Removed from /r/technology after 2000 upvotes (87%) Reddit CEO Ellen Pao, files US$16 million suit in sex discrimination case against guy she was having an affair with

2832  2015-02-24 by Serendipity_Rabbit

Undelete thread

Original thread

*edit Accidentally the whole undelete link, fixed it



Ideas can lead to action, therefore ideas must be censored.

Ideas are bulletproof.

But not censorship-proof...

Selective enforcement of nearly impossible-to-abide-by rules. How CONVENIENT.

That's why America has the highest incarceration rate in the world, benefitting private corporations. ;)

And judges, and prosecutors, and every effing cog in the system.

Religion still dictates how these men think behind closed doors... Its also a way to help clear their consciousness.

I agree I was just referencing because nerd.

And that's why they're so powerful. You can't just shoot at them and be done with it. Once you've been exposed to an idea it has an unshakable grip. Yet, they can so easily change the way we act and think. The only way to fight an idea is to silence its owners. An idea is an incurable, highly contagious, powerful virus.


In a country that started with a revolution!

Which is solid proof that ideas can lead to action. Revolutions are great when they get you in power, not out of it.

Neigh, twas the queen.

Why do they wait 2000 votes and not delete it sooner?

Edit : wtf am I being downvoted?

They're just getting in to work on the West Coast.

All the mods are from the West Coast? And there's no bot that can do it for them? A site like reddit wouldn't have a 24 hour surveillance? I just find it's a bit late to take it off at 2000 votes. Either it's not that important or these people are really rubbish at monitoring content that is so important to kept secret from the public.

It's kind of a running joke that all the overly politically correct people (which includes a lot of reddit mods) are yuppies from San Francisco.

I'm watching Cybertopia - Dreams of Silicon Valley and in it one of the big thinker guys says something about the fabric of society like "We understand how the world is constructed and you don't. We're from California".

As a Californian all my life...I'm sorry :/

San Francisco yuppie here. It's adorable that anyone thinks San Francisco yuppies are "politically correct." Most of them (us) are way too arrogant to think they have to watch what they say.

Running joke with who? Le reddit army? Reddit is the most right-wing social media website on the Internet. Right-wing libertarians were the first ones to start brigading other subreddits. Stormfront joined the libertarians to censor anything going against the right-wing hivemind including any and all posts about OWS and later full on attacks against liberals, feminists, any anyone else even remotely considered "leftists."

Le reddit army started whoaverse in a lame attempt to start their own "freedom of speech" version of reddit (lol fail) and the first thing they did was ban any accounts that went against the right-wing circlejerk. Freedom of speech as long as it's right-wing, racist, and/or sexist. Texas logic! LOL

Reddit is a right wing website? I don't think you know what right wing means.

Lol seriously. I don't even post in any of the politically themed subreddits anymore because my opinions aren't liberal enough so I just get downvoted. I signed up at but I haven't really tried it out yet.

What's and what's it got to do with right wing politics? was created by a group of disgruntled reddit users around a year ago. Evidently they had been monitoring posts and noticed certain politically charged posts being removed from the front page. They believed this to be an unfair form of censorship and created their own site that is explicitly against censorship and allows posts to move up and down the pages more "organically".

I mention because reddit seems to be a liberal news source these days. I prefer a more impartial news source (seems hard to find these days) and sounds promising. In theory at least.

my opinions aren't liberal enough so I just get downvoted

Odd, I'm a liberal and I get downvoted an anything political. You're not alone in this madness.

Is a social libertarian even a thing in your mind?

Most social libertarians are only "left" for 20ish years ago. The "I don't care" school of politics doesn't really qualify as liberal anymore. You guys are keeping a lot of company these days with disgruntled right-wingers who've woken up and smelled the future and realize they have to keep the anti-gay shit to themselves now. So they pretend not to care to avoid having to be actually accepting of anyone.

disgruntled right-wingers who've woken up and smelled the future and realize they have to keep the anti-gay shit to themselves now.

Oh the irony of this statement.

Not sure I'm seeing the irony?

Le epic troll

Also, yes, all the admins are on the West Coast. It was part of her first strategy, to force all employees on site in San Francisco.

The admins don't care if something controversial is being discussed on an underground sub, but as soon as it's upvoted enough to show up on the front page they take action. That way they don't need to blatantly censor all discussions about something they want to cover unless it's strictly necessary.

Want an example of that? Long ago Reddit banned /r/creepyshots because it grew too much and the main stream media started to bitch about it since the sub became too visible around Reddit. After the ban other subreddits that filled the same role as /r/creepyshots were created (such as /r/CandidFashionPolice), but since they are "invisible" right now due to the reduced user base the admins don't need to hide it.

The admins don't care if something controversial is being discussed on an underground sub, but as soon as it's upvoted enough to show up on the front page they take action. That way they don't need to blatantly censor all discussions about something they want to cover unless it's strictly necessary.

Keeping censorship to a minimum also prevents a lot more people from even knowing there's a censorship problem while still allowing you to censor... that's the whole point of censorship.

Didn't /r/jailbait make the news too? That was actually a creepy fucking sub. I hated seeing it on the front page, if someone walked by when I was browsing reddit they might think I'm into kids.

I hate censorship but in that case I didn't really mind. It's the perfect excuse for government to censor and spy, use pedos as an excuse and people have a hard time arguing against it.

This is awkward, but you know the only things that show up on your front page are things you have subscribed to, right?

Well I mean, there's but otherwise, yeah.

That's what I meant. I consider to be the front page.. I mean the front page composed of MY subreddits isn't really THE front page, it's just what I see.

There's and your own personal front page. I meant, I thought that's what everyone referred to as the front page. Like if I just subbed to obscure subs I wouldn't consider content from those subs to be on THE front page. I kinda thought this was very obvious but I guess your post and my down votes prove otherwise.

I've never been subbed to /r/jailbait and I used to not subscribe anywhere. I just sifted through the trash heap of the default front page.

Default front page is just the default sub's. /r/all is like its own subreddit consisting of all of reddit, and you have to click on it so its not your front page. Semantics I know.

I'm guessing it's because the ones that have the power to remove it don't have the decision making power to do so on their own. they must wait till they can contact the folks that have the power to make the decision but them folks are probably never available and don't monitor reddit themselves. I think their communications channels are just very archaic and slow. (or rich people don't like talking to poor people so escalation procedures are likely in place but slow to manage)

Cause most of the people here are either paid shills / and or morons

Which mods are paid shills?

That would be very difficult to determine as there is no proof available. If you think logically about it though at least some are bound to be.

I'll explain; Reddit is one of the largest sites where people discuss current events and major news stories worldwide. If I were a CEO of a large company that was regularly involved in controversy or ethical grey areas I would sure like all of those people to think favourably of my company (or at least not discover any further skulduggery). Now you could just advertise but I would imagine that this is quite costly and doesn't really do much to change peoples preconceptions. If however you had some interns or casual employees whose task it was to "protect the brand name" online (read: bury the controversy, deny all wrongdoing) well then what logical reason would there be to not do that? It's not illegal, just a bit dishonest. The most effective way to do this is to gain moderator status in a somewhat relevant and popular sub so that you can effectively silence anybody who would argue to the contrary. When you consider this I think it would be rather flippant to assume that there aren't any mods who are shills. For a company that flouts environmental laws to the detriment of humanity in general or makes use of child labour in sweatshops it's not really a huge leap to presume that they would engage in activities like this.

The very fact that deletion of subjects exists at all in an environment where the user is fully capable of filtering what he or she wants to see is already crossing the line.

The future of social networking will not allow deletion of anything but rather for everything to be ever present while the user applies filters as the content is uploaded and through inflection from other users. In other words when you upload a post you describe what the content is and then people can then apply inflected details as they see fit.

I have had a lot of ideas about how this should work but once a system like this is in place nobody can control it and the responsibility of what you want to see is completely up to your discretion.

That is an interesting concept and I certainly hope that it goes in that direction. Realistically though unless we have a radical change in how the world is run we are going to see nothing that hasn't been pre-approved by the government.

The side effect of automation is that it takes fewer and fewer people to make things happen. This also means that it takes fewer people to set something in motion. The system I described is only one additional layer of complexity over sites like reddit.

The only reason I haven't already set forth in making it happen myself is that its not my calling. The concept is extremely simple though.

Ok fine, which mods do you THINK are paid shills?

I'm the head mod of /r/Seiko. I really really really would be OK with getting free product from Seiko, since I'm already promoting the heck out of their products. For free. Like a sucker. If they want to throw some spring drives my way, I'd certainly be grateful. Heck, I'd even take out-of-date display merchandise, no problem.

So far, nothing. So I at least am not a paid shill. But I certainly could be persuaded.

Thank you, citizen.

Deposit your unused / unwanted Seiko watches and peripheral material in the nearest Seikoholic drop box.

I personally would have no idea, I've never had any interactions with any moderators apart from arguing with fritzly once and it was not at all related to censorship. I've seen plenty of speculation about a number of mods but I would rather not make accusations based on second hand stories.

Oh man I dont remember names. And I am not 100% certain Iam correct. Just a hunch.

Good and valid points. However, on point 4, I would say that the reason that jihadists are allowed a lot of airtime is not because no one takes them seriously, but because TPTB need to give their trumped up and manipulated boogey men as much airtime as possible so that the citizens remain nice and frightened and whatever coming false flags that occur are bought hook, line, and sinker by a public already over-saturated with fear porn.

And on a less cynical view, the more they post, the more authorities are able to glean information that could be crucial to fighting them.

In certain ways it's an advantage for us to let them reveal their propaganda and intent.

In certain ways it's an advantage for us to let them reveal their propaganda and intent.

Especially when we're feeding it in one way or the other to most of them.

*our propaganda.

Facebook, twitter, reddit, and all the other so called large social networks, are censoring and manipulating news for the big money cooperations, and give stupid reasons for censoring unwanted news.

Saw the story about the climate scientist accepting money from fossil fuel lobbyists allllll over Facebook yesterday. Funny how this sort of thing happens all the time but is only brought up to push an agenda.

What the hell can they be hiding? She was allegedly being harassed at work and is going to court over it. How is this any kind of censorship.

Edit: view my comment below. It seems it is more than sexual harassment as I thought before, she is claiming gender discrimination and it appears she thinks people are after her job.


OK so they are trying to protect a woman's identity who is potentially the victim of harassment. Most of the corporations I have worked for, you are supposed to be kept anonymous as a victim. I could be wrong but I'm not seeing it. And the technology "censorship" Is an absolutely fair reason. This truly has nothing at all to do with technology.

Edit - OK reading the censored article it makes sense why they would want it hidden. I just Google reddit ceo and the /r/technology post is still there to view.

The thread has not been deleted, it's been removed from /r/technology front page as per the link to the original post in the text of the original post.

Ah gotcha, I only glanced at it. Didn't see that part.

No worries

What good would ISIS propaganda videos be if it wasnt for corporate media using them to terrorize the public?

If a tree falls in the woods and nobody was around to hear it

I've had a crap ton of my content removed when the mods abused their rules by using mental gymnastics to arrive at a conclusion the original submission didn't even come close to representing.

Don't you just love the filter bubble? You can play charades with topics for days until ultimately no sub will accept it (too old!).

While not required, you are requested to use the NP domain of reddit when crossposting. This helps to protect both your account, and the accounts of other users, from administrative shadowbans. The NP domain can be accessed by prefacing your reddit link with

I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.

It's fucking obvious to everyone with half a brain that aliens are behind this and everything else on this sub. If you look at things through the lens of an alien nwo anyone can see how they are the only ones who stand to benefit from everything here therefore they must be behind it.

Kill yourself

Alien shill

I'm an alien

Based on her history, she's quick to sue based on "discrimination".

She joined Kleiner Perkins in 2005. On May 10, 2012, Pao filed a gender discrimination suit against the firm. On October 1, 2012, she left the firm. Her lawyer said she was fired in retaliation for her lawsuit. The firm said Pao was terminated for performance reasons unrelated to the lawsuit.

Lee said Kleiner was one of the first venture capital firms to hire women as partners. "The number of women partners at the firm is one of the highest within the venture capital arena and the firm has actively supported women in all respects," she said.

Pao married African-American money manager Buddy Fletcher in 2007. Fletcher sued his former firm, Kidder Peabody, for race discrimination in 1991 and eventually won a settlement.

These people disgust me.

Oh noes am I going to be sued now.

I want to be sued.

Fuck that bitch.

she's quick to sue based on "discrimination".

According to your own quotes, she sued 7 years after she joined the firm. How is that "quick to sue"?

She became a Jr. Investing Partner in 2010, She sued in 2012 saying the only reason she had not gotten a Sr. Investing Partner job was discrimination, after only two years.

A moderator has added the following top-level comment to the removed submission: I've removed this post for multiple violations. This doesn't have anything to do with technology, and the title isn't in the article. If you disagree with my actions, please feel free to use the mod mail. This might give you a hint why the mods of /r/technology decided to remove the link in question. It could also be completely unrelated or unhelpful in which case I apologize. I'm still learning.


Speaking from a moderators perspective, often times a post will stay up that violates the rules because someone simply isn't watching or there to remove it. It's not really reasonable for this to happen in a big sub because you should have the manpower to remove it, but a post can accumulate 2000 upvotes in a very short amount of time.

I'm not excusing it, i'm just saying thats usually the case.

Another option: The submission has been reviewed and approved by members of the moderator staff. Later on another moderator comes around and decides they disagree with the submission. They remove it.

Proceed with dialogue behind closed doors regarding better communication between moderator team members.

Since technology recently added new moderators I could see this happening as the team gets in sync.


Reddit isn't technology-related just because it's a website. I'm about as against abuse of power as anybody but drama over a legal dispute that the Reddit CEO is having has nothing to do with /r/technology.

Ye cunt! It sure does have to do with technology in many ways.

/r/technology does allow other lawsuit posts to be made. I think this is about the bromance culture in Silicon Valley that some mods may have a self-interest in protecting.

it has everything to do with technology, reddit is technology.

Maybe if she invented a new type of technology while getting boned then they mightve left it up

Not really a technology post. It would do better in /r/news

And exactly what I said. Read the comments and compare them to the /r/technology comments. /r/technology had more exposure to reddit, more people voted on it, and the comments are insightful, balanced, and the percentage of overtly crude comments are minimal compared to the ones of /r/news.

It does make it look less conspiratorial.

Why leave a second highly up-voted post on up on a sub where the article is more relevant to that sub's topic if your goal is to wash the news from reddit, as I assumed you were implying?

If you showed me that article and asked where it belonged, news or technology, I would have said news. I appreciate that you like the commenters better on technology, but that's not really a valid argument to remove or not. If anything was posted anywhere, why even have subreddits?

While not required, you are requested to use the NP domain of reddit when crossposting. This helps to protect both your account, and the accounts of other users, from administrative shadowbans. The NP domain can be accessed by prefacing your reddit link with

I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.


Downvote the bot? Why?

It's set up by the mods of this subreddit to help prevent brigades, which hurt this subreddit.

No bot deserves downvotes!



Rule 10. Removed.


They're not suggesting you delete your comment, just to edit your links to np links. It doesn't hurt anything to edit your comment to include np links, and it helps users not accidentally get banned.

For instance if you open the link in a new window intending to read it after read a few more comments in the thread, but then someone says something distracting, and you never click the new window. Then when you close the window you realize you're in a thread that says something you disagree with.

If it's an np link the arrows are generally gone so you know "oh right this was linked from /r/conspiracy, no voting".

Basically there's no negatives to adding an np, and only positives.

Even if you post an NP link, there's nothing stopping anyone from removing the NP and participating anyways.

And getting banned. It's not to prevent everyone from trying to manipulate votes, but to prevent people from unknowingly taking part in a brigade.

downvote these guys, send the message.

You don't achieve anything by downvoting reddit's official bot. It's not like you're intimidating it.

By the way you phrased both comments it's obvious you don't understand how reddit works. Spend some time learning before giving advice to others.

In discussion with an /r/ technology mod

you do have very good points

Yeah, I'm one who commented in that thread that it had no business being in the /r/technology sub. It's pure gossip dressed in a court case and tabloid-y with absolutely nothing to do with technology.

It was deleted in news as well (or maybe it was worldnews, or both). It has been deleted from several subs.

Or in /r/tabloid

Reddit CEO comes from Kleiner Perkins and we expect honesty from Reddit?

It's no wonder users like /u/pnewell are allowed to constantly propagandize for their "NGO". He's doing a really good job of making people believe Al Gore's bullshit.

Kleiner Perkins is as crooked as you can get and there is no indication that she is more than a revolving door CEO used to influence and serve their other "investments".

people believe Al Gore's bullshit.

...climate change? Does he have a new movie out I missed?

He exaggerated a few things and made some wrong predictions. For example he said that superstorms/hurricanes/that stuff was becoming more and more common and we'd see it a lot more in the next few years. Its 2015 and we didn't see too many more than usual. I dont think anyone is questioning his greenhouse gases causing climate change through

Hello, West Coast here. Have you heard about our little drought?

That's like saying that global warming isn't happening because there's snow outside, I never said there wasn't going to be any disasters, but they're not common as al gore's predicted 2 or 3 hurricane Katrinas per year

Lol usually I don't comment on this kind of silliness, but I'll just point out that A) I don't promote my NGO at all, and B) what I do is combat the corporate The War on Science that's currently /r/conspiracy's sidebar...

what I do is combat the corporate The War on Science

And there you have it. This is how people twist language to self-rationalize their own bullshit.

I don't promote my NGO at all

But you do promote the goals of your NGO, correct? Nice little twist of words you have there to mislead everyone.

what I do is combat the corporate The War on Science that's currently /r/conspiracy[1] 's sidebar...

Oh? Just like companies like the aforementioned Kleiner Perkins do, right? Surely they don't stand to profit from some of the initiatives you and your NGO want, right?

You're a propagandist... quit your bullshit.

edit: just a note.. this guy is from East Anglia from what information I can gather based on his own admission of who he is. East Anglia was the source of the "hide the decline" emails. This should give you an idea of his credibility.

self-rationalize their own bullshit.

It's interesting that you consider science bullshit.

But you do promote the goals of your NGO, correct?

Yeah, making people aware of the science produced by those academics who don't have the benefit of funding and support from fossil fuel companies. Pretty sinister goal, right?

Just like companies like the aforementioned Kleiner Perkins do, right? Surely they don't stand to profit from some of the initiatives you and your NGO want, right?

I have absolutely no idea what (beyond vague and all-encompassing conspiracy theories), but I've been around reddit long enough to know you're not interested in an actual discussion. I've said my piece, all I really wanted to do was point out that the sidebar of the sub highlights the need for a job like mine.

The side bar pointing out the corporate ties of the people pushing a specific "scientific" agenda? So you claim your job is to protect science from corporate interests then call out this sub for doing just that? Could you possibly twist your words anymore completely? It's laughable at this point.

I wasn't calling out the sub for anything, I was pointing out that the sub recognizes that there's a war on science and pointing out that I'm on science's side.

No you're not. You're ignorant if that's what you think you're doing. You're on corporate science's side - which is a VERY different thing than actual science.

How do you figure I'm on corporate science's side, when a big part of what I do is use actual science to debunk said corporate science?

Easy. It's not an exclusive "either or" type scenario. One can easily talk against corporate science on one end while (usually unwittingly) defending propaganda on the other which not only suppresses real innovation and scientific invention, but which ultimately protects that very corporate establishment. Stay at one superficial level and you can come across as and convince yourself that you are one who "supports real science!" - all the while you steadily rail against those real findings that corporate science and the corporate media tell you to ignore and not pay any attention to (because it goes against the status quo and hurts their profit margin).

It's all about how deep you go in, how deep you dig, and how much real critical thinking you use. And from what you've said here, you're not going in very deep at all.

EDIT 1: Here's but one example of what I'm talking about.

EDIT 2: Aaaand here's another one.

Hmm, it did read that way to me, so my apologies. I do think it's interesting that people can have so diametrically opposed views of what this "war" on science is.

If you think science isn't bought out by the multinational corporations, then you're doing it way wrong.

a job like mine.

Oh? So you admit that you are paid via your job to post propaganda to promote your agenda?

You can wrap up all your excuses in any bullshit facade that you like, but you just admitted that you are a paid propagandist and your content is in no way just another post from an organic user.

So you admit that you are paid via your job to post propaganda to promote your agenda?

No, not at all. My job's no where near that simple or sinister (elevator pitch is that we work to help scientists connect with the media to discuss their research and help the media find the most qualified scientists for their stories.)

Part of it though is staying on top of climate news, which means I read 6 different newsletters every morning.

Not part of my job duties but something I do for amusement is post to reddit the best of the 4 dozen or so stories I scan every morning. reddit's pretty much the only place in the world where people can make Koch jokes or have a pun-off based on climate sensitivity, or whip up amusing gifs at a moment's notice.

Here's a question for you though: If I were really an evil shilling propagandist, would I have used my actual name for a username, and then talk about things openly when it's brought up? Would I have requested flair in /r/science and elsewhere? (Other subs don't give it.)

All I do is the same thing other redditors do: post links to things I come across in the course of my day. Does the fact that my job is the reason I come across those things mean I'm not allowed to be a redditor?

Edit: also, please explain the propaganda purpose behind my mod positions at /r/shittyanimalfacts, /r/scrollingimgur and /r/AskShowerThoughts

Then would you care to share with the rest of us which NGO you work for exactly so that we can trace the funding of that NGO and determine if there are any conflicts of interest?

elevator pitch is that we work to help scientists connect with the media to discuss their research and help the media find the most qualified scientists for their stories.

So you find scientists that are doing work that aligns with your agenda and then promote their work to further promote the agenda of the NGO. The more public pressure there is to support green measures, then the more money the companies that fund your NGO stand to make. It's a disgusting tactic and the oil companies you proclaim to hate have been using this same tactic for decades.

Who funds this NGO? I would bet that it is somebody that stands to profit quite a bit from "green" technology.

Not part of my job duties but something I do

So your NGO doesn't want you to continue making your garbage "science" posts on your work time or do they like that it brings more attention to "the cause". I do a lot of things that are not my official job duties either, but that does not mean they are not expected of me.

would I have used my actual name for a username, and then talk about things openly when it's brought up?

Using your real name doesn't mean anything. Who cares? The Clinton's are both liars and everyone knows their name too. Keep trying to deflect, guy.

All I do is the same thing other redditors do: post links to things I come across in the course of my day. Does the fact that my job is the reason I come across those things mean I'm not allowed to be a redditor?

No, the fact that you do it to promote the agenda of your "job", profit personally from it by being paid to do this on the "job", and your employers stand to profit from the results of the dishonest propaganda campaign which you are employed in is what makes it not ok.

Edit: also, please explain the propaganda purpose behind my mod positions at /r/shittyanimalfacts, /r/scrollingimgur and /r/AskShowerThoughts

Who cares? You've already admitted that your employer pays you "unofficially" to post propaganda here. You probably look at other things on the internet, too, but that has no bearing on your daily work/propaganda activities.

Would I have requested flair in /r/science and elsewhere?

Of course you would. People are idiots who believe that stupid shit like havig "flair" or mod positions give them credibility. /r/science is about as anti-science as you can get. I am an actual chemist and their idea of science is a joke. Science doesn't have to censor discussions, but people with agendas do.

Edit: ROFL.. you are from East Anglia?!NewelllongCV.pdf

ROFL.... lolol... anyone remember the east anglia emails?

The incident began when a server used by the Climatic Research Unit was breached in "a sophisticated and carefully orchestrated attack",[5] and 160 MB of data[8] were obtained including more than 1,000 emails and 3,000 other documents.[18] The University of East Anglia stated that the server from which the data were taken was not one that could be accessed easily, and that the data could not have been released inadvertently.[19] Norfolk Police later added that the offenders used methods that are common in unlawful internet activity, designed to obstruct later enquiries.[5] The breach was first discovered on 17 November 2009 after the server of the RealClimate website was also hacked and a copy of the stolen data was uploaded there.[20] RealClimate's Gavin Schmidt said that he had information that the files had been obtained through "a hack into [CRU's] backup mail server."[21] At about the same time, a short comment appeared on Stephen McIntyre's Climate Audit website saying that "A miracle has happened."[22]

Hide the decline, bro! Adjust your data! You and your peers are as dishonest as they come.


Hey everyone! The brigade is here!

Why did you show up here? You have not posted here for at least 2 months. It's so amusing how you managed to find this thread.

I haven't posted here in over two months because 90% of what I've read here in the past two months is insane. It is people attacking others trying to have a balanced and logical conversation. It is taking things to the extreme with a THEORY that is pushed as FACT. Because people here seem to have lost all grip on reality and perspective. They have forgotten how to remember NAMES of people involved in SPECIFIC things. They throw around generalizations, and drops blanket assignment of blame to everyone they think has a bad tone of voice or they don't like. Because this place has degenerated from somewhere to have an open and uncensored discussion to a place where people scream at each other because someone else has a different take on something than you.

I am not part of a fucking brigade, I am someone trying to open people's eyes using LOGIC and REASON and FACT. For fucks sake, you are attacking a guy who is a member of an NGO trying to accomplish something THAT NEEDS TO BE DONE and because of this connection he is nothing but a shill? Man-made or not, climate change is a reality. And if you even want to go so far as to ignore that, ECONOMICALLY renewable energy is a smart move. Energy prices set the basic price for almost every good on the planet, if you can stabilize energy production and prices, it can help stabilize commodity prices. It removes the trading of a finite fuel source for energy production as a way to manipulate the economy and value of currencies.

Not to mention this is all in a thread about someone pressing charges for sexual discrimination. The character of Ellen aside, THAT ACTUALLY HAPPENS. That is not some fucking giant conspiracy, there are men out there who are sexist pigs. I as a man have to deal with them all the time.

You wanna point out someone funding NGOs doing bad? Look at the Koch Brothers, look at the Red Cross, and the IMF, or the World Bank. Point at someone doing something DESTRUCTIVE and call them out. Stop this bickering bullshit that does nothing but divide people. You are not the fucking savior, the swami, the prophet, or the oracle. You do not see what the future will bring any better than anyone else.

So if you want to come to the table and discuss what can be done about the fucked up shit going on on this planet, come to the table to TALK. Not bicker, and divide, and stick your fingers in your ear.

So how is that working out for you? It's amazing how people just come out of the woodwork when the environment is brought up.

Just look at the dripping insane venom that you post. All you do is call names and reference the Koch brothers.

Maybe you could go do "science" for pnewell.. he's interested in this kind of garbage. I've been a practicing scientist for almost 15 years now and I have never encountered an instance where you "adjust your data"... the idea that this is ever acceptable is a joke.

Or maybe you could look up how Prescott Bush set up the oil infrastructure in Russia for Stalin? Or maybe you could look up the history of how OPEC started? Or how Standard Oil sold oil to the Nazis during World War II, going so far as to register a shipping fleet out of Panama after America got involved in the war?

Oh yeah.. all of those people are bad guys and they do bad things. I hate the force and manipulation all of those organizations use. I don't discriminate.

Did you know that if the oil industry wants to have access to land, then they use NGOs within that country to foment a revolution, which is followed by the installation of their and the US's puppet. They justify this all "in the name of national security".

The amusing thing is that "big green" is controlled by those same bad guys who do those same bad things.

You don't think the use of NGOs as propaganda and a force for irrational change was invented by "Big Green", do you? Big Oil and Big Government have been around for a lot longer.

Furthermore, you can easily trace back the major players of "Big Green" to a globalist agenda of control and depopulation. Al Gore's involvement in the Club of Rome is the best example of this.

So you can prove that every single NGO supporting green tech is funded by this group? That group funding these things all of a sudden means that doing something in our own self interest is now a bad thing? No shit Big Oil invented that, I JUST LISTED A NUMBER OF PEOPLE WHO USED THEM TO PUSH BIG OIL'S INTERESTS. You will clearly just continue talking at me even if I say the exact same thing you do.

You are the case and point of why this sub has gone down hill completely. In your mind an NGO is just one tiny part of some sinister big organization. Not all NGOs have ties to funding like that. Not all NGOs are the same thing, just like not all people are the same.

lol... dude.. you are just grasping at straws and making things up as you go along.

I love how you are trying to defend the dishonest behavior of "big green" by pointing out "big oil" is a bad guy too.

All that means is that both industries are dishonest. Let me guess, you think Republicans are liars, but democrats are honest, too?

No, I am saying that both are dishonest, but one side up to the point of them wanting to establish an economic monopoly is working in our best interests. Its not my fault if you want to be a fool and ignore a route to push something beneficial through. What the hell do you think is going to help mankind more, establishing the foundation for an infrastructure redesign, or whining and shit talking on the internet? You need to learn some perspective on this planet.

And at no point did I defend Big Green, Strawman. I said that not every single NGO on the face of the planet is part of some grand conspiracy, or is a proxy tool for a government or corporation. Some are just groups trying to do something they stand for. You are the one drawing black and white lines, ignoring the shades of gray. And YOU are the one saying I am defending something I am not.

People in this forum constantly call shill and attack anyone disagreeing with them, you are the shill. You are the one who is being a poison to reasoned conversation. Unwittingly or not, people like you are the ones ruining reddit, whatever the subreddit is.

Rule 10. No personal attacks. Removed. Warned.

No response? Just what I thought. Protect the in-club who's here everyday, no new voices in the conversation. Double standards all around!

You simply saying "it isn't a conspiracy" without providing facts, logic, and reason doesn't make it true. You simply repeated the same thing you said before without addressing my response. So yes.. fuck off... and go talk at yourself in the mirror if you aren't interested in hearing others. actual /r/conspiracy users Yeah.. the actual users were the ones being brigaded in that thread. Axolotol.. ronin.. ambiguously.. etc... All regular users. The biggest brigade I saw there was the JIDF crowd.

lol.. see.. i must have sockpuppet accounts if people could possibly agree with me. Just like the other guy said.. you're a psycho. And this isn't /r/politics... people don't like that shit.

Seriously... you're an idiot and your presence just drives people away. You prove over and over that you can't help but shitpost /r/politics quality stuff to this sub.

Go fuck yourself, you delusional idiot. You don't have one shred of credible evidence to refute me, so you turn to insults. So I will repeat: take your condescending attitude and shove it up your ass. Your writing was awful and disjointed, but that is for another conversation.

I get warned within 10 minutes of making one post, but Rainbow is allowed to go around personally insulting people for days? Pretty consistent modding there. EDIT: (Each block is from a different post, so context is clear)

Lol, no, we're not funded by some "Big Renewables" consortium, if there were such a thing. I'm not going any further down this rabbit hole, but no that's not me and posting personal info is a great way to get banned from reddit, and like a dozen different investigations ALL found no wrongdoing in the climategate leaks. So if you think that's evidence of anything (other than that climate change deniers will distort, truncate and misrepresent quotes to trick people) then you've been had by the conservative media, fossil fuel pundits and bloggers dying for clicks.

You named yourself. I never even looked into it until YOU said it. Now you are going to whine because you were irresponsible enough to bring your own name into it? You were the one making a big deal out of letting everyone know you were using your real name, not me.

You and your tactics are so dishonest that it is sickening.

I'm not whining or making a big deal of anything. I'm just reminding you of reddit's (somewhat bizarrely) strict rules about posting personal info, and letting you know your first guess was wrong.

You're digging a deep hole here my friend. I'm not even sure you can see how deep you've gone.

As for this 'war on science'. What seems to be the problem with this?

Let's make it clear what kind of science we're talking about. We're talking about the science that exploits. We are talking about the kind of science that develops weapons of mass destruction. The kind of science that rationalizes putting your life in the hands of authority figures and corporate giants.

The kind of science that is creating the techcnology that is dumbing down future generations. (And yes, I realize the potential is there for the opposite but anyone with a shred of common sense can see the worst is happening.)

The kind of science that puts pharmaceutical companies on top of the pyramid, and middle and low class people dependant on these companies for their sanctity. Mentally and physically.

What you're doing is conglomerating a very gray issue into something blatantly black and white. This is propaganda you're spewing. For a scientist you're very slim on actual facts.

Look into the abyss and the abyss stares back at you. I'm not convinced you looked into the abyss long enough.

not sure that technology was the best reddit for it, but once the community speaks with 2000 upvotes, let it stick

Wow, I wish when my ex girlfriend cheated I got $16 million dollars.

Sue her...oh wait, it only works for executives.

Well that sure didn't take long

It's interesting how when mods delete a thread due to "title issues", you still can't resubmit the source link as a new post. Mods could easily change the title on thread like that, but instead they censor it and blame the title. Frankly this doesn't even break the rules unless they are saying that it was insinuating editorialization not implied by the article- which i think is questionable

As far as the article not being technology related- really? Can /r/technology feature articles about women in the workplace? What about payscale differences between companies and industries? I think this story is going to be framed as being about women in Silicon Valley, and it might even say something about the culture being fostered at reddit inc.

Mods could easily change the title on thread like that

You can't edit a title as a mod.

tag it. whatever.

Well, the title does have shitty punctuation ... /s

She's so independent she has to cry out for attention and attach herself to men who reject her. She made her bed and now she wants him to sleep in it. How pathetic.

Imagine the kind of super-beta this guy has to be to sleep with someone that looks like that.

Of course she claims that she "was pressured into having sex". That alone tells me she is lying. I can imagine people pressuring her NOT to have s

Why would any employer want to hire women when there is such a ridiculously high chance that she will rent-seek in this way? Why can't she just do her job and get paid, and when she gets fired, SHE FINDS ANOTHER JOB instead of suing for $16million.

She's not repulsive. I'd definitely marry her for the money.

I'd put it in her butt.

I'm not surprised that people like her exist but what is disheartening is that the system accomodates them and also that there are invariably a support group of back-patters supporting them and telling them how brave that they are.

Victim culture. Where you can have an affair with a guy to elevate your career but if it goes South then you sue them. Talk about win-win.

never mix business in pleasure , NEVER

Oh man. I wanted to read more about that. Seemed pretty interesting, I didn't even know who the CEO of reddit was. Is there another thread for it?

check /pol/


if that means less ads on reddit I'm all for it !!!

is this the reddit admin who gives srs her nod of approval?

Guess she couldn't sleep her way to the top then?

patricia arquette should get this promotion instead.... it's time for asians to start helping white women make more money...

Typical Redditor.

I wonder if she'll remove all the threads today talking about how she lost on all counts.

It looks to be nearly the case except /r/news one is going very strong.

Her husband was accused of civil fraud.I wonder what he tried to do ?

He ran his hedge fund into the ground, $120M of losses.

Was he convicted of fraud ?

According to the media, the investigation is still on.

What about vaccines though? VACCINES!!! VACCINESESESES!!!!

I feel like posts like this should be posted in or moved to /r/redditconspiracy.

Doesn't it seem odd that this trial seems exactly like the plot of "Philadelphia"? Douchebaggery has a pattern.

Just the $16,000,000. eh? seems fair

Rape culture.

OP, your links are going to

when they should go to

OP, please fix this

Firefox can report this as an untrusted link

and on that thread I made some hillarious jokes.

man, I am in trouble!


I have to disagree there. She may be a bit long in the tooth but she is a relatively attractive woman. She doesn't appear to have masculine features, especially if you examine her neck and collar bone structure.

Zoom in on that face. That's a man.

I think she is quite beautiful.


I got the yellow fever too bro, but you got it bad.

Its possible.

Yeah I read about this on another site. Sounds like she has a case to me.

What the fuck does this have to do with technology? just because reddit is online doesn't make everything to do with anyone connected to it technology related. It's a lawsuit regarding discrimination. Unless one or more of them is a fucking robot, it was right to be deleted.

Why is this considered censorship? It's not related to technology at all.

This is why r/conspiracy tends to be a joke. When useless shit like this is an idea of a conspiracy, if you actually read what she accuses them of doing you can see she is just squeezing them for as money as possible.

The thread was deleted because it was being vote manipulated by reddit. Its about a reddit boss and has nothing to do with r/technology. It was just someone at reddit using the platform for their propaganda and to show their side of the story. That's why it got deleted. I agree with the admins and I was even one of the people who reported it.

Hmmm...She's pretty hot for a 45 year old. Asians age well.

So glad you're happy about her physical appearance. Any more pearls of wisdom you'd care to share?

Well...I also don't know if I care for your passive aggressive tone. Pearls like that?

More just the utter irrelevancy of your top-level comment.

this post requires a picture

it was probably removed because of the usual reddit bullshit: a bunch of whiny, uneducated, functionally retarded white nerd manchildren who live in the suburbs and who are deathly afraid of women started flipping out and comparing her to hitler because she was sexually harassed. redditors hate women for not enjoying being sexually harassed because redditors don't know how to interact with women.

most redditors just really hate women because I'm guessing y'all have tiny dicks or women just won't even talk to you because you're reprehensible pieces of shit.

honestly, you people should kill yourselves.

You mad bro?

I have no clue what went on. But since she is a fellow Redditor, I hope she wins

Careful what you wish for! It could be be Reddit CEO against another Reddit somebody. Guess who pays out.

Uh, you should probably read the article. It's like saying 'I don't know what Dick Cheney did, but he is a fellow human, I hope he wins'

I wont disagree with you, but I prefaced my post with the fact I didnt read the article. Frankly, I hate gossipy crap, and since this isnt an issue that affects anyone other than the parties involved, i am going to ignore it. Fyi, if you get in trouble down the line, as a Redditor, I am going to root for you, too, as long as you dont kill cats or cause anyone real harm

Yeah, reddit's like this super secret club with only cool kids in it and we all have each other's backs covered. BRB, off to hang out with my fellow redditors in /r/whiterights

I didnt know we had a RedditHell. I would not root for anyone there.

I wasn't calling out the sub for anything, I was pointing out that the sub recognizes that there's a war on science and pointing out that I'm on science's side.

Ideas are bulletproof.

Selective enforcement of nearly impossible-to-abide-by rules. How CONVENIENT.

Ah gotcha, I only glanced at it. Didn't see that part.

Downvote the bot? Why?

It's set up by the mods of this subreddit to help prevent brigades, which hurt this subreddit.

I agree I was just referencing because nerd.

Reddit isn't technology-related just because it's a website. I'm about as against abuse of power as anybody but drama over a legal dispute that the Reddit CEO is having has nothing to do with /r/technology.

Its possible.

Lol seriously. I don't even post in any of the politically themed subreddits anymore because my opinions aren't liberal enough so I just get downvoted. I signed up at but I haven't really tried it out yet.

In a country that started with a revolution!

Most social libertarians are only "left" for 20ish years ago. The "I don't care" school of politics doesn't really qualify as liberal anymore. You guys are keeping a lot of company these days with disgruntled right-wingers who've woken up and smelled the future and realize they have to keep the anti-gay shit to themselves now. So they pretend not to care to avoid having to be actually accepting of anyone.