Is the economy going to collapse soon?

3  2015-02-11 by [deleted]

I keep seeing posts about buying gold, stocking up on food/ammo/water, etc. and that martial law will be put in place.

Is the economy really collapsing? Why would entertainment studios spend money on movies that are going to be released in a year or two if everyone's going to be broke?


The economy looks to be in the beginning stage of a collapse and this should be worse than in 2008.


The world is already in a recession for the most part. Take a peak at the commodities and you will see how they have been plunging, especially oil. The Baltic Dry index which is seen as a economic indicator of future growth and production just hit a low not seen since 1986.

Basically, no one knows the timing. But there will be another financial collapse. It's just a question of when.

The conditions are even worse than in 2008.

what's causing the financial collapse?

Private central banking.

Debt-based fiat currency.

But it will be blamed on something else: WW3, Russian h4ck0rz, Yellowstone eruption, fake alien invasion, or some other big false-flag. And if the public is not sufficiently awake by that time, they'll believe it. Which will lead us into a worse situation.

Lets hope its not Yellowstone erupting. Of all the scenario's you listed, that one is the one that absolutely would devastate the world, and especially the US.

I think they already tried, in September of last year. TomorrowWorld 2014, a huge electronic music festival outside Atlanta, GA, was the ceremony; underground nukes were detonated a couple days later but they didn't cause an eruption. Mostly cut/paste from a previous post:

Alleged nuclear detonation at Yellowstone on Sept 30, 2014 just a few days after the festival:

The main stage of TomorrowWorld was a big fire-breathing volcano. (Specifically, at Chatahoochie Hills, GA -- 141 miles from the Georgia Guidestones, FWIW.)

Here's the kicker: The festival ran Sept 26-28 -- just 2 days before this supposed nuclear detonation, on Sept 30.

pics of volcano stage:

video of volcano stage:

Check out the TomorrowWorld symbol:

My point being... While I had a great time and made some wonderful friends, TomorrowWorld is almost certainly a pagan Illuminati ceremony, and was used as a ceremony to blow Yellowstone.

edit: More info on William Schnoebelen, supposed founder of TomorrowLand/TomorrowWorld, though I'm not finding a ton of info on that.

There's no point preparing, because there is no way to tell what it will look like.

its going to be different than anyone can ever imagine

That's what I think too.

X22 Report every day for my collapse news.

Entertainment companies make money, even during the hard times. People need to forget. People won't have money, but they'll still see the movies.

Also, collapse scenario's are almost never accurate. The world doesn't collapse in a day and drive us into survival mode within the year. In fact, its much more nefarious. We've been collapsing for years. Its hidden by rigging the unemployment numbers, but cutting out food and energy from the inflation equation, and by stock market bubbles. No, the world isn't going to end mid summer like so many reports. But we will probably have another recession, then another fake recovery, and continue this downward collapse until poverty is the norm and we are still being told how great we have it and that if you work hard you can become rich.

do you think people would revolt if poverty became the norm?

Probably not. Frog in a pot of cold water syndrome.

"Hi guys. I'm a DoD worker and I need to distract you guys from real research. Can you please answer a dumb question for which I am phishing to find out what you know so that when you respond, I will simply ask for sources. Besides, I got all day. The taxes you pay allow me to live in luxury. Being the shill type is such a wonderful lifestyle."

it's always convenient when you can distort reality in your head

Is it?

I keep seeing posts about buying gold, stocking up on food/ammo/water, etc. and that martial law will be put in place.

Let me guess: The people telling you this are also trying to sell you "survival kits" and such.

I actually didn't see any survival kit posts. most of the comments I encountered didn't have an agenda, they just told people to prepare.

This sub needs to come up with a name/ category for this type of BS post.


As they shotgun blast an old Washington greenback out of the sky...

"The dollars are done, man."