/r/conspiracy AMAs

38  2015-02-13 by axolotl_peyotl


Alex Jones.

Would love to see him with his pig feet to the fire.

Did you ever try to contact Susan Lindauer about an AMA?

Dave McGowan

Jan Irving.

Whozzat? I see an erotica writer....is there somebody else?

Yeah. He is the creator of the Gnostic Media podcast. He as co-written a few articles with Dave McGowan. He spends a huge amount of energy researching the propaganda apparatus.

I will look harder for his information, then. Thank you for the headsup.

I'd be willing to bet that Dr. Vandana Shiva would do an AMA here.

Here's a very short 3 minute powerful video on a speech she gave about the fact there should be no scarcity.


If you have a way of contacting him and he expresses interest don't hesitate to let us know, I think he'd be a great guest to have.

Please I want Webster Tarpley!! Ron Paul and Jesse Ventura or even Joe Rogan!


Joe Rogan

Eric Hunt

Are you interested in people who are literally mentally ill?

Jim Marrs.

Stewart Swerdlow

Eric Jon Phelps would be great.

I could contact him about doing one or if you'd rather reach out to him yourself, his email is eric@vaticanassassins.org

Richard Gage, I have a few questions...

But in all seriousness, Dr. Morgan Reynolds.

Any reddit admin

Doc Hopper

Upvoted, just cuz he's consistent!

Mark Dice


I think it would be funny andor interesting. Every AMA doesn't need to be super serious. Sometimes we need to step back and be able to laugh at things. Ourselves included.