Were the exploding train cars full of oil subliminal motivation from oil companies to help get the Keystone Bill passed?

47  2015-02-25 by [deleted]

Sorry for self post. I haven't seen a source for this yet.

I think it's an interesting idea


Photo Montage

Sure they were .. as well suspect sabotage re the Aug. 2013, gas pipeline explosion in Illinois, the Dec. 2013, oil train explosion in North Dakota, the Nov. 2013, oil train fire in Aliceville, Alabama.

The Jan. 2014, oil pipeline explosion in Manitoba which was a nuke, that left thousands without heat in the freezing Canadian winter, and the July 2013, oil train disaster in Lac-Megantic, Quebec, that had a death toll of around fifty.

Don't forget the Mayflower, Arkansas pipeline breach in April 2013, though that was pushed behind headlines fast - not good for Keystone XL seeing what those people were having to deal with. Those people's houses are still...you guessed it...on the market...

Lac Megantic is my most familiar, which has sabotage written all over it.

Unattended train catches fire in the middle of the night in a siding, burning for hours as pressure builds up in the tanker cars... then the brakes just ''come off'' on their own, train rolls into town and boom. A BLEVE explosion. Just so much random coincidence for it to happen exactly as it did.

Check the displaced rail tracks on both adjacent lines in this morning after shot, there appears to be no way except sabotage that could happen .. Edition.cnn: Evidence criminal act may have led to Canada train crash. Edit.

Interesting. I heard that the man parked it on the tracks and fled. He was later found and taken into custody.... That's seems a little sketchy. Park a car on the tracks and flee? Beastie Boys "sabotage" is playing in my head right now.

John Dvorak at the NoAgenda podcast presented an interesting theory about those on their 697 episode. Check on 'Clips and Stuff', 'JCD Clips', the 'Tankers' clips. In a nutshell: the tanks used by companies are not suited for the type of highly volatile oil being transported, which is causing train accidents.Why hasn't this been reported on the media? They don't want to lose the advertising.

It was reported, but just in Mother Jones as far as I know: http://www.motherjones.com/environment/2014/05/oil-tank-trains-bakken-crude-accidents

Very interesting idea, reminds me of the several oil spills that happened last year.

Jesus Christ

Wait, it passed?


No. Congress passed it but Obama vetoed it. It won't go into effect

It was already out of congress by the time the train crashed your point is moot

There have been train car leaks and derailments for the past few years.

Suppose that's true. The bill is dead though so it didn't work

I bet it will be back in a year

You may be onto something...141 "unintentional releases" of hydrocarbons from railroad cars last year - here's one of the best articles I've seen that may interest you: http://blog.seattlepi.com/seattlepolitics/2015/02/18/tanker-cars-still-burning-burning-questions-about-oil-transport/

The fines being levied for the fuckups are a joke, too.

Everything we are exposed to is for a reason. The keystone pipeline seems one of a few reasons. Tptb like to kill multiple birds per stone. For this one: Obama seems like a hero, further pollution of fresh water by "leaky train cars", and of course further distraction from the issues that really matter. Not to mention $$$profit$$$ for the tycoons

I think it may have been, which is why there hasn't been tremendous uproar for an overhaul to these outdated unsafe methods.

No because

1) It was already out of congress by then

2) It was vetoed

Actually the entire 2010 and 2014 elections were rigged by the oil companies to get a republican majority so that Keystone would pass. But they needed to throw the public off the trail so they also orchestrated the election of Obama in 2008, knowing he would veto it. In addition, they needed to ensure Obama's election so they sent Hurricane Katrina and convinced the Bush administration to invade Iraq so people would distrust a Republican. But also they needed someone who would invade Iraq, so they also rigged the 2000 election. Now they needed people not to question that so they also ensured Clinton won in 1992 and 96 so that the cover story in 2000 was that people wanted a change.

So meta. But needs more lizards.