The Matrix is Crashing

52  2015-02-27 by make_mind_free2go

i sense it, does anyone else?

"It is. It’s outdated programming and the engineers of deceit can’t keep up. The vibrational changes are exceeding their capabilities. You know how your phone or computer’s software goes out of date, and new programs can’t operate? It’s the same thing. The imitators of creation can’t maintain a current operating system any longer in the face of this Universal shift.

And it’s driving them nuts.

Just look at the desperation we’re witnessing. Crude military and police state maneuvers are only one aspect. The biggest clue is seeing the previously incremental and now hyperbolic use of monstrous lies that are becoming so transparent and unbelievable to just about anyone. Agreed, there are the entranced apathetics who swallow anything, but we’re witnessing a meltdown before our eyes. If you can’t see it, look again."


I feel the shift, I see the shift, I speak with a lot of people to get the general vibe; unfortunately for someone with no patience it's moving too slow for my taste. This would all end tomorrow if we wanted it.

I live in a pretty rich area and I see exotic cars and slickly dressed men buying a ton of lotto tickets. What this means is even the current "winners" of the corporate slave race don't want to play anymore. We are all stressed and tired of this paradigm it's not going to be easy so hang in there but I agree we will prevail. I feel it will be like an exponential shift like a critical mass of awakening that ends up spreading faster than Pamela Lee's hepatitis. Fight the good fight and always stand against this foreign alien force that only wants your obedience, acceptance and your adherence to a false system.

i agree it's not moving fast enough, but i'm sure others feel the same anyway, but it is happening.

Its happening now man. People are waking up in many way. Its been happening. What people need to keep doing is turning to their neighbours, and talk. Dont hide shit, just make friendly convo about whats been on your mind and whats been on their minds. Even if its something mundane. I do this with my coworkers of all ages and they are waking up to. You are not crazy for seeing the big picture. Often people see the same thing, its just reaching through that fear of expression.

absolutely, if others are open to new info

Their game is control by fear. That doesn't mean that fear is something we should avoid. It means that if we avoid looking at our fears (fear our fears), not questioning the merits of the evidence on which they are based, we are controlled by those that create those fears. Most of the fears they use to control us are just false evidence appearing real. The truth they do not want us to realize is that we are the power of Earth and always have been and THAT is why they want to control us. They are nothing without slaves. The primary nodes of control they employ are money and the media, which control our time and effort and our perception of reality.

And then they upgrade the hardware (WWIII)

let's hope it doesn't come to that.

maybe - maybe not

IT is but it will be pretty easy to get it back in place with easy access to the public through their cellphones. I mean microchipping every citizen couldn't have been any easier with affordable cellphones that have a tracking device. Then have the ability to log all of the information inputed by every user, got your self a database of the publics mind.

Will be easy to remold the Matrix to accommodate the new era.

we haven't gotten to the microchip, yet, although surveillance technology is being pushed forward & "they're" really trying to get a war going (somewhere/anywhere),

to me it's evident, "it's" breaking - so much is happening at once, talk about robo-cops, drones, forced vaccinations; tptb want to clamp down asap before more of the population wakes up.

I think we are microchipped. On the beginner level, our phones are our chips, making them such a huge tool most people cant live without it. So we are accustomed to carrying it everywhere we go. Before you know it you'll be able to do all that with a pair of contacts and a chip on your body.

They cant just jump straight to the chip people wouldn't buy it. They're doing it slowly little by little. I do agree war is coming. Sucks

They're doing it slowly little by little.

sad but true; i want to believe that "we" will win, though.

I think we can, but we wont if we continue to behave the way we are. A person alone is nothing to fear, a group of people is terrifying. I think nowadays we are more separated that ever. Now days no one even talks to each other with cell phones. Based on the facts, were guaranteed to loose.IMO

This was well written. I like this, and I agree.

some of us agree, but that's ok, "can't stop the shining"

I felt like this back in 2006 or so, like there was an energy in the world, that things were going to drastically change. I was ultimately right, but not in the way I felt. I still feel it, but being a fair bit older now, I can't help but feel like it's just the passage of time, you know? I want to separate from this paradigm, but still exist... it's hard to quantify, but I would be so happy to just be left alone and be apart. It's all I want now.

imo, what you've felt (are feeling) is real, always go with your gut feeling, i've read (too many times) that we are experiencing a shift,

i don't think it has to be violent, but it has to happen for us (human species) to evolve, it may be difficult for those that simply refuse to accept it though, we've outgrown "our masters".

It sounds like it's just a minor mental condition, really.

that's one way of looking at it

well said sir

No it is not. Do you not think that it's creating all this bullshit in the world to entertain itself? The creators in the 5th dimension are far more advanced, and far more intelligent than me, and you, and all billions of us combined. They create billions of matrix's in what we call multi-universes every blink of an eye. Their science is far more advance using infinite power from their time and space. You are comparing our pathetic little computers and tech to them as examples. That is like comparing a abacus to a microchip. You are living in a 3D universe world version of the Video game Civilization or Sim City. These guys are on the level of Godhood, and there is not a fucking thing you, or I, or anyone else can do about it.

not everyone is going to feel the same way about this, i understand that.

That is cool that you are open minded about it. Most would act like a little bitch and downvote. Kudos to you.

Then again I maybe the creator of the matrix just messing with your head. ;P

you're the creator?! yeah, well, i taught Nemo everything he knows, watch your back.

LoL but i think you mean Neo.

~ : o

~ : D yes i did

~ x )

We're all the creators. Every choice you make creates a new reality.

my people!

LOL pass the joint please.

Have you experienced DMT? :D

There is good on that plane as well, and the good people are helping us break out of of this dimension.

Interesting. Thanks.

Never expected this type of comment from you Gas. interesting perspective.

We should avoid beliefs that create personal and collective disempowerment. Blaming others deflects our own responsibility, especially those we cannot hope to affect. If instead we take responsibility for our part in the situation, we can do something about it. Always question your beliefs. Why do I believe this? Does it have merit? What is the evidence for it? Does it serve me? Whom does it serve?

Multi-Universe theory and its parallel universes in what we live in is a scientific fact.


Theory != Fact

implying they exist

dumb cunt

You understand multi-universe theory? A widely accepted fact by physicist in the world.

I would but beleiving in that thory ruined my ljfe in ways unimaginable.

Don't worry in another parallel universe there is one of you believing in the theory. ;)

Using another link besides disinfo.Com would probably help your cause.

maybe; but the source (in this case) is not as important as the message,.

An ad hominem means responding to arguments by attacking a person's character, rather than to the content of their arguments. When used inappropriately, it is a fallacy in which a claim or argument is dismissed on the basis of some irrelevant fact or supposition about the author or the person being criticized.

They attacked the source not the poster. You are confusing the two.

I absolutely feel it. I think one of the ways in which it's most obvious is how not only is there rampant unemployment, but people no longer care to look. They're no longer enticed by the bullshit.

i think you're right!

Yea, I feel it to.

i know people sense this, it is difficult to believe because of all the "chaos"; but to me that's one sign it's real.

Actually i dont think its driving them nuts. They know what they're doing and laugh at this belief. However i think they sre somewhat scared. But...the masses... Are not as in tune as we hope

but what about the "elite" buying properties in other countries, buying up precious metals, the militarized police & maybe robotic cops?

if not "scared" -- definitely sweating.

Not sweating,but planning

Seems like preparations to castle themselves in and let the peasants fight over whatever scraps are leftover

Already happening

What exactly do they have to be afraid of? Americans are a paper tiger. The worst that could happen is someone sends them strongly worded letter. Until Americans get the balls to start executing these people vigilante style then nothing will happen.

~ ; D

The reason new programs won't operate on your older model phone is so you'll be forced to buy the newer model phones.

Takamagahara has been inverted.

TIL: Takamagahara

"Takama-ga-hara (高天原 the Plain of High Heaven?) is a place in Japanese mythology. In Shinto, Takama-ga-hara (or Takama no Hara) is the dwelling place of the kami. It is believed to be connected to the Earth by the bridge Ama-no uki-hashi (the "Floating Bridge of Heaven").

In Shinto, ame (heaven) is a lofty, sacred world, the home of the amatsukami. Some scholars have attempted to explain the myth of descent of the gods from the Takama-ga-hara as an allegory of the migration of peoples. However, it is likely to have referred from the beginning to a higher world in a religious sense. A Shinto myth explains that at the time of creation, light, pure elements branched off to become heaven (ame). Heavy, turbid elements branched off to become earth (tsuchi). Ame became the home of the amatsukami or gods of heaven, while tsuchi became the home of kunitsukami or gods of the land. The amatsukami are said to have descended from heaven to pacify and perfect this world[1])."

some of us agree, but that's ok, "can't stop the shining"

~ : o

~ : D yes i did

~ x )