George_Tenet, has been banned.

49  2015-02-09 by Flytape

Normally I don't announce such bans but this user undoubtedly will attempt to start a witch hunt or try to twist this into proof of some limited hang out nonsense.

George_Tenet has been banned.

He was banned for multiple reasons, firstly his participation here has become nothing more than an eternal plug for his subreddit. Secondly, this user has become vindictive every time someone posts something that doesn't agree with limited hangout, and he tries to start a witch hunt.

Most recent example.

Followed up with

Previous examples.

Was in response to

Its ridiculous and its cluttering up the new queue just having random headlines posted with no content except a link to limited hangouts.

I'm sorry if this displeased anyone but his participation here is a mixture of self promotion and thinly veiled attacks.


Alpha max HD seems to be in all the right places in these threads

I noticed and you worded it more diplomatically than I could

yeah, first thing that stuck out to me too.. hmmmmm

Absolutely. I got a vindictive reply from him on a 6 day old shitpost of GT's that I called out on being a shitpost.

you have been known to stalk people. you cant talk.

No, I've been known to have been witch hunted by an imbecile. Then I talked about stalking them jokingly because they needed that prophecy to fulfill itself, then they rage quit reddit.

So to be clear: what rule in the sidebar was he banned for?

The rules that are made up as they go. There are plenty of others who clog our /New queue religiously. I've called them out and used official channels and nothing changes. One user constantly posts derogatory Jew posts. Likely in an attempt to label is antosemites. But then Mr. PsyOp Limited Hangout does and the ban hammer comes down

While it doesn't matter, I do not agree this censorship is needed or even desired here.

Yeah there isnt a ton of consistency here but I can understand why.

If they aggressively banned users there would be an uproar over silencing people, people would flip their shit.

So they have to really wait and let a user be a dick for a while before they pull the plug on them to avoid all the blow back.

Hey if he's allowed to plug his subreddit in all the titles I want to also ;)

Rule 10.

Attacking fellow users.

I see, now I didn't follow GT, but in hindsight I'm grateful for his constant reminders about Limited Hangouts, after Webster Tarpley I presume.

Just a few quick remarks: I glanced through his posting history just now and GT seems not to be calling people shills very often (you gave the one example) and more importantly: in context. I also can see that he's a bit obnoxious, but hey we can downvote that sort of thing, that's what reddit is about.

Tl;dr: I saw worse

but in hindsight I'm grateful for his constant reminders about Limited Hangouts, after Webster Tarpley I presume.

I disagree. You can present a message but if all you do is promote that message every chance you get then it weakens the message significantly.

He's the one who got me thinking about Snowden as a LHO, he's also the one who made me sick of this sub constantly saying he is one without evidence.

He thinks everything is a limited hangout he's a weird one

GT is like the limited hangout version of that Northrop Grumman guy.

He was tolerated until he went on the attack.

His mistake, not mine.

I see, but I don't understand what "limited hang out nonsense", being afraid for a "which hunt" and "thinly veiled attacks" (so no real attacks?) have to do with anything if they are not against the rules when in context, neither is self promotion.

This can be undone, surely, and I humbly ask you to confer with GT and let him back in.

Let me define it for you then.

"Limited hangout nonsense"

Forcing the term limited hangout into every comment you make and making new posts that have a sensational headline with no content inside other than a generic redirect to your personal sub.

"Witch hunts"

Making a post with the intent to aim a critical mob at one specific user, presumably with no actual evidence to support your narrative.

GT can appeal his ban like anyone else can, but he won't be let back in unless he stops his disruptive behavior.

For every well thought out post GT had, the other 95% was dribble and shit posting. I agree with this action, and the reasons, so while we're at it, lets get rid of a few more. (Not going to name names but just look at the new queue and its obvious)

Man, it was a trip, /u/George_Tenet. Never have I seen a concept pushed as hard as you pushed /r/LimitedHangouts.

Here's my most recent talk with him. I'll tell you I genuinely believe George had our best interests at heart. I simply disagree with him on the extent of his conspiracy, which he seems to take pretty personally. It's too bad, because the content of his message--once you strip off all the paranoia and hyperbole--is an important discussion about how far political and national theater stretches into our lives to manipulate us.

Ban'd or not, I'll drink a beer for ya, buddy.

Pretty much my sentiments and convos with him, I think it's plausible that Snowden is a limited hangout, but I'm not going to run around and call everyone out who disagrees with that.

Hmm not sure what to think about this. I did try to debate him on his theory though, I dont get why he didnt' pursue me on my offer to entertain / explore the idea, instead he just kept on creating new threats without exploring the validity of the claim/theory despite me being very open to it.

He was using dishonest tactics to spread Limited Hangout theory(*such as sniping Articles from The Intercept, which produces solid reporting, and posting them on /r/conspiracy with editorialized titles.)

Although I enjoyed some of his other contributions I could never understand his myopic obsession with twisting all Snowden and Greenwald news to fit LH theory. It made me suspicious.

I'm mixed feelings, have not made my mind up about it. It would be a genious strategy if the LH theory was put into action for a global 'shadow government' if it exists. I also am not certain he twisted the news, just his take on it; which my only criticism of which was that he just kept throwing it out there without even building up his theory. In essence, he was making a large claim but not following through with making a case/argument for it or presenting hard facts that proved it.

goodbye george_"snowden is limited hangout"_tenet

Good riddance. That guy was setting off alarm bells left and right for me.

I wonder if george_tenet's employer will be pissed one of his propaganda handles was deleted.

By outing the joke that is Snowden? An agent? I highly doubt it.

Disagree. Think about the practical impact of discrediting Snowden's motivation while accepting the leaks as fact.

Did you get his alt Laura_poitras as well?

I don't know that that is his alt.

Laura hasn't broken the rules that I've seen.

Timing seems highly suspicious considering what GT has been saying all along about Snowden and the Brian Williams controversy coming to light. Can't endorse people exposing actual conspiracies here but please post all the most moronic antisemitic crap you can find on the net.

I'd feel better if it wasn't fucking Flytype doing the banning.

How about a mod here with some credibility?

well said. I can think of one member who tops the charts. /u/cronycapitalism


Don't let the JIDF brainwash you into believing any criticism of the MSM brainwashing, or Israel's genocide of the palestinians, is "antisemitic". The people we are criticizing aren't even semites. The Palestinians are the semites. So you may want to check your vocabulary.

Aside from that, yes, it is very suspicious that intelligent subscribers here are being banned for outing obvious conspiracies.

How come it's only SM and Flytape that ever want to censor everything they don't understand? Maybe they do understand, and have an agenda with their censorship.

Aside from that, yes, it is very suspicious that intelligent subscribers here are being banned for outing obvious conspiracies.

As someone who has followed GT's posts pretty closesly I'd be cautious calling him an intelligent subscriber. He called LHO on everything, every time, all the time. It was boring and really didn' tbring much to the sub.

And despite his months and months of posting it he never actually showed any evidence that Snowden was a LHO other than pointing to the fact that he was treated differently than other real whistleblowers. So calling it an obvious conspiracy is wrong IMO.

I'd be cautious calling him an intelligent subscriber

I won't be cautious; he is not intelligent. He has a job to post disinfo. He's on here too much for that not to be his full time job.

He also has many handles.

He called LHO on everything, every time, all the time.


He was in contact with Lee Harvey Oswald? Was George the shooter on the grassy knoll?

He was trying to tell everyone about a Limited Hangout (oh, this is what you meant by LHO? Limited Hangout Operation or something, my bad). That is pretty intelligent to me. Snowden is most definitely an obvious Limited Hangout.

And despite his months and months of posting it he never actually showed any evidence that Snowden was a LHO other than pointing to the fact that he was treated differently than other real whistleblowers. So calling it an obvious conspiracy is wrong IMO.

What evidence might exist that a limited hangout is a limited hangout?

I'm also guessing that you take everything Snowden says as gospel. But has he ever shown you any evidence? Have you seen any code of these supposed surveillance programs? Have you even seen any heavily redacted paperwork that would backup anything Snowden has claimed?

Has anyone else come out of the woodwork to backup Snowden's claims?

Has there been anything from Snowden beside his word? And rarely even his, it's usually Laura's or Glen's. Both of which are highly suspicious.

Snowden is alive, and he is on the MSM, and he hasn't leaked any NEW info, and he hasn't said anything about a plethora of important topics. But we know that NSA jacks it to my dick pix. So that's neat. Better put that headline on the front page of and use that to distract from everything that matters.

Snowden is such an obviously load of bullshit that I am really disappointed that so many people here just swallow it all hook, line, and sinker.

Snowden is alive, and he is on the MSM, and he hasn't leaked any NEW info, and he hasn't said anything about a plethora of important topics. But we know that NSA jacks it to my dick pix. So that's neat. Better put that headline on the front page of and use that to distract from everything that matters.

Snowden is such an obviously load of bullshit that I am really disappointed that so many people here just swallow it all hook, line, and sinker.

So you've just confirmed what I said. There is no hard evidence, only speculation, albeit very solid speculation. And now you're getting upset that I don't 100% agree Snowden is a LHO, just like /u/George_Tenet would have.

just like /u/George_Tenet hmm, funny that, both posting very similar attack threads too. They're probably a Limited Hangout or something.


Retarded? Intentionally Obtuse? Willfully ignorant? Troll?

GL sonny.

GL to you, but listen to my advice, getting mad when people don't agree with you is going to do more to hurt the message you're trying to get through than help it. Especially when they're doing what I"m doing and basically agreeing with you.

getting mad

Stop projecting.

I don't believe ANY criticism is antisemitic but half the stuff posted to the sub blatantly crosses the line between criticism and hatred of Israel and the Jews. Mods always seem to sweep in when something juicy hits the scene to sweep it under the rug at the same time flood the sub with nonsense.

hatred of Israel and the Jews

Do some actual research on what is going on in Israel.

Do some research into AIPAC.

Do some research into who controls the MSM.

Do some research into the bullshit propaganda that they pump out every day.

Research Cultural Marxism, and why the Jews are so eager to promote it in Europe and America, but refuse to even let Ethiopian Jews into Israel. Not to mention the slaughter of all the innocent Palestinians who own the land that the Jews are squatting on.

It's all the JIDF clowns like /u/duckvimes_ that say any criticism is "antisemitism". It's all a very clever ruse to prevent anyone from acknowledging the atrocities that they perpetrate every day.

Do more research. Don't let the JIDF rustle your jimmies.

I can't help but feel that just Iike the official channels, this blatant censorship is "for the kids!"

It is a shame I've seen some good stuff from GT.

I am thankful for this. They do have other /u/'s though, the Laura_Poitras one among others. For everyone saying "but ohnoes cencorship!" if you put up a question up about a subject multiple times in just a week/month with no context looking to rile up the wrong kind of conversation., you might be the problem. Friendly discussion without negative comments is the goal.

Is that concave earth guy still around here?

Hollow Earth? Dunno, haven't seen many posts.

While I don't agree with this user's methods, I do subscribe to the theory that Snowden is a limited hangout OP.

That's a perfectly acceptable opinion for you to have.

We just can't have people starting witch hunts every day or two.

I always assumed he was WideAwakeNWO. I think he brings up some decent points, but he comes across as a bit of a zealot.

It's a shame that you guys felt like you had to ban him.

It's about time. Thank you.

Revealed Flytape.

A decent limited hang out will not be noticed because any evidence will be minuscule. It is my opinion that Snowden is a limited hangout for several reasons. But I do think he works for Putin. PRISM is basically Echelon 2 electric boogaloo and all of the NSA tactics were reported on 60 minutes back in 2000. This is one of the reasons why I had a hard time believing the official version of events regarding the Bush administration's ignorance of 9-11. I was aware of the NSA capabilities over a year before 9-11. He hasn’t released anything new but he keeps promising, like dangling a carrot to keep our attention. that is the key. The dangling carrot. Assange, I believe is a limited hang out as well. He releases information but at such an overwhelming pace that if there are important details they are easily missed until much later. What Assange released is confirmation for what many other agencies (i.e. red cross) were reporting years ago. Bradley Manning I think is legit. But, he merely released information that confirmed what other agencies were reporting. Wikileaks is nothing but a limited hang out. The internet was invented by the military, and all ports are tagged. If there was any real information, it wouldn’t make it on the internet, not even the dark web. All of it is tagged.

that's my two cents

I think we should talk about the possibility that some of these theories are limited hangouts.

Outstanding, let's continue banning contributors on a controversial sub-reddit for occasionally shitposting, which is arguable anyways. This isn't a place to have conversations about conspiracies, it's just another filter to catch and control people with a chance of becoming enlightened.

It's funny watching mods get tapped for the occasional dirty deeds like these. You can go back to pretending to be a member of this sub now Flytape.

There've been a couple users I've noticed absent who've, in the past, maliciously struck out at anyone not agreeing with them 100%. Props on keeping this sub civil!

Says the anti-conspiracist Mr. Tow the official government lies EVERY SINGLE TIME, /u/drytruth. Good show.

It's TOE the line, not TOW.

So you've previously said...multiple times. It's fun to watch you squirm.

You're debating the small things that don't even begin to change the relevance of the observation.

It's fun to watch you squirm.

Lol wut

You're debating the small things that don't even begin to change the relevance of the observation.


YAY! Censorship!!

Pretty soon there will be zero intelligent contributors here and they will all just be shills and trolls!!


To be fair GT only really posted about one thing and constantly plugged his sub, I prefer to see a broader palette of contribution myself.

I'm curious what rule GT broke, do you know?

Probably rule 10, though I should state I don't think he should have been banned all the same, like iamagod said, the downvoters and obvious shills should have gone first.

Very true.

Then hide or even downvote the stuff you don't want to see. What he has to say though, is very important. His sub is full of information that people in this sub need to understand. Everyone wants to circlejerk about Snowden without realizing that he has never "leaked" anything new. He supposedly had access to all the NSA's computers and programs, and yet all we have is some code names for programs we already knew were in place.

But no mention of Israel. No mention of nukes. No mention of extraterrestrials or UFOs. No mention of MSM manipulation. He has no information that is actually important.

Instead, what he has done, is terrified the people paying attention into believing that they are being monitored at all times.

There's no use in having a police state if the people don't know about it.

Snowden is def working for the government. Or else he wouldn't be all over the MSM all the time.

If the NSA was as mad at him as they claim to be, then the CIA would just go kill him. And probably Laura and Glen too. But no, the shills of the jewish MSM are allowed to do all the reporting they want.

They killed the Gray Matter (or whatever it was called) producer, but they won't kill Laura for her doc? And this is supposed to be the biggest leak ever?

/u/George_Tenet was doing this sub a huge favor. It's sad to see he was censored.

Conversely everything he said had been said already many times over, I 70% think Snowden is a LH myself, I also think he did the US citizens a big favour exposing the unconstitutional behaviour of the NSA and accidentally started a war between the alphabet agencies that has led to greater exposure of CIA crimes against humanity that we are better off being aware of.

The people who didn't know before, still don't know. Any time I bring up Snowden IRL, I get "who?" for a response.

Sure, he may have raised the awareness a bit, but it's not that much. But like I said, it's no used having a gestapo if no one knows you have it and are willing to use it.

The public needed to know they are being watched at all times, in order to keep them in line.

So, everything that he has done that you say is in our favor, actually works against us to a greater magnitude.

But none of that is here nor there. The point is, a solid contributor to this sub got banned because he called out two corrupt mods.

That's the real issue.

You think all those comfortable middle-class Guardian readers knew about this? They didn't, now a lot of them are members of the EFF fighting for our online freedom and net neutrality.

Fighting in vain

Sure, there may be a few more people. But it's nothing that isn't well controlled. I don't think the increase in concerned citizens outweighs the benefit of everyone knowing they are being watched at all times.

Sure, some people may be resisting, but I think more often than not you have "I have nothing to hide, so I don't care", and "They are watching everything, so I better not even think about dissenting"

The people filing petitions are easy to deal with. Everyone knows that the people are powerless, regardless, until they realize that it will require bloodshed. But since they have no weapons any more, that point is moot now too.


Again. Nothing we didn't already know. And of all the shit there is to say about Israel, the MSM, AIPAC, etc etc, there were just a couple small bullshit stories that got no real attention.

What about Israel dropping radioactive material in Palestine? What about Fast and Furious? What about Benghazi?

Nothing? Really.

So, once again, he confirmed some small things that we already knew, all of which serves their purposes by telling us.

Cool story.

You'd think if someone like Snowden had complete access to everything, the first thing he'd go for is Roswell and JFK.

But, nope, nothing about that. Nothing one way or the other. He must not have been interested. It's more interesting to know if anyone's stealing n00dz.


ya u got rekt m8

To be fair, Snowden was the original reason I started visiting pages like /r/conspiracy in the first place. Red pilled me hard.

He doesn't get a free pass to attack people... sorry.

Calling people out on their bullshit isn't attacking people.

People shouldn't be able to censor this sub, and promote bullshit propaganda while hiding behind draconian rules like "no attacking mods", "no calling shills/trolls, shills or trolls".

Anarchy has served this sub fine. Absent of any moderation, it would get by just fine. The content of others posts should not be much of your concern. Find what you like.

Of they wanted to "fix" our sub, I can think of dozens of more useful methods. The downvote brigades first come to mind.

Anarchy has never served this sub "fine".

Cease all moderation for one week and prove whether or not this is the case.

I've personally found the most truth is posted/discussed here during off hours. When both the shills AND the mods are away.

Not an accurate measure of anarchy. People behave differently here because its what's required of them. We have enforced this for over 2 years so a healthy amount of those expectations would carry over into that week.

A huge majority of the most troublesome users on reddit are permanently banned from here because of our rules. That week would benefit from the lack of those users as well.

Anarchy has never served this sub.

I agree with your last part but who'd be approving the modqueue if there were no mods? I suspect the place would be spam central without the threat of deletion. I still don't think GT should have been banned really but he broke rule 10 and pissed off the mods, it's their choice to make and they did.

I sure how he does not come back whining like a little baby! Its so sad to see humans whine!

Calling people out on their bullshit isn't attacking people.

People shouldn't be able to censor this sub, and promote bullshit propaganda while hiding behind draconian rules like "no attacking mods", "no calling shills/trolls, shills or trolls".