even requiring a year of redditing before you can qualify as a mod.

Or find a trusted group of mods who have not partaken in the bs that was going on to be reddits own secret super mods callit the RIA, to monitor them.

The administrators at reddit have some tough decisions. Left unchecked, this site will go the way of myspace. (i dont know the history of digg)

Or will have to unfortunately go on a temporary witch hunt, clear the crap out, have a plan or system in place to prevent the crap from coming back in by changing policies on new accounts voting ability, heavely scrutinizing posts from the new users have approved by actual human mods during that time, to prevent obvious manipulation and sabatoging of the subs. That should stop the bleeding.

Using fire to fight fire isn't alsways the best answer, but at some point they will make it come to that. Just from reading what you had to say there is no way around it.

I do hope you get it figured out, because that is absolute bull shit to let a bunch of little punks ruin the site. As it is, they are going to at the least effect new membership policies. Good luck.

That is the exact definition of retalation, on a public forum, reddit is on us soil, and im looking into if this is in violation of first amendment rights. Or CA laws.

if you have any information, please let me know, im diving into this now.

I'm here because the mods of /r/conspiracy approved the submission so it turned up in /r/uncensorship.

Am I metacancer or antimetacancer?

I do find it hard to keep up!

edit: oops this is my alt you can probably work out who I am.

I do find it hard to keep up.

They have pills for that.

I rarely ever post these days. yesterday, for simply stating my opinion. (It differs from their's ) was attacked by multiple accounts bully style. numerous insulting posts assigning heinous crimes and labeling me as an angry child abuser with abusive parents. I continued to receive angry hate 12 hours after my last post. anything in cospiracy I have posted magically gets one down vote for every up vote. It's like someone is turning reddit into a mouth piece to shepherd public opinions. I know that if your goal was to shepherd public opinions, having a small group with many usernames would be an effective way. people are more easily convinced of something if the majority of respondents are saying the same things.

I had a similar thing happen to a post I made. My post was old by Reddit standards, over 24 hours old and subsequently inactive but all of the sudden it received a surge of responses (all negative in nature) from several accounts. The responses flooded in at the same time. The only way I could see this happening was from a group of people who opposed my post working together via some channel. I attempted to sleuth and see if I could find the channel they used without success.

I've always been weary about hive mind things on Reddit like for example the recent vaccination posts, they seem really out of the ordinary to me and orchestrated (another example are post regarding circumcision, they quickly get flooded with people opposing it and anything in favor, science included, gets downvoted). Reddit is a powerful tool, obviously, and I feel a lot of effort has gone into controlling/manipulating it. What I experienced seemed like a small taste of that.

It's a damn shame. Reddit, without the shepherding, is great. it's like the public square of old. There should be more debate between real people.

I'll burst the bubble...A LOT of internet websites are controlled, just like the media. Not just this sub, the whole reddit shit is rigged. User driven content...that the admins control and manipulate.

I definitely see that, I have a very difficult time believing that the majority of users on here vote and promote media content to the front page. Especially the questions in AMA, they seem so... fake and superficial.

Most AMA's aren't AMA's anymore, they're Ask My Publicist (for the next 15 minutes, specifically about the new POS film I'm hocking)

Been that way since the site was created. Admins used to have the ability to create new user accounts at time of submission.

Honestly I found the sudden surge of anti anti-vax posts to be weird, but negative answers to circumcision seem normal to me. I write those every time I see a moron boasting imaginary merits of that pointless procedure.

The circumcision debate gets people real emotional. I'm European, so I only ever really see these 'discussions' online, but they seem to be more knee jerk anger to me, as opposed to the more ideological/almost religious fury anti-vaxing and radical third wave feminism spawns.

they seem to be more knee jerk anger to me

As a French man, who hasn't been circumcised and knows no one who is (because the whole thing is kinda retarded), my guess is that people in the USA have some kind of, uhh, complex where they can't accept that something wrong was done to them. So they try to justify it with every argument they find. Some of them just can't integrate that the whole thing is the result of a wide publicity campaign orchestrated by doctors who wanted a quick and easy buck.

I'm circumcised, my boyfriend is not. He wishes he was.

Does it prove anything ? Oh, yeah, it doesn't.

Some people with uncircumcised dicks have a little bit of pain while fucking

Some people with circumcised dicks do too. And, arguably, there's more of them. Does it prove anything? Nope. Still nothing.

You have to understand that examples never will make a point.

Fair enough. It's a minor cosmetic and cultural thing, probably nothing to get bent out of shape about.

It's a minor cosmetic and cultural thing, probably nothing to get bent out of shape about.

Yet, everyone goes apeshit about the same thing being done to girls. Go figure.

Just because it goes under the same name doesn't mean it's equivalent. A male equivalent of female circumcision would involve removing the head of your dick. The reason people are more disapproving of female circumcision is because it's objectively worse.

The reason people are more disapproving of female circumcision is because it's objectively worse.

I know that. Still doesn't make male circumcision any better. It's just a tad less terrible than female circumcision, but still terrible.

You sound like a dumbass dude.

something wrong was done to them.

Nothing wrong was done to them...they just have less to worry about as far as're thinking way too much about dicks...

they just have less to worry about as far as hygiene...

And they lose a great part of the sensation that their foreskin used to let them feel; they can't masturbate properly without lube; their dick is constantly irritated until the glans' skin is hardened enough to be rubbing constantly on their underwear without feeling terrible... Plus, it has huge effects on the emotional health of people, going as far as to cause PTSD for circumcised babies; it ruins the natural lubricant in the vagina by pulling it out, and makes women who had sex with cut and uncut guys to prefer cut to uncut by a ratio of as much as 8.6 to 1; et caetera.

I find this website to also be interesting, since it says among other things that not only you lose a great deal of sensibility; but also that "The debilitating sexual consequences of keratinizing the glans have never been studied", which means that there hasn't been a single study on the negative effect of circumcision on the glans before even considering to apply the procedure to every male born in the US; and, another sentence that's hilarious to me: "making the circumcised penis defectively thinner than a full-sized intact penis"

But, well, I guess you don't want to know about a half of the story and only read what's there to comfort you in the choice you probably didn't make, so...

you're thinking way too much about dicks...

I'm not the one who started cutting them off to make a profit. Go tell that to your doctors.

Sounds like you're salty about your ugly, uncircumcised donger.

Haha. Yeah, right. I'm so salty, I wish I could cut it.

So salty that youre going out of your way to lie and use personal attacks. But thats what really secure people do right? But I guess the mountains of medical data are just a big conspiracy of greedy doctors. I guess the 80% of women who prefer it in studies done are just shills for greedy foreskin eating jews right? Do you realize how youre acting? Nobody is saying anything negative about you not being circumsized. People calmly point out the medical and aesthetic benefits and back them up with studies. You freak out and accuse everyone of being insecure about their mutilated dicks, and rant about how its all some conspiracy by greedy doctors. Talk about insecurity... Theres no need to get furious and start attacking people for having different preferences. When you get in a fit of rage and attack people for being different from you, it makes you look really insecure.

But thats what really secure people do right?

Okay, let's suppose for a moment that I'm really "insecure", whatever that means. What does it do for your argument? Does it prove anything?

But I guess the mountains of medical data

are just contradicted by other mountains of medical data, so, you know... Objectivity isn't the doctors' thing when their paydays are at stake.

Nobody is saying anything negative about you not being circumsized.

Right, not just like that guy above who told me I was "salty".

People calmly point out the medical and aesthetic benefits

Calmly? Like this, you mean?

you're salty about your ugly, uncircumcised donger. Seems you're reading into things instead of actually reading. Also, do you believe everything people with a title tell you?

And that last one, from you:

Sometimes I forget that not everyone understands these things or has any common sense.

Yeah. Right. Everyone has been REAL calm around here.

and back them up with studies.

What studies? Where? I rewatched the entire list of replies I got, and, lo and behold, TWO studies only were used, and they point towards a slightly lower risk of catching STDs. Note that 1, this is mostly due to the penis' skin being tougher because of the constant irritation, and 2, that it's "of borderline statistical significance". Furthermore, those very studies say that it can't be used as a replacement for safe sex practices such as condoms.

As for the other points? Didn't see a single fucking study.

You freak out and accuse everyone of being insecure about their mutilated dicks,

Freak out? Alright, let's say I did, because I used capslock. That was in a single post, because you have trouble understanding the definition of smegma. 1 point for you.

Accuse everyone? No, there was just this one guy. And I didn't accuse him of being "insecure". In fact, you're the only one who uses that word. -1 for you.

and rant about how its all some conspiracy by greedy doctors.

It's an association of movements: one of "greedy doctors" who just wanted easy money, and one of religious integrists who wanted to crack down on boys who masturbated. Circumcision makes it harder, so, it was an easy way for them to enforce the belief that masturbation is a sin.

Theres no need to get furious and start attacking people for having different preferences.

I don't attack them for having different preferences, I attack them for not being able to read a fucking dictionary, not being able to restrain from using obvious logical fallacies, and not being able to properly read my posts.

When you get in a fit of rage and attack people for being different from you, it makes you look really insecure.

And when you keep posting all day because someone proved you wrong over a part of your body and mocked your career, it makes you really insecure too. Guess what? Everyone's insecure here, it's amazing!

Sorry bud but Im going to have to agree with the CDC. Im pretty sure they know more about this subject than you. They have a whole section on their site dedicated to the results of circumcision studies. Regardless of any of that, why cant you understand that different people have different lives? I chose to get circumcised. Ive exoerienced being "natural" and experienced bein cut. Being circumcised is better for me. Nothing you say can change that. I make 15k more a month because of it. The aesthetics are more desired in my country because of it. I enjoy sex more because of it. My STD risk is greatly reduced because of it. Why are you trying so desperately to convince me that none of that is true? Im pretty sure I know more about my life than you.

Im going to have to agree with the CDC.

Ah, yes, the CDC. The corrupted organization that consistently gives opinionated and skewed "studies" a place where to be published and voices to repeat their results, while everyone else disagrees. I'm sure the CDC, being the most worthless health organization of a single country in the world, should be trusted as the one and only source of information on health matters. Furthermore, probably that most of the people at the CDC are actually circumcised, which would influence greatly their stance on the matter, as this article says.

Rather than admit a serious mistake, we ignore the harm and produce endless inflated medical claims to defend our bias. Some research shows that circumcision is favored more often by circumcised physicians. If they participate in pro-circumcision studies or committees, circumcision status could influence their work.

That, right there, confirms what I said earlier: most circumsized americans have a validation complex that makes them try to justify their genital mutilations because they can't face the truth. Health scientists aren't an exception, they're people too.

Regardless of any of that, why cant you understand that different people have different lives?

Well, yes. Some people use their brains, and some others end up selling their body on the internet because they can't finish med school well enough to have a better job.

I make 15k more a month because of it.

Yes, it's a well known fact that cutting the foreskin off of babies will make them shit out 15k dollars every now and then.

The aesthetics are more desired in my country because of it.

And everywhere else in the world, it's the opposite.

My STD risk is greatly reduced because of it.

Yes, your STD risk is reduced. But it doesn't really matter. Anyone with half a brain and an uncut dick won't get STDs because all you have to do is use a condom or choose other partners.

Im pretty sure I know more about my life than you.

Maybe, but you don't know anything about anything else than your life. And you don't know anything about other people's lives and the effect circumcision may have on them. You only think about yourself and your stupid job that requires cutting off a part of your dick. That's why you are what you are.

You seem to be confusing infant circumcision and circumcision... When did I ever condone operating on a baby? Babies dont have sex. Babies cant consent. Why are you showing me what health organizations think about infant circumcision? Oh there you go again with the personal attacks. I have a bachelors econ/finance and biology. I have a more useful ad lucrative degree than you. I chose to drop out of med school and do something else. I didnt want to spend 5 years and 350k of my savings in med school. Just to be left with hardly any savings and working 60 hours a week for a low 6 figure salary. I wanted to earn more money and have more free time. See, thats something I learned when studying economics. Making more money for less time is a good thing. Why would I work 60 hours a week for 10k a month, when I can work 10 hours a week for 25k? Pretty easy choice. But go ahead and attack my profession because youre insecure and immature. And stop telling me to use condoms. It is literally a job requirement not to wear them. Also, why would I wear a condom and decrease my sexual pleasure, when I have a fraction of a percent chance of getting an STD? Thats like avoding planes because youre afraid they might crash...

Why are you showing me what health organizations think about infant circumcision?

There's also data on circumcision in general.

because youre insecure and immature

That again. Oh well, I guess everyone can be called immature too, anyway.

Also, why would I wear a condom and decrease my sexual pleasure, when I have a fraction of a percent chance of getting an STD?

All right, I'll make this simple. REALLY simple.

Possibility #1: your partner doesn't have an STD. You can fuck him/her however you want.

Possibility #2: you don't know if your partner has anything. Then:

  • Either you use a condom and avoid any potential STDs with a near 100% rate
  • Or you're a fuckin moron and you stick your dick in something that may very well be infected with a terrible STD. If you are circumcised, the lower % will barely help you.

Possibility #3: you know your partner has an STD.

  • You abstain and get the fuck out
  • You use a condom because you still want the sex but not the STD
  • You don't use a condom, and you're a fucking moron who got himself an STD for sure. If you're circumcised, the lower percentage will barely help you.

People who catch STDs are stupid, that's all. And pretending that a circumcision will save you is utterly false.

Thats like avoding planes because youre afraid they might crash...

It's not like avoiding to take planes, it's like preferring to take the train when your plane's reactors were already burning before its departure. Keep your strawmen to yourself.

Youre so bad at this. Dont ever become a lawyer. A person who just cleared a full STD panel is comparable to a plane with engine failure?" Like I said numerous times, I dont enjoy sex with a condom. I would rather not have sex. Not having sex means I wiuld have a zero chance of catching an STD. Why do you still keep trying to convince me to use condoms when Id rather just not have sex? Youre acting like a 12 year old who's favorite toy go insuted. And now youre furious and attacking everyone and throwing out absurd arguments trying to convince people otherwise.

I have yet to see a single actual argument from you as to why I shouldnt be circumcised, or why I should wear a condom. Want to try again? Just one? Or are you going to tell me again how the CDC is some huge conspiracy organization set up to help greedy doctors get rich whith their circumcision plan?

I have yet to see

Then, look again. And use your eyes and your brain at the same time. I'm sure you can do it.

Or are you going to tell me again how the CDC is some huge conspiracy organization set up to help greedy doctors get rich whith their circumcision plan?

I never said that.


Half of the research suggests it makes it EASIER to acquire STDs...

Alternately you could not rely on slicing skin off, and use these things called condoms. I've heard they're pretty effective. Seriously, if your argument for circumcision is to stop STIs you've not got much. Condoms are a hell of a lot more effective.

Yeah I was about to say, the argument that you are less likely to contract STDs is pretty weak not just for what you just said but also if you are having unprotected sex with someone with an STD you are literally screwed anyway.

"Circumcised immune to getting AIDs." <-- This is bullshit.

The condom levels playing field, if both wear it they have the same chance. You should wear one because it's safer so saying its a good idea to snip is basically saying it's better to use if you want to go have risky sex, and if on the small chance a rubber breaks (they're pretty strong) you have a slightly better chance of not copping an STD. Personally I'd at her just ask for an STD check and wear a rubber anyway. Seems a roundabout way of scoring a smaller percentage anyway. Seeing as female to male AIDS transmission is around 1% anyway I'm not particularly scared by that, so removing my foreskin to prevent that when I wear a rubber anyway seems redundant.

You know what stops 100% of STDs? Not ever having sex! Your argument makes no sense. Do you think circumsized people dont wear condoms? Youre basically saying "why pay more for a car with an airbag, when a seatbelt is even more safe?" Nobody thinks an airbag is a replacement for a seatbelt. Its ridiculous to say "why take that precausion, when never leaving your house is even more safe?" You were born because your dad didnt wear a condom, just like billions of other people dont. So what exactly is wrong with lowering your condomless STD risk?

When the argument that the reason for circumcision is to lower rates of STDs compared to uncircumcised the implication that it is without condoms. A condom would level the playing field so the point of snipped or not has little to no bearing. Calm your tits, no need to get worked up.

Edit: going to take a punt and say you're circumcised right? Can't imagine you'd get so touchy about something unless it was done to you.

Personally I'd rather just wear a rubber which protects me from an STD at the same rate as a guy with the snip. I use them properly and they don't break, seems redundant to go get a permanent procedure that in that case provides no benefit. Male to female AiDS transmission is what? 1%? Mate I'm more concerned about the drive over to the chick's house than that, especially with the aforementioned device that prevents it anyway. If you're that scared of STDs that you're happy to snip away, go nuts. I'll just chuck a rubber on.

Saying that you have a bad argument means that this is a touchy subject? Youre using that same argument that antivax people use. "im more worried about a car accident than getting measles, why do something that has a tiny chance of side effects when Ill probably be fine?" "I can wear a surgical mask and gloves to lower my chances even more!" I have unprotected sex hundreds of times a year, odds are that Ill get an STD at some point. Probably many times. If I get and STF 5 times in my life compared to 8 times, its worth it for that reason alone. Thats 3 times less Ill be sick and home from work making less money. I chose to be circumsized, I even paid a decent amount of money for it. I chose to do so because of the decreased STD risks, a bigger percentage of people prefer the aesthetics of it(in my country) increased earning based on lower STD risk that might keep me home from work, and a few other reasons. I also hate wearing a condom, as most people do. Id rather not have sex at all than have se with a condom on. So I only have sex without a condom. I never said that everyone should be curcumsized. If you dont have sex all the time and you always use a condom and live in a country where being natural is prefered, you dont have as much of a reason to be circumsized as I do. But theres no reason to pretend like the benefits dont exist.

So basically you'd rather get snipped and run the gauntlet of an STD rather than just wrap it? You're saying I have a shit argument? That's hilarious! You make piss poor comparisons to try discredit my message that if you're worried about STDs then wrap it to fit your self absorbed hatred of a perfectly valid method of preventing STDs. If we go back to your original and faulty car analogy, you're the guy doing 30 over the limit and swerving lanes because you have ABS, traction control, seat belts and airbags. It might be fine for a while, but eventually it's not going to work out so well. Mate, suck it up, if you're so scared of STDs wear a condom rather than taking a risk and hoping the snip will help.

You're closer to the anti-vaxers than me mate, it's amazing that you can't see otherwise. I know the risks are out there, I have no intention of accidentally spreading it unknowingly (you do know not everyone shows symptoms straight away right?) so I take measures to prevent that. You on the other hand rely on a less effective method, and get around. You're the anti-vaxers not me.

Whats with the freak out? No nees to be so insecure. Did you miss the part where I said I dont like having sex with a condom on? Why would I have sex if Im not enjoying it? Did you miss th part where I am happier with the aesthetics of it? Or that my earning potential is greatly improved? I chose to do something that would make me look better, feel better, be cleaner, reduce my STD risk, and increase my earnings tenfold. Why is that making you so mad? It improved my life, and thats the end of it. You just ignored all of my points and proceeded to freak out and try to insult me. What going on bud? Why are you getting so angry about other people having different lives and prefferences? Stop worrying so much about my penis.

Yep, confirmed. I give up, enjoy your STDs. You set out with the aggressive freak out in your initial response, with faulty logic and insults from the get go. Nothing I say will ever change your mind about that. Nice work, I almost took the bait again.

Why exactly would being circumsized and greatly resucing my chance of infection give me a bunch of STDs? Im assuming you dont have an actual reason and are just continuing to act like a 13 year old because you dont like being wrong. Not agreeing with you = freaking out? Glad you were able to be so mature about someone not agreeing with you. You should really work on not getting furious when someone has a different lifestyle and preference than you. Otherwise you'll have some issues when you grow up or get a job. People dont always think the same thing or have the same life, theres not need to get worked up about it.

Getting snipped makes sex worse, doesn't let you see your orgasm from a mile away like being uncut does. It's not dirty despite what you've been led to believe. Mutilating your genitals is bad, it's bad when done to women, and bad when done to men.

Don't bother mate, the guy will just flip from aggressively having a go at you to condescending while conveniently ignoring everything you say and not seeing the hypocrisy in his claims about what you're saying. Save your breath, I'm not engaging him anymore.

I agree, in the words of the late George Carlin "Never argue with an idiot. They will only bring you down to their level and beat you with experience."

I'm clearly not a master in the ways of stupid, guess I've got a lot to learn.

And you have personal experience having sex being circunsized?

I have experience having sex uncircumcised, and anecdotal evidence from a couple different women I've slept with saying that circumcised guys don't last as long. Maybe I'm just a badass, or maybe my dick just works as nature intended. Don't be jealous your mutilated pecker makes you a 2 pump chump.

If you understood a little anatomy you'd know that although the tip has the most nerve endings the foreskin is not without. Furthermore it serves as a barrier preventing overstimulation, so instead of having the orgasm come on like a light switch, it comes on as a gradual wave, and let's me know exactly how close I am to orgasm allowing me to pace myself better than some other lesser equipped male.

It is extremely common knowledge that circumcision reduces sensation, causing prolonged time to orgasm. Just google it... One of the conplaints circumcized guys have and one if the main reasons people talk down about circumcision is that it takes longer to cum. Im make a living as a porn I dont really have problems being a "one pump chump" regardless. Not sure why youre resorting to personal insults though.

Think about what you're saying, how can having the most sensitive part of your penis exposed possibly lead you perform for a longer time? What you're saying goes against all legitimate research on the subject. Which basically states that it's all in your head, the one with hair and eyes, not the nerves in your wang. I will say this, I can see my orgasms from a mile away so if I want to prolong sex I can do something else and have plenty of time to react. I believe that window isn't as large with circumcised males.

Just google it.... the foreskin isnt the sentative part, its the skin underneat that the foreskin protects. You remove the protective foreskin and the area beneath dries out and loses sensation. Seriously just google it, there is no point in arguing this.

I have done academic research on this subject reading actual scientific journals, Google won't show me anything I don't already know.

Okay so show me one single study that shows circumcision increases sensativity. Every study literally says the opposite. I really dont know how you came to conclusion when searching "circumcision loss of sensativity" brings up pages and pages of the opposite of what youre saying.

CONCLUSIONS: This study confirms the importance of the foreskin for penile sensitivity, overall sexual satisfaction, and penile functioning. Furthermore, this study shows that a higher percentage of circumcised men experience discomfort or pain and unusual sensations as compared with the uncircumcised population. Before circumcision without medical indication, adult men, and parents considering circumcision of their sons, should be informed of the importance of the foreskin in male sexuality.

Do your feet hurt?

So youre admitting your wrong? The study concluded that circumcision lowers sensativity. The same thing Ive been telling you. Are you that insecure about your dick that youre going to act like a trolling 12 year old?

Which can be handled through education, I would rather keep my body intact and keep the sensitivity / anatomical function. Not only that, but syphilis is easily treatable provided you go in and seek treatment.

At this point, that study is right up there with "smoking doesn't cause cancer!" And "lead is safe!".

But don't take my word for it, go do your homework and report back. Let's see if you can figure out why it's wrong.

Isn't the whole procedure a thing to make it harder for little pervy boys to masturbate? Circumcised boys need a lot of lube, if I'm not mistaken

Circumcised here and always fap dry. No issues.

For the record, I very rarely use lube and didn't do so until i was an adult. I started when I was 11. I see pros and cons to the procedure, like anything else. My personal opinion is that I'm glad I got the ol' choparoo.

I also think that a lot of the arguments are in part based on incorrect information about circumcision or lack of it such as the requirement of lube.

are you implying that, because this is a religious practice, jewish doctors are trying to make "a buck'

In any other sub this comment would have hit the red button for nuclear religious debate. I'm really glad that isn't happening...

It has nothing to do with judaism, circumcision is huge, 80% of the men in my state are...

right. i love jews. i just am sceptical of some forces that are almost in every subject of medical care. almost like imposters are uusing religion as a ploy. conversation over. sorry i brought it up

No. I'm implying that, because it's an easy operation that requires no skill whatsoever, every greedy doctor is trying to make "a buck".

I think the anti-vax thing is simply because it's in the news. If it were some obscure issue and there were the same number of posts, I'd be curious.

Anti-vax posts used to be about once every other day or twice a week and now they are flooding to every few hours. What I see as normal negative is anything against AT&T, RainX, HandR Block (brand protection stuff). Follow the money trails...

Anti-vaxx posts are gaining popularity because the CDCwhistleblower story, and even more so because the silence of the media and medical establishment to address the CDC fraud reinforces the idea that the CDC /vaxx industry has something to hide. So far the only reaction has been a Snopes articles that did more damage to Snopes' reputation than it did to subdue the story.

Also, the core anti-vaxx people are parents of vaccine injured children, who are very angry that their once-healthy child is now obviously injured, and the parents have to deal with that every day. Its not like other issues where you can be upset about something one day and forget about it the next. To add insult to injury, these parents are often mocked/ridiculed for daring to suggest that vaccines had something to do with their child's injury, which very often is an almost immediate cause-and-effect called "sudden onset neuro degeneration". Parents witness their child degenerate in front of their eyes and dont give a shit what the "research" says because they witnessed it first hand happen to some on they love.

The anti-vaxx movement will not go away easily, and will likely only grow as more people become aware of what is going on. We have seen the establishment concoct story after story to try to bury the CDC whistleblower scandal, from the ebola hoax, to the Disney measles hoax, to the little boy fighting leukemia who really needs you to get vaccinated because he cant...

And through it all, the parents saw through the lies, and became even more determined in their quest for truth and justice.

Im glad these anti-vaxx posts are being made. It helps people understand that vaccines are more controversial than the medical establishment would have us believe

I have never once seen a popular anti anti-vax post on reddit. Everyone seems anti-vax here...

I do the same, everytime I see someone say "well my penis works fine" I damn near have an aneurysm.

I would like to believe most of Reddit is less ignorant. You can of- course choose to ignore the studies and I expect the downvote brigade to arrive but here you go:

Conclusions: This first systematic review of male circumcision and ulcerative STI strongly indicates that circumcised men are at lower risk of chancroid and syphilis. There is less association with HSV-2. Potential male circumcision interventions to reduce HIV in high risk populations may provide additional benefit by protecting against other STI.


Study Shows Circumcised Men Have Less Risk of Herpes, Genital Wart/Cancer Virus

This was a quick two second search.

You know what else is even more effective at preventing STIs that doesn't involve cutting a child's penis? It's called a condom. It's a crazy wonder of technology.

Mutual monogamy works too

Absolutely does. The point I'm making is you can repeat the lowers chance of catching an STI all you want, fact is its a pretty moot point at best. I have no issue with circumcision, it's circumcision of babies that I take issue with.

Actually condoms suck and are pretty shitty technology... People dont like using condoms, which is why both of us are here in the first place.

They might suck, but would you honestly think that because your circumcised you're immune from catching STIs and not need a condom?

Of course not, that would be absurd. I chose to get circumsized as an adult beause it would increase my earnings 5x as well as the aesthetic and health benefits. Its not something I have any opinion on as far as what other people do, but there certainly were benefits for me.

Noice! Living it up I see. I wish my penis would increase my earnings haha

Can confirm parents didn't use condoms. Upvote.

I don't care about STD probabilities, what I mean is that a circumcised dick isn't magically cleaned everyday and free of smegma or anythine else forever. Of course, there's lower risks of STDs, but STDs still exist and can still be transmitted; dirt still accumulates; and, most important of all: there's an undeniable loss of sensation, and having no foreskin is impractical because it sometimes creates a need for lube when there isn't any need for lube for people with foreskins in the same situation.

dirt still accumulates;

I have never, in my life, has my dick covered in dirt, or had it accumulate in any amount in that region of my body. What on earth are people doing with uncut junk to have this occur?

there's an undeniable loss of sensation

You say that like it's objectively a bad thing.

Loss of sensation is a bad thing.

Not from I'm standing. Considering I have this "horrible" affliction known as a circumcised penis, I would know.

What on earth are people doing with uncut junk to have this occur?

See, there's the problem. You seem to think that only uncut people can get dirty. Well here's the trick: it happens to everyone who doesn't shower. In other words, cut or not, it doesn't matter, your dick will still get dirty over time if you don't clean it.

Which brings me to the corollary: people who say that uncuts are dirtier most probably can't be bothered to clean their dicks once in a while because they're the embodiment of the foul bachelor toad.

As for the loss of sensation, if it isn't a bad thing, why does no one on earth anesthesize their dick before having sex? I mean, with medical grade stuff, so you don't feel a thing. It should be a viable strategy to let the woman achieve multiple orgasms, right?

I'm not saying its dirtier, the guy before me did. Even if I didn't shower or bath for a few weeks (happens every so often), I didn't have dirt accumulation.

Your claim, and the others, is that the lost sensation I'm supposedly experiencing is a negative. I've had no issues with sensation with my dick. Meaning, whatever loss there is doesn't appear to have any measurable effect on me. Or others. The loss of sensation we supposedly have is only a big deal to the uncut.

Should I use a numbing agent to rid myself of residual sensation in my hands, since a life of working with my hands has dulled the sensation? See the logic you use? Makes no sense does it.

I'm not saying its dirtier, the guy before me did.

Yet you posted this.

I have never, in my life, has my dick covered in dirt, or had it accumulate in any amount in that region of my body. What on earth are people doing with uncut junk to have this occur?

Which implies that uncut people have dirty dicks.

The loss of sensation we supposedly have is only a big deal to the uncut.

I don't think so. See this website, this website, this website and this website, which all talk about its effect on the circumsized people; but also this website that tells you about the effect it has on women interacting with circumsized men.

See the logic you use? Makes no sense does it.

Precisely, you goddamn goat! You really ought to buy one of these. What I mean is that there is a lack of sensation, and it's undeniably negative. People who justify their circumcision by saying "i'm less sensitive so it helps me last longer in bed" are just trying to find ways to justify an unjust and useless procedure.

Seems you're reading into things instead of actually reading.

A lack of sensation is not a negative. If it was there wouldn't be condoms made for that express purpose. Condoms aren't just used by the cut. Stop foisting your beliefs upon others.

Also, do you believe everything people with a title tell you? Everything you read in the internet? I have a cut dick, and it functions fine. There is no benefit to the foreskin. It has increased maintenance needs, and marginal increased sensitivity. Frankly, its not worth keeping. And if you want to compare it to "female circumcision", they aren't the dame thing.

A lack of sensation is not a negative. If it was there wouldn't be condoms made for that express purpose.

Some condoms include small doses of anesthetics because of premature ejaculators (and/or people who have general troubles with the mastery of their orgasm even if it's not classifiable as premature ejaculation). All they have to do is train. Everyone is sensible, what you need is to control your PC muscle and stay focused. It's all I need to get my girl to cum 2 or 3 times before I let go.

Also, do you believe everything people with a title tell you? Everything you read in the internet?

You ask that, and then you proceed to tell me a story that has no proof whatsoever? Laughable. All I did was send you other stories, just so you understood that it's not really proof that you're bringing to the conversation. You can't seem to understand that.

There is no benefit to the foreskin.

  1. Increased pleasure
  2. Easier penetration by means of sliding
  3. Protecting the glans and ensuring it doesn't start to look like a callused foot

But of course, if you don't care about either of those, fine. Cut it away and enjoy your mutilated dick. People will laugh at you in a few years, you'll see. Circumcision percentage is going down, and has been doing that steadily for 50 years. Plus, except for the US, no one does that in the world. You guys are literally the only country where it's done to a significant portion of people for non-religious reasons.

Everything you cite is biased and subjective.

Its done for medical reasons as well.

A reduced chance of std's is all the justification necessary in a world full of nutcases that want to vaccinate people by force. Me, and others, having no foreskin has nothing yo do with you. You do what you wish with your kids for medical reasons, but stay the fuck out of the rest of our businesses.

Its done for medical reasons as well.

Medical reasons that are close to non-existent. Half the studies on the matter point to one side, the others to the other side.

A reduced chance of std's is all the justification necessary in a world full of nutcases that want to vaccinate people by force.

What's the link between those? Why would circumcision have anything to do with pro-vaccines? Besides, there's no vaccine for most important STDs...

You do what you wish with your kids for medical reasons, but stay the fuck out of the rest of our businesses.

You're starting to make less and less sense as time passes. Are you having a stroke or something? I didn't mention kids anywhere.

You dont seem to know how any of this works... there is no buildup of smegma, cut penises dont produce smegma... There is no dirt building up, not sure how thats happening to you. You also cant really say that loss of sensation is undeniable and a bad thing when youve never experienced being circumsized.

there is no buildup of smegma, cut penises dont produce smegma...

According to Wikipedia:

Smegma (Greek smēgma, "soap"[1]) is a combination of exfoliated (shed) epithelial cells, transudated skin oils, and moisture. It occurs in both female and male mammalian genitalia.

So we have a mix of dead skin, lubricant generated by glands inside the penis, and "humidity" (pee, cum, or water, whatever). Cut penises don't have any of that? Are you sure?

There is no dirt building up,

When you're dirty enough to have smegma on your dick, there's also other kinds of dirt in general.

You also cant really say that loss of sensation is undeniable and a bad thing when youve never experienced being circumsized.

Well then, you can't really say it's not a bad thing if you haven't experienced being un-circumsized magically. Yay for logical fallacies!

The glans dont produce any smegma on a circumsized person... thats half the reason of the procesure, and is why circumsized guys are telling you they dont have smegma. There is no place for smegma or anything else to build up. Circumcision gets rid of a warm and wet pocket of skib the the penis. It gets rid of the place where smegma builds up and stops the glans from producing smegma. Nothing "build up" on an uncircummsized penis, even if a person goes a week without showering. And I chose to get circumsized as an adult, so I most certainly know what its like both ways.

even if a person goes a week without showering

So you tried that? Tell me, did you get a blowjob at the end of that week? I'm sure your partner enjoyed the taste of stale piss and sweat...

Also, circumcised dicks still produce smegma. Circumcision doesn't remove the glands, and as far as I know there's still skin cells and moisture on a circumcised penis. Unless I'm mistaking circumcision for ablation, in which case you're right. Ablated penises don't produce smegma, indeed.

Why are you getting so angry and trying to insult me? Theres no need to get so insecure. And dude... Im circumsized. I dont produce smegma. Neither does any other circumsized guy I know. Pretty sure I know more about my penis than you do. The glans do not produce moisture on an uncircumsized penis...How many times do I need to repeat that? Maybe youve come across some that do, but it certainly isnt the norm.

Fuck you're dense.

I'll make this clear: - says:

Circumcision doesn’t always eliminate smegma. Nor does it eliminate the need for good genital hygiene. 

Get it? Circumcision does NOT equal smegma-free.

  • the "moisture" we're talking about is NOT the goddamn lubricant generated by those glands, it's everything else! Pee, cum, sweat, water! And these liquids mixed with bacteria can make smegma even if there's no lubricant involved! Smegma is just moistened bits of dead skin that are full of bacteria!

Does not ALWYS. Just like a vasectomy doesnt always stop sperm from escaping. Almost everyone with a circumsized penis does not have smegma. Please stop preteding to know more about my penis than I do. I have seen plenty of uncircumsized penises up close, no smegma or moisture of any kind. I also dont pee on myself or cum all over myself and not clean it up. Youre comparing smegma to general hygene issues.

That's it, we've achieved maximum density. Even diamonds aren't denser than you. Smegma IS AN HYGIENE ISSUE, FOR FUCK'S SAKE! Hell, I didn't even know such a thing existed before I read about it on the internet, because I take a shower more than once a month...

How are you not realizing what Im saying? You can get smegma without having hygene issues or not cleaning urine/cum off yourself. Getting yourself covered in your own urine/cum is a seperate hygene issue than normal buildup of smega. You dont even get a say in this arugument considering you have no idea what its like to be circumsized. Smegma cannot build up if you dont have a flap of skin for it to build up on. Fresh smega contains squalee and prostatic/seminal secretion from the littre glands. This does not happen for 99% of circumsized people, and it is completely different from "dirty" smegma that is caused by peeing on yourself and letting your dead skin cells build up from lack of hygene. Just because one anticircumcision site said "does not always" doesnt chanhe the fact that every single other credible source will tell you otherwise.

You dont even get a say in this arugument considering you have no idea what its like to be circumsized.

Logical fallacy. Does not stand. If I use the same logic, I can say you don't have a say on the matter of death penalty because you didn't experience it. Pretty paradoxical, isn't it? You can't protest against death penalty unless you're dead. Yeah, that doesn't sound right, don't you think?

Fresh smega contains squalee and prostatic/seminal secretion from the littre glands.

It's not a required element for the formation of smegma. All smegma needs is skin cells, bacteria, and a little moisture to keep it all stuck together.

every single other credible source will tell you otherwise.

Then go ahead and quote those credible sources. I couldn't do much since I only have a phone so i'm not going to put a hundred links here...

It doesn't really matter though, as far as I see it you have shit for brains and are incapable to understand half of what I already explained. I wonder why I expected a porn actor to be more intelligent than a gorilla...

What a horrible argument. Nobody has experienced the death penalty. That is entirely different than you telling me about my own dick. But I guess I just have a better understanding of this sort of thing because I have a bachelors degree in biology and have spent some time in med school. Sometimes I forget that not everyone understands these things or has any common sense. But thanks for the insults. You can tell when someone knows they are right when they pull out the random insults. Oh wait....

What a horrible argument

Glad I could make you realize that.

bachelors degree in biology

Well, you see, I say you're wrong, and I happen to have a Master's degree in molecular biology, and a PhD in quantum science. Both are hanging on my wall, along with a photo of Obama and me.

Photoshop does wonders with that sort of things.

Unlike you, I dont need to lie or insult people to make my arguments. I'll ELI5 for you. Warm wet pocket of skin traps residue/bacteria/moisture etc. No pocket of skin, nothing gets trapped. Not simple enough? Wear a pair of pants with pockets. Start grabbing everythin you see and putting it in your pockets. They statt to fill up huh? Until you empty them out. Now take your pants off, and start the same process over again... Weird.. you have no where to put stuff. Shoving a handful of stuff in your ass doesnt count, it just makes you full of shit.

having no foreskin is impractical because it sometimes creates a need for lube

Are you a twelve-year-old girl?

This is going to be shocking news to legions of teen-aged boys - past and present.

For non-virgins, that 'lube' is ordinarily supplied by that thing so elusive to you called a 'vagina'.

Ah, the classic "you're a virgin neckbeard who never even held a girl's hands" ad hominem, cleverly disguised as an instructive post. Truly, you are a master of rhetorics.

But as it turns out, I benefited from this natural lube you speak of, just about 11 hours ago. Sorry, I can't be bothered to be a stereotype you can mock.

I write those every time I see a moron boasting imaginary merits of that pointless procedure.

Not imaginary I'm afraid.

Aside from the lower probability * of STDs (that isn't an *immunity), what are the scientifically proved benefits?

As for the probability thing, it doesn't matter to me. If you catch an STD, you fucked something you shouldn't have fucked. Cut or not.

there's an undeniable loss of sensation

Yes, because the cries of 'my wife complains I last too long' by all those circumcised males is quite deafening.

But I'm perfectly content with the sensation of my penis and spit is always available as a lube. Yay!

With a 2 second search I can find a bunch of links to studies which show that your chances of getting breast cancer are lowered by 99% if you cut off a womans breast tissue after birth.

But you wouldn't consider that OK would you?

in some instances, yes. there are women who are genetically predisposed to breast cancer who have taken that road. if every woman in your family before you died of it at an early age that would give you some strong motivation to get rid of the problem before it killed you.

Yes, but that isn't what he was suggesting. Would you be okay with removing the breast buds from newborn girls in the name of cancer prevention? Or would it make more sense to wait until the girls were old enough to provide informed consent?

I replied the way i did because his comment made no sense to me. There is no breast tissue to remove following the birth of a female. It's only when they reach maturity and develop breast tissue that such a surgery can be viable. I chose to respond to the common sense "after birth" meaning basically puberty. It's nonsensical to say you can remove something that does not exist. Newborn girls don't have "breast buds", wtf?

Yes they do. There are undeveloped mammary glands in both male and female infants. The hormonal changes brought about at the onset of female puberty causes this tissue to develop into breasts.

From the American Academy of Pediatrics

The Task Force made the following recommendations:

Evaluation of current evidence indicates that the health benefits of newborn male circumcision outweigh the risks, and the benefits of newborn male circumcision justify access to this procedure for those families who choose it.

Not just some bullshit internet crap. Actual clinical studies, an important distinction you need to realize.

Hint: study widely discredited as it focused on population in Africa, where the procedure only occurred in higher wealth invidiuals (less likely to be infected anyways).

Basically, the original study was a scam. The meta-study of the study which was duplicated into multiple studies.... A scam.

The entire point is irrevelant however, because it violates a human's basic right to body integrity. Parents have no right to perform non medically-necessary irreversible operations on their kids. It's morally abhorrent and indefensible. History will judge it as barbaric.

Sure and we can cure macular degeneration by simply plucking out the eyeballs of newborns. Sounds great.

Oh hey, lets go ahead and remove the appendix while on the table as well, that doesn't do anything, lets rip out them tonsils as well. Sounds like a bunch of great ideas.

Yes, remove useful things like eyeballs but bitch about useless things like a piece of skin over the shaft of a penis.

useless things like a piece of skin over the shaft of a penis.

Found your issue, its not useless. Millions of years of evolution felt it was a good idea to leave it alone.


  1. Protects the nerves of the glans, retaining their erotic function

  2. In infancy, protects the urethra against contamination, meatal stenosis, (and UTIs)

  3. Provides lysosomes for bacteriostatic action around the glans

  4. Pigmented, it protects the unpigmented glans against sunburn

  5. Vascular (rich in blood vessels that bring heat to the tissues), it protects the less vascular glans against frostbite, as Sir Ranulph Fiennes found on his epic transpolar walk.

  6. Erotic pleasure, especially via the ridged band and Meissner's corpuscles

  7. Acts as a rolling bearing in intercourse and masturbation

  8. Prevents dyspareunia (painful intercourse)

  9. Stimulates partner's genitalia, giving erotic pleasure

  10. Supplies skin to cover the shaft in erection and prevent tightness

  11. Stores pheromones and releases them on arousal

  12. Stores, releases and helps distribute natural lubricants ("smegma" and pre-ejaculatory fluid)

  13. Makes the glans a visual signal of sexual arousal

  14. Provides a seal against the vaginal wall to contain semen

  15. Prevents the glans becoming keratinised, and keeps it soft and moist

Oh, I'm sorry, you said just one, I guess I will stop now.

A few things I'd like to mention....

  1. There are studies that show circumcised and uncircumcised males share the same sensitivity as well as studies that support your point. This is inconclusive and cannot be stated as fact scientifically.

  2. The primary cause is a dirty diaper in children that have been circumcised and bacteria in children who have not. Change your babies diaper and this won't happen.

  3. Without the foreskin there won't be an excessive buildup of bacteria. Also.... Researchers conducting immunological experiments with the foreskins of bulls have found that plasma cells in the mucosal lining of the foreskin secrete immunoglobulin. (11) The researchers hypothesize that this provides immunity from bacteria and other germs. This is likely to work the same in other mammals, including humans.

  4. Sunburn? Really? I'd like to know how many babies get a sunburn on their penis.

  5. When searching for actual scientific evidence supported by the scientific method, I found more information about popped blood vessels in the foreskin than vascular benefits. If you're going to the arctic, wear warm clothes. Nuff said.

  6. See number one.

  7. Why is a rolling bearing needed? A vagina lubricates itself. If it doesn't, obgyn visit should be in the nearest future. If you're looking to stick it in someone's butt, use lube. You don't need lube to masturbate.

  8. Go to the wiki page. There's a quick mention of the glans and a whole lot of mention about foreskin problems. This is just false.

  9. That's what the penis does. If your partner isn't already stimulated then you moved to fast, your partner has a medical issue, or your raping someone.

  10. Actually there are many issues with tightness arising from keeping foreskin such as not retracting over the glans, becoming stuck behind the glans, and drawing back to tightly causing number eight. The former two are believed to increase penile cancer risk.

  11. Pheromones? Your body has glands all over it. Science is at odds with itself over the actual effect of human pheromones and there have been studies showing they have little to no measurable effect.

  12. Smegma buildup around foreskin emits a strong odor when not cleaned in a timely manner. Without foreskin, it isn't needed. This argument is invalid.

  13. An erection is a visual signal. So are dilated pupils, vocalizing, involuntary pelvic thrusting, etc.. You're going to know that's going on prior to seeing it.

  14. Scientific backing needed. Sperm counts vary due to so many variables it's almost impossible to state this with any amount of certainty.

  15. Actually, studies show that it doesn't.


Now that I've shown the fallacy you're stating as science, HERE is a website with the exact verbiage you've used. Number 11 on the website is excluded and number 16 is included. You should read some of the others above number 16, they're good examples of how important foreskin isn't. This leads me to believe you either plagiarized another website that plagiarized this one that probably plagiarized another on..... You get it. Instead of regurgitating try to research and learn about what you're stating.

TLDR: scientific fallacy about circumcision is set straight and plagiarism/regurgitation of information stated as fact with no scientific backing is exposed.

I'm not attacking you, I'm preventing the spread of misinformation and perpetuation of stated old wives tales. Have a good night.

Edit: right to eight... Damn autocorrect.

Awesome, and with all of that out of the way and with risk benefits analysis being shown, lets let the 18 year old decide if he wants to have part of his body cut off or not.

The 18 hour old doesn't need to worry much about STD's yet.

Well, it makes it a lot easier to masturbate.. And so what if you think it's so good for you. They should leave it alone until you had a say in it. When you were old enough to decide if the religion was even right for you. Then you go get the information about how it prevents STD's and so on. Bet you would make that choice in your adult life too, huh?

Dude, get over it. You got your penis chopped off because of an old jewish custom that became culturally accepted in your country while you were born. It's not 'better', its just a ritual done to appease 'God', whoever that is. I'm sorry, but it's not how we naturally are, and to say that it is better because you might get less syphillis is really short sighted. If you are in danger of getting syphillis, you have much bigger problems than whether or not you are circumsized....

My son is not circumsized because I couldn't justify allowing somebody to chop off the tip of his penis. Not my thang. Sorry bud.

Please read my response to this person. I did a tldr at the end for a quick synopsis. Click the website for some chuckles after number 16 like having an m&m holding contest with foreskin.

Like your appendix, evolution meant for them to burst without warning in some of the population.

Millions of years went into that vestigial organ...

… your chances of getting breast cancer are lowered by 99% if you cut off a womans breast tissue after birth.

I want to make sure I'm understanding you correctly.

You're equating foreskin removal with full mastectomies?

Disfiguring a woman's primary sexual characteristic is the same as foreskin removal?

I want to make sure I'm understanding you correctly. You're equating foreskin removal with full mastectomies?

Yes, its called reductio ad absurdum.

Disfiguring a woman's primary sexual characteristic is the same as foreskin removal?

No, see above, and yes, see above.

You have just described breasts as a woman's primary sexual characteristic. Are you OK with that?

Also if im reading you correctly you contrast the disfigurement of breasts as a primary sexual characteristic to the disfigurement of the penis as something other than that?

Is this real?

Many infants have the procedure done without any sort of numbing agent, regularly go into shock, and there's around 117 deaths per year because of infant circumcision.

If it's not your dick, leave it alone.

Also, breasts are not a woman's primary sexual characteristic. But hey, I assume you're pro FGM, since it reduces smegma. That actually WOULD be a woman's primary sexual characteristic.

I don't disagree with most of your post.

Disfiguring a woman's primary sexual characteristic is the same as foreskin removal?

But you are way in the wrong with this statement. Breasts are secondary and removing foreskin would be disfiguring a males primary sexual characteristic.

It's balancing risk vs benefit just like everything else in medicine (nothing is 100% risk free for 100% benefits). Removing both of your breasts incurs the extra risks of surgery (even if it's a minimally risky surgery), anesthesia and post-op complications including infection and impaired lymphatic drainage.

Circumcision in a newborn is done without anesthesia and only with a local lidocaine(? if I'm remembering correctly) shot. Sure, not fool proof, but much much less dangerous than a mastectomy. The extra public health benefits of circumcision (harder to contract and spread STDs) far outweigh the risks (see american academy of pediatrics recommendations), just like vaccinations. Of course there can be permanent debilitating consequences of immunization (e.g., Guillan Barre), but the public health benefits far outweigh the miniscule risk to a single person.

Bro, why would we provide anesthesia to them? We can just strap them into chairs to prevent them from struggling. It's not like they'll remember it, anyway. /s

STDs are not a health concern for newborn boys....or kids. There is no reason whatsoever to not let them choose on their own if "health" is the reason for the circumcision.

Or, people just truly dislike circumcision...

When that happens to me I generally reply with goatse.

i agree. where do i go to read more posts like this? i hope you dont get downvoted to oblivion for said reasons.

Wasn't there an article leaked from the nsa about having huge botnets of ai capable of stirring public opinion? Or is that just self aggrandizement?

The only way I could see this happening was from a group of people who opposed my post working together via some channel. I attempted to sleuth and see if I could find the channel they used without success.

Most likely a private sub. I used to be in a private meta sub (we didn't vote brigade, but we were kind of like a legislative body for a larger sub) and we would routinely share posts of interest. I know for a fact that SRS & co. have similar subs.

My guess was this, or mIRC chat channel.

That reminds me of the time when I mentioned I was not vaccinated as a kid because my parents were against it, and I had no say in the matter. Within minutes I was down voted into oblivion and received hurtful responses. I love reddit, but sometimes I question whether or not I can have a controversial discussion here.

Not to mention all the posts bashing Russia - Propaganda at work.

Because the science promoting that crap is garbage science with an agenda.

Yes, those foreskin farming evil doers.

If you want to know why something happens in this country, follow the money.

Is the circumcision obsession still happening? I hadn't noticed any of that for a while...but I also haven't seen any incidental mentions of circumcision lately either, maybe the "I hate my parents for cutting my dick" gang has trained people to stay away from the subject.

Edit: looks like I have my answer.

Welcome to the fight for a free internet.

We should ask just go back to Usenet groups and irc.

BBS on the deepweb.


It's not that I care about the points. Many people use the points as a guage. If a comment is down voted to hell people with a similar view, seeing the comments, might second guess themselves, even if their point of view is sane and valid.

Worse yet is having valid relevant discussions buried, while meme's and uninformed propaganda take the geopolitical centre stage.

We see it daily with discussions on Russia, we saw it with the coup d'état in Libya. The opinions of people the world over are being shaped to fit certain agendas, certain narratives. Rewriting history as it occurs. Actions like these never end in peace.

Up votes equals visibility.

I think you don't understand why those people are trying to take over reddit and how they are achieving it.

Who are "those people" and why are they doing it?


Looks like you do.


Nope you care for sure.

lol. same thing happened to me. except i liked it and thoroughly enjoyed making them all cry. one person started out trying to act like they were reasonable and trying to debate with me. after i kept telling them to stop crying, they finally said something then cis shitlord. lol. outted themselves to be radical feminists after all. of course, once i saw it was top voted in subredditdrama, i deleted all my posts. aint nobody got time for dat.

There ‘s a paper about exactly this, among other things.

Like from infiltrate a group from within, to how to destroy particular people who talk to much.

I can remind “black” but not sure. It was a leaked presentation.

Yep some of the few subs I enjoyed have been inundated with pro Washington trolls as soon as they become semi popular

After reading your post history from yesterday, I'd say that you are entitled to an opinion but then being mad at people for brought the downvotes upon yourself. You came across like a bit of a dick, sorry to say.

Well I was getting pissed off at the judgemental attitude and assumptions. You can't up and criticize someone's momma, with no proof call her abusive. This woman is a saint. I was also called a child abuser. These things tend to piss off the average person. Then when I got mad,they won. I lost credibility and even played into their hand. However the point I'm making is true, there does seem to be manipulation. manipulation that distorts public opinion.

That's their game, and sadly I have lost on a few occasions too. So hard to keep your cool sometimes.


I agree, but you can't then turn around and blame your downvotes on some conspiracy.

To be fair, I just looked at your post history and you legitimately seem pretty off the wall. Like, maybe if multiple accounts attack you they aren't a secret reddit cabal targetting you, they're maybe just normal users reacting the way normal people do to an asshole.

don't worry folks he read my profile so you don't have to. Now take his word on it. Go on take it.

For what it's worth (very little) I didn't think you came across as an asshole at all. And actually made good points that I agree with so there! Take that, reddit!

Well I took a look too and you really did come off like a dick in that one thread about parenting. People were being condescending and insulting to you though.

No way man! It's the feminists! The bogeyman of the modern adolescent male!

The funny thing is, these people think censorship and shadow banning will be a deterrent. This will only fuel the fire more and leave a paper trail for others to follow. Let' shit this all over social media! #BecomeTheHydra


ssshhhhhhh... You're not supposed to say it so loudly!


Cut off one head and two more shall take its place!

Hydras give the best head.

As someone who is often called a shill in these parts for demonstrating open mindedness and critical thinking, I'd just like to say I am 100% behind you guys on this one.

Heck I'll go one further, I think you are all a bunch of tinfoil hat wearing crazies, but you definitely have my support on this one.

My tinfoil hat is stylish and it gets great reception.

I support your honesty (and this as well)

My thoughts exactly. Half this sub is bullshit, but it's good that you guys can do work like this in opposing SRS and their cancer.

What have you been called a shill over?

Shill for real though, the best way to get the people curious is to censor something. It's human nature.

Everyone thinks they are demonstrating open mindedness and critical thinking. Everyone.

Well said.

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I'll partially retract the jab at 'conspiracy theorists' because I think thats a little too generalized, but I 100% stand behind my statement against anti-vaxxers.

Why hail the hydra? I don't get it...


i'm pretty sure this is the beginning of the reddit exodus.

I created /r/SubredditAIDS if anyone wants to mod it. Send me a PM.

The best part about this is that /r/metaredditcancer has all moderators banned now and /r/shitredditsays people want to take it over in this thread:

This is unbelievable to me. Why were the mods banned? Is it true that Reddit ADMINS are participating in this by banning users that decide to do things they don't personally like, or that don't sit with their views on what should constitute free speech and free thought? Please, please tell me that there is some other explanation, because I can't even begin to abide by that kind of garbage. We'll all find somewhere else to go, no fucking problem. Best believe it.

If this turns out to be true, I'm ditching this piece of shit site. And I will tell absolutely everyone else I know to do the same thing.

Don't underestimate the power of a group of people spreading negative word of mouth. Once this places starts being seen as Digg it will quickly eat itself from the inside out. This kind of thing permanently ruins the longevity of a website.

My old account was banned by a Reddit Admin for quoting an article posted by someone else and laughing about it. The mods of the forum let me know what happened and that they didn't understand why either. They let me know that I had been banned completely from that subreddit by the admin and shadow banned as well.

I believe reddit admins can be as childish and vindictive as any troll on the internet. I wouldn't doubt for one second that some were involved.

radical feminists infiltrated silicon valley man. so many of those startups have them in it, reddit included. if anyone deviates from the narrative, they're a misogynist.


Let me help you with that.

Old white men have been running the world for far too long. Anything that advocates deviation from that status quo should be encouraged.

lol, wut. let dumb bitches who constantly cry about first world problems just simply be given power because they can't stop crying? let's be clear what the deviation heads towards here. it's middle and upper class white women. white women are the most entitled and spoiled women in the entire world.

lol, wut. let dumb bitches who constantly cry about first world problems just simply be given power because they can't stop crying? let's be clear what the deviation heads towards here. it's middle and upper class white women. white women are the most entitled and spoiled women in the entire world.

Hilariously, you've provided textbook misogyny. Like, not trying to insult you, but the post you made uses negative prejudices against specific demographics, which when applied in this manner is called misogyny.

Don't you find it ironic that you're demonizing a demographic fighting misogyny by being misogynistic towards them?

et dumb bitches who constantly cry about first world problems just simply be given power because they can't stop crying?

No, they're not being given power. They're taking it.

And to be frank: You're the "bitch" who is "crying". You're on a subreddit crying about losing power. They're the ones taking it. To be a fly on the wall when you realize they're the "masculine" element taking for themselves what they want, and you're the "feminine" element who is hiding and crying in the corner of a small subreddit, watching it get taken. Delicious, delicious irony.

shut the fuck up retard.

Lol poor little bitch had to come back half a year later to whine whine whine some more. What a fucking loser, no wonder women find it so easy to dominate you.

lol i didnt even read what you wrote nor do i remember what happened. now i feel nothing but you feel mad again. too easy faggot.

What? Sorry, I don't speak stupid.

Try again, maybe?

6 months later, still a no life faggot that sits on reddit all day and get angry.

Well, you tried again, so thank you, but unfortunately all I hear is the same old dumb shit redpill preteen cry baby bitch, and I don't speak "stupid", truly sorry.

the fuck you still mad about faggot?

Sorry, I don't speak stupid.

sorry you got so mad and i didnt.

and i didnt.

The lady doth protest too much.

so mad

The lady doth protest too much.

so mad

You misspelled white men


Yes white people and their army of slaves built the United States.

My old account was banned by a Reddit Admin for quoting an article posted by someone else and laughing about it.

Did they tell you that was why you were banned? The tolerance threshold for being automatically flagged for violating Reddit rules are pretty high, and when Admins target the users of a sub it seems like they just manually audit it to find violations.

You probably broke the rules and pissed off an admin enough to dig and uncover it. That isn't being trollish, it is taking a personal interest in upholding the rules.

No explanation. Was the first time I ever posted in the sub as well.

I got banned for saying, "haha" about a bit of an article that another user posted. The mods of the sub didn't understand what was going on either.

I tried contacting reddit, but they don't give a fuck.

Whatever. Just saying I could absolutely see a reddit admin being a cunt and pulling some shady shit behind the scenes.

All your comment was was "haha"? I don't want to sound unreasonable, but I don't think it's crazy for a mod to at least give a warning for a comment so lacking in contribution. Obviously many people get away with shit comments, but not everybody does. Depending on the subreddit and how seriously they take discussion, I don't think it's preposterous to suggest you may even be banned for something like that.

I mean dude, imagine posting "haha" somewhere like /r/debatereligion. If I was a mod on that subreddit and had to deal with all the kids trying to sneak in there, then I can see myself occasionally getting aggravated enough to ban someone making a comment like that in a subreddit like that. So, you could be right, but, you could just as easily be overthinking it IMO. I don't know. Just my impression.

But why do you believe that comment was the reason you were banned? Were you on a network with other redditors (such as a school, business, or home with roomates) where incidental voting from a single IP could look suspicious?

Because I was specifically banned from the sub I was posting in and a friend joined the conversation to ask the mods what was going on. The mods in the sub didn't even know why I was banned or what I had written to cause the ban. They explained it was not from them, but from a Reddit admin and had no other info. I found out I was shadow banned later from another mod who notified me personally.

It's no big deal. I obviously still browse Reddit. I just feel like it's all bullshit behind the scenes now. Especially after posts like this. I wouldn't mind seeing Reddit implode. I'm ready for something new. So many reposts these days it's not even a great news source anymore.

Admin bans are site wide, but any moderator of a sub you post in is able to see and individually approve your post. Just because the mods from there informed you does not mean that sub has any significance in regard to your ban.

Actually that is almost the definition of trolling. I.e. attacking someone because of your personal feelings towards them. It would be like the police stalking you because you banged a cops sister and didn't call her back. It's a blatant abuse of power if it is not a random search.

That's not even close to the definition of trolling...

Yeah, if you are on reddit for free speech and the exchange of ideas, YOU'RE NUTS.

This is like my 5th shadowbanned account for slightly acidic political remarks on a politics board.

Just the practice of shadowbans talks volumes about what the administration thinks of the users.

I now use reddit for laughs and cats, serious discussion has no place here.

Couple questions. What's digg and what happened with it, and what's shadowban?

Edit: further down I read what a shadow ban is. That's really messed up. I'd rather be banned than start to feel like everything I say is being ignored by the world. Screw those who shadow ban.

The worst thing you can do to a person is ignore them. This site figured out a way to do something worse than banning.

Starting to find that out myself. So replace laughs and cats with large quantities of porn...Who am I kidding it has always been about the porn for me, but sometimes I do like to post.

Who am I kidding it has always been about the porn for me, but sometimes I do like to post.

HighFive bro! wash your hands you dirty fucker

What exactly happens to your account if you are shadowbanned? What's banned vs sbadowbanned?

Shadowbanned accounts seem normal to the user, it's just that other people never, ever see your comments or posts.

They let you talk to yourself like a chump.

Go to your user page. Now go to it in incognito mode, or while being signed out. If you've been shadowbanned you won't see anything.

to know if you are shadowbanned, just logout from your account then visit the user account


if you are shadowbanned your page wont exist if you dont check it before first logging into it

The actual reason for shadowbanning is so that bots will continue to post after being banned, it wastes the bots time.

Now, when mods shadowban users for the sake of it being annoying to them, it is a corrupt and terrible thing.

Yeah, if you are on reddit for free speech and the exchange of ideas, YOU'RE NUTS.

I could not agree more. Free speech belongs on 8chan. I come here to talk about gardening and other misc topics.

How long have you been on reddit?

About 4 years total, first account was shadowbanned in 8 months. I was a regular poster of OC with that account, but some mod didn't like something i wrote, somewhere, so off to the shadowbanned heap i was thrown, i didn't know what shadowbans were at the time so i continued posting for about 2 weeks. I got wind of it when i posted a really good joke and i didn't get any upvotes or even replies at all, then i was curious, then i searched around and found out about shadowbans, then i got angry, then i realised i was on another man's site where he decides what's being written, projecting sheep mentality in time.

Then i decided reddit was another silly place for laughs and cats, at least on 4chan when they ban you, you know it (even though that place is also going downhill with corrupt mods and removal of threads).

Thats crazy. I noticed this account was a year old. It made me wonder. Looks like your a long time fan.

Maybe they should get rid of shadow banning and instead have a mark opposite of gold.

Like ultimate shame.

Any kind of mark that differentiates you from the crowd is positive to the user

For example, "Troll" accounts or novelty accounts, people get attention through them even though they don't really serve a purpose other than recognition and "points"

I see but shadow banning does not really seem like a great tool.

I now use reddit for laughs and cats, serious discussion has no place here.

I would have to agree.

Don't want to be offending, but you really haven't been paying attention if you didn't know the reddit admins are corrupt and incompetent.


Go to voat. its a dot co.

I left something awful for the same shit. Thanks reddit, is been fun but it looks like you're dying thanks to some power hungry fascists. Fucking cunts

pretty much like 8chan to halfchan.

Even though it's pretty much a clone it doesn't even use reddits open source code and instead is written in C#

They're literally doing what they've been exposed for doing...

I created /r/SubredditAIDS if anyone wants to mod it. Send me a PM.

I am the sole owner of it ATM if anyone wants to resurrect the idea.

After following Gamergate for a while it was obvious that there was a group or cabal pushing or "running" the SJW "movement." They help each other with getting jobs, publicity, admin positions, etc. They took over Something Awful years ago then Something Awful took over or started SRS. They entrench themselves then bring in their friends.

I've never seen a more obvious attempt by corporate media to shape public opinion than Gamergate (unless you want to go back to 50s McCarthyism). Every single MSM piece on the subject pushed the SJW agenda; then you would read the comment section and 99% of people were basically telling the author to fuck right off.

Gamergate was nasty from every angle. It's a case where you can't even pick the lesser of two evils. The pro-GG and anti-GG people fucked themselves into a corner with their despicable rhetoric.

just out of curiousity, can i get a tl;dr on the wikipedia page for gamergate?

Woman creates game, male community shits on her, white knights jump to defend.. and?

The 'pro' gamer gate perspective is something like this: It looks fairly obvious that this particular girl got a lot of positive coverage for things not related to the quality of her game. In fact she seems to have slept with half a dozen people who then went on to speak favourably of her game. The game itself is low budget, low ambition, short, and the whole theme of "What it's like to live with depression" is not convincing to people who have lived with depression. The girl is not important; merely another fraud (And some people also shame her for cheating on her boyfriend after tweeting things like "if you cheat on your SO and then hide it you are raping them by lying to them about the circumstances under which you have sex"). What is important is that the 'journalists' in questions not only had sex with someone they then praised, they also rallied immediately to protect each other when the story came out, and they attacked everyone who criticized them and called them sexist and slut shamers. Gamer Gaters want to take down journalists who do things like this.

The anti perspective is something like this: It is sexist to discuss the game developer's personal life or her relationships with the people who write about her. Gamers have unrealistic expectations about game developers, and respond with anger when their status quo is threatened. Look at this poor girl. All discussions about ethics in game journalism is basically an extension of the same rage they directed at her.

I'm obviously biased in favour of the former interpretation, but I don't know how else to explain the ant perspective. They want a status quo where game journalism is more about ideology and less about the details of games.

I'd like to ask them what they think of.. say.. a shitty president who sleeps with reporters who make him out to be the best ever ;)

I'm seeing similarities with Gamergate and this controversy. It's the same situation.

they also rallied immediately to protect each other when the story came out, and they attacked everyone who criticized them and called them sexist and slut shamers.

Whether you are pro or anti Gamergate, or just laugh on the sidelines, the whole deal is just now starting to bleed into everything. Any sort of discourse that maybe abhorrent to the "wrong people" will be met with a crew of mouse jockeys eager to hit the blue arrow.

4chan is now 8chan. If Reddit becomes a cesspool of "me toos" welp, isn't the reddit code open source?

4chan is now 8chan. If Reddit becomes a cesspool of "me toos" welp, isn't the reddit code open source?

Personally, I still hold that is the best post about the whole GG shitstorm, despite me having a few nitpicks.

I found this Forbes article linked on reddit a while back. Seems to be a pretty neutral and comprehensive review of the start of gamers gate.

More like woman creates game with radical femanist agenda, male community calls out bullshit, fema-nazis shit themselfs and drag whole gaming community down with them.

The second I saw this topic pop up, I knew it would lead me to the Laurelai nonsense from a while back. The summarizing post itself is even included in the original post quoted in OP.

It scared me back then and it scares me now. Why would anyone be so bent on ruining this website, and why is she able to get it done, and why don't the admins step in?

They let it get too big, now they can't stop it. The sort of attack they'd have to do to get rid of ALL the mods that are in collusion would be seen as a direct attack by reddits admins against feminism itself. They are in a damned if they do, damned if they don't position.

What's required takes courage, which the reddit admins lack. These posts will be deleted and the censorship will get progressively worse as they take more.

Something Awful, 4chan, now it is reddit's turn. The real question that remains is simple: where do you guys want to jump ship to?

Honestly, I liked the idea of having a modular one-stop-shop website, but I think I'm going back to more focused forums and websites.


And then move on to the platform that comes after it in another 5 to 7 years. Sounds like a plan.

Starts with V and Rhymes with Goat.

Unfortunately any links to that alternative site seem to disappear, pm if you want a link.

Become a registered voter today!

You mean.. voater?

Oh, and it's a .co link btw guys ;).

The site barely loads for me. Usually i give up before the banner is up.

after just checking out 8chan. a great realization dawned on me and it is fucking sinister as shit. i have noticed in recent months that /b/ on 4chan have gay threads every day and at any given time that i go no there, there will be gay and sissy threads and no pedo threads. i thought they all just left due to fear of being vanned. turns out, they were all deleted and someone is being paid to post gay threads as a full time job. sometimes i would see someone make a post asking why there are so many gay threads now and nobody ever points out why. this is fucking crazy.

i thought they all just left due to fear of being vanned. turns out, they were all deleted and someone is being paid to post gay threads as a full time job.

This is incredible, do you have a source for this?

no but my sauce is being on 4chan everyday. there is a clear divide between the old 4chan and the 4chan now. you can't even post a too young for those tits thread and those girls are like 14 and up. at first i thought they just left but now i know threads get deleted immediately when they begin. there used to be tons of threads like that all the time. if it wasn't for the fact that gay threads have flooded /b/, i wouldve just thought that people left instead of being censored. then i went to 8chan and it looks exactly like the old 4chan except without cp. what's hilarious about this sjw bullshit on 4chan is you still see tons of racist threads.

Lol another 'iwannasoundoldfag'. The 'chan a lot better back in '09 man?

i'm talking about like 1-2 years ago dumbass. i think you're the one trying to be the "callingoutoldfagsfag."


Holy fuck you are autistic

i bet you're happy that real fags took over 4chan now huh?

Lol are you fucking serious

I'm curious if there will be an exodus. I feel like most people who have been on the site for a few years are slowly getting fed up with the admins.

As much user content as there still is, I can't see another Digg 2.0 happening. But I could see a lot of veteran users switching to something like Voat and the userbase on Reddit switching entirely. In the last few years we've seen a huge increase of teens on the website and I wouldn't be surprised if the site just gets filled with memes or yahoo answer style questions for most content.

i think reddit executives are in on it too. yishang's public statement was in favor of it. although, i'm not sure what else he could've said and not be labeled a misogynist and shamed by 1000s of people in social media. there are no public figure that has dared to speak against radical feminism.

The real question is how many CIA spooks are behind the SJW puppets.

Why would the CIA foster social justice movements?

just tell me why, i'm too lazy to read it.

To detract from social movements that are actually threatening to them, to make social movements that have no social class consciousness and aren't revolutionary. To draw fence sitters away from threatening movements into bullshit upper-class ones.

that is quite interesting. it is a big coincidence that fad fem movement exploded after the financial crisis and now people can't talk about anything else.

It's not a coincidence. It's all controlled. Stop being lazy and read a fucking book or something. All this shit is right out in the open but it's not on TV, YOU HAVE TO READ!!!

there is no proof that's why i said it's a "big" coincidence indicating that it may not be a coincidence after all. why would i jump to conclusions and say oh it's cia. the movement was already there. it didn't just come out of no where. maybe the cia did bring it to the forefront, who knows. last time i remember we also had a pressing political issue that got washed over by gay rights bullshit. i can't remember exactly what it was but it was big.

there is proof. it's in books. go seek out and read books. big thick boring books filled with names and dates and not much else.

no im not going to seek out shit. you seek it out and tell me bitch. you bring it to me.

You should read about what the CIA does IRL.

I know a fair bit about what the CIA does in real life. Legacy of Ashes is a good reference. It tends to foster right-wing, capitalist, authoritarian groups. I don't understand why it would be devoting its energies to a left-wing, anti-capitalist, anarchist movement.

You go to war with the army you have.

-- Donald Rumsfeld

In this case, the social subversion that comes before an overthrow/coup/civil war benefits from operating under the cover of being a "left-wing" movement. It is in reality no such thing, as partisanship ceases to have any relevance outside of the public sector.

Devoting energy to sowing distrust amongst the public is beneficial to a power structure working to keep the limelight off it's own malfeasance and graft. It also raises the index of distrust amongst the populace, making it easier to sow discord at a future date by playing this group and others against moderates until almost everyone is polarized about everything.

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false."

-- William Casey, CIA Director (first staff meeting, 1981)

I read somewhere that the government has people working to do EXACTLY what these SJW people are doing, but on a massive scale. I wouldn't be surprised if CIA or some other government funded group was doing this. Seeing the amount of people that are involved, it wouldn't be a crazy thought to think the CIA was in on this. Also, this works wonders in dividing people and not knowing whom to trust. Dividing people is what the main goal is, and it's working damn well.

It wouldn't surprise me one bit, they were behind Gloria Steinem too

great question

They did it to 4chan of all places as well.

Yep 4chan and some areas of reddit are massive SJW hotbeds now, I've had to move to 8chan

is 8chan really alive? i thought it got raided. i don't really want to go to sites that are too shady nowadays or i might get caught in the van dragnet.

Not 100% sure, when I say I've moved its only a partial truth, ie I go there, not as much as I did with 4chan - not sure on 8ch status personally and whether or not people are just being cautious, 4chan is definitely being shilled though

after all the discussion today i finally realized why there are so many gay threads on 4chan. someone is being paid to sit there all day posting gay thread after gay thread. i am not exaggerating when i say that at any given time when i go on /b/, there is a gay thread. now that i think back, it's so funny because once in a while, you'd get a thread where people question why thats happening and nobody knows why. they say after calling each other faggots for years, they really became faggots. lol. no it's just sjws taking over and trying to make guys sissies and shit. it's funny but also sinister as fuck.

I agree, and with 4chan there's a lot of toeing the party-line in regards to it being the Internet's cesspool and a hellish place, yes some people post some strange stuff, especially /b/ but it is (was) one of the last few places where you can say whatever you want

Bullshit. It's just trolling and isn't serious. I can see it maybe in /cgl/ but nowhere else.

This isn't even an open secret. It's pretty hardline fact. During the Zoe fiasco, Moot started taking down all Zoe related posts, which sort of triggered this whole thing. It was suspected that someone, somewhere, was calling in a favor.

Then mod chat logs started leaking where they talked about specifically deleted Zoe posts as directed by moot. Then a few days later, a TON of new mods came on board, who started censoring discussions that they deemed misogynist, racist, or homophobic. Moot was basically trying to tone it down.

The recent mod logs also show this. Where the mods would look for justifications to ban users or delete posts.

The whole reason why 8chan blew up was because of the mass censorship going on at 4chan.

I know. I was there. All the gamergate bullshit was filling up every fucking thread on /v/ and I'm glad it was removed. Literally every thread was filled with shit about it and it made it impossible to have any other sort of conversations. I think the gamergate movement is correct but overall I don't give a shit about politics and I don't want it in my videogames. Moot made the correct choice.

And as far as I know there isn't any proof about anything you just said; just chatlogs that are easily fabricated by those with an agenda.

The chat logs go back a good 2 years and are a good thousands of pages long. It would take a special kind of aspy to go through that.

Digg cabal, destroyed Digg, blamed reddit, trying to do the same here.

lets be honest here, I was a digg user when it went down the tubes, and it was obvious why and when it collapsed. They made a major change to the site to start monetizing it and after it backfired they refused to accept that.

SA bred 4chan too, btw. SA used to be cool, before the SJWs took it over and ruined it.

What happened was SA found a cabal of SJWs, made fun of them, and as a response the SJWs joined SA and slowly took it over. Now SA is such a shit-heap its founder has nothing more to do with it.

This is important context. A long running network. Good old boys, if you will. Let us remove them. They have to know the end is coming. In the game of us vs them, there's a lot more of us.

sjws taking over somethingawful makes so much sense based on the things that they've been doing.

The same thing has happened to this subreddit, just FYI guys. At least 3 moderators are involved, and they (or the people participating in this) have an army of brand new alt accounts to manipulate content here, distract from real/meaningful discussion, dilute discussion, deceive people and discredit this whole online community, and prevent any meaningful issues from gaining traction here.

I'm on a new account specifically for being banned for pointing this out and making a thread about the attack happening on /r/conspiracy and the manipulation of free online social media websites. The same thing is happening here, this post is allowed because you haven't pointed to the same thing happening here. I'll probably be banned for mentioning this.

There is a team of people who have infiltrated the moderator list of this subreddit(as well as many others) and who bring the whole community down, discredit everyone, distract people from meaningful issues, dilute all meaningful discussion here with bullshit - with mod support - all on "reddit army"(one of the accounts is actually named that phonetically) alt accounts that spent their time bringing meaningless/useless content and conflict here to this subreddit, and spending their time doing things like connecting /r/conspiracy to holocaust denial, neo-naziism, and being nazi apologists. The thing is, these alt accounts don't actually legitimately believe in what they are posting or saying, which is why they will go to any length to avoid being drawn into rational discussion or dialogue about their own posts - they will simply try to practice those very tacts - diluting the discussion, distracting from the real issue, deceiving people with their tactics, and destroying credibility.

But the thing I don't know or can't tell is whether they are just petty "social justice warriors" and people from /r/conspiratard trying to link /r/conspiracy to racism and stuff to make a point with some "online operation" against this community and it's members (to make themselves feel good about themselves and reinforce their false beliefs in the way the world really is, to make themselves feel intelligent by attacking and trying to discredit a community of people who would otherwise make them feel stupid, by infiltrating the moderator list and posting ridiculous shit while never realizing believing the shit they post themselves or trying to talk about it or defend it in the comments of their threads) -- or whether it's an actual COINTELPRO type operation to link online communities with alternative information to shit that would simply cause 99% of people to dismiss everything that comes from it out of contempt, dilute it with bullshit and petty meaningless stuff, and distract people from the most meaningful issues by deceptively posting nonsense that gets attention and constantly manipulating content so their BS is on the front page(and the mods periodically sticky it to help them and ban anyone pointing out the attack on /r/conspiracy that is currently going on).

It's happening here, just so you guys know. It's either people doing it for petty personal reasons to massage their own egos via the internet, or a part of the government/intelligence agencies effort to control and manipulate public opinion and prevent any major leaks or meaningful criticism from gaining traction and spreading on social media websites that impact millions of people like does. Either way, it's clear to anyone with a brain that this subreddit is under attack and has been infiltrated by people meaning to dilute it's content with meaningless bullshit that has no productive effect except to discredit everyone and everything posted here.

PS - watch this post get responded to by a handful of accounts that attack me on a personal level without responding to any points I actually made, or call me a jew, or pretend I'm talking about "supporting jews" (to dilute this very discussion and distract people from the real points and to deceive you with fake racism and bullshit distractions from the real points I made), just watch. If they see this, that's what will happen.

Time to jump ship. But seriously... fuck.

Either way, it's clear to anyone with a brain that this subreddit is under attack and has been infiltrated by people meaning to dilute it's content with meaningless bullshit that has no productive effect

Well said.

At least 3 moderators are involved, and they (or the people participating in this) have an army of brand new alt accounts to manipulate content here, distract from real/meaningful discussion, dilute discussion, deceive people and discredit this whole online community, and prevent any meaningful issues from gaining traction here.

Already happening, see the circumcision circlejerk in the comments of this thread.

It is not just here, I was looking through another conspiracy forum somewhere else, and more than half the posts were people spamming vile things about jews, muslims, black people, etc. Lots of posts about Neo-nazi's and all that shit.

The thing is though, none of it was real, you could tell none of the posters believed in any of this crap, it was just all half assed nonsense.

Along with millions of random topic threads, to push down the legitimate ones. Stuff like: 'ok new topic: post pictures of horses' and there would be hundreds of follow ups.

It's becoming the same everywhere, these forums are being snuffed out one by one. By persistent shit posting, inciting racial hatred, or constant distraction/drama posts. Soon there will be nowhere left.

These forums used to be a fun place.

How do you know that it was actually an organized effort though? Don't legitimate shitposters exist?

I'm not having a go at you here, I've suspected this shit happening in some places i've been in too: racist nonsense, nothing but back & forth link wars, less & less productive discussion. It's very frustrating, but since i've always had nothing but my gut feelings to inform me, as a rational person i generally stop myself there. You have something more than gut feelings?
If you can give me some pointers on howto deal with this stuff, it'd be really handy.

Why are you replying to one my posts from like a month ago? Bit weird...

it's not weird

Were you going through me posts or something?

this is the 10th most popular thread in the subreddit.

Yeah that's how I got here.

Why are you replying to one of my posts from 2 mont...
hah just kidding :P

Lol. I'm not weird O_o

for real

That has nothing to do with the mods here, that is the stormfront shitposters from 8chan/4chan trying to influence /r/conspiracy, just like they try and influence every other social medium they can. They realized this sub was a good soft target.

all 4chan cares about it lols and trolling, they can barely keep on one task as a group for very long. so i doubt its 4chan very much.

It's mainly 8chan /pol/, saw a thread on it, they were the ones fucking with the movie vote a little while back too.

YOU ARE TOTALLY RIGHT! I've been saying this for quite a while.

Having spent plenty of time on /pol/ on 4chan and 8chan, I can tell you that there are definitely some people who come to this sub that honestly believe in the Jewish conspiracy/ZOG. I would hardly be surprised if there were false-flaggers, but sorry, Swarmfront is a thing.

If you want to jump ship, you can head over to 4chan's /x/ board, or 8chan's /fringe/ board. They cover the conspiracy theory stuff. Unlike /pol/, the cut down on the racism in favor of more occult stuff.

At first I was annoyed by all of the go to voat comments, because I really like this sub and didn't want to see it fall apart.

Now I think that as much as I love this sub, reddit needs to die. Hopefully this sub can be rebuilt there.

I miss the days when this sub was around 60k users anyway.

It's a good alternative. The guy who runs voat seems to be really hard working (and probably quite young), and has found a good balance between leaving subs alone and stepping in when names are taken over by their 'enemies' from reddit. So far the only banned subverse I know of is /v/niggers. Which... Seems reasonable.

First they came for the racists, and I said nothing; for I was not a racist...

Eh, I'm happy to leave a sub like that banned. There's racism, and then there's circlejerking while posting pictures of monkeys and whining about welfare.

but why ban it? the whole point is to let anything legal happen. if you don't like it, just block the sub and don't go there. do you have any idea how hypocritical you sound when you complain about rad fems taking over then say lets ban /v/niggers?

Yeah, I guess.

Free speech is free speech, it's all or nothing. In the end of the day you're just cherry picking what to censor just like sjws.

Perhaps you needed more context to the quote I was alluding to:

First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a Socialist.

Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.

No I know the quote, I just don't feel like it's a fair comparison. There is no good reason to be racist, but socialism and trade unions both have good points as well as potential flaws. Jewishness here is really just genetics. Racism... doesn't really have any merit that couldn't be achieved by other means.

The value of free speech is that content like that exposes its own ignorance without having to be erased from existence.

Eh, it's not like the people posting there were banned. They are free to expose their ignorance in other subs.

True, but shouldn't they similarly be free to express their ignorance in their own sub, as well? And frankly, wouldn't containing it (to some extent) in a place like that be better for the entire community?

Yeah but free speech is only for the government isn't it? Privately run websites gave no obligations to have freedom of speech

Talking philosophy, not law

But isn't this what we want? Absolutely free speech is not absolute if you can ban offensive topics like racism.

exactly. who decides and where do we draw the line? drawing the line is a slippery slope and we have proof that it fucked reddit. before the banning of /r/jailbait, reddit was really anything is fair game as long as it was legal. look at what it has become.


It's fine as long as you are absolutely certain those who would silence/oppress you have precisely the same values as you.

Then they came for the conspiracy theorists...

You make it sound like thats the only place to discuss anything on the internet.
If they "come" for the conspiracy theorist go to another website.

BTW that quote was for a time where you could get fucking killed for being a Jew or w/e it's not really comparable

I don't know how to be more clear.

You support censorship when it suits you, but I doubt you'll support it when it silences you.

It's hypocritical and ignorant.

If they "come" for the conspiracy theorist go to another website.

isnt the whole point of that voat site a safe haven for free speech? that's why we're even discussing this right? so your excuse for simply going to another site is bullshit.

actually that's how it happened with /r/jailbait and now look at reddit. right before that, you didn't see this rad fem shit every single day on the front page.

Are you implying we're going to a version of fascism targetting racists? Really?

If so I'm all for it!

Then they came for orvy because he was insufferable and lacked hygiene.

lol, you crack me up dude and you're fucking right too.

Are you implying we're going to a version of fascism targetting [thing I do not like]? Really?

If so I'm all for it!

And this is how you manipulate populations into supporting fascism.

Please note that this is not a comment defending racism. This comment has nothing to do with racism.

He is saying that people are persecuting racists. Do you see racists being rounded up or having to wear insignia? Really? No one is legally persecuting racists. And I'm not for that. I defend anyone's right to say whatever the hell they want.

I was poking fun at the mindset this guy has. That there's a grand fascistic conspiracy in place to... round up racists? ... lol

He is saying that people are persecuting racists.

Not really. In context, it's quite clearly a comment about freedom of speech, brought about by the apparent fact that a particular subverse is banned on Voat.

AFAIK he is still in college and the site is run by him and his girlfriend.

As much as I would like to see a subverse like that go, banning it seems kinda counterintuitive to the whole point of voat.

So how is this one dude in his dorm going to deal with a ton of new users dumping in, or a DDoS, or an army of SJWs or other shills attacking his site if/when it gets popular?

The ton of new users thing has happened already. Sure, if 10% of reddit suddenly moved that might be a problem, but he's handled the site doubling in popularity suddenly quite well. My guess is a DDoS of shill army would be quite problematic, but the site is still small enough he shouldn't be much of a target. For what it's worth he's already acquired some help, so he's not alone anymore, and i the site grows enough to become a target he should already have more staff by then. Loo, it's not perfect, but it's looking a lot more promising than reddit.

I never liked this sub. It's over moderated and the users hold a toxic attitude. This sub is G rated conspiracy lite at best. None of the crazy out there conspiracys are even represented here. And if someone does post one they are mocked. Only approved conspiracys are allowed here and only 1 side of them is ever represented. Every time something big happens in the news this subreddit leans 1 way and all dissenting opinion is silenced. People are clearly pulling strings and have full control of where the discussions are heading.

This will never change because it is reddit, it's how people think on reddit. They bring their biases and superiority complex with them. There are literally conspiracy theorists devaluing other conspiracy theorists' conspiracys. That is rediculuous. It's self censorship, and nothing will ever get accomplished through that. I was a member of this sub for about 2-3 months, I never posted, I just read. And I've read enough to realize that I don't want to be a sockpuppet in this shitty community.

I agree with you. This sub is like a kiddie conspiracy forum. I mostly come here just to see what the hivemind is finally willing to accept as plausible.

As crazy as it is, GLP is the only place where I find open-minded conversations that lead me to a deeper understanding. It is 100% a gov't honeypot but the community is full of insanely intelligent people.

If this sub is Conspiracy Elementary School, GLP is Conspiracy Postgrad. I've yet to find a better conspiracy forum that's highly-trafficked and full of various opinions on thousands of topics.

Whats GLP?

Godlike Productions. Maybe do a little research before you start posting there. He wasn't kidding about government involvement regarding that forum

this sub used to be way different like 3 years ago. it has gotten progressively worse over time, just like any forum that eventually gets too big for its own good. back then there were actually cool and interesting "conspiracies" that got talked about (ancient civilizations, alternate dimensions/realities, etc) and not just populist circle-jerks and blogspam.

honestly i wouldn't even classify this sub as "conspiracy" any more. none of the stuff posted here is really even controversial. it's mostly just obvious fact to anyone who has bothered to put in even a little time to research it. not saying that this is bad, just that this place has changed a lot over the years as "conspiracies" have gone more and more mainstream.

It's really a shame, but the reddit admins and said cancer can do what ever the fuck they want to push their agenda. There is no 1st amendment on a private website, and even less so on a website that's run by a publicly traded company. What we see as a conspiracy by a small group of people with an unpopular agenda is more likely a corporate decision based upon the discresion of a huge bank of lawyers and PR people. I guarantee there's a reason these people are mods of 100+ subs, and it has nothing to do with their lack of personal life. Seriously, look at the handful of people in the request page linked in OP's text wall:

/u/AlphaWolf101: mod of 58 subs

/u/TortoiseSex: mod of 119 subs

/u/Kijafa: mod of 182 subs

/u/XVVHITEBOY: mod of 483(!!!) subs

/u/Creep_The_Night: mod of 78 subs (82 now! Yay for them!)

/u/dustinyo_: mod of 85 subs

At the end of the day we can pretty well assume that the majority of these people are full time employees of someone with a vested interest in the control of the flow of information on reddit. If Conde Naste weren't knowingly involved, there's no way one person would be given power over almost 500 subreddits. That's just bad form and bad business. As a for-profit company, you simply do not allow any outside player that kind of control.

*edit: Removed someone. Also, from the responses you can see below, I'm starting to think there may be more "shitty internet no-lifer nerd" going on here than "paid shill," but that's just my opinion. And I'm not sure which is worse to be honest.

Eh you'd be surprised. Some people, say, with social phobias, anxiety, other mental illness can have TONS of time and energy at their easy disposal. And they are often clever.

There's also the obvious possibility that people are being paid.

None of us are getting paid, fuckwit.

Or that they're internet aspies.

That's how they rack up all those good boy points for the chicken tendies they use for energy.

/u/TortoiseSex HAHAHHAHAHAH HOLY FUCK peep this


So tell us. What's your interest in that sub? More interesting to me, what do you feel you get out of modding over 100 shredders? subreddits? (*phone autospell.) You can't actually believe you can be effective.

i only done it 4 the banter.

and the memes





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<3 They are just mad because we are slowly taking over and they can't stop us

kp why didn't you mod me to the reddit conspiracy?i thought we had something special :(


Dbmg? Is that you? I had no idea you were back

been keeping a low profile these days. how are things


Doin ok, just chillin and taking over reddit with the illuminati. How you been?


Sorry bb, we're doing super secret stuff and keeping the mod list trim for the illuminati

mod me to reddit


top kek

Hahahahahahaha holy fuck you are so delusional

/u/Rupispupis isn't part of the cabal.

Just became aware of this thread. WTF is my name doing on there???? Thank you for pointing it out.

Why the F is my name on that list? I just learned about this "cabal" less than a week ago same as you guys. The 2 subs I mod belong to a Castle Clash mobile game... hardly anything controversial. Please correct your sources.

Edit: And the reason my name popped up in that /r/redditrequest thread is because I wanted to know what happened to the guy.

You're on the list because I just grabbed everyone on the screen grab and looked to see how many threads they mod. I'll go ahead and remove you :)

Thanks. Next time take a sec to read what I was actually saying in there.


I wasn't there. I was just going off OP's screencap.


That's awesome Bt_burbank!


I don't know, what's going on here?

I guarantee there's a reason these people are mods of 100+ subs, and it has nothing to do with their lack of personal life.

I call bullshit.

Weird, I didn't get a notification for getting tagged in this. Theres a conspiracy for ya.


Any time there's more than 3 linked usernames you don't get a notification.

How big of a friend group is there on reddit btw

Friend group?

As in other redditors whom you are buddy buddy with. I imagine there must be a few. Nice karma gainz btw I hope to achieve one day what you have achieved on reddit. Which I mean when you look at it is basically nothing but one day keehahfah one day.

There are a handful of users on here I genuinely like.

wanna fuk :3??



tfw no diamo sex with me ;____;


Sorry bby ;__;

Wanna make it a threesome?

as long as you're vaccinated ;)


Damn :(

Do u like me :c

Time to move to Voat, yet?

Wrong sub to ask people to voat, son...

for the uninformed, why ?

I was making a pun. A lot here think voting is rigged or pointless.

Yep. Democracy is killing the Internet just like it kills free thought in real life.


democracy, also known as dictatorship of majority.

That's why you're on a site w fictional points and voting?

Yo, most of us dont care about or even notice our "scores"

This site has interesting info. No votes required.

Fuck the points. My most pertinent comments are negative scored. Doesn't stop me.

It's a backup in the old guard mind here.


I'd be looking for a platform where it's not even possible for the default sort to be based on votes - all new posts should have equal visibility.

That's a great way to breed spam!

chans have that, top posts are based on replies

4chan, man.

I have such a deep hate for SJW's.

It's almost to impossible to believe that they think they're fighting for general equality. They're some of the most hateful people I've ever seen.

They claim racism at every time you say "black" instead of "African-American" and yet they're the most racist of any person by classifying them into a totally separate group that needs protecting. They are the ones who care to much and as a result it seems that they see others as lesser than them.

What do you call a dark-skinned Indian living in Norway? African-American, duh!

they are and they are especially virulent because they have public approval. after all, how can defending women who are weak and fragile ever be a bad thing right? if you're ever against it you are harassed and labeled misogynist.

Who? All of them? Anyone who believes this world is horribly unjust and that needs to change, they're not Really fighting for equality. They just think silly things like talking about and trying to change deep historical oppression are good for some reason... Or what? I guess you would just tell me that that oppression doesn't exist. That's the only way I can imagine you justifying saying something like this (if indeed it is a sincere opinion, and not, as I suspect is also possible, a conscious attempt to confound any attempt to change this world order we have which I am sure must be treating you well).

SJWs dont fight for this world.

They bitch about oppression and cry victimhood so you dont notice how privileged they actually are. Idiots with near zero critical thinking skills.

Man.... I don't know where the fuck you get that from. Oh they are privileged themselves, that means they should just shut up and go with it....

I get it from redditors, Tumblr, and hanging around UT in Austin, TX.

And yes, they should go with it ... and they do go with it. These people arent going to turn down privilege but theyll point to others with more and call foul. Once i met a feminist in ATX. She was from a very affluent area near Houston. Her parents paid for school, apartment, and expenses. I told her how my life was becoming so amazing and promising thanks to engineering school. She asked how my lifes passion would help the oppressed. She looked dumbfounded when i told her that my efforts may or may not directly or indirectly help people, but in career, i wont consider the oppressed: its not my job, id be poor at it and can better serve the world through becoming the best engineer i can be. Then she tells me the only reason i can do what im doing is because im a privileged white male. (This coming from her, a rich white girl who grew up in a tiny community, unexposed to various types of people).

Then i shut her up by saying "so what? Ive got a leg up being white and male in America, so why not just go with it and maximize my potential? "

Being privileged doesnt mean one becomes an asshole.

Yeah, but pointing out privilege and it's effects on our world doesn't make one an asshole either.

No, but getting mad, spreading lies and hate, and acting against free speech while demanding it for themselves makes one worthy of the title. Plenty of feminists are perfectly normal, awesome people: the ignorant, childish few loud ones on the internet give it all a bad name. Dont assume i dont know the difference between a genuinely good person and an asshole: shit comes out of one of them.

But you made a broad, generalizing statement about "social justice warriors," a phrase which itself seems to scoff at the need for social justice.


Our use of SJW most certainly does not imply anything about society or justice let alone social justice. Its a derogative term (now) to be used for those who fit the bill.

Saying that we scoff at social justice is putting words in my mouth. Your trying to smear my ideas by implying i dont care about the prosperity of society. I do. But SJWs are a cancer that needs treatment. They don't change the world. They just repost others' ideas and fail at debating.

Yes i generalize. Ill always allow for outliers: but generalizing can be beneficial.

I am still not understanding why they are a "cancer," and how you would "treat" them.

Read OPs post: that explains the cancer. The treatment would be exposing their shortcomings, nefarious deeds, and conspiring to limit freedom of speech and then fight back with debate and unceasing action to bring light to the best, most right information (for everybody), the last part being why i embraced reddit to begin with years ago: the democratic way in which all the best ideas (generally) rose to the top.

What nefarious deeds??? Jesus you guys are bonkers.

Read the fucking original post you ignoramus.

Lol. Yeah such an enlightening, well written and clear description!

How does that diminish the facts you seem to ignore?

Attacking irrelevant characteristics of the authorship of the account leads me to believe you have no argument.

Facts?? These are incoherent ramblings, you want me to believe that garbage?

SJW is really just a blanket term that people use against people they don't agree with. But I know what you mean, they are easy fuckers to hate.

No. No thats not what it means.

yeah i have grown to fucking loathe them. i didnt think i could dislike anyone more than conservative christians, then sjw/3rd wave fems came around. its like the westboro baptist church for the left, only the media is on their side.

I got called elliot rodger last night

One of the best posts of 2015. I'd say this in November.

Up there with the kid that posted about the dangers of mass surveillance and having been through a revolution while living in an Arab spring country. That I think is still my favorite comment AND poster of all time. He got shadow banned for trying to spread awareness by editing his most popular comments to include his new message...he was a good dude, I hope he still posts discreetly from a different username. We need people like him.

That sounds interesting. Can you please post a link?

Thanks, very interesting.

This comment on /r/AskHistorians got me banned. It said

In fact, Switzerland did trade with the Nazis, but Germany was starving too and mostly paid Switzerland in coal. Starving Europe was a central component of the Allied strategy throughout the war. A number of European famines and at least some of the Holocaust murders would not have happened had the Allied forces refrained from this brutal collective punishment. These deaths were foreseen by people in Allied countries, but the Allied militaries went ahead and did it anyway.

The ban message said the following:

you have been banned from posting to /r/AskHistorians: AskHistorians. note from the moderators: "Blaming Nazism's crimes on Allied strategical goals is Nazi-apologeticism"

I replied with the following, but never heard back:

I think that's an unfair reading of what I wrote. By saying that the starvation strategy played a forseeable causal role in Holocaust murders, I'm not saying that it was acceptable for the Nazis to commit those murders. For instance, ethnic violence was a forseeable consequence of the US invasion of Iraq, but to note that is not usually taken as an apology for the murders ISIS has committed. I'd be grateful if you'd rescind the ban. Leave the comment deleted if you like, I don't really care. I won't cause such disturbance again, and it was not my intention to do so.

While not required, you are requested to use the NP domain of reddit when crossposting. This helps to protect both your account, and the accounts of other users, from administrative shadowbans. The NP domain can be accessed by prefacing your reddit link with

I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.

While not required, you are requested to use the NP domain of reddit when crossposting. This helps to protect both your account, and the accounts of other users, from administrative shadowbans. The NP domain can be accessed by prefacing your reddit link with

I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.

Thanks man. But now they're gonna ban you too.

What the fuck.

Fuck this fucking shit, /r/conspiracy needs to crowdfund a reddit admin or something. Money appears to be the only motivation anymore.

That won't solve the problem though.

the core of the problem is that it's centralized. you can not have free expression and a truly open discussion without completely removing all control mechanisms, what we need is the digital, interactive, equivalent of a library.

We need a blockchain-based reddit.

crowdfund a reddit admin

What does this even mean?

We could pay/bribe an admin to do good work, like unbanning people and reversing the corruption of other admins.

But I was being facetious.

I was wondering if all the r/undelete stuff was connected as well. Seemed to be the case anyways.

Short of a physical incursion into Reddit SF headquarters, what can actually be done about these assholes?

Create a new platform so users can move to it. Then again, we'd have to repeat that process as the SRS cult takes it over again.

Except... I think one thing about reddit that enables the behavior everyone here is pissed off about could be addressed on a new platform . That is: absolute admin power v. The total lack of accountability they have. The SLC daycare bullshit case in point.

There needs to be some sort of admin power check. That would be a huge step to even consider try to salvage anything out of reddit.

but look at it from a political standpoint. so you're an executive at reddit. these admins are supposedly doing "good" things by stomping out misogyny. what are you going to do to stop them? you'll be labeled a misogynist in real life and get harassed and shit. your real life would become hell. i think this is how the site got taken over.

You may get harassed on reddit, sure, but I consider reddit far from my real life. But if you mean you'd be "stalked" and then brigaded on reddit, then I agree, that's a legit concern. But what to do then? I don't have a perfect answer for that, but what I can say is I don't personally care how many down votes i get as long as I'm speaking my mind faithfully.

no man, i'm not talking about harassed on reddit. i'm talking about harassed in real life. they'll call your house, your parents, your spouse, your friends, and your work place. it doesn't matter if those people know if it's true or not. they'll get irritated. your work place doesn't want to be liable for anything and may fire you too just to get rid of the nuisance. if you're in that kind of office, you'll get hated by everyone. they'll spread rumors and shit about you. if you didn't have a very staunch stance on the issue to begin with, even you will feel shameful of what you did because everyone is acting like you are a bad person. the psychological factor is very hard to overcome.

Wow, I guess I've never gone through that before. That's insane. Then again I really only participate on pretty small subreddits, r/conspiracy being the biggest one. Maybe that's why? Has that happened to you before?

no but in the metaredditcancer sub, they mentioned a few people who got doxxxed. the person threaten to do all those things to a mod and so he closed down some anti srs sub. also, in the gamergate situation, that zoe woman did that to someone and completely ruined his gaming initiative for women and ruined his reputation. the zoe situation was extremely complex and involved so i can't really retell that story now. the gist of it is, the guy was creating a program where female game designers can tell the group their idea and get to direct a game development. zoe joined it and began disparaging it for misogyny or some bullshit and ruined its reputation. basically she didn't want any other women to get a chance to make a game so she can be the special snowflake female game designer and sell her shitty "barely a game" game to people. that was what spark the entire gamergate movement now. it was the final straw and it made many people angry.

Man this entire post is just an attempt to draw users to that voat thing or whatever.

No cult? Dang, maybe next time.

That solves nothing. You must take the power back here.

Reddit is a lost cause. Fear not, we can recreate reddit within another organization so that no one will know of our existence. We can go by other names other than the true name we have: reddit.

It's funny to me, that problem-reaction-solution is employed in instances like this. Whenever users say what should we do, the response is invariably moving to a new site.

You can't run forever. Let me know when you want to turn and fight. Anything else is delaying the inevitable.

This thread is a start. Using similar tactics but with a different agenda is another route.

It's probably no coincidence that basically the same thing happened in the USA, only instead of SRS and a clique of mods it was Wall Street and the CIA.

Well our media and elected class sure sounds like a bunch of SJW asswipes.

I would just like to point out that a lot of female oriented discussion is also censored and derailed, any comment that has to do with the biological reality of being a woman will have the user labelled as a "transphobic" "TERF" and usually censored or banned, along with threats and dehumanizing labels.

The sad part is this is why so many people have the belief that this is what feminism has come to and understandably want nothing to do with it, as it has become popular as a form of identity politic, and ironically, an excuse to tear down and shame women who do not adhere to a narrow and often arbitrary set of politically correct standards.

Social justice on the internet and university clubs/cliques seems to allow for a lot of toxicity. Professional social justice advocates are so far removed from what you accurately describe as political cults.

LOL the discussion of feminism these days isn't even controlled by women it's controlled by men who want to be women. Having the discourse controlled by men (even "former" men) doesn't sound very feminist to me.

Social justice on the internet and university clubs/cliques seems to allow for a lot of toxicity. Professional social justice advocates are so far removed from what you accurately describe as political cults.

Professional social justice advocates do not merely advocate around questions of social justice. Like cultists, they preach a doctrine, seek converts, and condemn nonbelievers.

Check this out:

What a great fucking post/discussion in the comments, thanks for this.

While discussing the SLC fiasco inside of this thread, I came to a realization that would explain why the SRS Brigade and the like are given carte blanche to run roughshod over Reddit and why there may be nothing we can do about it.

Advance Publications (reddit's majority shareholder and parent company of former sole owner Condé Nast, bastion of such weighty, free thinking publications as Vogue, Details, Glamour, Vanity Fair, and W, whose president sits on reddit's board) has a social agenda to push. The admins are under orders to "encourage" the hivemind of the SJW/SRS subs by the majority shareholder, represented by one person on the board. Hell, they may not even need to be encouraged to do so. They may know the agenda by heart and support it wholly.

For this reason, the users and mods of those subs are installed into certain subs (that would otherwise encourage a breaking of the hivemind) as moderators whenever possible, unencumbered by any sense of fairness and drunk off of the power that they long to have over people in their real lives. They don't have to be in on the agenda because they have internalized it already and anything that goes against it will be met with ridicule, mockery, deletion, and shadowbans.

If this is true, and let's be honest it explains why the admins turn a "blind" eye to all of this pointed out here, and why all of this that OP talks about happened, then RIP in Peace Reddit. Unless someone in here can change the agenda of Conde Nast, then Reddit as a forum for free thinking and free wheeling hijinks is dead.

EDITs: Corrected ownership info and adjusted accordingly

I like this big picture thinking. Good on you. Birds of a feather.

myth: Condé Nast owns reddit. reality: reddit is not owned by Condé Nast. reddit used to be owned by Condé Nast, but in 2011 it was moved out from under Condé Nast to Advance Publications, which is Condé Nast’s parent company. Then in 2012, reddit was spun out into a re-incorporated independent entity with its own board and control of its own finances, hiring a new CEO and bringing back co-founder Alexis Ohanian to serve on the board. The best characterization might be to say that reddit is a “part-sibling-once-removed” of Condé Nast.

Advance Publications is still it's largest shareholder

Independent board of directors and control of its own finances. Not sure what else to say. It controls how it makes and spends its own money.

And one member of the 3 person board of directors happens to be the president of Condé Nast, so I'm not seeing how that's independent

Why do you think this would be the agenda of Conde Nast? I upvoted you and it seems very plausible, I'm just wondering where all this BS comes from

I'm gonna put the TL;DR up top:

TL;DR They've spent years indoctrinating malleable minds subtly through print publications. Now that print is dying, the internet presents their opportunity to continue to subtly shape the social agenda. Using an internet forum such as reddit allows them wide range access to people. Shaping the forum to their ideas ensures that other people will either be indoctrinated or leave.

Conde Nast as a publisher of print magazines (and it's parent company by extension), has long held the power to shape malleable minds (both men and women). Through the direct slant they put on editorials, the choices of who/what to profile, and their choices of what to highlight in fashion, those malleable minds are informed of how they should feel, think, and look to be a real woman or man.

If you are aware of how to recognize slant in media publications, just go to your local bookstore (if you have one) and flip through some of their stuff: you'll see the slant immediately. And then come back to reddit. You'll find the same type of views in the "cancer" group highlighted in the original post.

Conde Nast knows that print media is dying and they don't want to see their influence come to a silent halt. Their captive audience they had in the 80s/90s/into the 2000s is no more. Back then, if, for instance, a woman wanted to know what was fashionable, or was going to be, she had few choices but to pick up an issue of Vogue or other fashion mags. Same for men with GQ.

Once they were there for the clothes, watches, or whatever, they would probably wander to the articles at some point, where they would find the subliminal spin.

Now Conde Nast needs to find a new way to gain this influence. The internet presents them a boondoggle: They can run their stuff online and keep that influence alive, but there are many that would just show up for the fashion and ignore their articles. So what is a publisher to do?

Buy up a massive internet forum and encourage power to be given to people that have already internalized the agenda through years of the subtle indoctrination. They will take care of the rest.

So as the bias of the mods online go, so goes the website. Anything not meeting their specific world view gets shut down, either by mods themselves or through the use of brigading, ridicule and mockery. Anyone espousing a different view from them is bullied into either leaving the site or changing their views.

Shaping the forum to their ideas ensures that other people will either be indoctrinated or leave.

Yeah, that's the shitty thing about a reddit exodus that I see happening. When digg shat the bed, EVERYONE left because it wasn't just an ideological agenda it was a really bad UI change that everyone hated across the board. This time, what is going to happen or has the potential of happening is the dissenting voices are going to leave but the vast majority are going to stay further insulating the echo effect.

But as for my question of why SJW stuff would be on the agenda for Conde Nast, and then pushed down to the mods, beyond the fact that it has been their agenda in the past through print media, I still don't fully understand other than it being understood as feminism being used as yet another tool of the elites to cause infighting amongst the plebs.

Oh you were asking why it's their agenda. My bad...

The people running the media today grew up during the 60s. They deeply internalized the revolutionary aims and identity politics of the counter-culture movement(s) and it has shaped their viewpoints for the rest of their lives. And they truly believe that their way of seeing the world should be everybody's way to view the world.

Now whether or not they have internalized the "race war" that will topple "white Amerikkka" (a key feature of some counter culture movements) or that they need to divide us to subjugate us is questionable. It may be that they just want their ideology to outlive them in the hopes that one day it will be the only ideology, that the next generation of SJWs can bring the revolution that they could not. It depends on how deep you think the conspiracy goes.

SRS'ers are fucking cancer.

Make no mistake, though, OP, they are ruthless, brutal, and effective. The CIA could learn a thing or two about cyber espionage from them. Some probably have a great number of usernames. They have been known to doxx people, brigade threads, and completely get away with it. I've seen this kind of behaviour documented on /r/SRSsucks for a long time.

I've seen reddit users and moderators get shadowbanned for something then see an SRSer doing the same thing but far worse. They have frequently gotten control of an entire subreddits then toxify them with their ideology from the inside. /r/subredditdrama is a perfect example of this.

Just watch yourself. Make sure your username has absolutely no tie to you personally. People have lost their jobs because of rad fems. They're like PETA but instead of hating factory farming and fur.... they hate white men.

It's actually very likely that the rift between SJW's and anti-SJW's is a government formulated diversion, either side is probably loaded with plants to cause false outrage and to get those interested in social and political change fighting amongst themselves.

This issue is a distraction to keep us from attacking the elite, the true enemies of justice and equality.


How about stay on this sub? is starting to pick up steam. They seem to have a stance against censorship. There was/is an AMA with the creators.

A website with no moderation, a place where no upvotes are present. More where can once find such a place... and are the largest alternatives.

Brings back fond memories.

Fucking disgusting

in particular - to turn the site into a place run by social justice warrior and feminist moderators who tolerate no deviation from their beliefs in the numerous subreddits that they have come to control as moderators.

I wouldn't have believed this before, but I got banned from advice animals for saying "You said that like women actually care about our feelings" in the context of talking to a guy about bad treatment by an exgirlfriend (that had long ago dumped him). I think we can all agree that ex's regardless of gender don't tend to care. I was called a misogynist and banned by some thundercunt despite getting gold for the post, despite the fact that I'm not a dude! And I've seen that kind of crap happen repeatedly to other people, I don't have a problem with feminism I have a problem with group-think and censorship. It's a fucking subreddit based on being humorous, yet the mods ban you for joking around? Fuck the SJW movement, their censorship obsession is a plague on the future of free speech.


Exactly, this is all one big shit slinging distraction.

Is that a fiddle I hear?


Out of sounding silly... What does one achieve by being slightly important on the internet? I mean....who fucking cares? If it were real life politics... Cool. But it's the internet for Christ's sake.

For too many people, the Internet is life.

it is the biggest most popular site on the net. this is the big game, the biggest of stages.

I feel like I'm the only one that walks away from the computer and doesn't give reddit two thoughts while I'm not online.

You are not alone, friend.

I agree that there are users who take reddit way to seriously. Looking at the website as a whole, though, it is massively important. It's like asking what the importance is of every major newspaper in the country becoming SJW. For us individual users who can put down reddit and walk away it's no big deal; but from a corporate standpoint, and internet culture as a whole, it matters.

Some people have too much time on their hands.

... or are getting paid

I asked /r/NoLibsWatch about the connection to SRS and SRD, here is /u/GhostOfDusty's response:

Massive overlap of users:

Here's the years ago stuff you may remember:;restrict_sr=on&amp;sort=relevance&amp;t=all

The SRS/SRD goons took over /r/OccupyWallStreet at some point way back. They decided to mod the Nolibs Crew to censor pro-liberty/anti-authoritarian (aka "Paultard") sentiment there. It didn't go well.

Then there's the "BipolarBear0" connection:*&amp;restrict_sr=on&amp;sort=relevance&amp;t=all

This creep, an SRD golden boy who used to run /r/dickgirls and runs /r/Drama, was (is?) their ally in attacking this sub by libeling us as "holocaust deniers".

The mods of SRD were keen on the macabre Rachel Corrie "jokes" that the Nolibs Crew love so much. They are vote-brigading allies at the very least.

See here:

While not required, you are requested to use the NP domain of reddit when crossposting. This helps to protect both your account, and the accounts of other users, from administrative shadowbans. The NP domain can be accessed by prefacing your reddit link with

I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.

solid info here

Great post!

Thanks for linking back to my humble post as well!

Fuck this, I'm going back to myspace...

GeoCities is where its at.

I miss the GeoCities era so much. People just having a passion and putting it out there to share, no monetizing or any b.s. like that.

Yahoo Chat, for the win!

Yahoo pool and aol chat rooms were the bees knees...a little napster and Seinfeld and we're full 90s

Don't forget Tamagotchis for your offline digital pet needs...


dat anglefire dough

damn...I remember when yahoo searches would be almost half links to GeoCities.. I was Team Netscape to the

Just like to point out that over on /r/shitredditsays everysingle post is in the negative karma. I don't know if it normally is but maybe it is due to this

If you have their CSS on, they made up into down.

That's pretty normal over there; the up and down votes are reversed.

Oh... That, makes no sense

There's quite a bit about the whole SJW movement that doesn't make sense.

When I was like 15 or 16, I had this idea that I could pretend to be offended by everything in order to cast some light on how politically correct everything was getting and maybe help people see how ridiculous it was. I abandoned this idea when I saw that people were already doing it and they weren't pretending. And not everyone thought that those people were ridiculous.

The world is a strange place.

And the whole "archangel" thing for all the mods, very weird.

That part I don't get. There's a history up on a wiki somewhere...either there or in SRD. I've already browsed here and TiA this morning, so I'm done raging at the internet for the day. Someone else will undoubtedly be on shift if you're in need of a link, though.

No problem have a nice day

Its a way of enforcing group-think. People who have no individuality but need to align themselves to some "cause" will pick names that show their loyalty to the cause. Whoever is controlling these sheeple encourages the behavior because it is one more tool to break down independent thinking and guarantee that every archangelle* will do whatever he wants them to do.

It is normal in any cult for the followers to change their names to something that downplays their own existence and highlights their allegiance to the cult.

Yeah. Makes sense, very good reply thanks :)

The worst dream ever is being at a dinner table with one of these people and my mom. Since my mom is a trendy appeaser she is judging me harshly the entire night as the chronically offended person appears to be offended and disgusted at everything that I say. So I have to deal with this constant ridicule and then I get it once again from my vapid sellout mother for making someone upset. Since she doesn't have real taste of her own she only knows that a person was offended and to her there must be something to that.

Its one of those neurotic dreams that you have when going to bed dehydated after too much coffee.

of course it makes sense. it's reverse so people who don't know shit about the sub will try to downvote it but instead upvote.

Of course. That is very smart

What's their reasoning behind that?

SJWs have a weird sense of humor. That "LE SO RANDOM XDDD" style of humor. Makes sense as SJWs have the maturity level of an 11 year old.

I think they use the logic of "we shouldn't be upvoting this shit, so let's downvote it instead". Plus, it's confusing.

There's a history wiki (I think it's on SRD) that explains some of this. I'm on mobile, else I'd link it for ya.

If anyone outside their sub goes in to downvote their horrible agenda, they wind up accidentally upvoting everything.

They know that the garbage they vomit into their sub would be down voted to shit because of how hateful, hypocritical, and disgusting their comments they will do anything to confuse the voter, because Internet points is definitely all that they have in life

So let's make a subreddit in the vein of the banned subreddit and see what happens

this is a good idea, maybe we could start some sort of /r/conspiracy network ?


Sometimes you need Godzilla to take down King Ghidorah.

Still, anything is better than SJWs.

Good point

Keeping information flowing outside of the corrupt powers' childish reach is not the same thing. Calm your ass.

The dude can still run the subreddit even if shadowbanned.

The question I have is why give a fuck? Let them waste their lives like that, just avoid SRD, /jerktalkdiamond, /circlebroke, /offmychest and hide all their users. They only really run a small corner.

Also, having been a mod of /jerktalkdiamond, I can say firsthand that the level of autism in their circlejerk sessions is overwhelming at times. Also, fuck them for demodding me twice. Fuckers.

This is so fucking stupid.

Same garbage was happening in the "What do you expect to become irrelevant in the near future" thread. It was almost like a bot was posting "Men, we will be able to have test tube babies soon." type of posts over and over again.

I have LGBTQ friends, but when you are essentially promoting an entire sex of a species as irrelevant, you have engendered my ire.

Force feed your agendas over the internet, and you will soon have other's agendas foisted upon you in real life. By this, I mean by the barrel or the butt of a gun your opinion will be dictated.

Seems like a cointelpro op if you ask me.

Reddit... corrupt? Impossibru

What a genius idea to create a subreddit trying to expose it lol... it's not like they could delete it if they want to

The real question we all must ask ourselves is... Who the fuck cares even the slightest bit about any of this?

You must be one of those shills we hear so much about! And look at that, followed around by one of your little upvote soldier squads. Or maybe you have 7 different accounts and upvote yourself because you are that pathetic

Those who recognize the value of a site that could provide a fantastic platform for open discussion

Oh let me guess.. Voat right? It's voat. You're talking about voat

So... the young and naive. Got it.

The the whole /r/metaredditcancer thing was orchestrated by well-known troll /u/KamensGhost (who is ironically enough guilty of the same crimes he complains about... him and his cronies infiltrated tons of subreddits including /r/xkcd to push a political agenda relating to the Holocaust). KG targeted anyone who called him out for his racism and antisemitism with doxxing and death threats, so I'd say he's using this whole "top secret shadow cabal of reddit power mods" narrative to get moderates easily susceptible to propaganda on his side.

Ironically, the real conspiracy is who is actually pushing the claims of a conspiracy here.

Your comments are extremely interesting. I did notice that /u/KrustyKoonKrackers is a mod on this subreddit, and also on a number of subs he calls the "chimpire" that are wildly and intolerably racist, not to mention /r/rapingwomen and /r/nationalsocialism. I'm so bewildered by this whole fuckin' thing. I find SJWs as petty and self-obsessed as the next guy, but the people who populate this sub suck.

I only take issue with the fact that you call The Chimpire "intolerably racist". The racism is perfectly tolerable, and is preferable to the liberal brainwashing you appear to have endured.


You should probably just read it.

power corrupts, even in the smallest amount. and if money and sex are involved, its 100% game over.

Sir if I may,

that is some of the truest of truths

With best regards,


I use voat now

Does anyone else realize the enormous fucking irony of rewarding the OP of this post with Reddit gold?

These are sad people that are ruining a great site, it's more sad that they talk to other people this way

There's nothing to fear but fear itself. Give em hell.

The agenda has been exposed.

This is a fucking amazing post. Thank you OP.

Jesus christ. I never thought I'd ever see something in this sub that was actually a conspiracy, but here I am. Good job, reddit admins.

I just like that all these people have time to be doing that shit on reddit. It consumes my life, but I only have time to browse and lurk everything. I'll get down voted. I'm not talking shit on being online because I am all the time. Talking shit on crazy control freaks. Really wish I would have lurked that post.

They also control /r/anarchism

Seriously, move to Reddit admins are digging this site's grave.

These things pop up all the time. I've been saying the same about the fact that the same moderators mod almost all Europe related subreddits. There's one group of european mods who mod them all except for /r/european which we started because of this very reason.

Unfortunately people really suck at taking steps to leave this place. We've tried many other options. We've tried to get people to move over to our own board at 8chan or sub in voat but with almost no effect.

People like to complain but they won't move.

Reddit is that very charismatic tyrant that you have no choice but to love to hate.

But /r/European is an immigrant hate sub

Yep, it's bad. I got banned in /r/Documentaries just the other day for posting a documentary exposing the cattle industry.

I thought this guy sounded mentally ill, because I didn't think srs had any real power on here. But maybe I'm wrong.


But maybe I'm wrong

You're not. For all the bitching about brigading and censorship, the stuff SRS highlights is still routinely voted to the top of threads and subs. I guess some people are upset that racial slurs were barred from AskReddit, like the n-word or other epithets are really necessary for "open dialog".

Apparently people still have no concept of the Streisand effect. If They didn't practice censorship, this would have went largely unnoticed

am i witnessing the crusades of the internet? i just read up on SRS and cant help but notice an agenda 2 years in the making. 1. perhaps one that is, now i cant prove this, gender oriented? 2. but how could that be? 3. am i wrong? 4. im...retarded?

something has definately begun over this last 12 months. the internet seems to not only be under an external assault from governments but an internal one from a well connected group of people with an agenda

SRS was successfully gamed by Digg exiles who blamed reddit for the crash of Digg (after they destroyed it). The feminist SRSers are tools who are too stupid to see how they are being gamed.

this is so incredibly stupid

a primary objective of power is to ensure it's continuation

Did this have anything to do with the massive increase in "You broke reddit" errors?

Where are we to go for free(ish) speech? I've watched the progression from fark to digg to reddit and the downfall of 4chan. Won't one of you folks that is decent with HTML(or some other acronym) please make a place that doesn't fall to the will of angry juveniles so that we all may speak our minds with impunity?

Does nobody on this website understand what 'free spech' is? Free spech is the protection you are granted by the Constitution from the US Government. Not on the internet. Not on a private website. You are not protected from down votes. You are not protected from people disagreeing with you. You are not protected from public backlash to saying stupid shit.


SRS has been a problem way before yesterday. You would be surprised to see how much of reddit SRS actually controls.

Yeah, this is just another plank in the coffin for reddit. This place is amazingly controlled, but every now and again a small bubble pops out and everyone can see just how bad it is.

This is a plastic website, manufactured to perfect specs. There is nothing organic about this site except what the foundations and framework was based off - as if you realized that ascorbic acid can be synthesized into a pill and sold as Vitamin C. It's lost the spectrum of natural and organic compounds that are healthy and have replaced them with synthetic chemicals approved by some higher up organization.

Yeah, yeah... Metaphors only go so far.

Just so you know, the top mod of this sub, is a SJW Tumblrina.

He has not been active for over 3 months. And only has 2 posts in the past year.

in /r/RedditRequest, if a mod is inactive for 3 months, you can take over the sub.

I would try to get him removed. Although I know you won't be able to. He is only here to record the modmail, and maintain control of a bunch of subs of interest. Like /r/4chan, and /r/Funny and /r/Scientology and /r/Tumblr

The sooner you have him removed, the sooner you can start reclaiming this sub, and ridding yourself of SJW scum.

While not required, you are requested to use the NP domain of reddit when crossposting. This helps to protect both your account, and the accounts of other users, from administrative shadowbans. The NP domain can be accessed by prefacing your reddit link with

I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.

reddit is agenda driven as fuck.

I have been taking a break from the sub because I feel it has become stale and predictable. It's become a bland vanilla shell where about 1 to 2% of the submissions are worth even bothering with. The good self posts are still there and can still be pretty good, but they are such a rarity now.

After reading this I feel it has just confirmed what a lot of us in here already knew, reddit is on the decline and it's useful life-cycle is coming to an end.

All the bots, shills, vote manipulation, topic suppression and other bullshit going on here is simply wearing thin for me, reddit did not used to have all this bullshit, I am tired of it.

I am going to check out Voat and see what develops there, it seems like a place I can get behind and support the best I can.

Besides, I can probably get my old name back there, the one that got banned for bullshit reasons here a couple years back. The one that got the ban hammer for saying bad things about facebook. Shit that turned out to be true of course.;-)

AAAnd This is why I have been spending way less time on reddit in the past years...

And also why i delete and create new accounts monthy. cant trust those trannies not to try to dox you and try to ruin your life.

This place is getting worse then 4chan.

That's right, I said it. SRS has made this place worse than the 'internet hate machine'.

Really, when you get down to it. This is all Something Awful's fault. They brought this cancer to the internet.

In other words: fighting SJW has become the new SJW.

In an era where office jobs are downsizing, Reddit's in-house staff growth makes me wonder if they're running persona software like liveworld does? I have no idea which would be cheaper- but if they used software like that, it would suggest they function like an in-house liveworld for Reddit's owners.

Just an unsubstantiated thought.

Hey, every body, check out it is basically Reddit with a few changes. If you want to chat, my name is Vladimir_Putin , my suggestion is you try to get any good names you want! (No, sadly Unidan is already taken.

Its stuff like this that usually keeps me a lurker and not a fully active member.

This all sounds very intense. Has this SRS cabal ever tried to shutdown this sub? I'd think they'd be all over it.

the people who run a corporate site like reddit absolutely LIVE to damage, hurt and degrade people like you.

I gave someone positive advice on R/offmychest.

The mods banned me, and threatened to flag me as spam when I tried to ask why.

they seemed like shitty people.

Whenever I see the word cabal I immediately think 10ft 800 lbs :>

I'll give 'em credit for being organized. I made a "test" comment and was banned within just a few minutes.

The fact that they mod politics too explains a lot.

It's the same bullshit that happened to digg. Some user(s) gets hordes of weak-minded people fellating them into celebrity status and the content is then controlled by very few.

It happens every where and will continue to happen until human nature itself is changed.

At the end of the day, we are the idiots for continuing to use this site then. We need to go somewhere else...yet we continue to stay here...all the while complaining that it's going belly up. WTF?


Screw you guys, I'm going home.

Home? Whoosh on me. ELI5, please. Where's "home" and what does that have to do with our leaving Reddit and going somewhere like, as one example, a place like Voat?

There's no other places like

Edit Also, a quote from South Park. When Cartman is tired of all the shit going on and is no longer playing along he says: "Screw you guys, I'm going home." And is the home IP. There are no other places like it.

Thanks for the clarification, sir.

Voat would be nice if you were able to use it with tor. The captcha is impossible to get correct if you speak english and use tor. No idea why. They use google's bullshit captcha.

Good to know reddit functions as efficiently as most governments, around the world, do today.

A lot of people are now flocking to Voat hoping that it is a place that allows free, open, honest debate and discussion without interference of control freaks who want to shape the narrative.

That's not a conspiracy - it's a straight-up cult.

As I've been telling people on reddit for years, this is clearly a case of people with similar mental disorders cliche-ing together to form, basically, a gang.

This shit will lead to many jumping shit, and when a viable alternative pops up. this site will burn, and the admins will wish they killed the SRS cancer.

Deaddit >>===> killed by an SJW.

Sounds like a group of shitty nolifes behaving shittily.

Why do people even care? I will never understand this about reddit. What difference does it make. Its an online community. I don't know about you guys, but reddit in no way affects my real life.

People are fighting to control what content you are exposed to on reddit. What discussions are allowed, what you associate certain ideas with, etc.

Your comment is as stupid as saying "who cares that mainstream media no longer resembles journalism in anyway, it doesn't affect me lol" you have the right to remain ignorant and be told what to think, but to many of us it's a bigger issue.

For some people, SRS for example, the Internet IS their life.

because reddit is suppose to be this big place we can all talk 'american style', with freedom, voting, etc. so the idea that behind the scenes a group is controlling an agenda, manipulating, etc, is bad. mmmmk.

SRS has had admins/friends of admins for years, but they have no leadership experience, and are quite simply not made with the blood for leadership, that they have made fumble after fumble trying to actually lock down the website. This site is awful enough that they'll get their way sooner or later, though

Let's all go back to Digg

...seriously Kevin Rose isn't doing shit right now, let's petition him to buy and fix Digg. And do Diggnation again.

Haha..I was just thinking the same thing..I guess this is the natural progression of internet websites

An open source, decentralized, p2p, alternative will be here eventually.

Still waiting for my friends on Diaspora..

Wtf is cabal

OK, I guess this might be the time and place to ask this.

How does one who has the technical ability to create a reddit upgrade/clone (say, hypothetically, me) - how does that site:

  1. Get traction
  2. Establish itself such that this isn't possible and
  3. Solve any other extant problems with reddit?

An alternative already exists called voat IIRC.

That's the answer to any question about a web-based idea. 14 of them already exist.

I've mentioned this before, but I'll say it again. Reddit needs a way to let users determine who gets to "filter and hide" content. Right now the moderator positions are just to powerful and corruption is happening. If moderators can only hide content, but you can determine which "moderators" get to hide or filter content, then they really have no power other than hiding content from users who request that they hide content (e.g. filter).

Jesus fucking christ, SRS and the admins that support it are the most corrupt fucking thing I have seen edit: Freedom of speech pls

I'm glad that at least this subreddit can survive peacefully.

The amount of idiots who try to control stuff is insane. We need to bring this to the attention of all of reddit. The more people know, the less power does the cult have.

don't forget r/anarchy. What a joke that sub has become.

Finally, well kind of. I feel like I've waited years for this sub to pay off with a real conspiracy. Though I know more than this has spawned under this sub, but this still feels much bigger and much more of a hit at home. Sorry for spelling and grammar, I'm on mobile.

Seriously I didnt understand anything of this post, sorry. Can someone explain please?

We'll all just regroup in /r/spacedicks, they'll never be able to touch us there.

It's sometimes struck me, when exploring the wackiest parts of the tumblrverse, that the whole thing smells of the ultimate in divide-and-conquer. Maybe 'SJW Jacobinism' is the backup excuse for endless war warming up in the bullpen behind the neocons.

Remember, tumblrinas - the Death Machine doesn't really give a shit what color you are or what's between your legs - Susan & Condi Rice are excellent proof of that - it just wants to keep rolling.

Like cuckchan all over again.

[–]jod1177 1 point a minute ago

in the process, its a grey area so far, the fact they are based on us soil and a public forum, thier rules were not broke, if admins dont respond to the report then there might be something there. I will post it when I know for sure, I think its almost comical the people here wanting to silence people and for writing their beliefs and opinions need their own tv show. this is america, where freedom of speech is gaurenteed, if you have the money,

Read this out loud and unless you are wearing a fedora this probably sounds retarded.

I've left for voat

Obviously not.

Perhaps /r/metaredditcancer was banned because it tripped some anti-brigading algorithm?

I wish I had the time and resources to waste my life exposing reddit conspiracies. Or concocting them.

The suppression of mass information is important to some people.

OMG Guys what if they kill /r/conspiracy? I'm scared :(

Hey Mods this goes to show you, you can't control the hivemind from just a few subreddits, you have to control ALL the subreddits, by force if needed.

Could someone explain the significance of this? How is this important?


Reddit is a site that many people read. When you read things, your thoughts reflect what you've read, regardless of whether or not you're aware of it. These people control narratives across numerous subs through censorship and shadowbanning, ultimately leading to people having a skewed view of what others think and say on this site.

This is a BIG DEAL. I honestly would have passed this up as being kind of out there had it not been for the subreddit ban and mod change, but that really gives this some solid credence.

There are people (possibly controlled by corporate/govt interests, possibly paid) who literally keep people from being able to post openly on this website, and this ultimately affects how users think and act both on and offline.

Could somebody please ELI5?

power corrupts

Reading is fundamental.

Remember how PETA used to be good and all about saving cows from getting beat up in warehouses, but then switched to kidnapping people's dogs and murdering them?

I feel like that's what happened to feminism.

Owners of sites (and people in power in general) abuse their power. Hoe surprising.

Ok, the censorship about Kidz Kare was because you wanted to protect innocent people. Who are you trying to protect yourself from now?

It's time to abandon ship. Leta leave reddit and build our own, with hookers and blackjack!

so we would expect this post to be banned right?

Personally, if this is true and reddit's moderators and, by implication, admins are starting to pay more attention to the casual racist, sexist, etc comments that give this site such a bad name everywhere else on the internet, to the point where it's embarrassing to even mention in some circles that I enjoy using it, then that's the healthiest cancer I've ever heard of. Cracking down on pointless, hurtful insults is not the same thing as stifling free speech.

Edit. This is what actual censorship looks like. The key thing is who is doing the policing. Unless you think this "cabal" are all government agents, reddit cleaning up its act is not the same thing at all.

Ii totally agree, you weeping syphlitic scab.

I actually laughed when I read that! (But us weeping scabs aren't an oppressed group, which makes it easier.)

brb looking up "cabal" in the dictionari-o

As soon as this thread hit front page I knew it would be astroturfed hard. Was not disappointed.

holy, shit.

Have the reddit admins addressed this?

of coarse this is happening ever since Aaron Swartz was killed and his formidable websites taken over anyone who didn`t see it coming needs to do more research.

Hmmm... and this weekend I had a 2 year old account shadow banned for no reason at all? First SLC, and now this? not a good week for open dialogue on reddit. Maybe my time here is up :(

Should be Digg 4.0, not Digg 2.0

I come with a little more to this.

A second request was just made

Look who shows up there to point out to the OP they've requested power already and how they're

Way to be behind the power curve.

The user requesting the take over is a mod of.

Circle Jerk

Circle boke

Open broke

Circle Broke2

Circle broke discussion

Circle Jork

Circle brokerer booted

Circle Steak

Classic Circlebroke

Circle broke 2 sucks (yes a mod of a subreddit designed to insult a subreddit they mod)

I always suspected something was up like I was being conspired against. Any relevant contribution to reddit from me was always attacked and downvoted without any real criticism or feedback.

/r/women is a radfem sub too. I was banned for being a man and not 100% agreeing with the party-line dogma.

Reddit sucks...Big whoop...You guys can only fill your minds with other peoples opinions until you become depressed from it.

Enjoy the sunshine and talk to your neighbors..

Just out of curiousity if someone tells someone to kill themselves in america is that deemed cyberbullying and if so what's the punishment?

In Australia encouraging someone to kill themselves is punishable by max 5 years in prison I believe.

What does "turning reddit into digg 2.0" mean to the uninitiated?

the narrative will be controlled. don't be fooled.

Digg was the popular site before Reddit and had its downfall due to a similar situation. They're referring to Reddit's potential downfall as Digg 2.0.

ahh. See it goes both ways. If a person is willing to represent your goal.. you can use them . People like you have painstakingly profiled are indeed archetypal of corruptible and useful fools.

For everything else you let robots do the work. The plebs who still read the message board actually believe they are seeing real discussion. What they are seeing is actually where the robots and useful fools intersect. It is self perpetuating. And it is strange that it seems they have now set up a proxy-army of people who believe they know whats going on in the world and how bad it is.

But that is all they are reaching them with. It I'd another matter of control.


And yet this post hasn't been banned. What, are these feminist jews idiots? Shittiest cabal ever.

Cabals (edit: Upvote/downvote brigades) are what killed Digg. Hopefully reddit management isn't nieve enough to think that it can't happen to them.

At first, this sounds like a high school fight.

Some Redditors are so alarmed, they're leaving for another site

We did it!

Missed reply button

Reddit is a government propaganda site.

I've been censored for posting historical events directly as they are stated in academically approved history books.

The co-founder of Reddit killed himself do a government censorship and harassment. His father says the government killed him. this is how the government got Reddit to censor people.

Former mods have exposed Reddit for forcing them to censor dissent.

Here's the proof.

This has to stop. Reddit only let's you say and hear want they allow you to.

As the things you linked to have been banned, it seems to vote in favor of this theory, either that or their is some crazy shit going on.

Is there a good alternative to Reddit? I don't even know what else to do on the Internet. Is alright, it was created by someone who grew tired of shit reddit does.

Why don't we just request to take it?

Hey! I was featured as a delusional person on subredditdrama from a posting here about six months ago. I should get a special badge for that!

I clicked this thinking it would be super interesting, because I expected the "cabal" to be more outright political in nature. For instance, pushing the agendas of big government powers, or something of that nature.

Nope. Instead it's just another shitstorm about the "evils" of social justice.

Look, I'll spell this out as simply as I can. This. Does. Not. Matter.

Who in their right mind gives a flying fuck about what SJWs are doing?

Want to know why your little subreddit was banned? Because it was promoting witch hunting, which is plainly against reddit's rules, and has been since the sites inception.

There are very real issues in the world today facing the entire human race. Issues that this subreddit could do well fighting against. Remember that video of the two children speaking out against a pedophile ring? Remember the atrocities our (and many other) governments commit every day?

And THIS is what gets stickied? Sjw witch hunting? Fuck.

This is the simplest trick on the books. Divide and conquer. If we're too busy jerking each other off about Tumblr feminists, and "fighting the good fight" against people who get offended too easily, then I'd say the masses are placated successfully.

Fuck this subreddit, fuck the gamer gate circle jerk, fuck the meaningless distractions.

Unfortunately to many people fall for the "internet travesty" that so easily distracts people. And it happens over and over and over again.

You I like.

But esaul I hated

Thanks buddy.

It just feels like this is such an obvious distraction from the things that really matter. ISIL is burning Iranians, Isreal is bulldozing Pakistanis, Switzerland says indefinite detention is cool, and we're sitting here bickering with feminists.

If I was the people in power I'd be thrilled! The people are moderating themselves with all the in fighting.

An actual conspiracy on r/conspiracy? WHAT THE HELL IS HOING ON HERE??

You know it is sometimes very pleasant to take offense, isn’t it? A man may know that nobody has insulted him, but that he has invented the insult for himself, has lied and exaggerated to make it picturesque, has caught at a word and made a mountain out of a molehill–he knows that himself, yet he will be the first to take offense, and will revel in his resentment till he feels great pleasure in it.

Can someone ELI5?

I am so lucky....I did not understand ONE BIT of that...

if reddit goes like Digg, what do we care. it's just code.

I agree but people can take the karma points too seriously.

I just created /r/slashrslashu. Come here and be free guys and gals. I'll stay out of your hair.

It's just Internet karma for God's sake.

Why do you use the word cabel so much? Just seems like a strange word that is repeated throughout this post.

As absolutely fucked up as all this sounds, does any of it affect our actual lives? I mean SRS might be a bunch of fucked up people, but have they influenced real life in any way, or just a bunch of pointless internet communities?

It does, it's about influencing thought. Have you used the word shitlord even once in your vocabulary recently?

It does, it's about influencing thought.

Does it influence thought, though? Or do people that already think that way latch on to it?

Have you used the word shitlord even once in your vocabulary recently?

Not once in my life, although I make it a point to try not to use fad words. For example, as much as I hate "SJWs", I try to never actually use the term "SJW" and instead pick apart the actual ideals that the specific person in that instance supposedly stands for.

you guys are taking reddit way too seriously

Although I'm pro LGBT and pro equality I think every opinion has it right to be voiced (although being listened to has to be earned).

Subreddit rules may be enforced by their moderators as much as they want eben if it's 'no bad words against a specific group'. It should be communicated what is done and why though. The users can then agree and stay or disagree and leave. But revoking moderators and shadowbanning people is not a solution.

So we have a couple of lefties fighting conservative over the internet like children? WOW!

I thought pokemon battles was a thing of the past....

I agree that this is a problem, but if it wasn't for this group, it'd be another group. Like the shaming-obsessed elitists who look down on everyone and each other for whatever they can. So it could be worse.

SRS points out racism, sexism and injustice across reddit and makes white people uncomfortable by pointing out their privelege. They aren't doing anything wrong but giving a healthy dose of what reddit needs most.

pls go back over there

Given the fact that the guy had over 12 alt accounts, it's possible that he was using those bots to upvote himself. The way the upvotes started flying in on his AskReddit post also seemed quite fishy.

There is also a possibility he's an alt of /u/KamensGhost, who, ironically, is guilty of the same types of crimes he claims to be against (KG infiltrated dozens of nonpolitical subreddits like /r/xkcd and used his mod position to shill his own political agenda relating to the Holocaust, banned any users that disagreed with him, and more). The writing style appears consistent, right down to his use of key words and his choice of redditors to call out. I'm surprised this is getting so heavily downvoted when this is such an obvious false-flag.

Another one of KG's alt accounts was /u/red321red321, who created a subreddit called /r/redditinsider, using the same "generate drama in an AskReddit thread and get them all to subscribe" approach.

How about we wait for the facts to come in before jumping to wild, unsubstantiated conclusions.


There is plenty of hard evidence for this theory, just look at the writing styles.

Can I get some flowcharts or colored graphs ?

That's not how this works....

I was just wondering how you know/knew he had/has 12 alt accounts?

By checking the moderator list of /r/metaredditcancer? There's 8 brand new accounts listed as moderators, and only two of those accounts made posts.

So you used supposition and your t'internet sleuthing skills. I thought you were gonna be all "I got dat mo-fo's e-mail son!!"

That's it; to Voat I go. This site is now utter shit; a playground for hivemind drones and Zionist shills.

Fuck all of this; deleting account.

Why is this post stickied?



Reddit got big. Big means power. Now there's a struggle.

I see no conspiracy, just obvious and wornout patterns.

Information is still free, let's share it elsewhere.

You see no conspiracy from intentional admin abuse and silencing an entire subreddit devoted to looking into said abuse?

Why so fixated on reddit?

This place needs some air, it's too self absorbed.

Are you a bot? I'm not fixated on reddit simply wondering how it's not a conspiracy that top reddit admins are intentionally silencing subreddits that are calling them out....

Am I a bot.......

Go outside and get some air, this place is Digg-ing its own grave.

Making sketchy statements, then completely dodging any kind of rational discussion.

If you're not a bot, might as well be.

You're not wrong, buddy. It matters because this site, like it or not, DOES influence the way people think, act, and interact.

Lmao the social justice movement is an inside job!!!!

exposing the depths of reddit's radical feminist and social justice warrior-filled moderator cabal

Social justice warriors?

How do we stop them and their hostile takeover? I don't think your post was detailed enough and we need more informations. At least 10-15 pages of more detailed details. Must stop these warriors. Help me help you.

lol why is the internet so serious?

Well duh. Reddit is made for left wing propaganda. SRS, SJW's, femenists, liberals etc. Try to go against it too much and they'll shut you down.


Leftist scum have been in control of reddit for quite some time. The left does not tolerate dissent. The same goes for other social media websites. Actually the same goes for most establishment media outlets. google 'journolist ' and 'gamergate' for more info on how tptb are in total control.

Pretty sure these are just communists. Par for the course.

Oh my God. You cannot be serious. It's a fucking Website. What's next, ranking government officials being assassinated over Karma? Stick to Kennedy, lizardmen, and the Trilateral Commission.

Go ahead, downvote this so I can start ranting about a massive cabal running the conspiracy theory subreddit from behind the scenes. In the name of a 3,000 year-old Egyptian pharaoh from South America who never died. The Llama Pharaoh is Real.

"It's a subreddit, and it's a cult because anyone can join it." You people don't listen to yourselves think. Ever.

It's a website which many people base their real-world views on. Saying it's 'just about karma' is misleading; it's about controlling conversation and narrative between people on a website that advertises itself as a place where anybody can post. Does it matter if you can post if your views are removed for differing from the narrative?

What's wrong with feminism ? Also whats meant by perverted social justice? FYI social justice warrior is a lame term.

What's wrong with feminism is that it isn't egalitarianism.

Same thing that's wrong with PETA.

The world isn't.

No it is evil because it is anti-segregationist and so a predatory and parasitical plantation camp that sells its farm goods to absolute evil by confirming to their buyers / hirers that the 'Goods' are now unable to resist egalitarianism being imposed on (or demanded of) them.

egalitarianism is human cancer

stopped reading after 'radical feminist and SJW cabal'

Thats unfortunate you cant expose yourself to ideas because words like that. You must struggle with your individuality, following others down shitty paths of thought.

do you so harshly judge a person who says radical feminist. They exist, theyre rotten, and they spit vile thoughtless arguments all over this website and others. Its disgusting because boys and girls believe it thinking that its right, because helping people is right.

But these bitches dont help people: theyre only agenda is to stop people, limit others freedoms, and hate on men while doing nothing to bring value to the world.

sorry, but sometimes in a line of argument, no matter how rational-seeming or enticing to my worldview or potentially insightful, there is a phrase or two that gives away the icky, emasculated, paranoid populist underside.

'the government is in the clutches of an elite media and corporations. they have no real interest in bettering the lives of people but only serving their own disgusting self-interest and the interests of those that line their pockets btw they're all zionist jews.'

'X phenomenon is just a stepping stone to a new world government and once the mechanisms of control are in place, all that will be left for the ruling class to do is flip the switch. Seeds are being planted for eventual collapse like GMOs, environmental pillaging, the passing of laws that further infringe on privacy and grant authoritarian power to governing forces. btw it's all a Marxist, commie pinko plot to take my money and job'

'There's a problem on reddit. People are abusing their power, creating a clique with a near-mob mentality that is creating a toxic corner in our internet community that could spread and hurt our rights to free speech online. btw they're radical feminist SJW bitches that don't help people and hate men and do nothing else.'

dat self-sabotage.


Keep making up your own mind. Ive got emotions and prejudices that bleed into my "rational" thoughts. You dont have to upvote me, just keep thinking freely for yourself.

Help us out here! Does that mean we should all stop reading whenever we see see some scumbag High Gay Theists referred to your Proddinence?

I don't understand so I will say NYESO. This is a new word I coined, and it's used to respond to anyone who ends a question with 'Proddinence' and contains the words High, Gay and Theists sequentially.

Low Gay Theists tend not to go in for all the school dick stuff though the way His Protuberance the Ponyfucks Maximus' people do so what else would anyone use but High Gay Theists?.

Oh and high and gay and theist are not new words but part of a sentence you, not having gotten it from your employer, havent read before and so want to ban and discourage now too? What about..."Who the hell cares whats cool?" Should it be discouraged too?



Mods. .... Tear Down Your Counter Revoloutionary Sentences.

Or be Excommunized.

For we are Legion. FEAR US.

Feminism agenda my ass. This is way deep than some crazy woman talk.

Why is this stickied? There is no conspiracy here, the guy who got shadowbanned was well-known troll /u/KamensGhost.

/r/subredditcancer also appears to be run by a secret cabal of users too, they all mod the same racist and anti-"SJW" subreddits...

Son, wat? Who gives a shit honestly? And tl;dr HARD.

God you people need a hobby.

The fuck you think this is bruh?

A _____ on Digg is what led to the deterioration of the site

Do you know how many times I have seen that comment over the last few years?

I think the SRS people are shitty. Don't get me wrong. I haven't personally seen a 'cabal', and I don't think 'this is another digg'.

Do you know how many times I have seen that comment over the last few years?

Umm because lots of people have noticed it and have pointed it out..?

Every time they're upset with anything reddit does they say


And they've been wrong every time so far.

Can't say I agree with you. Go try to have a conversation that strays from the official narrative in /r/worldnews. Pick one: 9/11, Sandy Hook, whatever. Then come back and tell me reddit isn't ruined.

/r/worldpolitics and /r/conspiracy are the last slivers we have left.

All the big sub mod teams are intertwined.

I never said reddit wasn't ruined.

I said that there isn't/hasn't been a mass exodus, which is what happened to Digg.

It doesn't mean it can't happen. In fact, those people will be wrong until the second they are right, and then they'll be right forever.

What are you talking about? People who say 'this circumstance will trigger an exodus from reddit like the exodus from Digg' have always been wrong so far, and can't be right at this point, because those events didn't trigger an exodus.

I think you misunderstood what I wrote. Don't know why you had to downvote me also.

Edit: ahhh you're an /r/politics mod that would make sense then. Something something reddiquite something something

I didn't downvote you. I, however, did get downvoted by multiple people. Haha.

I thought this was going to be a good story until I saw you guys were just talking shit about SRS.

I'm sorry you were triggered. j/k

Perhaps some people just think the whole topic is fucking stupid. (it really is)

It is stupid. Too many people are using the Internet for social interaction instead of actually communicating with other people.

Got sand in your vagina?

It may be a surprise to you but I'm a guy.

Got sand in your vagina??

You MRA's are pathetic...


Duh, nothing makes me feel better than talking shit to moron strangers on the internet.

I think you misunderstood what I wrote. Don't know why you had to downvote me also.

Edit: ahhh you're an /r/politics mod that would make sense then. Something something reddiquite something something

ssshhhhhhh... You're not supposed to say it so loudly!


Eh, I'm happy to leave a sub like that banned. There's racism, and then there's circlejerking while posting pictures of monkeys and whining about welfare.

Am I a bot.......

Go outside and get some air, this place is Digg-ing its own grave.

Loss of sensation is a bad thing.

Cut off one head and two more shall take its place!

Are you implying we're going to a version of fascism targetting racists? Really?

If so I'm all for it!

Hydras give the best head.

What do you call a dark-skinned Indian living in Norway? African-American, duh!

They might suck, but would you honestly think that because your circumcised you're immune from catching STIs and not need a condom?

Can confirm parents didn't use condoms. Upvote.

something has definately begun over this last 12 months. the internet seems to not only be under an external assault from governments but an internal one from a well connected group of people with an agenda

What on earth are people doing with uncut junk to have this occur?

See, there's the problem. You seem to think that only uncut people can get dirty. Well here's the trick: it happens to everyone who doesn't shower. In other words, cut or not, it doesn't matter, your dick will still get dirty over time if you don't clean it.

Which brings me to the corollary: people who say that uncuts are dirtier most probably can't be bothered to clean their dicks once in a while because they're the embodiment of the foul bachelor toad.

As for the loss of sensation, if it isn't a bad thing, why does no one on earth anesthesize their dick before having sex? I mean, with medical grade stuff, so you don't feel a thing. It should be a viable strategy to let the woman achieve multiple orgasms, right?

actually that's how it happened with /r/jailbait and now look at reddit. right before that, you didn't see this rad fem shit every single day on the front page.

Wow, I guess I've never gone through that before. That's insane. Then again I really only participate on pretty small subreddits, r/conspiracy being the biggest one. Maybe that's why? Has that happened to you before?

Reddit is that very charismatic tyrant that you have no choice but to love to hate.

I had hoped that wasn't really possible any more. There more something wants me to not dig the more I wanna dig.

... or are getting paid


Have you not paid attention whatsoever? Go read my posts like 3 or 4 or so above. It's a thousand times more proof than anyone has on the no harassment side

Shaping the forum to their ideas ensures that other people will either be indoctrinated or leave.

Yeah, that's the shitty thing about a reddit exodus that I see happening. When digg shat the bed, EVERYONE left because it wasn't just an ideological agenda it was a really bad UI change that everyone hated across the board. This time, what is going to happen or has the potential of happening is the dissenting voices are going to leave but the vast majority are going to stay further insulating the echo effect.

But as for my question of why SJW stuff would be on the agenda for Conde Nast, and then pushed down to the mods, beyond the fact that it has been their agenda in the past through print media, I still don't fully understand other than it being understood as feminism being used as yet another tool of the elites to cause infighting amongst the plebs.

But /r/European is an immigrant hate sub

Just google it.... the foreskin isnt the sentative part, its the skin underneat that the foreskin protects. You remove the protective foreskin and the area beneath dries out and loses sensation. Seriously just google it, there is no point in arguing this.

I drove past it Monday after work and it was the same as always. Looked devoid of any activity.

I mentioned this thread to coworkers that day and everybody knew which building I was talking about. It really stands out as being weird.

Why are you replying to one of my posts from 2 mont...
hah just kidding :P