There are zero TIL posts of Edward Snowden on reddit. When I tried to submit one today, I found out why.

207  2015-02-24 by [deleted]

I tried to submit an interesting fact I found about Edward Snowden today on /r/todayilearned. The moment I clicked submit, I checked the 'new' tab and my post wasn't appearing. I thought I might've made a mistake, so i resubmitted it with a different source.

This time I was able to see my post in the new tab for a second, but after not even a minute I refreshed and it was already gone.

Then I searched for any other Edward Snowden posts on /r/todayilearned, and found there are exactly zero to be found.

It's clear to me the mods of TIL are deliberately censoring Edward Snowden posts on /r/todayilearned. I'm not sure why they would do this, I just thought I'd post this to let everyone know reddit censorship is very real.


They probably set up a filter with automod, can't have those freedom thoughts leaking out.

About Reddit

  • 1) It is by now a "public secret" that if you post negatively about certain topics, especially the NSA, the moderators will removed or moved it to an obscure sub-Reddit. Sometimes the Moderators will simply delete/manipulate votes or allow "professional PR Firms" to down vote and trolls you comments and posts. No need to pretend otherwise.

  • 2) I have seen it done to other people and myself 100's of times. Constructive criticism died a long long time ago on Reddit. No need to pretend otherwise.

  • 3) Reddit is a privately owned firm. They employ people. We call those people Reddit Moderators. The Moderators do what they are told to do. It works exactly like any other branches of the corporate owned media. No need to pretend otherwise.

  • 4) Every single year the USA government spend at least $ 80 billion to keep the NSA running. The NSA employs 1000's of people who´s only job it is to influence the public debate and consensus. The Reddit Moderators are a part of that. No need to pretend otherwise.

All the time, we see posts critical of the current US hegemony getting removed or people getting their accounts shadow banned. The Intelligence Community has a firm grip on the mass media. No Need to pretend otherwise.

Reddit employees are admins... Not moderators..... Moderators are the people who create and administrate subreddits

Stop spamming this misinformation please.

At least edit your laughable claims that moderators are reddit employees. AFAIK it looks like you're running a JTRIG style discrediting op here.

How many people need to tell you that your #3 and #4 are inaccurate statements before you edit this copypasta? Moderators are not paid by reddit, at least not in theory, though I wouldn't be surprised if certain ones in some of the "key positions" are (but that would be strictly off the record).

you don't think there are moderators (not admin) part of that gov't NSA program? I would bet my mortgage that there are. I'm not saying Reddit employs them, just saying it would be naive to think there are no mods employed by them.

I think there are mods involved in some nefarious activities on this site regarding content manipulation and censorship, possibly corporate/government interests are involved there, so yeah I do agree with that. Not for nothing but did you read the final part of my last comment where I pretty much said that these types of mods definitely do exist?

I was just saying that the other guy's post is factually inaccurate and implies that all mods are paid employees of reddit and/or working for the NSA to influence public debate. Which is totally untrue (although it most likely is true for certain mods/subreddits/etc.)

Sorry for the laaate reply.

I did read that last comment, but you said "moderators are not paid by reddit...though I wouldn't be surprised if certain ones in key positions are." My comment was regarding gov't workers manipulating reddit. Maybe I don't think of gov't interests as the same as actual gov't workers.

And I honestly don't believe you really think that he meant , EVERY SINGLE MOD. I think you dramatized what he said. I get it, he said "the reddit moderators," but I'm 100% sure he didn't mean "ALL." To point that word indiscretion to point out that it was" factually inaccurate" was a little over the top. I don't think anyone here thought he meant "all" moderators where gov't shills.

And I honestly don't believe you really think that he meant , EVERY SINGLE MOD

Regardless of what he meant, what he actually said was that "moderators are paid by reddit". This is just a factually incorrect statement, period. If reddit worked the way it's claimed to, not a single moderator would be paid. Now, of course, it most likely doesn't work that way, and some mods most likely are compensated to manipulate and push various agendas, but I was just pointing out that the other guy's comment was misleading from where I'm sitting and I've seen him copy/paste it in multiple places with the same inaccuracy.

You knew what he meant, and you were just nitpicking so you could reply and say, 'that's a false statement.'

A certain person won't address who david chandler was, as it pertains to the same fake richard gage AMA they held.

When will any mod address who 'david chandler' was, as it pertains to the fake richard gage ama.

It seems a certain moderator wants to take out the most important members of the 911 truth movement.

Every time the question is brought up, the user who asks the question is either banned or their comment is erased.

Please address the claims others aren't willing to talk about. It would shed much light on the conversation at hand.

Edit: I've been banned from this sub for asking this question, which makes it convenient for you to play dumb.

Who's David Chandler? The name sounds familiar, I'm assuming he's a member of 9/11 truth but how is he relevant to the faked Gage AMA? I mean there's no doubt that the AMA was a total failure. I wasn't a mod of this sub when that took place though and I personally will do all I can to prevent something like that from happening again in the future.

I have yet to see why this "witch-hunt" deserves any consideration.

That's beside the point. OP makes false statements with his sadly popular spam.

the main issue isn't the reddit admins, its the sub mods. There are also companies that buy high karma accts. Also, there are companies where you can buy votes, in increments in the thousands.

The problem is the cognitive infiltration element. And as the Snowden leaks told us, there are gov't agencies that specifically target social media, and we all know how readily that happens on reddit. Its something that just really can't be stopped.

I believe there are mods in several subs employed by the NSA, but not so sure if reddit admins are.

1) It is by now a "public secret" that if you post negatively about certain topics, especially the NSA, the moderators will removed or moved it to an obscure sub-Reddit. Sometimes the Moderators will simply delete/manipulate votes or allow "professional PR Firms" to down vote and trolls you comments and posts. No need to pretend otherwise.

Yeah, except like, you know...all these negative NSA posts.

Seriously, it took like 3 seconds to research that. You can do better.

sorry for this late reply, but did you mean that you feel EVERY single mod is paid by the gov't??

Automod is terrible.

It's a tool really and can probably be used for good too, like spam removal, it just rarely is as we live in the age of censorship.

I'd rather sift through spam than deal with censorship any day.

You say that...

I agree a useful tool just misapplied. It should go to an alternate queue of the same subreddit like automodtil or something so it is not so obscure what is filtered. And be appeal able in a transparent fashion. More work but yeah.

The tactic is used heavily here. Not very effectively, and the known suspects aren't smart enough to keep it subtle.

Cool idea. A 'uncensor' option for major subs. Hmm...

Spam can be used to censor too, if the amount of spam is great enough then useful discussion becomes impossible.

I agree. It's far less useful attempting to bury dissent than to outright delete discussions of value. Those who practice such behaviour expose themselves almost immediately.

Automod removes all my posts from /r/progressive

And mine from /r/news, despite the fact that the mod who spitefully added me to automod has since been kicked out for overzealous censorship.

That's a surprise, I'd think they'd like your kind of posts. Perhaps they're not 'liberal' enough? Which is in itself hilarious as there can be no real progress with bi-partisan politics while they only answer to corporations.

If you intentionally misspelled his name would the automod still pick it up?

Perhaps not, but the mods probably would, they're pretty hot on the thought policing there.

Time to move to

if voat had as many readers it would have as many shills, sad but true. the solution? i don't know other than private invite-only forums and zero tolerance modding but then we aren't spreading the word.

Or an open forum where you can simply ignore users entirely. That would really help clean things up!

an 'ignore' function would be great yeah. i prefer zero tolerance modding myself. if we have mods who don't or can't spot shills get some who can and let the ban hammer rain., not so fast. When and under what circumstances have 0 tolerance policies ever worked before, at all? Everyone's definition of what a "shill" is, is going to be at least slightly different, in most cases probably very different. Discretion is always a necessary tool towards fair policing.

I don't understand why people never seem to mention that a power check against the admins absolute power would go a long way towards solving a lot of the problems we all complain about. How about introducing a democratic element into how the admins are chosen?

Well then you just need a 51% attack to take over the admins, and the shills have a budget while normal users don't.

How about we design a system that doesn't need admins?

I wasn't thinking that normal users like you and I would vote. That would be awesome, but anyone can have multiple accounts, and then what you said is very correct. So my next idea was that mods would vote about things, publicly, but then again, a lot of mods are obviously corrupt, but it becomes easier to see what they are doing and hold them accountable. Several ways that could be done.

Genuinely curious, what would be the basic design of a system that wouldn't need admins? A type of "open source" reddit?

A system where you have an app installed locally that manages your user account, and you can connect to anyone in general who also has the app. Your feed is based on an submissions from other users and an algorithm that considers your prior voting patterns and what pages you've already viewed, and you can "ban" any user (for yourself only) and/or subscribe to a "bad users" blacklist.

as i said, if we have mods who can't or won't stop shills we need mods who can. i can and i would lose zero sleep over anyone i banned. but since in the last few months freshly funded pro-shill programs have been publicy announced on both sides of the atlantic the problem is only going to get worse, much worse, not better. the "proven beyond a reasonable doubt" and "i'm only playing devils advocate" criteria may have to go.

if it walks like a shill and quacks like a shill -- it gets fucking banned.

Shill - sorry...chill out for sec...

What's your definition of a shill? Seriously, let's see if we can even find agreement on that. For me, that definition would have include very technical things, like duplicate comments and posts etc, but only those things. If someone's obviously taking the time to write out responses, even if it seems pretty clear they are a shill, I wouldn't argue for banning them.

I think there are better ways of defeating those accounts than your eloquently worded "banhammer".

i know one when i read one, it's not difficult. i can usually spot the ones who have been banned and returned under another account within 2-3 posts.

  • ZT doesn't work
  • What if you get a bad mod?

Hubski is immune to most of reddit's ills.


It does have dark mode. I use the dark mode.

It can't be stopped. If you want unfiltered pure free speech you can't stay in one place for Too long. Eventually Voat will go like Reddit, and another impersonator will pop up and we'll all migrate there. We can't grow to attached to these sites


You got any better ideas?

This model is too corruptible. Domain is irrelevant

The model depends on the principles of the admins. Reddit has gotten so bad because the admins don't do anything about site-breaking subs, mods, and mod-cliques. The Voat admins have voiced a strong commitment to free speech and non-censorship and have explicitly stated that they will not allow power users and mod-cliques to gain undue influence over the site. If they are true to their word, Voat could work out better than Reddit has.

Again, any better ideas?

No. There is no solution. This is reality, this is the new fascism. You can't escape this by going to a different website

You lack vision.

I disagree. The issue with any sort of ruling group is transparency. Mod/admin transparency is all you need to stop these things from happening

8chan 8chan

I also noticed weird behavior regarding comments on /r/worldnews and /r/politics.

My political opinions and comments on subjects such as mandatory vaccination usually bring forth a comforting volley of downvotes.

Not so anymore. For the past few days many controversial comments I have posted bring ... 0 response.

I'm thinking Reddit has raised the censoring a notch once again. Downvote brigades were overloaded and not always that efficient.

Pretty sure you can be shadow banned from a specific subreddit.

Sometimes a comment of mine will be wholly ignored for a day before some random person stirs it up and replies, but no votes or anything. Very strange.

sandboxing, only r/conspiracy subbed people can see your posts.

or they have a 'subversive' flag attached to every reddit account, if activated nobody not tagged can see your posts.

this model would bring a class system into play, 'safe' and 'unsafe' users.

Sandboxing makes sense as to the odd behaviour. So too would a flag for shill/pr/''safe'' accounts to see the ''subversive'' tagged accounts. Who knows, though. If such a thing is real we would.need someone from inside the system to say so.


It's called speculation, the ability to entertain a possibility without necessarily believing it. And I wouldn't put it past them, the thought policing is real on this site.

Thanks. Deleting.

you could easily tell by checking /r/shaddowbanned or maybe its /r/shadowban or even checking your comment in incognito mode

You can set the automod to delete any comments made by a specific user, that's (I think) the extent of "shadowbanning" that a subreddit's mods have access to.

I had not thought of that. It makes sense, seeing my opinions were not very popular in some threads.

Keep in mind it isn't always manipulation. There is a like self selection bias that creeps into many posts. If the article or post is.too hyperbolic it draws opposing voices, if it is sensible it usually draws voices of agreement. Even a.slight change in the title could change the kind of people that will click through to the comments.

It's a way to silence people without notifying them. Super-cowardly behavior, but could be useful for obvious trolls.

Agreed. Sad thing is ... anyone denouncing the illegal wars, Ukraine / Russian propaganda, the pressure for mandatory vaccination is "an obvious troll' for many of the folks in those subs.

It's not even shills, a good part of the population is horrified that some of us even dare question what we are expected to believe in.

This isn't a secret and the rule and their reasons are on their wiki

Rule #4: Nothing related to recent politics.

What are some examples of recent political topics?

NSA and other US spying.

FYI: Rule #4 does get manipulated to censor people talking about certain political topics.

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How is the NSA news still recent? It's 2 years old almost now.

I'd consider 2 years pretty recent. I'd draw the line at about 10 years.

because your opinion on the matter is relevant

Just like your comment?

I'd consider this or that pretty this or that.

Insert meaningless number.

I draw the line around never.

Who cares what a person considers recent? lmfao.

Well apparently TIL does...which was the entire point. But keep being rude. It's so cool.

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It's ironic since Snowden warned of automated systems flagging people as terrorists based on their online activity.

On TIL, the third rule is "No news or recent sources. News and any sources (blog, article, press release, video, etc.) more recent than two months are not allowed." So it's possible they consider him recent news.

No don't bring up a good reason, we need to hate reddit as much as possible even though we still get to talk about how much we hate it on the very website which allows us to congregate and chat in such an open and easy manner...

I know, sometimes logic has no place in conspiracy.

Same shit the zio mods used and ruined /r/technology with.

Reddit used to have a "search bug" that would allow submissions containing the word "reddit" or "Obama" stay in the new queue for 2 hours before they would be deleted. This would let users find just enough new submissions to fill a page of search results, but wouldnt let posts stay long enough to gather any momentum. Reddit admins adamantly insisted it was a real bug and not auto-censorship. Obviously I thought they were lying.

Sure is a single-minded, politically oriented technical problem.

Not the same thing but reminds me of the Simpson's "independent thought alarm" in the elementary school.

As much as I agree there is censorship on reddit, the rules state no recent politics.

hardly politics really

Certainly politics, but I disagree Sith the rule all together.

TIL is of the most censored subs. I tried to post about george bush paying for the "Protesters" duting the bush/gore election fiasco and it was removed within minutes

Well I'm off to Voat - and see how thats getting on, this placed has changed in to something unrecognisable if you had been here a couple of years ago. Too much falsehood and lies on here

/r/TIL is specific about being non political.

Crime and politics are not the same thing (theoretically, heh).

They can claim it's 'political' or whatever bullshit excuse they have. It's McReddit - don't be surprised when you see evidence of censoring and manipulation.

McReddit is a synthetic viral marketing platform based off the fundamental idea of organic user stimulated input.


except they don't actually listen to the input they just engineer it into whatever bullshit they like.

Reddit is going the way of digg and bought and paid for by our buddies in the government and corporate world. If any one is to blame it is the ceo and shareholders of reddit along with the admins and mods.

Dude so what's the stuff you learned?

Maybe they don't want a" TIL Edward Snowden is a CIA asset."

"Nothing related to recent politics"


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You act like this censorship is all encompassing yet the top post on worldnews is about snowden.

Good job. A+ scienceing.

Looks like TIL admins are taking April 1st as an opportunity to showcase their disdain for truth seekers, appending nonsense to every post.

"The holocaust, more like the fakecaust"

"Pursuit of the truth means forgoing critical thought and facts if they get in the way."

Strawman fail. Comedy fail.

Because he's CIA?


And even had a movie made about him--funded entirely by George Soros--where he pretends to "out" the CIA and NSA??

I mean, this one was obvious from day one. I simply cannot believe that people still "don't get" Snowden.

Uuuh, "limited hangout" mean anything to you folks?

Nice to see there are others who get what's up.


It was already shown by William Binney. However the media wouldn't cover him because they were told not to.

But when the NSA has a toy the CIA doesn't have, all of a sudden the media has a big green light to say what they want.

Also, look up Snowden, he worked at the CIA before the NSA. People never really leave the CIA. Hell if you're the husband of a CIA agent, they'll use you!


It's the CIA checking the NSA. CIA wants access to the same toys the NSA has.

As Snowden and others in the know have always said, the CIA, DIA, DEA, etc (Mossad too) have full access to the spying database. Your theory is silly in that respect.


Oh yeah? Whys that?

Limited hangout for sure.

Keep in mind it isn't always manipulation. There is a like self selection bias that creeps into many posts. If the article or post is.too hyperbolic it draws opposing voices, if it is sensible it usually draws voices of agreement. Even a.slight change in the title could change the kind of people that will click through to the comments.

It's the CIA checking the NSA. CIA wants access to the same toys the NSA has.

The tactic is used heavily here. Not very effectively, and the known suspects aren't smart enough to keep it subtle.

Shill - sorry...chill out for sec...

What's your definition of a shill? Seriously, let's see if we can even find agreement on that. For me, that definition would have include very technical things, like duplicate comments and posts etc, but only those things. If someone's obviously taking the time to write out responses, even if it seems pretty clear they are a shill, I wouldn't argue for banning them.

I think there are better ways of defeating those accounts than your eloquently worded "banhammer".

Cool idea. A 'uncensor' option for major subs. Hmm...

It's a way to silence people without notifying them. Super-cowardly behavior, but could be useful for obvious trolls.