90  2015-02-18 by [deleted]

What you need to do right now, this minute is make a decision. Do you want to wither away a mediocre nothing or say fuck you to the powers that be? I invite to do the latter, here are a few simple things you can do to get started.

-Eat healthy, it doesn't have to be organic but stop eating the fast food and junk food

-Exercise, yeah it sucks most of the time but you will learn to like it trust me

-Stop watching television, there is a reason they call it programming!

-Read at least once a day, at least a few pages.

I promise if you do these 4 things regularly you will experience quite the difference. They try to poison your mind with advertising prompting over-eating and binge-eating and self-destructive behavior. they poison the food and make it taste abnormally good to encourage poor diet which if you consider yourself even halfway intelligent you would know that what goes in your body feeds your brain so of course that would be a crux of their plan. (why do you think obesity rates are so high??)

I just want you to be healthier and know that no matter what they try to do to you there are steps you can take, very simple ones that become the stepping off to something greater.


Good post OP.

Eat as local as you can, and work on being as self-sufficient as you can while you still can.

Take care of your body, and more importantly, take care of your mind. This includes unplugging the TV, and even from /r/conspiracy whenever possible.

This place is heavy and spending too much time here can really weigh on ya.

Really good call man. It's good to see you beat me here to saying what you have. This is true stuff. I'm thinking of posting some pics to show how I'm actually trying enact these these sorts of things as you mentioned here.

Yeah I have ideas of that too - maybe not progress pics but something along those lines to inspire some changes or show people you can do things.

It's difficult right now under 4 feet of snow though. Probably a Spring thing.

here ya go man, here's a taste of my place, and a part of my effort to better myself, and friends. i have more to post later .

Nice garden and username.

Thanks man. I've got more too.

That garden's sweet man, I wish I was able to build one where I live.

Thanks Man. I grew up on a farm, so if it doesn't produce food, it rarely makes it into the garden/veg patch. If you live in an apartment, there are still options. You can still grow herbs and stuff. Even if you have a nice big pot, say 1ftx1ft near a window, you can grow most things. Then again, I moved 100kms out of Sydney to get what I've got. The bank offered me a slave-for-life amount of money for a tiny place near my work, I thought 'fuck that' and got a place half the price & twice as much room. Australian house prices are out of control though. I didn't get mine till I was 32yo.

If you live in an apartment, there are still options. You can still grow herbs and stuff.

Yeah I do, and one that only gets a couple hours of poor light a day since I live in the middle of the city - I want to look into my options though, I'm sure there are some spices or something I could try growing at least.

I feel you on the out of control housing prices though, I live in one of the most expensive real estate markets in America and probably the world - and I pay way too much for way too little space.

i have dedicated patchs near the back door that only have lettuce & herbs.,iv5npUY,DGQJV9B#0

the 3rd one might be better for you. its a hanging tomato planter. tomatoes can be treated like absolute shit and they still grow.

that first pic starting from bottom left: oregano, bottom right: parsley top with flowers: pak choy.

im just showing off now, but heres how i utilize the rest of the space, and next to the shared driveway.,D7t6kft,9GzXC0J

sorry for shitty camera work.

How much are you able to produce in a given week/month/year? And do you and your family consume it all yourselves or do you sell some or donate some or what?

it depends. im a bit slack with proper crop rotation, so when we get stuff, we get a lot. i share it with my neighbours and preserve whatever we have stacks of at the time. i dont feel right selling it, so i usually give it away. at its peak, we were getting 8-10 cucumbers/day, so whatever we couldnt use or give away, we ended up juicing with a couple of apples. was bloody nice. at the moment were getting about 20-odd cherry tomatoes/day, 4-6 full size tomatoes/day, 1-2 egg plants/day, 4-6 strawberries(i forgot to photograph them) its a bit up and down. its really hard to put an amount on it. sorry, it just goes in bursts, but i reckon i could easily feed another 2 people. oh and ive got the watermelon and 3 pumpkin plants going too. pumpkin will get me through the rest of the year.

I also do zucchini and I brew my own beer.

Hey. Read links from.r conspiracy daily. Even world news and politics read everything ggggg. Knowledge is read

There are different kinds of wealth; and money is actually the least of them.

good advice, you may want to include keeping (or getting) a positive or less fearful frame of mind, staying away from or having less contact with people that sap your energy, the ones that are "negative",

i eat healthier, gave up: fluoridated water, soda/sugary drinks (i feel/sleep better, feel more alert mentally), no fast foods for a while.

edit: reading is not a problem

i wish i could give up soda. well not really, but i feel like i have to have it with almost every food i eat, because the carbonation helps neutralize the acidity of certain foods like meat and stuff lol

you can, just have to reset your taste buds, start by gradually drinking less,

instead of a whole can; drink half, before you eat drink some water, substitute another drink: organic juice (i know, stop making faces), it may take time, check out other organic drinks,

if you give up soda you're realize how much sugar is in it, i tried a little pepsi last week (no coke, just pepsi) it taste like syrup to me.

I will attempt

I still love Coke and Pepsi. But cutting it out made me realize that it actually causes the craziest ankle and knee pains. I'll still have it once every few weeks, but then brace for the weird shooting pains.

Given my experiences with food sensitivities, I do wonder how many chronic diseases would disappear if people would give a good, honest fast a chance.

the high sugar content is definitely not good for you,

'What I found was that the culprit was right under my nose, literally. Through articles and forums I learned that many people were starting to relate their sudden onset of joint pain with high fructose corn syrup (HFCS). This struck a chord with me because at that point in my life I was a regular Mountain Dew drinker."

edit: arthritis can strike at any age, young & old

Try a little juice topped with seltzer - a heavy dark, syrupy, sweet juice like concentrated dark cherry or pomegranate (or even prune - that's apparently what gives Dr Pepper its personality). I like dark cherry and a splash of lime to give it more zing. Like a healthy coke. Plus, the cherry's an anti-inflammatory which helps aches and pains and is fantastic for gout.

Now my recipe brain's going, I bet cherry and ginger in your seltzer would be better than ibuprofen...

sounds good will def try that thanks! :D

You do realize that the carbonation is caused by carbonic acid, right?


Carbonation doesn't neutralize acidity, in fact it only adds to it.

well ive noticed that whenever i have soda with certain foods as opposed to just water or juice, like pizza or some meats which i love, i dont get heartburn or discomfort. maybe its cuz im a O blood type and i read they have higher than usual levels of acid in their stomachs

Eat fruits and veggies that are high in alkaline.

i use bi-carb soda to equalise things when i get heartburn. just 1 tsp in a glass of water.

Quit drinking it for a week or two tops and I can almost guarantee you'll never want to touch the stuff again, aside from (perhaps) very occasionally. You'll notice a difference in the way you feel within days - at least I did.

What soda do you drink? Mountain Dew is so acidic that pepsi plants cant dump it down the drain, they have to neutralize it with a base first.

right now my fave is fanta orange lol

Dude, try stuff like La Croix. It's a little bit of an acquired taste since there's no sugar, but it's EXCELLENT for stepping down off soda. Once you're fine with no soda and you're good with La Croix, moving off it is just a small step.

Will do thanks!

Home brewed organic ipa with lots of citrus/ piney hops and made with fluoride free water. This is my soda.

Lol nice


step 5.) ween yourself off of psycho tropic stimulants to accomplish steps 1 and 2

As someone who does these things on the daily, I would also add to your list, get to know your neighbors and form a community of like minded individuals. This will be a key to self and community sufficiency that is often overlooked. We are the company we keep, we are the food we eat, and we are only as great as our community is strong. We need others in many ways and now is an important time to build and form strong bonds and connections with those around us physically ( not only Internet personalities ).

1 I don't eat fast food or anything like that. Fuck, I like my beer though that's not "healthy"

2 Fuck, I don't work out, but I'm not obese, I'm a healthy weight.

3 Check, stopped months ago

4 Check, most of what I consume is through reading, not watching

At the end of the day, we are all fucked. Hence where beer comes in. We are Rome and we are burning, not much you can do about it. Sit back, enjoy your life and watch the show. I've detached myself from it. Moved out to the sticks, have well water, got some beer, got my dog and internet. I'm going to start bow hunting next season and in the summer I'm going to perfect fishing. Even though I hate fish, but whatever. 1000x Better than hungry man microwave dinners.

edit: formatting

Defeatist. It doesn't have to be that way, it's your choice. But don't promote giving up to everyone else, you're helping the people who put us here.

PS Beer isn't unhealthy. It's therapeutic. Ascetic life is no life at all.

lol, I'm a realist, Watch Rome burn... It's pretty, I'm away, my dog needs to pee. I'm going to let her out when I piss. She wont get shot, like many dogs do. Fuck society, you silly fuck.... I'm going to make a snow angel with her....

Don't give up man. If you're already dead then do you really want to go like a silent fart or a New Years fireworks show?

I haven't given up, I'm more American than 98% of Americans. But I'm also not dumb. I don't support what we do, people are lost. So lost, Fireworks for what? We got sold out in the early 1900's for a FED what do you know about US history? I'm not down. I'm making my way into the furthest regions of Alaska.No people, just nature. People are retarded and will continue this shit. Enjoy your life!

He's right, and wrong. Both ways suck. If he stays he fights the brainwashed crowd. Consumption, social media, corrupt governments, and biased science are rampant. If he goes, he leaves what we all are fighting for. Community, healthier people, human contact, justice, equality. That's what its all about, but we have lost our way. We mustn't judge as those who have done the research know that his decision is probably the most rational one.

"Inside every cynical person, there is a disappointed idealist."-George Carlin

Reading books is great. Depends on what the book is and who wrote it though.

This is awesome... I have just recently started doing exactly each thing that you mentioned!

I couldn't agree more. I'm starting to come around to the whole organic food thing too, but baby steps.

I feel more energetic and just overall better about myself now, highly recommend others try these changes as well!

I do all of these except I have to watch TV.. I pay attention though, I don't tune out. I love to watch the way the spin works, I admire all the adverts for ISIS and our patriotic duty to watch what our enemy is doing these days. Then I do squats until I shit my pants. It's a great way to burn off my patriotic fervor.

I love that screen name

This is how you beat the system! Simple solutions that anyone can do.

Canceling cable and ending my TV watching has been one of the healthiest things I've ever done. It's still funny when people are incredulous to the idea I haven't watched the newest it-com or drama. It's like taking 6 months off booze and then drinking again. You go back to TV after a year and you realize how fucked it all is but when you're in it, it doesn't phase you. Now, I watch TV and ask "why? How and why does anyone watch this?"

We can all, the Agora, individually unite and gradually create that which makes their socio-economic contradictions obsolete. We can supersede their influence... Outgrow the status quo.

Everyday, more of us are strategizing and living out how we'll each uniquely end our cycles of slavery and self-emprisonment... We're starting to collaboratively learn how to make each and every control irrelevant.

We can open-source, collaboratively build a true civilization; metaphysically online via detailed schematics and video AMAs or QandAs, and physically with chapters of nonprofits, manefesting the foundations of economic necessity with incredible efficiency and report among our communities...we can shatter this paradigm.

Each of us must uniquely:

1)secede participation from that which is contradictory

2)use the system to nullify contradictions (work from within and without)

3)create businesses and non-profits that make contradictions obsolete - SUPERSEDE the Status Quo in your life and among communities

4)Use Open Source Emulation techniques to propagate such methods

We have been played like pawns in a game which enslaves us. We need to stop playing games and start building a non-contradictory civilization...

Im working on this concept of Open Source Civilization Building Cooperatives ; DM if you'd like to chat about it. - i need feedback

I agree with everything except the no teevee instruction. It is important to know what the current propaganda is.

Yep, as painful as it is to watch you gotta keep up with what they're currently brainwashing everyone with.

i listen to it sporadically and it's enough, but i agree. gotta keep reading what the sheeple are reading/hearing

As much as the black and grey propoganda pisses me off, it is still important to watch sometimes to know the current corrupt mainstream narratives.

i try to be healthy, but sometimes i just get a really bad craving for a certain fast food or sweet. i should exercise, but i dont think ive ever found an exercise yet that i truly enjoy and have fun doing. i barely watch TV, but when i do, its when im eating and i try to watch something funny or interesting, like a good movie, or the food channel with guy fieri's show, or seinfeld, the simpsons, king of the hill, or history channel's ancient aliens series lol. i used to always see whats on the news but 99% of it now is just so depressing and heartbreaking and so i just avoid it. and ive been reading this star wars novel "heir to the empire" every night its the most fun and addicting book i ever read in my life lol. but thanks for that op i definitely agree!

Try playing racquetball. Equipment doesn't have to cost a lot, and being focused on returning the ball and trying to beat your opponent takes your mind off of how much running sucks.

Lol I will try it

in the uk most water isnt flouridated thank God, i dont drink soda just tea and red wine in the main. I watch doc's on the telly, some comedy and a few series like existant or anything slightly left field - never watck msm or read the papers apart from op ed pieces i have a very iopen mind and believe we have alot to learn about our origins from ancient history some of which has been kept secret by govmints and the vatican etc this knowledge of our past is the key to our future

Black Tea has one of the highest concentrations of fluoride in any food... This is why the uk is full of sheep

Where is be happy on that list? Its a mindset that is self encouraged. May sound trivial but I assure you moral is the most important thing.

Can I add that one should not seek to be happy. One should be happy right now

Very profound statement.

Great post! I'm sitting here having a donut as I read "eat healthy" lol. I'm working on eating more organic, local, raw, non-gmo foods; it's tough but worth it.

Exercise is fun, you just having to find something that is fun to you. I love belly dancing and zumba, not really something for you guys but you could encourage your ladies to give it a try.

I enjoy watching TV and movies. I don't watch much of it and I can realize when it's B.S. they're spewing at me/us.

I read Reddit, probably too much, I should buy some books.

I'm also drilling all of these things into my young daughter's mind so hopefully she will be healthy physically and mentally.

Another thing....

Get off Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.

They're all just a waste of time and a distraction from things that really matter in life


Smoking. I can't stress enough how much of a negative impact this has on everything. If you can't or don't want to stop then vape

here ya go man, here's a taste of my place, and a part of my effort to better myself, and friends. i have more to post later .

sounds good will def try that thanks! :D