How come economic sanctions were absolutely effective in weakening Russia, but apparently they can't seem to halt the money flow to ISIS?

41  2015-02-23 by [deleted]

The money keeps flowing to ISIS somehow miraculously. Tens or hundreds of billions of dollars somehow find their way to ISIS, no problems.

The airstrikes don't seem to hit ISIS for some reason.

They have high end cameras and equipment and they post their videos in a way that can't traced by the NSA. Even though the NSA can probably track my ass down to a one meter precision if they wanted, but they can't find the people posting these videos online. Nice.

They have brand new uniforms and an apparently endless supply of brand new orange prison jumpsuits.....

They seem to find endless cages, trucks and cleanly uniformed soldiers for their horror shows....

They have a glossy magazine with high quality layout and graphics and entirely written in perfect English. They have all the time and tranquility in the world to put out an incredibly well produced magazine, all while being bombed from above.

Turkey is a Western ally and has tight military cooperation with NATO, but somehow NATO does not know about Turkey's strange position on fact, did anyone at NATO ever question Turkey's position on ISIS?

By the way, has any high ranking Israeli ever mentioned the word ISIS? I don't seem to see Israel concerned about ISIS at all....

Who is actually behind ISIS?


Why would Israel be concerned about the Israeli State Intelligence Service? That's a real thing.

And also, you know why. You know it's a US/British/Israeli gangbang to take control the area, just like they did with afganastan when they were keeping it from the Russians. Sure, those guys aren't direct employess of CIA/MI6, they're just trained, paided, and supplied wpns like mother fucking tanks.

I believe you are answering all of your own questions here. It's just like how CNN could get an exclusive interview with OBL but yet we (the US) couldn't get him for years. That slippery mofo. Shit is all bogus man. These fucks are on our payroll, just like OBL and AQ. They don't wanna "get" them.

edit: a word.

HSBC pays out 5 weeks profit in a fine for laundering money on behalf of terrorists and drug cartels, Justice Department admits they can't jail anybody because it would "destabilize economy."

The whistleblower in that case has stated HSBC and JP Morgan continue to finance ISIS/ other terrorist orgs. "If a terrorist wants to buy bombs or bullets, they can go to HSBC or JP Morgan and take out a loan."

And the current head of the FBI, James Comey, is a former executive of both HSBC and Lockheed Martin. He's listed on Lockheed Martin's 2009 Annual Report here, for those that doubt the military-industrial-complex.

They operate in the black and grey markets. Dirty oil changes hands like six times and gets mixed in with normal oil. They "tax" the areas and industries within the regions they control. Ain't nobody going to ask or care or be able to do anything about where half a ton of wheat flour in a market in Iran or Kurdistan came from. Shit you might have .03 percent of fucking ISIS oil derived petrol in your tank right now. Pussy European govts literally hand them millions of Euros for idiot hostages. The rest of your concerns are pedestrian in nature, Except Turkey. See Turkey does not want frothy mouthed Jihadis blasting markets and shit on their side of the border, so they gotta play the game a bit. also- Turkey is of major importance in the NATO vs Russia/China game, more so than the value of the West bitching them out over some assholes shitting in their own backyard and stinking up the neighbors. The NATO-Turkey relationship is far more strategically valuable than this current sewer drain of idiots.

Nope. I'm calling bullshit on this.

In the surveillance age, nothing that wants to be seen goes unseen.

The reason we can't seem to stifle ISIS or stop their funding is simply this...

We don't want to.

Its because they work for us.

you should post this to /r/politicaldiscussion or /r/ask_politics

It would most likely get censored.

Why do you think sanctions on Russia worked? Did Russia stop attacking Ukraine?

But wait, you forgot a couple of the most important details: they've obtained much of their wealth from robbing a central bank first (as if you just waltz into the safe like at your local BOA) and now they've moved onto producing and selling millions of gallons of their own oil.

Who are they selling this oil to you ask? Who do they have manning the oil rigs you ask? Why have none of the airstrikes targeted any of these oil rigs you ask? I mean they're.. ya know.. huge, stationary targets after all.

Nevermind all of that, it's true and real and scary and that's all you need to know.

Some airstrikes actually did target ISIS-controlled oil fields.

Turkey is recently uncooperative with NATO due to soured relations over Ukraine. They'd almost certainly be the first target of a Russian invasion.

I know I'm wading into the murky waters of /r/conspiracy, but I'll take a stab at this:

  1. Money keeps flowing because they're operating outside the Western banking services using cash or bartering oil/gold for weapons and food (Turkey has not stepped up to stop this happening in their country). Moreover, Iraq is still paying it's national employees in Mosul (controlled by ISIS), which ISIS then taxes.

  2. Airstrikes are hitting ISIS, just not enough. Problem is that you need to know where to aim the airstrikes. You can use drone imagery, but insurgents have gotten adept at moving in ways to avoid drone recognition (smaller units, with civilians, etc.). If you have boots on the ground, that helps with coordination, but the West has no boots on the ground outside of the Peshmerga (strained relationship due to Turkey) and Iraq army (incompetent).

  3. We know the videos are coming from Raqqa or Mosul. What should the West do? Bomb a civilian center that will kill maybe 100x civilian for one ISIS fighter?

  4. Uniforms, etc., were scavenged from Iraq army stores. Remember, ~20,000 Iraqi army soldiers (mainly Shiite) stationed in Mosul and Sunni-dominant areas literally dropped all of their expensive Western gear and fled from the ~2,000 ISIS soldiers because they didn't want to die defending Sunnis.

  5. ISIS is only being bombed in Kobani and outside city centers. That's how they can put out their magazines. Inside Raqqa or Mosul, they have relative safety.

  6. Turkey is playing their own double-game here. They've never been tightly integrated with NATO the way the US, France, UK have been. Turkey's actions are pretty despicable in my opinion, and yes, the West has been leaning very heavily on Turkey but not too heavily as Turkish bases are key for Western planes to use for refueling before going on bombing missions. For a good example of the difficulties, see VP Biden's "gaffe" when he claimed Turkey was sheltering ISIS by turning a blind eye to them (correct), but was forced to withdraw it when Turkey's president threw a shit fit.

  7. Israel has absolutely been using ISIS to justify why they are holding such tight security on Palestinians ("we don't want ISIS here"). The thing is, before they get to Israel, ISIS needs to fight its way through other Arab countries. Remember, no one is allied with ISIS; no country will allow ISIS to officially enter to mount an attack on Israel.

  8. Who is behind ISIS? Religious fanatics and disaffected Iraqi/Syrian Sunnis tired of injustices meted out by Shiite-dominant countries.